Examples: BUFR radiosonde updated code (From Bruce Ingleby)

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Shahram Najm 2021-04-10 13:11:00 +01:00
parent 539932f03d
commit af98a69aa1
1 changed files with 37 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
! virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
! Description: How to read radiosonde data from TEMP BUFR messages.
! This version also lists the position information from the WMO list
! (now OSCAR/Surface) - ECMWF version
! Description: read and print radiosonde data from TEMP BUFR messages.
! If available this version also lists the position information from the WMO list
! (now OSCAR/Surface) appended to the reports by ECMWF
! Author: Bruce Ingleby
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ program bufr_read_tempf
logical :: llskip
real(kind=8) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
real(kind=8) :: htg, htp, htec = 0, sondeType
! real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: descriptors
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: lat, lon
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: timeVal, dlatVal, dlonVal, vssVal
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: presVal, zVal, tVal, tdVal, wdirVal, wspVal
@ -51,6 +52,11 @@ program bufr_read_tempf
! loop through all messages in the file
do while (iret /= CODES_END_OF_FILE .AND. status_time == CODES_SUCCESS)
! Can check the template used
! call codes_get(ibufr,'unexpandedDescriptors',descriptors)
! write(0,*) 'Template: ', descriptors
! IF (descriptors(1) /= 309056.0) GOTO 999 ! only list descent profiles
! we need to instruct ecCodes to expand all the descriptors
! i.e. unpack the data values
call codes_set(ibufr, "unpack", 1);
@ -68,6 +74,8 @@ program bufr_read_tempf
IF (statid_missing == 1) statid = "MISSING"
call codes_get(ibufr, 'blockNumber', blockNumber)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'stationNumber', stationNumber)
IF (blockNumber <= 99.0 .AND. stationNumber <= 1000) write(statid,'(I2.2,I3.3,3X)') blockNumber,stationNumber
call codes_get(ibufr, 'year', year)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'month', month)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'day', day)
@ -92,22 +100,22 @@ program bufr_read_tempf
! Ascent (skip incomplete reports for now)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'timePeriod', timeVal, status_time)
IF (status_time /= CODES_SUCCESS) THEN
write (*, '(A,I7,A,I2.2,A,I3.3,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4)') 'Ob: ', count, &
' ', blockNumber, ' ', stationNumber, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType)
write (*, '(A,I7,A,A8,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4)') 'Ob: ', count, &
' ', statid, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType)
write (*, '(A)') 'Missing times - skip'
llskip = .True.
call codes_get(ibufr, 'pressure', presVal, status_p)
write (*, '(A,I7,A,I2.2,A,I3.3,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4)') 'Ob: ', count, &
' ', blockNumber, ' ', stationNumber, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType)
write (*, '(A,I7,A,A8,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4)') 'Ob: ', count, &
' ', statid, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType)
write (*, '(A)') 'Missing pressures - skip'
llskip = .True.
call codes_get(ibufr, 'nonCoordinateGeopotentialHeight', zVal, status_ht)
IF (status_ht /= CODES_SUCCESS) THEN
write (*, '(A,I7,A,I2.2,A,I3.3,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4)') 'Ob: ', count, &
' ', blockNumber, ' ', stationNumber, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType)
write (*, '(A,I7,A,A8,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4)') 'Ob: ', count, &
' ', statid, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType)
write (*, '(A)') 'Missing heights - skip'
llskip = .True.
@ -118,7 +126,6 @@ program bufr_read_tempf
call codes_get(ibufr, 'latitudeDisplacement', dlatVal)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'longitudeDisplacement', dlonVal)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'extendedVerticalSoundingSignificance', vssVal)
!call codes_get(ibufr,'geopotentialHeight',zVal)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'airTemperature', tVal)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'dewpointTemperature', tdVal)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'windDirection', wdirVal)
@ -128,11 +135,10 @@ program bufr_read_tempf
sizews = size(wspVal)
! ---- Print the values --------------------------------
write (*, '(A,A72)') 'Statid: ', statid
write (*, '(A,I7,A,I2.2,A,I3.3,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4,I5)') 'Ob: ', count, &
' ', blockNumber, ' ', stationNumber, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType), sizews
IF (status_ht == CODES_SUCCESS) write (*, '(A,F9.3,F10.3,F7.1)') &
'WMO list lat, lon, ht: ', lat(1), lon(1), htec
write (*, '(A,I7,A,A8,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4,I5)') 'Ob: ', count, &
' ', statid, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType), sizews
IF (status_ht == CODES_SUCCESS .AND. SIZE(lat)>1) write (*, '(A,F9.3,F10.3,F7.1)') &
'WMO list lat, lon, ht: ', lat(2), lon(2), htec
IF (status_rsno == CODES_SUCCESS) write (*, '(A,A,A)') &
'Radiosonde number/software: ', rsnumber, rssoftware
write (*, '(A)') 'level dtime dlat dlon pressure geopotH airTemp dewPtT windDir windSp signif'
@ -140,14 +146,12 @@ program bufr_read_tempf
Note = ' '
iflag = vssVal(i)
IF (i > 1) THEN
IF (presVal(i) > presVal(i - 1) .OR. zVal(i) < zVal(i - 1) &
.OR. timeVal(i) < timeVal(i - 1)) Note = ' OOO '
IF ((timeVal(i) - timeVal(i - 1)) > 120) Note = ' tjump '
IF (ABS(dlatVal(i) - dlatVal(i - 1)) > 0.1 .OR. &
ABS(dlonVal(i) - dlonVal(i - 1)) > 0.1) THEN
Note = ' pjump '
Note = ' lljump '
dlatVal(i - 1) == CODES_MISSING_DOUBLE) Note = ' pmiss '
dlatVal(i - 1) == CODES_MISSING_DOUBLE) Note = ' llmiss '
IF (.NOT. llstdonly .OR. BTEST(iflag, 16)) &
@ -156,13 +160,22 @@ program bufr_read_tempf
wdirVal(i), wspVal(i), INT(vssVal(i)), Note
end do
! free allocated arrays
deallocate (dlatVal, dlonVal, vssVal)
deallocate (presVal, zVal, tVal, tdVal, wdirVal, wspVal)
deallocate (lat, lon)
! free allocated arrays
IF (ALLOCATED(timeVal)) deallocate (timeVal)
IF (ALLOCATED(dlatVal)) deallocate(dlatVal)
IF (ALLOCATED(dlonVal)) deallocate(dlonVal)
IF (ALLOCATED(vssVal)) deallocate(vssVal)
IF (ALLOCATED(presVal)) deallocate(presVal)
IF (ALLOCATED(zVal)) deallocate(zVal)
IF (ALLOCATED(tVal)) deallocate(tVal)
IF (ALLOCATED(tdVal)) deallocate(tdVal)
IF (ALLOCATED(wdirVal)) deallocate(wdirVal)
IF (ALLOCATED(wspVal)) deallocate(wspVal)
IF (ALLOCATED(lat)) deallocate(lat)
IF (ALLOCATED(lon)) deallocate(lon)
! release the BUFR message
call codes_release(ibufr)