diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/0/element.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/0/element.table new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc34d2be0 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/0/element.table @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +#code|abbreviation|type|name|unit|scale|reference|width|crex_unit|crex_scale|crex_width +001192|icaoLocationIndicator|string|ICAO LOCATION INDICATOR|CCITT IA5|0|0|32 +001201|placeOfObsOfVisibiltyOrCloudCover|long|PLACE OF OBS. OF VISIBILTY/CLOUD COVER|Numeric|0|0|4 +002192|corMessageMark|table|COR MESSAGE MARK|Code table|0|0|8 +002193|pseudoReport|flag|PSEUDO REPORT|Flag table|0|0|2 +002201|overallQualityBits|table|OVERALL QUALITY BITS|Code table|0|0|5 +002221|unitsOfElevationOrConfidenceFactor|table|UNITS OF ELEVATION/CONFIDENCE FACTOR|Code table|0|0|4 +002222|satellDataProcessTechnUsedFTropop|table|SATELL.DATA PROCESS.TECHN.USED F.TROPOP.|Code table|0|0|4 +004192|durationOfTimeRelatToFollowValue|table|DURATION OF TIME RELAT.TO FOLLOW.VALUE|Code table|0|0|4 +004193|dayOfOccOfDataValOfPrevElement|long|DAY OF OCC.OF DATA VAL.OF PREV.ELEMENT|d|0|0|6 +004201|numberOfDaysWithPrecipitationGe1mm|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH PRECIPITATION GE 1MM|Numeric|0|0|6 +004202|numberOfDaysWithSpecWeaPhenomena|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPEC.WEA.PHENOMENA|d|0|0|6 +010192|depthOfRoots|double|DEPTH OF ROOTS|m|2|0|10 +011192|uComponentAt10M|double|U-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011193|vComponentAt10M|double|V-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +012192|groundMinimumTempPast10HoursClim|double|GROUND MINIMUM TEMP.,PAST 10 HOURS(CLIM)|K|1|0|12 +012193|depthOfSnowAboveGroundMinimumTherm|double|DEPTH OF SNOW ABOVE GROUND MINIMUM THERM|m|2|-2|10 +012201|waterOrIceOrSignWetBulbTemperature|table|WATER/ICE/SIGN(WET BULB TEMPERATURE)|Code table|0|0|4 +012211|dryBulbTempAt2MDeviatFromNormal|double|DRY BULB TEMP.AT 2 M, DEVIAT.FROM NORMAL|K|1|-128|8 +012221|temperatAtBottomOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERAT.AT BOTTOM OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +012222|temperatureOfSnowCover|double|TEMPERATURE OF SNOW COVER|K|1|0|12 +012223|temperatureAtTopOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERATURE AT TOP OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +013192|frequencyGroupPrecipitation|table|FREQUENCY GROUP , PRECIPITATION|Code table|0|0|4 +013193|totalPrecipitationForTheMonth|long|TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|12 +013194|maximumOfDailyPrecipitation|double|MAXIMUM OF DAILY PRECIPITATION|m|4|-1|14 +013201|totalDepthOfSnowAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL DEPTH OF SNOW AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|2|-2|16 +013202|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|4|-1|14 +013203|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|M/M|2|0|7 +013211|soilHumidity|double|SOIL HUMIDITY|m|-3|0|7 +013221|totalWaterContetsInLowerSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTETS IN LOWER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013222|totalWaterContentsIMiddleSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013223|totalWaterContentsIUpperSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.UPPER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013224|specificHumidityAtSurfOrEarthOrSnow|double|SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT SURF./EARTH OR SNOW|kg/kg|5|0|14 +013225|largeScaleRainDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013226|largeScaleSnowDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013227|convectiveRainDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013228|convectiveSnowDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +014192|totalSunshineForTheMonth|long|TOTAL SUNSHINE FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|9 +014201|photosytheticActiveRadiationAtSurf|double|PHOTOSYTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION AT SURF.|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +014202|albedoOfSurfaceShortWave|long|ALBEDO OF SURFACE (SHORT WAVE)|%|0|0|7 +015192|ozoneVerticallyIntegrated|double|OZONE, VERTICALLY INTEGRATED|Pa|1|0|14 +015193|pressureOfOzoneMaximum|double|PRESSURE OF OZONE MAXIMUM|Pa|-1|0|14 +020192|typeOfSpecialWeatherPhenomena|table|TYPE OF SPECIAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|5 +020201|precipitAtTimeOfObservAutomStat|table|PRECIPIT.AT TIME OF OBSERV.(AUTOM.STAT.)|Code table|0|0|2 +020202|presentWeatherClimatologObservation|table|PRESENT WEATHER (CLIMATOLOG.OBSERVATION)|Code table|0|0|8 +020203|formOfPrecipitation|table|FORM OF PRECIPITATION|Code table|0|0|4 +020204|fallenPrecipitationDayBefore|table|FALLEN PRECIPITATION (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|6 +020205|dewRimeEtcDayBefore|table|DEW, RIME ETC. (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|7 +020206|otherWeatherDayBefore|table|OTHER WEATHER (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|4 +020211|precipitationDuringPrecedingHourYOrN|table|PRECIPITATION DURING PRECEDING HOUR Y/N|Code table|0|0|2 +020221|indexOfBaseOfConvectiveCloud|table|INDEX OF BASE OF CONVECTIVE CLOUD|Code table|0|0|7 +020222|indexOfTopOfConvectiveCloud|table|INDEX OF TOP OF CONVECTIVE CLOUD|Code table|0|0|7 +024192|typeOfObservation|table|TYPE OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|4 +024193|methodOfObservation|table|METHOD OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024194|statusOfObservation|table|STATUS OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024195|nuclid|table|NUCLID|Code table|0|0|10 +024196|baseOfObservedValue|long|BASE OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|0|10 +024197|exponentOfObservedValue|long|EXPONENT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|-15|5 +024198|indicatorOnObservedValue|table|INDICATOR ON OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|2 +024199|unitOfObservedValue|table|UNIT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|7 +024200|errorOfObservedData|double|ERROR OF OBSERVED DATA|%|1|0|10 +052192|landSeaRatio|long|LAND SEA RATIO|%|0|0|7 +052193|coeffOfTurbTranfOfImpulseSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF IMPULSE,SURFACE|Code table|0|0|7 +052194|coeffOfTurbTranfOfHeatOrHumSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF HEAT/HUM.,SURFACE|Code table|0|0|7 +052195|impulseFlowUAtSurfDurForecTime|long|IMPULSE FLOW(U) AT SURF.DUR.FOREC.TIME|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052196|impulseFlowVAtSurfDurForecTime|long|IMPULSE FLOW(V) AT SURF.DUR.FOREC.TIME|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052197|flowOfSensHeatAtSurfDurForcTime|long|FLOW OF SENS.HEAT AT SURF.DUR.FORC.TIME|J m-2|0|-2048|12 +052198|flowOfLatHeatAtSurfDurForcTime|long|FLOW OF LAT.HEAT AT SURF.DUR.FORC.TIME|J m-2|0|-2048|12 +052199|roughnessLengthMultipliedByG|double|ROUGHNESS LENGTH (MULTIPLIED BY G)|m2 s-2|2|0|12 +053001|geopotentialDevFromFirstGuess|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053002|uComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053003|vComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053004|relHumidityDevFromFirstGuess|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|%|1|-1000|12 +053005|thicknessDevFromFirstGuess|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053011|geopotentialDevFromAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053012|uComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053013|vComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053014|relHumidityDevFromAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053015|thicknessDevFromAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053021|geopotentialDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053022|uComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053023|vComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053024|relHumidityDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053025|thicknessDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053031|geopotentialDevFromForecastA|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053032|uComponentDevFromForecastA|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053033|vComponentDevFromForecastA|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053034|relHumidityDevFromForecastA|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|%|1|-1000|12 +053035|thicknessDevFromForecastA|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053041|geopotentialDevFromForecastB|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053042|uComponentDevFromForecastB|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053043|vComponentDevFromForecastB|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053044|relHumidityDevFromForecastB|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|%|1|-1000|12 +053045|thicknessDevFromForecastB|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053051|geopotentialDevFromForecastC|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053052|uComponentDevFromForecastC|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053053|vComponentDevFromForecastC|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053054|relHumidityDevFromForecastC|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|%|1|-1000|12 +053055|thicknessDevFromForecastC|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053061|geopotentialQualityFlags|flag|GEOPOTENTIAL, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053062|uComponentQualityFlags|flag|U-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053063|vComponentQualityFlags|flag|V-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053064|relHumidityQualityFlags|flag|REL.HUMIDITY, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053065|thicknessQualityFlags|flag|THICKNESS, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +054201|yearOfDecoding|long|YEAR OF DECODING|a|0|0|12 +054202|monthOfDecoding|long|MONTH OF DECODING|mon|0|0|4 +054203|dayOfDecoding|long|DAY OF DECODING|d|0|0|6 +054204|hourOfDecoding|long|HOUR OF DECODING|h|0|0|5 +054205|minuteOfDecoding|long|MINUTE OF DECODING|min|0|0|6 +054211|numberOfDayOfMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF DAY OF MRZ BACK-UP FILE|d|0|0|6 +054212|numberOfRecordOnMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF RECORD ON MRZ BACK-UP FILE|Numeric|0|0|18 +054213|decodingRunningOnMfaOrMfbValues1Or0|long|DECODING RUNNING ON MFA/MFB (VALUES 1/0)|Numeric|0|0|2 +055192|kindOfPlants|table|KIND OF PLANTS|Code table|0|0|7 +055193|stepOfGrowth|table|STEP OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|7 +055194|progressOfGrowth|table|PROGRESS OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|4 +055195|plantDamage|table|PLANT DAMAGE|Code table|0|0|4 +055201|typeOfLandSurface|table|TYPE OF LAND SURFACE|Code table|0|0|5 +055202|plantCover|long|PLANT COVER|%|0|0|7 +055203|leafAreaIndex|long|LEAF AREA INDEX|%|0|0|7 diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/0/sequence.def b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/0/sequence.