mirror of https://github.com/ecmwf/eccodes.git
ECC-1886: Definitions: cfVarName key should be based on the shortName (with a few exceptions)
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ is_deeply(\%name_map, \%paramId_map, 'Check name and paramId are the same');
is_deeply(\%name_map, \%shortName_map, 'Check name and shortName are the same');
is_deeply(\%name_map, \%units_map, 'Check name and units are the same');
if (-f "cfVarName.def") {
my %cfVar_map = process("cfVarName.def");
is_deeply(\%name_map, \%cfVar_map, 'Check name and cfVarName are the same');
} else {
print "\n\tINFO: Did not find a cfVarName.def file!!!\n\n";
#if (-f "cfVarName.def") {
# my %cfVar_map = process("cfVarName.def");
# is_deeply(\%name_map, \%cfVar_map, 'Check name and cfVarName are the same');
#} else {
# print "\n\tINFO: Did not find a cfVarName.def file!!!\n\n";
@ -183,6 +183,92 @@ EOF
sub create_cfVarName {
my $p; my %seen;
my ($key) =@_;
my $field=$key;
#if ($key =~ /paramId/) { $field="param.id"; }
#if ($key =~ /name/) { $field="param.name"; }
#if ($key =~ /units/) { $field="units.name"; }
if ($key =~ /cfVarName/) { $field="cfVarName"; }
my $query= <<"EOF";
select $field,force128,edition,
from param,grib_encoding,grib,attribute,centre,units where
param.hide_def=0 and
grib_encoding.id=grib.encoding_id and
param.id=grib_encoding.param_id and
attribute.id=grib.attribute_id and
centre.id=grib_encoding.centre_id and
and cfVarName IS NOT NULL
order by edition,centre_id,param.o,param.id,grib_encoding.param_version,attribute.o;
my $qh=$dbh->prepare($query);
# file containing the list of grib api parameters files we want to tar and
# distribute to users for them to download and update their list of parameter
# to the latest
#open(TAR,$tarfilesflag ? ">>" : ">","tarfiles.txt") or die "Count not open file tarfiles.txt: $!";
while (my ($keyval,$force128,$edition,$centre,$paramId,$attribute,$value,$name,$shortName)=$qh->fetchrow_array )
if ($centre eq "wmo" ) { $conceptDir=""; }
else { $conceptDir="/localConcepts/$centre"; }
#if ($key =~ /paramId/ && $force128==1 && $keyval >1000) {
# $keyval= $keyval % 1000;
if ($filebase ne "$basedir/grib$edition$conceptDir") {
if ($filebase) {
print $out "}\n";
close $out;
# or die ("unable to copy $filebase/$key.def");
print TAR "grib$edition$conceptDir/$key.def\n";
#system("cp -f $filebase/$key.def $filebase/$key.def.orig");
open($out,"> $filebase/$key.def")
or die "unable to open $filebase/$key.def";
print $out "# Automatically generated by $0, do not edit\n";
if ($p ne $paramId || exists($seen{$attribute}) ) {
if ($p) { print $out "\t}\n"; }
print $out "#$name\n" ;
print $out "\'".$keyval."\' = {\n" ;
print "($key=$keyval) $edition,$centre,$shortName,$paramId,$name,$attribute,$value\n";
# we need to allow strings in the attribute_value field
# for the moment we apply a patch here
if ($attribute =~ /stepType/ ) {
if ($value eq '') {
print $out "\t $attribute = $value ;\n" ;
if ($filebase) {
print $out "}\n";
close $out;
sub create_paramId_def {
my $p; my %seen;
@ -270,6 +356,7 @@ create_def("paramId");
# #create_paramId_def();
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,120 +1,9 @@
# Automatically generated by ./create_def.pl, do not edit
#Stream function
'strf' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 35 ;
#Velocity potential
'vp' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 36 ;
#Potential temperature
'pt' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 13 ;
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 32 ;
#Sea ice area fraction
'ci' = {
'siconc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 91 ;
#Montgomery potential
'mont' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 37 ;
'pres' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 1 ;
#Potential vorticity
'pv' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 4 ;
#Total column cloud liquid water
'tclw' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 227 ;
#Total column cloud ice water
'tciw' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 58 ;
'z' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 6 ;
't' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 11 ;
#U component of wind
'u' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 33 ;
#V component of wind
'v' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 34 ;
#Specific humidity
'q' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 51 ;
#Surface pressure
'sp' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 1 ;
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel = 1 ;
#Vertical velocity
'w' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 39 ;
#Total column vertically-integrated water vapour
'tcwv' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 54 ;
#Vorticity (relative)
'vo' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 43 ;
#Mean sea level pressure
'msl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 2 ;
'd' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 44 ;
#Geopotential height
'gh' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 7 ;
#Relative humidity
'r' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 52 ;
#10 metre U wind component
'u10' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
@ -136,71 +25,6 @@
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel = 105 ;
level = 2 ;
#Land-sea mask
'lsm' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 81 ;
#Surface roughness (climatological)
'sr' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 83 ;
#Brightness temperature
'btmp' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 118 ;
#Specific cloud ice water content
'ciwc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 229 ;
#Snow depth
'sde' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 66 ;
#Convective cloud cover
'ccc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 72 ;
#Low cloud cover
