# (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF. # DWD local grid definition 192 - triangular grid base on icosahedron subdivision # n2 - exponent of 2 for the number of intervals on main triangle sides unsigned[2] n2 : dump ; # n3 - exponent of 3 for the number of intervals on main triangle sides unsigned[2] n3 : dump ; # nd - Number of diamonds unsigned[3] nd : dump ; alias numberOfDiamonds=nd; alias Nj=nd; # Ni - number of intervals on main triangle sides of the icosahedron unsigned[3] Ni : dump ; # Numbering order of diamonds flags[1] numberingOrderOfDiamonds 'grib1/grid.'; # Latitude of the pole point of the icosahedron on the sphere signed[4] latitudeOfIcosahedronPole : dump ; # Longitude of the pole point of the icosahedron on the sphere unsigned[4] longitudeOfIcosahedronPole : dump ; # Longitude of the centre line of the first diamond of the icosahedron on the sphere unsigned[4] longitudeOfFirstDiamondCenterLine : dump ; # Reserved unsigned[1] reservedOctet; # Scanning mode for one diamond flags[1] scanningModeForOneDiamond 'grib1/grid.'; transient numberOfPoints= nd *(Ni + 1) * (Ni + 1); alias numberOfDataPoints=numberOfPoints; meta numberOfValues number_of_values(values,bitsPerValue,numberOfDataPoints, bitmapPresent,bitmap,numberOfCodedValues) : dump;