/* * Copyright 2005-2016 ECMWF. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 * which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by * virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. */ #include "grib_tools.h" GRIB_INLINE static int grib_inline_strcmp(const char* a,const char* b) { if (*a != *b) return 1; while((*a!=0 && *b!=0) && *(a) == *(b) ) {a++;b++;} return (*a==0 && *b==0) ? 0 : 1; } GRIB_INLINE static int grib_inline_rstrcmp(const char* a,const char* b) { char* p=(char*)a; char* q=(char*)b; while (*p != 0) p++; while (*q != 0) q++; q--;p--; if (*q != *p) return 1; while((p!=a && q!=b) && *(p) == *(q) ) {p--;q--;} return (q==b) ? 0 : 1; } typedef double (*compare_double_proc) (double*,double*,double*); typedef struct grib_error grib_error; struct grib_error { char* key; int count; grib_error* next; }; grib_error* error_summary; compare_double_proc compare_double; double global_tolerance=0; int packingCompare=0; grib_string_list* blacklist=0; int compareAbsolute=1; static int compare_handles(grib_handle* h1,grib_handle* h2,grib_runtime_options* options); static int compare_values(grib_runtime_options* options,grib_handle* h1,grib_handle *h2,const char *name,int type); int error=0; int count=0; int lastPrint=0; int force=0; double maxAbsoluteError = 1e-19; int onlyListed=1; int headerMode=0; int morein1=0; int morein2=0; int listFromCommandLine; int verbose=0; int tolerance_factor=1; static int write_error=0; GRIB_INLINE static double compare_double_absolute(double *a,double *b,double *err) { double ret=0; double d=fabs(*a-*b); if (d > *err) { ret=d; } return ret; /* return fabs(*a-*b) > *err ? fabs(*a-*b) : 0; */ } static int write_count=0; static void write_message(grib_handle* h,const char* str) { const void *m; size_t s; char fname[1024]={0,}; FILE* fh=NULL; grib_get_message(h,&m,&s); sprintf(fname,"%s_%d.bufr",str,write_count); fh= fopen(fname,"w"); if(!fh) { grib_context_log(h->context,(GRIB_LOG_ERROR)|(GRIB_LOG_PERROR), "Error opening %s",fname); exit(GRIB_IO_PROBLEM); } if(fwrite(m,1,s,fh) != s) { grib_context_log(h->context,(GRIB_LOG_ERROR)|(GRIB_LOG_PERROR), "Error writing to %s",fname); exit(GRIB_IO_PROBLEM); } fclose(fh); } static void write_messages(grib_handle* h1,grib_handle* h2) { if (!write_error) return; write_count++; write_message(h1,"error1"); write_message(h2,"error2"); } static double compare_double_relative(double *a,double *b,double *err) { double relativeError; if(fabs(*a) <= maxAbsoluteError || fabs(*b) <= maxAbsoluteError) relativeError = fabs(*a-*b); else if (fabs(*b) > fabs(*a)) relativeError = fabs((*a-*b) / *b); else relativeError = fabs((*a-*b) / *a); return relativeError > *err ? relativeError : 0; } static int blacklisted(const char* name) { grib_string_list* b=blacklist; while (b) { Assert(b->value); if (!strcmp(name,b->value)) return 1; b=b->next; } return 0; } static double relative_error(double a,double b,double err) { double relativeError; double maxAbsoluteError = 1e-19; if(fabs(a) <= maxAbsoluteError || fabs(b) <= maxAbsoluteError) relativeError = fabs(a-b); else if (fabs(b) > fabs(a)) relativeError = fabs((a-b) / b); else relativeError = fabs((a-b) / a); return relativeError ; } grib_option grib_options[]={ /* {id, args, help}, on, command_line, value*/ {"r",0,"Compare files in which the messages are not in the same order. This option is time expensive.\n",0,1,0}, {"b:",0,0,0,1,0}, {"d",0,"Write different messages on files\n",0,1,0}, {"T:",0,0,1,0,"B"}, {"c:",0,0,0,1,0}, {"S:","start","First field to be processed.\n",0,1,0}, {"E:","end","Last field to be processed.