'lcc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 73 ;
#Medium cloud cover
'mcc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 74 ;
#High cloud cover
'hcc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 75 ;
#Large scale snow
'lssf' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 79 ;
#Latent heat flux
'lhf' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 121 ;
#Sensible heat flux
'shf' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 122 ;
#Boundary layer dissipation
'bld' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 123 ;
#2 metre specific humidity
'sh2' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
@ -208,745 +32,10 @@
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel = 105 ;
level = 2 ;
#Convective snow
'snoc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 78 ;
#Maximum wind speed
'maxgust' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 219 ;
#Downward short-wave radiation flux
'dswrf' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 204 ;
#Upward short-wave radiation flux
'uswrf' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 211 ;
#Downward long-wave radiation flux
'dlwrf' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 205 ;
#Upward long-wave radiation flux
'ulwrf' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 212 ;
#Cloud water
'cwat' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 76 ;
#Cloud work function
'cwork' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 146 ;
#Total column integrated ozone
'tcioz' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 10 ;
#Ground heat flux
'gflux' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 155 ;
#2 metre relative humidity
'r2' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 52 ;
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel = 105 ;
level = 2 ;
#Clear Sky Downward Solar Flux
'csdsf' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 161 ;
#Clear Sky Upward Solar Flux
'csusf' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 160 ;
#Clear Sky Upward Long Wave Flux
'csulf' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 162 ;
#Clear Sky Downward Long Wave Flux
'csdlf' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 163 ;
#Forecast albedo
'al' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 84 ;
#Mean evaporation
'evpsfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 57 ;
#Mean total precipitation
'tpratsfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 61 ;
#Mean large scale precipitation
'lpratsfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 62 ;
#Mean convective precipitation
'cpratsfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 63 ;
#Mean snowfall rate water equivalent
'srweqsfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 64 ;
#Mean surface water runoff
'rofsfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 90 ;
#Square of Brunt-Vaisala frequency
'bvf2tht' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 132 ;
#Adiabatic zonal acceleration
'aduahbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 151 ;
#Adiabatic meridional acceleration
'advaprs' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 165 ;
#Mean frequency of deep convection
'frcvsfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 170 ;
#Mean frequency of shallow convection
'frcvssfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 171 ;
#Mean frequency of stratocumulus parameterisation
'frscsfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 172 ;
#Gravity wave zonal acceleration
'gwduahbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 173 ;
#Gravity wave meridional acceleration
'gwdvahbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 174 ;
#Mean evapotranspiration
'ltrssfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 202 ;
#Adiabatic heating rate
'adhrhbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 222 ;
#Moisture storage on canopy
'mscsfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 223 ;
#Moisture storage on ground or cover
'msgsfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 224 ;
#Mass concentration of condensed water in soil
'smcugl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 226 ;
#Upward mass flux at cloud base
'mflxbhbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 230 ;
#Upward mass flux
'mfluxhbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 231 ;
#Adiabatic moistening rate
'admrhbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 236 ;
#Ozone mixing ratio
'ozonehbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 237 ;
#Convective zonal acceleration
'cnvuahbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 239 ;
#Mean zonal momentum flux by long gravity wave
'fglusfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 147 ;
#Mean meridional momentum flux by long gravity wave
'fglvsfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 148 ;
#Mean meridional momentum flux by short gravity wave
'fgsvsfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 154 ;
#Mean zonal momentum flux by short gravity wave
'fgsusfc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 159 ;
#Convective meridional acceleration
'cnvvahbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 240 ;
#Large scale condensation heating rate
'lrghrhbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 241 ;
#Convective heating rate
'cnvhrhbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 242 ;
#Convective moistening rate
'cnvmrhbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 243 ;
#Vertical diffusion heating rate
'vdfhrhbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 246 ;
#Vertical diffusion zonal acceleration
'vdfuahbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 247 ;
#Vertical diffusion meridional acceleration
'vdfvahbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 248 ;
