############################################################################################ # cmake options: # # -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug|RelWithDebInfo|Release|Production # -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install # # -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=/path/to/ecbuild/cmake # TODO: # * build python bindings cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8.4 FATAL_ERROR ) project( grib_api C ) set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake" ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) set( GRIB_API_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR include CACHE PATH "GRIB_API override installation directory for header files") include( ecbuild_system ) ############################################################################### # local project ecbuild_declare_project() ############################################################################### # some variables/options of this project option( GRIB_API_JPG "try to add support for JPG encoding" ON ) option( GRIB_API_PNG "try to add support for PNG encoding" ON ) option( GRIB_API_NETCDF "try to add support for NetCDF" ON ) option( GRIB_API_SZIP "try to add support for SZip encoding" ON ) option( GRIB_API_PYTHON "try to build the GRIB_API Python interface" ON ) option( GRIB_API_FORTRAN "try to build the GRIB_API Fortran interface" ON ) option( GRIB_API_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT "enable memory management" OFF ) option( GRIB_API_ALIGN_MEMORY "enable memory alignment" OFF ) option( GRIB_TIMER "enable timer" OFF ) option( GRIB_THREADS "enable threads" OFF ) ############################################################################### # macro processing set( GRIB_API_EXTRA_LIBRARIES "" ) set( GRIB_API_EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRS "" ) set( GRIB_API_EXTRA_DEFINITIONS "" ) find_package( CMath ) ### SZIP support set( HAVE_LIBSZIP 0 ) if( GRIB_API_SZIP ) find_package( SZip ) if( SZIP_FOUND ) set( HAVE_LIBSZIP 1 ) endif() endif() ### JPG support set( HAVE_JPEG 0 ) set( HAVE_LIBJASPER 0 ) set( HAVE_LIBOPENJPEG 0 ) if( GRIB_API_JPG ) find_package( Jasper ) find_package( OpenJPEG ) if( JASPER_FOUND ) set( HAVE_JPEG 1 ) set( HAVE_LIBJASPER 1 ) endif() if( OpenJPEG_FOUND ) set( HAVE_JPEG 1 ) set( HAVE_LIBOPENJPEG 1 ) endif() endif() ### PNG support set( HAVE_LIBPNG 0 ) if( GRIB_API_PNG ) find_package( PNG ) if( PNG_FOUND ) set( HAVE_LIBPNG 1 ) add_definitions( ${PNG_DEFINITIONS} ) endif() endif() ### NetCDF support set( HAVE_NETCDF 0 ) if( GRIB_API_NETCDF ) find_package( NetCDF ) if( NETCDF_FOUND ) set( HAVE_NETCDF 1 ) endif() endif() ############################################################################### # other options if( GRIB_TIMER ) set( GRIB_TIMER 1 ) else() set( GRIB_TIMER 0 ) endif() set( IS_BIG_ENDIAN 0 ) if( EC_BIG_ENDIAN ) set( IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1 ) endif() set( MANAGE_MEM 0 ) if( GRIB_API_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT ) set( MANAGE_MEM 1 ) endif() set( GRIB_PTHREADS 0 ) set( GRIB_LINUX_PTHREADS 0 ) if( GRIB_THREADS AND CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT ) if( CMAKE_USE_PTHREADS_INIT ) set( GRIB_PTHREADS 1 ) if( ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Linux" ) set( GRIB_LINUX_PTHREADS 1 ) endif() endif() endif() set( GRIB_MEM_ALIGN 0 ) if( GRIB_API_ALIGN_MEMORY ) set( GRIB_MEM_ALIGN 1 ) endif() ############################################################################### # contents if( NOT DEFINED GRIB_API_DEFINITION_PATH ) set( GRIB_API_DEFINITION_PATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/grib_api/definitions ) endif() if( NOT DEFINED GRIB_API_SAMPLES_PATH ) set( GRIB_API_SAMPLES_PATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/grib_api/samples ) endif() ### config header configure_file( grib_api_config.h.in grib_api_config.h ) add_definitions( -DHAVE_GRIB_API_CONFIG_H ) install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/grib_api_config.h DESTINATION ${INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR} ) if( CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC ) cmake_add_c_flags("-pedantic") endif() ############################################################################################ # contents ### define dependencies set( GRIB_API_TPLS SZip PNG NetCDF Jasper OpenJPEG CMath ) set( GRIB_API_INCLUDE_DIRS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/src ) set( GRIB_API_LIBRARIES grib_api ) get_directory_property( COMPILE_DEFINITIONS GRIB_API_DEFINITIONS ) foreach( _tpl ${GRIB_API_TPLS} ) string( TOUPPER ${_tpl} TPL ) list( APPEND GRIB_API_EXTRA_DEFINITIONS ${${TPL}_DEFINITIONS} ) list( APPEND GRIB_API_EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRS ${${TPL}_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) list( APPEND GRIB_API_EXTRA_LIBRARIES ${${TPL}_LIBRARIES} ) endforeach() ### include directories include_directories( ${GRIB_API_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) add_subdirectory( src ) add_subdirectory( tools ) add_subdirectory( fortran ) add_subdirectory( python ) add_subdirectory( definitions ) add_subdirectory( tests ) add_subdirectory( tigge ) add_subdirectory( examples ) add_subdirectory( samples ) add_subdirectory( ifs_samples ) # must come after samples # ecbuild_dont_pack( DIRS samples DONT_PACK_REGEX "*.grib" ) ############################################################################################ # export to other projects # temporary -- add support for ecbuild 1.0.x sub-project inclusion # to remove once mars server & client use eckit & ecbuild >= 1.1 if( NOT ${PROJECT_NAME} STREQUAL ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} ) set( GRIB_API_DEFINITIONS ${GRIB_API_DEFINITIONS} PARENT_SCOPE )# includes already TPL definitions set( GRIB_API_INCLUDE_DIRS ${GRIB_API_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${GRIB_API_EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRS} PARENT_SCOPE ) set( GRIB_API_LIBRARIES ${GRIB_API_LIBRARIES} ${GRIB_API_EXTRA_LIBRARIES} ${CMATH_LIBRARIES} PARENT_SCOPE ) set( GRIB_API_FOUND TRUE PARENT_SCOPE ) endif() ############################################################################################ # finalize ecbuild_install_project( NAME grib_api ) ecbuild_print_summary()