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ab7731c52 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/0/sequence.def @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +"301192" = [ 054201, 054202, 054203, 054204, 054205, 054211, 054212, 054213, 002192, 002193, 002201 ] +"301193" = [ 301192, 204005, 031021, 301023, 301011, 301012, 204000 ] +"301194" = [ 301001, 007001, 010001, 002221 ] +"301201" = [ 002001, 002002 ] +"301202" = [ 002003, 002011, 002012, 002013 ] +"301203" = [ 002061, 008004 ] +"301204" = [ 002021, 002022, 002023, 002024, 002025 ] +"301205" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301206" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301207" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301211" = [ 301193, 001003, 301194, 001192, 301003, 001005, 001006, 001007 ] +"301254" = [ 301001, 002003, 301011, 301012, 301024 ] +"302192" = [ 010051, 010061, 010063 ] +"302193" = [ 010004, 007004, 010003 ] +"302194" = [ 011011, 011012 ] +"302195" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302196" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302197" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302201" = [ 012004, 012006, 013003 ] +"302202" = [ 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012013 ] +"302203" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302204" = [ 101003, 302203, 013013, 020062, 020062 ] +"302205" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302206" = [ 004031, 013012 ] +"302207" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302208" = [ 004031, 013012, 013013 ] +"302211" = [ 020001, 020003, 020004, 020005 ] +"302212" = [ 020010, 020011, 020013, 020012, 020012, 020012 ] +"302213" = [ 008002, 020011, 020012, 020013 ] +"302221" = [ 302192, 302193, 010062, 302194, 302201, 302211, 302212 ] +"302223" = [ 302195, 302202, 302204, 101004, 302213 ] +"302224" = [ 013032, 002004, 014015, 004192, 014031 ] +"302225" = [ 004192, 012004, 012061, 014021, 004031, 014031, 020201 ] +"302226" = [ 007061, 012030 ] +"302231" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010052, 302194, 302201, 302211, 020010, 011041, 101004, 302213, 204000 ] +"302235" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010051, 007004, 010003, 012004, 013004, 022042, 204000 ] +"302236" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013192, 014032 ] +"302237" = [ 004022, 008021, 302235, 004022, 008021, 302236, 004201, 014192, 204000 ] +"302238" = [ 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302235, 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302236, 204000 ] +"302240" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302241" = [ 004192, 012004, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012192, 012193, 012005, 012201, 013003 ] +"302242" = [ 001201, 020001, 020010, 020062, 020062, 020202, 020203, 020204, 020205, 020206 ] +"302243" = [ 013201, 013202, 013203 ] +"302244" = [ 204005, 031021, 012004, 012211, 010004, 013003, 012011, 101004, 004193, 012012, 101004, 004193 ] +"302245" = [ 004202, 020192 ] +"302246" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013193, 013194, 101004, 004193, 014032, 014192, 101014, 302245, 204000 ] +"303192" = [ 007003, 007004, 008001, 011001, 011002, 012001, 012003 ] +"303193" = [ 303192, 011061, 011062 ] +"303201" = [ 053001, 053011, 053021, 053031, 053041, 053051, 053061 ] +"303202" = [ 053002, 053012, 053022, 053032, 053042, 053052, 053062 ] +"303203" = [ 053003, 053013, 053023, 053033, 053043, 053053, 053063 ] +"303204" = [ 053004, 053014, 053024, 053034, 053044, 053054, 053064 ] +"303205" = [ 053005, 053015, 053025, 053035, 053045, 053055, 053065 ] +"303254" = [ 007003, 008001, 204007, 031021, 011001, 011002, 204000 ] +"304192" = [ 020010, 010004 ] +"306192" = [ 022042, 022011, 022021, 022012, 022022, 101002, 302023 ] +"307192" = [ 301211, 301201, 204005, 031021, 302221, 306192, 302223, 302224, 204000, 354192 ] +"307193" = [ 301211, 301201, 302231, 354192 ] +"307194" = [ 301211, 204005, 031021, 302196, 302225, 302205, 302206, 101007, 302226, 204000, 354193 ] +"307211" = [ 301211, 302237, 302238 ] +"307212" = [ 301211, 204005, 031021, 302197, 302241, 101002, 302207, 302208, 302243, 302242, 302240, 204000 ] +"307213" = [ 301211, 004022, 008021, 302244, 204000, 004022, 008021, 302246, 354192 ] +"309192" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101016, 303193, 204000 ] +"309193" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031001, 303192, 204000 ] +"309194" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101011, 303193, 204000 ] +"309201" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031002, 303193, 204000 ] +"309211" = [ 204005, 031021, 303192, 204000, 303201, 303202, 303203, 303204 ] +"309212" = [ 301211, 301202, 101000, 031001, 309211 ] +"310192" = [ 008001, 012001 ] +"310193" = [ 008001, 012001, 002222, 204007, 031021, 010004, 204000 ] +"310194" = [ 303021, 010003, 013016, 012001, 204000 ] +"310201" = [ 301211, 301204, 304192, 310192, 310193, 101000, 031001, 310194 ] +"310211" = [ 310194, 303204, 303205 ] +"310212" = [ 301211, 301204, 101000, 031001, 310211 ] +"311192" = [ 301211, 301203, 301204, 204005, 031021, 303192, 204004, 354192 ] +"312192" = [ 301211, 301204, 304003 ] +"312193" = [ 301211, 301204, 007004, 008003, 010002, 012001, 013003, 020010 ] +"313193" = [ 024192, 024193, 024194, 024195, 024196, 024197, 024198, 024199, 024200 ] +"313201" = [ 301211, 301206, 301207, 313193 ] +"313253" = [ 301254, 101000, 031001, 303254 ] +"313254" = [ 301254, 101000, 031001, 303011 ] +"352192" = [ 012221, 013221, 015192, 015193, 052192, 055201 ] +"352193" = [ 010192, 055202, 055203 ] +"352194" = [ 010004, 010051, 011042, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222, 012223 ] +"352195" = [ 013011, 013222, 013223, 013224, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228 ] +"352196" = [ 014012, 014014, 014201, 014202, 020010, 020011, 020011, 020011, 020221, 020222 ] +"352197" = [ 052193, 052194, 052195, 052196, 052197, 052198, 052199 ] +"352198" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352199" = [ 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198 ] +"352200" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 352199 ] +"352201" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 101000, 031001, 352200 ] +"353192" = [ 301205, 020010, 302194, 020004, 012004, 011041, 302203, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012 ] +"353201" = [ 301211, 101004, 353192 ] +"354192" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"354193" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"355192" = [ 004003, 055192, 007061, 013211 ] +"355193" = [ 004003, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030 ] +"355194" = [ 004192, 012004, 012011, 012012, 012013, 013003, 013011, 014031, 014021, 004004, 012004 ] +"355195" = [ 355193, 355194 ] +"355196" = [ 055192, 055193, 055194, 055195 ] +"355197" = [ 004003, 004004, 012004, 013003, 020211 ] +"355201" = [ 301211, 101048, 355192, 101007, 355195 ] +"355202" = [ 301211, 101016, 355196 ] +"355203" = [ 301211, 101168, 355197 ] diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/10/codetables/2193.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/10/codetables/2193.table new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e575c9795 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/10/codetables/2193.table @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 1 Clockwise rotation +2 2 Counterclockwise rotation +3 3 Counterclockwise diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/10/codetables/2194.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/10/codetables/2194.table new file mode 100644 index 000000000..47b0924a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/10/codetables/2194.table @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +1 1 3:2 +2 2 4:3 +3 3 5:4 +4 4 Reserved +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/10/element.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/10/element.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e5d1030f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/10/element.table @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#code|abbreviation|type|name|unit|scale|reference|width|crex_unit|crex_scale|crex_width +001230|uniqueProductDescription|string|UNIQUE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION|CCITT IA5|0|0|2048 +002193|antennaRotationDirection|table|ANTENNA ROTATION DIRECTION|Code table|0|0|2 +002194|dualprfRatio|table|DualPRF ratio|Code table|0|0|4 +005230|maximumSizeOfXDimensionInAVolumeScanOrDataCube|long|MAXIMUM SIZE OF X DIMENSION IN A VOLUME SCAN OR DATA CUBE|Numeric|0|0|12 +006230|maximumSizeOfYDimensionInAVolumeScanOrDataCube|long|MAXIMUM SIZE OF Y DIMENSION IN A VOLUME SCAN OR DATA CUBE|Numeric|0|0|12 +007230|maximumSizeOfZDimensionInAVolumeScanOrDataCube|long|MAXIMUM SIZE OF Z DIMENSION IN A VOLUME SCAN OR DATA CUBE|Numeric|0|0|12 +007231|levelIndexOfZ|long|LEVEL INDEX OF Z|Numeric|0|0|16 +021200|heightOfCappiAboveSealLevel|long|Height of CAPPI above seal level|m|0|-1000|15 +021201|rangeBinSize|long|RANGE-BIN SIZE|m|0|0|14 +021202|azimuthalResolution|double|AZIMUTHAL RESOLUTION|deg|1|0|8 +021203|rangeBinOffset|double|RANGE-BIN OFFSET|m|-1|0|14 +021204|azimuthOffset|double|AZIMUTH OFFSET|deg|1|0|12 +021210|versionOfAlgorithmForQualityAssurance|double|Version of algorithm for quality assurance|Numeric|2|0|10 +021211|numberOfBlacklist|long|Number of Blacklist|Numeric|0|0|14 +021212|radarMaintenance|table|Radar maintenance|Code table|0|0|2 +021213|radarhardware|table|Radarhardware|Code table|0|0|2 +021214|corruptImage|table|Corrupt image|Code table|0|0|2 +021215|germanPancake|table|German Pancake|Code table|0|0|2 +021216|radomeAttenuation|table|Radome attenuation|Code table|0|0|2 +021217|checkedAlgorithm|flag|Checked algorithm|Flag table|0|0|16 +021218|radarQualityFlag|flag|Radar quality flag|Flag table|0|0|16 +021236|extendedNyquistVelocity|long|extended NYQUIST Velocity|m/s|0|0|8 +021237|highNyquistVelocity|long|high Nyquist Velocity|m/s|0|0|8 +030192|northSouthViewOrganisation|table|North south view organisation|Code table|0|0|3 +030193|eastWestViewOrganisation|table|East west view organisation|Code table|0|0|3 +030194|numberOfBinsAlongTheRadial|long|NUMBER OF BINS ALONG THE RADIAL|Numeric|0|0|12 +030195|numberOfAzimuths|long|NUMBER OF AZIMUTHS|Numeric|0|0|11 +030196|typeOfProduct|table|TYPE OF PRODUCT|Code table|0|0|16 diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/10/sequence.def b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/10/sequence.