/* The first one matches EMOSLIB */ GRIB_SUCCESS No error GRIB_END_OF_FILE End of resource reached GRIB_INTERNAL_ERROR Internal error GRIB_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Passed buffer is too small GRIB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Function not yet implemented GRIB_7777_NOT_FOUND Missing 7777 at end of message /* .... */ GRIB_ARRAY_TOO_SMALL Passed array is too small GRIB_FILE_NOT_FOUND File not found GRIB_CODE_NOT_FOUND_IN_TABLE Code not found in code table GRIB_WRONG_ARRAY_SIZE Array size mismatch GRIB_NOT_FOUND Key/value not found GRIB_IO_PROBLEM Input output problem GRIB_INVALID_MESSAGE Message invalid GRIB_DECODING_ERROR Decoding invalid GRIB_ENCODING_ERROR Encoding invalid GRIB_NO_MORE_IN_SET Code cannot unpack because of string too small GRIB_GEOCALCULUS_PROBLEM Problem with calculation of geographic attributes GRIB_OUT_OF_MEMORY Memory allocation error GRIB_READ_ONLY Value is read only GRIB_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument GRIB_NULL_HANDLE Null handle GRIB_INVALID_SECTION_NUMBER Invalid section number GRIB_VALUE_CANNOT_BE_MISSING Value cannot be missing GRIB_WRONG_LENGTH Wrong message length GRIB_INVALID_TYPE Invalid key type GRIB_WRONG_STEP Unable to set step GRIB_WRONG_STEP_UNIT Wrong units for step (step must be integer) /* some errors for the fortran interface */ GRIB_INVALID_FILE Invalid file id GRIB_INVALID_GRIB Invalid grib id GRIB_INVALID_INDEX Invalid index id GRIB_INVALID_ITERATOR Invalid iterator id GRIB_INVALID_KEYS_ITERATOR Invalid keys iterator id GRIB_INVALID_NEAREST Invalid nearest id /*some errors for the fieldset */ GRIB_INVALID_ORDERBY Invalid order by GRIB_MISSING_KEY Missing a key from the fieldset /* errors for the nearest*/ GRIB_OUT_OF_AREA The point is out of the grid area /* more errors*/ GRIB_CONCEPT_NO_MATCH Concept no match GRIB_HASH_ARRAY_NO_MATCH Hash array no match GRIB_NO_DEFINITIONS Definitions files not found GRIB_WRONG_TYPE Wrong type while packing GRIB_END End of resource GRIB_NO_VALUES Unable to code a field without values GRIB_WRONG_GRID Grid description is wrong or inconsistent GRIB_END_OF_INDEX End of index reached GRIB_NULL_INDEX Null index /* Even more errors */ GRIB_PREMATURE_END_OF_FILE End of resource reached when reading message GRIB_INTERNAL_ARRAY_TOO_SMALL An internal array is too small GRIB_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE Message is too large for the current architecture GRIB_CONSTANT_FIELD Constant field GRIB_SWITCH_NO_MATCH Switch unable to find a matching case GRIB_UNDERFLOW Underflow GRIB_MESSAGE_MALFORMED Message malformed GRIB_CORRUPTED_INDEX Index is corrupted GRIB_INVALID_BPV Invalid number of bits per value GRIB_DIFFERENT_EDITION Edition of two messages is different GRIB_VALUE_DIFFERENT Value is different GRIB_INVALID_KEY_VALUE Invalid key value GRIB_STRING_TOO_SMALL String is smaller than requested GRIB_WRONG_CONVERSION Wrong type conversion GRIB_MISSING_BUFR_ENTRY Missing BUFR table entry for descriptor GRIB_NULL_POINTER Null pointer GRIB_ATTRIBUTE_CLASH Attribute is already present, cannot add GRIB_TOO_MANY_ATTRIBUTES Too many attributes. Increase MAX_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTES GRIB_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND Attribute not found. GRIB_UNSUPPORTED_EDITION Edition not supported. GRIB_OUT_OF_RANGE Value out of coding range GRIB_WRONG_BITMAP_SIZE Size of bitmap is incorrect