#!/bin/sh # (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF. # # This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 # which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # # In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by # virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. # . ./include.ctest.sh label="grib_check_param_concepts_test" tempText=temp.$label.txt tempGrib=temp.$label.grib if [ $ECCODES_ON_WINDOWS -eq 1 ]; then echo "$0: This test is currently disabled on Windows" exit 0 fi check_grib_defs() { CHECK_DEFS=$proj_dir/definitions/check_grib_defs.pl if [ -x "$CHECK_DEFS" ]; then # Now check the name.def, paramId.def, shortName.def... files # in the current directory $CHECK_DEFS fi } # # Do various checks on the concepts files # # ----------------------------------- echo "Check for duplicate encodings" # ----------------------------------- paramIdFiles="$ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/paramId.def $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf/paramId.def" # Flatten the file so we get just the encoding part. # uniq -d outputs a single copy of each line that is repeated in the input for paramIdFile in $paramIdFiles; do cat $paramIdFile | tr '\n' ' ' | tr '\t' ' ' | tr '#' '\n' | sed "s/^.* '//" | sed "s/'//" | awk '{$1="";print}' | sort |uniq -d > $tempText if [ -s "$tempText" ]; then # File exists and has a size greater than zero echo "ERROR: Duplicate parameter encoding(s) found in $paramIdFile" >&2 cat $tempText | sed -e 's/ ;/;/g' exit 1 else echo "No duplicates in $paramIdFile" fi done # First check the GRIB2 paramId.def and shortName.def # ---------------------------------------------------- $EXEC ${test_dir}/grib_check_param_concepts paramId $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/paramId.def datasets="ecmf uerra cerise hydro s2s tigge era6 destine era" for a_dataset in $datasets; do $EXEC ${test_dir}/grib_check_param_concepts paramId $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/$a_dataset/paramId.def done $EXEC ${test_dir}/grib_check_param_concepts shortName $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/shortName.def for a_dataset in $datasets; do $EXEC ${test_dir}/grib_check_param_concepts shortName $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/$a_dataset/shortName.def done # Check WMO name.def etc $EXEC ${test_dir}/grib_check_param_concepts name $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/name.def $EXEC ${test_dir}/grib_check_param_concepts units $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/units.def $EXEC ${test_dir}/grib_check_param_concepts cfVarName $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/cfVarName.def $EXEC ${test_dir}/grib_check_param_concepts cfVarName $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf/cfVarName.def # Check the group: name.def paramId.def shortName.def units.def # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Check whether the Test::More Perl module is available set +e perl -e 'use Test::More;' status=$? set -e if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then echo "Perl Test::More not installed. Test will be skipped" exit 0 fi defs_dirs=" $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib1 $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2 $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib1/localConcepts/ecmf $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib1/localConcepts/ekmi $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib1/localConcepts/enmi $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib1/localConcepts/lfpw $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib1/localConcepts/lowm $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib1/localConcepts/rjtd $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/uerra $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/hydro $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/cerise $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/tigge $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/s2s $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/era6 $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/era $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/destine $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/egrr $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/ekmi $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/eswi $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/lfpw " for dir in $defs_dirs; do cd $dir check_grib_defs done cd $test_dir # ------------------------------- echo "WMO legacy parameters..." # ------------------------------- ECMF_DIR=$ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2 tempDir=temp.${label}.dir rm -fr $tempDir mkdir -p $tempDir cd $tempDir # See ECC-1886 re cfVarName files #cp $ECMF_DIR/cfName.legacy.def cfName.def #cp $ECMF_DIR/cfVarName.legacy.def cfVarName.def cp $ECMF_DIR/name.legacy.def name.def cp $ECMF_DIR/paramId.legacy.def paramId.def cp $ECMF_DIR/shortName.legacy.def shortName.def cp $ECMF_DIR/units.legacy.def units.def check_grib_defs cd $test_dir rm -fr $tempDir # ------------------------------- echo "ECMWF legacy parameters..." # ------------------------------- ECMF_DIR=$ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf tempDir=temp.${label}.dir rm -fr $tempDir mkdir -p $tempDir cd $tempDir cp $ECMF_DIR/cfName.legacy.def cfName.def # cp $ECMF_DIR/cfVarName.legacy.def cfVarName.def cp $ECMF_DIR/name.legacy.def name.def cp $ECMF_DIR/paramId.legacy.def paramId.def cp $ECMF_DIR/shortName.legacy.def shortName.def cp $ECMF_DIR/units.legacy.def units.def check_grib_defs cd $test_dir rm -fr $tempDir # ------------------------------- echo "Check duplicates" # ------------------------------- paramIdFile=$ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/paramId.def pids=$(grep "^'" $paramIdFile | awk -F"'" '{printf "%s\n", $2}') set +e for p in $pids; do # For each paramId found in the top-level WMO file, check if it also exists # in the ECMWF local one grep "'$p'" $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf/paramId.def if [ $? -ne 1 ]; then echo "ERROR: check paramId $p. Is it duplicated?" exit 1 fi done set -e # ------------------------------- echo "ECC-1932" # ------------------------------- sample1=$ECCODES_SAMPLES_PATH/GRIB1.tmpl ${tools_dir}/grib_set -s centre=egrr,indicatorOfParameter=167 $sample1 $tempGrib grib_check_key_equals $tempGrib cfVarName t2m rm -f $tempGrib rm -f $tempText $tempGrib cd $test_dir rm -fr $tempDir