\n",0,1,0}, {"a",0,"-c option modifier. The keys listed with the option -c will be added to the list of keys compared without -c.\n" ,0,1,0}, {"H",0,"Compare only message headers. Bit-by-bit compare on. Incompatible with -c option.\n",0,1,0}, {"R:",0,0,0,1,0}, {"A:",0,0,0,1,0}, {"P",0,"Compare data values using the packing error as tolerance.\n",0,1,0}, {"t:","factor","Compare data values using factor multiplied by the tolerance specified in options -P -R -A.\n",0,1,0}, {"w:",0,0,0,1,0}, {"f",0,0,0,1,0}, {"F",0,0,1,0,0}, {"q",0,0,1,0,0}, {"M",0,0,1,0,0}, {"I",0,0,1,0,0}, {"V",0,0,0,1,0}, {"7",0,0,0,1,0}, {"v",0,0,0,1,0} }; grib_handle* h1=NULL; int counter=0; int start=-1; int end=-1; char* grib_tool_description= "Compare BUFR messages contained in two files." "\n\tIf some differences are found it fails returning an error code." "\n\tFloating point values are compared exactly by default, different tolerance can be defined see -P -A -R." "\n\tDefault behaviour: absolute error=0, bit-by-bit compare, same order in files."; char* grib_tool_name="bufr_compare"; char* grib_tool_usage="[options] " "file file"; int grib_options_count=sizeof(grib_options)/sizeof(grib_option); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return grib_tool(argc,argv); } int grib_tool_before_getopt(grib_runtime_options* options) { return 0; } int grib_tool_init(grib_runtime_options* options) { int ret=0,i; int nfiles=1; char orderby[]="md5Headers"; grib_context* context=grib_context_get_default(); options->strict=1; if (grib_options_on("S:")) start=atoi(grib_options_get_option("S:")); if (grib_options_on("E:")) end=atoi(grib_options_get_option("E:")); if (grib_options_on("f")) force=1; else force=0; if (grib_options_on("d")) write_error=1; else write_error=0; verbose = grib_options_on("v"); listFromCommandLine=0; if (grib_options_on("c:") || grib_options_on("e")) listFromCommandLine=1; if (grib_options_on("a")) onlyListed=0; else onlyListed=1; if (grib_options_on("H")) headerMode=1; else headerMode=0; if (grib_options_on("H") && grib_options_on("c:")) { printf("Error: -H and -c options are incompatible. Choose one of the two please.\n"); exit(1); } if (grib_options_on("a") && !grib_options_on("c:")) { printf("Error: -a option requires -c option. Please define a list of keys with the -c option.\n"); exit(1); } if (grib_options_on("b:")) { grib_string_list *next=0; int i=0; blacklist=(grib_string_list*)grib_context_malloc_clear(context,sizeof(grib_string_list)); blacklist->value=grib_context_strdup(context,options->set_values[0].name); next=blacklist; for (i=1;iset_values_count;i++) { next->next=(grib_string_list*)grib_context_malloc_clear(context,sizeof(grib_string_list)); next->next->value=grib_context_strdup(context,options->set_values[i].name); next=next->next; } context->blacklist=blacklist; } if (grib_options_on("r")) { char* filename[1]; filename[0]=options->infile_extra->name; options->random=1; options->orderby=strdup(orderby); options->idx=grib_fieldset_new_from_files(context,filename, nfiles,0,0,0,orderby,&ret); if (ret) { printf("unable to create index for input file %s (%s)", options->infile_extra->name,grib_get_error_message(ret)); exit(ret); } } else { options->random=0; options->infile_extra->file=fopen(options->infile_extra->name,"r"); if (!options->infile_extra->file) { perror(options->infile_extra->name); exit(1); } } global_tolerance=0; compare_double= &compare_double_absolute; if (grib_options_on("R:")) { global_tolerance=0; for (i=0;itolerance_count;i++) { if (!strcmp((options->tolerance[i]).name,"all")) { global_tolerance=(options->tolerance[i]).double_value; break; } if (!strcmp((options->tolerance[i]).name,"global")) { global_tolerance=(options->tolerance[i]).double_value; break; } } compare_double= &compare_double_relative; compareAbsolute=0; } if (grib_options_on("A:")){ if (grib_options_on("R:")) { maxAbsoluteError = atof(grib_options_get_option("A:")); } else { compare_double= &compare_double_absolute; global_tolerance = atof(grib_options_get_option("A:")); } } if (grib_options_on("P")) { packingCompare=1; compare_double= &compare_double_absolute; } if (grib_options_on("t:")) tolerance_factor=atof(grib_options_get_option("t:")); { /* Check for 2nd file being a directory. If so, we assume user is comparing to a file */ /* with the same name as first file in that directory */ struct stat s; grib_tools_file* infile = options->infile; /* the 2nd file in comparison */ if (infile) { int stat_val = stat(infile->name, &s); if ( stat_val == 0 && S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) { /* Take the filename of the 1st file and append to dir */ char bufr[2048] = {0,}; /* options->infile_extra->name is the 1st file */ sprintf(bufr, "%s%c%s", infile->name, get_dir_separator_char(), extract_filename(options->infile_extra->name)); infile->name = strdup(bufr); } } } return 0; } int grib_tool_new_filename_action(grib_runtime_options* options,const char* file) { return 0; } int grib_tool_new_file_action(grib_runtime_options* options,grib_tools_file* file) { return 0; } static void printInfo(grib_handle* h) { printf("== %d == DIFFERENCE == ",count); lastPrint=count; } static void print_index_key_values(grib_index* index,int counter,const char* error_message) { grib_index_key* keys=index->keys; printf("== %d == ",counter); if (error_message) printf("%s == ",error_message); while (keys) { printf("%s=%s ",keys->name,keys->value); keys=keys->next; } printf("\n"); } static grib_handle* grib_handle_new_from_file_x( grib_context* c,FILE* f,int mode,int headers_only,int *err) { return codes_handle_new_from_file(c,f,PRODUCT_BUFR,err); } int grib_tool_new_handle_action(grib_runtime_options* options, grib_handle* h) { int err=0; count++; if (options->through_index) { grib_index* idx1=options->index1; verbose=0; counter++; if ( start>0 && counter < start ) return 0; if ( end>0 && counter > end ) { options->stop=1; return 0; } grib_index_search_same(idx1,h); h1=codes_new_from_index(idx1,CODES_BUFR,&err); if (options->verbose) { off_t offset=0; char* filename=grib_get_field_file(options->index2,&offset); printf("file1=\"%s\" ",filename); filename=grib_get_field_file(options->index1,&offset); printf("file2=\"%s\" \n",filename); print_index_key_values(options->index1,counter,NULL); } if (!h1) { if (!options->verbose) print_index_key_values(idx1,counter,"NOT FOUND "); } if (!h1 || err!= GRIB_SUCCESS ) { morein1++; if (h1) grib_handle_delete(h1); return 0; } if(compare_handles(h,h1,options)) { error++; if (!force) exit(1); } grib_handle_delete(h1); return 0; } else if (options->random) h1 = grib_fieldset_next_handle(options->idx,&err); else h1=grib_handle_new_from_file_x(h->context,options->infile_extra->file,options->mode,0,&err); if (!h1 || err!= GRIB_SUCCESS ) { morein2++; if (h1) grib_handle_delete(h1); return 0; } if(compare_handles(h1,h,options)) { error++; if (!force) exit(1); } grib_handle_delete(h1); return 0; } int grib_tool_skip_handle(grib_runtime_options* options, grib_handle* h) { int err=0; if (!options->through_index && !options->random) { h1=grib_handle_new_from_file(h->context,options->infile_extra->file,&err); if (!h1 || err!