GRIB-998: Update GRIB2 definitions with the latest WMO V17.0.0 templates/tables

This commit is contained in:
Shahram Najm 2016-06-15 15:13:08 +01:00
parent 4e518ad7ed
commit 8d0d7c02e3
130 changed files with 3127 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
14 14 Version implemented on 5 November 2014
15 15 Version implemented on 6 May 2015
16 16 Version implemented on 11 November 2015
17 17 Pre-operational to be implemented by next amendment
# 18-254 Future versions
17 17 Version implemented on 4 May 2016
18 18 Pre-operational to be implemented by next amendment
# 19-254 Future versions
255 255 Master tables not used. Local table entries and local templates may use the entire range of the table, not just those sections marked Reserved for local used.

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Code table 0.0 - Discipline of processed data in the GRIB message, number of GRIB Master table
0 0 Meteorological products
1 1 Hydrological products
2 2 Land surface products
3 3 Space products
# 4-9 Reserved
10 10 Oceanographic products
# 11-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Code table 1.0 - GRIB master tables version number
0 0 Experimental
1 1 Version implemented on 7 November 2001
2 2 Version implemented on 4 November 2003
3 3 Version implemented on 2 November 2005
4 4 Version implemented on 7 November 2007
5 5 Version implemented on 4 November 2009
6 6 Version implemented on 15 September 2010
7 7 Version implemented on 4 May 2011
8 8 Version implemented on 2 November 2011
9 9 Version implemented on 2 May 2012
10 10 Version implemented on 7 November 2012
11 11 Version implemented on 8 May 2013
12 12 Version implemented on 14 November 2013
13 13 Version implemented on 7 May 2014
14 14 Version implemented on 5 November 2014
15 15 Version implemented on 6 May 2015
16 16 Version implemented on 11 November 2015
17 17 Version implemented on 4 May 2016
18 18 Pre-operational to be implemented by next amendment
# 19-254 Future versions
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Code table 1.1 - GRIB local tables version number
0 0 Local tables not used. Only table entries and templates from the current master table are valid
# 1-254 Number of local tables version used
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Code table 1.2 - Significance of reference time
0 0 Analysis
1 1 Start of forecast
2 2 Verifying time of forecast
3 3 Observation time
# 4-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Code table 1.3 - Production status of data
0 0 Operational products
1 1 Operational test products
2 2 Research products
3 3 Re-analysis products
4 4 THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE)
5 5 THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble test (TIGGE)
6 6 S2S operational products
7 7 S2S test products
8 8 Uncertainties in Ensembles of Regional ReAnalyses project (UERRA)
9 9 Uncertainties in Ensembles of Regional ReAnalyses project test (UERRA)
# 10-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Code table 1.4 - Type of data
0 an Analysis products
1 fc Forecast products
2 af Analysis and forecast products
3 cf Control forecast products
4 pf Perturbed forecast products
5 cp Control and perturbed forecast products
6 sa Processed satellite observations
7 ra Processed radar observations
8 ep Event probability
# 9-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 missing Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Code table 1.5 - Identification template number
0 0 Calendar definition
1 1 Paleontological offset
2 2 Calendar definition and paleontological offset
# 3-32767 Reserved
# 32768-65534 Reserved for local use
65535 65535 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Code table 1.6 - Type of calendar
0 0 Gregorian
1 1 360-day
2 2 365-day
3 3 Proleptic Gregorian
# 4-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Code table 3.0 - Source of grid definition
0 0 Specified in Code table 3.1
1 1 Predetermined grid definition (Defined by originating centre)
# 2-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 A grid definition does not apply to this product

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# Code table 3.1 - Grid definition template number
0 0 Latitude/longitude (Also called equidistant cylindrical, or Plate Carree)
1 1 Rotated latitude/longitude
2 2 Stretched latitude/longitude
3 3 Stretched and rotated latitude/longitude
4 4 Variable resolution latitude/longitude
5 5 Variable resolution rotated latitude/longitude
# 6-9 Reserved
10 10 Mercator
12 12 Transverse Mercator
# 13-19 Reserved
20 20 Polar stereographic projection (Can be south or north)
# 21-29 Reserved
30 30 Lambert conformal (Can be secant or tangent, conical or bipolar)
31 31 Albers equal area
# 32-39 Reserved
40 40 Gaussian latitude/longitude
41 41 Rotated Gaussian latitude/longitude
42 42 Stretched Gaussian latitude/longitude
43 43 Stretched and rotated Gaussian latitude/longitude
# 44-49 Reserved
50 50 Spherical harmonic coefficients
51 51 Rotated spherical harmonic coefficients
52 52 Stretched spherical harmonic coefficients
53 53 Stretched and rotated spherical harmonic coefficients
# 54-89 Reserved
90 90 Space view perspective or orthographic
# 91-99 Reserved
100 100 Triangular grid based on an icosahedron
101 101 General unstructured grid
# 102-109 Reserved
110 110 Equatorial azimuthal equidistant projection
# 111-119 Reserved
120 120 Azimuth-range projection
# 121-129 Reserved
130 130 Irregular latitude/longitude grid
# 131-139 Reserved
140 140 Lambert azimuthal equal area projection
# 141-999 Reserved
1000 1000 Cross-section grid with points equally spaced on the horizontal
# 1001-1099 Reserved
1100 1100 Hovmoller diagram grid with points equally spaced on the horizontal
# 1101-1199 Reserved
1200 1200 Time section grid
# 1201-32767 Reserved
# 32768-65534 Reserved for local use
65535 65535 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Flag table 3.10 - Scanning mode for one diamond
1 0 Points scan in +i direction, i.e. from pole to Equator
1 1 Points scan in -i direction, i.e. from Equator to pole
2 0 Points scan in +j direction, i.e. from west to east
2 1 Points scan in -j direction, i.e. from east to west
3 0 Adjacent points in i direction are consecutive
3 1 Adjacent points in j direction are consecutive
# 4-8 Reserved

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Code table 3.11 - Interpretation of list of numbers at end of section 3
0 0 There is no appended list
1 1 Numbers define number of points corresponding to full coordinate circles (i.e. parallels), coordinate values on each circle are multiple of the circle mesh, and extreme coordinate values given in grid definition (i.e. extreme longitudes) may not be reached in all rows
2 2 Numbers define number of points corresponding to coordinate lines delimited by extreme coordinate values given in grid definition (i.e. extreme longitudes) which are present in each row
3 3 Numbers define the actual latitudes for each row in the grid. The list of numbers are integer values of the valid latitudes in microdegrees (scaled by 10-6) or in unit equal to the ratio of the basic angle and the subdivisions number for each row, in the same order as specified in the scanning mode flag (bit no. 2)
# 4-254 Reserved
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Code table 3.15 - Physical meaning of vertical coordinate
# 0-19 Reserved
20 20 Temperature (K)
# 21-99 Reserved
100 100 Pressure (Pa)
101 101 Pressure deviation from mean sea level (Pa)
102 102 Altitude above mean sea level (m)
103 103 Height above ground (m)
104 104 Sigma coordinate
105 105 Hybrid coordinate
106 106 Depth below land surface (m)
107 pt Potential temperature (theta) (K)
108 108 Pressure deviation from ground to level (Pa)
109 pv Potential vorticity (K m-2 kg-1 s-1)
110 110 Geometrical height (m)
111 111 Eta coordinate
112 112 Geopotential height (gpm)
113 113 Logarithmic hybrid coordinate
# 114-159 Reserved
160 160 Depth below sea level (m)
# 161-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Code table 3.2 - Shape of the Earth
0 0 Earth assumed spherical with radius = 6 367 470.0 m
1 1 Earth assumed spherical with radius specified (in m) by data producer
2 2 Earth assumed oblate spheroid with size as determined by IAU in 1965 (major axis = 6 378 160.0 m, minor axis = 6 356 775.0 m, f = 1/297.0)
3 3 Earth assumed oblate spheroid with major and minor axes specified (in km) by data producer
4 4 Earth assumed oblate spheroid as defined in IAG-GRS80 model (major axis = 6 378 137.0 m, minor axis = 6 356 752.314 m, f = 1/298.257 222 101)
5 5 Earth assumed represented by WGS84 (as used by ICAO since 1998)
6 6 Earth assumed spherical with radius of 6 371 229.0 m
7 7 Earth assumed oblate spheroid with major or minor axes specified (in m) by data producer
8 8 Earth model assumed spherical with radius of 6 371 200 m, but the horizontal datum of the resulting latitude/longitude field is the WGS84 reference frame
9 9 Earth represented by the Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936 Datum, using the Airy 1830 Spheroid, the Greenwich meridian as 0 longitude, and the Newlyn datum as mean sea level, 0 height
# 10-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Code table 3.20 - Type of horizontal line
0 0 Rhumb
1 1 Great circle
# 2-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Code table 3.21 - Vertical dimension coordinate values definition
0 0 Explicit coordinate values set
1 1 Linear coordinates f(1) = C1, f(n) = f(n-1) + C2
# 2-10 Reserved
11 11 Geometric coordinates f(1) = C1, f(n) = C2 * f(n-1)
# 12-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Flag table 3.3 - Resolution and component flags
# 1-2 Reserved
3 0 i direction increments not given
3 1 i direction increments given
4 0 j direction increments not given
4 1 j direction increments given
5 0 Resolved u- and v- components of vector quantities relative to easterly and northerly directions
5 1 Resolved u- and v- components of vector quantities relative to the defined grid in the direction of increasing x and y (or i and j) coordinates, respectively
# 6-8 Reserved - set to zero

