#!/usr/local/apps/perl/current/bin/perl -I/usr/local/lib/metaps/perl -I. use confUtils; use Getopt::Long; use strict; #-------------------------------------------------- # #-------------------------------------------------- #The root page of examples in confluence!!! my $rootPage="Command line tools"; my $unique; #--------------------------------- # Read arguments #--------------------------------- GetOptions("unique=s" => \$unique) or die("Error in command line arguments\n"); #---------------------------------- # Dirs #---------------------------------- #The tools executales and shell scripts my $toolsDir="../tools"; #The genareted html files are stored here my $htmlDir=$ENV{TMPDIR}."/res_tools_html"; my %cmdSwitches=(); my %allTools=read_config(); #---------------------------------------- # Preparations #---------------------------------------- unless ( -d $htmlDir ) { mkdir $htmlDir } #--------------------------------------------------- # Loop for the code types (e.g. grib, bufr, etc.) #--------------------------------------------------- foreach my $cType (keys %allTools) { print "----------------------------------------\n"; print " Processing tools for: $cType\n"; print "----------------------------------------\n"; #Get the examples my @tools=@{$allTools{$cType}}; if($#tools+1 == 0) { die "No tools are defined!\n"; } #--------------------------------------------------- # Create a parent page for the tools of this type #--------------------------------------------------- print "--> Genarate parent page\n"; my $parentPage=parentPageTitle($cType); unless($unique) { makeParentPage($rootPage,$parentPage,$htmlDir,$cType,@tools); } #-------------------------------- # Loop for the tools #-------------------------------- foreach my $name (@tools) { if($unique eq "" or $name eq $unique) { print "-------------------------------\n--> tool: ".$name."\n"; my $fOut=$htmlDir."/".$cType."_".$name.".html"; open(OUT,">$fOut") or die "$fOut: $!"; my $str=getDoc($name); $str=$str.getExample($name); print OUT $str; close OUT; #Upload the file to confluence my $pageTitle=toolsPageTitle($name); confUtils::loadToConf($fOut,$pageTitle,$parentPage); } } } #=========================================================== #=========================================================== # # FUNCTIONS # #=========================================================== #=========================================================== #==================================================== # # Functions related to the examples # #==================================================== #------------------------------------------ # Read in example list #------------------------------------------ sub read_config { my %res=(); my $fIn="tools.par"; open(IN,"<$fIn") or die "$fIn: $!"; my $line; my $actType; while (defined ($line = )) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /.*#/) {next;} #print $line."\n"; $line =~ s/\"//g; my ($a)=($line =~ /(\S+)\s*\(/); if($a and ($a !~ /\!/)) { $actType=$a; #print "type: ".$a."\n"; #$res{$actType}; next; } if( $line =~ /\)/) { $actType=""; next; } if(length($actType) > 0) { #If ! presents we skip this tool if($line =~ /^\s*!/) { next; #A switch is specified for the tool's shell script } elsif( $line =~ /\S+ \S+/) { my ($b,$c)=($line =~ /(\S+) (\S+)/); if($b) { push(@{$res{$actType}},$b); $cmdSwitches{$b}="$c"; } #The tools shell script has to be called without a switch } else { my ($b) =($line =~ /(\S+)/); #print "ex: ".$b."\n"; if($b) { push(@{$res{$actType}},$b); } } } } close IN; return %res; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Genarate the page title for the parent page for a given type of examples #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parentPageTitle { my ($codeType) = @_; return $codeType." tools"; } #-------------------------------------------------------- # Create parent page for a given type of examples #-------------------------------------------------------- sub makeParentPage { my ($rootPage,$pageTitle,$outDir,$cType,@xmp) = @_; my $f=$outDir."/parent_".$cType."html"; open(OUT,">$f") or die "$f: $!"; my $str=""; $str=$str.""; foreach my $xm (@xmp) { $str=$str.""; } $str=$str."
"; print OUT $str; close OUT; #Load it to confluence confUtils::loadToConf($f,$pageTitle,$rootPage); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Genarate the page title for a given example #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub toolsPageTitle { my ($exName) = @_; return $exName; } #----------------------------------------------------------- # Get the file path for an example with the given language #----------------------------------------------------------- sub toolsPath { my ($name) = @_; return $toolsDir."/".$name; } #----------------------------------------------------------- # Check if the file for a given example exists. #----------------------------------------------------------- sub hasExample { my ($name,$lang) = @_; #my $f=examplePath($name,$lang); #if( -e $f ) {return 1}; #print "$f no!!!\n"; return 0; } sub docPath { my ($name) = @_; my $fTmp=$htmlDir."/doc_".$name.".tmp"; my $exe=$name; if( -e $toolsDir."/".$exe) { my $swt; if(defined($cmdSwitches{$name})) { $swt=$cmdSwitches{$name}; } my $cmd; #If the switch is desc it does not run the shell script but #use the .desc file" if ($swt eq "desc") { $cmd="cd ".$toolsDir."; cp ".$name.".desc ".$fTmp; } else { $cmd="cd ".$toolsDir.";./".$exe." > ".$fTmp; } print "\tGenerate documentation with command:\n\t\t".$cmd."\n"; system($cmd); return $fTmp; } return ""; } #------------------------------------------------------------ # #------------------------------------------------------------ sub examplePath { my ($name) = @_; my $fTmp=$htmlDir."/ex_".$name.".tmp"; my $script=$name.".sh"; if( -e $toolsDir."/".$script) { my $cmd="cd ".$toolsDir.";./".$script." > ".$fTmp; print "\tGenerate examples text with command:\n\t\t".$cmd."\n"; system($cmd); return $fTmp; } return ""; } #------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate confluence formatted html string form a source file #------------------------------------------------------------ sub getDoc { my ($name) = @_; my $fPath=docPath($name); my $str; my $tbody=0; open (IN,"<$fPath") or return ""; while (defined (my $line = )) { $line =~ s/^\s+//g; $line=~ s/\n//g; if($line =~ /^NAME\s*/) { next; } if($line =~ /^DESCRIPTION|USAGE|OPTIONS\s*/) { if($tbody == 1) { $str=$str."

