#!/usr/bin/env perl # # (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF. # # This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 # which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # # In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities # granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation # nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. # ####################################################################### # Script for GRIB2 parameter definitions # Can either write the *.def files or push to the Parameter DB # # Reads an input TSV (tab-separated-value) file which should contain # parameter keys as columns. See the @columns variable for expected contents # ####################################################################### $|=1; use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use Time::localtime; use Getopt::Long; my $SANITY_CHECK = 0; my $WRITE_TO_FILES = 0; my $WRITE_TO_PARAMDB = 0; # Be careful. Fill in $contactId before proceeding my $contactId; # JIRA issue ID # Process arguments. Must be at least one file if (scalar @ARGV < 1) { &usage; } my $result = GetOptions ( "s" => \$SANITY_CHECK, "f" => \$WRITE_TO_FILES, "p" => \$WRITE_TO_PARAMDB, "c:s" => \$contactId ); $ARGV[0] or &usage; my ($paramId, $shortName, $name, $units, $cfVarName, $interpol); my ($discipline, $pcategory, $pnumber, $type1, $type2, $scaledValue1, $scaleFactor1, $scaledValue2, $scaleFactor2); my ($stat, $aero, $constit); my ($typeGen, $localTV, $typeOfWLInt, $scaleFactorWL1, $scaledValueWL1, $scaleFactorWL2, $scaledValueWL2, $sourceSink); my @columns = ("paramId", "shortName", "name", "units", "interpolation", "discipline", "parameterCategory", "parameterNumber", "typeOfFirstFixedSurface", "scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface", "scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface", "typeOfSecondFixedSurface", "scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface", "scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface", "typeOfStatisticalProcessing", "aerosolType", "constituentType", "typeOfGeneratingProcess", "localTablesVersion", "typeOfWavelengthInterval", "scaleFactorOfFirstWavelength", "scaledValueOfFirstWavelength", "scaleFactorOfSecondWavelength", "scaledValueOfSecondWavelength", "sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess"); my %key_to_attrib_map = ( 'discipline' => 4, 'parameterCategory' => 8, 'parameterNumber' => 5, 'localTablesVersion' => 16, 'typeOfFirstFixedSurface' => 6, 'scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface' => 7, 'scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface' => 9, 'typeOfStatisticalProcessing' => 11, 'typeOfSecondFixedSurface' => 13, 'scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface' => 14, 'scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface' => 15, 'typeOfGeneratingProcess' => 28, 'constituentType' => 40, 'aerosolType' => 46 ); my $db = "param"; my $host = $ENV{'PARAM_DB_HOST'} || 'unknown'; my $user = $ENV{'PARAM_DB_USER'} || 'unknown'; my $pass = $ENV{'PARAM_DB_PASS'} || 'unknown'; my $dbh = 0; my $centre_wmo = -3; # WMO centre ID my $centre_ecmwf = 98; # ECMWF centre ID my $edition = 2; # GRIB edition 2 my $PARAMID_FILENAME = "paramId.def"; my $SHORTNAME_FILENAME = "shortName.def"; my $NAME_FILENAME = "name.def"; my $UNITS_FILENAME = "units.def"; my $CFVARNAME_FILENAME = "cfVarName.def"; my $tm = localtime; my $today_date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $tm->year+1900, ($tm->mon)+1, $tm->mday); if ($WRITE_TO_PARAMDB || $SANITY_CHECK) { print "Connecting to database ...\n"; $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql(RaiseError=>1):database=$db;host=$host",$user,$pass) or die $DBI::errstr; # STRICT_TRANS_TABLES: # Strict mode controls how MySQL handles invalid or missing values in data-change statements such as INSERT or UPDATE. # A value can be invalid for several reasons e.g., it might have the wrong data type for the column, or it might be out of range. $dbh->do( q{SET sql_mode = 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'} ); } my $first = 1; my $lcount = 0; if ($SANITY_CHECK) { my %map_sn = (); # map of shortNames my %map_pid = (); # map of paramIds my $sanity_error_count = 0; print "Checking sanity: uniqueness of paramId and shortName keys ...