1 mslp MSLP Pressure reduced to MSL Pa 11 t T Temperature K 20 vis VIS Visibility m 33 u U u-component of wind m/s 34 v V v-component of wind m/s 52 r R Relative humidity % 58 fzrapr FZRAPR Probability of frozen rain % 60 tstm TSTM Probability thunderstorm % 71 tcc TCC Total cloud cover fraction 72 ccc CCC Convective cloud cover fraction 73 lcc LCC Low cloud cover fraction 74 mcc MCC Medium cloud cove fraction 75 hcc HCC High cloud cover fraction 77 cm CM cloud mask fraction 110 epstm EPSTM EPS T mean K 111 epststd EPSTSTD EPS T standard deviation K 130 mxws10min MXWS10MIN Maximum wind (mean 10 min) M/S 131 gust GUST Wind gust M/S 135 cbase_sig CBASE_SIG Cloud base (significant) m 136 ctop_sig CTOP_SIG Cloud top (significant) m 140 pit PIT Precipitation intensity total kg/m2/s 141 pis PIS Precipitation intensity snow kg/m2/s 145 ptype PTYPE Precipitation type, conv 0, large scale 1, no prec -9 category 146 pcat PCAT Category of precipitation, 0 no, 1 snow, 2 snow and rain, 3 rain, 4 drizzle, 5, freezing rain, 6 freezing drizzle category 150 dswrf DSWRF Downward short-wave radiation flux W/m2 151 uswrf USWRF Upward short-wave radiation flux W/m2 152 nswrf NSWRF Net short wave radiation flux W/m2 153 photar PHOTAR Photosynthetically active radiation W/m2 154 nswrfcs NSWRFCS Net short-wave radiation flux, clear sky W/m2 155 dwuvr DWUVR Downward UV radiation W/m2 156 uviucs UVIUCS UV index (under clear sky) Numeric 157 uvi UVI UV index Numeric 158 dlwrf DLWRF Downward long-wave radiation flux W/m2 159 ulwrf ULWRF Upward long-wave radiation flux W/m2 160 nlwrf NLWRF Net long wave radiation flux W/m2 161 nlwrfcs NLWRFCS Net long-wave radiation flux, clear sky W/m2 162 cdca CDCA Cloud amount % 163 cdct CDCT Cloud type Code 164 tmaxt TMAXT Thunderstorm maximum tops m 165 thunc THUNC Thunderstorm coverage Code 166 cdcb CDCB Cloud base m 167 cdct CDCT Cloud top m 168 ceil CEIL Ceiling m 169 cdlyr CDLYR Non-convective cloud cover % 170 cwork CWORK Cloud work function J/kg 171 cuefi CUEFI Convective cloud efficiency Proportion 172 tcond TCOND Total condensate kg/kg 173 tcolw TCOLW Total column-integrated cloud water kg/m2 174 tcoli TCOLI Total column-integrated cloud ice kg/m2 175 tcolc TCOLC Total column-integrated condensate kg/m2 176 fice FICE Ice fraction of total condensate Proportion 177 cc CC Cloud cover % 178 cdcimr CDCIMR Cloud ice mixing ratio kg/kg 179 suns SUNS Sunshine Numeric 180 cbext CBEXT Horizontal extent of cumulunimbus (CB) % 181 fracc FRACC Fraction of cloud cover Numeric 182 sund SUND Sunshine duration s 183 kx KX K index K 184 kox KOX KO index K 185 totalx TOTALX Total totals index K 186 sx SX Sweat index Numeric 187 hlcy HLCY Storm relative helicity J/kg 188 ehlx EHLX Energy helicity index Numeric 189 lftx LFTX Surface lifted index K 190 4lftx 4LFTX Best (4-layer) lifted index K 191 ri RI Richardson number Numeric 192 aerot AEROT Aerosol type Code 193 o3mx O3MX Ozone mixing ratio kg/kg 194 tcioz TCIOZ Total column integrated ozone Dobson 200 bswid BSWID Base spectrum width m/s 201 bref BREF Base reflectivity dB 202 brvel BRVEL Base radial velocity m/s 203 veril VERIL Vertically integrated liquid kg/m 204 lmaxbr LMAXBR Layer-maximum base reflectivity dB 205 prrad PRRAD Precipitation (radar) kg/m 206 eqrrra EQRRRA Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for rain mm6/m3 207 eqrrsn EQRRSN Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for snow mm6/m3 208 eqrfpc EQRFPC Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for paramterized convection mm6/m3 209 ectop_rad ECTOP_RAD Echo top (radar) m 210 refl_rad REFL_RAD Reflectivity (radar) dB 211 corefl_rad COREFL_RAD Composite reflectivity (radar) dB 215 icit ICIT Icing top m 216 icib ICIB Icing base m 217 ici ICI Icing Code 218 turbt TURBT Turbulence top m 219 turbb TURBB Turbulence base m 220 turb TURB Turbulence Code 221 pblr PBLR Planetary boundary-layer regime Code 222 conti CONTI Contrail intensity Code 223 contet CONTET Contrail engine type Code 224 contt CONTT Contrail top m 225 contb CONTB Contrail base m 226 snfalb SNFALB Snow free albedo % 227 ici_prop ICI_PROP Icing % 228 icturb ICTURB In-cloud turbulence % 229 cat CAT Clear air turbulence (CAT) % 230 scld_prob SCLD_PROB Supercooled large droplet probability % 235 text TEXT Arbitrary text string CCITTIA5 236 secpref SECPREF Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in section1) (meteorology) s