/* * Copyright 2005-2018 ECMWF. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 * which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by * virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. */ #include "grib_tools.h" GRIB_INLINE static int grib_inline_strcmp(const char* a,const char* b) { if (*a != *b) return 1; while((*a!=0 && *b!=0) && *(a) == *(b) ) {a++;b++;} return (*a==0 && *b==0) ? 0 : 1; } GRIB_INLINE static int grib_inline_rstrcmp(const char* a,const char* b) { char* p=(char*)a; char* q=(char*)b; while (*p != 0) p++; while (*q != 0) q++; q--;p--; if (*q != *p) return 1; while((p!=a && q!=b) && *(p) == *(q) ) {p--;q--;} return (q==b) ? 0 : 1; } typedef double (*compare_double_proc) (double*,double*,double*); typedef struct grib_error grib_error; struct grib_error { char* key; int count; grib_error* next; }; grib_error* error_summary; compare_double_proc compare_double; double global_tolerance=0; int packingCompare=0; grib_string_list* blacklist=0; grib_string_list* keys_list = NULL; /* Used to determine rank of key */ int isLeafKey = 0; /* 0 if key is top-level, 1 if key has no children attributes */ int compareAbsolute=1; static int compare_handles(grib_handle* handle1, grib_handle* handle2, grib_runtime_options* options); static int compare_values(grib_runtime_options* options, grib_handle* handle1, grib_handle *handle2, const char *name, int type); static int compare_attributes(grib_handle* handle1, grib_handle* handle2, grib_runtime_options* options, grib_accessor* a, const char* prefix, int* err); static int compare_attribute(grib_handle* handle1, grib_handle* handle2, grib_runtime_options* options, grib_accessor* a, const char* prefix, int* err); int error=0; int count=0; int lastPrint=0; int force=0; /* ECC-651: Boolean 'two_way' set to 1 when '-2' option used */ int two_way=0; /* Boolean 'handles_swapped' relevant in 'two_way' mode: * 0 means: h1 is first file, h2 is second file * 1 means: h1 is second file, h2 is first file */ int handles_swapped=0; double maxAbsoluteError = 1e-19; int onlyListed=1; int headerMode=0; int morein1=0; int morein2=0; int listFromCommandLine; int verbose=0; int tolerance_factor=1; static int write_error=0; /* Create the list of keys (global variable keys_list) */ static void new_keys_list() { grib_context* c = grib_context_get_default(); keys_list=(grib_string_list*)grib_context_malloc_clear(c, sizeof(grib_string_list)); if (!keys_list) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for keys list"); exit(1); } } /* Free the keys list (global variable keys_list) */ static void release_keys_list() { grib_string_list* next=keys_list; grib_string_list* cur=keys_list; grib_context* c = grib_context_get_default(); while(next) { cur=next; next=next->next; grib_context_free(c,cur->value); grib_context_free(c,cur); } } GRIB_INLINE static double compare_double_absolute(double *a,double *b,double *err) { double ret=0; double d=fabs(*a-*b); if (d > *err) { ret=d; } return ret; /* return fabs(*a-*b) > *err ? fabs(*a-*b) : 0; */ } static int write_count=0; static void write_message(grib_handle* h,const char* str) { const void *m; size_t s; char fname[1024]={0,}; FILE* fh; grib_get_message(h,&m,&s); sprintf(fname,"%s_%d.bufr",str,write_count); fh= fopen(fname,"w"); if(!fh) { grib_context_log(h->context,(GRIB_LOG_ERROR)|(GRIB_LOG_PERROR), "Error opening %s",fname); exit(GRIB_IO_PROBLEM); } if(fwrite(m,1,s,fh) != s) { grib_context_log(h->context,(GRIB_LOG_ERROR)|(GRIB_LOG_PERROR), "Error writing to %s",fname); exit(GRIB_IO_PROBLEM); } fclose(fh); } static void write_messages(grib_handle* handle1, grib_handle* handle2) { if (!write_error) return; write_count++; write_message(handle1,"error1"); write_message(handle2,"error2"); } static double compare_double_relative(double *a,double *b,double *err) { double relativeError; if(fabs(*a) <= maxAbsoluteError || fabs(*b) <= maxAbsoluteError) relativeError = fabs(*a-*b); else if (fabs(*b) > fabs(*a)) relativeError = fabs((*a-*b) / *b); else relativeError = fabs((*a-*b) / *a); return relativeError > *err ? relativeError : 0; } static int blacklisted(const char* name) { grib_string_list* b=blacklist; while (b) { Assert(b->value); if (!strcmp(name,b->value)) return 1; b=b->next; } return 0; } static double relative_error(double a,double b,double err) { double relativeError; if(fabs(a) <= maxAbsoluteError || fabs(b) <= maxAbsoluteError) relativeError = fabs(a-b); else if (fabs(b) > fabs(a)) relativeError = fabs((a-b) / b); else relativeError = fabs((a-b) / a); return relativeError ; } grib_option grib_options[]={ /* {id, args, help}, on, command_line, value*/ /*{"r",0,"Compare files in which the messages are not in the same order. This option is time expensive.\n",0,1,0},*/ {"b:",0,0,0,1,0}, {"d",0,"Write different messages on files.