1 pres PRES Pressure Pa 2 msl MSL Mean sea level pressure Pa 3 ptend PTEND Pressure tendency Pa s**-1 4 pv PV Potential vorticity K m**2 kg**-1 s**-1 5 icaht ICAHT ICAO Standard Atmosphere reference height m 6 z Z Geopotential m**2 s**-2 7 gh GH Geopotential Height gpm 8 h H Geometrical height m 9 hstdv HSTDV Standard deviation of height m 10 tco TCO Total column ozone kg m**-2 11 t T Temperature K 12 vptmp VPTMP Virtual potential temperature K 13 pt PT Potential temperature K 14 papt PAPT Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature K 15 tmax TMAX Maximum temperature K 16 tmin TMIN Minimum temperature K 17 td TD Dew point temperature K 18 depr DEPR Dew point depression (or deficit) K 19 lapr LAPR Lapse rate K s**-1 20 vis VIS Visibility m 23 rdsp RDSP Radar spectra (3) ~ 24 pli PLI Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) K 25 ta TA Temperature anomaly K 26 presa PRESA Pressure anomaly Pa 27 gpa GPA Geopotential height anomaly gpm 30 wvsp WVSP Wave spectra (3) ~ 31 wdir WDIR Wind direction Degree true 32 ws WS Wind speed m s**-1 33 u U U component of wind m s**-1 34 v V V component of wind m s**-1 35 strf STRF Stream function m**2 s**-1 37 mntsf MNTSF Montgomery stream Function m**2 s**-1 38 sgcvv SGCVV Sigma coordinate vertical velocity s**-1 39 w W Vertical velocity Pa s**-1 40 tw TW Vertical velocity m s**-1 41 absv ABSV Absolute vorticity s**-1 42 absd ABSD Absolute divergence s**-1 43 vo VO Vorticity (relative) s**-1 44 d D Divergence s**-1 45 vucsh VUCSH Vertical u-component shear s**-1 46 vvcsh VVCSH Vertical v-component shear s**-1 47 dirc DIRC Direction of current Degree true 48 spc SPC Speed of current m s**-1 49 ucurr UCURR U-component of current m s**-1 50 vcurr VCURR V-component of current m s**-1 51 q Q Specific humidity kg kg**-1 52 r R Relative humidity % 53 mixr MIXR Humidity mixing ratio kg m**-2 54 pwat PWAT Precipitable water kg m**-2 55 vp VP Vapour pressure Pa 56 satd SATD Saturation deficit Pa 57 e E Evaporation m of water equivalent 58 ciwc CIWC Cloud ice water content kg m**-2 59 prate PRATE Precipitation rate kg m**-2 s**-1 60 tstm TSTM Thunderstorm probability % 61 tp TP Total precipitation kg m**-2 62 lsp LSP large scale precipitation (water) kg m**-2 63 acpcp ACPCP Convective precipitation (water) kg m**-2 64 srweq SRWEQ Snow fall rate water equivalent kg m**-2 s**-1 65 sf SF Snow Fall water equivalent kg m**-2 66 sdp SDP Snow depth water equivalent kg m**-2 67 mld MLD Mixed layer depth m 68 tthdp TTHDP Transient thermocline depth m 69 mthd MTHD Main thermocline depth m 70 mtha MTHA Main thermocline anomaly m 71 tcc TCC Total Cloud Cover % 72 ccc CCC Convective cloud cover (0 - 1) 73 lcc LCC Low cloud cover (0 - 1) 74 mcc MCC Medium cloud cover (0 - 1) 75 hcc HCC High cloud cover (0 - 1) 76 cwat CWAT Cloud water kg m**-2 77 bli BLI Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) K 78 csf CSF Convective snowfall m of water equivalent 79 lsf LSF Large-scale snowfall m of water equivalent 80 wtmp WTMP Water temperature K 81 lsm LSM Land-sea mask (0 - 1) 82 dslm DSLM Deviation of sea-level from mean m 83 srg SRG Surface roughness * g m 84 al AL Albedo (0 - 1) 85 slt SLT Soil Temperature K 86 sm SM Soil Moisture kg m**-3 87 veg VEG Vegetation fraction (0 - 1) 88 s S Salinity kg kg**-1 89 den DEN Density kg m**-3 90 ro RO Runoff m 91 icec ICEC Ice cover (1=land, 0=sea) (0 - 1) 92 icetk ICETK Ice thickness m 93 diced DICED Direction of ice drift Degree true 94 siced SICED Speed of ice drift m s**-1 95 uice UICE U-component of ice drift m s**-1 96 vice VICE V-component of ice drift m s**-1 97 iceg ICEG Ice growth rate m s**-1 98 iced ICED Ice divergence s**-1 99 snom SNOM Snow melt kg m**-2 100 swh SWH Signific.height,combined wind waves+swell m 101 mdww MDWW Mean direction of wind waves Degree true 102 shww SHWW Significant height of wind waves m 103 mpww MPWW Mean period of wind waves s 104 swdir SWDIR Direction of swell waves Degree true 105 swell SWELL Significant height of swell waves m 106 swper SWPER Mean period of swell waves s 107 mdps MDPS Mean direction of primary swell Degree true 108 mpps MPPS Mean period of primary swell s 109 