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa672ceee --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/1/78/10/sequence.def @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +"301192" = [ 301011, 301012, 301023, 301023, 301023, 301023, 029001, 005002, 005002, 005033, 006033, 030021, 030022 ] +"304230" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005, 004006 ] +"313192" = [ 101000, 031001, 010007 ] +"321192" = [ 110000, 031002, 005031, 107000, 031001, 102000, 031001, 031012, 030001, 101000, 031001, 030001 ] +"321193" = [ 110000, 031002, 005031, 107000, 031001, 102000, 031001, 031012, 030002, 101000, 031001, 030002 ] +"321194" = [ 110000, 031002, 005031, 107000, 031001, 102000, 031001, 031012, 030001, 101000, 031001, 030001 ] +"321195" = [ 110000, 031002, 005031, 107000, 031001, 102000, 031001, 031012, 030002, 101000, 031001, 030002 ] +"321196" = [ 110000, 031002, 005031, 107000, 031001, 102000, 031001, 031012, 030001, 101000, 031001, 030001 ] +"321197" = [ 110000, 031002, 005031, 107000, 031001, 102000, 031001, 031012, 030002, 101000, 031001, 030002 ] +"321198" = [ 103000, 031002, 101000, 031001, 013016 ] +"321199" = [ 110000, 031001, 301013, 002134, 002135, 321006, 021201, 021202, 002193, 030021, 030022, 321193 ] +"321200" = [ 110000, 031002, 005031, 107000, 031001, 102000, 031001, 031012, 013011, 101000, 031001, 013011 ] +"321201" = [ 110000, 031001, 301013, 002134, 002135, 321006, 021201, 021202, 002193, 030194, 030195, 321202 ] +"321202" = [ 110000, 031002, 005031, 107000, 031001, 102000, 031001, 031012, 021014, 101000, 031001, 021014 ] +"321210" = [ 118000, 031002, 201131, 202131, 004026, 202000, 201000, 002134, 002135, 201132, 202129, 203010, 021001, 203255, 101000, 031002, 021001, 201000, 202000, 203000 ] +"321211" = [ 110000, 031002, 201131, 202131, 004026, 202000, 201000, 002134, 002135, 101000, 031002, 021014 ] +"321250" = [ 104000, 031001, 001001, 001002, 031031, 033003 ] diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/2/78/0/element.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/2/78/0/element.table new file mode 100644 index 000000000..153d1849e --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/2/78/0/element.table @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +#code|abbreviation|type|name|unit|scale|reference|width|crex_unit|crex_scale|crex_width +001192|icaoLocationIndicator|string|ICAO LOCATION INDICATOR|CCITT IA5|0|0|32 +001201|placeOfObsOfVisibiltyOrCloudCover|long|PLACE OF OBS. OF VISIBILTY/CLOUD COVER|Numeric|0|0|4 +002192|corMessageMark|table|COR MESSAGE MARK|Code table|0|0|8 +002193|pseudoReport|flag|PSEUDO REPORT|Flag table|0|0|2 +002201|overallQualityBits|table|OVERALL QUALITY BITS|Code table|0|0|5 +002221|unitsOfElevationOrConfidenceFactor|table|UNITS OF ELEVATION/CONFIDENCE FACTOR|Code table|0|0|4 +002222|satellDataProcessTechnUsedFTropop|table|SATELL.DATA PROCESS.TECHN.USED F.TROPOP.|Code table|0|0|4 +004192|durationOfTimeRelatToFollowValue|table|DURATION OF TIME RELAT.TO FOLLOW.VALUE|Code table|0|0|4 +004193|dayOfOccOfDataValOfPrevElement|long|DAY OF OCC.OF DATA VAL.OF PREV.ELEMENT|d|0|0|6 +004194|durationOfPrecipitDuringPastHour|long|DURATION OF PRECIPIT.DURING PAST HOUR|min|0|0|6 +004201|numberOfDaysWithPrecipitationGe1mm|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH PRECIPITATION GE 1MM|Numeric|0|0|6 +004202|numberOfDaysWithSpecWeaPhenomena|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPEC.WEA.PHENOMENA|d|0|0|6 +004214|actualHourOfObservation|long|ACTUAL HOUR OF OBSERVATION|h|0|0|5 +004215|actualMinuteOfObservation|long|ACTUAL MINUTE OF OBSERVATION|min|0|0|6 +010192|depthOfRoots|double|DEPTH OF ROOTS|m|2|0|10 +011192|uComponentAt10M|double|U-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011193|vComponentAt10M|double|V-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011198|probabilityOfGusts|long|PROBABILITY OF GUSTS|%|0|0|7 +012192|groundMinimumTempPast10HoursClim|double|GROUND MINIMUM TEMP.,PAST 10 HOURS(CLIM)|K|1|0|12 +012193|depthOfSnowAboveGroundMinimumTherm|double|DEPTH OF SNOW ABOVE GROUND MINIMUM THERM|m|2|-2|10 +012201|waterOrIceOrSignWetBulbTemperature|table|WATER/ICE/SIGN(WET BULB TEMPERATURE)|Code table|0|0|4 +012211|dryBulbTempAt2MDeviatFromNormal|double|DRY BULB TEMP.AT 2 M, DEVIAT.FROM NORMAL|K|1|-128|8 +012221|temperatAtBottomOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERAT.AT BOTTOM OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +012222|temperatureOfSnowCover|double|TEMPERATURE OF SNOW COVER|K|1|0|12 +012223|temperatureAtTopOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERATURE AT TOP OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +013192|frequencyGroupPrecipitation|table|FREQUENCY GROUP , PRECIPITATION|Code table|0|0|4 +013193|totalPrecipitationForTheMonth|long|TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|12 +013194|maximumOfDailyPrecipitation|double|MAXIMUM OF DAILY PRECIPITATION|m|4|-1|14 +013198|probabilityOfPrecipitation|long|PROBABILITY OF PRECIPITATION|%|0|0|7 +013201|totalDepthOfSnowAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL DEPTH OF SNOW AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|2|-2|16 +013202|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|4|-1|14 +013203|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|M/M|2|0|7 +013211|soilHumidity|double|SOIL HUMIDITY|m|-3|0|7 +013221|totalWaterContentsInLowerSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS IN LOWER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013222|totalWaterContentsIMiddleSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013223|totalWaterContentsIUpperSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.UPPER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013224|specificHumidityAtSurfOrEarthOrSnow|double|SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT SURF./EARTH OR SNOW|kg/kg|5|0|14 +013225|largeScaleRainDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013226|largeScaleSnowDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013227|convectiveRainDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013228|convectiveSnowDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013229|mixingRatioInFog|double|MIXING RATIO IN FOG|kg/kg|5|0|14 +014192|totalSunshineForTheMonth|long|TOTAL SUNSHINE FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|9 +014198|sunshine|long|SUNSHINE|%|0|0|7 +014201|photosytheticActiveRadiationAtSurf|double|PHOTOSYTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION AT SURF.|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +014202|albedoOfSurfaceShortWave|long|ALBEDO OF SURFACE (SHORT WAVE)|%|0|0|7 +015192|ozoneVerticallyIntegrated|double|OZONE, VERTICALLY INTEGRATED|Pa|1|0|14 +015193|pressureOfOzoneMaximum|double|PRESSURE OF OZONE MAXIMUM|Pa|-1|0|14 +020192|typeOfSpecialWeatherPhenomena|table|TYPE OF SPECIAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|5 +020193|additionalWeatherPhenomena|table|ADDITIONAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|7 +020194|heightOfTopOfPhenomena|double|HEIGHT OF TOP OF PHENOMENA|m|-1|-40|11 +020195|weatherPhenomena|table|WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|4 +020196|directionOfMainOccOfWeatherPhen|long|DIRECTION OF MAIN OCC.OF WEATHER PHEN.|deg|0|0|12 +020197|baseOfCloudClass|long|BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020198|numberOfValuesInBaseOfCloudClass|long|NUMBER OF VALUES IN BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020199|lowestHeightOBaseOCloudDurLastH|double|LOWEST HEIGHT O.BASE O.CLOUD DUR.LAST H.|m|-1|-40|11 +020201|precipitAtTimeOfObservAutomStat|table|PRECIPIT.AT TIME OF OBSERV.(AUTOM.STAT.)|Code table|0|0|2 +020202|presentWeatherClimatologObservation|table|PRESENT WEATHER (CLIMATOLOG.OBSERVATION)|Code table|0|0|8 +020203|formOfPrecipitation|table|FORM OF PRECIPITATION|Code table|0|0|4 +020204|fallenPrecipitationDayBefore|table|FALLEN PRECIPITATION (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|6 +020205|dewRimeEtcDayBefore|table|DEW, RIME ETC. (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|7 +020206|otherWeatherDayBefore|table|OTHER WEATHER (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|4 +020211|precipitationDuringPrecedingHourYOrN|table|PRECIPITATION DURING PRECEDING HOUR Y/N|Code table|0|0|2 +024192|typeOfObservation|table|TYPE OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|4 +024193|methodOfObservation|table|METHOD OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024194|statusOfObservation|table|STATUS OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024195|nuclid|table|NUCLID|Code table|0|0|10 +024196|baseOfObservedValue|long|BASE OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|0|10 +024197|exponentOfObservedValue|long|EXPONENT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|-15|5 +024198|indicatorOnObservedValue|table|INDICATOR ON OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|2 +024199|unitOfObservedValue|table|UNIT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|7 +024200|errorOfObservedData|double|ERROR OF OBSERVED DATA|%|1|0|10 +024201|routineOrSpecialOrTestObservation|table|ROUTINE/SPECIAL/TEST OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|2 +051192|shortDistanceLightning|long|SHORT DISTANCE LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +051193|distantLightning|long|DISTANT LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +052192|landSeaRatio|long|LAND SEA RATIO|%|0|0|7 +052193|coeffOfTurbTranfOfImpulseSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF IMPULSE,SURFACE|Code table|0|0|7 +052194|coeffOfTurbTranfOfHeatOrHumSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF HEAT/HUM.,SURFACE|Code table|0|0|7 +052195|impulseFlowUAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(U) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052196|impulseFlowVAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(V) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052197|flowOfSensHeatAtSurfPeriodSpec|double|FLOW OF SENS.