1 pres PRES Pressure Pa 11 t T Temperature K 51 q Q Specific humidity kg/kg 54 pwat PWAT Precipitable water kg/m2 66 sd SD Snow depth m 71 tcc TCC Total cloud cover fraction 73 lcc LCC Low cloud cover fraction 77 prob_scb PROB_SCB Probability for significant cloud base fraction 78 scb SCB Significant cloud base m 79 sct SCT Significant cloud top m 84 al AL Albedo (lev 0=global radiation lev 1=UV radiation) fraction 91 icec ICEC Ice concentration fraction 116 uv_irr UV_IRR CIE-weighted UV irradiance mW/m2 117 gl_irr GL_IRR Global irradiance W/m2 118 bn_irr BN_IRR Beam normal irradiance W/m2 119 sun_d SUN_D Sunshine duration min 120 par PAR PAR W/m2 128 evapt EVAPT Evapotranspiration 1/kg2/s 129 mterh MTERH Model terrain height m 130 landu LANDU Land use Code 131 soilw SOILW Volumetric soil moisture content Proportion 132 mstav MSTAV Moisture availability % 133 sfexc SFEXC Exchange coefficient kg/m2/s 134 w_i W_I Plant canopy surface water kg/m2 135 bmixl BMIXL Blackadar mixing length scale m 136 ccond CCOND Canopy conductance m/s 137 prs_min PRS_MIN Minimal stomatal resistance s/m 138 rcs RCS Solar parameter in canopy conductance Proportion 139 rct RCT Temperature parameter in canopy conductance Proportion 140 rcq RCQ Humidity parameter in canopy conductance Proportion 141 rcsol RCSOL Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance Proportion 142 sm SM Soil moisture kg/m3 143 w_cl W_CL Column-integrated soil water kg/m2 144 hflux HFLUX Heat flux W/m2 145 vsw VSW Volumetric soil moisture m3/m3 146 wilt WILT Wilting point kg/m3 147 vwiltm VWILTM Volumetric wilting point m3/m3 148 rlyrs RLYRS Number of soil layers in root zone Numeric 149 liqvsm LIQVSM Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) m3/m3 150 voltso VOLTSO Volumetric transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) m3/m3 151 transo TRANSO Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) kg/m3 152 voldec VOLDEC Volumetric direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) m3/m3 153 direc DIREC Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) kg/m3 154 soilp SOILP Soil porosity m3/m3 155 vsosm VSOSM Volumetric saturation of soil moisture kg/m3 156 satosm SATOSM Saturation of soil moisture kg/m3 165 prec_1h PREC_1H Accumulated precipitation, 1 hours mm 175 snacc_1h SNACC_1H Accumulated fresh snow, 1 hours cm 180 rad_sc RAD_SC Scaled radiance Numeric 181 al_sc AL_SC Scaled albedo Numeric 182 btmp_sc BTMP_SC Scaled brightness temperature Numeric 183 pwat_sc PWAT_SC Scaled precipitable water Numeric 184 li_sc LI_SC Scaled lifted index Numeric 185 pctp_sc PCTP_SC Scaled cloud top pressure Numeric 186 skt_sc SKT_SC Scaled skin temperature Numeric 187 cmsk CMSK Cloud mask Code 188 pst PST Pixel scene type Code 189 fde FDE Fire detection indicator Code 190 estp ESTP Estimated precipitation kg/m2 191 irrate IRRATE Instananeous rain rate kg/m2/s 192 ctoph CTOPH Cloud top height m 193 ctophqi CTOPHQI Cloud top height quality indicator Code 194 estu ESTU Estimated u component of wind m/s 195 estv ESTV Estimated v component of wind m/s 196 npixu NPIXU Number of pixel used Numeric 197 solza SOLZA Solar zenith angle Degree 198 raza RAZA Relative azimuth angle Degree 199 rfl06 RFL06 Reflectance in 0.6 micron channel % 200 rfl08 RFL08 Reflectance in 0.8 micron channel % 201 rfl16 RFL16 Reflectance in 1.6 micron channel % 202 rfl39 RFL39 Reflectance in 3.9 micron channel % 206 toto3 TOTO3 Total ozone Atm cm 210 atmdiv ATMDIV Atmospheric divergence 1/s 211 wssp WSSP Wind speed (space) m/s