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Flag table 3.4 - Scanning mode
1 0 Points of first row or column scan in the +i (+x) direction
1 1 Points of first row or column scan in the -i (-x) direction
2 0 Points of first row or column scan in the -j (-y) direction
2 1 Points of first row or column scan in the +j (+y) direction
3 0 Adjacent points in i (x) direction are consecutive
3 1 Adjacent points in j (y) direction is consecutive
4 0 All rows scan in the same direction
4 1 Adjacent rows scans in the opposite direction
5 0 Points within odd rows are not offset in i (x) direction
5 1 Points within odd rows are offset by Di/2 in i (x) direction
6 0 Points within even rows are not offset in i (x) direction
6 1 Points within even rows are offset by Di/2 in i (x) direction
7 0 Points are not offset in j (y) direction
7 1 Points are offset by Dj/2 in j (y) direction
8 0 Rows have Ni grid points and columns have Nj grid points
8 1 Rows have Ni grid points if points are not offset in i direction Rows have Ni-1 grid points if points are offset by Di/2 in i direction Columns have Nj grid points if points are not offset in j direction Columns have Nj-1 grid points if points are offset by Dj/2 in j direction

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Flag table 3.5 - Projection centre
1 0 North Pole is on the projection plane
1 1 South Pole is on the projection plane
2 0 Only one projection centre is used
2 1 Projection is bipolar and symmetric

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Code table 3.6 - Spectral data representation type
1 1 see separate doc or pdf file

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Code table 3.7 - Spectral data representation mode
0 0 Reserved
1 1 see separate doc or pdf file
# 2-254 Reserved
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Code table 3.8 - Grid point position
0 0 Grid points at triangle vertices
1 1 Grid points at centres of triangles
2 2 Grid points at midpoints of triangle sides
# 3-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Flag table 3.9 - Numbering order of diamonds as seen from the corresponding pole
1 0 Clockwise orientation
1 1 Anti-clockwise (i.e. counter-clockwise) orientation
# 2-8 Reserved

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Code table 4.0 - Product definition template number
0 0 Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
1 1 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
2 2 Derived forecasts based on all ensemble members at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
3 3 Derived forecasts based on a cluster of ensemble members over a rectangular area at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
4 4 Derived forecasts based on a cluster of ensemble members over a circular area at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
5 5 Probability forecasts at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
6 6 Percentile forecasts at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
7 7 Analysis or forecast error at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
8 8 Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval
9 9 Probability forecasts at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval
10 10 Percentile forecasts at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval
11 11 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer, in a continuous or non-continuous interval
12 12 Derived forecasts based on all ensemble members at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer, in a continuous or non-continuous interval
13 13 Derived forecasts based on a cluster of ensemble members over a rectangular area, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer, in a continuous or non-continuous interval
14 14 Derived forecasts based on a cluster of ensemble members over a circular area, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer, in a continuous or non-continuous interval
15 15 Average, accumulation, extreme values, or other statistically processed values over a spatial area at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
# 16-19 Reserved
20 20 Radar product
# 21-29 Reserved
30 30 Satellite product (deprecated)
31 31 Satellite product
32 32 Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for simulated (synthetic) satellite data
33 33 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for simulated (synthetic) satellite data
34 34 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer, in a continuous or non-continuous interval for simulated (synthetic) satellite data
# 35-39 Reserved
311 311 Satellite product auxiliary information
40 40 Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for atmospheric chemical constituents
41 41 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for atmospheric chemical constituents
42 42 Average, accumulation and/or extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval for atmospheric chemical constituents
43 43 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval for atmospheric chemical constituents
44 44 Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for aerosol
45 45 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for aerosol
46 46 Average, accumulation, and/or extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval for aerosol
47 47 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval for aerosol
48 48 Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for optical properties of aerosol
# 49-50 Reserved
51 51 Categorical forecasts at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
52 52 Reserved
53 53 Partitioned parameters at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
54 54 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for partitioned parameters
55 55 Spatio-temporal changing tiles at a horizontal level or horizontal layer at a point in time
56 56 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for spatio-temporal changing tile parameters
57 57 Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for atmospheric chemical constituents based on a distribution function
# 58-59 Reserved
60 60 Individual ensemble reforecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
61 61 Individual ensemble reforecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer, in a continuous or non-continuous time interval
# 62-90 Reserved
91 91 Categorical forecasts at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval
# 92-253 Reserved
254 254 CCITT IA5 character string
# 255-999 Reserved
1000 1000 Cross-section of analysis and forecast at a point in time
1001 1001 Cross-section of averaged or otherwise statistically processed analysis or forecast over a range of time
1002 1002 Cross-section of analysis and forecast, averaged or otherwise statistically processed over latitude or longitude
# 1003-1099 Reserved
1100 1100 Hovmoller-type grid with no averaging or other statistical processing
1101 1101 Hovmoller-type grid with averaging or other statistical processing
50001 50001 Forecasting Systems with Variable Resolution in a point in time
50011 50011 Forecasting Systems with Variable Resolution in a continous or non countinous time interval
# 1102-32767 Reserved
# 32768-65534 Reserved for local use
40033 40033 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for simulated (synthetic) satellite data
40034 40034 Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer, in a continuous or non-continuous interval for simulated (synthetic) satellite data
65535 65535 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Code table 4.1 - Parameter category by product discipline
0 0 Temperature
1 1 Moisture
2 2 Momentum
3 3 Mass
4 4 Short-wave radiation
5 5 Long-wave radiation
6 6 Cloud
7 7 Thermodynamic stability indices
8 8 Kinematic stability indices
9 9 Temperature probabilities
10 10 Moisture probabilities
11 11 Momentum probabilities
12 12 Mass probabilities
13 13 Aerosols
14 14 Trace gases (e.g. ozone, CO2)
15 15 Radar
16 16 Forecast radar imagery
17 17 Electrodynamics
18 18 Nuclear/radiology
19 19 Physical atmospheric properties
20 20 Atmospheric chemical constituents
# 21-189 Reserved
190 190 CCITT IA5 string
191 191 Miscellaneous
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Code table 4.1 - Parameter category by product discipline
0 0 Hydrology basic products
1 1 Hydrology probabilities
2 2 Inland water and sediment properties
# 3-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Code table 4.1 - Parameter category by product discipline
0 0 Waves
1 1 Currents
2 2 Ice
3 3 Surface properties
4 4 Subsurface properties
# 5-190 Reserved
191 191 Miscellaneous
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#Discipline 192: ECMWF local parameters
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Code table 4.1 - Parameter category by product discipline
0 0 Vegetation/biomass
1 1 Agri-/aquacultural special products
2 2 Transportation-related products
3 3 Soil products
4 4 Fire weather products
# 5-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Code table 4.1 - Parameter category by product discipline
0 0 Image format products
1 1 Quantitative products
2 2 Cloud properties
3 3 Flight rule conditions
4 4 Volcanic ash
5 5 Sea-surface temperature
6 6 Solar radiation
# 7-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Code table 4.10 - Type of statistical processing
0 avg Average
1 accum Accumulation
2 max Maximum
3 min Minimum
4 diff Difference (value at the end of time range minus value at the beginning)
5 rms Root mean square
6 sd Standard deviation
7 cov Covariance (temporal variance)
8 8 Difference (value at the start of time range minus value at the end)
9 ratio Ratio
10 10 Standardized anomaly
11 11 Summation
# 12-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 missing Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Code table 4.11 - Type of time intervals
0 0 Reserved
1 1 Successive times processed have same forecast time, start time of forecast is incremented
2 2 Successive times processed have same start time of forecast, forecast time is incremented
3 3 Successive times processed have start time of forecast incremented and forecast time decremented so that valid time remains constant
4 4 Successive times processed have start time of forecast decremented and forecast time incremented so that valid time remains constant
5 5 Floating subinterval of time between forecast time and end of overall time interval
# 6-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Code table 4.12 - Operating mode
0 0 Maintenance mode
1 1 Clear air
2 2 Precipitation
# 3-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Code table 4.13 - Quality control indicator
0 0 No quality control applied
1 1 Quality control applied
# 2-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Code table 4.14 - Clutter filter indicator
0 0 No clutter filter used
1 1 Clutter filter used
# 2-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Code table 4.15 - Type of spatial processing used to arrive at given data value from the source data
0 0 Data is calculated directly from the source grid with no interpolation
1 1 Bilinear interpolation using the 4 source grid grid-point values surrounding the nominal grid-point
2 2 Bicubic interpolation using the 4 source grid grid-point values surrounding the nominal grid-point
3 3 Using the value from the source grid grid-point which is nearest to the nominal grid-point
4 4 Budget interpolation using the 4 source grid grid-point values surrounding the nominal grid-point
5 5 Spectral interpolation using the 4 source grid grid-point values surrounding the nominal grid-point
6 6 Neighbor-budget interpolation using the 4 source grid grid-point values surrounding the nominal grid-point
# 7-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 1 first
2 2 second
3 3 third
4 4 fourth