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPEC.|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +052198|flowOfLatHeatAtSurfPeriodSpecif|double|FLOW OF LAT.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +052199|roughnessLengthMultipliedByG|double|ROUGHNESS LENGTH (MULTIPLIED BY G)|m2 s-2|2|0|12 +053001|geopotentialDevFromFirstGuess|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053002|uComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053003|vComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053004|relHumidityDevFromFirstGuess|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|%|1|-1000|12 +053005|thicknessDevFromFirstGuess|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053011|geopotentialDevFromAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053012|uComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053013|vComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053014|relHumidityDevFromAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053015|thicknessDevFromAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053021|geopotentialDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053022|uComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053023|vComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053024|relHumidityDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053025|thicknessDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053031|geopotentialDevFromForecastA|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053032|uComponentDevFromForecastA|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053033|vComponentDevFromForecastA|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053034|relHumidityDevFromForecastA|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|%|1|-1000|12 +053035|thicknessDevFromForecastA|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053041|geopotentialDevFromForecastB|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053042|uComponentDevFromForecastB|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053043|vComponentDevFromForecastB|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053044|relHumidityDevFromForecastB|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|%|1|-1000|12 +053045|thicknessDevFromForecastB|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053051|geopotentialDevFromForecastC|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053052|uComponentDevFromForecastC|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053053|vComponentDevFromForecastC|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053054|relHumidityDevFromForecastC|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|%|1|-1000|12 +053055|thicknessDevFromForecastC|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053061|geopotentialQualityFlags|flag|GEOPOTENTIAL, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053062|uComponentQualityFlags|flag|U-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053063|vComponentQualityFlags|flag|V-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053064|relHumidityQualityFlags|flag|REL.HUMIDITY, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053065|thicknessQualityFlags|flag|THICKNESS, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +054201|yearOfDecoding|long|YEAR OF DECODING|a|0|0|12 +054202|monthOfDecoding|long|MONTH OF DECODING|mon|0|0|4 +054203|dayOfDecoding|long|DAY OF DECODING|d|0|0|6 +054204|hourOfDecoding|long|HOUR OF DECODING|h|0|0|5 +054205|minuteOfDecoding|long|MINUTE OF DECODING|min|0|0|6 +054211|numberOfDayOfMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF DAY OF MRZ BACK-UP FILE|d|0|0|6 +054212|numberOfRecordOnMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF RECORD ON MRZ BACK-UP FILE|Numeric|0|0|18 +054213|decodingRunningOnMfaOrMfbValues1Or0|long|DECODING RUNNING ON MFA/MFB (VALUES 1/0)|Numeric|0|0|2 +055192|kindOfPlants|table|KIND OF PLANTS|Code table|0|0|7 +055193|stepOfGrowth|table|STEP OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|7 +055194|progressOfGrowth|table|PROGRESS OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|4 +055195|plantDamage|table|PLANT DAMAGE|Code table|0|0|4 +055201|typeOfLandSurface|table|TYPE OF LAND SURFACE|Code table|0|0|5 +055202|plantCover|long|PLANT COVER|%|0|0|7 +055203|leafAreaIndex|long|LEAF AREA INDEX|%|0|0|7 diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/2/78/0/sequence.def b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/2/78/0/sequence.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e9304cb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/2/78/0/sequence.def @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +"301192" = [ 054201, 054202, 054203, 054204, 054205, 054211, 054212, 054213, 002192, 002193, 002201 ] +"301193" = [ 301192, 204005, 031021, 301023, 301011, 301012, 204000 ] +"301194" = [ 301001, 007001, 010001, 002221 ] +"301200" = [ 004214, 004215 ] +"301201" = [ 002001, 002002 ] +"301202" = [ 002003, 002011, 002013, 002014 ] +"301203" = [ 002061, 008004 ] +"301204" = [ 002021, 002022, 002023, 002024, 002025 ] +"301205" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301206" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301207" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301211" = [ 301193, 001003, 301194, 001192, 301003, 001005, 001006, 001007 ] +"302192" = [ 010051, 010061, 010063 ] +"302193" = [ 010004, 007004, 010003 ] +"302194" = [ 011011, 011012 ] +"302195" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302196" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302197" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302201" = [ 012004, 012006, 013003 ] +"302202" = [ 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012013 ] +"302203" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302204" = [ 101003, 302203, 013013, 020062, 020062 ] +"302205" = [ 004031, 013011, 004194 ] +"302206" = [ 004031, 013012 ] +"302207" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302208" = [ 004031, 013012, 013013 ] +"302211" = [ 020001, 020003, 020004, 020005 ] +"302212" = [ 020010, 020011, 020013, 020012, 020012, 020012 ] +"302213" = [ 008002, 020011, 020012, 020013 ] +"302214" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302215" = [ 004031, 014031 ] +"302216" = [ 004031, 014021 ] +"302217" = [ 004031, 014023 ] +"302218" = [ 004031, 014002 ] +"302221" = [ 302192, 302193, 010062, 302194, 302201, 302211, 302212 ] +"302223" = [ 302195, 302202, 302204, 101004, 302213 ] +"302224" = [ 013032, 002004, 302214, 302215, 101002, 302216, 302217, 302218 ] +"302225" = [ 004192, 012004, 012061, 051192, 051193, 013203, 020193, 020194, 020195, 020196 ] +"302226" = [ 007061, 012030 ] +"302227" = [ 020197, 020198 ] +"302228" = [ 101007, 302226, 101008, 302227, 020199 ] +"302231" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010052, 302194, 302201, 302211, 020010, 011041, 101004, 302213, 204000 ] +"302235" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010051, 007004, 010003, 012004, 013004, 022042, 204000 ] +"302236" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013192, 014032 ] +"302237" = [ 004022, 008021, 302235, 004022, 008021, 302236, 004201, 014192, 204000 ] +"302238" = [ 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302235, 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302236, 204000 ] +"302240" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302241" = [ 004192, 012004, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012192, 012193, 012005, 012201, 013003 ] +"302242" = [ 001201, 020001, 020010, 020062, 020062, 020202, 020203, 020204, 020205, 020206 ] +"302243" = [ 013201, 013202, 013203 ] +"302244" = [ 204005, 031021, 012004, 012211, 010004, 013003, 012011, 101004, 004193, 012012, 101004, 004193 ] +"302245" = [ 004202, 020192 ] +"302246" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013193, 013194, 101004, 004193, 014032, 014192, 101014, 302245, 204000 ] +"303192" = [ 007003, 007004, 008001, 011001, 011002, 012001, 012003 ] +"303193" = [ 303192, 011061, 011062 ] +"303201" = [ 053001, 053011, 053021, 053031, 053041, 053051, 053061 ] +"303202" = [ 053002, 053012, 053022, 053032, 053042, 053052, 053062 ] +"303203" = [ 053003, 053013, 053023, 053033, 053043, 053053, 053063 ] +"303204" = [ 053004, 053014, 053024, 053034, 053044, 053054, 053064 ] +"303205" = [ 053005, 053015, 053025, 053035, 053045, 053055, 053065 ] +"304192" = [ 020010, 010004 ] +"306192" = [ 022042, 022011, 022021, 022012, 022022, 101002, 302023 ] +"307192" = [ 301211, 301200, 301201, 204005, 031021, 302221, 306192, 302223, 302224, 204000, 354192 ] +"307193" = [ 301211, 301201, 302231, 354192 ] +"307194" = [ 301211, 301200, 204005, 031021, 302196, 302225, 302205, 302206, 302228, 204000, 354193 ] +"307211" = [ 301211, 302237, 302238 ] +"307212" = [ 301211, 204005, 031021, 302197, 302241, 101002, 302207, 302208, 302243, 302242, 302240, 204000 ] +"307213" = [ 301211, 004022, 008021, 302244, 204000, 004022, 008021, 302246, 354192 ] +"309192" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101016, 303193, 204000 ] +"309193" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031001, 303192, 204000 ] +"309194" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101011, 303193, 204000 ] +"309201" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031002, 303193, 204000 ] +"309211" = [ 204005, 031021, 303192, 204000, 303201, 303202, 303203, 303204 ] +"309212" = [ 301211, 301202, 101000, 031001, 309211 ] +"310192" = [ 008001, 012001 ] +"310193" = [ 008001, 012001, 002222, 204007, 031021, 010004, 204000 ] +"310194" = [ 303021, 010003, 013016, 012001, 204000 ] +"310201" = [ 301211, 301204, 304192, 310192, 310193, 101000, 031001, 310194 ] +"310211" = [ 310194, 303204, 303205 ] +"310212" = [ 301211, 301204, 101000, 031001, 310211 ] +"311192" = [ 301211, 301203, 301204, 