#Vertical diffusion moistening rate
'vdfmrhbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 249 ;
#Solar radiative heating rate
'swhrhbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 250 ;
#Long wave radiative heating rate
'lwhrhbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 251 ;
#Large scale moistening rate
'lrgmrhbl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 253 ;
#Type of vegetation
'tovg' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 252 ;
#Virtual temperature
'vtmp' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 12 ;
#Vertical velocity
'omg2' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 40 ;
#Interception loss
'pitp' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 203 ;
#Soil wetness of surface
'ussl' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 225 ;
#Temperature at canopy
'ctmp' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 144 ;
#Ground/surface cover temperature
'tgsc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 145 ;
#Pressure tendency
'ptend' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 3 ;
#ICAO Standard Atmosphere reference height
'icaht' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 5 ;
#Geometrical height
'h' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 8 ;
#Standard deviation of height
'hstdv' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 9 ;
#Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature
'papt' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 14 ;
#Maximum temperature
'tmax' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 15 ;
#Minimum temperature
'tmin' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 16 ;
#Dew point temperature
'dpt' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 17 ;
#Dew point depression (or deficit)
'depr' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 18 ;
#Lapse rate
'lapr' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 19 ;
'vis' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 20 ;
#Radar spectra (1)
'rdsp1' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 21 ;
#Radar spectra (2)
'rdsp2' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 22 ;
#Radar spectra (3)
'rdsp3' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 23 ;
#Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)
'pli' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 24 ;
#Temperature anomaly
'ta' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 25 ;
#Pressure anomaly
'presa' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 26 ;
#Geopotential height anomaly
'gpa' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 27 ;
#Wave spectra (1)
'wvsp1' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 28 ;
#Wave spectra (2)
'wvsp2' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 29 ;
#Wave spectra (3)
'wvsp3' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 30 ;
#Wind direction
'wdir' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 31 ;
#Sigma coordinate vertical velocity
'sgcvv' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 38 ;
#Absolute vorticity
'absv' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 41 ;
#Absolute divergence
'absd' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 42 ;
#Vertical u-component shear
'vucsh' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 45 ;
#Vertical v-component shear
'vvcsh' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 46 ;
#Direction of current
'dirc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 47 ;
#Speed of current
'spc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 48 ;
#Humidity mixing ratio
'mixr' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 53 ;
#Vapour pressure
'vp' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 55 ;
#Saturation deficit
'satd' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 56 ;
#Precipitation rate
'prate' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 59 ;
#Thunderstorm probability
'tstm' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 60 ;
#Mixed layer depth
'mld' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 67 ;
#Transient thermocline depth
'tthdp' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 68 ;
#Main thermocline depth
'mthd' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 69 ;
#Main thermocline anomaly
'mtha' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 70 ;
#Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)
'bli' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 77 ;
#Water temperature
'wtmp' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 80 ;
#Deviation of sea-level from mean
'dslm' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 82 ;
#Soil moisture content
'ssw' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 86 ;
's' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 88 ;
'den' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 89 ;
#Ice thickness
'icetk' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 92 ;
#Direction of ice drift
'diced' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 93 ;
#Speed of ice drift
'siced' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 94 ;
#U-component of ice drift
'uice' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 95 ;
#V-component of ice drift
'vice' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 96 ;
#Ice growth rate
'iceg' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 97 ;
#Ice divergence
'iced' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 98 ;
'snom' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 99 ;
#Signific.height,combined wind waves+swell
'swh' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 100 ;
#Mean direction of wind waves
'mdww' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 101 ;
#Significant height of wind waves
'shww' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 102 ;