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Temperature (K)
1 1 Virtual temperature (K)
2 2 Potential temperature (K)
3 3 Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature or equivalent potential temperature (K)
4 4 Maximum temperature (K)
5 5 Minimum temperature (K)
6 6 Dewpoint temperature (K)
7 7 Dewpoint depression (or deficit) (K)
8 8 Lapse rate (K/m)
9 9 Temperature anomaly (K)
10 10 Latent heat net flux (W m-2)
11 11 Sensible heat net flux (W m-2)
12 12 Heat index (K)
13 13 Wind chill factor (K)
14 14 Minimum dewpoint depression (K)
15 15 Virtual potential temperature (K)
16 16 Snow phase change heat flux (W m-2)
17 17 Skin temperature (K)
18 18 Snow temperature (top of snow) (K)
19 19 Turbulent transfer coefficient for heat (Numeric)
20 20 Turbulent diffusion coefficient for heat (m2/s)
21 21 Apparent temperature (K)
22 22 Temperature tendency due to short-wave radiation (K s-1)
23 23 Temperature tendency due to long-wave radiation (K s-1)
24 24 Temperature tendency due to short-wave radiation, clear sky (K s-1)
25 25 Temperature tendency due to long-wave radiation, clear sky (K s-1)
26 26 Temperature tendency due to parameterization (K s-1)
27 27 Wet-bulb temperature (K)
# 28-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Specific humidity (kg/kg)
1 1 Relative humidity (%)
2 2 Humidity mixing ratio (kg/kg)
3 3 Precipitable water (kg m-2)
4 4 Vapour pressure (Pa)
5 5 Saturation deficit (Pa)
6 6 Evaporation (kg m-2)
7 7 Precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
8 8 Total precipitation (kg m-2)
9 9 Large-scale precipitation (non-convective) (kg m-2)
10 10 Convective precipitation (kg m-2)
11 11 Snow depth (m)
12 12 Snowfall rate water equivalent (kg m-2 s-1)
13 13 Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth (kg m-2)
14 14 Convective snow (kg m-2)
15 15 Large-scale snow (kg m-2)
16 16 Snow melt (kg m-2)
17 17 Snow age (d)
18 18 Absolute humidity (kg m-3)
19 19 Precipitation type ((Code table 4.201))
20 20 Integrated liquid water (kg m-2)
21 21 Condensate (kg/kg)
22 22 Cloud mixing ratio (kg/kg)
23 23 Ice water mixing ratio (kg/kg)
24 24 Rain mixing ratio (kg/kg)
25 25 Snow mixing ratio (kg/kg)
26 26 Horizontal moisture convergence (kg kg-1 s-1)
27 27 Maximum relative humidity (%)
28 28 Maximum absolute humidity (kg m-3)
29 29 Total snowfall (m)
30 30 Precipitable water category ((Code table 4.202))
31 31 Hail (m)
32 32 Graupel (snow pellets) (kg/kg)
33 33 Categorical rain ((Code table 4.222))
34 34 Categorical freezing rain ((Code table 4.222))
35 35 Categorical ice pellets ((Code table 4.222))
36 36 Categorical snow ((Code table 4.222))
37 37 Convective precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
38 38 Horizontal moisture divergence (kg kg-1 s-1)
39 39 Per cent frozen precipitation (%)
40 40 Potential evaporation (kg m-2)
41 41 Potential evaporation rate (W m-2)
42 42 Snow cover (%)
43 43 Rain fraction of total cloud water (Proportion)
44 44 Rime factor (Numeric)
45 45 Total column integrated rain (kg m-2)
46 46 Total column integrated snow (kg m-2)
47 47 Large scale water precipitation (non-convective) (kg m-2)
48 48 Convective water precipitation (kg m-2)
49 49 Total water precipitation (kg m-2)
50 50 Total snow precipitation (kg m-2)
51 51 Total column water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour + cloud water/ice)) (kg m-2)
52 52 Total precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
53 53 Total snowfall rate water equivalent (kg m-2 s-1)
54 54 Large scale precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
55 55 Convective snowfall rate water equivalent (kg m-2 s-1)
56 56 Large scale snowfall rate water equivalent (kg m-2 s-1)
57 57 Total snowfall rate (m/s)
58 58 Convective snowfall rate (m/s)
59 59 Large scale snowfall rate (m/s)
60 60 Snow depth water equivalent (kg m-2)
61 61 Snow density (kg m-3)
62 62 Snow evaporation (kg m-2)
63 63 Reserved
64 64 Total column integrated water vapour (kg m-2)
65 65 Rain precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
66 66 Snow precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
67 67 Freezing rain precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
68 68 Ice pellets precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
69 69 Total column integrated cloud water (kg m-2)
70 70 Total column integrated cloud ice (kg m-2)
71 71 Hail mixing ratio (kg/kg)
72 72 Total column integrated hail (kg m-2)
73 73 Hail precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
74 74 Total column integrated graupel (kg m-2)
75 75 Graupel (snow pellets) precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
76 76 Convective rain rate (kg m-2 s-1)
77 77 Large scale rain rate (kg m-2 s-1)
78 78 Total column integrated water (all components including precipitation) (kg m-2)
79 79 Evaporation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
80 80 Total condensate (kg/kg)
81 81 Total column-integrated condensate (kg m-2)
82 82 Cloud ice mixing-ratio (kg/kg)
83 83 Specific cloud liquid water content (kg/kg)
84 84 Specific cloud ice water content (kg/kg)
85 85 Specific rainwater content (kg/kg)
86 86 Specific snow water content (kg/kg)
# 87-89 Reserved
90 90 Total kinematic moisture flux (kg kg-1 m s-1)
91 91 u-component (zonal) kinematic moisture flux (kg kg-1 m s-1)
92 92 v-component (meridional) kinematic moisture flux (kg kg-1 m s-1)
93 93 Relative humidity with respect to water (%)
94 94 Relative humidity with respect to ice (%)
95 95 Freezing or frozen precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
96 96 Mass density of rain (kg m-3)
97 97 Mass density of snow (kg m-3)
98 98 Mass density of graupel (kg m-3)
99 99 Mass density of hail (kg m-3)
100 100 Specific number concentration of rain (kg-1)
101 101 Specific number concentration of snow (kg-1)
102 102 Specific number concentration of graupel (kg-1)
103 103 Specific number concentration of hail (kg-1)
104 104 Number density of rain (m-3)
105 105 Number density of snow (m-3)
106 106 Number density of graupel (m-3)
107 107 Number density of hail (m-3)
108 108 Specific humidity tendency due to parameterization (kg kg-1 s-1)
109 109 Mass density of liquid water coating on hail expressed as mass of liquid water per unit volume of air (kg m-3)
110 110 Specific mass of liquid water coating on hail expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of moist air (kg kg-1)
111 111 Mass mixing ratio of liquid water coating on hail expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of dry air (kg kg-1)
112 112 Mass density of liquid water coating on graupel expressed as mass of liquid water per unit volume of air (kg m-3)
113 113 Specific mass of liquid water coating on graupel expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of moist air (kg kg-1)
114 114 Mass mixing ratio of liquid water coating on graupel expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of dry air (kg kg-1)
115 115 Mass density of liquid water coating on snow expressed as mass of liquid water per unit volume of air (kg m-3)
116 116 Specific mass of liquid water coating on snow expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of moist air (kg kg-1)
117 117 Mass mixing ratio of liquid water coating on snow expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of dry air (kg kg-1)
# 118-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Aerosol type ((Code table 4.205))
# 1-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Total ozone (DU)
1 1 Ozone mixing ratio (kg/kg)
2 2 Total column integrated ozone (DU)
# 3-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Base spectrum width (m/s)
1 1 Base reflectivity (dB)
2 2 Base radial velocity (m/s)
3 3 Vertically integrated liquid water (VIL) (kg m-2)
4 4 Layer-maximum base reflectivity (dB)
5 5 Precipitation (kg m-2)
6 6 Radar spectra (1) (-)
7 7 Radar spectra (2) (-)
8 8 Radar spectra (3) (-)
9 9 Reflectivity of cloud droplets (dB)
10 10 Reflectivity of cloud ice (dB)
11 11 Reflectivity of snow (dB)
12 12 Reflectivity of rain (dB)
13 13 Reflectivity of graupel (dB)
14 14 Reflectivity of hail (dB)
15 15 Hybrid scan reflectivity (dB)
16 16 Hybrid scan reflectivity height (m)
# 17-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for rain (mm6 m-3)
1 1 Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for snow (mm6 m-3)
2 2 Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for parameterized convection (mm6 m-3)
3 3 Echo top (m)
4 4 Reflectivity (dB)
5 5 Composite reflectivity (dB)
# 6-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Lightning strike density (m-2 s-1)
1 1 Lightning potential index (LPI) (J kg-1)