\n",0,1,0}, {"2",0,"Enable two-way comparison.\n",0,1,0}, {"T:",0,0,1,0,"B"}, {"c:",0,0,0,1,0}, {"S:","start","First field to be processed.\n",0,1,0}, {"E:","end","Last field to be processed.\n",0,1,0}, {"a",0,"-c option modifier. The keys listed with the option -c will be added to the list of keys compared without -c.\n" ,0,1,0}, {"H",0,"Compare only message headers. Bit-by-bit compare on. Incompatible with -c option.\n",0,1,0}, {"R:",0,0,0,1,0}, {"A:",0,0,0,1,0}, /* {"P",0,"Compare data values using the packing error as tolerance.\n",0,1,0},*/ {"t:","factor","Compare data values using factor multiplied by the tolerance specified in options -P -R -A.\n",0,1,0}, {"w:",0,0,0,1,0}, {"f",0,0,0,1,0}, {"F",0,0,1,0,0}, {"q",0,0,1,0,0}, {"M",0,0,1,0,0}, {"I",0,0,1,0,0}, {"V",0,0,0,1,0}, {"7",0,0,0,1,0}, {"v",0,0,0,1,0} }; grib_handle* global_handle=NULL; int counter=0; int start=-1; int end=-1; const char* grib_tool_description= "Compare BUFR messages contained in two files." "\n\tIf some differences are found it fails returning an error code." "\n\tFloating-point values are compared exactly by default, different tolerance can be defined see -P -A -R." "\n\tDefault behaviour: absolute error=0, bit-by-bit compare, same order in files."; const char* grib_tool_name="bufr_compare"; const char* grib_tool_usage="[options] bufr_file1 bufr_file2"; int grib_options_count=sizeof(grib_options)/sizeof(grib_option); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return grib_tool(argc,argv); } int grib_tool_before_getopt(grib_runtime_options* options) { return 0; } int grib_tool_init(grib_runtime_options* options) { int ret=0,i; int nfiles=1; char orderby[]="md5Headers"; grib_context* context=grib_context_get_default(); options->strict=1; if (grib_options_on("S:")) start=atoi(grib_options_get_option("S:")); if (grib_options_on("E:")) end=atoi(grib_options_get_option("E:")); if (grib_options_on("f")) force=1; else force=0; if (grib_options_on("2")) two_way=1; else two_way=0; if (grib_options_on("d")) write_error=1; else write_error=0; verbose = grib_options_on("v"); listFromCommandLine=0; if (grib_options_on("c:") || grib_options_on("e")) listFromCommandLine=1; if (grib_options_on("a")) onlyListed=0; else onlyListed=1; if (grib_options_on("H")) headerMode=1; else headerMode=0; if (grib_options_on("H") && grib_options_on("c:")) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: -H and -c options are incompatible. Choose one of the two please.\n"); exit(1); } if (grib_options_on("a") && !grib_options_on("c:")) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: -a option requires -c option. Please define a list of keys with the -c option.\n"); exit(1); } if (grib_options_on("b:")) { grib_string_list *next=0; int ii=0; blacklist=(grib_string_list*)grib_context_malloc_clear(context,sizeof(grib_string_list)); blacklist->value=grib_context_strdup(context,options->set_values[0].name); next=blacklist; for (ii=1;iiset_values_count;ii++) { next->next=(grib_string_list*)grib_context_malloc_clear(context,sizeof(grib_string_list)); next->next->value=grib_context_strdup(context,options->set_values[ii].name); next=next->next; } context->blacklist=blacklist; } if (grib_options_on("r")) { char* filename[1]; filename[0]=options->infile_extra->name; options->random=1; options->orderby=strdup(orderby); options->idx=grib_fieldset_new_from_files(context,filename, nfiles,0,0,0,orderby,&ret); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr,"unable to create index for input file %s (%s)", options->infile_extra->name, grib_get_error_message(ret)); exit(ret); } } else { options->random=0; options->infile_extra->file=fopen(options->infile_extra->name,"r"); if (!options->infile_extra->file) { perror(options->infile_extra->name); exit(1); } } global_tolerance=0; compare_double= &compare_double_absolute; if (grib_options_on("R:")) { global_tolerance=0; for (i=0;itolerance_count;i++) { if (!strcmp((options->tolerance[i]).name,"all")) { global_tolerance=(options->tolerance[i]).double_value; break; } if (!strcmp((options->tolerance[i]).name,"global")) { global_tolerance=(options->tolerance[i]).double_value; break; } } compare_double= &compare_double_relative; compareAbsolute=0; } if (grib_options_on("A:")){ if (grib_options_on("R:")) { maxAbsoluteError = atof(grib_options_get_option("A:")); } else { compare_double= &compare_double_absolute; global_tolerance = atof(grib_options_get_option("A:")); } } if (grib_options_on("P")) { packingCompare=1; compare_double= &compare_double_absolute; } if (grib_options_on("t:")) tolerance_factor=atof(grib_options_get_option("t:")); if (grib_options_on("R:")) { char* sarg=grib_options_get_option("R:"); options->tolerance_count=MAX_KEYS; ret=parse_keyval_string(grib_tool_name, sarg,1,GRIB_TYPE_DOUBLE,options->tolerance,&(options->tolerance_count)); if (ret == GRIB_INVALID_ARGUMENT) { usage(); exit(1); } } { /* Check for 2nd file being a directory. If so, we assume user is comparing to a file */ /* with the same name as first file in that directory */ struct stat s; grib_tools_file* infile = options->infile; /* the 2nd file in comparison */ if (infile) { int stat_val = stat(infile->name, &s); if ( stat_val == 0 && S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) { /* Take the filename of the 1st file and append to dir */ char bufr[2048] = {0,}; /* options->infile_extra->name is the 1st file */ sprintf(bufr, "%s%c%s", infile->name, get_dir_separator_char(), extract_filename(options->infile_extra->name)); infile->name = strdup(bufr); } } } /* Turn off GRIB multi-field support mode. Not relevant for BUFR */ grib_multi_support_off(grib_context_get_default()); return 0; } int grib_tool_new_filename_action(grib_runtime_options* options,const char* file) { return 0; } int grib_tool_new_file_action(grib_runtime_options* options,grib_tools_file* file) { exit_if_input_is_directory(grib_tool_name, file->name); return 0; } static void printInfo(grib_handle* h) { printf("== %d == DIFFERENCE == ",count); lastPrint=count; } static void print_index_key_values(grib_index* index,int icounter,const char* error_message) { grib_index_key* keys=index->keys; printf("== %d == ",icounter); if (error_message) printf("%s == ",error_message); while (keys) { printf("%s=%s ",keys->name,keys->value); keys=keys->next; } printf("\n"); } static grib_handle* grib_handle_new_from_file_x( grib_context* c,FILE* f,int mode,int headers_only,int *err) { return codes_handle_new_from_file(c,f,PRODUCT_BUFR,err); } int grib_tool_new_handle_action(grib_runtime_options* options, grib_handle* h) { int err=0; count++; if (options->through_index) { grib_index* idx1=options->index1; verbose=0; counter++; if ( start>0 && counter < start ) return 0; if ( end>0 && counter > end ) { options->stop=1; return 0; } grib_index_search_same(idx1,h); global_handle=codes_new_from_index(idx1,CODES_BUFR,&err); if (options->verbose) { off_t offset=0; char* filename=grib_get_field_file(options->index2,&offset); printf("file1=\"%s\" ",filename); filename=grib_get_field_file(options->index1,&offset); printf("file2=\"%s\" \n",filename); print_index_key_values(options->index1,counter,NULL); } if (!global_handle) { if (!options->verbose) print_index_key_values(idx1,counter,"NOT FOUND "); } if (!global_handle || err!= GRIB_SUCCESS ) { morein1++; if (global_handle) grib_handle_delete(global_handle); return 0; } if(compare_handles(h,global_handle,options)) { error++; if (!force) exit(1); } grib_handle_delete(global_handle); return 0; } else if (options->random) global_handle = grib_fieldset_next_handle(options->idx,&err); else global_handle=grib_handle_new_from_file_x(h->context,options->infile_extra->file,options->mode,0,&err); if (!global_handle || err!= GRIB_SUCCESS ) { morein2++; if (global_handle) grib_handle_delete(global_handle); return 0; } if(compare_handles(global_handle,h,options)) { error++; if (!two_way) { /* If two_way mode: Don't exit yet. Show further differences */ if (!force) exit(1); } } if (two_way) { /* ECC-651 and ECC-431 */ handles_swapped = 1; if (verbose) printf(" Swapping handles (two-way mode)\n"); if(compare_handles(h, global_handle, options)) { error++; if (!force) exit(1); } else { if (error) { /* Error from first pass */ if (!force) exit(1); } } } grib_handle_delete(global_handle); return 0; } int grib_tool_skip_handle(grib_runtime_options* options, grib_handle* h) { int err=0; if (!options->through_index && !options->random) { global_handle=grib_handle_new_from_file(h->context,options->infile_extra->file,&err); if (!global_handle || err!= GRIB_SUCCESS) morein2++; grib_handle_delete(global_handle); } grib_handle_delete(h); count++; return 0; } void grib_tool_print_key_values(grib_runtime_options* options,grib_handle* h) { grib_print_key_values(options,h); } int grib_tool_finalise_action(grib_runtime_options* options) { grib_error* e = error_summary; int err=0; grib_context* c=grib_context_get_default(); error += morein1+morein2; /*if (grib_options_on("w:")) return 0;*/ if (error) { printf("\n## ERRORS SUMMARY #######\n"); } while ((global_handle=grib_handle_new_from_file(c,options->infile_extra->file,&err))) { morein1++; if (global_handle) grib_handle_delete(global_handle); } if (morein1>0) { printf("##\n## Different number of messages \n"); printf("## %d more messages in %s than in %s\n",morein1, options->infile_extra->name,options->infile->name); } if (morein2>0) { printf("##\n## Different number of messages \n"); printf("## %d more messages in %s than in %s\n",morein2, options->infile->name,options->infile_extra->name); } if (error) { printf("##\n## Summary of different key values \n"); while (e) { printf ("## %s ( %d different )\n",e->key,e->count); e=e->next; } printf("##\n## %d different messages out of %d\n\n",error,count); } if (options->through_index) { grib_index_delete(options->index1); grib_index_delete(options->index2); } release_keys_list(); if (error != 0) exit(1); return 0; } static void save_error(grib_context* c,const char* key) { grib_error* e=0; grib_error* next=0; int saved=0; if (!error_summary) { error_summary=(grib_error*)grib_context_malloc_clear(c,sizeof(grib_error)); error_summary->count=1; error_summary->key=grib_context_strdup(c,key); return; } e=error_summary; next=e; while (next) { if (!strcmp(next->key,key)) { next->count++; saved=1; break; } e=next; next=next->next; } if (!saved) { e->next=(grib_error*)grib_context_malloc_clear(c,sizeof(grib_error)); e->next->count=1; e->next->key=grib_context_strdup(c,key); } } static char* double_as_string(grib_context* c, double v) { char* sval=(char*)grib_context_malloc_clear(c, sizeof(char)*40); if (v == GRIB_MISSING_DOUBLE) sprintf(sval,"MISSING"); else sprintf(sval,"%.20e",v); return sval; } /* Return the part of the key name without the '#rank#' part */ static char* get_keyname_without_rank(const char* name) { char* p=(char*)name; char* pEnd=p; char* ret=NULL; if (*p=='#') { strtol(++p,&pEnd,10); if ( *pEnd != '#') { DebugAssert(!"Badly formed rank in key"); } else { /* Take everything after 2nd '#' */ grib_context* c=grib_context_get_default(); pEnd++; ret=grib_context_strdup(c,pEnd); } } return ret; } static int compare_values(grib_runtime_options* options, grib_handle* handle1, grib_handle *handle2, const char *name, int type) { size_t len1 = 0; size_t len2 = 0; int err=0,i=0; int err1; int err2; int type1,type2; int countdiff; int isangle=0; int isMissing1=0,isMissing2=0; char *sval1 = NULL,*sval2 = NULL; unsigned char *uval1 = NULL,*uval2 = NULL; double *dval1 = NULL, *dval2 = NULL; long *lval1 = NULL, *lval2 = NULL; double maxdiff=0; double packingError1=0,packingError2=0; double value_tolerance=0; grib_context* c=handle1->context; const char* first_str = (handles_swapped==0? "1st" : "2nd"); const char* second_str = (handles_swapped==0? "2nd" : "1st"); type1=type; type2=type; if (verbose && !handles_swapped) printf(" comparing %s",name); if( type1==GRIB_TYPE_UNDEFINED && (err = grib_get_native_type(handle1,name,&type1)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(handle1); printf("Oops... cannot get type of [%s] in %s field: %s\n",name, first_str, grib_get_error_message(err)); save_error(c,name); return err; } if(type2==GRIB_TYPE_UNDEFINED && (err = grib_get_native_type(handle2,name,&type2)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { if(err == GRIB_NOT_FOUND) { printInfo(handle1); printf("[%s] not found in %s field\n",name, second_str); save_error(c,name); return err; } printInfo(handle1); printf("Oops... cannot get type of [%s] in %s field: %s\n",name, second_str, grib_get_error_message(err)); save_error(c,name); return err; } /* if(type1 != type2) { printInfo(handle1); printf("Warning, [%s] has different types: 1st field: [%s], 2nd field: [%s]\n", name,grib_get_type_name(type1),grib_get_type_name(type2)); return GRIB_TYPE_MISMATCH; } */ if(type1 == GRIB_TYPE_LABEL) return err; if(type1 == GRIB_TYPE_SECTION) return err; if((err = grib_get_size(handle1,name,&len1)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(handle1); printf("Oops... cannot get size of [%s] in %s field: %s\n",name, first_str, grib_get_error_message(err)); save_error(c,name); return err; } if((err = grib_get_size(handle2,name,&len2)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { if(err == GRIB_NOT_FOUND) { printInfo(handle1); printf("[%s] not found in %s field\n",name,second_str); save_error(c,name); return err; } printInfo(handle1); printf("Oops... cannot get size of [%s] in %s field: %s\n",name, second_str, grib_get_error_message(err)); save_error(c,name); return err; } if (handles_swapped) { /* Comparing a second time with handles swapped. Do not compare keys common to both handles */ return GRIB_SUCCESS; } /* if(len1 != len2 && type1 != GRIB_TYPE_STRING) { printInfo(handle1); printf("[%s] has different size: 1st field: %ld, 2nd field: %ld\n",name,(long)len1,(long)len2); save_error(c,name); return GRIB_COUNT_MISMATCH; } */ if (options->mode != MODE_BUFR) { /* TODO: Ignore missing values for keys in BUFR. Not yet implemented */ isMissing1= ( (grib_is_missing(handle1,name,&err1)==1) && (err1 == 0) ) ? 1 : 0; isMissing2= ( (grib_is_missing(handle2,name,&err2)==1) && (err2 == 0) ) ? 