@ -52,18 +52,18 @@ temp2=temp_2.$label
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=24,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=h,lengthOfTimeRange=1,indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange=D $fn $temp
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $low_level_keys" "24 h 1 D"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $high_level_keys" "24 48"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s startStep:i=24 $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "24 h 0 h"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $high_level_keys" "24 24"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "24 h 1 D"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $high_level_keys" "24 48"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s startStep:i=24 $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "24 h 0 h"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $high_level_keys" "24 24"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=24,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=h,lengthOfTimeRange=24,indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange=h $fn $temp
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $low_level_keys" "24 h 24 h"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $high_level_keys" "24 48"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s startStep:i=24 $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "24 h 24 h"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $high_level_keys" "24 48"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "24 h 24 h"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $high_level_keys" "24 48"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s startStep:i=24 $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "24 h 24 h"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $high_level_keys" "24 48"
@ -74,73 +74,73 @@ ${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=24,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=h,lengthOfTi
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "24 h 1 D"
# Use range unit: hour
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s endStep:d=30 $temp $temp2 # TODO(EB) remove in the future behavior
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s endStep:i=30 $temp $temp2 # TODO(EB) keep for backwards compatibility
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s endStep:s=30 $temp $temp2
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s endStep:s=30h $temp $temp2
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s endStep=30h $temp $temp2 # TODO(EB) add to tests
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "24 h 6 h"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s endStep:d=24.5 $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "24 h 30 m"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s endStep:d=30 $temp $temp2 # TODO(EB) remove in the future behavior
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s endStep:i=30 $temp $temp2 # TODO(EB) keep for backwards compatibility
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s endStep:s=30 $temp $temp2
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s endStep:s=30h $temp $temp2
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s endStep=30h $temp $temp2 # TODO(EB) add to tests
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "24 h 6 h"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s endStep:d=24.5 $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "24 h 30 m"
# Use stepUnits
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s endStep:s=30 $temp $temp2
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s endStep:s=30h $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "24 h 6 h"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s endStep:s=24.5h $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "24 h 30 m"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s endStep:s=88200s $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "1440 m 30 m"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s endStep:s=1446.65m $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "24 h 399 s"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s endStep:s=24024 $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "24 h 24000 h"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s endStep:s=30 $temp $temp2
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s endStep:s=30h $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "24 h 6 h"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s endStep:s=24.5h $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "24 h 30 m"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s endStep:s=88200s $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "1440 m 30 m"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s endStep:s=1446.65m $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "24 h 399 s"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s endStep:s=24024 $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "24 h 24000 h"
# Use range unit: hour
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s startStep:d=5 $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "5 h 43 h"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s startStep:d=4.5 $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "270 m 1 D"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s startStep:d=5 $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "5 h 43 h"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s startStep:d=4.5 $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "270 m 1 D"
# Use stepUnits
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s startStep:s=5h $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "5 h 43 h"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s startStep:s=4.5h $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "270 m 1 D"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s startStep:s=240s $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "4 m 2876 m"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s startStep:s=0.65m $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "39 s 1 D"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s startStep:s=2 $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "2 h 46 h"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s startStep:s=5h $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "5 h 43 h"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s startStep:s=4.5h $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "270 m 1 D"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s startStep:s=240s $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "4 m 2876 m"
#${tools_dir}/grib_set -s startStep:s=0.65m $temp $temp2
#grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "39 s 1 D"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s startStep:s=2 $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "2 h 46 h"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s stepRange:s=5h-30h $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "5 h 25 h"
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p stepRange:s" "5-30"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s stepRange:s=5h-30h $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "5 h 25 h"
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p stepRange:s" "5-30"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s stepRange:s=5-30 $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "5 h 25 h"
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p stepRange:s" "5-30"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s stepRange:s=5-30 $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "5 h 25 h"
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p stepRange:s" "5-30"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s stepRange:s=60m-120m $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "1 h 1 h"
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p stepRange:s" "1-2"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s stepRange:s=60m-120m $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "1 h 1 h"
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p stepRange:s" "1-2"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s stepRange:s=60s-120s $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "1 m 1 m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p stepRange:s" "1m-2m"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s stepRange:s=60s-120s $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "1 m 1 m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p stepRange:s" "1m-2m"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s stepRange:s=60m-121m $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "60 m 61 m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p stepRange:s" "60m-121m"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s stepRange:s=60m-121m $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "60 m 61 m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p stepRange:s" "60m-121m"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -y -s stepRange:s=62D-122D $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p $low_level_keys" "1488 h 1440 h"
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-y -p stepRange:s" "1488-2928"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s stepRange:s=62D-122D $temp $temp2
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p $low_level_keys" "1488 h 1440 h"
grib_check_key_equals $temp2 "-p stepRange:s" "1488-2928"
@ -153,27 +153,27 @@ keys_d="step:d"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=59,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=m $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__ -s stepUnits=s" "3540"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__ -s stepUnits=m" "59"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__ -s stepUnits=h" "0" # TODO(EB): check behaviour (should be 0.983333)
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s -s stepUnits=s" "3540s"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s -s stepUnits=m" "59m"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s -F"%.2f" -s stepUnits=h" "0.983333" # TODO(EB): check behaviour // See tools for default output format
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i -s stepUnits=s" "3540"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i -s stepUnits=m" "59"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i -s stepUnits=h" "0" # TODO(EB): check behaviour
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d -s stepUnits=s" "3540"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d -s stepUnits=m" "59"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d -s stepUnits=h" "0.983333" # TODO(EB): check behaviour
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__ -s stepUnits=s" "3540"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__ -s stepUnits=m" "59"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__ -s stepUnits=h" "0" # TODO(EB): check behaviour (should be 0.983333)
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s -s stepUnits=s" "3540s"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s -s stepUnits=m" "59m"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s -F"%.2f" -s stepUnits=h" "0.983333" # TODO(EB): check behaviour // See tools for default output format
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i -s stepUnits=s" "3540"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i -s stepUnits=m" "59"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i -s stepUnits=h" "0" # TODO(EB): check behaviour
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d -s stepUnits=s" "3540"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d -s stepUnits=m" "59"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d -s stepUnits=h" "0.983333" # TODO(EB): check behaviour
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=0,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=m $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i -s stepUnits=s" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i -s stepUnits=m" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i -s stepUnits=h" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d -s stepUnits=s" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d -s stepUnits=m" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d -s stepUnits=h" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i -s stepUnits=s" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i -s stepUnits=m" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i -s stepUnits=h" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d -s stepUnits=s" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d -s stepUnits=m" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d -s stepUnits=h" "0"
