The computation of EFI changed with the implementation of VarEPS-Monthly in March 2008. This change had to be reflected in the information stored in the GRIB Header. Therefore, we have 2 versions regarding the content of local definition 19. The layout is the same, and applications do not need to be recompiled, unless they make use of the extra information.

The two definitions follow:

Please, refer to the documentation about Implementation of VarEPS-Monthly for further information.

Definition prior to March 2008

KSEC1 element Contents GRIB octet Recommended GRIB_API keys Coded GRIB_API keys Comments
ECMWF local GRIB use definition identifier.
19 = Extreme forecast index data
41 localDefinitionNumber localDefinitionNumber
38 Class: 1 = operations 42 class marsClass
27 = extreme forecast index
28 = extreme forecast index control
43 type marsType
40 Stream: 1035 = ensemble forecast 44-45 stream marsStream
Version number or experiment identifier.
(4 ASCII characters, right justified)
46-49 expver experimentVersionNumber
Zero, for compatibility with Mars labelling

43 Ensemble size. 51 ensembleSize

44 Power of 10 used to scale climate weight = F, say 52 powerOfTenUsedToScaleClimateWeight

45 Weight*10**F applied to climate month 1, stored as an integer 53 - 56 weightAppliedToClimateMonth1

46 First month used to build climate month 1, YYYYMM 57-59 firstMonthUsedToBuildClimateMonth1

47 Last month used to build climate month 1, YYYYMM 60-62 lastMonthUsedToBuildClimateMonth1

48 First month used to build climate month 2, YYYYMM 63-65 firstMonthUsedToBuildClimateMonth2

49 Last month used to build climate month 2, YYYYMM 66-68 lastMonthUsedToBuildClimateMonth2

50 EFI order 69 efiOrder

51 Set to 0 for this version of EFI(prior to March 2008) 70

- Set to zero 71 - 80

Definition after March 2008

KSEC1 element Contents GRIB octet Recommended GRIB_API keys Coded GRIB_API keys Comments
ECMWF local GRIB use definition identifier.
19 = Extreme forecast index data
41 localDefinitionNumber localDefinitionNumber
38 Class: 1 = operations 42 class marsClass
27 = extreme forecast index
28 = extreme forecast index control
43 type marsType
40 Stream: 1035 = ensemble forecast 44-45 stream marsStream
Version number or experiment identifier.
(4 ASCII characters, right justified)
46-49 expver experimentVersionNumber
Zero, for compatibility with Mars labelling

43 Ensemble size. 51 ensembleSize ensembleSize
44 Version number of the latest experimental Suite(1-255) 52

45 Implementation date of the latest model cycle (YYYYMMDDHH) 53 - 56

46 Number of re-forecast years in the model climate (Currently set to 18) 57-59

47 Length (in number of days) of the climate sampling window centred over the day of the climate run (Currently set to 31) 60-62

48 Sample size of the model climate (Currently set to 0 = No climate files prepared for days between two forecast runs) 63-65

49 Version of model climate (Currently set to 0 = No climate files prepared for days between two re-forecast runs) 66-68

50 Set to 0 for the EFI 69

51 Set to 1 for this version of EFI(prior to March 2008) 70

- Set to zero 71-80