#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Copyright 2005-2019 ECMWF. # # This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 # which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # # In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities # granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation # nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. # ######################################################################################### # Load in the definition files for GRIB "concepts" and check: # 1. They have the same number of parameters # 2. The params occur in the same order # 3. Each parameter has same keys and values # 4. Some basic rules are adhered to # # URLs: # http://perldoc.perl.org/perldsc.html#MORE-ELABORATE-RECORDS ######################################################################################### $|=1; #use strict; use Test::More; use Data::Dumper; use Cwd; my $GRIB1_MAX_TABLE2VERSION = 3; # The maximum allowable value for WMO GRIB1 table2Version $extra_info= 0; # Do we print more info? $debug = 0; $check_duplicate_paramIDs = 0; # We tolerate this but maybe not for new data $errmsg = ""; my $key; my $pwd = getcwd; $localConcept = 0; # Determine if the parameters we are checking are LOCAL CONCEPTS or WMO ones if ($pwd =~ /\/localConcepts\//) { print "It's local concepts\n"; $localConcept = 1; } @files = qw(name.def paramId.def shortName.def units.def); foreach my $f (@files) { die "Where is $f?\nI expected to find: @files\n" unless -f $f; } while (my $arg = shift @ARGV){ if ($arg =~ /-D(\w+)=(\w+)/) { $var_name = $1; $value = $2; $$var_name = $value; #$$1 = $2; same as above but more compact } } my %name_map = process("name.def"); my $count = scalar(keys %name_map); ok($count > 0, "Check some params found"); die "No params found." if ($count eq 0); my %paramId_map = process("paramId.def"); print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%paramId_map], ["paramId_map"]), $/ if ($debug); if ($extra_info) { # Define an array of all hashes: key -> hash my @all_maps = (); print "paramId.def: Num parameters = " . $count . " \n"; print "paramId.def: Scanning for duplicate definitions...\n"; my $num_duplicates = 0; for $key (keys %paramId_map) { @hashes = @{ $paramId_map{$key} }; #if (@hashes > 1) { #print "\t$key: @{ $name_map{$key} }\n"; # print Data::Dumper->Dump([\$name_map{$key}], ["Map for $key"]); # ++$num_duplicates; #} # Iterate through the hashes array. Each entry in @hashes is a hash foreach $ahash (@hashes) { # See if our little map exists in the pool of all maps seen so far #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\$ahash], ["Map for ahash"]); for $m1 (@all_maps) { #print "\t", Data::Dumper->Dump([\$m1], ["Map for m1"]); #my $same = is_deeply(\$m1, \$ahash); my $same = eq_hash(\$m1, \$ahash); if ($same) { print "\nThe following mapping occurs somewhere else!!\n"; print "Key=$key,\t", Data::Dumper->Dump([\$ahash], [" "]); #exit 2; } } push(@all_maps, $ahash); } } #print "DONE\n"; } my %shortName_map = process("shortName.def"); my %units_map = process("units.def"); # Check maps are the same is_deeply(\%name_map, \%paramId_map, 'Check name and paramId are the same'); is_deeply(\%name_map, \%shortName_map, 'Check name and shortName are the same'); is_deeply(\%name_map, \%units_map, 'Check name and units are the same'); if (-f "cfVarName.def") { my %cfVar_map = process("cfVarName.def"); is_deeply(\%name_map, \%cfVar_map, 'Check name and cfVarName are the same'); } else { print "\n\tWARNING: Did not find a cfVarName.def file!!!\n\n"; } done_testing(); check_paramIDs("paramId.def"); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function to return a hash: # key = parameter long name # value = an array holding 1 or more hashes # # E.g. # hash = { # 'Reactive tracer 10 mass mixing ratio' => [ # { # 'parameterCategory' => '210', # 'parameterNumber' => '149', # 'discipline' => '192' # }, # { # 'parameterCategory' => '211', # 'parameterNumber' => '149', # 'discipline' => '192' # } # ], # 'downward shortwave radiant flux density' => [ # { # 'parameterCategory' => '201', # 'parameterNumber' => '1', # 'discipline' => '192' # } # ], # .... etc # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub process { my ($filename) = @_; open FILE, $filename or die "Tried to open $filename\n$!"; my @lines = ; close(FILE); print "Processing $filename\n"; my $error = 0; # boolean: 1 if at least one error encountered my %map1 = (); my %map2 = (); # inner map my $lineNum = 0; my $desc = ""; my $concept = ""; my $this; # a line in file foreach $this (@lines) { $lineNum++; chomp $this; if ($lineNum == 1 && $this !