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ECC-196: Update the bufr_read_temp example
This commit is contained in:
@ -136,3 +136,4 @@ wavb_134.bufr
@ -1,103 +1,81 @@
!Copyright 2005-2015 ECMWF.
! Copyright 2005-2015 ECMWF.
! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
!which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by
! virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
! FOTRAN 90 Implementation: bufr_read_temp
! FORTRAN 90 Implementation: bufr_read_temp
! Description: how to read temperature significant levels from TEMP BUFR messages.
! Description: how to read levels from TEMP BUFR messages.
! Please note that TEMP reports can be encoded in various ways in BUFR. Therefore the code
! below might not work directly for other types of TEMP messages than the one used in the
! example. It is advised to use bufr_dump first to understand the structure of these messages.
program bufr_read_temp
use eccodes
implicit none
integer :: ifile
integer :: iret
integer :: ibufr
integer :: i, count=0
integer(kind=4) :: num
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: presVal,geoVal,tVal ,tdVal
character(len=128) :: keyName
use eccodes
implicit none
integer :: ifile
integer :: iret,ierr
integer :: ibufr
integer :: i, count=0
integer(kind=4),dimension(:), allocatable :: timePeriod,extendedVerticalSoundingSignificance
integer(kind=4) :: blockNumber,stationNumber,numberOfLevels
character(len=30) :: str
real(kind=8),dimension(:), allocatable :: pressure,airTemperature,dewpointTemperature
real(kind=8),dimension(:), allocatable :: geopotentialHeight,latitudeDisplacement,longitudeDisplacement
real(kind=8),dimension(:), allocatable :: windDirection,windSpeed
character(len=128) :: keyName
call codes_open_file(ifile,'../../data/bufr/temp_101.bufr','r')
call codes_open_file(ifile,'../../data/bufr/PraticaTemp.bufr','r')
! the first bufr message is loaded from file
! ibufr is the bufr id to be used in subsequent calls
! the first bufr message is loaded from file
! ibufr is the bufr id to be used in subsequent calls
call codes_bufr_new_from_file(ifile,ibufr,iret)
do while (iret/=CODES_END_OF_FILE)
write(*,*) 'message: ',count
! we need to instruct ecCodes to expand all the descriptors
! i.e. unpack the data values
call codes_set(ibufr,"unpack",1);
! In what follows we rely on the fact that for
! temperature significant levels the value of key
! verticalSoundingSignificance is 4 (see flag table 8001 for details).
! In our BUFR message verticalSoundingSignificance is always followed by
! geopotential, airTemperature, dewpointTemperature,
! windDirection, windSpeed and pressure.
! So in order to access any of these keys we need to use the
! condition: verticalSoundingSignificance=4.
! ---- Get pressure ---------------------------
call codes_get(ibufr,'/verticalSoundingSignificance=4/pressure',presVal);
! ---- Get gepotential ------------------------
call codes_get(ibufr,'/verticalSoundingSignificance=4/geopotential',geoVal)
! ---- Get temperature --------------------------------
call codes_get(ibufr,'/verticalSoundingSignificance=4/airTemperature',tVal)
! ---- Get dew point temperature -----------------------
call codes_get(ibufr,'/verticalSoundingSignificance=4/dewpointTemperature',tdVal)
! ---- Check that all arrays are same size
if (size(presVal)/=size(geoVal) .or. size(tVal)/=size(tdVal) .or. size(tdVal)/=size(presVal)) then
print *,'inconsistent array dimension'
! ---- Print the values --------------------------------
write(*,*) 'level pres geo t td'
write(*,*) "--------------------------------------"
do i=1,num
write(*,*) i,presVal(i),geoVal(i),tVal(i),tdVal(i)
end do
! free arrays
call codes_set(ibufr,'unpack',1)
call codes_get(ibufr,'timePeriod',timePeriod)
call codes_get(ibufr,'pressure',pressure)
call codes_get(ibufr,'extendedVerticalSoundingSignificance',extendedVerticalSoundingSignificance)
call codes_get(ibufr,'geopotentialHeight',geopotentialHeight)
call codes_get(ibufr,'latitudeDisplacement',latitudeDisplacement)
call codes_get(ibufr,'longitudeDisplacement',longitudeDisplacement)
call codes_get(ibufr,'airTemperature',airTemperature)
call codes_get(ibufr,'dewpointTemperature',dewpointTemperature)
call codes_get(ibufr,'windDirection',windDirection)
call codes_get(ibufr,'windSpeed',windSpeed)
call codes_get(ibufr,'blockNumber',blockNumber)
call codes_get(ibufr,'stationNumber',stationNumber)
print *,'station',blockNumber,stationNumber
print *,'timePeriod pressure geopotentialHeight latitudeDisplacement &
&longitudeDisplacement airTemperature windDirection windSpeed significance'
do i=1,size(windSpeed)
write(*,'(I5,6X,F9.1,2X,F9.2,10X,F8.2,14X,F8.2,16X,F8.2,6X,F8.2,4X,F8.2,4X,I0)') timePeriod(i),pressure(i),&
! free arrays
! release the bufr message
call codes_release(ibufr)
! load the next bufr message
call codes_bufr_new_from_file(ifile,ibufr,iret)
end do
! close file
end do
! close file
call codes_close_file(ifile)
end program bufr_read_temp
@ -18,18 +18,15 @@ label="bufr_read_temp_f"
rm -f $fTmp | true
#We check "temp_101.bufr". The path is
#hardcoded in the example
# The path to the BUFR file is hardcoded in the example
#Write the key values into a file
# Run the example
${examples_dir}/eccodes_f_bufr_read_temp 2> $REDIRECT > $fTmp
#TODO: check the results
#cat $fTmp
#Clean up
rm -f $fTmp | true
rm -f $fTmp
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Copyright 2005-2015 ECMWF.
