#!/usr/local/bin/perl56 -I/usr/local/lib/metaps/perl use strict; use File::Path ; use File::Basename ; use File::Copy; use Cwd; use DBI; my $basedir = dirname($0); my $db="param"; my $host="grib-param-db-prod.ecmwf.int"; my $user="ecmwf_ro"; my $pass="ecmwf_ro"; my $filename; my $filebase; my $out; my $conceptDir; my $query; my $q; my $qh; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql(RaiseError=>1):database=$db;host=$host",$user,$pass) or die $DBI::errstr; # I have written to it already or not my $tarfilesflag = 0; sub create_def { my $p; my %seen; my ($key) =@_; my $field=$key; if ($key =~ /paramId/) { $field="param.id"; } if ($key =~ /name/) { $field="param.name"; } if ($key =~ /units/) { $field="units.name"; } my $query= <<"EOF"; select $field,force128,edition, centre.abbreviation,param_id,attribute.name,attribute_value,param.name,param.shortName from param,grib,attribute,centre,units where param.hide_def=0 and param.id=grib.param_id and attribute.id=grib.attribute_id and centre.id=grib.centre and units.id=param.units_id order by edition,centre,param.o,param.id,grib.param_version,attribute.o; EOF my $qh=$dbh->prepare($query); $qh->execute(); # file containing the list of grib api parameters files we want to tar and # distribute to users for them to download and update their list of parameter # to the latest open(TAR,$tarfilesflag ? ">>" : ">","tarfiles.txt") or die "Count not open file tarfiles.txt: $!"; $tarfilesflag=1; while (my ($keyval,$force128,$edition,$centre,$paramId,$attribute,$value,$name,$shortName)=$qh->fetchrow_array ) { if ($centre eq "all" ) { $conceptDir=""; } else { $conceptDir="/localConcepts/$centre"; } #if ($key =~ /paramId/ && $force128==1 && $keyval >1000) { # $keyval= $keyval % 1000; #} if ($filebase ne "$basedir/grib$edition$conceptDir") { if ($filebase) { print $out "}\n"; close $out; } $filebase="$basedir/grib$edition$conceptDir"; mkpath($filebase); #copy("$filebase/$key.def","$filebase/$key.def.bkp") # or die ("unable to copy $filebase/$key.def"); print TAR "grib$edition$conceptDir/$key.def\n"; system("cp -f $filebase/$key.def $filebase/$key.def.orig"); #system("p4 edit $filebase/$key.def"); open($out,"> $filebase/$key.def") or die "unable to open $filebase/$key.def"; print $out "# Automatically generated by $0 from database $db\@$host, do not edit\n"; $p=(); } if ($p ne $paramId || exists($seen{$attribute}) ) { if ($p) { print $out "\t}\n"; } print $out "#$name\n" ; print $out "\'".$keyval."\' = {\n" ; $p=$paramId; %seen=(); } $seen{$attribute}=1; print "($key=$keyval) $edition,$centre,$shortName,$paramId,$name,$attribute,$value\n"; # we need to allow strings in the attribute_value field # for the moment we apply a patch here if ($attribute =~ /stepType/ ) { $value="\"accum\""; } print $out "\t $attribute = $value ;\n" ; } if ($filebase) { print $out "}\n"; close $out; } close(TAR); } sub create_paramId_def { my $p; my %seen; my $query="select edition,centre.abbreviation,param_id,attribute.name,attribute_value,param.name,param.shortName from param,grib,attribute,centre where param.hide_def=0 and param.id=grib.param_id and attribute.id=grib.attribute_id and centre.id=grib.centre order by edition,centre,param.o,param.id,attribute.o"; my $qh=$dbh->prepare($query); $qh->execute(); while (my ($edition,$centre,$paramId,$attribute,$value,$name,$shortName)=$qh->fetchrow_array ) { if ($centre eq "all" ) { $conceptDir=""; } else { $conceptDir="/localConcepts/$centre"; } if ($filebase ne "$basedir/grib$edition$conceptDir") { if ($filebase) { print $out "}\n"; close $out; } $filebase="$basedir/grib$edition$conceptDir"; mkpath($filebase); copy("$filebase/paramId.def","$filebase/paramId.def.bkp") or die ("unable to copy $filebase/paramId.def"); system("p4 edit $filebase/paramId.def"); open($out,"> $filebase/paramId.def") or die "unable to open $filebase/paramId.def"; print $out "# Automatically generated by $0 from database $db\@$host, do not edit\n"; $p=(); } if ($p ne $paramId || exists($seen{$attribute}) ) { if ($p) { print $out "\t}\n"; } print $out "#$name\n" ; print $out "\'".$paramId."\' = {\n" ; $p=$paramId; %seen=(); } $seen{$attribute}=1; print "$edition,$centre,$shortName,$paramId,$name,$attribute,$value\n"; print $out "\t $attribute = $value ;\n" ; } if ($filebase) { print $out "}\n"; close $out; } } sub create_def_old { my ($key,$query)=@_; my $qh=$dbh->prepare($query); $qh->execute(); while (my ($edition,$centre,$paramId,$value)=$qh->fetchrow_array ) { if ($centre eq "all" ) { $conceptDir=""; } else { $conceptDir="/localConcepts/$centre"; } if ($filebase ne "$basedir/grib$edition$conceptDir") { if ($filebase) { close $out; } $filebase="$basedir/grib$edition$conceptDir"; mkpath($filebase); copy("$filebase/$key.def","$filebase/$key.def.bkp") or die ("unable to copy $filebase/$key.def"); system("p4 edit $filebase/$key.def"); open($out,"> $filebase/$key.def") or die "unable to open $filebase/$key.def"; print $out "# Automatically generated by $0 from database $db\@$host, do not edit\n"; } print $out "\'$value\' \t= { paramId=$paramId; }\n"; } if ($filebase) { close $out; } } create_def("paramId"); create_def("shortName"); create_def("name"); create_def("units"); #create_paramId_def(); $query="select distinct edition,centre.abbreviation,param_id,param.shortName from param,grib,centre where param.hide_def=0 and param.id=grib.param_id and centre.id=grib.centre and shortName!='~' order by centre,edition,param.o,param_id"; #create_def("shortName",$query); $query="select distinct edition,centre.abbreviation,param_id,param.name from param,grib,centre where param.hide_def=0 and param.id=grib.param_id and centre.id=grib.centre and shortName!='~' order by centre,edition,param.o,param_id"; #create_def("name",$query); $query="select distinct edition,centre.abbreviation,param_id,units.name from param,grib,centre,units where param.hide_def=0 and param.id=grib.param_id and units.id=param.units_id and centre.id=grib.centre and shortName!='~' order by centre,edition,param.o,param_id"; #create_def("units",$query);