#Mean period of wind waves
'mpww' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 103 ;
#Direction of swell waves
'swdir' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 104 ;
#Significant height of swell waves
'swell' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 105 ;
#Mean period of swell waves
'swper' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 106 ;
#Primary wave direction
'mdps' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 107 ;
#Primary wave mean period
'mpps' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 108 ;
#Secondary wave direction
'dirsw' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 109 ;
#Secondary wave mean period
'swp' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 110 ;
#Net short-wave radiation flux (surface)
'nswrs' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 111 ;
#Net long-wave radiation flux (surface)
'nlwrs' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 112 ;
#Net short-wave radiation flux(atmosph.top)
'nswrt' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 113 ;
#Net long-wave radiation flux(atmosph.top)
'nlwrt' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 114 ;
#Long wave radiation flux
'lwavr' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 115 ;
#Short wave radiation flux
'swavr' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 116 ;
#Global radiation flux
'grad' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 117 ;
#Radiance (with respect to wave number)
'lwrad' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 119 ;
#Radiance (with respect to wave length)
'swrad' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 120 ;
#Momentum flux, u-component
'uflx' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 124 ;
#Momentum flux, v-component
'vflx' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 125 ;
#Wind mixing energy
'wmixe' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 126 ;
#Image data
'imgd' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 127 ;
#Cloud liquid water
'clw' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 228 ;
#Percentage of vegetation
'vegrea' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 87 ;
#Vertical integral of eastward heat flux
'vithee' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 190 ;
#Vertical integral of northward heat flux
'vithen' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 191 ;
#Vertical integral of eastward water vapour flux
'viwve' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 157 ;
#Vertical integral of northward water vapour flux
'viwvn' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 152 ;
#specific cloud water content
'qc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 221 ;
#Soil temperature
'st' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 85 ;
#Snow depth water equivalent
'sd' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 65 ;
#Total Cloud Cover
'tcc' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 71 ;
@ -158,8 +158,11 @@ concept paramId (paramIdECMF,"paramId.def",conceptsDir2,conceptsDir1): long_type
concept cfNameECMF(defaultName,"cfName.def",conceptsMasterDir,conceptsLocalDirECMF) : no_copy,read_only;
concept cfName(cfNameECMF,"cfName.def",conceptsDir2,conceptsDir1) : dump,no_copy,read_only;
concept cfVarNameECMF(defaultName,"cfVarName.def",conceptsMasterDir,conceptsLocalDirECMF) : no_copy,read_only;
concept cfVarName(cfVarNameECMF,"cfVarName.def",conceptsDir2,conceptsDir1) : dump,no_copy,read_only;
#concept cfVarNameECMF(defaultName,"cfVarName.def",conceptsMasterDir,conceptsLocalDirECMF) : no_copy,read_only;
#concept cfVarName(cfVarNameECMF,"cfVarName.def",conceptsDir2,conceptsDir1) : dump,no_copy,read_only;
# See ECC-1886
meta defaultCfVarName cf_var_name(shortName) : hidden, read_only;
concept cfVarName(defaultCfVarName,"cfVarName.def",conceptsDir2,conceptsDir1) : dump,no_copy,read_only;
concept unitsECMF(defaultName,"units.def",conceptsMasterDir,conceptsLocalDirECMF) : no_copy,read_only;
concept units(unitsECMF,"units.def",conceptsDir2,conceptsDir1) : dump,no_copy,read_only;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,34 +1,19 @@
# Automatically generated by ./create_def.pl, do not edit
#Sea ice area fraction
'ci' = {
'siconc' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
#Sea ice area fraction
'ci' = {
'siconc' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Snow density
'rsn' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 61 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea surface temperature
'sst' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Maximum temperature at 2 metres in the last 6 hours
'mx2t6' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -53,15 +38,6 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 3 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 6 ;
#Total column water
'tcw' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 51 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#2 metre temperature
't2m' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -101,7 +77,7 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
#2 metre dewpoint temperature
'd2' = {
'd2m' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
@ -110,123 +86,8 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-integrated eastward turbulent surface stress
'ewss' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 38 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Time-integrated northward turbulent surface stress
'nsss' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 37 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Skin temperature
'skt' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 17 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Mean sea water potential temperature in the upper 300 m
