#!/usr/local/apps/perl/current/bin/perl -I/usr/local/lib/metaps/perl
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;
#The root page of examples in confluence!!!
my $rootPage="API examples";
my @langKeys=("c","f","p");
my %langName = ("f" => "Fortran 90",
"c" => "C",
"p" => "Python");
my %langType = ("f" => "none",
"c" => "cpp",
"p" => "python");
my %langSuffix = ("f" => "f90",
"c" => "c",
"p" => "py");
my %langDir = ("f" => "F90",
"c" => "C",
"p" => "python");
my $inRootDir;
# Read arguments
GetOptions("inDir=s" => \$inRootDir)
or die("Error in command line arguments\n");
# Dirs
#The root dir of the examples
#The genareted html files are stored here
my $htmlDir=$ENV{TMPDIR}."/res_html";
my %allExamples=read_examples();
# Preparations
unless ( -d $htmlDir ) {
mkdir $htmlDir
# Loop for the code types (e.g. grib, bufr, etc.)
foreach my $cType (keys %allExamples) {
print "----------------------------------------\n";
print " Processing examples for: $cType\n";
print "----------------------------------------\n";
#Get the examples
my @examples=@{$allExamples{$cType}};
if($#examples+1 == 0) {
die "No examples are defined!\n";
# Create a parent page for the examples of this type
my $parentPage=parentPageTitle($cType);
# Loop for the examples
foreach my $name (@examples) {
my $fOut=$htmlDir."/".$cType."_".$name.".html";
open(OUT,">$fOut") or die "$fOut: $!";
print OUT "
print OUT "This example shows: ".getDescription($name)."\n";
#Create a tab container
print OUT "Source code
print OUT "horizontal";
#Add a tab for each language
foreach my $i (@langKeys) {
my $tabName=$langName{$i};
my $fName=$name.".".$langSuffix{$i};
my $fPath=$inRootDir."/".$langDir{$i}."/".$fName;
my $lType=$langType{$i};
#Read sourcode into html format
my $c=getSourceCode($fName,$fPath,$lType);
#If there is a source creates a tab for it
#if(length($c) > 0) {
print OUT "".$tabName."
#Close tab container
print OUT "";
close OUT;
#Upload the file to confluence
my $pageTitle=examplePageTitle($name);
# Functions related to the examples
# Read in example list
sub read_examples {
my %res=();
my $fIn="examples.par";
open(IN,"<$fIn") or die "$fIn: $!";
my $line;
my $actType;
while (defined ($line = )) {
if ($line =~ /.*#/) {next;}
#print $line."\n";
$line =~ s/\"//g;
my ($a)=($line =~ /(\S+)\s*\(/);
if($a and $a !~ /\!/) {
#print "type: ".$a."\n";
if( $line =~ /\)/) {
if(length($actType) > 0) {
my ($b) =($line =~ /(\S+)/);
#print "ex: ".$b."\n";
if($b) {
close IN;
return %res;
# Genarate the page title for the parent page for a given type of examples
sub parentPageTitle {
my ($codeType) = @_;
return $codeType." examples";
# Create parent page for a given type of examples
sub makeParentPage {
my ($rootPage,$pageTitle,$outDir,$cType,@xmp) = @_;
my $f=$outDir."/parent_".$cType."html";
open(OUT,">$f") or die "$f: $!";
my $str="";
$str=$str."Example | Description |
foreach my $xm (@xmp) {
$str=$str."".linkToPage($xm,examplePageTitle($xm))." | ".getDescription($xm)." |
print OUT $str;
close OUT;
#Load it to confluence
# Genarate the page title for a given example
sub examplePageTitle {
my ($exName) = @_;
return $exName;
# Get the file path for an example with the given language
sub examplePath {
my ($name,$lang) = @_;
return $inRootDir."/".$langDir{$lang}."/".$name.".".$langSuffix{$lang};
# Check if the file for a given example exists.
sub hasExample {
my ($name,$lang) = @_;
my $f=examplePath($name,$lang);
if( -e $f ) {return 1};
print "$f no!!!\n";
return 0;
# Generate confluence formatted html string form a source file
sub getSourceCode {
my ($title,$fPath,$lang) = @_;
my $codeTxt;
print $fPath."\n";
my $str;
if($lang eq "") {
#return "
return "".$codeTxt."
} else {
open(IN,"<$fPath") or return ""; # die "$fPath: $!";
$codeTxt=join("", );
close IN;
return $str;
# Extract the description of a given example
sub getDescription {
my ($name) = @_;
my $lang="c";
my $res;
if(hasExample($name,$lang)== 1) {
my $f=examplePath($name,$lang);
my $found=0;
open (IN,"<$f") or return "";
while (defined (my $line = )) {
#First row
if($found==0) {
if($line =~ /\*\s*Description:/) {
my ($r)=($line =~ /\*\s*Description:\s*(.+)/);
if(length($r) > 2) {
} else {
my ($r)=($line =~ /\*\s+(.+)/);
if(length($r) > 2) {
$res=$res." ".$r;
} else {
#print $f."\n";
#print "descr: ".$res."\n";
return $res;
# Generic functions related to confluence
# Upload a page to confluence
sub loadToConf {
my ($fHtml,$title,$parentPage) = @_;
system("$CONF -a addPage --noConvert --replace --space \"ECC\" --title \"$title\" --parent \"$parentPage\" --file $fHtml");
# Create link to a page
sub linkToPage {
my ($page,$label) = @_;
my $str="
return $str;
sub makeInfo {
my ($text) = @_;
return "false".