"; $tbody=0; } $str=$str."


"; unless($line =~ /OPTIONS\s*/) { $str=$str."

"; $tbody=1; } } elsif( $line =~ /^\s*-\w /) { if($tbody == 1) { $str=$str."

"; $tbody=0; } my @v=split(/\t|\s{2,}/,$line); if($#v+1 > 0) { $str=$str."

"; if($#v+1 > 1) { for(my $k=1; $k <= $#v; $k++) { $str=$str.@v[$k]." "; } } } $tbody=1; } else { if($line =~ /\S/) { $str=$str.$line." "; } elsif ($tbody == 1) { $str=$str."

"; $tbody=0; } } } close IN; if($tbody == 1) { $str=$str."

"; } return $str; } #-------------------------------------------------------- # Extract the description of a given example #-------------------------------------------------------- sub getDescription { my ($name) = @_; my $fPath=docPath($name); print "\tExtract desription from: ".$fPath."\n"; my $str; local $/=undef; open (IN,"<$fPath") or return ""; $str=; close IN; ($str) = ($str =~ /DESCRIPTION\s*([\S|\s]+)USAGE/); $str =~ s/\n/ /g; return $str; } #-------------------------------------------------------- # #-------------------------------------------------------- sub getExample { my ($name) = @_; my $fPath=examplePath($name); unless($fPath) { return ""; } my $str; local $/=undef; open (IN,"<$fPath") or return ""; $str=; close IN; my @v=split(/-#/,$str); $str="

".$name." examples

"; $str=$str."
    "; foreach my $block (@v) { print "block=".$block."\n"; #If there is text if($block =~ /\S+/) { $block =~ s/\\n//g; $block =~ s/\n>/\n> /g; $block =~ s/&&/&&/g; my $blockMod; my $prevLine; my $inList=0; foreach my $line (split(/\n/,$block)) { if($line =~ /\\verbatim/) { $line =~ s/\\verbatim/<\/ac:plain-text-body><\/ac:structured-macro>/g; } elsif($line =~ /\\code/) { $line =~ s/\\code/<\/ac:plain-text-body><\/ac:structured-macro>/g; } elsif($line =~ /^\s*- /) { $line =~ s/^\s*- /
  1. /; if($inList == 1) { $line="
  2. ".$line; } else { $line="
      ".$line; } $inList=1; } if($line =~ /^\s*\.\s*/ and $inList==1) { $line="
    "; $inList=0; } $prevLine=$line; $blockMod=$blockMod.$line."\n"; } $str=$str."
  3. ".$blockMod."

  4. "; } } $str=$str."
"; return $str; }