

It converts grib messages applying the rules from a conversion_rules file. The rules are of the type "keyname = value;" and if blocks are allowed as if ( keyname1 == value1 || keyname2 != value2 && keyname3 == value3 ) { keyname4 = value4; }


grib_convert [options] conversion_rules grib_file grib_file ... output_grib_file


Force. Force the execution not to fail on error.

Multi-grib support off. Turn off support for multiple fields in single grib message

Copy GTS header.

GRIBEX compatibility mode.


Does not fail when the message has wrong length


grib_convert examples

The following grib_convert rules convert all the grib messages contained in the input files in grib edition 2 and if a 2 metre temperature is found also the keys contained in the culy bracket are changed.
editionNumber = 2;
if( indicatorOfParameter == 11 && indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 105)
    productDefinitionTemplateNumber = 1;
    typeOfFirstFixedSurface         = 103;
    scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface  = 0;
    scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface  = 2;

Generated on Tue Sep 22 15:18:22 2009 for grib_api by  doxygen 1.5.3