Definitions: typeOfLevel concept

This commit is contained in:
Shahram Najm 2021-02-14 13:25:23 +00:00
parent b1950a49b8
commit af65489218
2 changed files with 40 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,17 +1,33 @@
# Concept typeOfLevel for kwbc # Concept typeOfLevel for kwbc
'atmosphereSingleLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=200;} 'atmosphereSingleLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=200;}
'cceanSingleLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=201;}
'highestTroposphericFreezing' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=204;} 'highestTroposphericFreezing' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=204;}
'gridScaleCloudBottom' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=206;}
'gridScaleCloudTop' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=207;}
'boundaryLayerCloudBottom' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=209;}
'boundaryLayerCloudTop' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=210;}
'boundaryLayerCloudLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=211;} 'boundaryLayerCloudLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=211;}
'lowCloudBottom' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=212;} 'lowCloudBottom' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=212;}
'lowCloudTop' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=213;} 'lowCloudTop' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=213;}
'lowCloudLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=214;} 'lowCloudLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=214;}
'cloudCeiling' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=215;}
'planetaryBoundaryLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=220;} 'planetaryBoundaryLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=220;}
'layerBetween2Hybrids' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=221;}
'middleCloudBottom' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=222;} 'middleCloudBottom' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=222;}
'middleCloudTop' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=223;} 'middleCloudTop' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=223;}
'middleCloudLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=224;} 'middleCloudLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=224;}
'highCloudBottom' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=232;} 'highCloudBottom' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=232;}
'highCloudTop' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=233;} 'highCloudTop' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=233;}
'highCloudLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=234;} 'highCloudLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=234;}
'oceanIsotherm' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=235;}
'oceanMixedLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=240;}
'orderedSequenceData' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=241;}
'convectiveCloudBottom' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=242;} 'convectiveCloudBottom' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=242;}
'convectiveCloudTop' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=243;} 'convectiveCloudTop' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=243;}
'convectiveCloudLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=244;} 'convectiveCloudLayer' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=244;}
'lowestLevelWetBulb0' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=245;}
'equilibrium' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=247;}
'shallowConvectiveCloudBottom' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=248;}
'shallowConvectiveCloudTop' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=249;}
'deepConvectiveCloudBottom' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=251;}
'deepConvectiveCloudTop' = {typeOfFirstFixedSurface=252;}

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@ -71,19 +71,42 @@
# 192-254 Reserved for local use # 192-254 Reserved for local use
# See ECC-469 # See ECC-469
200 200 Entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) 200 200 Entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer)
201 201 Entire ocean (considered as a single layer)
204 204 Highest tropospheric freezing level 204 204 Highest tropospheric freezing level
206 206 Grid scale cloud bottom level
207 207 Grid scale cloud top level
209 209 Boundary layer cloud bottom level
210 210 Boundary layer cloud top level
211 211 Boundary layer cloud layer 211 211 Boundary layer cloud layer
212 212 Low cloud bottom level 212 212 Low cloud bottom level
213 213 Low cloud top level 213 213 Low cloud top level
214 214 Low cloud layer 214 214 Low cloud layer
215 215 Cloud ceiling
220 220 Planetary boundary layer 220 220 Planetary boundary layer
221 221 Layer between two hybrid levels
222 222 Middle cloud bottom level 222 222 Middle cloud bottom level
223 223 Middle cloud top level 223 223 Middle cloud top level
224 224 Middle cloud layer 224 224 Middle cloud layer
232 232 High cloud bottom level 232 232 High cloud bottom level
233 233 High cloud top level 233 233 High cloud top level
234 234 High cloud layer 234 234 High cloud layer
235 235 Ocean isotherm level (1/10 deg C)
236 236 Layer between two depths below ocean surface
237 237 Bottom of ocean mixed layer
238 238 Bottom of ocean isothermal layer
239 239 Layer ocean surface and 26C ocean isothermal level
240 240 Ocean mixed layer
241 241 Ordered sequence of data
242 242 Convective cloud bottom level 242 242 Convective cloud bottom level
243 243 Convective cloud top level 243 243 Convective cloud top level
244 244 Convective cloud layer 244 244 Convective cloud layer
245 245 Lowest level of the wet bulb zero
246 246 Maximum equivalent potential temperature level
247 247 Equilibrium level
248 248 Shallow convective cloud bottom level
249 249 Shallow convective cloud top level
251 251 Deep convective cloud bottom level
252 252 Deep convective cloud top level
253 253 Lowest bottom level of supercooled liquid water layer
254 254 Highest top level of supercooled liquid water layer
255 255 Missing 255 255 Missing