#!/bin/sh # (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF. # # This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 # which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # # In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by # virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. # . ./include.ctest.sh #test_dir="valgrind --error-exitcode=1 "$test_dir # -------------------------------------------------- # Regular Lat/Lon Grid # -------------------------------------------------- infile=${data_dir}/latlon.grib # edition 1 outfile=out.grib_util_set_spec.grib tempOut=temp.grib_util_set_spec.grib grib_util_set_spec=${test_dir}/grib_util_set_spec rm -f $outfile # GRIB1 with local definition for MARS. Convert to edition2 and remove local def $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -e 2 -r $infile $outfile > /dev/null res=`${tools_dir}/grib_get -p edition,section2Used,Ni,Nj,numberOfValues,bitsPerValue $outfile` [ "$res" = "2 0 17 14 238 24" ] if [ $HAVE_GEOGRAPHY -eq 1 ]; then # Check output file geometry ${tools_dir}/grib_get_data $outfile > /dev/null fi # Remove the local definition from input ${tools_dir}/grib_set -s deleteLocalDefinition=1 $infile $tempOut $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec $tempOut $outfile > /dev/null # Add another grib1 local definition (which is not in grib2) ${tools_dir}/grib_set -s setLocalDefinition=1,localDefinitionNumber=5 $infile $tempOut infile=$tempOut $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -r -e 2 $tempOut $outfile > /dev/null res=`${tools_dir}/grib_get -p edition,section2Used $outfile` [ "$res" = "2 0" ] # GRIB2 input with local definition infile=${data_dir}/regular_latlon_surface.grib2 $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -r $infile $outfile > /dev/null grib_check_key_equals $outfile section2Used 0 # GRIB2 input without local definition infile=$ECCODES_SAMPLES_PATH/GRIB2.tmpl $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec $infile $outfile > /dev/null grib_check_key_equals $outfile section2Used 0 # Convert to edition2 and use JPEG for packing if [ $HAVE_JPEG -eq 1 ]; then infile=${data_dir}/latlon.grib $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -e 2 -p grid_jpeg $infile $outfile > /dev/null res=`${tools_dir}/grib_get -p edition,section2Used,packingType $outfile` [ "$res" = "2 1 grid_jpeg" ] fi # CCSDS for packing and different editions if [ $HAVE_AEC -eq 1 ]; then infile=${data_dir}/sample.grib2 $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -p grid_ccsds $infile $outfile grib_check_key_equals $outfile packingType grid_ccsds infile=${data_dir}/latlon.grib #grib1 $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -e 2 -p grid_ccsds $infile $outfile > /dev/null res=`${tools_dir}/grib_get -p edition,section2Used,packingType $outfile` [ "$res" = "2 1 grid_ccsds" ] # If we don't convert, then should leave it as grid_simple (No CCSDS in grib1) $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -p grid_ccsds $infile $outfile grib_check_key_equals $outfile packingType grid_simple fi if [ $ECCODES_ON_WINDOWS -eq 0 ]; then infile=$ECCODES_SAMPLES_PATH/GRIB1.tmpl $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -p grid_ieee $infile $outfile grib_check_key_equals $outfile 'packingType' 'grid_ieee' fi infile=${data_dir}/sample.grib2 $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -p grid_second_order $infile $outfile grib_check_key_equals $outfile 'packingType' 'grid_second_order' infile=${data_dir}/sample.grib2 $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -p grid_complex $infile $outfile # $tools_dir/grib_ls $outfile grib_check_key_equals $outfile 'packingType' 'grid_complex' # -------------------------------------------------- # Reduced Gaussian Grid N=32 second order packing # -------------------------------------------------- # The gaussian tests intentionally cause an error so need to stop it failing unset ECCODES_FAIL_IF_LOG_MESSAGE infile=${data_dir}/reduced_gaussian_model_level.grib2 outfile=out.grib_util_set_spec.grib rm -f $outfile stats_old=`${tools_dir}/grib_get -F%.2f -p min,max $infile` [ "$stats_old" = "160.25 224.45" ] $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -p grid_second_order $infile $outfile # Check output file. Values are scaled up by 1.1 grib_check_key_equals $outfile packingType grid_second_order stats_new=`${tools_dir}/grib_get -F%.2f -p min,max $outfile` [ "$stats_new" = "4.84 246.90" ] if [ $HAVE_GEOGRAPHY -eq 1 ]; then ${tools_dir}/grib_get_data $outfile > /dev/null CHECK_TOOL="${tools_dir}/grib_check_gaussian_grid" if [ -x $CHECK_TOOL ]; then $CHECK_TOOL $outfile fi fi ### Constant field N=32 # --------------------------- infile=$ECCODES_SAMPLES_PATH/reduced_gg_pl_32_grib2.tmpl rm -f $outfile $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec $infile $outfile grib_check_key_equals $outfile "packingType,const" "grid_simple 0" if [ $HAVE_GEOGRAPHY -eq 1 ]; then ${tools_dir}/grib_get_data $outfile > /dev/null fi # CCSDS input # --------------------------- if [ $HAVE_AEC -eq 1 ]; then infile=${data_dir}/ccsds.grib2 $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec $infile $outfile grib_check_key_equals $outfile packingType grid_ccsds $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -p grid_simple $infile $outfile grib_check_key_equals $outfile packingType grid_simple $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -p grid_second_order $infile $outfile grib_check_key_equals $outfile packingType grid_second_order fi # Second order input/output # --------------------------- ${tools_dir}/grib_set -r -s packingType=grid_second_order ${data_dir}/sample.grib2 $tempOut grib_check_key_equals $tempOut packingType grid_second_order $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec $tempOut $outfile grib_check_key_equals $outfile packingType grid_second_order $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec -p grid_second_order ${data_dir}/simple.grib $outfile grib_check_key_equals $outfile packingType grid_second_order # Check DEBUG output # --------------------------- export ECCODES_DEBUG=-1 $EXEC $grib_util_set_spec ${data_dir}/sample.grib2 $outfile > $tempOut 2>&1 grep -q "ECCODES DEBUG grib_util:" $tempOut ### Clean up rm -f $outfile $tempOut rm -f error.data