#!/bin/sh set -e echo "-# To copy only the pressure levels from a file\\n" echo "\verbatim" echo "> grib_copy -w levtype=pl ../data/tigge_pf_ecmwf.grib2 out.grib" echo "\endverbatim\\n" echo "-# To copy only the fields that are not on pressure levels from a file\\n" echo "\verbatim" echo "> grib_copy -w levtype!=pl ../data/tigge_pf_ecmwf.grib2 out.grib" echo "\endverbatim\\n" echo "-# To copy only the first three fields from a file\\n" echo "\verbatim" echo "> grib_copy -w count=1/2/3 ../data/tigge_pf_ecmwf.grib2 out.grib" echo "\endverbatim\\n" echo "-# A grib_file with multi field messages can be converted in single field messages" echo "with a simple grib_copy.\\n" echo "\verbatim" echo "> grib_copy multi.grib simple.grib" echo "\endverbatim\\n" echo "-# Use the square brackets to insert the value of a key" echo "in the name of the output file (This is a good way to split a large GRIB file)\\n" echo "\verbatim" echo "> grib_copy in.grib 'out_[shortName].grib'" echo "\endverbatim\\n" echo "Note: we need to quote the name of the output so the shell does not interpret the square brackets" echo "-# To copy fields whose typeOfLevel is either 'surface' or 'meanSea'" echo "\verbatim" echo "> grib_copy -w typeOfLevel=surface/meanSea orig.grib out.grib" echo "\endverbatim\\n" echo "-# To copy selected fields and apply sorting (sorted by level in ascending order)" echo "\verbatim" echo "> grib_copy -w typeOfLevel=heightAboveGround -B'level:i asc' tigge_af_ecmwf.grib2 out.grib" echo "\endverbatim\\n" echo "Note: we need to specify the ':i' to get a numerical sort. By default values are sorted as strings so a level of 100 would come before 20!"