1 : 0; } if ((isMissing1==1) && (isMissing2==1)) { if (verbose) printf(" is set to missing in both fields\n"); return GRIB_SUCCESS; } if (isMissing1==1) { if (verbose) printf(" is set to missing in %s field\n", first_str); printInfo(handle1); printf("%s is set to missing in %s field is not missing in %s field\n",name,first_str,second_str); err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; save_error(c,name); return GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; } if (isMissing2==1) { if (verbose) printf(" is set to missing in %s field\n", first_str); printInfo(handle1); printf("%s is set to missing in %s field is not missing in %s field\n",name, second_str, first_str); err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; save_error(c,name); return GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; } switch(type1) { case GRIB_TYPE_STRING: if (verbose) printf(" as string\n"); /* See ECC-710: It is very slow getting the key length this way */ /*grib_get_string_length(handle1,name,&len1);*/ /*grib_get_string_length(handle2,name,&len2);*/ len1 = len2 = 4096; /* Significantly faster to use an upper bound */ sval1 = (char*)grib_context_malloc(handle1->context,len1*sizeof(char)); sval2 = (char*)grib_context_malloc(handle2->context,len2*sizeof(char)); if((err1 = grib_get_string(handle1,name,sval1,&len1)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(handle1); printf("Oops... cannot get string value of [%s] in %s field: %s\n", name, first_str, grib_get_error_message(err1)); save_error(c,name); } if((err2 = grib_get_string(handle2,name,sval2,&len2)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(handle1); printf("Oops... cannot get string value of [%s] in %s field: %s\n", name, second_str, grib_get_error_message(err2)); save_error(c,name); } if(err1 == GRIB_SUCCESS && err2 == GRIB_SUCCESS) { if(grib_inline_strcmp(sval1,sval2) != 0) { /* Check if strings are 'missing'. * Note: one string could have all its bits=1 and the other empty */ int equal = 0; grib_accessor* a1 = grib_find_accessor(handle1, name); grib_accessor* a2 = grib_find_accessor(handle2, name); int is_miss_1 = grib_is_missing_string(a1, (unsigned char *)sval1, len1); int is_miss_2 = grib_is_missing_string(a2, (unsigned char *)sval2, len2); if ( is_miss_1 && is_miss_2 ) { equal = 1; } if (!equal) { printInfo(handle1); printf("string [%s]: [%s] != [%s]\n", name, sval1, sval2); err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; save_error(c,name); } } } grib_context_free(handle1->context,sval1); grib_context_free(handle2->context,sval2); if(err1) return err1; if(err2) return err2; break; case GRIB_TYPE_LONG: if (verbose) printf(" as long\n"); lval1 = (long*)grib_context_malloc(handle1->context,len1*sizeof(long)); lval2 = (long*)grib_context_malloc(handle2->context,len2*sizeof(long)); if((err1 = grib_get_long_array(handle1,name,lval1,&len1)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(handle1); printf("Oops... cannot get long value of [%s] in %s field: %s\n", name, first_str, grib_get_error_message(err1)); save_error(c,name); } if((err2 = grib_get_long_array(handle2,name,lval2,&len2)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(handle1); printf("Oops... cannot get long value of [%s] in %s field: %s\n", name,second_str,grib_get_error_message(err2)); save_error(c,name); } if(err1 == GRIB_SUCCESS && err2 == GRIB_SUCCESS && len1!=len2) { printInfo(handle1); printf("Different size for \"%s\" [%ld] [%ld]\n",name,(long)len1,(long)len2); err1=GRIB_INTERNAL_ERROR; save_error(c,name); } if(err1 == GRIB_SUCCESS && err2 == GRIB_SUCCESS && len1==len2) { int ii; countdiff=0; for(ii = 0; ii < len1; ii++) if(lval1[ii] != lval2[ii]) countdiff++; if (countdiff) { printInfo(handle1); save_error(c,name); err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; if(len1 == 1) printf("long [%s]: [%ld] != [%ld]\n", name, *lval1, *lval2); else printf("long [%s] %d out of %ld different\n", name, countdiff, (long)len1); } } grib_context_free(handle1->context,lval1); grib_context_free(handle2->context,lval2); if(err1) return err1; if(err2) return err2; break; case GRIB_TYPE_DOUBLE: if (verbose) printf(" as double\n"); dval1 = (double*)grib_context_malloc(handle1->context,len1*sizeof(double)); dval2 = (double*)grib_context_malloc(handle2->context,len2*sizeof(double)); isangle=0; value_tolerance=global_tolerance; if (!grib_inline_strcmp(name,"packedValues") || !grib_inline_strcmp(name,"values") || !grib_inline_strcmp(name,"codedValues")) { packingError1=0; packingError2=0; err1=grib_get_double(handle1,"packingError",&packingError1); err2=grib_get_double(handle2,"packingError",&packingError2); if (packingCompare) value_tolerance = packingError1 > packingError2 ? packingError1 : packingError2; } else if (!grib_inline_strcmp(name,"unpackedValues") ) { packingError1=0; packingError2=0; err1=grib_get_double(handle1,"unpackedError",&packingError1); err2=grib_get_double(handle2,"unpackedError",&packingError2); if (packingCompare) value_tolerance = packingError1 > packingError2 ? packingError1 : packingError2; } else if ( !grib_inline_rstrcmp(name,"InDegrees")) { packingError1=0.0005; packingError2=0.0005; isangle=1; value_tolerance = packingError1 > packingError2 ? packingError1 : packingError2; } else if (!grib_inline_strcmp(name,"referenceValue") ) { packingError1=0; packingError2=0; err1=grib_get_double(handle1,"referenceValueError",&packingError1); err2=grib_get_double(handle2,"referenceValueError",&packingError2); value_tolerance = packingError1 > packingError2 ? packingError1 : packingError2; } if (!compareAbsolute) { int all_specified = 0; /* =1 if relative comparison with "all" specified */ for (i=0;itolerance_count;i++) { if (!strcmp((options->tolerance[i]).name, "all")) { all_specified = 1; value_tolerance=(options->tolerance[i]).double_value; break; } } if (!all_specified) { char* basename = NULL; for (i=0;itolerance_count;i++) { if ( strcmp( (options->tolerance[i]).name, name)==0 ) { value_tolerance=(options->tolerance[i]).double_value; break; } else { /* Check if the key without its rank has a relative tolerance */ basename = get_keyname_without_rank(name); if ( basename && strcmp( (options->tolerance[i]).name, basename)==0 ) { value_tolerance=(options->tolerance[i]).double_value; break; } } } if (basename) grib_context_free(handle1->context, basename); } } if((err1 = grib_get_double_array(handle1,name,dval1,&len1)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(handle1); printf("Oops... cannot get double value of [%s] in %s field: %s\n", name, first_str, grib_get_error_message(err1)); save_error(c,name); } if((err2 = grib_get_double_array(handle2,name,dval2,&len2)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(handle1); printf("Oops... cannot get double value of [%s] in %s field: %s\n", name,second_str,grib_get_error_message(err2)); save_error(c,name); } if(err1 == GRIB_SUCCESS && err2 == GRIB_SUCCESS && len1!=len2) { printInfo(handle1); printf("Different size for \"%s\" [%ld] [%ld]\n",name,(long)len1,(long)len2); save_error(c,name); } if(err1 == GRIB_SUCCESS && err2 == GRIB_SUCCESS && len1==len2) { int imaxdiff; double diff; double *pv1,*pv2,dnew1,dnew2; maxdiff=0; imaxdiff=0; countdiff=0; pv1=dval1; pv2=dval2; if (isangle) { dnew1=*dval1; dnew2=*dval2; pv1=&dnew1; pv2=&dnew2; if (*dval1 < 0 ) dnew1 += 360.0 ; if (*dval2 < 0 ) dnew2 += 360.0 ; if (*dval1 > 360 ) dnew1 -= 360.0 ; if (*dval2 > 360 ) dnew2 -= 360.0 ; } value_tolerance*=tolerance_factor; if (verbose) printf(" (%d values) tolerance=%g\n",(int)len1,value_tolerance); for(i = 0; i < len1; i++) { if((diff=compare_double(pv1++,pv2++,&value_tolerance))!=0) { countdiff++; if (maxdiff < diff) {maxdiff=diff;imaxdiff=i;} err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; } } if (countdiff) { printInfo(handle1); save_error(c,name); if (len1>1) { printf("double [%s]: %d out of %ld different\n",name,countdiff,(long)len1); if (dval1[imaxdiff] != GRIB_MISSING_DOUBLE && dval2[imaxdiff] != GRIB_MISSING_DOUBLE) { if (compareAbsolute) printf(" max"); printf(" absolute diff. = %.16e,",fabs(dval1[imaxdiff]-dval2[imaxdiff])); if (!compareAbsolute) printf(" max"); printf(" relative diff. = %g",relative_error(dval1[imaxdiff],dval2[imaxdiff],value_tolerance)); printf("\n\tmax diff. element %d: %.20e %.20e", imaxdiff,dval1[imaxdiff],dval2[imaxdiff]); printf("\n\ttolerance=%.16e",value_tolerance); } else { /* One or both values are missing */ char* svalA = double_as_string(c, dval1[imaxdiff]); char* svalB = double_as_string(c, dval2[imaxdiff]); printf("\tdiff. element %d: %s %s", imaxdiff, svalA, svalB); grib_context_free(c,svalA); grib_context_free(c,svalB); } if (packingError2!=0 || packingError1!=0) printf(" packingError: [%g] [%g]",packingError1,packingError2); if (!grib_inline_strcmp(name,"packedValues") || !grib_inline_strcmp(name,"values") || !grib_inline_strcmp(name,"codedValues")) { double max1,min1,max2,min2; grib_get_double(handle1,"max",&max1); grib_get_double(handle1,"min",&min1); grib_get_double(handle2,"max",&max2); grib_get_double(handle2,"min",&min2); printf("\n\tvalues max= [%g] [%g] min= [%g] [%g]",max1,max2,min1,min2); } printf("\n"); } else { if (dval1[0] != GRIB_MISSING_DOUBLE && dval2[0] != GRIB_MISSING_DOUBLE) { printf("double [%s]: [%.20e] != [%.20e]\n", name, dval1[0], dval2[0]); printf("\tabsolute diff. = %g,",fabs(dval1[0]-dval2[0])); printf(" relative diff. = %g\n",relative_error(dval1[0],dval2[0],value_tolerance)); printf("\ttolerance=%g\n",value_tolerance); } else { /* One or both values are missing */ char* svalA = double_as_string(c, dval1[0]); char* svalB = double_as_string(c, dval2[0]); printf("double [%s]: [%s] != [%s]\n", name, svalA, svalB); grib_context_free(c,svalA); grib_context_free(c,svalB); } } } } grib_context_free(handle1->context,dval1); grib_context_free(handle2->context,dval2); if(err1) return err1; if(err2) return err2; break; case GRIB_TYPE_BYTES: if (verbose) printf(" as bytes\n"); if (options->mode==MODE_BUFR) return 0; if (len1<2) len1=512; if (len2<2) len2=512; uval1 = (unsigned char*)grib_context_malloc(handle1->context,len1*sizeof(unsigned char)); uval2 = (unsigned char*)grib_context_malloc(handle2->context,len2*sizeof(unsigned char)); if((err1 = grib_get_bytes(handle1,name,uval1,&len1)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(handle1); save_error(c,name); printf("Oops... cannot get bytes value of [%s] in %s field: %s\n", name,first_str,grib_get_error_message(err1)); } if((err2 = grib_get_bytes(handle2,name,uval2,&len2)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(handle1); save_error(c,name); printf("Oops... cannot get bytes value of [%s] in %s field: %s\n", name,second_str,grib_get_error_message(err2)); } if(err1 == GRIB_SUCCESS && err2 == GRIB_SUCCESS) { if(memcmp(uval1,uval2,len1) != 0) { for(i = 0; i < len1; i++) { if(uval1[i] != uval2[i]) { printInfo(handle1); save_error(c,name); if(len1 == 1) printf("[%s] byte values are different: [%02x] and [%02x]\n", name,uval1[i],uval2[i]); else printf("[%s] byte value %d of %ld are different: [%02x] and [%02x]\n", name,i,(long)len1,uval1[i],uval2[i]); err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; break; } } err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; } } grib_context_free(handle1->context,uval1); grib_context_free(handle2->context,uval2); if(err1) return err1; if(err2) return err2; break; case GRIB_TYPE_LABEL: if (verbose) printf(" as label\n"); break; default: if (verbose) printf("\n"); printInfo(handle1); save_error(c,name); printf("Cannot compare [%s], unsupported type %d\n",name,type1); return GRIB_UNABLE_TO_COMPARE_ACCESSORS; break; } return GRIB_SUCCESS; } static int compare_attributes(grib_handle* handle1, grib_handle* handle2, grib_runtime_options* options, grib_accessor* a, const char* prefix, int* err) { int i=0, ret=0; while (i < MAX_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTES && a->attributes[i]) { /*long native_type = 0;*/ grib_accessor* aa = NULL; if ( (a->attributes[i]->flags & GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_DUMP)== 0 ) { ++i; /* next attribute if accessor is not for dumping */ continue; } if ( (a->attributes[i]->flags & GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_READ_ONLY)!= 0 ) { ++i; /* next attribute if accessor is read-only */ continue; } aa = a->attributes[i]; /*native_type = grib_accessor_get_native_type(aa); TODO: read only check? */ isLeafKey = aa->attributes[0]==NULL ? 1 : 0; /* update global variable */ if (compare_attribute(handle1, handle2, options, aa, prefix, err)) { (*err)++; write_messages(handle1, handle2); ret = 1; } ++i; /* next attribute */ } return ret; } static int compare_attribute(grib_handle* handle1, grib_handle* handle2, grib_runtime_options* options, grib_accessor* a, const char* prefix, int* err) { int ret = 0; grib_context* c = handle1->context; char* fullname = (char*)grib_context_malloc_clear( c, sizeof(char)*(strlen(a->name)+strlen(prefix)+5) ); sprintf(fullname, "%s->%s", prefix, a->name); if (compare_values(options, handle1, handle2, fullname, GRIB_TYPE_UNDEFINED)) { (*err)++; write_messages(handle1, handle2); ret=1; } /* Recurse if this key has children */ if (!isLeafKey) { if (compare_attributes(handle1, handle2, options, a, fullname, err)) { ret=1; } } grib_context_free(c, fullname); return ret; } static int compare_all_dump_keys(grib_handle* handle1, grib_handle* handle2, grib_runtime_options* options, int *pErr) { int ret=0; const char* name=NULL; grib_keys_iterator* iter = NULL; grib_context* context=handle1->context; if (!headerMode) { /* See ECC-333: By setting unpack we get ALL the bufr keys. */ /* In headerMode we want just the header ones */ grib_set_long(handle1,"skipExtraKeyAttributes",1); /* See ECC-745 */ ret = grib_set_long(handle1,"unpack",1); if (ret != GRIB_SUCCESS) { grib_context_log(context, GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to unpack 1st message: %s", grib_get_error_message(ret)); exit(1); } grib_set_long(handle2,"skipExtraKeyAttributes",1); /* See ECC-745 */ ret = grib_set_long(handle2,"unpack",1); if (ret != GRIB_SUCCESS) { grib_context_log(context, GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to unpack 2nd message: %s", grib_get_error_message(ret)); exit(1); } } iter=grib_keys_iterator_new(handle1,0,NULL); if (!iter) { grib_context_log(context, GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "unable to create keys iterator"); exit(1); } release_keys_list(); /* The keys list