'mswpt300m' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 4 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 160 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = 300 ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea surface practical salinity
'sos' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma theta 0.01 kg/m3
'mlotst010' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 4 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 169 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 2 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Soil moisture top 20 cm
'sm20' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 22 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 106 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 106 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = 2 ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Soil moisture top 100 cm
'sm100' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 22 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 106 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 106 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = 10 ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Soil temperature top 20 cm
'st20' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 106 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 106 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = 2 ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Soil temperature top 100 cm
'st100' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 106 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 106 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = 10 ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'ocu' = {
'uoe' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
@ -234,69 +95,10 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Northward surface sea water velocity
'ocv' = {
'von' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea surface height
'zos' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Depth of 20C isotherm
't20d' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 4 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 20 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 29315 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 2 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300m
'sav300' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 4 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 160 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = 300 ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea-ice thickness
'sithick' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Snow depth water equivalent
'sd' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 60 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
@ -40,28 +40,4 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 15 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
#Soil moisture
'sm' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 22 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 106 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 106 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = 2 ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = 1 ;
#Soil temperature
'st' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 106 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 106 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = 2 ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = 1 ;
@ -1,72 +1,12 @@
# Automatically generated by ./create_def.pl, do not edit
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea ice area fraction
'ci' = {
'siconc' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Snow density
'rsn' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 61 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea surface temperature
'sst' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Maximum 10 metre wind gust since previous post-processing
'fg10' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -102,110 +42,6 @@
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 2 ;
'pres' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Potential vorticity
'pv' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific rain water content
'crwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific snow water content
'cswc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total column cloud liquid water
'tclw' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 69 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total column cloud ice water
'tciw' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 70 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
'z' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
't' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#U component of wind
'u' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#V component of wind
'v' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific humidity
'q' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Surface pressure
'sp' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Mean sea level pressure
'msl' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 101 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Relative humidity
'r' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#10 metre U wind component
'u10' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -245,21 +81,6 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Surface roughness (climatological)
'sr' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
#Top net short-wave (solar) radiation
'tsr' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 4 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Maximum temperature at 2 metres since previous post-processing
'mx2t' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -334,28 +155,6 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Skin temperature