\n"; while (<>) { chomp; $lcount++; s/\r//g; # Remove DOS carriage returns if ($first == 1) { $first = 0; next; } ($paramId, $shortName, $name, $units) = split(/\t/); die "Error: shortName=$shortName is duplicated (line $lcount)\n" if (exists $map_sn{$shortName}); $map_sn{$shortName}++; # increment count in shortName map die "Error: paramId=$paramId is duplicated (line $lcount)\n" if (exists $map_pid{$paramId}); $map_pid{$paramId}++; # increment count in paramId map if (!is_integer($paramId)) { warn "Error: paramId=$paramId is not an integer (line $lcount)\n"; $sanity_error_count++; } my $x = $dbh->selectrow_array("select * from param.param where id = ?",undef,$paramId); if (defined $x) { warn "Error: paramId=$x exists in the database (line $lcount)\n"; $sanity_error_count++; } if ($name =~ / $/) { warn "Error: Name '$name': ends in space" ; $sanity_error_count++; } if ($name =~ /^ /) { warn "Error: Name '$name': starts with space" ; $sanity_error_count++; } if ($name !~ /^[A-Z0-9]/) { warn "Error: name \"$name\" should have uppercase 1st letter or digit (line $lcount)\n"; $sanity_error_count++; } $x = $dbh->selectrow_array("select shortName from param.param where shortName = ?",undef,$shortName); if (defined $x) { warn "Error: shortName=$x exists in the database (line $lcount)\n"; $sanity_error_count++; } if (!check_units($units)) { warn "Error: Database does not contain units=$units (line $lcount)\n"; $sanity_error_count++; } } if ($sanity_error_count == 0) { print "\nSanity checking completed. $lcount rows checked. No errors.\n"; } else { die "\nSanity checking FAILED. $lcount rows checked. $sanity_error_count error(s).\n"; } exit 0; } if ($WRITE_TO_FILES) { create_or_append(\*OUT_PARAMID, "$PARAMID_FILENAME"); create_or_append(\*OUT_SHORTNAME, "$SHORTNAME_FILENAME"); create_or_append(\*OUT_NAME, "$NAME_FILENAME"); create_or_append(\*OUT_UNITS, "$UNITS_FILENAME"); create_or_append(\*OUT_CFVARNAME, "$CFVARNAME_FILENAME"); } while (<>) { chomp; s/\r//g; # Remove DOS carriage returns if ($first == 1) { check_first_row_column_names($_); $first = 0; next; } $lcount++; ($paramId, $shortName, $name, $units, $interpol, $discipline, $pcategory, $pnumber, $type1, $scaleFactor1, $scaledValue1, $type2, $scaleFactor2, $scaledValue2, $stat, $aero, $constit, $typeGen, $localTV, $typeOfWLInt, $scaleFactorWL1, $scaledValueWL1, $scaleFactorWL2, $scaledValueWL2, $sourceSink ) = split(/\t/); die "Error: paramID \"$paramId\" is not an integer (input row=$lcount)!\n" if (!is_integer($paramId)); die "Error: shortName \"$shortName\" has an invalid character (input row=$lcount)!\n" if ($shortName =~ /[ '"]/); die "Error: name \"$name\" should have uppercase 1st letter or digit (input row=$lcount)!\n" if ($name !~ /^[A-Z0-9]/); die "Error: typeOfFirstFixedSurface \"$type1\" is not an integer (input row=$lcount)!\tPick a value from Code Table 4.5\n" if ($type1 ne "" && !is_integer($type1)); die "Error: typeOfSecondFixedSurface \"$type2\" is not an integer (input row=$lcount)!\tPick a value from Code Table 4.5\n" if ($type2 ne "" && !is_integer($type2)); $units = "~" if ($units eq ""); $cfVarName = $shortName; $cfVarName = '\\'.$shortName if ($shortName =~ /^[0-9]/); $scaleFactorWL1 = undef if ($scaleFactorWL1 =~ /missing/); $scaledValueWL1 = undef if ($scaledValueWL1 =~ /missing/); $scaleFactorWL2 = undef if ($scaleFactorWL2 =~ /missing/); $scaledValueWL2 = undef if ($scaledValueWL2 =~ /missing/); $scaledValue1 = undef if ($scaledValue1 =~ /missing/); $scaleFactor1 = undef if ($scaleFactor1 =~ /missing/); $scaledValue2 = undef if ($scaledValue2 =~ /missing/); $scaleFactor2 = undef if ($scaleFactor2 =~ /missing/); if ($WRITE_TO_FILES) { write_out_file(\*OUT_PARAMID, $name, $paramId); write_out_file(\*OUT_SHORTNAME, $name, $shortName); write_out_file(\*OUT_NAME, $name, $name); write_out_file(\*OUT_UNITS, $name, $units); write_out_file(\*OUT_CFVARNAME, $name, $cfVarName); } if ($WRITE_TO_PARAMDB) { my $units_code = get_db_units_code($units); my $is_chem = ""; my $is_aero = ""; my $is_srcsink = ""; if ($aero ne "") { $is_aero = "1"; $is_chem = ""; $is_srcsink = ""; } if ($constit ne "") { $is_aero = ""; $is_chem = "1"; $is_srcsink = ""; } if ($sourceSink ne "") { $is_aero = ""; $is_chem = ""; $is_srcsink = "1"; } my $centre = $localTV ne "" ? $centre_ecmwf : $centre_wmo; die "Error: Both aerosolType and constituentType cannot be set!" if ($constit ne "" && $aero ne ""); die "Error: No contact ID provided\n" if (!