Improved number comparison script to print 1st difference

This commit is contained in:
Shahram Najm 2014-08-14 11:37:47 +01:00
parent a2f885b290
commit dc017c92bc
1 changed files with 16 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
# It exits with status 0 if the files are considered the same
# otherwise status is 1.
# The actual differences are NOT printed
# Only the first difference is printed
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ die "$!" unless (-e $fileA && -e $fileB);
#print "DEBUG: f1=$fileA, f2=$fileB, tol=$tolerance\n";
my $line_num=1;
use File::Compare 'cmp';
sub munge($) {
@ -49,7 +51,19 @@ sub munge($) {
my $delta = $tolerance;
if (not cmp($fileA, $fileB, sub {abs(munge $_[0] - munge $_[1])>$delta} ))
if (not cmp($fileA, $fileB, sub {
my $arg1 = munge $_[0];
my $arg2 = munge $_[1];
#print "Line $line_num: Comparing $arg1 with $arg2 ...\n";
my $result = (abs($arg1 - $arg2) > $delta);
if ($result) {
print "Line $line_num differs: [$arg1] <=> [$arg2]\n";
print "Absolute error = ". abs($arg1 - $arg2) . "\n";
return $result;
# abs(munge $_[0] - munge $_[1])>$delta
} ))
#print "FLOAT: fileA and fileB are considered the same. HOORA\n";
exit 0;