'skt' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 17 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud liquid water content
'clwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud ice water content
'ciwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#2 metre specific humidity
'sh2' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -367,61 +166,6 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Precipitation type
'ptype' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total column integrated water vapour
'tciwv' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 64 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Total column integrated water vapour
'tciwv' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 64 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Momentum flux, u component
'uflx' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 17 ;
#Momentum flux, v component
'vflx' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
#Standard deviation of sub-grid scale orography
'sdsgso' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 20 ;
#Cloud base
'cdcb' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
parameterNumber = 11 ;
#Volumetric soil moisture
'vsw' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#2 metre relative humidity
'r2' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -440,104 +184,4 @@
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 2 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
'eva' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 79 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 6 ;
'eva' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 79 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Time-integrated surface direct short wave radiation flux
'tidirswrf' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 4 ;
parameterNumber = 13 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Fraction of snow cover
'fscov' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 121 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Accumulated surface downward short-wave radiation flux, clear sky
'adswrf_cs' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 4 ;
parameterNumber = 52 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Accumulated surface downward long-wave radiation flux, clear sky
'adlwrf_cs' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 5 ;
parameterNumber = 8 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Sea ice surface temperature
'sist' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 8 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 174 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Snow on ice total depth
'sitd' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 11 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 174 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
'snom' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 16 ;
#Sea-ice thickness
'sithick' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Snow depth water equivalent
'sd' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 60 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ concept cfName(cfNameECMF,"cfName.def",conceptsDir2,conceptsDir1) : no_copy,dump
# concept cfVarNameECMF (cfVarNameLegacyECMF,"cfVarName.def",conceptsMasterDir,conceptsLocalDirECMF): no_copy;
# concept cfVarName (cfVarNameECMF,"cfVarName.def",conceptsDir2,conceptsDir1): no_copy,dump;
# See ECC-1886
meta defaultCfVarName cf_var_name(shortName) : hidden, read_only;
concept cfVarName (defaultCfVarName, "cfVarName.def", conceptsDir2, conceptsDir1): no_copy,dump;
meta defaultCfVarName cf_var_name(shortName) : no_copy,hidden,read_only;
concept cfVarName (defaultCfVarName, "cfVarName.def", conceptsDir2, conceptsDir1): no_copy,dump,read_only;
template_nofail names "grib2/products_[productionStatusOfProcessedData].def";
@ -86,6 +86,14 @@ static int grib_check_param_concepts(const char* key, const char* filename)
int type1Missing = -1, type2Missing = -1;
int err = 0;
/* concept_value->name is the value of the key (e.g. 151163 or sst) */
if (strcmp(key, "cfVarName")==0) {
Assert( strlen(concept_value->name) > 0 );
if ( isdigit(concept_value->name[0]) || strcmp(concept_value->name, "~")==0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s: Invalid cfVarName in file %s\n",
key, concept_value->name, filename);
while (concept_condition) {
char condition_value[512] = {0,};
grib_expression* expression = concept_condition->expression;
@ -39,11 +39,12 @@ done
# Check WMO name.def etc
$EXEC ${test_dir}/grib_check_param_concepts name $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/name.def
$EXEC ${test_dir}/grib_check_param_concepts units $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/units.def
$EXEC ${test_dir}/grib_check_param_concepts units $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/cfVarName.def
$EXEC ${test_dir}/grib_check_param_concepts cfVarName $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/cfVarName.def
$EXEC ${test_dir}/grib_check_param_concepts cfVarName $ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf/cfVarName.def
# Check the group: name.def paramId.def shortName.def units.def cfVarName.def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check the group: name.def paramId.def shortName.def units.def
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Check whether the Test::More Perl module is available
set +e
perl -e 'use Test::More;'
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ rm -fr $tempDir
mkdir -p $tempDir
cd $tempDir
cp $ECMF_DIR/cfName.legacy.def cfName.def
cp $ECMF_DIR/cfVarName.legacy.def cfVarName.def
# cp $ECMF_DIR/cfVarName.legacy.def cfVarName.def
cp $ECMF_DIR/name.legacy.def name.def
cp $ECMF_DIR/paramId.legacy.def paramId.def
cp $ECMF_DIR/shortName.legacy.def shortName.def
Reference in New Issue