! (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by ! virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! ! ! Description: read and print radiosonde data from TEMP BUFR messages. ! If available this version also lists the position information from the WMO list ! (now OSCAR/Surface) appended to the reports by ECMWF ! ! Author: Bruce Ingleby ! ! Please note that TEMP reports can be encoded in various ways in BUFR. Therefore the code ! below might not work directly for other types of TEMP messages than the one used in the ! example. It is advised to use bufr_dump first to understand the structure of these messages. ! program bufr_read_tempf use eccodes implicit none integer :: ifile integer :: iret integer :: ibufr integer :: i, count = 0 integer :: iflag integer :: status_id, status_ht, status_time = 0, status_p integer :: status_airt, status_dewt integer :: status_rsno, status_rssoft, status_balloonwt integer(kind=4) :: sizews integer(kind=4) :: blockNumber, stationNumber integer(kind=4) :: ymd, hms logical :: llstdonly = .True. ! Set True to list standard levels only logical :: llskip real(kind=8) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second real(kind=8) :: htg, htp, htec = 0, sondeType, balloonwt ! real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: descriptors real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: lat, lon real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: timeVal, dlatVal, dlonVal, vssVal real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: presVal, zVal, tVal, tdVal, wdirVal, wspVal character(len=128) :: statid, dropid character(len=16) :: rsnumber character(len=16) :: rssoftware call codes_open_file(ifile, '../../data/bufr/PraticaTemp.bufr', 'r') ! the first BUFR message is loaded from file ! ibufr is the BUFR id to be used in subsequent calls call codes_bufr_new_from_file(ifile, ibufr, iret) ! loop through all messages in the file do while (iret /= CODES_END_OF_FILE) ! Can check the template used ! call codes_get(ibufr,'unexpandedDescriptors',descriptors) ! write(0,*) 'Template: ', descriptors ! IF (descriptors(1) /= 309056.0) GOTO 999 ! only list descent profiles ! we need to instruct ecCodes to expand all the descriptors ! i.e. unpack the data values call codes_set(ibufr, "unpack", 1); ! In our BUFR message verticalSoundingSignificance is always followed by ! geopotential, airTemperature, dewpointTemperature, ! windDirection, windSpeed and pressure. count = count + 1 llskip = .False. ! Metadata: call codes_get(ibufr, 'aircraftRegistrationNumberOrOtherIdentification', dropid, status_id) IF (status_id /= CODES_SUCCESS) dropid = "UNKNOWN " call codes_get(ibufr, 'shipOrMobileLandStationIdentifier', statid, status_id) IF (status_id /= CODES_SUCCESS) statid = dropid ! call codes_is_missing(ibufr, 'shipOrMobileLandStationIdentifier', statid_missing) ! IF (statid_missing == 1) statid = "MISSING" call codes_get(ibufr, 'blockNumber', blockNumber) call codes_get(ibufr, 'stationNumber', stationNumber) IF (blockNumber <= 99.0 .AND. stationNumber <= 1000) write (statid, '(I2.2,I3.3,3X)') blockNumber, stationNumber call codes_get(ibufr, 'year', year) call codes_get(ibufr, 'month', month) call codes_get(ibufr, 'day', day) call codes_get(ibufr, 'hour', hour) call codes_get(ibufr, 'minute', minute) call codes_get(ibufr, 'second', second, status_time) IF (status_time /= CODES_SUCCESS) second = 0.0 call codes_get(ibufr, 'latitude', lat) call codes_get(ibufr, 'longitude', lon) call codes_get(ibufr, 'heightOfStationGroundAboveMeanSeaLevel', htg, status_ht) IF (status_ht /= CODES_SUCCESS) htg = -999.0 call codes_get(ibufr, 'heightOfBarometerAboveMeanSeaLevel', htp, status_ht) IF (status_ht /= CODES_SUCCESS) htp = -999.0 call codes_get(ibufr, 'radiosondeType', sondeType) call codes_get(ibufr, 'heightOfStation', htec, status_ht) ! Height from WMO list (BUFR) IF (status_ht == CODES_SUCCESS .AND. htg == -999.0) htg = htec ymd = INT(year)*10000 + INT(month)*100 + INT(day) hms = INT(hour)*10000 + INT(minute)*100 + INT(second) call codes_get(ibufr, 'radiosondeSerialNumber', rsnumber, status_rsno) call codes_get(ibufr, 'softwareVersionNumber', rssoftware, status_rssoft) call codes_get(ibufr, 'weightOfBalloon', balloonwt, status_balloonwt) IF (status_balloonwt /= CODES_SUCCESS) balloonwt = 0.0 ! Ascent (skip reports without dtime array for now) call codes_get(ibufr, 'timePeriod', timeVal, status_time) IF (status_time /= CODES_SUCCESS) THEN write (*, '(A,I7,A,A8,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4)') 'Ob: ', count, & ' ', statid, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType) write (*, '(A)') 'Missing times - skip' llskip = .True. END IF call codes_get(ibufr, 'pressure', presVal, status_p) call codes_get(ibufr, 'nonCoordinateGeopotentialHeight', zVal, status_ht) IF (.NOT. llskip) THEN call codes_get(ibufr, 'latitudeDisplacement', dlatVal) call codes_get(ibufr, 'longitudeDisplacement', dlonVal) call codes_get(ibufr, 'extendedVerticalSoundingSignificance', vssVal) call codes_get(ibufr, 'airTemperature', tVal, status_airt) call codes_get(ibufr, 'dewpointTemperature', tdVal, status_dewt) call codes_get(ibufr, 'windDirection', wdirVal) call codes_get(ibufr, 'windSpeed', wspVal) ! ---- Array sizes (pressure size can be larger - wind shear levels) sizews = size(wspVal) IF (status_p /= CODES_SUCCESS) THEN allocate(presVal(sizews)) presVal(:) = -999999999.0 END IF IF (status_ht /= CODES_SUCCESS) THEN allocate(zVal(sizews)) zVal(:) = -999999999.0 END IF IF (status_airt /= CODES_SUCCESS) THEN allocate(tVal(sizews)) tVal(:) = -999999999.0 END IF IF (status_dewt /= CODES_SUCCESS) THEN allocate(tdVal(sizews)) tdVal(:) = -999999999.0 END IF ! ---- Print the values -------------------------------- write (*, '(A,I7,A,A8,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4,I5)') 'Ob: ', count, & ' ', statid, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType), sizews IF (status_rsno == CODES_SUCCESS) write (*, '(A,A,A,F7.3)') & 'RS number/software/balloonwt: ', rsnumber, rssoftware, balloonwt IF (status_ht == CODES_SUCCESS .AND. SIZE(lat) > 1) write (*, '(A,A,F9.3,F10.3,F7.1)') & 'WMO list lat, lon, ht: ', statid, lat(2), lon(2), htec write (*, '(A)') 'level dtime dlat dlon pressure geopotH airTemp dewPtT windDir windSp signif' do i = 1, sizews iflag = vssVal(i) IF (.NOT. llstdonly .OR. BTEST(iflag, 16)) & write (*, '(I5,F7.1,2F7.3,F9.1,F8.1,4F8.2,I8)') i, timeVal(i), & dlatVal(i), dlonVal(i), presVal(i), zVal(i), tVal(i), tdVal(i), & wdirVal(i), wspVal(i), INT(vssVal(i)) end do END IF ! free allocated arrays IF (ALLOCATED(timeVal)) deallocate (timeVal) IF (ALLOCATED(dlatVal)) deallocate (dlatVal) IF (ALLOCATED(dlonVal)) deallocate (dlonVal) IF (ALLOCATED(vssVal)) deallocate (vssVal) IF (ALLOCATED(presVal)) deallocate (presVal) IF (ALLOCATED(zVal)) deallocate (zVal) IF (ALLOCATED(tVal)) deallocate (tVal) IF (ALLOCATED(tdVal)) deallocate (tdVal) IF (ALLOCATED(wdirVal)) deallocate (wdirVal) IF (ALLOCATED(wspVal)) deallocate (wspVal) IF (ALLOCATED(lat)) deallocate (lat) IF (ALLOCATED(lon)) deallocate (lon) ! release the BUFR message call codes_release(ibufr) ! load the next BUFR message call codes_bufr_new_from_file(ifile, ibufr, iret) end do call codes_close_file(ifile) print*, 'Finishing normally. Number of BUFR records read: ', count end program bufr_read_tempf