# This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
@ -6,12 +7,11 @@
# In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation
# nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
# Python implementation: bufr_read_temp
# Description: how to read temperature significant levels from TEMP BUFR
# messages.
# Description: how to read levels from TEMP BUFR messages.
# Please note that TEMP reports can be encoded in various ways in BUFR.
@ -19,94 +19,50 @@
# messages than the one used in the example. It is advised to use bufr_dump to
# understand the structure of the messages.
import traceback
import sys
from eccodes import *
INPUT = '../../data/bufr/temp_101.bufr'
INPUT = '../../data/bufr/PraticaTemp.bufr'
VERBOSE = 1 # verbose error reporting
def example():
# open bufr file
f = open(INPUT)
cnt = 0
# loop for the messages in the file
# loop over the messages in the file
while 1:
# get handle for message
gid = codes_bufr_new_from_file(f)
if gid is None:
bufr = codes_bufr_new_from_file(f)
if bufr is None:
print "message: %s" % cnt
# we need to instruct ecCodes to expand all the descriptors
# i.e. unpack the data values
codes_set(gid, 'unpack', 1)
# In what follows we rely on the fact that for
# temperature significant levels the value of key
# verticalSoundingSignificance is 4 (see flag table 8001 for details).
# We also make use of the fact that in our BUFR message
# verticalSoundingSignificance is always followed by geopotential,
# airTemperature, dewpointTemperature,
# windDirection, windSpeed and pressure.
# Get the number of the temperature significant levels.
# We find out the number of temperature significant levels by
# counting how many pressure values we have on these levels.
numSigT = codes_get_size(
gid, "/verticalSoundingSignificance=4/pressure")
print ' Number of temperature significant levels %ld' % (numSigT)
# Get pressure
sigt_pres = codes_get_array(
gid, "/verticalSoundingSignificance=4/pressure")
# Get gepotential
sigt_geo = codes_get_array(
gid, "/verticalSoundingSignificance=4/geopotential")
# Get temperature
sigt_t = codes_get_array(
gid, "/verticalSoundingSignificance=4/airTemperature")
# Get dew point
sigt_td = codes_get_array(
gid, "/verticalSoundingSignificance=4/dewpointTemperature")
# Check that all arrays are same size
if len(sigt_pres) != numSigT or len(sigt_geo) != numSigT or \
len(sigt_t) != numSigT or len(sigt_td) != numSigT:
print 'inconsistent array dimension'
return 1
# Print the values
print "lev pres geo t td"
print "-------------------------------"
for i in xrange(numSigT):
print "%3d %6.0f %6.0f %.1f %.1f" % (i + 1, sigt_pres[i],
sigt_geo[i], sigt_t[i],
# i.e. unpack the data section
codes_set(bufr, 'unpack', 1)
# get all the timePeriods
timePeriod = codes_get_array(bufr, "timePeriod")
pressure = codes_get_array(bufr, "pressure")
extendedVerticalSoundingSignificance = codes_get_array(bufr, "extendedVerticalSoundingSignificance")
geopotentialHeight = codes_get_array(bufr, "geopotentialHeight")
latitudeDisplacement = codes_get_array(bufr, "latitudeDisplacement")
longitudeDisplacement = codes_get_array(bufr, "longitudeDisplacement")
airTemperature = codes_get_array(bufr, "airTemperature")
dewpointTemperature = codes_get_array(bufr, "dewpointTemperature")
windDirection = codes_get_array(bufr, "windDirection")
windSpeed = codes_get_array(bufr, "windSpeed")
blockNumber = codes_get(bufr, "blockNumber")
stationNumber = codes_get(bufr, "stationNumber")
print 'station %d%d' % (blockNumber,stationNumber)
print 'timePeriod pressure geopotentialHeight latitudeDisplacement longitudeDisplacement airTemperature windDirection windSpeed significance'
for i in range(0,len(windSpeed)-1):
print timePeriod[i],pressure[i],geopotentialHeight[i],latitudeDisplacement[i],longitudeDisplacement[i],airTemperature[i],windDirection[i],windSpeed[i],extendedVerticalSoundingSignificance[i]
cnt += 1
# delete handle
# close the file
def main():
@ -115,8 +71,7 @@ def main():
print >>sys.stderr, err.msg
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -16,20 +16,14 @@ label="bufr_read_temp_p"
#Define tmp file
rm -f $fTmp | true
#We check "temp_101.bufr". The path is
#hardcoded in the example
rm -f $fTmp
#Write the key values into a file
# Run it. The path to the BUFR file is hardcoded in the example
$PYTHON $examples_src/bufr_read_temp.py 2> $REDIRECT > $fTmp
#TODO: check the results
#cat $fTmp
#Clean up
rm -f $fTmp
Reference in New Issue