dirsw DIRSW Secondary wave direction Degree true 110 swp SWP Secondary wave period s 111 nswrs NSWRS Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) J m**-2 112 nlwrs NLWRS Net long-wave radiation flux (surface) J m**-2 113 nswrt NSWRT Net short-wave radiation flux(atmosph.top) J m**-2 114 nlwrt NLWRT Net long-wave radiation flux(atmosph.top) J m**-2 115 lwavr LWAVR Long wave radiation flux J m**-2 116 swavr SWAVR Short wave radiation flux J m**-2 117 grad GRAD Global radiation flux J m**-2 118 btmp BTMP Brightness temperature K 119 lwrad LWRAD Radiance (with respect to wave number) W m**-1 sr**-1 120 swrad SWRAD Radiance (with respect to wave length) W m**-1 sr**-1 121 slhf SLHF Surface latent heat flux J m**-2 122 sshf SSHF Surface sensible heat flux J m**-2 123 bld BLD Boundary layer dissipation J m**-2 124 uflx UFLX Momentum flux, u-component N m**-2 125 vflx VFLX Momentum flux, v-component N m**-2 126 wmixe WMIXE Wind mixing energy J 127 imgd IMGD Image data ~ 128 armsp ARMSP Analysed RMS of PHI (CANARI) m**2 s**-2 129 frmsp FRMSP Forecast RMS of PHI (CANARI) m**2 s**-2 130 cssw CSSW SW net clear sky rad W m**-2 131 cslw CSLW LW net clear sky rad W m**-2 132 lhe LHE Latent heat flux through evaporation W m**-2 133 msca MSCA Mask of significant cloud amount s**-1 135 icei ICEI Icing index - 136 psct PSCT Pseudo satellite image: cloud top temperature (infrared) - 137 pstb PSTB Pseudo satellite image: water vapour Tb - 138 pstbc PSTBC Pseudo satellite image: water vapour Tb + correction for clouds - 139 pscw PSCW Pseudo satellite image: cloud water reflectivity (visible) - 144 prtp PRTP Precipitation Type - 158 mrad MRAD Surface downward moon radiation - 160 cape CAPE CAPE out of the model J kg-1 161 xhail XHAIL AROME hail diagnostic kg m**-2 162 ugst UGST Gust, u-component m s*-1 163 vgst VGST Gust, v-component m s*-1 166 mcn MCN MOCON out of the model kg kg**-1 s**-1 167 totqv TOTQV Total water vapour kg kg**-1 181 rain RAIN Rain kg m**-2 182 srain SRAIN Stratiform rain kg m**-2 183 cr CR Convective rain kg m**-2 184 snow SNOW Snow kg m**-2 185 tpsolid TPSOLID Total solid precipitation kg m**-2 186 cb CB Cloud base m 187 ct CT Cloud top m 188 ful FUL Fraction of urban land % 190 asn ASN Snow albedo (0-1) 191 rsn RSN Snow density kg m**-3 192 w_i W_I Water on canopy (Interception content) kg m**-2 193 w_so_ice W_SO_ICE Water on canopy (Interception content) kg m**-2 195 gwdu GWDU Gravity wave stress U-comp kg m**-1 s**-1 196 gwdv GWDV Gravity wave stress V-comp kg m**-1 s**-1 200 tke TKE TKE m**2 s**-2 201 grpl GRPL Graupel kg m**-2 204 hail HAIL Hail kg m**-2 209 lgt LGT Lightning - 210 refl REFL Simulated reflectivity dBz ? 212 pdep PDEP Pressure departure Pa 213 vdiv VDIV Vertical Divergence s**-1 214 upom UPOM Updraft omega ms*-1 215 dnom DNOM Downdraft omega ms*-1 216 upmf UPMF Updraft mesh fraction - 217 dnmf DNMF Downdraft mesh fraction - 220 stdo STDO Standard deviation of orography * g m**2s**-2 221 atop ATOP Anisotropy coeff of topography rad 222 dtop DTOP Direction of main axis of topography - 225 clfr CLFR Fraction of clay within soil - 226 slfr SLFR Fraction of sand within soil - 228 fg FG Gust m s*-1 229 alb ALB Albedo of bare ground - 230 alv ALV Albedo of vegetation - 231 smnr SMNR Stomatal minimum resistance s m**-1 232 lai LAI Leaf area index m**2 m**-2 234 dvi DVI Dominant vegetation index - 235 se SE Surface emissivity - 237 sld SLD Soil depth m 238 swv SWV Soil wetness kg m**-2 239 zt ZT Thermal roughness length * g m 240 rev REV Resistance to evapotransiration s m**-1 241 rmn RMN Minimum relative moisture at 2 meters - 242 rmx RMX Maximum relative moisture at 2 meters - 243 dutp DUTP Duration of total precipitation s 244 lhsub LHSUB Latent Heat Sublimation J kg**-1 245 wevap WEVAP Water evaporation kg m**-2 246 snsub SNSUB Snow Sublimation kg m**-2 247 shis SHIS Snow history ??? 248 ao AO A Ozone kg kg**-1 249 bo BO B Ozone kg kg**-1 250 co CO C Ozone kg kg**-1 251 aers AERS Surface aerosol sea kg kg**-1 252 aerl AERL Surface aerosol land kg kg**-1 253 aerc AERC Surface aerosol soot (carbon) kg kg**-1 254 aerd AERD Surface aerosol desert kg kg**-1 255 - - Missing