= GRIB_SUCCESS) morein2++; grib_handle_delete(h1); } grib_handle_delete(h); count++; return 0; } void grib_tool_print_key_values(grib_runtime_options* options,grib_handle* h) { grib_print_key_values(options,h); } int grib_tool_finalise_action(grib_runtime_options* options) { grib_error* e=error_summary; int err=0; grib_context* c=grib_context_get_default(); error+=morein1+morein2; /*if (grib_options_on("w:")) return 0;*/ if (error) { printf("\n## ERRORS SUMMARY #######\n"); } while ((h1=grib_handle_new_from_file(c,options->infile_extra->file,&err))) { morein1++; if (h1) grib_handle_delete(h1); } if (morein1>0) { printf("##\n## Different number of messages \n"); printf("## %d more messages in %s than in %s\n",morein1, options->infile_extra->name,options->infile->name); } if (morein2>0) { printf("##\n## Different number of messages \n"); printf("## %d more messages in %s than in %s\n",morein2, options->infile->name,options->infile_extra->name); } if (error) { printf("##\n## Summary of different key values \n"); while (e) { printf ("## %s ( %d different )\n",e->key,e->count); e=e->next; } printf("##\n## %d different messages out of %d\n\n",error,count); } if (options->through_index) { grib_index_delete(options->index1); grib_index_delete(options->index2); } if (error !=0) exit(1); return 0; } static void save_error(grib_context* c,const char* key) { grib_error* e=0; grib_error* next=0; int saved=0; if (!error_summary) { error_summary=(grib_error*)grib_context_malloc_clear(c,sizeof(grib_error)); error_summary->count=1; error_summary->key=grib_context_strdup(c,key); return; } e=error_summary; next=e; while (next) { if (!strcmp(next->key,key)) { next->count++; saved=1; break; } e=next; next=next->next; } if (!saved) { e->next=(grib_error*)grib_context_malloc_clear(c,sizeof(grib_error)); e->next->count=1; e->next->key=grib_context_strdup(c,key); } } static int compare_values(grib_runtime_options* options,grib_handle* h1,grib_handle *h2,const char *name,int type) { size_t len1 = 0; size_t len2 = 0; int err=0,i=0; int err1; int err2; int type1,type2; int countdiff; int isangle=0; int isMissing1=0,isMissing2=0; char *sval1 = NULL,*sval2 = NULL; unsigned char *uval1 = NULL,*uval2 = NULL; double *dval1 = NULL, *dval2 = NULL; long *lval1 = NULL, *lval2 = NULL; double maxdiff=0; double packingError1=0,packingError2=0; double value_tolerance=0; grib_context* c=h1->context; type1=type; type2=type; if (verbose) printf(" comparing %s",name); if( type1==GRIB_TYPE_UNDEFINED && (err = grib_get_native_type(h1,name,&type1)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(h1); printf("Oops... cannot get type of [%s] in 1st field: %s\n",name,grib_get_error_message(err)); save_error(c,name); return err; } if(type2==GRIB_TYPE_UNDEFINED && (err = grib_get_native_type(h2,name,&type2)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { if(err == GRIB_NOT_FOUND) { printInfo(h1); printf("[%s] not found in 2nd field\n",name); save_error(c,name); return err; } printInfo(h1); printf("Oops... cannot get type of [%s] in 2nd field: %s\n",name,grib_get_error_message(err)); save_error(c,name); return err; } /* if(type1 != type2) { printInfo(h1); printf("Warning, [%s] has different types: 1st field: [%s], 2nd field: [%s]\n", name,grib_get_type_name(type1),grib_get_type_name(type2)); return GRIB_TYPE_MISMATCH; } */ if(type1 == GRIB_TYPE_LABEL) return err; if(type1 == GRIB_TYPE_SECTION) return err; if((err = grib_get_size(h1,name,&len1)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(h1); printf("Oops... cannot get size of [%s] in 1st field: %s\n",name,grib_get_error_message(err)); save_error(c,name); return err; } if((err = grib_get_size(h2,name,&len2)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { if(err == GRIB_NOT_FOUND) { printInfo(h1); printf("[%s] not found in 2nd field\n",name); save_error(c,name); return err; } printInfo(h1); printf("Oops... cannot get size of [%s] in 2nd field: %s\n",name,grib_get_error_message(err)); save_error(c,name); return err; } /* if(len1 != len2 && type1 != GRIB_TYPE_STRING) { printInfo(h1); printf("[%s] has different size: 1st field: %ld, 2nd field: %ld\n",name,(long)len1,(long)len2); save_error(c,name); return GRIB_COUNT_MISMATCH; } */ if (options->mode != MODE_BUFR) { /* TODO: Ignore missing values for keys in BUFR. Not yet implemented */ isMissing1= ( (grib_is_missing(h1,name,&err1)==1) && (err1 == 0) ) ? 