/* * (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 * which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by * virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. */ #include "grib_api_internal.h" #if HAVE_LIBJASPER /* Remove compiler warnings re macros being redefined */ #undef PACKAGE_BUGREPORT #undef PACKAGE_NAME #undef PACKAGE_STRING #undef PACKAGE_TARNAME #undef PACKAGE_VERSION #include "jasper/jasper.h" #define MAXOPTSSIZE 1024 static int ecc_jasper_initialise() { #if JASPER_VERSION_MAJOR == 3 int jaserr = 0; jas_conf_clear(); jas_conf_set_max_mem_usage(jas_get_total_mem_size()); jaserr = jas_init_library(); if (jaserr) return jaserr; jaserr = jas_init_thread(); if (jaserr) return jaserr; #endif return 0; } static jas_image_t* ecc_jasper_decode(jas_stream_t *in) { #if JASPER_VERSION_MAJOR == 3 /* Second argument (=fmt) < 0 means "If possible, try to determine the format of the input data" */ return jas_image_decode(in, -1, 0); #else return jpc_decode(in, NULL); #endif } static int ecc_jasper_encode(jas_image_t *image, jas_stream_t *jpcstream, char *optstr) { #if JASPER_VERSION_MAJOR == 3 const int fmt = jas_image_strtofmt("jpc"); return jas_image_encode(image, jpcstream, fmt, optstr); #else return jpc_encode(image, jpcstream, optstr); #endif } static void ecc_jasper_cleanup() { #if JASPER_VERSION_MAJOR == 3 jas_cleanup_thread(); jas_cleanup_library(); #endif } int grib_jasper_decode(grib_context* c, unsigned char* buf, const size_t* buflen, double* values, const size_t* n_vals) { /* jas_setdbglevel(99999); */ jas_image_t* image = NULL; jas_stream_t* jpeg = NULL; int code = GRIB_SUCCESS; jas_matrix_t* matrix = NULL; jas_image_cmpt_t* p; int i, j, k; int jaserr = 0; /* 0 means success */ jaserr = ecc_jasper_initialise(); if (jaserr) { grib_context_log(c, GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "grib_jasper_decode: Failed to initialize JasPer library. JasPer error %d", jaserr); code = GRIB_DECODING_ERROR; goto cleanup; } jpeg = jas_stream_memopen((char*)buf, *buflen); if (!jpeg) { code = GRIB_DECODING_ERROR; goto cleanup; } grib_context_log(c, GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "grib_jasper_decode: JasPer version %s", jas_getversion()); image = ecc_jasper_decode(jpeg); if (!image) { code = GRIB_DECODING_ERROR; goto cleanup; } p = image->cmpts_[0]; if (image->numcmpts_ != 1) { /* Image not gray scale */ code = GRIB_DECODING_ERROR; goto cleanup; } matrix = jas_matrix_create(jas_image_height(image), jas_image_width(image)); if (!matrix) { code = GRIB_DECODING_ERROR; goto cleanup; } jaserr = jas_image_readcmpt(image, 0, 0, 0, jas_image_width(image), jas_image_height(image), matrix); if (jaserr) { grib_context_log(c, GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "grib_jasper_decode: Failed to read JasPer component data. JasPer error %d", jaserr); code = GRIB_DECODING_ERROR; goto cleanup; } Assert(p->height_ * p->width_ == *n_vals); k = 0; for (i = 0; i < p->height_; i++) for (j = 0; j < p->width_; j++) { values[k++] = matrix->rows_[i][j]; } cleanup: if (matrix) jas_matrix_destroy(matrix); if (image) jas_image_destroy(image); if (jpeg) jas_stream_close(jpeg); ecc_jasper_cleanup(); return code; } int grib_jasper_encode(grib_context* c, j2k_encode_helper* helper) { int code = GRIB_SUCCESS; int jaserr = 0; char opts[MAXOPTSSIZE]; double reference_value = helper->reference_value; double decimal = helper->decimal; double divisor = helper->divisor; const double* values = helper->values; long no_values = helper->no_values; long bits8; int i; size_t buflen = 0; unsigned char* encoded = NULL; unsigned char* p = NULL; jas_image_t image = { 0 }; jas_stream_t* jpcstream = 0; jas_stream_t* istream = 0; jas_image_cmpt_t cmpt = {0,}; jas_image_cmpt_t* pcmpt = 0; image.tlx_ = 0; image.tly_ = 0; image.brx_ = helper->width; image.bry_ = helper->height; image.numcmpts_ = 1; image.maxcmpts_ = 1; image.clrspc_ = JAS_CLRSPC_SGRAY; image.cmprof_ = 0; #if JASPER_VERSION_MAJOR == 1 /* ECC-396: Support for Jasper 2.0 * Jasper version 1 had the 'inmem_' data member but * version 2 removed it from the interface */ image.inmem_ = 1; #endif cmpt.tlx_ = 0; cmpt.tly_ = 0; cmpt.hstep_ = 1; cmpt.vstep_ = 1; cmpt.width_ = helper->width; cmpt.height_ = helper->height; cmpt.type_ = JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_GRAY_Y); cmpt.prec_ = helper->bits_per_value; cmpt.sgnd_ = 0; cmpt.cps_ = (helper->bits_per_value + 7) / 8; /* Simple packing encoding */ bits8 = (helper->bits_per_value + 7) / 8 * 8; Assert(bits8 > 0); encoded = (unsigned char*)grib_context_malloc_clear(c, bits8 / 8 * no_values); if (!encoded) { code = GRIB_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } buflen = 0; p = encoded; for (i = 0; i < no_values; i++) { long blen = bits8; unsigned long unsigned_val = (unsigned long)((((values[i] * decimal) - (reference_value)) * divisor) + 0.5); while (blen >= 8) { blen -= 8; *p = (unsigned_val >> blen); p++; buflen++; } } ecc_jasper_initialise(); opts[0] = 0; if (helper->compression != 0) { /* Lossy */ ecc_snprintf(opts, MAXOPTSSIZE, "mode=real\nrate=%f", 1.0 / helper->compression); } Assert(cmpt.width_ * cmpt.height_ * cmpt.cps_ == buflen); grib_context_log(c, GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "grib_jasper_encode: JasPer version %s", jas_getversion()); pcmpt = &cmpt; image.cmpts_ = &pcmpt; istream = jas_stream_memopen((char*)encoded, buflen); cmpt.stream_ = istream; jpcstream = jas_stream_memopen((char*)helper->jpeg_buffer, helper->buffer_size); jaserr = ecc_jasper_encode(&image, jpcstream, opts); if (jaserr) { /* Failed to encode. Increase the number of guard bits */ strcat(opts, "\nnumgbits=4"); grib_context_log(c, GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "grib_jasper_encode: JasPer error %d, increasing the number of guard bits", jaserr); jas_stream_close(istream); istream = 0; jas_stream_close(jpcstream); jpcstream = 0; istream = jas_stream_memopen((char*)encoded, buflen); cmpt.stream_ = istream; jpcstream = jas_stream_memopen((char*)helper->jpeg_buffer, helper->buffer_size); jaserr = ecc_jasper_encode(&image, jpcstream, opts); } if (jaserr) { grib_context_log(c, GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "grib_jasper_encode: Failed to encode. JasPer error %d", jaserr); code = GRIB_ENCODING_ERROR; goto cleanup; } helper->jpeg_length = jpcstream->rwcnt_; jas_stream_close(istream); istream = 0; jas_stream_close(jpcstream); jpcstream = 0; cleanup: grib_context_free(c, encoded); if (istream) jas_stream_close(istream); if (jpcstream) jas_stream_close(jpcstream); ecc_jasper_cleanup(); return code; } #else int grib_jasper_decode(grib_context* c, unsigned char* buf, const size_t* buflen, double* val, size_t* n_vals) { grib_context_log(c, GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "grib_accessor_data_jpeg2000_packing: JasPer JPEG support not enabled."); return GRIB_FUNCTIONALITY_NOT_ENABLED; } int grib_jasper_encode(grib_context* c, j2k_encode_helper* helper) { grib_context_log(c, GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "grib_accessor_data_jpeg2000_packing: JasPer JPEG support not enabled."); return GRIB_FUNCTIONALITY_NOT_ENABLED; } #endif