mirror of https://github.com/ecmwf/eccodes.git
Changed signature of all X_new_from_file functions except grib_new_from_file: deleted argument headers_only which is grib specific. Fixed a problem with make proto
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ int main(int argc,char* argv[])
long longVal;
int count;
int err=0;
int header_only=1;
if (argc!=2) usage(argv[0]);
@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ int main(int argc,char* argv[])
while((h=bufr_new_from_file(NULL,f,header_only,&err)) != NULL)
while((h=bufr_new_from_file(NULL,f,&err)) != NULL)
/* Check for errors after reading a message. */
if (err != CODES_SUCCESS) CODES_CHECK(err,0);
@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@ int bufr_f_new_from_file_(int* fid, int* gid){
grib_handle *h = NULL;
h = bufr_new_from_file(0,f,0,&err);
h = bufr_new_from_file(0,f,&err);
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ grib_errors.c : grib_errors.txt errors.pl
cmp ../python/grib_errors.h grib_errors.h.new || (cp grib_errors.h.new ../python/grib_errors.h)
proto:;-chmod +w grib_api_prototypes.h; mkptypes -A $(libgrib_api_a_prototypes) $(libgrib_api_extra_prototypes) > temp && mv temp grib_api_prototypes.h;rm -f temp
proto:;-chmod +w grib_api_prototypes.h; mkptypes -A $(libgrib_api_la_prototypes) $(libgrib_api_extra_prototypes) > temp && mv temp grib_api_prototypes.h;rm -f temp
test:all;(cd ../tests; make tests)
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ int grib_count_in_file(grib_context* c, FILE* f,int* n);
grib_handle* grib_handle_new_from_file(grib_context* c, FILE* f, int* error);
/* TODO: this is temporary. Need to rationalize the X_new_from_file functions */
grib_handle* bufr_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int headers_only, int *error);
grib_handle* bufr_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int *error);
@ -100,6 +100,125 @@ grib_action *grib_action_create_variable(grib_context *context, const char *name
/* action_class_modify.c */
grib_action *grib_action_create_modify(grib_context *context, const char *name, long flags);
/* eccodes.c */
grib_fieldset *codes_fieldset_new_from_files(grib_context *c, char *filenames[], int nfiles, char **keys, int nkeys, char *where_string, char *order_by_string, int *err);
void codes_fieldset_delete(grib_fieldset *set);
void codes_fieldset_rewind(grib_fieldset *set);
int codes_fieldset_apply_order_by(grib_fieldset *set, const char *order_by_string);
grib_handle *codes_fieldset_next_handle(grib_fieldset *set, int *err);
int codes_fieldset_count(grib_fieldset *set);
int codes_values_check(grib_handle *h, grib_values *values, int count);
grib_index *codes_index_new_from_file(grib_context *c, char *filename, const char *keys, int *err);
grib_index *codes_index_new(grib_context *c, const char *keys, int *err);
int codes_index_add_file(grib_index *index, const char *filename);
int codes_index_write(grib_index *index, const char *filename);
grib_index *codes_index_read(grib_context *c, const char *filename, int *err);
int codes_index_get_size(grib_index *index, const char *key, size_t *size);
int codes_index_get_long(grib_index *index, const char *key, long *values, size_t *size);
int codes_index_get_double(grib_index *index, const char *key, double *values, size_t *size);
int codes_index_get_string(grib_index *index, const char *key, char **values, size_t *size);
int codes_index_select_long(grib_index *index, const char *key, long value);
int codes_index_select_double(grib_index *index, const char *key, double value);
int codes_index_select_string(grib_index *index, const char *key, char *value);
grib_handle *codes_handle_new_from_index(grib_index *index, int *err);
void codes_index_delete(grib_index *index);
int codes_count_in_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int *n);
grib_handle *codes_handle_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int *error);
int codes_write_message(grib_handle *h, const char *file, const char *mode);
grib_handle *codes_util_sections_copy(grib_handle *hfrom, grib_handle *hto, int what, int *err);
grib_string_list *codes_util_get_param_id(const char *mars_param);
grib_string_list *codes_util_get_mars_param(const char *param_id);
grib_handle *codes_handle_new_from_message(grib_context *c, void *data, size_t data_len);
grib_handle *codes_handle_new_from_message_copy(grib_context *c, const void *data, size_t data_len);
grib_handle *codes_handle_new_from_multi_message(grib_context *c, void **data, size_t *data_len, int *error);
grib_handle *codes_handle_new_from_samples(grib_context *c, const char *res_name);
