/* * Copyright 2005-2013 ECMWF. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 * which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by * virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. */ #include "grib_api_internal.h" void usage(const char *prog) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: [-d] [-e err] [-o out] file1 file2\n",prog); exit(1); } const char* prog; double maxAbsoluteError = 0; double maxRelativeError = 0; int absolute = 0; const char* outname; static double err(double A, double B) { double relativeError; if(fabs(A) <= maxAbsoluteError || fabs(B) <= maxAbsoluteError) relativeError = fabs(A-B); else if (fabs(B) > fabs(A)) relativeError = fabs((A - B) / B); else relativeError = fabs((A - B) / A); return relativeError; } static int location(grib_handle* h,int n,double *lat,double* lon) { int err=0; grib_iterator* iter = grib_iterator_new(h,0,&err); int i = 0; double val; if(!iter) return 0; while(grib_iterator_next(iter,lat,lon,&val)) { if(i++ == n) { grib_iterator_delete(iter); return 1; } } grib_iterator_delete(iter); return 0; } /** * Get the next value from an iterator. * * @param i : the iterator * @param lat : on exit latitude in degree * @param lon : on exit longitude in degree * @param value : on exit value of the point * @return : positive value if successfull, 0 if no more data are available */ static void compare_handles(int n,grib_handle* h1,grib_handle* h2,FILE* out) { size_t len1 = 0; size_t len2 = 0; double *dval1 = NULL, *dval2 = NULL, *dval3 = NULL; double maxe = 0,mine = 0; double maxa = 0,mina = 0; int i,maxi = 0,maxai = 0; double lat,lon; GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h1,"values",&len1),NULL); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h2,"values",&len2),NULL); if(len1 != len2) { printf("Field size mismatch %ld != %ld\n",(long)len1,(long)len2); exit(1); } dval1 = grib_context_malloc(h1->context,len1*sizeof(double)); Assert(dval1); dval2 = grib_context_malloc(h2->context,len2*sizeof(double)); Assert(dval2); if(out) dval3 = grib_context_malloc(h2->context,len2*sizeof(double)); Assert(dval2); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h1,"values",dval1,&len1),NULL); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h2,"values",dval2,&len2),NULL); for(i = 0; i < len1; i++) { double e = err(dval1[i],dval2[i]); double a = fabs(dval1[i]-dval2[i]); if(i == 0) maxe = mine = e; if(i == 0) maxa = mina = a; if(out) dval3[i] = absolute ? a : e; if(e < mine) mine = e; if(e > maxe) { maxe = e; maxi = i; } if(a < mina) mina = a; if(a > maxa) { maxa = a; maxai = i; } } if(out) { const void *buffer; size_t size; GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h1,"generatingProcessIdentifier",255),NULL); /* To prevent Magics to scale the field */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h1,"numberOfBitsContainingEachPackedValue",24),NULL); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_double_array(h1,"values",dval3,len1),NULL); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_message(h1,&buffer,&size),NULL); if(fwrite(buffer,1,size,out) != size) { perror(outname); exit(1); } } printf("Field %ld: min relative error: %g%%, max relative error: %g%% [%g,%g,%g]\n",(long)n,mine*100,maxe*100, dval1[maxi],dval2[maxi],fabs(dval1[maxi]-dval2[maxi])); if(location(h1,maxi,&lat,&lon)) printf(" latitude = %g, longitude = %g\n",lat,lon); printf("Field %ld: min absolute error: %g, max absolute error: %g [%g,%g]\n",(long)n,mina,maxa, dval1[maxai],dval2[maxai]); if(location(h1,maxai,&lat,&lon)) printf(" latitude = %g, longitude = %g\n",lat,lon); grib_context_free(h1->context,dval1); grib_context_free(h2->context,dval2); grib_context_free(h2->context,dval3); } static void compare_files(const char* file1,const char* file2,FILE* out) { FILE *f1 = fopen(file1,"r"); FILE *f2 = fopen(file2,"r"); int e1 = 0; int e2 = 0; grib_handle *h1; grib_handle *h2; const void* b1; const void* b2; size_t s1; size_t s2; int count = 0; if(!f1) { perror(file1); exit(1); } if(!f2) { perror(file2); exit(1); } h1 = grib_handle_new_from_file(NULL,f1,&e1); h2 = grib_handle_new_from_file(NULL,f2,&e2); while(h1 && h2) { ++count; GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_message(h1,&b1,&s1),file1); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_message(h2,&b2,&s2),file2); compare_handles(count,h1,h2,out); grib_handle_delete(h1); grib_handle_delete(h2); e1 = e2 = 0; h1 = grib_handle_new_from_file(NULL,f1,&e1); h2 = grib_handle_new_from_file(NULL,f2,&e2); } GRIB_CHECK(e1,file1); GRIB_CHECK(e2,file2); if(h1 != h2) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Premature eof on %s\n",prog,h1 == 0 ? file1 : file2); exit(1); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { extern char *optarg; extern int optind; int c; FILE* out = 0; prog = argv[0]; while((c = getopt(argc, argv,"ae:o:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'o': outname = optarg; out = fopen(outname,"w"); if(!out) { perror(outname); exit(1); } break; case 'a': absolute = 1; break; case 'e': maxAbsoluteError = atof(optarg); break; default: usage(prog); break; } } if(argc-optind < 2) usage(prog); compare_files(argv[argc-2],argv[argc-1],out); if(out) { if(fclose(out)) { perror(outname); exit(1); } } return 0; }