204005, 031021, 303192, 204004, 354192 ] +"312192" = [ 301211, 301204, 304003 ] +"312193" = [ 301211, 301204, 007004, 008003, 010002, 012001, 013003, 020010 ] +"318193" = [ 024192, 024193, 024194, 024195, 024196, 024197, 024198, 024199, 024200, 024201 ] +"318201" = [ 301211, 301206, 301207, 318193 ] +"321192" = [ 002132, 002133 ] +"351192" = [ 005002, 006002, 007004 ] +"351201" = [ 301211, 004015, 205015, 101000, 031001, 351192 ] +"352192" = [ 012221, 013221, 015192, 015193, 052192, 055201 ] +"352193" = [ 010192, 055202, 055203 ] +"352194" = [ 010004, 010051, 011042, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222, 012223 ] +"352195" = [ 013011, 013222, 013223, 013224, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011 ] +"352196" = [ 202126, 014012, 014014, 014201, 202000, 014202, 020010, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229 ] +"352197" = [ 052193, 052194, 052195, 052196, 052197, 052198, 052199 ] +"352198" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352199" = [ 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198 ] +"352200" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 352199 ] +"352201" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352200 ] +"352202" = [ 010004, 010004 ] +"352205" = [ 010051, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012061, 012222 ] +"352206" = [ 013011, 013223, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011 ] +"352207" = [ 202126, 014012, 014014, 202000, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229, 052197, 052198 ] +"352208" = [ 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352209" = [ 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208 ] +"352210" = [ 352205, 352206, 352207, 352209 ] +"352211" = [ 301211, 055201, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352210 ] +"353192" = [ 301205, 020010, 302194, 020004, 012004, 011041, 302203, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012 ] +"353193" = [ 004023, 012011, 012012, 013198, 014198, 302194, 011198 ] +"353201" = [ 301211, 101004, 353192 ] +"353202" = [ 301211, 101006, 353193 ] +"354192" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"354193" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"355192" = [ 004003, 055192, 007061, 013211 ] +"355193" = [ 004003, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030 ] +"355194" = [ 004192, 012004, 012011, 012012, 012013, 013003, 013011, 014031, 014021, 004004, 012004 ] +"355195" = [ 355193, 355194 ] +"355196" = [ 055192, 055193, 055194, 055195 ] +"355197" = [ 004003, 004004, 012004, 013003, 020211 ] +"355201" = [ 301211, 101048, 355192, 101007, 355195 ] +"355202" = [ 301211, 101016, 355196 ] +"355203" = [ 301211, 101168, 355197 ] diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/3/78/0/element.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/3/78/0/element.table new file mode 100644 index 000000000..120d7085f --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/3/78/0/element.table @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +#code|abbreviation|type|name|unit|scale|reference|width|crex_unit|crex_scale|crex_width +001192|icaoLocationIndicator|string|ICAO LOCATION INDICATOR|CCITT IA5|0|0|32 +001201|placeOfObsOfVisibiltyOrCloudCover|long|PLACE OF OBS. OF VISIBILTY/CLOUD COVER|Numeric|0|0|4 +002192|corMessageMark|table|COR MESSAGE MARK|Code table|0|0|8 +002193|pseudoReport|flag|PSEUDO REPORT|Flag table|0|0|2 +002201|overallQualityBits|table|OVERALL QUALITY BITS|Code table|0|0|5 +002221|unitsOfElevationOrConfidenceFactor|table|UNITS OF ELEVATION/CONFIDENCE FACTOR|Code table|0|0|4 +002222|satellDataProcessTechnUsedFTropop|table|SATELL.DATA PROCESS.TECHN.USED F.TROPOP.|Code table|0|0|4 +004192|durationOfTimeRelatToFollowValue|table|DURATION OF TIME RELAT.TO FOLLOW.VALUE|Code table|0|0|4 +004193|dayOfOccOfDataValOfPrevElement|long|DAY OF OCC.OF DATA VAL.OF PREV.ELEMENT|d|0|0|6 +004194|durationOfPrecipitDuringPastHour|long|DURATION OF PRECIPIT.DURING PAST HOUR|min|0|0|6 +004201|numberOfDaysWithPrecipitationGe1mm|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH PRECIPITATION GE 1MM|Numeric|0|0|6 +004202|numberOfDaysWithSpecWeaPhenomena|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPEC.WEA.PHENOMENA|d|0|0|6 +004214|actualHourOfObservation|long|ACTUAL HOUR OF OBSERVATION|h|0|0|5 +004215|actualMinuteOfObservation|long|ACTUAL MINUTE OF OBSERVATION|min|0|0|6 +010192|depthOfRoots|double|DEPTH OF ROOTS|m|2|0|10 +011192|uComponentAt10M|double|U-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011193|vComponentAt10M|double|V-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011198|probabilityOfGusts|long|PROBABILITY OF GUSTS|%|0|0|7 +012192|groundMinimumTempPast10HoursClim|double|GROUND MINIMUM TEMP.,PAST 10 HOURS(CLIM)|K|1|0|12 +012193|depthOfSnowAboveGroundMinimumTherm|double|DEPTH OF SNOW ABOVE GROUND MINIMUM THERM|m|2|-2|10 +012201|waterOrIceOrSignWetBulbTemperature|table|WATER/ICE/SIGN(WET BULB TEMPERATURE)|Code table|0|0|4 +012211|dryBulbTempAt2MDeviatFromNormal|double|DRY BULB TEMP.AT 2 M, DEVIAT.FROM NORMAL|K|1|-128|8 +012221|temperatAtBottomOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERAT.AT BOTTOM OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +012222|temperatureOfSnowCover|double|TEMPERATURE OF SNOW COVER|K|1|0|12 +012223|temperatureAtTopOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERATURE AT TOP OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +013192|frequencyGroupPrecipitation|table|FREQUENCY GROUP , PRECIPITATION|Code table|0|0|4 +013193|totalPrecipitationForTheMonth|long|TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|12 +013194|maximumOfDailyPrecipitation|double|MAXIMUM OF DAILY PRECIPITATION|m|4|-1|14 +013198|probabilityOfPrecipitation|long|PROBABILITY OF PRECIPITATION|%|0|0|7 +013201|totalDepthOfSnowAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL DEPTH OF SNOW AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|2|-2|16 +013202|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|4|-1|14 +013203|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|M/M|2|0|7 +013211|soilHumidity|double|SOIL HUMIDITY|m|-3|0|7 +013221|totalWaterContentsInLowerSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS IN LOWER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013222|totalWaterContentsIMiddleSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013223|totalWaterContentsIUpperSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.UPPER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013224|specificHumidityAtSurfOrEarthOrSnow|double|SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT SURF./EARTH OR SNOW|kg/kg|5|0|14 +013225|largeScaleRainDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013226|largeScaleSnowDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013227|convectiveRainDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013228|convectiveSnowDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013229|mixingRatioInFog|double|MIXING RATIO IN FOG|kg/kg|5|0|14 +014192|totalSunshineForTheMonth|long|TOTAL SUNSHINE FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|9 +014198|sunshine|long|SUNSHINE|%|0|0|7 +014201|photosytheticActiveRadiationAtSurf|double|PHOTOSYTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION AT SURF.|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +014202|albedoOfSurfaceShortWave|long|ALBEDO OF SURFACE (SHORT WAVE)|%|0|0|7 +015192|ozoneVerticallyIntegrated|double|OZONE, VERTICALLY INTEGRATED|Pa|1|0|14 +015193|pressureOfOzoneMaximum|double|PRESSURE OF OZONE MAXIMUM|Pa|-1|0|14 +020192|typeOfSpecialWeatherPhenomena|table|TYPE OF SPECIAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|5 +020193|additionalWeatherPhenomena|table|ADDITIONAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|7 +020194|heightOfTopOfPhenomena|double|HEIGHT OF TOP OF PHENOMENA|m|-1|-40|11 +020195|weatherPhenomena|table|WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|4 +020196|directionOfMainOccOfWeatherPhen|long|DIRECTION OF MAIN OCC.OF WEATHER PHEN.|deg|0|0|12 +020197|baseOfCloudClass|long|BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020198|numberOfValuesInBaseOfCloudClass|long|NUMBER OF VALUES IN BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020199|lowestHeightOBaseOCloudDurLastH|double|LOWEST HEIGHT O.BASE O.CLOUD DUR.LAST H.|m|-1|-40|11 +020201|precipitAtTimeOfObservAutomStat|table|PRECIPIT.AT TIME OF OBSERV.(AUTOM.STAT.)|Code table|0|0|2 +020202|presentWeatherClimatologObservation|table|PRESENT WEATHER (CLIMATOLOG.OBSERVATION)|Code table|0|0|8 +020203|formOfPrecipitation|table|FORM OF PRECIPITATION|Code table|0|0|4 +020204|fallenPrecipitationDayBefore|table|FALLEN PRECIPITATION (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|6 +020205|dewRimeEtcDayBefore|table|DEW, RIME ETC. (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|7 +020206|otherWeatherDayBefore|table|OTHER WEATHER (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|4 +020211|precipitationDuringPrecedingHourYOrN|table|PRECIPITATION DURING PRECEDING HOUR Y/N|Code table|0|0|2 +020221|intensityOrProximityOfWeather|table|INTENSITY OR PROXIMITY OF WEATHER|Code table|0|0|3 +020222|descriptorOfWeather|string|DESCRIPTOR OF WEATHER|CCITT IA5|0|0|16 +020223|weatherPhenomenaMetar|string|WEATHER PHENOMENA (METAR)|CCITT IA5|0|0|48 +024192|typeOfObservation|table|TYPE OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|4 +024193|methodOfObservation|table|METHOD OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024194|statusOfObservation|table|STATUS OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024195|nuclid|table|NUCLID|Code table|0|0|10 +024196|baseOfObservedValue|long|BASE OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|0|10 +024197|exponentOfObservedValue|long|EXPONENT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|-15|5 +024198|indicatorOnObservedValue|table|INDICATOR ON OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|2 +024199|unitOfObservedValue|table|UNIT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|7 +024200|errorOfObservedData|double|ERROR OF OBSERVED DATA|%|1|0|10 +024201|routineOrSpecialOrTestObservation|table|ROUTINE/SPECIAL/TEST OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|2 +051192|shortDistanceLightning|long|SHORT DISTANCE LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +051193|distantLightning|long|DISTANT LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +052192|landSeaRatio|long|LAND SEA RATIO|%|0|0|7 +052193|coeffOfTurbTranfOfImpulseSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF IMPULSE,SURFACE|Code table|0|0|7 +052194|coeffOfTurbTranfOfHeatOrHumSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF HEAT/HUM.,SURFACE|Code table|0|0|7 +052195|impulseFlowUAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(U) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052196|impulseFlowVAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(V) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052197|flowOfSensHeatAtSurfPeriodSpec|double|FLOW OF SENS.