grib_handle *codes_handle_clone(grib_handle *h);
int codes_handle_delete(grib_handle *h);
grib_multi_handle *codes_multi_handle_new(grib_context *c);
int codes_multi_handle_append(grib_handle *h, int start_section, grib_multi_handle *mh);
int codes_multi_handle_delete(grib_multi_handle *mh);
int codes_multi_handle_write(grib_multi_handle *mh, FILE *f);
int codes_get_message(grib_handle *h, const void **message, size_t *message_length);
int codes_get_message_copy(grib_handle *h, void *message, size_t *message_length);
grib_iterator *codes_iterator_new(grib_handle *h, unsigned long flags, int *error);
int codes_get_data(grib_handle *h, double *lats, double *lons, double *values, size_t *size);
int codes_iterator_next(grib_iterator *i, double *lat, double *lon, double *value);
int codes_iterator_previous(grib_iterator *i, double *lat, double *lon, double *value);
int codes_iterator_has_next(grib_iterator *i);
int codes_iterator_reset(grib_iterator *i);
int codes_iterator_delete(grib_iterator *i);
grib_nearest *codes_nearest_new(grib_handle *h, int *error);
int codes_nearest_find(grib_nearest *nearest, grib_handle *h, double inlat, double inlon, unsigned long flags, double *outlats, double *outlons, double *values, double *distances, int *indexes, size_t *len);
int codes_nearest_find_multiple(grib_handle *h, int is_lsm, double *inlats, double *inlons, long npoints, double *outlats, double *outlons, double *values, double *distances, int *indexes);
int codes_nearest_delete(grib_nearest *nearest);
int codes_get_size(grib_handle *h, const char *key, size_t *size);
int codes_get_length(grib_handle *h, const char *key, size_t *length);
int codes_get_long(grib_handle *h, const char *key, long *value);
int codes_get_double(grib_handle *h, const char *key, double *value);
int codes_get_double_element(grib_handle *h, const char *key, int i, double *value);
int codes_get_double_elements(grib_handle *h, const char *key, int *i, long size, double *value);
int codes_get_string(grib_handle *h, const char *key, char *mesg, size_t *length);
int codes_get_string_array(grib_handle *h, const char *name, char **val, size_t *length);
int codes_get_bytes(grib_handle *h, const char *key, unsigned char *bytes, size_t *length);
int codes_get_double_array(grib_handle *h, const char *key, double *vals, size_t *length);
int codes_get_long_array(grib_handle *h, const char *key, long *vals, size_t *length);
int codes_copy_namespace(grib_handle *dest, const char *name, grib_handle *src);
int codes_set_long(grib_handle *h, const char *key, long val);
int codes_set_double(grib_handle *h, const char *key, double val);
int codes_set_string(grib_handle *h, const char *key, const char *mesg, size_t *length);
int codes_set_bytes(grib_handle *h, const char *key, const unsigned char *bytes, size_t *length);
int codes_set_double_array(grib_handle *h, const char *key, const double *vals, size_t length);
int codes_set_force_double_array(grib_handle *h, const char *key, const double *vals, size_t length);
int codes_set_long_array(grib_handle *h, const char *key, const long *vals, size_t length);
void codes_dump_content(grib_handle *h, FILE *out, const char *mode, unsigned long option_flags, void *arg);
grib_context *codes_context_get_default(void);
grib_context *codes_context_new(grib_context *c);
void codes_context_delete(grib_context *c);
void codes_gts_header_off(grib_context *c);
void codes_gribex_mode_on(grib_context *c);
int codes_get_gribex_mode(grib_context *c);
void codes_gribex_mode_off(grib_context *c);
void codes_multi_support_on(grib_context *c);
void codes_multi_support_off(grib_context *c);
void codes_multi_support_reset_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f);
char *codes_samples_path(const grib_context *c);
long codes_get_api_version(void);
const char *codes_get_git_sha1(void);
void codes_print_api_version(FILE *out);
grib_keys_iterator *codes_keys_iterator_new(grib_handle *h, unsigned long filter_flags, char *name_space);
int codes_keys_iterator_next(grib_keys_iterator *kiter);
const char *codes_keys_iterator_get_name(grib_keys_iterator *kiter);
int codes_keys_iterator_delete(grib_keys_iterator *kiter);
int codes_keys_iterator_rewind(grib_keys_iterator *kiter);
int codes_keys_iterator_set_flags(grib_keys_iterator *kiter, unsigned long flags);
int codes_keys_iterator_get_long(grib_keys_iterator *kiter, long *v, size_t *len);
int codes_keys_iterator_get_double(grib_keys_iterator *kiter, double *v, size_t *len);
int codes_keys_iterator_get_string(grib_keys_iterator *kiter, char *v, size_t *len);