$contactId); print "Inserting paramId $paramId (centre=" . centre_as_str($centre) . ") ...\n"; $dbh->do("insert into param(id,shortName,name,units_id,insert_date,update_date,contact) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId, $shortName, $name , $units_code, $today_date, $today_date, $contactId) or die $dbh->errstr; # Check what we inserted did actually go in my $x = $dbh->selectrow_array("select shortName from param.param where shortName = ?",undef,$shortName); die "Insertion of $paramId did not work - problem with shortName $shortName\n" if (! defined $x); # Table 'grib' columns: param_id edition centre attribute_id attribute_value param_version $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,4, $discipline,0); $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,8, $pcategory,0); $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,5, $pnumber,0); $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,6, $type1,0) if ($type1 ne ""); $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,13,$type2,0) if ($type2 ne ""); # Either missing or has a value if (! defined $scaledValue1 || $scaledValue1 ne "") { $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,9, $scaledValue1,0); } if (! defined $scaleFactor1 || $scaleFactor1 ne "") { $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,7, $scaleFactor1,0); } if (! defined $scaledValue2 || $scaledValue2 ne "") { $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,14,$scaledValue2,0); } if (! defined $scaleFactor2 || $scaleFactor2 ne "") { $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,15,$scaleFactor2,0); } $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,11,$stat,0) if ($stat ne ""); $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,46,$aero,0) if ($aero ne ""); $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,40,$constit,0) if ($constit ne ""); $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,53,$is_chem,0) if ($is_chem ne ""); $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,54,$is_aero,0) if ($is_aero ne ""); $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,28,$typeGen,0) if ($typeGen ne ""); $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,16,$localTV,0) if ($localTV ne ""); $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,57,$typeOfWLInt,0) if ($typeOfWLInt ne ""); if (! defined $scaleFactorWL1 || $scaleFactorWL1 ne "") { $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,58,$scaleFactorWL1,0); } if (! defined $scaledValueWL1 || $scaledValueWL1 ne "") { $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,59,$scaledValueWL1,0); } if (! defined $scaleFactorWL2 ||$scaleFactorWL2 ne "") { $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,60,$scaleFactorWL2,0); } if (! defined $scaledValueWL2 || $scaledValueWL2 ne "") { $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,61,$scaledValueWL2,0); } $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,64,$sourceSink,0) if ($is_srcsink ne ""); $dbh->do("insert into grib values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",undef, $paramId,$edition,$centre,65,1,0) if ($is_srcsink eq "1"); # format is only GRIB2 hence grib1 entry=0 and grib2=1 $dbh->do("insert into param_format(param_id,grib1,grib2) values (?,?,?)",undef,$paramId,0,1); } } # for each input line if ($WRITE_TO_FILES) { print "Wrote output files: $PARAMID_FILENAME $SHORTNAME_FILENAME $NAME_FILENAME $UNITS_FILENAME $CFVARNAME_FILENAME\n"; close(OUT_PARAMID) or die "$PARAMID_FILENAME: $!"; close(OUT_SHORTNAME) or die "$SHORTNAME_FILENAME: $!"; close(OUT_NAME) or die "$NAME_FILENAME: $!"; close(OUT_UNITS) or die "$UNITS_FILENAME: $!"; close(OUT_CFVARNAME) or die "$CFVARNAME_FILENAME: $!"; } if ($WRITE_TO_PARAMDB) { print "Wrote to Parameter Database. Number of rows processed = $lcount\n"; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub centre_as_str { my $cc = shift; return "WMO" if ($cc eq $centre_wmo); return "ECMWF" if ($cc eq $centre_ecmwf); return "Unknown"; } sub check_units { my $u = shift; my $unit_id = $dbh->selectrow_array("select id from units where name = ?",undef,$u); return 0 if (!