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPEC.|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +052198|flowOfLatHeatAtSurfPeriodSpecif|double|FLOW OF LAT.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +052199|roughnessLengthMultipliedByG|double|ROUGHNESS LENGTH (MULTIPLIED BY G)|m2 s-2|2|0|12 +053001|geopotentialDevFromFirstGuess|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053002|uComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053003|vComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053004|relHumidityDevFromFirstGuess|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|%|1|-1000|12 +053005|thicknessDevFromFirstGuess|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053011|geopotentialDevFromAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053012|uComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053013|vComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053014|relHumidityDevFromAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053015|thicknessDevFromAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053021|geopotentialDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053022|uComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053023|vComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053024|relHumidityDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053025|thicknessDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053031|geopotentialDevFromForecastA|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053032|uComponentDevFromForecastA|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053033|vComponentDevFromForecastA|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053034|relHumidityDevFromForecastA|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|%|1|-1000|12 +053035|thicknessDevFromForecastA|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053041|geopotentialDevFromForecastB|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053042|uComponentDevFromForecastB|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053043|vComponentDevFromForecastB|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053044|relHumidityDevFromForecastB|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|%|1|-1000|12 +053045|thicknessDevFromForecastB|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053051|geopotentialDevFromForecastC|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053052|uComponentDevFromForecastC|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053053|vComponentDevFromForecastC|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053054|relHumidityDevFromForecastC|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|%|1|-1000|12 +053055|thicknessDevFromForecastC|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053061|geopotentialQualityFlags|flag|GEOPOTENTIAL, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053062|uComponentQualityFlags|flag|U-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053063|vComponentQualityFlags|flag|V-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053064|relHumidityQualityFlags|flag|REL.HUMIDITY, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053065|thicknessQualityFlags|flag|THICKNESS, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +054201|yearOfDecoding|long|YEAR OF DECODING|a|0|0|12 +054202|monthOfDecoding|long|MONTH OF DECODING|mon|0|0|4 +054203|dayOfDecoding|long|DAY OF DECODING|d|0|0|6 +054204|hourOfDecoding|long|HOUR OF DECODING|h|0|0|5 +054205|minuteOfDecoding|long|MINUTE OF DECODING|min|0|0|6 +054211|numberOfDayOfMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF DAY OF MRZ BACK-UP FILE|d|0|0|6 +054212|numberOfRecordOnMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF RECORD ON MRZ BACK-UP FILE|Numeric|0|0|18 +054213|decodingRunningOnMfaOrMfbValues1Or0|long|DECODING RUNNING ON MFA/MFB (VALUES 1/0)|Numeric|0|0|2 +055192|kindOfPlants|table|KIND OF PLANTS|Code table|0|0|7 +055193|stepOfGrowth|table|STEP OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|7 +055194|progressOfGrowth|table|PROGRESS OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|4 +055195|plantDamage|table|PLANT DAMAGE|Code table|0|0|4 +055201|typeOfLandSurface|table|TYPE OF LAND SURFACE|Code table|0|0|5 +055202|plantCover|long|PLANT COVER|%|0|0|7 +055203|leafAreaIndex|long|LEAF AREA INDEX|%|0|0|7 diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/3/78/0/sequence.def b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/3/78/0/sequence.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bfaa4c5a --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/3/78/0/sequence.def @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +"301192" = [ 054201, 054202, 054203, 054204, 054205, 054211, 054212, 054213, 002192, 002193, 002201 ] +"301193" = [ 301192, 204005, 031021, 301023, 301011, 301012, 204000 ] +"301194" = [ 301001, 007001, 010001, 002221 ] +"301200" = [ 004214, 004215 ] +"301201" = [ 002001, 002002 ] +"301202" = [ 002003, 002011, 002013, 002014 ] +"301203" = [ 002061, 008004 ] +"301204" = [ 002021, 002022, 002023, 002024, 002025 ] +"301205" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301206" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301207" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301211" = [ 301193, 001003, 301194, 001192, 301003, 001005, 001006, 001007 ] +"302192" = [ 010051, 010061, 010063 ] +"302193" = [ 010004, 007004, 010003 ] +"302194" = [ 011011, 011012 ] +"302195" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302196" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302197" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302201" = [ 012004, 012006, 013003 ] +"302202" = [ 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012013 ] +"302203" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302204" = [ 101003, 302203, 013013, 020062, 020062 ] +"302205" = [ 004031, 013011, 004194 ] +"302206" = [ 004031, 013012 ] +"302207" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302208" = [ 004031, 013012, 013013 ] +"302211" = [ 020001, 020003, 020004, 020005 ] +"302212" = [ 020010, 020011, 020013, 020012, 020012, 020012 ] +"302213" = [ 008002, 020011, 020012, 020013 ] +"302214" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302215" = [ 004031, 014031 ] +"302216" = [ 004031, 014021 ] +"302217" = [ 004031, 014023 ] +"302218" = [ 004031, 014002 ] +"302219" = [ 020221, 020222, 020223 ] +"302220" = [ 020221, 020222, 020223 ] +"302221" = [ 302192, 302193, 010062, 302194, 302201, 302211, 302212 ] +"302223" = [ 302195, 302202, 302204, 101004, 302213 ] +"302224" = [ 013032, 002004, 302214, 302215, 101002, 302216, 302217, 302218 ] +"302225" = [ 004192, 012004, 012061, 051192, 051193, 013203, 020193, 020194, 020195, 020196 ] +"302226" = [ 007061, 012030 ] +"302227" = [ 020197, 020198 ] +"302228" = [ 101007, 302226, 101008, 302227, 020199 ] +"302229" = [ 101003, 302219, 101003, 302220 ] +"302230" = [ 020011, 020013 ] +"302231" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010052, 302194, 302201, 302211, 020010, 011041, 101004, 302213, 204000 ] +"302232" = [ 031021, 010052, 302194, 011041, 012004, 012006, 020001, 020003, 302229, 101004, 302230 ] +"302235" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010051, 007004, 010003, 012004, 013004, 022042, 204000 ] +"302236" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013192, 014032 ] +"302237" = [ 004022, 008021, 302235, 004022, 008021, 302236, 004201, 014192, 204000 ] +"302238" = [ 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302235, 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302236, 204000 ] +"302240" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302241" = [ 004192, 012004, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012192, 012193, 012005, 012201, 013003 ] +"302242" = [ 001201, 020001, 020010, 020062, 020062, 020202, 020203, 020204, 020205, 020206 ] +"302243" = [ 013201, 013202, 013203 ] +"302244" = [ 204005, 031021, 012004, 012211, 010004, 013003, 012011, 101004, 004193, 012012, 101004, 004193 ] +"302245" = [ 004202, 020192 ] +"302246" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013193, 013194, 101004, 004193, 014032, 014192, 101014, 302245, 204000 ] +"303192" = [ 007003, 007004, 008001, 011001, 011002, 012001, 012003 ] +"303193" = [ 303192, 011061, 011062 ] +"303201" = [ 053001, 053011, 053021, 053031, 053041, 053051, 053061 ] +"303202" = [ 053002, 053012, 053022, 053032, 053042, 053052, 053062 ] +"303203" = [ 053003, 053013, 053023, 053033, 053043, 053053, 053063 ] +"303204" = [ 053004, 053014, 053024, 053034, 053044, 053054, 053064 ] +"303205" = [ 053005, 053015, 053025, 053035, 053045, 053055, 053065 ] +"304192" = [ 020010, 010004 ] +"306192" = [ 022042, 022011, 022021, 022012, 022022, 101002, 302023 ] +"307192" = [ 301211, 301200, 301201, 204005, 031021, 302221, 306192, 302223, 302224, 204000, 354192 ] +"307193" = [ 301211, 301201, 302231, 354192 ] +"307194" = [ 301211, 301200, 204005, 031021, 302196, 302225, 302205, 302206, 302228, 204000, 354193 ] +"307195" = [ 301211, 301201, 302232, 354192 ] +"307211" = [ 301211, 302237, 302238 ] +"307212" = [ 301211, 204005, 031021, 302197, 302241, 101002, 302207, 302208, 302243, 302242, 302240, 204000 ] +"307213" = [ 301211, 004022, 008021, 302244, 204000, 004022, 008021, 302246, 354192 ] +"309192" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101016, 303193, 204000 ] +"309193" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031001, 303192, 204000 ] +"309194" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101011, 303193, 204000 ] +"309201" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031002, 303193, 204000 ] +"309211" = [ 204005, 031021, 303192, 204000, 303201, 303202, 303203, 303204 ] +"309212" = [ 301211, 301202, 101000, 031001, 309211 ] +"310192" = [ 