int codes_keys_iterator_get_bytes(grib_keys_iterator *kiter, unsigned char *v, size_t *len);
void codes_update_sections_lengths(grib_handle *h);
const char *codes_get_error_message(int code);
const char *codes_get_type_name(int type);
int codes_get_native_type(grib_handle *h, const char *name, int *type);
void codes_check(const char *call, const char *file, int line, int e, const char *msg);
int codes_set_values(grib_handle *h, grib_values *grib_values, size_t arg_count);
grib_handle *codes_handle_new_from_partial_message_copy(grib_context *c, const void *data, size_t size);
grib_handle *codes_handle_new_from_partial_message(grib_context *c, void *data, size_t buflen);
int codes_is_missing(grib_handle *h, const char *key, int *err);
int codes_is_defined(grib_handle *h, const char *key);
int codes_set_missing(grib_handle *h, const char *key);
int codes_get_gaussian_latitudes(long truncation, double *latitudes);
int codes_julian_to_datetime(double jd, long *year, long *month, long *day, long *hour, long *minute, long *second);
int codes_datetime_to_julian(long year, long month, long day, long hour, long minute, long second, double *jd);
long codes_julian_to_date(long jdate);
long codes_date_to_julian(long ddate);
void codes_get_reduced_row(long pl, double lon_first, double lon_last, long *npoints, long *ilon_first, long *ilon_last);
int codes_get_message_offset(grib_handle *h, off_t *offset);
int codes_get_message_size(grib_handle *h, size_t *size);
grib_box *codes_box_new(grib_handle *h, int *error);
grib_points *codes_box_get_points(grib_box *box, double north, double west, double south, double east, int *err);
int codes_points_get_values(grib_handle *h, grib_points *points, double *val);
grib_handle *codes_util_set_spec(grib_handle *h, const grib_util_grid_spec *grid_spec, const grib_util_packing_spec *packing_spec, int flags, const double *data_values, size_t data_values_count, int *err);
/* grib_accessor.c */
void grib_print_accessor(grib_accessor *a, grib_dumper *f);
int grib_pack_missing(grib_accessor *a);
@ -403,6 +522,36 @@ int grib_g1_step_apply_units(long *start, long *theEnd, long *step_unit, long *P
/* grib_accessor_class_ifs_param.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_int16.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_int16_little_endian.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_int32.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_int32_little_endian.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_int64.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_int64_little_endian.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_int8.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_uint16.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_uint16_little_endian.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_uint32.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_uint32_little_endian.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_uint64.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_uint64_little_endian.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_uint8.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_blob.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_julian_day.c */
/* grib_accessor_class_latlonvalues.c */
@ -930,12 +1079,12 @@ grib_handle *grib_handle_new_from_message(grib_context *c, void *data, size_t bu
grib_handle *grib_handle_new_from_multi_message(grib_context *c, void **data, size_t *buflen, int *error);
grib_handle *grib_handle_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int *error);
grib_handle *grib_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int headers_only, int *error);
grib_handle *gts_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int headers_only, int *error);
grib_handle *taf_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int headers_only, int *error);
grib_handle *metar_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int headers_only, int *error);
grib_handle *codes_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int headers_only, int *error);
grib_handle *bufr_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int headers_only, int *error);
grib_handle *any_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int headers_only, int *error);
grib_handle *gts_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int *error);
grib_handle *taf_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int *error);
grib_handle *metar_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int *error);
