#!/usr/bin/env perl # Author: mow # Date: 06/07/2010 # Updated: 08/07/2010 # # Description: # Since I could not find a way to tell doxygen not to include # some functions into the documentation, I have written this script # to remove all the function I do not want documented from the source file # before feeding it as input to doxygen. Such a pain. # # Update: Doxygen can be told to ignore some sections in the documentation # by using the @cond,@endcond block, however that does not work with the # current version of doxygen used at the moment to create the documentation. use strict; use warnings; my @exclude = qw( with_numpy require grib_get_string grib_set_string grib_get_long grib_get_double grib_set_long grib_set_double grib_set_double_array grib_get_double_array grib_set_long_array grib_get_long_array grib_index_get_long grib_index_get_string grib_index_get_double grib_index_select_long grib_index_select_double grib_index_select_string GRIB_CHECK grib_get_double_element grib_get_double_elements Bunch ); my %ignore = (); for (@exclude) { $ignore{$_} = 1; } my @lines = <>; my $dirty = 0; foreach (@lines) { if ( /^(?:def|class) +(.*)\(/) { $dirty = exists $ignore{$1} ? 1 : 0; } print if !$dirty; }