~ /^#/ ) { die "File: $filename, first line should be a comment!"; } # Description line if ($this =~ /^\s*#\s*(.*)\s*/) { $desc = $1; $desc =~ s/^\s+//; #remove leading spaces $desc =~ s/\s+$//; #remove trailing spaces die "File: $filename, line: $lineNum: Description contains invalid characters." if (non_printable($desc)); die "File: $filename, line: $lineNum: Empty description." if ($desc eq ""); } # key = value elsif ($this =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([^ ]+)\s*;/ && $desc) { $key = $1; $val = $2; if (!is_valid_keyval($key, $val, $localConcept)) { $error = 1; print "File: $filename, line: $lineNum: $errmsg (name=$desc)\n"; } # Users will set parameters by shortname or ID if ($filename eq 'paramId.def' || $filename eq 'shortName.def') { # The 'typeOfSecondFixedSurface' key has side effects and can change the scale values/factors! # So make sure it comes BEFORE the scale keys! So if we come across this key ensure none of # scale keys came before it if ( $key =~ /typeOfSecondFixedSurface/ && (exists($map2{'scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface'}) || exists($map2{'scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface'}) || exists($map2{'scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface'}) || exists($map2{'scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface'})) ) { print "File: $filename, line: $lineNum: TypeOfSurface issue: Please check: \"$desc\" ($concept)\n"; print " Make sure the 'typeOfSecondFixedSurface' key comes BEFORE all the scale keys\n"; #print "DUMP,\t", Data::Dumper->Dump([\%map2], [" "]); $error = 1; } } $map2{$key} = $val; } elsif ($this =~ /'(.*)' *= *{/) { $concept = $1; die "File: $filename, line: $lineNum: Value contains invalid characters." if (non_printable($concept)); if ($filename eq 'cfVarName.def') { #if ($concept =~ /^[0-9]/) { # Check CF naming convention. Do not allow numeric initial char or ~ if ($concept !~ /^[A-z]/) { $error = 1; die "File: $filename, line: $lineNum: Invalid netcdf variable name: $concept"; } } } # Hit the end brace elsif ($this =~ /^\s*}\s*$/) { my %map2_copy = %map2; # copy inner hash # Store this inner hash in our array push @{ $map1{$desc} }, \%map2_copy; %map2 = (); # Empty inner map for next param } } exit 1 if $error; return (%map1); } ################################### sub is_valid_keyval { my $key = shift; my $val = shift; my $local = shift; return 0 if (!is_valid_octet($key,$val)); return 0 if (!is_valid_table2Version($key,$val,$local)); return 0 if (!is_goodval($key,$val)); return 1; } sub is_valid_octet { my $key = shift; my $val = shift; # Rule: Some keys are are only 1 octet so can only be 0->255 if ($val > 255 || $val < 0) { if ($key eq 'discipline' || $key eq 'parameterCategory' || $key eq 'parameterNumber' || $key eq 'indicatorOfParameter' || $key eq 'table2Version') { $errmsg = "Bad $key: \"$val\". Can only be 0->255"; return 0; } } return 1; } sub is_valid_table2Version { my $key = shift; my $val = shift; my $is_local = shift; if (!$is_local && $key eq 'table2Version') { # GRIB edition 1 rule: in the WMO dir, table2Version <= 3 if ($val > $GRIB1_MAX_TABLE2VERSION) { $errmsg = "Bad table2Version: \"$val\". Is this a local concept?"; return 0; } } return 1; } sub is_goodval { my $key = shift; my $val = shift; if ($key eq 'discipline' || $key eq 'parameterCategory' || $key eq 'parameterNumber' || $key eq 'indicatorOfParameter' || $key eq 'table2Version') { if (!is_integer($val)) { $errmsg = "Invalid value for $key: \"$val\". Expected a number!"; return 0; } } return 1; } sub is_integer { my $val = shift; return ($val =~ /^\d+$/); } sub non_printable { my $str = shift; return ($str =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/); } ################ sub check_paramIDs { my ($filename) = @_; open FILE, $filename or die "Tried to open $filename\n$!"; my @lines = ; close(FILE); my $warnings = 0; # count of the number of warnings my %id_map = (); my $lineNum = 0; my $a_pid; # a parameter ID my $this; # a line in file foreach $this (@lines) { $lineNum++; chomp $this; # a parameter ID if ($this =~ /^\s*'(.*)'\s*/) { $a_pid = $1; die "File: $filename, line: $lineNum: paramID \"$a_pid\" is not an integer!" if (!is_integer($a_pid)); if ($check_duplicate_paramIDs) { if (exists $id_map{$a_pid}) { print "WARNING: File: $filename, line: $lineNum: Duplicate paramID found: $a_pid\n"; $warnings++; } else { $id_map{$a_pid} = 1; } } } } print "**\n* Duplicate paramIDs: Encountered $warnings warning(s)\n**\n" if ($warnings>0); }