is used to determine the rank */ new_keys_list(); while(grib_keys_iterator_next(iter)) { int rank = 0; int dofree = 0; char* prefix = NULL; grib_accessor* xa=grib_keys_iterator_get_accessor(iter); isLeafKey = 0; /* clear global variable for each key */ name=grib_keys_iterator_get_name(iter); if (blacklisted(name)) continue; if (xa==NULL || ( xa->flags & GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_DUMP )==0 ) continue; /* Get full name of key, e.g. '#2#windSpeed' or 'blockNumber' */ rank = compute_bufr_key_rank(handle1, keys_list, xa->name); if (rank != 0) { prefix=(char*)grib_context_malloc_clear(context,sizeof(char)*(strlen(xa->name)+10)); dofree = 1; sprintf(prefix,"#%d#%s", rank, xa->name); } else { prefix = (char*)xa->name; } if (blacklisted(prefix)) continue; /* Compare the key itself */ if (compare_values(options, handle1, handle2, prefix, GRIB_TYPE_UNDEFINED)) { (*pErr)++; write_messages(handle1, handle2); ret=1; } /* Now compare the key attributes (if any) */ if (compare_attributes(handle1, handle2, options, xa, prefix, pErr)) { (*pErr)++; write_messages(handle1, handle2); ret=1; } if (dofree) grib_context_free(context, prefix); } grib_keys_iterator_delete(iter); /* ECC-356: Handling special case of 'ident' key */ name = "ls.ident"; if (!blacklisted("ident") && grib_is_defined(handle1, name) && grib_is_defined(handle2, name)) { if (compare_values(options, handle1, handle2, "ident", GRIB_TYPE_STRING)) { (*pErr)++; write_messages(handle1, handle2); ret=1; } } return ret; } static int compare_handles(grib_handle* handle1, grib_handle* handle2, grib_runtime_options* options) { int err = 0; int i=0; grib_keys_iterator* iter = NULL; const char* name=NULL; /* mask only if no -c option or headerMode (-H)*/ if (blacklist && ( !listFromCommandLine || headerMode )) { /* See ECC-245, GRIB-573, GRIB-915: Do not change handles in memory */ /* grib_string_list* nextb=blacklist; while (nextb) { grib_clear(handle1,nextb->value); grib_clear(handle2,nextb->value); nextb=nextb->next; }*/ } if ( listFromCommandLine && onlyListed ) { for (i=0; i< options->compare_count; i++) { if (blacklisted((char*)options->compare[i].name)) continue; if (options->compare[i].type == GRIB_NAMESPACE) { iter=grib_keys_iterator_new(handle1,0,options->compare[i].name); if (!iter) { grib_context_log(handle1->context, GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "unable to get iterator"); exit(1); } while(grib_keys_iterator_next(iter)) { name=grib_keys_iterator_get_name(iter); /*printf("----- comparing %s\n",name);*/ if (blacklisted(name)) continue; if(compare_values(options,handle1,handle2,name,GRIB_TYPE_UNDEFINED)) { err++; write_messages(handle1,handle2); } } grib_keys_iterator_delete(iter); } else { if( compare_values(options,handle1,handle2,options->compare[i].name,options->compare[i].type)) err++; write_messages(handle1,handle2); } } } else { const void *msg1=NULL,*msg2=NULL; size_t size1=0,size2=0; int memcmp_ret=0; /* int ii=0; */ GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_message(handle1,&msg1,&size1),0); GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_message(handle2,&msg2,&size2),0); if (size1==size2 && !(memcmp_ret=memcmp(msg1,msg2,size1))) { return 0; } #if 0 else { int lcount=count,ii; if (options->current_infile) lcount=options->current_infile->filter_handle_count; if (size1 != size2) { printf("#%d different size: %d!=%d\n",lcount,(int)size1,(int)size2); } if (memcmp_ret) { unsigned char *m1=(unsigned char*)msg1; unsigned char *m2=(unsigned char*)msg2; printf("=== list of different bytes for message %d\n",lcount); for (ii=0;iicompare_count; i++) { if (blacklisted(name)) continue; if (options->compare[i].type == GRIB_NAMESPACE) { iter=grib_keys_iterator_new(handle1,0,options->compare[i].name); if (!iter) { grib_context_log(handle1->context, GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "ERROR: unable to get keys iterator for %s",options->compare[i].name); exit(1); } while(grib_keys_iterator_next(iter)) { name=grib_keys_iterator_get_name(iter); /*printf("----- comparing %s\n",name);*/ if (blacklisted(name)) continue; if(compare_values(options,handle1,handle2,name,GRIB_TYPE_UNDEFINED)) { err++; write_messages(handle1,handle2); if (compare_all_dump_keys(handle1,handle2,options,&err)) { err++; } } } grib_keys_iterator_delete(iter); } else { if( compare_values(options,handle1,handle2,options->compare[i].name,options->compare[i].type)) { err++; write_messages(handle1,handle2); if (compare_all_dump_keys(handle1,handle2,options,&err)) { err++; } } } } } else { if (compare_all_dump_keys(handle1,handle2,options,&err)) { err++; } } } return err; } int grib_no_handle_action(grib_runtime_options* options, int err) { fprintf(dump_file,"\t\t\"ERROR: unreadable message\"\n"); return 0; }