008001, 012001 ] +"310193" = [ 008001, 012001, 002222, 204007, 031021, 010004, 204000 ] +"310194" = [ 303021, 010003, 013016, 012001, 204000 ] +"310201" = [ 301211, 301204, 304192, 310192, 310193, 101000, 031001, 310194 ] +"310211" = [ 310194, 303204, 303205 ] +"310212" = [ 301211, 301204, 101000, 031001, 310211 ] +"311192" = [ 301211, 301203, 301204, 204005, 031021, 303192, 204004, 354192 ] +"312192" = [ 301211, 301204, 304003 ] +"312193" = [ 301211, 301204, 007004, 008003, 010002, 012001, 013003, 020010 ] +"318193" = [ 024192, 024193, 024194, 024195, 024196, 024197, 024198, 024199, 024200, 024201 ] +"318201" = [ 301211, 301206, 301207, 318193 ] +"321192" = [ 002132, 002133 ] +"351192" = [ 005002, 006002, 007004 ] +"351201" = [ 301211, 004015, 205015, 101000, 031001, 351192 ] +"352192" = [ 012221, 013221, 015192, 015193, 052192, 055201 ] +"352193" = [ 010192, 055202, 055203 ] +"352194" = [ 010004, 010051, 011042, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222, 012223 ] +"352195" = [ 013011, 013222, 013223, 013224, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011 ] +"352196" = [ 202126, 014012, 014014, 014201, 202000, 014202, 020010, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229 ] +"352197" = [ 052193, 052194, 052195, 052196, 052197, 052198, 052199 ] +"352198" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352199" = [ 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198 ] +"352200" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 352199 ] +"352201" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352200 ] +"352202" = [ 010004, 010004 ] +"352205" = [ 010004, 010051, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222 ] +"352206" = [ 013011, 013223, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011 ] +"352207" = [ 202126, 014012, 014014, 202000, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229, 052197, 052198 ] +"352208" = [ 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352209" = [ 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208 ] +"352210" = [ 352205, 352206, 352207, 352209 ] +"352211" = [ 301211, 052192, 055201, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352210 ] +"353192" = [ 301205, 020010, 302194, 020004, 012004, 011041, 302203, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012 ] +"353193" = [ 004023, 012011, 012012, 013198, 014198, 302194, 011198 ] +"353201" = [ 301211, 101004, 353192 ] +"353202" = [ 301211, 101006, 353193 ] +"354192" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"354193" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"355192" = [ 004003, 055192, 007061, 013211 ] +"355193" = [ 004003, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030 ] +"355194" = [ 004192, 012004, 012011, 012012, 012013, 013003, 013011, 014031, 014021, 004004, 012004 ] +"355195" = [ 355193, 355194 ] +"355196" = [ 055192, 055193, 055194, 055195 ] +"355197" = [ 004003, 004004, 012004, 013003, 020211 ] +"355201" = [ 301211, 101048, 355192, 101007, 355195 ] +"355202" = [ 301211, 101016, 355196 ] +"355203" = [ 301211, 101168, 355197 ] diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/4/78/0/element.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/4/78/0/element.table new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4cf1e4f5e --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/4/78/0/element.table @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +#code|abbreviation|type|name|unit|scale|reference|width|crex_unit|crex_scale|crex_width +001192|icaoLocationIndicator|string|ICAO LOCATION INDICATOR|CCITT IA5|0|0|32 +001201|placeOfObsOfVisibiltyOrCloudCover|long|PLACE OF OBS. OF VISIBILTY/CLOUD COVER|Numeric|0|0|4 +002192|corMessageMark|table|COR MESSAGE MARK|Code table|0|0|8 +002193|pseudoReport|flag|PSEUDO REPORT|Flag table|0|0|2 +002201|overallQualityBits|table|OVERALL QUALITY BITS|Code table|0|0|5 +002221|unitsOfElevationOrConfidenceFactor|table|UNITS OF ELEVATION/CONFIDENCE FACTOR|Code table|0|0|4 +002222|satellDataProcessTechnUsedFTropop|table|SATELL.DATA PROCESS.TECHN.USED F.TROPOP.|Code table|0|0|4 +004192|durationOfTimeRelatToFollowValue|table|DURATION OF TIME RELAT.TO FOLLOW.VALUE|Code table|0|0|4 +004193|dayOfOccOfDataValOfPrevElement|long|DAY OF OCC.OF DATA VAL.OF PREV.ELEMENT|d|0|0|6 +004194|durationOfPrecipitDuringPastHour|long|DURATION OF PRECIPIT.DURING PAST HOUR|min|0|0|6 +004201|numberOfDaysWithPrecipitationGe1mm|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH PRECIPITATION GE 1MM|Numeric|0|0|6 +004202|numberOfDaysWithSpecWeaPhenomena|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPEC.WEA.PHENOMENA|d|0|0|6 +004214|actualHourOfObservation|long|ACTUAL HOUR OF OBSERVATION|h|0|0|5 +004215|actualMinuteOfObservation|long|ACTUAL MINUTE OF OBSERVATION|min|0|0|6 +010192|depthOfRoots|double|DEPTH OF ROOTS|m|2|0|10 +011192|uComponentAt10M|double|U-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011193|vComponentAt10M|double|V-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011198|probabilityOfGusts|long|PROBABILITY OF GUSTS|%|0|0|7 +012192|groundMinimumTempPast10HoursClim|double|GROUND MINIMUM TEMP.,PAST 10 HOURS(CLIM)|K|1|0|12 +012193|depthOfSnowAboveGroundMinimumTherm|double|DEPTH OF SNOW ABOVE GROUND MINIMUM THERM|m|2|-2|10 +012201|waterOrIceOrSignWetBulbTemperature|table|WATER/ICE/SIGN(WET BULB TEMPERATURE)|Code table|0|0|4 +012211|dryBulbTempAt2MDeviatFromNormal|double|DRY BULB TEMP.AT 2 M, DEVIAT.FROM NORMAL|K|1|-128|8 +012221|temperatAtBottomOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERAT.AT BOTTOM OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +012222|temperatureOfSnowCover|double|TEMPERATURE OF SNOW COVER|K|1|0|12 +012223|temperatureAtTopOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERATURE AT TOP OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +013192|frequencyGroupPrecUntil1Nov94|table|FREQUENCY GROUP, PREC. (UNTIL 1 NOV 94)|Code table|0|0|4 +013193|totalPrecipitationForTheMonth|long|TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|12 +013194|maximumOfDailyPrecipitation|double|MAXIMUM OF DAILY PRECIPITATION|m|4|-1|14 +013198|probabilityOfPrecipitation|long|PROBABILITY OF PRECIPITATION|%|0|0|7 +013201|totalDepthOfSnowAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL DEPTH OF SNOW AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|2|-2|16 +013202|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|4|-1|14 +013203|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|M/M|2|0|7 +013204|snowLargeScale+Convective|double|SNOW, LARGE SCALE + CONVECTIVE|kg m-2|1|-1|14 +013205|largeScalePrecipitionRainAndSnow|double|LARGE SCALE PRECIPITION (RAIN AND SNOW)|m|4|0|14 +013206|convectivePrecipitionRainAndSnow|double|CONVECTIVE PRECIPITION (RAIN AND SNOW)|m|4|0|14 +013207|skinReservoirContent|double|SKIN RESERVOIR CONTENT|m|5|0|20 +013208|surfaceWaterRunoff|double|SURFACE WATER RUNOFF|kg m-2|2|-1|19 +013209|groundWaterRunoff|double|GROUND WATER RUNOFF|kg m-2|2|-1|19 +013211|soilHumidity|double|SOIL HUMIDITY|m|-3|0|7 +013221|totalWaterContentsInLowerSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS IN LOWER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013222|totalWaterContentsIMiddleSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013223|totalWaterContentsIUpperSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.UPPER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013224|specificHumidityAtSurfOrEarthOrSnow|double|SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT SURF./EARTH OR SNOW|kg/kg|5|0|14 +013225|largeScaleRainDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013226|largeScaleSnowDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013227|convectiveRainDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013228|convectiveSnowDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013229|mixingRatioInFog|double|MIXING RATIO IN FOG|kg/kg|5|0|14 +013230|cloudWaterContent|double|CLOUD WATER CONTENT|kg/kg|7|0|14 +014192|totalSunshineForTheMonth|long|TOTAL SUNSHINE FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|9 +014198|sunshine|long|SUNSHINE|%|0|0|7 +014201|photosytheticActiveRadiationAtSurf|double|PHOTOSYTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION AT SURF.|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +014202|albedoOfSurfaceShortWave|long|ALBEDO OF SURFACE (SHORT WAVE)|%|0|0|7 +015192|ozoneVerticallyIntegrated|double|OZONE, VERTICALLY INTEGRATED|Pa|4|0|14 +015193|pressureOfOzoneMaximum|double|PRESSURE OF OZONE MAXIMUM|Pa|-1|0|14 +020192|typeOfSpecialWeatherPhenomena|table|TYPE OF SPECIAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|5 +020193|additionalWeatherPhenomena|table|ADDITIONAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|7 +020194|heightOfTopOfPhenomena|double|HEIGHT OF TOP OF PHENOMENA|m|-1|-40|11 +020195|weatherPhenomena|table|WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|4 +020196|directionOfMainOccOfWeatherPhen|long|DIRECTION OF MAIN OCC.OF WEATHER PHEN.|deg|0|0|12 +020197|baseOfCloudClass|long|BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020198|numberOfValuesInBaseOfCloudClass|long|NUMBER OF VALUES IN BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020199|lowestHeightOBaseOCloudDurLastH|double|LOWEST HEIGHT O.BASE O.CLOUD DUR.LAST H.|m|-1|-40|11 +020200|amountOfConvectiveClouds|long|AMOUNT OF (CONVECTIVE) CLOUDS|%|0|0|7 +020201|precipitAtTimeOfObservAutomStat|table|PRECIPIT.AT TIME OF OBSERV.(AUTOM.STAT.)