$unit_id); return 1; } sub get_db_units_code { my $u = shift; my $unit_id = $dbh->selectrow_array("select id from units where name = ?",undef,$u); die "Error: Unit not found: '$u'\n" if (!$unit_id); return $unit_id; } sub write_out_file { my $outfile = $_[0]; my $name = $_[1]; my $key = $_[2]; # Assuming every parameter definition has at least discipline, category and number print $outfile "#$name\n"; print $outfile "'$key' = {\n"; print $outfile " discipline = $discipline ;\n"; print $outfile " parameterCategory = $pcategory ;\n"; print $outfile " parameterNumber = $pnumber ;\n"; # Optional keys print $outfile " typeOfFirstFixedSurface = $type1 ;\n" if ($type1 ne ""); print $outfile " typeOfSecondFixedSurface = $type2 ;\n" if ($type2 ne ""); $scaledValue1 = "missing()" if (! defined $scaledValue1); $scaledValue2 = "missing()" if (! defined $scaledValue2); $scaleFactor1 = "missing()" if (! defined $scaleFactor1); $scaleFactor2 = "missing()" if (! defined $scaleFactor2); print $outfile " scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = $scaledValue1 ;\n" if ($scaledValue1 ne ""); print $outfile " scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = $scaleFactor1 ;\n" if ($scaleFactor1 ne ""); print $outfile " scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = $scaledValue2 ;\n" if ($scaledValue2 ne ""); print $outfile " scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = $scaleFactor2 ;\n" if ($scaleFactor2 ne ""); print $outfile " typeOfStatisticalProcessing = $stat ;\n" if ($stat ne ""); print $outfile " aerosolType = $aero ;\n" if ($aero ne ""); print $outfile " constituentType = $constit ;\n" if ($constit ne ""); if ($sourceSink eq "") { print $outfile " is_aerosol = 1 ;\n" if ($aero ne ""); print $outfile " is_chemical = 1 ;\n" if ($constit ne ""); } else { print $outfile " is_chemical_srcsink = 1 ;\n"; print $outfile " sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess = $sourceSink ;\n"; } print $outfile " typeOfGeneratingProcess = $typeGen ;\n" if ($typeGen ne ""); print $outfile " localTablesVersion = $localTV ;\n" if ($localTV ne ""); print $outfile " typeOfWavelengthInterval = $typeOfWLInt ;\n" if ($typeOfWLInt ne ""); print $outfile " scaleFactorOfFirstWavelength = $scaleFactorWL1 ;\n" if ($scaleFactorWL1 ne ""); print $outfile " scaledValueOfFirstWavelength = $scaledValueWL1 ;\n" if ($scaledValueWL1 ne ""); print $outfile " scaleFactorOfSecondWavelength = $scaleFactorWL2 ;\n" if ($scaleFactorWL2 ne ""); print $outfile " scaledValueOfSecondWavelength = $scaledValueWL2 ;\n" if ($scaledValueWL2 ne ""); print $outfile "}\n"; } sub check_first_row_column_names { my $line = shift; # This is the first row my @keys = split(/\t/, $line); my $c = 0; my $numkeys = scalar @keys; my $numcols = scalar @columns; die "Error: 1st row column titles wrong: Expected $numcols columns, got $numkeys.\nColumns should be:\n@columns\n" if ($numkeys != $numcols); for ( my $i = 0; $i < $numkeys; $i++ ) { if ( $keys[$i] ne $columns[$i] ) { die "Error: 1st row column titles wrong: check column ", $i+1, ". Expected '$columns[$i]', got '$keys[$i]'.\n"; } } #if (@keys ~~ @columns) { # print "[@keys] and [@columns] match\n"; #} else { # die "Error: must use these columns: @columns\n"; #} } sub create_or_append { my $outfile = $_[0]; my $fname = $_[1]; if (-f "$fname") { open($outfile, ">>$fname") or die "Error: $fname: $!"; } else { open($outfile, ">$fname") or die "Error: $fname: $!"; } } sub is_integer { my $val = shift; return ($val =~ /^\d+$/); } sub usage { print <