# This file was automatically generated by ./param.pl 1 spi03 Standardised precipitation index valid in the last 3 months (dimensionless) 2 spi06 Standardised precipitation index valid in the last 6 months (dimensionless) 3 spi12 Standardised precipitation index valid in the last 12 months (dimensionless) 129 z Geopotential (m**2 s**-2) 130 t Temperature (K) 131 u U component of wind (m s**-1) 132 v V component of wind (m s**-1) 133 q Specific humidity (kg kg**-1) 135 w Vertical velocity (Pa s**-1) 138 vo Vorticity (relative) (s**-1) 139 stl1 Soil temperature level 1 (K) 140 swl1 Soil wetness level 1 (m of water equivalent) 141 sd Snow depth (m of water equivalent) 142 lsp Large-scale precipitation (m) 143 cp Convective precipitation (m) 146 sshf Surface sensible heat flux (J m**-2) 147 slhf Surface latent heat flux (J m**-2) 149 tsw Total soil moisture (m) 151 msl Mean sea level pressure (Pa) 155 d Divergence (s**-1) 157 r Relative humidity (%) 164 tcc Total cloud cover ((0 - 1)) 171 swl2 Soil wetness level 2 (m) 176 ssr Surface net solar radiation (J m**-2) 177 str Surface net thermal radiation (J m**-2) 179 ttr Top net thermal radiation (J m**-2) 180 ewss Eastward turbulent surface stress (N m**-2 s) 181 nsss Northward turbulent surface stress (N m**-2 s) 182 e Evaporation (m of water equivalent) 184 swl3 Soil wetness level 3 (m of water equivalent) 185 ccc Convective cloud cover ((0 - 1)) 201 mx2t Maximum temperature at 2 metres since previous post-processing (K) 202 mn2t Minimum temperature at 2 metres since previous post-processing (K) 228 tp Total precipitation (m) 255 ~ Indicates a missing value (~)