1 : 0; isMissing2= ( (grib_is_missing(h2,name,&err2)==1) && (err2 == 0) ) ? 1 : 0; } if ((isMissing1==1) && (isMissing2==1)) { if (verbose) printf(" is set to missing in both fields\n"); return GRIB_SUCCESS; } if (isMissing1==1) { if (verbose) printf(" is set to missing in 1st field\n"); printInfo(h1); printf("%s is set to missing in 1st field is not missing in 2nd field\n",name); err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; save_error(c,name); return GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; } if (isMissing2==1) { if (verbose) printf(" is set to missing in 1st field\n"); printInfo(h1); printf("%s is set to missing in 2nd field is not missing in 1st field\n",name); err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; save_error(c,name); return GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; } switch(type1) { case GRIB_TYPE_STRING: if (verbose) printf(" as string\n"); grib_get_string_length(h1,name,&len1); grib_get_string_length(h2,name,&len2); sval1 = (char*)grib_context_malloc(h1->context,len1*sizeof(char)); sval2 = (char*)grib_context_malloc(h2->context,len2*sizeof(char)); if((err1 = grib_get_string(h1,name,sval1,&len1)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(h1); printf("Oops... cannot get string value of [%s] in 1st field: %s\n", name,grib_get_error_message(err1)); save_error(c,name); } if((err2 = grib_get_string(h2,name,sval2,&len2)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(h1); printf("Oops... cannot get string value of [%s] in 2nd field: %s\n", name,grib_get_error_message(err2)); save_error(c,name); } if(err1 == GRIB_SUCCESS && err2 == GRIB_SUCCESS) { if(grib_inline_strcmp(sval1,sval2) != 0) { printInfo(h1); printf("string [%s]: [%s] != [%s]\n", name,sval1,sval2); err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; save_error(c,name); } } grib_context_free(h1->context,sval1); grib_context_free(h2->context,sval2); if(err1) return err1; if(err2) return err2; break; case GRIB_TYPE_LONG: if (verbose) printf(" as long\n"); lval1 = (long*)grib_context_malloc(h1->context,len1*sizeof(long)); lval2 = (long*)grib_context_malloc(h2->context,len2*sizeof(long)); if((err1 = grib_get_long_array(h1,name,lval1,&len1)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(h1); printf("Oops... cannot get long value of [%s] in 1st field: %s\n", name,grib_get_error_message(err1)); save_error(c,name); } if((err2 = grib_get_long_array(h2,name,lval2,&len2)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(h1); printf("Oops... cannot get long value of [%s] in 2nd field: %s\n", name,grib_get_error_message(err2)); save_error(c,name); } if(err1 == GRIB_SUCCESS && err2 == GRIB_SUCCESS && len1!