grib_handle *codes_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int *error);
grib_handle *bufr_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int *error);
grib_handle *any_new_from_file(grib_context *c, FILE *f, int *error);
grib_multi_handle *grib_multi_handle_new(grib_context *c);
int grib_multi_handle_delete(grib_multi_handle *h);
int grib_multi_handle_append(grib_handle *h, int start_section, grib_multi_handle *mh);
@ -1025,6 +1174,10 @@ int grib_keys_iterator_next(grib_keys_iterator *kiter);
const char *grib_keys_iterator_get_name(grib_keys_iterator *kiter);
grib_accessor *grib_keys_iterator_get_accessor(grib_keys_iterator *kiter);
int grib_keys_iterator_delete(grib_keys_iterator *kiter);
int grib_keys_iterator_get_long(grib_keys_iterator *kiter, long *v, size_t *len);
int grib_keys_iterator_get_double(grib_keys_iterator *kiter, double *v, size_t *len);
int grib_keys_iterator_get_string(grib_keys_iterator *kiter, char *v, size_t *len);
int grib_keys_iterator_get_bytes(grib_keys_iterator *kiter, unsigned char *v, size_t *len);
int grib_keys_iterator_get_native_type(grib_keys_iterator *kiter);
/* grib_parse_utils.c */
@ -1324,6 +1477,9 @@ const char *grib_binop_double_proc_name(grib_binop_double_proc proc);
const char *grib_unop_long_proc_name(grib_unop_long_proc proc);
const char *grib_unop_double_proc_name(grib_unop_double_proc proc);
/* grib_api_version.c */
const char *grib_get_git_sha1(void);
/* grib_bits_any_endian.c */
int grib_is_all_bits_one(long val, long nbits);
char *grib_decode_string(const unsigned char *bitStream, long *bitOffset, size_t numberOfCharacters, char *string);
@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ grib_handle* grib_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int
grib_handle* gts_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *error )
grib_handle* gts_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int *error )
void *data = NULL;
size_t olen = 0;
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ grib_handle* gts_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *
if ( c == NULL ) c = grib_context_get_default();
data = wmo_read_gts_from_file_malloc ( f, headers_only,&olen,&offset,error );
data = wmo_read_gts_from_file_malloc ( f, 0,&olen,&offset,error );
if ( *error != GRIB_SUCCESS )
@ -742,11 +742,7 @@ grib_handle* gts_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *
return NULL;
if (headers_only) {
gl = grib_handle_new_from_partial_message ( c, data, olen );
} else {
gl = grib_handle_new_from_message ( c, data, olen );
gl = grib_handle_new_from_message ( c, data, olen );
if ( !gl )
@ -764,7 +760,7 @@ grib_handle* gts_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *
return gl;
grib_handle* taf_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *error )
grib_handle* taf_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int *error )
void *data = NULL;
size_t olen = 0;
@ -773,7 +769,7 @@ grib_handle* taf_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *
if ( c == NULL ) c = grib_context_get_default();
data = wmo_read_taf_from_file_malloc ( f, headers_only,&olen,&offset,error );
data = wmo_read_taf_from_file_malloc ( f, 0,&olen,&offset,error );
if ( *error != GRIB_SUCCESS )
@ -783,11 +779,7 @@ grib_handle* taf_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *
return NULL;
if (headers_only) {
gl = grib_handle_new_from_partial_message ( c, data, olen );
} else {
gl = grib_handle_new_from_message ( c, data, olen );
gl = grib_handle_new_from_message ( c, data, olen );
if ( !gl )
@ -805,7 +797,7 @@ grib_handle* taf_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *
return gl;
grib_handle* metar_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *error )
grib_handle* metar_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int *error )
void *data = NULL;
size_t olen = 0;
@ -814,7 +806,7 @@ grib_handle* metar_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int
if ( c == NULL ) c = grib_context_get_default();
data = wmo_read_metar_from_file_malloc ( f, headers_only,&olen,&offset,error );
data = wmo_read_metar_from_file_malloc ( f, 0,&olen,&offset,error );
if ( *error != GRIB_SUCCESS )
@ -824,11 +816,7 @@ grib_handle* metar_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int
return NULL;
if (headers_only) {
gl = grib_handle_new_from_partial_message ( c, data, olen );
} else {
gl = grib_handle_new_from_message ( c, data, olen );
gl = grib_handle_new_from_message ( c, data, olen );
if ( !gl )
@ -846,7 +834,7 @@ grib_handle* metar_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int