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Air concentration of caesium 137 (Bq m-3)
1 1 Air concentration of iodine 131 (Bq m-3)
2 2 Air concentration of radioactive pollutant (Bq m-3)
3 3 Ground deposition of caesium 137 (Bq m-2)
4 4 Ground deposition of iodine 131 (Bq m-2)
5 5 Ground deposition of radioactive pollutant (Bq m-2)
6 6 Time-integrated air concentration of caesium pollutant (Bq s m-3)
7 7 Time-integrated air concentration of iodine pollutant (Bq s m-3)
8 8 Time-integrated air concentration of radioactive pollutant (Bq s m-3)
9 9 Reserved
10 10 Air concentration (Bq m-3)
11 11 Wet deposition (Bq m-2)
12 12 Dry deposition (Bq m-2)
13 13 Total deposition (wet + dry) (Bq m-2)
14 14 Specific activity concentration (Bq kg-1)
15 15 Maximum of air concentration in layer (Bq m-3)
16 16 Height of maximum air concentration (m)
# 17-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Visibility (m)
1 1 Albedo (%)
2 2 Thunderstorm probability (%)
3 3 Mixed layer depth (m)
4 4 Volcanic ash ((Code table 4.206))
5 5 Icing top (m)
6 6 Icing base (m)
7 7 Icing ((Code table 4.207))
8 8 Turbulence top (m)
9 9 Turbulence base (m)
10 10 Turbulence ((Code table 4.208))
11 11 Turbulent kinetic energy (J/kg)
12 12 Planetary boundary-layer regime ((Code table 4.209))
13 13 Contrail intensity ((Code table 4.210))
14 14 Contrail engine type ((Code table 4.211))
15 15 Contrail top (m)
16 16 Contrail base (m)
17 17 Maximum snow albedo (%)
18 18 Snow free albedo (%)
19 19 Snow albedo (%)
20 20 Icing (%)
21 21 In-cloud turbulence (%)
22 22 Clear air turbulence (CAT) (%)
23 23 Supercooled large droplet probability (%)
24 24 Convective turbulent kinetic energy (J/kg)
25 25 Weather ((Code table 4.225))
26 26 Convective outlook ((Code table 4.224))
27 27 Icing scenario ((Code table 4.227))
28 28 Mountain wave turbulence (eddy dissipation rate) (m2/3 s-1)
29 29 Clear air turbulence (CAT) (m2/3 s-1)
30 30 Eddy dissipation parameter (m2/3 s-1)
31 31 Maximum of Eddy dissipation parameter in layer (m2/3 s-1)
# 32-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Arbitrary text string (CCITT IA5)
# 1-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in Section 1) (s)
1 1 Geographical latitude (deg N)
2 2 Geographical longitude (deg E)
3 3 Days since last observation (d)
# 4-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Wind direction (from which blowing) (degree true)
1 1 Wind speed (m/s)
2 2 u-component of wind (m/s)
3 3 v-component of wind (m/s)
4 4 Stream function (m2/s)
5 5 Velocity potential (m2/s)
6 6 Montgomery stream function (m2 s-2)
7 7 Sigma coordinate vertical velocity (/s)
8 8 Vertical velocity (pressure) (Pa/s)
9 9 Vertical velocity (geometric) (m/s)
10 10 Absolute vorticity (/s)
11 11 Absolute divergence (/s)
12 12 Relative vorticity (/s)
13 13 Relative divergence (/s)
14 14 Potential vorticity (K m2 kg-1 s-1)
15 15 Vertical u-component shear (/s)
16 16 Vertical v-component shear (/s)
17 17 Momentum flux, u-component (N m-2)
18 18 Momentum flux, v-component (N m-2)
19 19 Wind mixing energy (J)
20 20 Boundary layer dissipation (W m-2)
21 21 Maximum wind speed (m/s)
22 22 Wind speed (gust) (m/s)
23 23 u-component of wind (gust) (m/s)
24 24 v-component of wind (gust) (m/s)
25 25 Vertical speed shear (/s)
26 26 Horizontal momentum flux (N m-2)
27 27 u-component storm motion (m/s)
28 28 v-component storm motion (m/s)
29 29 Drag coefficient (Numeric)
30 30 Frictional velocity (m/s)
31 31 Turbulent diffusion coefficient for momentum (m2/s)
32 32 Eta coordinate vertical velocity (/s)
33 33 Wind fetch (m)
34 34 Normal wind component (m/s)
35 35 Tangential wind component (m/s)
36 36 Amplitude function for Rossby wave envelope for meridional wind (m/s)
37 37 Northward turbulent surface stress (N m-2 s)
38 38 Eastward turbulent surface stress (N m-2 s)
39 39 Eastward wind tendency due to parameterization (m s-2)
40 40 Northward wind tendency due to parameterization (m s-2)
41 41 u-component of geostrophic wind (m s-1)
42 42 v-component of geostrophic wind (m s-1)
43 43 Geostrophic wind direction (degree true)
44 44 Geostrophic wind speed (m s-1)
# 45-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Mass density (concentration) (kg m-3)
1 1 Column-integrated mass density (kg m-2)
2 2 Mass mixing ratio (mass fraction in air) (kg/kg)
3 3 Atmosphere emission mass flux (kg m-2 s-1)
4 4 Atmosphere net production mass flux (kg m-2 s-1)
5 5 Atmosphere net production and emission mass flux (kg m-2 s-1)
6 6 Surface dry deposition mass flux (kg m-2 s-1)
7 7 Surface wet deposition mass flux (kg m-2 s-1)
8 8 Atmosphere re-emission mass flux (kg m-2 s-1)
9 9 Wet deposition by large-scale precipitation mass flux (kg m-2 s-1)
10 10 Wet deposition by convective precipitation mass flux (kg m-2 s-1)
11 11 Sedimentation mass flux (kg m-2 s-1)
12 12 Dry deposition mass flux (kg m-2 s-1)
13 13 Transfer from hydrophobic to hydrophilic (kg kg-1 s-1)
14 14 Transfer from SO2 (sulphur dioxide) to SO4 (sulphate) (kg kg-1 s-1)
# 15-49 Reserved
50 50 Amount in atmosphere (mol)
51 51 Concentration in air (mol m-3)
52 52 Volume mixing ratio (fraction in air) (mol/mol)
53 53 Chemical gross production rate of concentration (mol m-3 s-1)
54 54 Chemical gross destruction rate of concentration (mol m-3 s-1)
55 55 Surface flux (mol m-2 s-1)
56 56 Changes of amount in atmosphere (mol/s)
57 57 Total yearly average burden of the atmosphere (mol)
58 58 Total yearly averaged atmospheric loss (mol/s)
59 59 Aerosol number concentration (m-3)
60 60 Aerosol specific number concentration (kg-1)
61 61 Maximum of mass density in layer (kg m-3)
62 62 Height of maximum mass density (m)
# 63-99 Reserved
100 100 Surface area density (aerosol) (/m)
101 101 Vertical visual range (m)
102 102 Aerosol optical thickness (Numeric)
103 103 Single scattering albedo (Numeric)
104 104 Asymmetry factor (Numeric)
105 105 Aerosol extinction coefficient (/m)
106 106 Aerosol absorption coefficient (/m)
107 107 Aerosol lidar backscatter from satellite (m-1 sr-1)
108 108 Aerosol lidar backscatter from the ground (m-1 sr-1)
109 109 Aerosol lidar extinction from satellite (/m)
110 110 Aerosol lidar extinction from the ground (/m)
111 111 Angstrom exponent (Numeric)
# 112-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Pressure (Pa)
1 1 Pressure reduced to MSL (Pa)
2 2 Pressure tendency (Pa/s)
3 3 ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height (m)
4 4 Geopotential (m2 s-2)
5 5 Geopotential height (gpm)
6 6 Geometric height (m)
7 7 Standard deviation of height (m)
8 8 Pressure anomaly (Pa)
9 9 Geopotential height anomaly (gpm)
10 10 Density (kg m-3)
11 11 Altimeter setting (Pa)
12 12 Thickness (m)
13 13 Pressure altitude (m)
14 14 Density altitude (m)
15 15 5-wave geopotential height (gpm)
16 16 Zonal flux of gravity wave stress (N m-2)
17 17 Meridional flux of gravity wave stress (N m-2)
18 18 Planetary boundary layer height (m)
19 19 5-wave geopotential height anomaly (gpm)
20 20 Standard deviation of sub-grid scale orography (m)
21 21 Angle of sub-gridscale orography (rad)
22 22 Slope of sub-gridscale orography (Numeric)
23 23 Gravity wave dissipation (W m-2)
24 24 Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography (Numeric)
25 25 Natural logarithm of pressure in Pa (Numeric)
26 26 Exner pressure (Numeric)
27 27 Updraught mass flux (kg m-2 s-1)
28 28 Downdraught mass flux (kg m-2 s-1)
29 29 Updraught detrainment rate (kg m-3 s-1)
30 30 Downdraught detrainment rate (kg m-3 s-1)
# 31-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) (W m-2)
1 1 Net short-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) (W m-2)
2 2 Short-wave radiation flux (W m-2)
3 3 Global radiation flux (W m-2)
4 4 Brightness temperature (K)
5 5 Radiance (with respect to wave number) (W m-1 sr-1)
6 6 Radiance (with respect to wavelength) (W m-3 sr-1)
7 7 Downward short-wave radiation flux (W m-2)
8 8 Upward short-wave radiation flux (W m-2)
9 9 Net short wave radiation flux (W m-2)
10 10 Photosynthetically active radiation (W m-2)
11 11 Net short-wave radiation flux, clear sky (W m-2)
12 12 Downward UV radiation (W m-2)
13 13 Direct short-wave radiation flux (W m-2)
14 14 Diffuse short-wave radiation flux (W m-2)
# 15-49 Reserved
50 50 UV index (under clear sky) (Numeric)
51 51 UV index (Numeric)
52 52 Downward short-wave radiation flux, clear sky (W m-2)
53 53 Upward short-wave radiation flux, clear sky (W m-2)
# 54-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Net long-wave radiation flux (surface) (W m-2)
1 1 Net long-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) (W m-2)
2 2 Long-wave radiation flux (W m-2)
3 3 Downward long-wave radiation flux (W m-2)
4 4 Upward long-wave radiation flux (W m-2)
5 5 Net long-wave radiation flux (W m-2)
6 6 Net long-wave radiation flux, clear sky (W m-2)
7 7 Brightness temperature (K)
8 8 Downward long-wave radiation flux, clear sky (W m-2)
# 9-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Cloud ice (kg m-2)
1 1 Total cloud cover (%)
2 2 Convective cloud cover (%)
3 3 Low cloud cover (%)
4 4 Medium cloud cover (%)
5 5 High cloud cover (%)
6 6 Cloud water (kg m-2)
7 7 Cloud amount (%)
8 8 Cloud type ((Code table 4.203))
9 9 Thunderstorm maximum tops (m)
10 10 Thunderstorm coverage ((Code table 4.204))
11 11 Cloud base (m)
12 12 Cloud top (m)
13 13 Ceiling (m)
14 14 Non-convective cloud cover (%)
15 15 Cloud work function (J/kg)
16 16 Convective cloud efficiency (Proportion)
17 17 Total condensate (kg/kg)
18 18 Total column-integrated cloud water (kg m-2)
19 19 Total column-integrated cloud ice (kg m-2)
20 20 Total column-integrated condensate (kg m-2)
21 21 Ice fraction of total condensate (Proportion)
22 22 Cloud cover (%)
23 23 Cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg)
24 24 Sunshine (Numeric)
25 25 Horizontal extent of cumulonimbus (CB) (%)
26 26 Height of convective cloud base (m)
27 27 Height of convective cloud top (m)
28 28 Number of cloud droplets per unit mass of air (/kg)
29 29 Number of cloud ice particles per unit mass of air (/kg)
30 30 Number density of cloud droplets (m-3)
31 31 Number density of cloud ice particles (m-3)
32 32 Fraction of cloud cover (Numeric)
33 33 Sunshine duration (s)
34 34 Surface long-wave effective total cloudiness (Numeric)
35 35 Surface short-wave effective total cloudiness (Numeric)
36 36 Fraction of stratiform precipitation cover (Proportion)
37 37 Fraction of convective precipitation cover (Proportion)
38 38 Mass density of cloud droplets (kg m-3)
39 39 Mass density of cloud ice (kg m-3)
40 40 Mass density of convective cloud water droplets (kg m-3)
# 41-46 Reserved
47 47 Volume fraction of cloud water droplets (Numeric)
48 48 Volume fraction of cloud ice particles (Numeric)
49 49 Volume fraction of cloud (ice and/or water) (Numeric)
# 50-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) (K)
1 1 Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) (K)
2 2 K index (K)
3 3 KO index (K)
4 4 Total totals index (K)
5 5 Sweat index (Numeric)
6 6 Convective available potential energy (J/kg)
7 7 Convective inhibition (J/kg)
8 8 Storm relative helicity (J/kg)
9 9 Energy helicity index (Numeric)
10 10 Surface lifted index (K)
11 11 Best (4-layer) lifted index (K)
12 12 Richardson number (Numeric)
13 13 Showalter index (K)
14 14 Reserved
15 15 Updraught helicity (m2 s-2)
16 16 Bulk Richardson number (Numeric)
17 17 Gradient Richardson number (Numeric)
18 18 Flux Richardson number (Numeric)
# 19-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Flash flood guidance (Encoded as an accumulation over a floating subinterval of time between the reference time and valid time) (kg m-2)
1 1 Flash flood runoff (Encoded as an accumulation over a floating subinterval of time) (kg m-2)
2 2 Remotely-sensed snow cover ((Code table 4.215))
3 3 Elevation of snow-covered terrain ((Code table 4.216))
4 4 Snow water equivalent per cent of normal (%)
5 5 Baseflow-groundwater runoff (kg m-2)
6 6 Storm surface runoff (kg m-2)
7 7 Discharge from rivers or streams (m3/s)
8 8 Groundwater upper storage (kg m-2)
9 9 Groundwater lower storage (kg m-2)
10 10 Side flow into river channel (m3 s-1 m-1)
11 11 River storage of water (m3)
12 12 Floodplain storage of water (m3)
13 13 Depth of water on soil surface (kg m-2)
14 14 Upstream accumulated precipitation (kg m-2)
15 15 Upstream accumulated snow melt (kg m-2)
16 16 Percolation rate (kg m-2 s-1)
# 17-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Conditional per cent precipitation amount fractile for an overall period (Encoded as an accumulation) (kg m-2)
1 1 Per cent precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period (Encoded as per cent accumulation over the sub-period) (%)
2 2 Probability of 0.01 inch of precipitation (POP) (%)
# 3-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Water depth (m)
1 1 Water temperature (K)
2 2 Water fraction (Proportion)
3 3 Sediment thickness (m)
4 4 Sediment temperature (K)
5 5 Ice thickness (m)
6 6 Ice temperature (K)
7 7 Ice cover (Proportion)
8 8 Land cover (0 = water, 1 = land) (Proportion)
9 9 Shape factor with respect to salinity profile (-)
10 10 Shape factor with respect to temperature profile in thermocline (-)
11 11 Attenuation coefficient of water with respect to solar radiation (/m)
12 12 Salinity (kg/kg)
13 13 Cross-sectional area of flow in channel (m2)