@ -187,83 +187,61 @@ keys_d="step:d"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=0,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=m $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "0 m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__ -s stepUnits=s" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__ -s stepUnits=m" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__ -s stepUnits=h" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s -s stepUnits=s" "0s"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s -s stepUnits=m" "0m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s -s stepUnits=h" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i -s stepUnits=s" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i -s stepUnits=m" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i -s stepUnits=h" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d -s stepUnits=s" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d -s stepUnits=m" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d -s stepUnits=h" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__ -s stepUnits=s" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__ -s stepUnits=m" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__ -s stepUnits=h" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s -s stepUnits=s" "0s"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s -s stepUnits=m" "0m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s -s stepUnits=h" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i -s stepUnits=s" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i -s stepUnits=m" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i -s stepUnits=h" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d -s stepUnits=s" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d -s stepUnits=m" "0"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d -s stepUnits=h" "0"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=59,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=m $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "59 m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "59"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "59"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "59"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "59m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "59"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "59"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "59"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "59"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "59"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "59"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "59m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "59"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "59"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=60,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=m $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "60 m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "1"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "1"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "1"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "1"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "1"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "1"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "1"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "1"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "1"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "1"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "1"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "1"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=61,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=m $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "61 m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "61"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "61"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "61"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "61m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "61"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "61"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "61"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "61"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "61"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "61"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "61m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "61"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "61"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=24,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=h $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "24 h"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "24"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=1440,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=m $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "1440 m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "24"
@ -276,100 +254,61 @@ keys_d="stepRange:d,startStep:d,endStep:d"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=0,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=m,lengthOfTimeRange=2,indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange=h $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "0 m 2 h"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "0-2 0 2"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "0-2 0 2"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "0-2 0 2"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "0-2 0 2"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "2 0 2"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "2 0 2"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "2 0 2"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "2 0 2"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "0-2 0 2"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "0-2 0 2"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "2 0 2"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "2 0 2"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=24,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=h,lengthOfTimeRange=1,indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange=D $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "24 h 1 D"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "24-48 24 48"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "24-48 24 48"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "24-48 24 48"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "24-48 24 48"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "48 24 48"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "48 24 48"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "48 24 48"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "48 24 48"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "24-48 24 48"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "24-48 24 48"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "48 24 48"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "48 24 48"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=25,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=h,lengthOfTimeRange=1,indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange=D $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "25 h 1 D"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "25-49 25 49"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "25-49 25 49"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "25-49 25 49"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "25-49 25 49"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "49 25 49"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "49 25 49"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "49 25 49"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "49 25 49"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -s stepUnits=h -p $keys__" "1.0166666666666666"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -s stepUnits=h -p $keys_s" "1.0166666666666666"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -s stepUnits=h -p $keys_i" "1"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -s stepUnits=h -p $keys_d" "1.0166666666666666"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "25-49 25 49"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "25-49 25 49"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "49 25 49"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "49 25 49"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=45,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=m,lengthOfTimeRange=15,indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange=m $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "45 m 15 m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "45-60 45 60"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "45m-60m 45 60"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "45-60 45 60"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "45m-60m 45m 60m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "60 45 60"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "60 45 60"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "60 45 60"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "60 45 60"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "45m-60m 45 60"
#grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "45-60 45 60"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "45m-60m 45m 60m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "60 45 60"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "60 45 60"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=60,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=m,lengthOfTimeRange=2,indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange=h $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "60 m 2 h"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "1-3 1 3"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "1-3 1 3"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "1-3 1 3"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "1-3 1 3"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "3 1 3"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "3 1 3"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "3 1 3"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "3 1 3"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "1-3 1 3"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "1-3 1 3"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "3 1 3"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "3 1 3"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=18,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=h,lengthOfTimeRange=6,indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange=h $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "18 h 6 h"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "24 18 24"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=1080,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=m,lengthOfTimeRange=360,indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange=m $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "1080 m 360 m"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "24 18 24" # TODO(EB): Check if output of stepRange:i makes sense.
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "24 18 24" # TODO(EB): Check if output of stepRange:d makes sense.
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "24 18 24"
${tools_dir}/grib_set -s forecastTime=1080,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange=m,lengthOfTimeRange=6,indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange=h $fn $temp
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $low_level_keys" "1080 m 6 h"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys__" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_s" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_i" "24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-y -p $keys_d" "24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys__" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_s" "18-24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_i" "24 18 24"
grib_check_key_equals $temp "-p $keys_d" "24 18 24"
rm -f $temp