# GRID DEFINITION spherical harmonic coefficients (including rotated, stretched, or stretched and rotated) constant isGridded = false; # J - pentagonal resolution parameter unsigned[2] J : dump ; alias pentagonalResolutionParameterJ= J; alias geography.J=J; # K - pentagonal resolution parameter unsigned[2] K : dump; alias pentagonalResolutionParameterK=K; alias geography.K=K; # M - pentagonal resolution parameter unsigned[2] M : dump ; alias pentagonalResolutionParameterM=M; alias geography.M=M; constant _T = -1 : hidden; meta numberOfValues spectral_truncation(J,K,M,_T) : dump; alias numberOfPoints=numberOfValues; alias numberOfDataPoints=numberOfValues; #alias ls.valuesCount=numberOfValues; # Representation type codetable[1] representationType 'grib1/9.table' = 1 : no_copy; # Representation mode codetable[1] representationMode 'grib1/10.table' = 2 : no_copy; # Set to zero (reserved) pad padding_grid50_1(18); # For now, to make section2 happy constant Nj = 0;