=len2) { printInfo(h1); printf("Different size for \"%s\" [%ld] [%ld]\n",name,(long)len1,(long)len2); err1=GRIB_INTERNAL_ERROR; save_error(c,name); } if(err1 == GRIB_SUCCESS && err2 == GRIB_SUCCESS && len1==len2) { int i; countdiff=0; for(i = 0; i < len1; i++) if(lval1[i] != lval2[i]) countdiff++; if (countdiff) { printInfo(h1); save_error(c,name); err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; if(len1 == 1) printf("long [%s]: [%ld] != [%ld]\n", name,*lval1,*lval2); else printf("long [%s] %d out of %ld different\n", name,countdiff,(long)len1); } } grib_context_free(h1->context,lval1); grib_context_free(h2->context,lval2); if(err1) return err1; if(err2) return err2; break; case GRIB_TYPE_DOUBLE: if (verbose) printf(" as double\n"); dval1 = (double*)grib_context_malloc(h1->context,len1*sizeof(double)); dval2 = (double*)grib_context_malloc(h2->context,len2*sizeof(double)); isangle=0; value_tolerance=global_tolerance; if (!grib_inline_strcmp(name,"packedValues") || !grib_inline_strcmp(name,"values") || !grib_inline_strcmp(name,"codedValues")) { packingError1=0; packingError2=0; err1=grib_get_double(h1,"packingError",&packingError1); err2=grib_get_double(h2,"packingError",&packingError2); if (packingCompare) value_tolerance = packingError1 > packingError2 ? packingError1 : packingError2; } else if (!grib_inline_strcmp(name,"unpackedValues") ) { packingError1=0; packingError2=0; err1=grib_get_double(h1,"unpackedError",&packingError1); err2=grib_get_double(h2,"unpackedError",&packingError2); if (packingCompare) value_tolerance = packingError1 > packingError2 ? packingError1 : packingError2; } else if ( !grib_inline_rstrcmp(name,"InDegrees")) { packingError1=0.0005; packingError2=0.0005; isangle=1; value_tolerance = packingError1 > packingError2 ? packingError1 : packingError2; } else if (!grib_inline_strcmp(name,"referenceValue") ) { packingError1=0; packingError2=0; err1=grib_get_double(h1,"referenceValueError",&packingError1); err2=grib_get_double(h2,"referenceValueError",&packingError2); value_tolerance = packingError1 > packingError2 ? packingError1 : packingError2; } if (!compareAbsolute) { for (i=0;itolerance_count;i++) { if (!strcmp((options->tolerance[i]).name,name)) { value_tolerance=(options->tolerance[i]).double_value; break; } } } if((err1 = grib_get_double_array(h1,name,dval1,&len1)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(h1); printf("Oops... cannot get double value of [%s] in 1st field: %s\n", name,grib_get_error_message(err1)); save_error(c,name); } if((err2 = grib_get_double_array(h2,name,dval2,&len2)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(h1); printf("Oops... cannot get double value of [%s] in 2nd field: %s\n", name,grib_get_error_message(err2)); save_error(c,name); } if(err1 == GRIB_SUCCESS && err2 == GRIB_SUCCESS && len1!=len2) { printInfo(h1); printf("Different size for \"%s\" [%ld] [%ld]\n",name,(long)len1,(long)len2); save_error(c,name); } if(err1 == GRIB_SUCCESS && err2 == GRIB_SUCCESS && len1==len2) { int i,imaxdiff; double diff; double *pv1,*pv2,dnew1,dnew2; maxdiff=0; imaxdiff=0; countdiff=0; pv1=dval1; pv2=dval2; if (isangle) { dnew1=*dval1; dnew2=*dval2; pv1=&dnew1; pv2=&dnew2; if (*dval1 < 0 ) dnew1 += 360.0 ; if (*dval2 < 0 ) dnew2 += 360.0 ; if (*dval1 > 360 ) dnew1 -= 360.0 ; if (*dval2 > 360 ) dnew2 -= 360.0 ; } value_tolerance*=tolerance_factor; if (verbose) printf(" (%d values) tolerance=%g\n",(int)len1,value_tolerance); for(i = 0; i < len1; i++) { if((diff=compare_double(pv1++,pv2++,&value_tolerance))!=0) { countdiff++; if (maxdiff < diff) {maxdiff=diff;imaxdiff=i;} err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; } } if (countdiff) { printInfo(h1); save_error(c,name); if (len1>1) { printf("double [%s]: %d out of %ld different\n",name,countdiff,(long)len1); if (compareAbsolute) printf(" max"); printf(" absolute diff. = %.16e,",fabs(dval1[imaxdiff]-dval2[imaxdiff])); if (!compareAbsolute) printf(" max"); printf(" relative diff. = %g",relative_error(dval1[imaxdiff],dval2[imaxdiff],value_tolerance)); printf("\n\tmax diff. element %d: %.20e %.20e", imaxdiff,dval1[imaxdiff],dval2[imaxdiff]); printf("\n\ttolerance=%.16e",value_tolerance); if (packingError2!