# (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF. # TEMPLATE 3.110, Equatorial azimuthal equidistant projection include "grib2/template.3.shape_of_the_earth.def" constant isGridded = true; # Number of points along X-axis unsigned[4] numberOfPointsAlongXAxis : dump; alias Nx = numberOfPointsAlongXAxis; alias numberOfPointsAlongAParallel = Nx; alias Ni = Nx; # Number of points along Y-axis unsigned[4] numberOfPointsAlongYAxis : dump; alias Ny = numberOfPointsAlongYAxis; alias numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian = Ny; alias Nj = Ny; # Latitude of tangency point (centre of grid) signed[4] latitudeOfTangencyPoint : dump; alias La1 = latitudeOfTangencyPoint; # Longitude of tangency point unsigned[4] longitudeOfTangencyPoint : dump; alias Lo1 = longitudeOfTangencyPoint; # Resolution and component flag flags[1] resolutionAndComponentFlags 'grib2/tables/[tablesVersion]/3.3.table' : dump; # X-direction grid length in units of 10 -3 m as measured at the point of the axis unsigned[4] Dx : dump; # Y-direction grid length in units of 10 -3 m as measured at the point of the axis unsigned[4] Dy : dump; # Projection centre flag unsigned[1] projectionCentreFlag : dump; include "grib2/template.3.scanning_mode.def"