#!/bin/sh # (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF. # # This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 # which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # # In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by # virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. # . ./include.ctest.sh label="grib_accessors_test" tempText=temp.$label.txt if [ $ECCODES_ON_WINDOWS -eq 1 ]; then echo "$0: This test is currently disabled on Windows" exit 0 fi # Accessors like uint16, uint32 etc # ---------------------------------- tempDir=${label}.temp.dir rm -rf $tempDir mkdir -p $tempDir/definitions/grib2 bootfile=$tempDir/definitions/grib2/boot.def cat $def_dir/grib2/boot.def > $bootfile echo "uint16 key_uint16: transient;" >> $bootfile echo "uint32 key_uint32: transient;" >> $bootfile echo "uint32_little_endian key_uint32_le: transient;" >> $bootfile echo "uint64 key_uint64: transient;" >> $bootfile echo "uint64_little_endian key_uint64_le: transient;" >> $bootfile echo "key_tos1 = to_string(kindOfProduct,0,1);" >> $bootfile echo "key_tos2 = to_string(dataDate,0,3);" >> $bootfile echo >> $bootfile curr_defs=$ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH export ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH=$PWD/$tempDir/definitions:$curr_defs input=$ECCODES_SAMPLES_PATH/GRIB2.tmpl set +e # Not yet fully implemented ${tools_dir}/grib_get -p key_uint16 $input > $tempText 2>&1 ${tools_dir}/grib_get -p key_uint32 $input >> $tempText 2>&1 ${tools_dir}/grib_get -p key_uint32_le $input >> $tempText 2>&1 set -e # TODO # grib_check_key_equals $input 'key_uint64,key_uint64_le' '0 0' # kindOfProduct = GRIB, dataDate = 20070323 grib_check_key_equals $input 'key_tos1,key_tos2' 'G 200' grib_check_key_equals $input 'key_tos2:d,key_tos2:i' '200 200' rm -rf $tempDir # Clean up rm -f $tempText