# (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF. # START grib2::section # SECTION 6, BIT-MAP SECTION # Length of section in octets # (nn) position offsetSection6; position offsetBSection6; section_length[4] section6Length ; meta section6 section_pointer(offsetSection6,section6Length,6); # Number of section unsigned[1] numberOfSection = 6:read_only; # Bit-map indicator codetable[1] bitMapIndicator ('6.0.table',masterDir,localDir) = 255 : dump; #transient bitmapPresent=1; meta geography.bitmapPresent g2bitmap_present(bitMapIndicator): dump; transient missingValuesPresent = bitmapPresent : hidden, read_only; # Bitmap... if(bitMapIndicator == 0) { if(dataRepresentationTemplateNumber == 1) { if(matrixBitmapsPresent == 1) { meta primaryBitmap g2bitmap( tableReference, missingValue, offsetBSection6, section6Length, numberOfDataMatrices) : read_only; } else { meta geography.bitmap g2bitmap( tableReference, missingValue, offsetBSection6, section6Length, numberOfDataPoints) : read_only; } } else { meta geography.bitmap g2bitmap( tableReference, missingValue, offsetBSection6, section6Length, numberOfDataPoints) : read_only; } } if(bitMapIndicator == 255) { # No bitmap is used but some complex packing schemes embed the missing values in the data section if (dataRepresentationTemplateNumber == 2 || dataRepresentationTemplateNumber == 3) { transient missingValuesPresent = (missingValueManagementUsed != 0) : read_only; } } meta md5Section6 md5(offsetSection6,section6Length);