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Wave spectra (1) (-)
1 1 Wave spectra (2) (-)
2 2 Wave spectra (3) (-)
3 3 Significant height of combined wind waves and swell (m)
4 4 Direction of wind waves (degree true)
5 5 Significant height of wind waves (m)
6 6 Mean period of wind waves (s)
7 7 Direction of swell waves (degree true)
8 8 Significant height of swell waves (m)
9 9 Mean period of swell waves (s)
10 10 Primary wave direction (degree true)
11 11 Primary wave mean period (s)
12 12 Secondary wave direction (degree true)
13 13 Secondary wave mean period (s)
14 14 Direction of combined wind waves and swell (degree true)
15 15 Mean period of combined wind waves and swell (s)
16 16 Coefficient of drag with waves (-)
17 17 Friction velocity (m/s)
18 18 Wave stress (N m-2)
19 19 Normalized wave stress (-)
20 20 Mean square slope of waves (-)
21 21 u-component surface Stokes drift (m/s)
22 22 v-component surface Stokes drift (m/s)
23 23 Period of maximum individual wave height (s)
24 24 Maximum individual wave height (m)
25 25 Inverse mean wave frequency (s)
26 26 Inverse mean frequency of wind waves (s)
27 27 Inverse mean frequency of total swell (s)
28 28 Mean zero-crossing wave period (s)
29 29 Mean zero-crossing period of wind waves (s)
30 30 Mean zero-crossing period of total swell (s)
31 31 Wave directional width (-)
32 32 Directional width of wind waves (-)
33 33 Directional width of total swell (-)
34 34 Peak wave period (s)
35 35 Peak period of wind waves (s)
36 36 Peak period of total swell (s)
37 37 Altimeter wave height (m)
38 38 Altimeter corrected wave height (m)
39 39 Altimeter range relative correction (-)
40 40 10-metre neutral wind speed over waves (m/s)
41 41 10-metre wind direction over waves (deg)
42 42 Wave energy spectrum (m2 s rad-1)
43 43 Kurtosis of the sea-surface elevation due to waves (-)
44 44 Benjamin-Feir index (-)
45 45 Spectral peakedness factor (/s)
# 46-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Current direction (degree true)
1 1 Current speed (m/s)
2 2 u-component of current (m/s)
3 3 v-component of current (m/s)
# 4-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in Section 1) (s)
1 1 Meridional overturning stream function (m3/s)
2 2 Reserved
3 3 Days since last observation (d)
# 4-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Ice cover (Proportion)
1 1 Ice thickness (m)
2 2 Direction of ice drift (degree true)
3 3 Speed of ice drift (m/s)
4 4 u-component of ice drift (m/s)
5 5 v-component of ice drift (m/s)
6 6 Ice growth rate (m/s)
7 7 Ice divergence (/s)
8 8 Ice temperature (K)
9 9 Module of ice internal pressure (Pa m)
10 10 Zonal vector component of vertically integrated ice internal pressure (Pa m)
11 11 Meridional vector component of vertically integrated ice internal pressure (Pa m)
12 12 Compressive ice strength (N/m)
# 13-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Water temperature (K)
1 1 Deviation of sea level from mean (m)
# 2-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Main thermocline depth (m)
1 1 Main thermocline anomaly (m)
2 2 Transient thermocline depth (m)
3 3 Salinity (kg/kg)
4 4 Ocean vertical heat diffusivity (m2/s)
5 5 Ocean vertical salt diffusivity (m2/s)
6 6 Ocean vertical momentum diffusivity (m2/s)
7 7 Bathymetry (m)
# 8-10 Reserved
11 11 Shape factor with respect to salinity profile (-)
12 12 Shape factor with respect to temperature profile in thermocline (-)
13 13 Attenuation coefficient of water with respect to solar radiation (/m)
14 14 Water depth (m)
15 15 Water temperature (K)
# 16-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Land cover (0 = sea, 1 = land) (Proportion)
1 1 Surface roughness (m)
2 2 Soil temperature (K)
3 3 Soil moisture content (kg m-2)
4 4 Vegetation (%)
5 5 Water runoff (kg m-2)
6 6 Evapotranspiration (kg-2 s-1)
7 7 Model terrain height (m)
8 8 Land use ((Code table 4.212))
9 9 Volumetric soil moisture content (Proportion)
10 10 Ground heat flux (W m-2)
11 11 Moisture availability (%)
12 12 Exchange coefficient (kg m-2 s-1)
13 13 Plant canopy surface water (kg m-2)
14 14 Blackadar's mixing length scale (m)
15 15 Canopy conductance (m/s)
16 16 Minimal stomatal resistance (s/m)
17 17 Wilting point (Proportion)
18 18 Solar parameter in canopy conductance (Proportion)
19 19 Temperature parameter in canopy (Proportion)
20 20 Humidity parameter in canopy conductance (Proportion)
21 21 Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance (Proportion)
22 22 Soil moisture (kg m-3)
23 23 Column-integrated soil water (kg m-2)
24 24 Heat flux (W m-2)
25 25 Volumetric soil moisture (m3 m-3)
26 26 Wilting point (kg m-3)
27 27 Volumetric wilting point (m3 m-3)
28 28 Leaf area index (Numeric)
29 29 Evergreen forest cover (Proportion)
30 30 Deciduous forest cover (Proportion)
31 31 Normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) (Numeric)
32 32 Root depth of vegetation (m)
33 33 Water runoff and drainage (kg m-2)
34 34 Surface water runoff (kg m-2)
35 35 Tile class (Code table 4.243)
36 36 Tile fraction (Proportion)
37 37 Tile percentage (%)
38 38 Soil volumetric ice content (water equivalent) (m3 m-3)
# 39-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Soil type ((Code table 4.213))
1 1 Upper layer soil temperature (K)
2 2 Upper layer soil moisture (kg m-3)
3 3 Lower layer soil moisture (kg m-3)
4 4 Bottom layer soil temperature (K)
5 5 Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) (Proportion)
6 6 Number of soil layers in root zone (Numeric)
7 7 Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) (Proportion)
8 8 Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) (Proportion)
9 9 Soil porosity (Proportion)
10 10 Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) (m3 m-3)
11 11 Volumetric transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) (m3 m-3)
12 12 Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) (kg m-3)
13 13 Volumetric direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) (m3 m-3)
14 14 Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) (kg m-3)
15 15 Soil porosity (m3 m-3)
16 16 Volumetric saturation of soil moisture (m3 m-3)
17 17 Saturation of soil moisture (kg m-3)
18 18 Soil temperature (K)
19 19 Soil moisture (kg m-3)
20 20 Column-integrated soil moisture (kg m-2)
21 21 Soil ice (kg m-3)
22 22 Column-integrated soil ice (kg m-2)
23 23 Liquid water in snow pack (kg m-2)
24 24 Frost index (K day-1)
25 25 Snow depth at elevation bands (kg m-2)
26 26 Soil heat flux (W m-2)
27 27 Soil depth (m)
# 28-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Fire outlook (Code table 4.224)
1 1 Fire outlook due to dry thunderstorm (Code table 4.224)
2 2 Haines index (Numeric)
3 3 Fire burned area (%)
4 4 Fosberg index (Numeric)
5 5 Forest Fire Weather Index (Canadian Forest Service) (Numeric)
6 6 Fine Fuel Moisture Code (Canadian Forest Service) (Numeric)
7 7 Duff Moisture Code (Canadian Forest Service) (Numeric)
8 8 Drought Code (Canadian Forest Service) (Numeric)
9 9 Initial Fire Spread Index (Canadian Forest Service) (Numeric)
10 10 Fire Buildup Index (Canadian Forest Service) (Numeric)
11 11 Fire Daily Severity Rating (Canadian Forest Service) (Numeric)
# 12-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
1 1 Glacier temperature (K)

