: set -eu # Usage: # create_legacy_def.sh $paramId $paramId... # # This script will insert the local ECMWF GRIB2 representation # for each paramId into the files: # definitions/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf/paramId.legacy.def # definitions/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf/shortName.legacy.def # etc # This is normally run for those GRIB2 parameters which had # a local ECMWF representation which later acquired a standard # WMO one. We want to be able to match the old encoding to the # paramId but when we write out a field, we want to use the new # standard WMO encoding. # # Assumptions: # The ecCodes tools grib_set and grib_get are available # The legacy encoding has discipline = 192 # The parameterCategory = $paramId / 1000 # The parameterNumber = $paramId - parameterCategory*1000 # if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 pid1 pid2 ..." 2>&1 exit 1 fi # Input list of paramId values pids="$@" sample2=samples/GRIB2.tmpl temp=$TMPDIR/temp.create_legacy_def.grib defs=definitions/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf output_def() { _name=$1 _val=$2 _d=$3 _c=$4 _n=$5 if [ $_c -eq 0 ]; then _c=128 fi if [ "$_val" != "unknown" ]; then echo "#$_name" echo "'$_val' = {" echo " discipline = $_d ;" echo " parameterCategory = $_c ;" echo " parameterNumber = $_n ;" echo "}" fi } count=0 for pid in $pids; do echo "Doing $pid..." set +e grib_set -s paramId=$pid $sample2 $temp 2>/dev/null status=$? set -e if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then grib_set -s stepType=accum,paramId=$pid $sample2 $temp fi name=$(grib_get -p name $temp) shortName=$(grib_get -p shortName $temp) units=$(grib_get -p units $temp) cfName=$(grib_get -p cfName $temp) cfVarName=$(grib_get -p cfVarName $temp) count=$((count+1)) dis=192 cat=$((pid/1000)) num=$((pid - cat*1000)) output_def "$name" "$pid" $dis $cat $num >> $defs/paramId.legacy.def output_def "$name" "$name" $dis $cat $num >> $defs/name.legacy.def output_def "$name" "$shortName" $dis $cat $num >> $defs/shortName.legacy.def output_def "$name" "$units" $dis $cat $num >> $defs/units.legacy.def output_def "$name" "$cfVarName" $dis $cat $num >> $defs/cfVarName.legacy.def output_def "$name" "$cfName" $dis $cat $num >> $defs/cfName.legacy.def done echo "Number of legacy parameters added: $count" if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then echo "Files updated. Check directory $defs" fi rm -f $temp