return gl;
grib_handle* codes_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *error )
grib_handle* codes_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int *error )
void *data = NULL;
size_t olen = 0;
@ -855,7 +843,7 @@ grib_handle* codes_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int
if ( c == NULL ) c = grib_context_get_default();
data = wmo_read_any_from_file_malloc ( f, headers_only,&olen,&offset,error );
data = wmo_read_any_from_file_malloc ( f, 0,&olen,&offset,error );
if ( *error != GRIB_SUCCESS )
@ -865,11 +853,7 @@ grib_handle* codes_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int
return NULL;
if (headers_only) {
gl = grib_handle_new_from_partial_message ( c, data, olen );
} else {
gl = grib_handle_new_from_message ( c, data, olen );
gl = grib_handle_new_from_message ( c, data, olen );
if ( !gl )
@ -888,7 +872,7 @@ grib_handle* codes_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int
grib_handle* bufr_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *error )
grib_handle* bufr_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int *error )
void *data = NULL;
size_t olen = 0;
@ -897,7 +881,7 @@ grib_handle* bufr_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int
if ( c == NULL ) c = grib_context_get_default();
data = wmo_read_bufr_from_file_malloc ( f, headers_only,&olen,&offset,error );
data = wmo_read_bufr_from_file_malloc ( f, 0,&olen,&offset,error );
if ( *error != GRIB_SUCCESS )
@ -907,11 +891,7 @@ grib_handle* bufr_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int
return NULL;
if (headers_only) {
gl = grib_handle_new_from_partial_message ( c, data, olen );
} else {
gl = grib_handle_new_from_message ( c, data, olen );
gl = grib_handle_new_from_message ( c, data, olen );
if ( !gl )
@ -929,7 +909,7 @@ grib_handle* bufr_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int
return gl;
grib_handle* any_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *error )
grib_handle* any_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int *error )
void *data = NULL;
size_t olen = 0;
@ -938,7 +918,7 @@ grib_handle* any_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *
if ( c == NULL ) c = grib_context_get_default();
data = wmo_read_any_from_file_malloc ( f, headers_only,&olen,&offset,error );
data = wmo_read_any_from_file_malloc ( f, 0,&olen,&offset,error );
if ( *error != GRIB_SUCCESS )
@ -948,11 +928,7 @@ grib_handle* any_new_from_file ( grib_context* c, FILE* f,int headers_only,int *
return NULL;
if (headers_only) {
gl = grib_handle_new_from_partial_message ( c, data, olen );
} else {
gl = grib_handle_new_from_message ( c, data, olen );
gl = grib_handle_new_from_message ( c, data, olen );
if ( !gl )
@ -694,7 +694,10 @@ static int read_BUFR(reader *r)
/* fprintf(stderr," sec1len=%d sec2len=%d sec3len=%d sec4len=%d\n",sec1len, sec2len,sec3len,sec4len); */
length = 4 + sec1len + sec2len + sec3len + sec4len + 4;
/* fprintf(stderr,"length = %d i = %d\n",length,i); */
} else if (r->headers_only) {
#if 0
/* reading only headers is disabled for BUFR for the moment */
else if (r->headers_only) {
/* Section 1 */
@ -731,6 +734,7 @@ static int read_BUFR(reader *r)
/* Assert(i <= sizeof(tmp)); */
err=read_the_rest(r, length, tmp, i, 1);
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ static void print_index_key_values(grib_index* index,int counter,const char* err
static grib_handle* grib_handle_new_from_file_x(grib_context* c,FILE* f,int
mode,int headers_only,int *err) {
return bufr_new_from_file(c,f,headers_only,err);
return bufr_new_from_file(c,f,err);
int grib_tool_new_handle_action(grib_runtime_options* options, grib_handle* h) {
@ -112,24 +112,24 @@ grib_runtime_options options={
static grib_handle* grib_handle_new_from_file_x(grib_context* c,FILE* f,int mode,int headers_only,int *err)
if (mode==MODE_ANY)
return any_new_from_file(c,f,headers_only,err);
return any_new_from_file(c,f,err);
if (mode==MODE_GTS)
return gts_new_from_file(c,f,headers_only,err);
return gts_new_from_file(c,f,err);
if (mode==MODE_BUFR)
return bufr_new_from_file(c,f,headers_only,err);
return bufr_new_from_file(c,f,err);
if (mode==MODE_METAR)
return metar_new_from_file(c,f,headers_only,err);
return metar_new_from_file(c,f,err);
if (mode==MODE_TAF)
return taf_new_from_file(c,f,headers_only,err);
return taf_new_from_file(c,f,err);
if (mode==MODE_GRIB)
return grib_new_from_file(c,f,headers_only,err);
return codes_new_from_file(c,f,headers_only,err);
return codes_new_from_file(c,f,err);
int grib_tool(int argc, char **argv)
Reference in New Issue