Remove _numberOfValues bifourier_truncation from

definitions/grib2/template.5.53.def (avoid warning from grib_dump -O).
Check GRIB messages produced by tests/lam_bf.c & tests/lam_gp.c.
Fix warning issued by cppcheck on
This commit is contained in:
Philippe Marguinaud 2018-09-03 09:04:52 +02:00
parent 711ce42192
commit cc92f7e530
5 changed files with 125 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ transient computeLaplacianOperator=1 : hidden;
codetable[1] biFourierSubTruncationType ('3.99.table',masterDir,localDir) : dump;
unsigned[1] biFourierDoNotPackAxes = 0 : dump;
# TODO: What is I?
meta _numberOfValues bifourier_truncation(I,J,numberOfValues): read_only;
constant laplacianScalingFactorUnset = -2147483647;
signed[4] laplacianScalingFactor : edition_specific ;

View File

@ -302,7 +302,11 @@ static void diamond (long ni, long nj, long itrunc[], long jtrunc[])
do { \
insub = (i <= bt->sub_i) && (j <= bt->sub_j); \
if (insub) \
insub = (i <= bt->itruncation_sub[j]) && (j <= bt->jtruncation_sub[i]); \
{ \
int insubi = (i <= bt->itruncation_sub[j]); \
int insubj = (j <= bt->jtruncation_sub[i]); \
insub = insubi && insubj; \
} \
if (bt->keepaxes) \
insub = insub || (i == 0) || (j == 0); \
} while (0)

View File

@ -111,12 +111,10 @@ int grib_jasper_encode(grib_context *c, j2k_encode_helper *helper)
image.clrspc_ = JAS_CLRSPC_SGRAY;
image.cmprof_ = 0;
/* ECC-396: Support for Jasper 2.0
* Jasper version 1 had the 'inmem_' data member but
* version 2 removed it from the interface */
image.inmem_ = 1;
cmpt.tlx_ = 0;
cmpt.tly_ = 0;

View File

@ -729,6 +729,71 @@ int main (int argc, char * argv[])
GRIB_CHECK (grib_handle_delete (h), 0);
/* Check message correctness */
char f[128];
FILE * fp;
double * vals;
double norm = 0.;
int i, err;
size_t values_len, geometry_len;
long int LxInMetres, LyInMetres, LuxInMetres, LuyInMetres, LcxInMetres, LcyInMetres;
long int nsmax, nmsmax;
char geometry[128];
sprintf (f, "lam_bf_%s.grib", grids[igrid]);
fp = fopen (f, "r");
h = grib_handle_new_from_file (0, fp, &err);
vals = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * ILCHAM);
values_len = ILCHAM;
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_double_array (h, "values", vals, &values_len), 0);
for (i = 0; i < ILCHAM; i++)
norm += (values[i] - vals[i]) * (values[i] - vals[i]);
norm = sqrt (norm / ILCHAM);
free (vals);
if (norm > 0.0001)
printf ("Error too large !\n");
abort ();
fclose (fp);
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_long (h, "biFourierResolutionParameterN", &nsmax), 0);
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_long (h, "biFourierResolutionParameterM", &nmsmax), 0);
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_long (h, "LxInMetres", &LxInMetres), 0);
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_long (h, "LyInMetres", &LyInMetres), 0);
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_long (h, "LuxInMetres", &LuxInMetres), 0);
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_long (h, "LuyInMetres", &LuyInMetres), 0);
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_long (h, "LcxInMetres", &LcxInMetres), 0);
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_long (h, "LcyInMetres", &LcyInMetres), 0);
if (LxInMetres != 2000 || LyInMetres != 2000 || LuxInMetres != 1800 ||
LuyInMetres != 1800 || LcxInMetres != 100 || LcyInMetres != 100 ||
NSMAX != nsmax || NMSMAX != nmsmax)
printf ("Geometry is incorrect\n");
abort ();
geometry_len = 128;
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_string (h, "gridType", geometry, &geometry_len), 0);
if (strcmp (geometry, grids[igrid]))
printf ("Geometry is incorrect\n");
abort ();
GRIB_CHECK (grib_handle_delete (h), 0);
return 0;

View File

@ -932,6 +932,61 @@ int main (int argc, char * argv[])
GRIB_CHECK (grib_handle_delete (h), 0);
/* Check message correctness */
char f[128];
FILE * fp;
double * vals;
double norm = 0.;
int i, err;
size_t values_len, geometry_len;
long int Nux, Nuy, Ncx, Ncy;
char geometry[128];
sprintf (f, "lam_gp_%s.grib", grids[igrid]);
fp = fopen (f, "r");
h = grib_handle_new_from_file (0, fp, &err);
vals = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * 4096);
values_len = 4096;
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_double_array (h, "values", vals, &values_len), 0);
for (i = 0; i < 4096; i++)
norm += (values[i] - vals[i]) * (values[i] - vals[i]);
norm = sqrt (norm / 4096);
free (vals);
printf ("%s : %lf\n", grids[igrid], norm);
if (norm > 0.0001)
printf ("Error too large !\n");
abort ();
fclose (fp);
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_long (h, "Nux", &Nux), 0);
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_long (h, "Nuy", &Nuy), 0);
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_long (h, "Ncx", &Ncx), 0);
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_long (h, "Ncy", &Ncy), 0);
if (Nux != 53 || Nuy != 53 || Ncx != 8 || Ncy != 8)
printf ("Geometry is incorrect\n");
abort ();
geometry_len = 128;
GRIB_CHECK (grib_get_string (h, "gridType", geometry, &geometry_len), 0);
if (strcmp (geometry, grids[igrid]))
printf ("Geometry is incorrect\n");
abort ();
GRIB_CHECK (grib_handle_delete (h), 0);
return 0;