=0 || packingError1!=0) printf(" packingError: [%g] [%g]",packingError1,packingError2); if (!grib_inline_strcmp(name,"packedValues") || !grib_inline_strcmp(name,"values") || !grib_inline_strcmp(name,"codedValues")) { double max1,min1,max2,min2; grib_get_double(h1,"max",&max1); grib_get_double(h1,"min",&min1); grib_get_double(h2,"max",&max2); grib_get_double(h2,"min",&min2); printf("\n\tvalues max= [%g] [%g] min= [%g] [%g]",max1,max2,min1,min2); } printf("\n"); } else { printf("double [%s]: [%.20e] != [%.20e]\n", name,dval1[0],dval2[0]); printf("\tabsolute diff. = %g,",fabs(dval1[0]-dval2[0])); printf(" relative diff. = %g\n",relative_error(dval1[0],dval2[0],value_tolerance)); printf("\ttolerance=%g\n",value_tolerance); } } } grib_context_free(h1->context,dval1); grib_context_free(h2->context,dval2); if(err1) return err1; if(err2) return err2; break; case GRIB_TYPE_BYTES: if (verbose) printf(" as bytes\n"); if (options->mode==MODE_BUFR) return 0; if (len1<2) len1=512; if (len2<2) len2=512; uval1 = (unsigned char*)grib_context_malloc(h1->context,len1*sizeof(unsigned char)); uval2 = (unsigned char*)grib_context_malloc(h2->context,len2*sizeof(unsigned char)); if((err1 = grib_get_bytes(h1,name,uval1,&len1)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(h1); save_error(c,name); printf("Oops... cannot get bytes value of [%s] in 1st field: %s\n", name,grib_get_error_message(err1)); } if((err2 = grib_get_bytes(h2,name,uval2,&len2)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printInfo(h1); save_error(c,name); printf("Oops... cannot get bytes value of [%s] in 2nd field: %s\n", name,grib_get_error_message(err2)); } if(err1 == GRIB_SUCCESS && err2 == GRIB_SUCCESS) { if(memcmp(uval1,uval2,len1) != 0) { int i; for(i = 0; i < len1; i++) if(uval1[i] != uval2[i]) { printInfo(h1); save_error(c,name); if(len1 == 1) printf("[%s] byte values are different: [%02x] and [%02x]\n", name,uval1[i],uval2[i]); else printf("[%s] byte value %d of %ld are different: [%02x] and [%02x]\n", name,i,(long)len1,uval1[i],uval2[i]); err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; break; } err1 = GRIB_VALUE_MISMATCH; } } grib_context_free(h1->context,uval1); grib_context_free(h2->context,uval2); if(err1) return err1; if(err2) return err2; break; case GRIB_TYPE_LABEL: if (verbose) printf(" as label\n"); break; default: if (verbose) printf("\n"); printInfo(h1); save_error(c,name); printf("Cannot compare [%s], unsupported type %d\n",name,type1); return GRIB_UNABLE_TO_COMPARE_ACCESSORS; break; } return GRIB_SUCCESS; } static int compare_all_dump_keys(grib_handle* h1,grib_handle* h2,grib_runtime_options* options,int *err) { int ret=0; const char* name=NULL; grib_keys_iterator* iter = NULL; grib_set_long(h1,"unpack",1); grib_set_long(h2,"unpack",1); iter=grib_keys_iterator_new(h1,0,NULL); if (!iter) { printf("ERROR: unable to get iterator\n"); exit(1); } while(grib_keys_iterator_next(iter)) { grib_accessor* xa=grib_keys_iterator_get_accessor(iter); name=grib_keys_iterator_get_name(iter); /* printf("----- comparing %s\n",name); */ if (blacklisted(name)) continue; if (xa==NULL || ( xa->flags & GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_DUMP )==0 ) continue; if(compare_values(options,h1,h2,name,GRIB_TYPE_UNDEFINED)) { err++; write_messages(h1,h2); ret=1; } } grib_keys_iterator_delete(iter); return ret; } static int compare_handles(grib_handle* h1,grib_handle* h2,grib_runtime_options* options) { int err = 0; int i=0; grib_keys_iterator* iter = NULL; const char* name=NULL; /* mask only if no -c