/* * (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 * which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by * virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. */ /* * C Implementation: grib_index * * Description: How to create and use an index to access GRIB messages from a file * */ #include "eccodes.h" static void usage(const char* prog) { printf("usage: %s infile\n", prog); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { codes_index* index = NULL; codes_handle* h = NULL; char* infile = NULL; long *steps, *levels, *numbers; /* arrays */ char** shortName = NULL; int i, j, k, l; size_t stepSize, levelSize, shortNameSize, numberSize; long ostep, olevel, onumber; char oshortName[200]; size_t lenshortName = 200; int ret = 0, count = 0; if (argc != 2) usage(argv[0]); infile = argv[1]; printf("indexing...\n"); /* create an index given set of keys*/ index = codes_index_new(0, "shortName,level,number,step", &ret); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", codes_get_error_message(ret)); exit(ret); } /* indexes a file */ ret = codes_index_add_file(index, infile); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", codes_get_error_message(ret)); exit(ret); } printf("end indexing...\n"); /* get the number of distinct values of "step" in the index */ CODES_CHECK(codes_index_get_size(index, "step", &stepSize), 0); steps = (long*)malloc(sizeof(long) * stepSize); if (!steps) exit(1); /* get the list of distinct steps from the index */ /* the list is in ascending order */ CODES_CHECK(codes_index_get_long(index, "step", steps, &stepSize), 0); printf("stepSize=%ld\n", (long)stepSize); for (i = 0; i < stepSize; i++) printf("%ld ", steps[i]); printf("\n"); /*same as for "step"*/ CODES_CHECK(codes_index_get_size(index, "level", &levelSize), 0); levels = (long*)malloc(sizeof(long) * levelSize); if (!levels) exit(1); /*same as for "step"*/ CODES_CHECK(codes_index_get_long(index, "level", levels, &levelSize), 0); printf("levelSize=%ld\n", (long)levelSize); for (i = 0; i < levelSize; i++) printf("%ld ", levels[i]); printf("\n"); /*same as for "step"*/ CODES_CHECK(codes_index_get_size(index, "number", &numberSize), 0); numbers = (long*)malloc(sizeof(long) * numberSize); if (!numbers) exit(1); /*same as for "step"*/ CODES_CHECK(codes_index_get_long(index, "number", numbers, &numberSize), 0); printf("numberSize=%ld\n", (long)numberSize); for (i = 0; i < numberSize; i++) printf("%ld ", numbers[i]); printf("\n"); /*same as for "step"*/ CODES_CHECK(codes_index_get_size(index, "shortName", &shortNameSize), 0); shortName = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * shortNameSize); if (!shortName) exit(1); /*same as for "step"*/ CODES_CHECK(codes_index_get_string(index, "shortName", shortName, &shortNameSize), 0); printf("shortNameSize=%ld\n", (long)shortNameSize); for (i = 0; i < shortNameSize; i++) printf("%s ", shortName[i]); printf("\n"); count = 0; /* nested loops on the keys values of the index */ /* different order of the nested loops doesn't affect performance*/ for (i = 0; i < shortNameSize; i++) { /* select the GRIB with shortName=shortName[i] */ codes_index_select_string(index, "shortName", shortName[i]); for (l = 0; l < levelSize; l++) { /* select the GRIB with level=levels[l] */ codes_index_select_long(index, "level", levels[l]); for (j = 0; j < numberSize; j++) { /* select the GRIB with number=numbers[j] */ codes_index_select_long(index, "number", numbers[j]); for (k = 0; k < stepSize; k++) { /* select the GRIB with step=steps[k] */ codes_index_select_long(index, "step", steps[k]); /* create a new codes_handle from the index with the constraints imposed by the select statements. It is a loop because in the index there could be more than one GRIB with those constraints */ while ((h = codes_handle_new_from_index(index, &ret)) != NULL) { count++; if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", codes_get_error_message(ret)); exit(ret); } lenshortName = 200; codes_get_string(h, "shortName", oshortName, &lenshortName); codes_get_long(h, "level", &olevel); codes_get_long(h, "number", &onumber); codes_get_long(h, "step", &ostep); printf("shortName=%s ", oshortName); printf("level=%ld ", olevel); printf("number=%ld ", onumber); printf("step=%ld \n", ostep); codes_handle_delete(h); } if (ret && ret != GRIB_END_OF_INDEX) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", codes_get_error_message(ret)); exit(ret); } } } } } printf(" %d messages selected\n", count); codes_index_write(index, "out.gribidx"); codes_index_delete(index); return 0; }