/* * Copyright 2005-2018 ECMWF. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 * which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by * virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. */ #include "grib_api_internal.h" typedef void (*getproc)(FILE*, grib_handle*, const char*, const char*); void get_long(FILE* f, grib_handle* h, const char* name, const char* arg) { const char* key = arg ? arg : name; long value; GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h, key, &value), key); fprintf(f, "\"%s\":%ld\n", name, value); } void get_param(FILE* f, grib_handle* h, const char* name, const char* arg) { const char* key = "indicatorOfParameter"; long value; GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h, key, &value), key); fprintf(f, "\"%s\":%ld\n", name, value - 131 + 2); } void get_iso_ref_date(FILE* f, grib_handle* h, const char* name, const char* arg) { long year; long month ; long day; long hour ; long minute ; long second; GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h, "year", &year), "year"); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h, "month", &month), "month"); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h, "day", &day), "day"); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h, "hour", &hour), "hour"); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h, "minute", &minute), "minute"); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h, "second", &second), "second"); fprintf(f, "\"%s\":\"%04ld-%02ld-%02ldT%02ld:%02ld:%02ld.000Z\"", name, year, month, day, hour, minute, second); } typedef struct header_keys { const char* name; getproc proc; const char* arg; } header_keys; /* { * "header": { * "refTime": "2013-11-30T18:00:00.000Z", * "parameterNumber": 2, * }, */ header_keys header[] = { {"scanMode",&get_long, "scanningMode",}, {"la1",&get_long, "latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees",}, {"lo1",&get_long, "longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees",}, {"la2",&get_long, "latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees",}, {"lo2",&get_long, "longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees",}, {"forecastTime",&get_long, "step",}, {"nx",&get_long, "Nx",}, {"ny",&get_long, "Ny",}, {"dx",&get_long, "DxInDegrees",}, {"dy",&get_long, "DyInDegrees",}, {"parameterNumber", &get_param, "indicatorOfParameter",}, {"refTime", &get_iso_ref_date, NULL,}, {NULL,} }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { grib_handle* h = NULL; FILE* f = NULL; size_t i, j = 0; int err = 0; double* values; size_t size, count; size_t n = 0; printf("["); for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { f = fopen(argv[i],"r"); if(!f) { perror(argv[i]); exit(1); } while((h = grib_handle_new_from_file(0,f,&err)) != NULL) { if(++n>1) { printf(","); } printf("{"); printf("\"header\":{\n"); j = 0; while(header[j].name) { if(j) printf(","); header[j].proc(stdout, h, header[j].name, header[j].arg); j++; } printf("},\n"); printf("\"meta\":{\n"); printf("},\n"); /*========== data *============*/ size=0; GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h,"values",&size),0); values = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*size); if (!values) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: out of memory\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } count=size; GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",values,&count),0); if (count != size) { printf("%s: wrong values count %lu %lu\n",argv[0],count,size); exit(1); } printf("\"data\":[\n"); for(j = 0; j < count; j ++ ) { if(j) printf(","); printf("%g", (long)(values[j]*10+0.5)/10.0); if(((j+1) % 20) == 0) { printf("\n"); } } free(values); printf("]"); printf("}\n"); grib_handle_delete(h); } fclose(f); if(err) { fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",grib_get_error_message(err)); exit(1); } } printf("]\n"); return 0; }