option or headerMode (-H)*/ if (blacklist && ( !listFromCommandLine || headerMode )) { grib_string_list* nextb=blacklist; while (nextb) { grib_clear(h1,nextb->value); grib_clear(h2,nextb->value); nextb=nextb->next; } } if (headerMode) { const void *msg1=NULL,*msg2=NULL; size_t size1=0,size2=0; grib_handle *h11, *h22; GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_message_headers(h1,&msg1,&size1),0); GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_message_headers(h2,&msg2,&size2),0); if (size1==size2 && !memcmp(msg1,msg2,size1)) return 0; err=0; h11=grib_handle_new_from_partial_message(h1->context,(void*)msg1,size1); h22=grib_handle_new_from_partial_message(h1->context,(void*)msg2,size2); iter=grib_keys_iterator_new(h11, GRIB_KEYS_ITERATOR_SKIP_COMPUTED,NULL); if (!iter) { printf("ERROR: unable to get iterator\n"); exit(1); } while(grib_keys_iterator_next(iter)) { name=grib_keys_iterator_get_name(iter); /*printf("----- comparing %s\n",name);*/ if (blacklisted(name)) continue; if(compare_values(options,h11,h22,name,GRIB_TYPE_UNDEFINED)) { err++; write_messages(h11,h22); } } grib_keys_iterator_delete(iter); grib_handle_delete(h11); grib_handle_delete(h22); return err; } if ( listFromCommandLine && onlyListed ) { for (i=0; i< options->compare_count; i++) { if (blacklisted((char*)options->compare[i].name)) continue; if (options->compare[i].type == GRIB_NAMESPACE) { iter=grib_keys_iterator_new(h1,0,(char*)options->compare[i].name); if (!iter) { printf("ERROR: unable to get iterator\n"); exit(1); } while(grib_keys_iterator_next(iter)) { name=grib_keys_iterator_get_name(iter); /*printf("----- comparing %s\n",name);*/ if (blacklisted(name)) continue; if(compare_values(options,h1,h2,name,GRIB_TYPE_UNDEFINED)) { err++; write_messages(h1,h2); } } grib_keys_iterator_delete(iter); } else { if( compare_values(options,h1,h2,options->compare[i].name,options->compare[i].type)) err++; write_messages(h1,h2); } } } else { const void *msg1=NULL,*msg2=NULL; size_t size1=0,size2=0; int memcmp_ret=0; /* int ii=0; */ GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_message(h1,&msg1,&size1),0); GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_message(h2,&msg2,&size2),0); if (size1==size2 && !(memcmp_ret=memcmp(msg1,msg2,size1))) { return 0; } #if 0 else { int lcount=count,ii; if (options->current_infile) lcount=options->current_infile->filter_handle_count; if (size1 != size2) { printf("#%d different size: %d!=%d\n",lcount,(int)size1,(int)size2); } if (memcmp_ret) { unsigned char *m1=(unsigned char*)msg1; unsigned char *m2=(unsigned char*)msg2; printf("=== list of different bytes for message %d\n",lcount); for (ii=0;iicompare_count; i++) { if (blacklisted(name)) continue; if (options->compare[i].type == GRIB_NAMESPACE) { iter=grib_keys_iterator_new(h1,0,(char*)options->compare[i].name); if (!iter) { printf("ERROR: unable to get iterator for %s\n",options->compare[i].name ); exit(1); } while(grib_keys_iterator_next(iter)) { name=grib_keys_iterator_get_name(iter); /*printf("----- comparing %s\n",name);*/ if (blacklisted(name)) continue; if(compare_values(options,h1,h2,name,GRIB_TYPE_UNDEFINED)) { err++; write_messages(h1,h2); if (compare_all_dump_keys(h1,h2,options,&err)) { err++; } } } grib_keys_iterator_delete(iter); } else { if( compare_values(options,h1,h2,options->compare[i].name,options->compare[i].type)) { err++; write_messages(h1,h2); if (compare_all_dump_keys(h1,h2,options,&err)) { err++; } } } } } else { if (compare_all_dump_keys(h1,h2,options,&err)) { err++; } } } return err; } int grib_no_handle_action(int err) { fprintf(dump_file,"\t\t\"ERROR: unreadable message\"\n"); return 0; }