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Scaled radiance (Numeric)
1 1 Scaled albedo (Numeric)
2 2 Scaled brightness temperature (Numeric)
3 3 Scaled precipitable water (Numeric)
4 4 Scaled lifted index (Numeric)
5 5 Scaled cloud top pressure (Numeric)
6 6 Scaled skin temperature (Numeric)
7 7 Cloud mask (Code table 4.217)
8 8 Pixel scene type (Code table 4.218)
9 9 Fire detection indicator (Code table 4.223)
# 10-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Estimated precipitation (kg m-2)
1 1 Instantaneous rain rate (kg m-2 s-1)
2 2 Cloud top height (m)
3 3 Cloud top height quality indicator (Code table 4.219)
4 4 Estimated u-component of wind (m/s)
5 5 Estimated v-component of wind (m/s)
6 6 Number of pixel used (Numeric)
7 7 Solar zenith angle (deg)
8 8 Relative azimuth angle (deg)
9 9 Reflectance in 0.6 micron channel (%)
10 10 Reflectance in 0.8 micron channel (%)
11 11 Reflectance in 1.6 micron channel (%)
12 12 Reflectance in 3.9 micron channel (%)
13 13 Atmospheric divergence (/s)
14 14 Cloudy brightness temperature (K)
15 15 Clear-sky brightness temperature (K)
16 16 Cloudy radiance (with respect to wave number) (W m-1 sr-1)
17 17 Clear-sky radiance (with respect to wave number) (W m-1 sr-1)
18 18 Reserved
19 19 Wind speed (m/s)
20 20 Aerosol optical thickness at 0.635 um
21 21 Aerosol optical thickness at 0.810 um
22 22 Aerosol optical thickness at 1.640 um
23 23 Angstrom coefficient
# 24-26 Reserved
27 27 Bidirectional reflectance factor (Numeric)
28 28 Brightness temperature (K)
29 29 Scaled radiance (Numeric)
# 30-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Clear sky probability (%)
1 1 Cloud top temperature (K)
2 2 Cloud top pressure (Pa)
3 3 Cloud type (Code table 4.218)
4 4 Cloud phase (Code table 4.218)
5 5 Cloud optical depth (Numeric)
6 6 Cloud particle effective radius (m)
7 7 Cloud liquid water path (kg m-2)
8 8 Cloud ice water path (kg m-2)
9 9 Cloud albedo (Numeric)
10 10 Cloud emissivity (Numeric)
11 11 Effective absorption optical depth ratio (Numeric)

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Probability of encountering marginal visual flight rule conditions (%)
1 1 Probability of encountering low instrument flight rule conditions (%)
2 2 Probability of encountering instrument flight rule conditions (%)

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Volcanic ash probability (%)
1 1 Volcanic ash cloud top temperature (K)
2 2 Volcanic ash cloud top pressure (Pa)
3 3 Volcanic ash cloud top height (m)
4 4 Volcanic ash cloud emissivity (Numeric)
5 5 Volcanic ash effective absorption optical depth ratio (Numeric)
6 6 Volcanic ash cloud optical depth (Numeric)
7 7 Volcanic ash column density (kg m-2)
8 8 Volcanic ash particle effective radius (m)

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Interface sea-surface temperature (K)
1 1 Skin sea-surface temperature (K)
2 2 Sub-skin sea-surface temperature (K)
3 3 Foundation sea-surface temperature (K)
4 4 Estimated bias between sea-surface temperature and standard (K)
5 5 Estimated standard deviation between sea surface temperature and standard (K)

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
0 0 Global solar irradiance (W m-2)
1 1 Global solar exposure (J m-2)
2 2 Direct solar irradiance (W m-2)
3 3 Direct solar exposure (J m-2)
4 4 Diffuse solar irradiance (W m-2)
5 5 Diffuse solar exposure (J m-2)

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Code table 4.201 - Precipitation type
0 0 Reserved
1 1 Rain
2 2 Thunderstorm
3 3 Freezing rain
4 4 Mixed/ice
5 5 Snow
6 6 Wet snow
7 7 Mixture of rain and snow
8 8 Ice pellets
9 9 Graupel
10 10 Hail
# 11-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Code table 4.202 - Precipitable water category
# 0-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Code table 4.203 - Cloud type
0 0 Clear
1 1 Cumulonimbus
2 2 Stratus
3 3 Stratocumulus
4 4 Cumulus
5 5 Altostratus
6 6 Nimbostratus
7 7 Altocumulus
8 8 Cirrostratus
9 9 Cirrocumulus
10 10 Cirrus
11 11 Cumulonimbus - ground-based fog beneath the lowest layer
12 12 Stratus - ground-based fog beneath the lowest layer
13 13 Stratocumulus - ground-based fog beneath the lowest layer
14 14 Cumulus - ground-based fog beneath the lowest layer
15 15 Altostratus - ground-based fog beneath the lowest layer
16 16 Nimbostratus - ground-based fog beneath the lowest layer
17 17 Altocumulus - ground-based fog beneath the lowest layer
18 18 Cirrostratus - ground-based fog beneath the lowest layer
19 19 Cirrocumulus - ground-based fog beneath the lowest layer
20 20 Cirrus - ground-based fog beneath the lowest layer
# 21-190 Reserved
191 191 Unknown
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Code table 4.204 - Thunderstorm coverage
0 0 None
1 1 Isolated (1-2%)
2 2 Few (3-5%)
3 3 Scattered (6-45%)
4 4 Numerous (> 45%)
# 5-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Code table 4.205 - Presence of aerosol
0 0 Aerosol not present
1 1 Aerosol present
# 2-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Code table 4.206 - Volcanic ash
0 0 Not present
1 1 Present
# 2-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Code table 4.207 - Icing
0 0 None
1 1 Light
2 2 Moderate
3 3 Severe
4 4 Trace
5 5 Heavy
# 6-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Code table 4.208 - Turbulence
0 0 None (smooth)
1 1 Light
2 2 Moderate
3 3 Severe
4 4 Extreme
# 5-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Code table 4.209 - Planetary boundary-layer regime
0 0 Reserved
1 1 Stable
2 2 Mechanically driven turbulence
3 3 Forced convection
4 4 Free convection
# 5-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Code table 4.210 - Contrail intensity
0 0 Contrail not present
1 1 Contrail present
# 2-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Code table 4.211 - Contrail engine type
0 0 Low bypass
1 1 High bypass
2 2 Non-bypass
# 3-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Code table 4.212 - Land use
0 0 Reserved
1 1 Urban land
2 2 Agriculture
3 3 Range land
4 4 Deciduous forest
5 5 Coniferous forest
6 6 Forest/wetland
7 7 Water
8 8 Wetlands
9 9 Desert
10 10 Tundra
11 11 Ice
12 12 Tropical forest
13 13 Savannah
# 14-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Code table 4.213 - Soil type
0 0 Reserved
1 1 Sand
2 2 Loamy sand
3 3 Sandy loam
4 4 Silt loam
5 5 Organic (redefined)
6 6 Sandy clay loam
7 7 Silt clay loam
8 8 Clay loam
9 9 Sandy clay
10 10 Silty clay
11 11 Clay
# 12-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Code table 4.215 - Remotely sensed snow coverage
# 0-49 Reserved
50 50 No-snow/no-cloud
# 51-99 Reserved
100 100 Clouds
# 101-249 Reserved
250 250 Snow
# 251-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
# Code table 4.216 - Elevation of snow-covered terrain
# 0-90 Elevation in increments of 100 m
0 0 Elevation in increments of 100 m
1 1 Elevation in increments of 100 m
2 2 Elevation in increments of 100 m
3 3 Elevation in increments of 100 m
4 4 Elevation in increments of 100 m
5 5 Elevation in increments of 100 m
6 6 Elevation in increments of 100 m
7 7 Elevation in increments of 100 m
8 8 Elevation in increments of 100 m
9 9 Elevation in increments of 100 m
10 10 Elevation in increments of 100 m
11 11 Elevation in increments of 100 m
12 12 Elevation in increments of 100 m
13 13 Elevation in increments of 100 m
14 14 Elevation in increments of 100 m
15 15 Elevation in increments of 100 m
16 16 Elevation in increments of 100 m
17 17 Elevation in increments of 100 m
18 18 Elevation in increments of 100 m
19 19 Elevation in increments of 100 m
20 20 Elevation in increments of 100 m
21 21 Elevation in increments of 100 m
22 22 Elevation in increments of 100 m
23 23 Elevation in increments of 100 m
24 24 Elevation in increments of 100 m
25 25 Elevation in increments of 100 m
26 26 Elevation in increments of 100 m
27 27 Elevation in increments of 100 m
28 28 Elevation in increments of 100 m
29 29 Elevation in increments of 100 m
30 30 Elevation in increments of 100 m
31 31 Elevation in increments of 100 m
32 32 Elevation in increments of 100 m
33 33 Elevation in increments of 100 m
34 34 Elevation in increments of 100 m
35 35 Elevation in increments of 100 m
36 36 Elevation in increments of 100 m
37 37 Elevation in increments of 100 m
38 38 Elevation in increments of 100 m
39 39 Elevation in increments of 100 m
40 40 Elevation in increments of 100 m
41 41 Elevation in increments of 100 m
42 42 Elevation in increments of 100 m
43 43 Elevation in increments of 100 m
44 44 Elevation in increments of 100 m
45 45 Elevation in increments of 100 m
46 46 Elevation in increments of 100 m
47 47 Elevation in increments of 100 m
48 48 Elevation in increments of 100 m
49 49 Elevation in increments of 100 m
50 50 Elevation in increments of 100 m
51 51 Elevation in increments of 100 m
52 52 Elevation in increments of 100 m
53 53 Elevation in increments of 100 m
54 54 Elevation in increments of 100 m
55 55 Elevation in increments of 100 m
56 56 Elevation in increments of 100 m
57 57 Elevation in increments of 100 m
58 58 Elevation in increments of 100 m
59 59 Elevation in increments of 100 m
60 60 Elevation in increments of 100 m
61 61 Elevation in increments of 100 m
62 62 Elevation in increments of 100 m
63 63 Elevation in increments of 100 m
64 64 Elevation in increments of 100 m
65 65 Elevation in increments of 100 m
66 66 Elevation in increments of 100 m
67 67 Elevation in increments of 100 m
68 68 Elevation in increments of 100 m
69 69 Elevation in increments of 100 m
70 70 Elevation in increments of 100 m
71 71 Elevation in increments of 100 m
72 72 Elevation in increments of 100 m
73 73 Elevation in increments of 100 m
74 74 Elevation in increments of 100 m
75 75 Elevation in increments of 100 m
76 76 Elevation in increments of 100 m
77 77 Elevation in increments of 100 m
78 78 Elevation in increments of 100 m
79 79 Elevation in increments of 100 m
80 80 Elevation in increments of 100 m
81 81 Elevation in increments of 100 m
82 82 Elevation in increments of 100 m
83 83 Elevation in increments of 100 m
84 84 Elevation in increments of 100 m
85 85 Elevation in increments of 100 m
86 86 Elevation in increments of 100 m
87 87 Elevation in increments of 100 m
88 88 Elevation in increments of 100 m
89 89 Elevation in increments of 100 m
90 90 Elevation in increments of 100 m
# 91-253 Reserved
254 254 Clouds
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Code table 4.217 - Cloud mask type
0 0 Clear over water
1 1 Clear over land
2 2 Cloud
3 3 No data
# 4-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# Code table 4.218 - Pixel scene type
0 0 No scene identified
1 1 Green needle-leafed forest
2 2 Green broad-leafed forest
3 3 Deciduous needle-leafed forest
4 4 Deciduous broad-leafed forest
5 5 Deciduous mixed forest
6 6 Closed shrub-land
7 7 Open shrub-land
8 8 Woody savannah
9 9 Savannah
10 10 Grassland
11 11 Permanent wetland
12 12 Cropland
13 13 Urban
14 14 Vegetation/crops
15 15 Permanent snow/ice
16 16 Barren desert
17 17 Water bodies
18 18 Tundra
19 19 Warm liquid water cloud
20 20 Supercooled liquid water cloud
21 21 Mixed-phase cloud
22 22 Optically thin ice cloud
23 23 Optically thick ice cloud
24 24 Multilayered cloud
# 25-96 Reserved
97 97 Snow/ice on land
98 98 Snow/ice on water
99 99 Sun-glint
100 100 General cloud
101 101 Low cloud/fog/Stratus
102 102 Low cloud/Stratocumulus
103 103 Low cloud/unknown type
104 104 Medium cloud/Nimbostratus
105 105 Medium cloud/Altostratus
106 106 Medium cloud/unknown type
107 107 High cloud/Cumulus
108 108 High cloud/Cirrus
109 109 High cloud/unknown
110 110 Unknown cloud type
# 111-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Code table 4.219 - Cloud top height quality indicator
0 0 Nominal cloud top height quality
1 1 Fog in segment
2 2 Poor quality height estimation
3 3 Fog in segment and poor quality height estimation
# 4-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Code table 4.220 - Horizontal dimension processed
0 0 Latitude
1 1 Longitude
# 2-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Code table 4.221 - Treatment of missing data
0 0 Not included
1 1 Extrapolated
# 2-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Code table 4.222 - Categorical result
0 0 No
1 1 Yes
# 2-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Code table 4.223 - Fire detection indicator
0 0 No fire detected
1 1 Possible fire detected
2 2 Probable fire detected
3 3 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Code table 4.224 - Categorical outlook
0 0 No risk area
1 1 Reserved
2 2 General thunderstorm risk area
3 3 Reserved
4 4 Slight risk area
5 5 Reserved
6 6 Moderate risk area
7 7 Reserved
8 8 High risk area
# 9-10 Reserved
11 11 Dry thunderstorm (dry lightning) risk area
# 12-13 Reserved
14 14 Critical risk area
# 15-17 Reserved
18 18 Extremely critical risk area
# 19-254 Reserved
255 255 Missing

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@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
# Code table 4.225 - Weather (see FM 94 BUFR/FM 95 CREX Code table 0 20 003 - Present weather)
00 00 Cloud development not observed or not observable
01 01 Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed
02 02 State of sky on the whole unchanged
03 03 Clouds generally forming or developing
04 04 Visibility reduced by smoke, e.g. veldt or forest fires, industrial smoke or volcanic ashes
05 05 Haze
06 06 Widespread dust in suspension in the air, not raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation
07 07 Dust or sand raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation, but no well developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s), and no duststorm or sandstorm seen; or, in the case of sea stations and coastal stations, blowing spray at the station
08 08 Well-developed dust whirl(s) or sand whirl(s) seen at or near the station during the preceding hour or at the same time of observation, but no duststorm or sandstorm
09 09 Duststorm or sandstorm within sight at the time of observation, or at the station during the preceding hour
10 10 Mist
11 11 Patches
12 12 More or less continuous
13 13 Lightning visible, no thunder heard
14 14 Precipitation within sight, not reaching the ground or the surface of the sea
15 15 Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, but distant, i.e. estimated to be more than 5 km from the station
16 16 Precipitation within sight, reaching the ground or the surface of the sea, near to, but not at the station
17 17 Thunderstorm, but no precipitation at the time of observation
18 18 Squalls
19 19 Funnel cloud(s)
20 20 Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains
21 21 Rain (not freezing)
22 22 Snow
23 23 Rain and snow or ice pellets
24 24 Freezing drizzle or freezing rain
25 25 Shower(s) of rain
26 26 Shower(s) of snow, or of rain and snow
27 27 Shower(s) of hail, or of rain and hail
28 28 Fog or ice fog
29 29 Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation)
30 30 Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour
31 31 Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour
32 32 Slight or moderate duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour
33 33 Severe duststorm or sandstorm has decreased during the preceding hour
34 34 Severe duststorm or sandstorm no appreciable change during the preceding hour
35 35 Severe duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour
36 36 Slight or moderate drifting snow generally low (below eye level)
37 37 Heavy drifting snow generally low (below eye level)
38 38 Slight or moderate blowing snow generally high (above eye level)
39 39 Heavy blowing snow generally high (above eye level)
40 40 Fog or ice fog at a distance at the time of observation, but not at the station during the preceding hour, the fog or ice fog extending to a level above that of the observer
41 41 Fog or ice fog in patches
42 42 Fog or ice fog, sky visible has become thinner during the preceding hour
43 43 Fog or ice fog, sky invisible has become thinner during the preceding hour
44 44 Fog or ice fog, sky visible no appreciable change during the preceding hour
45 45 Fog or ice fog, sky invisible no appreciable change during the preceding hour
46 46 Fog or ice fog, sky visible has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour
47 47 Fog or ice fog, sky invisible has begun or has become thicker during the preceding hour
48 48 Fog, depositing rime, sky visible
49 49 Fog, depositing rime, sky invisible
50 50 Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent slight at time of observation
51 51 Drizzle, not freezing, continuous slight at time of observation
52 52 Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent moderate at time of observation
53 53 Drizzle, not freezing, continuous moderate at time of observation
54 54 Drizzle, not freezing, intermittent heavy (dense) at time of observation
55 55 Drizzle, not freezing, continuous heavy (dense) at time of observation
56 56 Drizzle, freezing, slight
57 57 Drizzle, freezing, moderate or heavy (dense)
58 58 Drizzle and rain, slight
59 59 Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy
60 60 Rain, not freezing, intermittent slight at time of observation
61 61 Rain, not freezing, continuous slight at time of observation
62 62 Rain, not freezing, intermittent moderate at time of observation
63 63 Rain, not freezing, continuous moderate at time of observation
64 64 Rain, not freezing, intermittent heavy at time of observation
65 65 Rain, not freezing, continuous heavy at time of observation
66 66 Rain, freezing, slight
67 67 Rain, freezing, moderate or heavy
68 68 Rain or drizzle and snow, slight
69 69 Rain or drizzle and snow, moderate or heavy
70 70 Intermittent fall of snowflakes slight at time of observation
71 71 Continuous fall of snowflakes slight at time of observation
72 72 Intermittent fall of snowflakes moderate at time of observation
73 73 Continuous fall of snowflakes moderate at time of observation
74 74 Intermittent fall of snowflakes heavy at time of observation
75 75 Continuous fall of snowflakes heavy at time of observation
76 76 Diamond dust (with or without fog)
77 77 Snow grains (with or without fog)
78 78 Isolated star-like snow crystals (with or without fog)
79 79 Ice pellets
80 80 Rain shower(s), slight
81 81 Rain shower(s), moderate or heavy
82 82 Rain shower(s), violent
83 83 Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, slight
84 84 Shower(s) of rain and snow mixed, moderate or heavy
85 85 Snow shower(s), slight
86 86 Snow shower(s), moderate or heavy
87 87 Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed slight
88 88 Shower(s) of snow pellets or small hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed moderate or heavy
89 89 Shower(s) of hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder slight
90 90 Shower(s) of hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder moderate or heavy
91 91 Slight rain at time of observation
92 92 Moderate or heavy rain at time of observation
93 93 Slight snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail at time of observation
94 94 Moderate or heavy snow, or rain and snow mixed or hail at time of observation
95 95 Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, without hail, but with rain and/or snow at time of observation
96 96 Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail at time of observation
97 97 Thunderstorm, heavy, without hail, but with rain and/or snow at time of observation
98 98 Thunderstorm combined with duststorm or sandstorm at time of observation
99 99 Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail at time of observation
100 100 No significant weather observed
101 101 Clouds generally dissolving or becoming less developed during the past hour
102 102 State of sky on the whole unchanged during the past hour
103 103 Clouds generally forming or developing during the past hour
104 104 Haze or smoke, or dust in suspension in the air, visibility equal to, or greater than, 1 km
105 105 Haze or smoke, or dust in suspension in the air, visibility less than 1 km
#106-109 Reserved
110 110 Mist
111 111 Diamond dust
112 112 Distant lightning
#113-117 Reserved
118 118 Squalls
#119 Reserved
120 120 Fog
122 122 Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains
123 123 Rain (not freezing)
124 124 Snow
125 125 Freezing drizzle or freezing rain
126 126 Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation)
128 128 Blowing or drifting snow or sand, visibility equal to, or greater than, 1 km
129 129 Blowing or drifting snow or sand, visibility less than 1 km
130 130 FOG
131 131 Fog or ice fog in patches
132 132 Fog or ice fog, has become thinner during the past hour
133 133 Fog or ice fog, no appreciable change during the past hour
134 134 Fog or ice fog, has begun or become thicker during the past hour
135 135 Fog, depositing rime
#136-139 Reserved
141 141 Precipitation, slight or moderate
142 142 Precipitation, heavy
143 143 Liquid precipitation, slight or moderate
144 144 Liquid precipitation, heavy
145 145 Solid precipitation, slight or moderate
146 146 Solid precipitation, heavy
147 147 Freezing precipitation, slight or moderate
148 148 Freezing precipitation, heavy
#149 Reserved
150 150 DRIZZLE
151 151 Drizzle, not freezing, slight
152 152 Drizzle, not freezing, moderate
153 153 Drizzle, not freezing, heavy
154 154 Drizzle, freezing, slight
155 155 Drizzle, freezing, moderate
156 156 Drizzle, freezing, heavy
157 157 Drizzle and rain, slight
158 158 Drizzle and rain, moderate or heavy
#159 Reserved
160 160 RAIN
161 161 Rain, not freezing, slight
162 162 Rain, not freezing, moderate
163 163 Rain, not freezing, heavy
164 164 Rain, freezing, slight
165 165 Rain, freezing, moderate
166 166 Rain, freezing, heavy
167 167 Rain (or drizzle) and snow, slight
168 168 Rain (or drizzle) and snow, moderate or heavy
#169 Reserved
170 170 SNOW
171 171 Snow, slight
172 172 Snow, moderate
173 173 Snow, heavy
174 174 Ice pellets, slight
175 175 Ice pellets, moderate
176 176 Ice pellets, heavy
177 177 Snow grains
178 178 Ice crystals
#179 Reserved
181 181 Rain shower(s) or intermittent rain, slight
182 182 Rain shower(s) or intermittent rain, moderate
183 183 Rain shower(s) or intermittent rain, heavy
184 184 Rain shower(s) or intermittent rain, violent
185 185 Snow shower(s) or intermittent snow, slight
186 186 Snow shower(s) or intermittent snow, moderate
187 187 Snow shower(s) or intermittent snow, heavy
#188 Reserved
189 189 Hail
191 191 Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with no precipitation
192 192 Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with rain showers and/or snow showers
193 193 Thunderstorm, slight or moderate, with hail
194 194 Thunderstorm, heavy, with no precipitation
195 195 Thunderstorm, heavy, with rain showers and/or snow showers
196 196 Thunderstorm, heavy, with hail
#197-198 Reserved
199 199 Tornado
204 204 Volcanic ash suspended in the air aloft
206 206 Thick dust haze, visibility less than 1 km
207 207 Blowing spray at the station
208 208 Drifting dust (sand)
209 209 Wall of dust or sand in distance (like haboob)
210 210 Snow haze
211 211 Whiteout
213 213 Lightning, cloud to surface
#214-216 Not used
217 217 Dry thunderstorm
219 219 Tornado cloud (destructive) at or within sight of the station during preceding hour or at the time of observation
220 220 Deposition of volcanic ash
221 221 Deposition of dust or sand
222 222 Deposition of dew
223 223 Deposition of wet snow
224 224 Deposition of soft rime
225 225 Deposition of hard rime
226 226 Deposition of hoar frost
227 227 Deposition of glaze
228 228 Deposition of ice crust (ice slick)
230 230 Duststorm or sandstorm with temperature below 0 degrees
239 239 Blowing snow, impossible to determine whether snow is falling or not
241 241 Fog on sea
242 242 Fog in valleys
243 243 Arctic or Antarctic sea smoke
244 244 Steam fog (sea, lake or river)
245 245 Steam log (land)
246 246 Fog over ice or snow cover
247 247 Dense fog, visibility 60-90 m
248 248 Dense fog, visibility 30-60 m
249 249 Dense fog, visibility less than 30 m
250 250 Drizzle, rate of fall - less than 0.10 mm h-1
251 251 Drizzle, rate of fall - 0.10-0.19 mm h-1
252 252 Drizzle, rate of fall - 0.20-0.39 mm h-1
253 253 Drizzle, rate of fall - 0.40-0.79 mm h-1
254 254 Drizzle, rate of fall - 0.80-1.59 mm h-1
255 255 Drizzle, rate of fall - 1.60-3.19 mm h-1
256 256 Drizzle, rate of fall - 3.20-6.39 mm h-1
257 257 Drizzle, rate of fall - 6.4 mm h-1 or more
259 259 Drizzle and snow
260 260 Rain, rate of fall - less than 1.0 mm h-1
261 261 Rain, rate of fall - 1.0-1.9 mm h-1
262 262 Rain, rate of fall - 2.0-3.9 mm h-1
263 263 Rain, rate of fall - 4.0-7.9 mm h-1
264 264 Rain, rate of fall - 8.0-15.9 mm h-1
265 265 Rain, rate of fall - 16.0-31.9 mm h-1
266 266 Rain, rate of fall - 32.0-63.9 mm h-1
267 267 Rain, rate of fall - 64.0 mm h-1 or more
270 270 Snow, rate of fall - less than 1.0 cm h-1
271 271 Snow, rate of fall - 1.0-1.9 cm h-1
272 272 Snow, rate of fall - 2.0-3.9 cm h-1
273 273 Snow, rate of fall - 4.0-7.9 cm h-1
274 274 Snow, rate of fall - 8.0-15.9 cm h-1
275 275 Snow, rate of fall - 16.0-31.9 cm h-1
276 276 Snow, rate of fall - 32.0-63.9 cm h-1
277 277 Snow, rate of fall - 64.0 cm h-1 or more
278 278 Snow or ice crystal precipitation from a clear sky
279 279 Wet snow, freezing on contact
280 280 Precipitation of rain
281 281 Precipitation of rain, freezing
282 282 Precipitation of rain and snow mixed
283 283 Precipitation of snow
284 284 Precipitation of snow pellets or small hall
285 285 Precipitation of snow pellets or small hail, with rain
286 286 Precipitation of snow pellets or small hail, with rain and snow mixed
287 287 Precipitation of snow pellets or small hail, with snow
288 288 Precipitation of hail
289 289 Precipitation of hail, with rain
290 290 Precipitation of hall, with rain and snow mixed
291 291 Precipitation of hail, with snow
292 292 Shower(s) or thunderstorm over sea
293 293 Shower(s) or thunderstorm over mountains
#300-507 Reserved
508 508 No significant phenomenon to report, present and past weather omitted
509 509 No observation, data not available, present and past weather omitted
510 510 Present and past weather missing, but expected
511 511 Missing value

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