|Code table|0|0|2 +020202|presentWeatherClimatologObservation|table|PRESENT WEATHER (CLIMATOLOG.OBSERVATION)|Code table|0|0|8 +020203|formOfPrecipitation|table|FORM OF PRECIPITATION|Code table|0|0|4 +020204|fallenPrecipitationDayBefore|table|FALLEN PRECIPITATION (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|6 +020205|dewRimeEtcDayBefore|table|DEW, RIME ETC. (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|7 +020206|otherWeatherDayBefore|table|OTHER WEATHER (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|4 +020211|precipitationDuringPrecedingHourYOrN|table|PRECIPITATION DURING PRECEDING HOUR Y/N|Code table|0|0|2 +020221|intensityOrProximityOfWeather|table|INTENSITY OR PROXIMITY OF WEATHER|Code table|0|0|3 +020222|descriptorOfWeather|string|DESCRIPTOR OF WEATHER|CCITT IA5|0|0|16 +020223|weatherPhenomenaMetar|string|WEATHER PHENOMENA (METAR)|CCITT IA5|0|0|48 +024192|typeOfObservation|table|TYPE OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|4 +024193|methodOfObservation|table|METHOD OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024194|statusOfObservation|table|STATUS OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024195|nuclid|table|NUCLID|Code table|0|0|10 +024196|baseOfObservedValue|long|BASE OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|0|10 +024197|exponentOfObservedValue|long|EXPONENT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|-15|5 +024198|indicatorOnObservedValue|table|INDICATOR ON OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|2 +024199|unitOfObservedValue|table|UNIT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|7 +024200|errorOfObservedData|double|ERROR OF OBSERVED DATA|%|1|0|10 +024201|routineOrSpecialOrTestObservation|table|ROUTINE/SPECIAL/TEST OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|2 +051192|shortDistanceLightning|long|SHORT DISTANCE LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +051193|distantLightning|long|DISTANT LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +052192|landSeaRatio|long|LAND SEA RATIO|%|0|0|7 +052193|coeffOfTurbTranfOfImpulseSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF IMPULSE,SURFACE|Code table|5|0|17 +052194|coeffOfTurbTranfOfHeatOrHumSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF HEAT/HUM.,SURFACE|Code table|5|0|17 +052195|impulseFlowUAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(U) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052196|impulseFlowVAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(V) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052197|flowOfSensHeatAtSurfPeriodSpec|double|FLOW OF SENS.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPEC.|J m-2|-3|-16384|15 +052198|flowOfLatHeatAtSurfPeriodSpecif|double|FLOW OF LAT.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|J m-2|-3|-16384|15 +052199|roughnessLengthMultipliedByG|double|ROUGHNESS LENGTH (MULTIPLIED BY G)|m2 s-2|2|0|12 +052200|boundaryLayerDissipation|double|BOUNDARY LAYER DISSIPATION|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +053001|geopotentialDevFromFirstGuess|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053002|uComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053003|vComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053004|relHumidityDevFromFirstGuess|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|%|1|-1000|12 +053005|thicknessDevFromFirstGuess|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053011|geopotentialDevFromAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053012|uComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053013|vComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053014|relHumidityDevFromAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053015|thicknessDevFromAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053021|geopotentialDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053022|uComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053023|vComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053024|relHumidityDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053025|thicknessDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053031|geopotentialDevFromForecastA|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053032|uComponentDevFromForecastA|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053033|vComponentDevFromForecastA|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053034|relHumidityDevFromForecastA|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|%|1|-1000|12 +053035|thicknessDevFromForecastA|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053041|geopotentialDevFromForecastB|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053042|uComponentDevFromForecastB|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053043|vComponentDevFromForecastB|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053044|relHumidityDevFromForecastB|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|%|1|-1000|12 +053045|thicknessDevFromForecastB|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053051|geopotentialDevFromForecastC|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053052|uComponentDevFromForecastC|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053053|vComponentDevFromForecastC|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053054|relHumidityDevFromForecastC|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|%|1|-1000|12 +053055|thicknessDevFromForecastC|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053061|geopotentialQualityFlags|flag|GEOPOTENTIAL, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053062|uComponentQualityFlags|flag|U-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053063|vComponentQualityFlags|flag|V-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053064|relHumidityQualityFlags|flag|REL.HUMIDITY, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053065|thicknessQualityFlags|flag|THICKNESS, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +054201|yearOfDecoding|long|YEAR OF DECODING|a|0|0|12 +054202|monthOfDecoding|long|MONTH OF DECODING|mon|0|0|4 +054203|dayOfDecoding|long|DAY OF DECODING|d|0|0|6 +054204|hourOfDecoding|long|HOUR OF DECODING|h|0|0|5 +054205|minuteOfDecoding|long|MINUTE OF DECODING|min|0|0|6 +054211|numberOfDayOfMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF DAY OF MRZ BACK-UP FILE|d|0|0|6 +054212|numberOfRecordOnMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF RECORD ON MRZ BACK-UP FILE|Numeric|0|0|18 +054213|decodingRunningOnMfaOrMfbValues1Or0|long|DECODING RUNNING ON MFA/MFB (VALUES 1/0)|Numeric|0|0|2 +055192|kindOfPlants|table|KIND OF PLANTS|Code table|0|0|7 +055193|stepOfGrowth|table|STEP OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|7 +055194|progressOfGrowth|table|PROGRESS OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|4 +055195|plantDamage|table|PLANT DAMAGE|Code table|0|0|4 +055201|typeOfLandSurface|table|TYPE OF LAND SURFACE|Code table|0|0|5 +055202|plantCover|long|PLANT COVER|%|0|0|7 +055203|leafAreaIndex|long|LEAF AREA INDEX|%|0|0|7 diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/4/78/0/sequence.def b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/4/78/0/sequence.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9cd4237f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/4/78/0/sequence.def @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +"301192" = [ 054201, 054202, 054203, 054204, 054205, 054211, 054212, 054213, 002192, 002193, 002201 ] +"301193" = [ 301192, 204005, 031021, 301023, 301011, 301012, 204000 ] +"301194" = [ 301001, 007001, 010001, 002221 ] +"301198" = [ 002038, 002039 ] +"301199" = [ 002051, 026001, 026002 ] +"301200" = [ 004214, 004215 ] +"301201" = [ 002001, 002002 ] +"301202" = [ 002003, 002011, 002013, 002014 ] +"301203" = [ 002061, 008004 ] +"301204" = [ 002021, 002022, 002023, 002024, 002025 ] +"301205" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301206" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301207" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301211" = [ 301193, 001003, 301194, 001192, 301003, 001005, 001006, 001007 ] +"301220" = [ 201138, 202131, 004006, 201000, 202000, 301023 ] +"301221" = [ 202127, 001013, 202126, 007001, 202000, 025010, 021064 ] +"302192" = [ 010051, 010061, 010063 ] +"302193" = [ 010004, 007004, 010003 ] +"302194" = [ 011011, 011012 ] +"302195" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302196" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302197" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302201" = [ 012004, 012006, 013003 ] +"302202" = [ 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012013 ] +"302203" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302204" = [ 101003, 302203, 013013, 020062, 020062 ] +"302205" = [ 004031, 013011, 004194 ] +"302206" = [ 004031, 013012 ] +"302207" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302208" = [ 004031, 013012, 013013 ] +"302211" = [ 020001, 020003, 020004, 020005 ] +"302212" = [ 020010, 020011, 020013, 020012, 020012, 020012 ] +"302213" = [ 008002, 020011, 020012, 020013 ] +"302214" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302215" = [ 004031, 014031 ] +"302216" = [ 004031, 014021 ] +"302217" = [ 004031, 014023 ] +"302218" = [ 004031, 014002 ] +"302219" = [ 020221, 020222, 020223 ] +"302220" = [ 020221, 020222, 020223 ] +"302221" = [ 302192, 302193, 010062, 302194, 302201, 302211, 302212 ] +"302223" = [ 302195, 302202, 302204, 101004, 302213 ] +"302224" = [ 013032, 002004, 302214, 302215, 101002, 302216, 302217, 302218 ] +"302225" = [ 004192, 012004, 012061, 051192, 051193, 013203, 020193, 020194, 020195, 020196 ] +"302226" = [ 007061, 012030 ] +"302227" = [ 020197, 020198 ] +"302228" = [ 101007, 302226, 101008, 302227, 020199 ] +"302229" = [ 101003, 302219, 101003, 302220 ] +"302230" = [ 020011, 020013 ] +"302231" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010052, 302194, 302201, 302211, 020010, 011041, 101004, 302213, 204000 ] +"302232" = [ 031021, 010052, 302194, 011041, 012004, 012006, 020001, 020003, 302229, 101004, 302230 ] +"302235" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010051, 007004, 010003, 012004, 013004, 022042, 204000 ] +"302236" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013192, 014032 ] +"302237" = [ 004022, 008021, 302235, 004022, 008021, 302236, 004201, 014192, 204000 ] +"302238" = [ 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302235, 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302236, 204000 ] +"302240" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302241" = [ 004192, 012004, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012192, 012193, 012005, 012201, 013003 ] +"302242" = [ 001201, 020001, 020010, 020062, 020062, 020202, 020203, 020204, 020205, 020206 ] +"302243" = [ 013201, 013202, 013203 ] +"302244" = [ 204005, 031021, 012004, 012211, 010004, 013003, 012011, 101004, 004193, 012012, 101004, 004193 ] +"302245" = [ 004202, 020192 ] +"302246" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013193, 013194, 101004, 004193, 014032, 014192, 101014, 302245, 204000 ] +"303192" = [ 007003, 007004, 008001, 011001, 011002, 012001, 012003 ] +"303193" = [ 303192, 011061, 011062 ] +"303201" = [ 053001, 053011, 053021, 053031, 053041, 053051, 053061 ] +"303202" = [ 053002, 053012, 053022, 053032, 053042, 053052, 053062 ] +"303203" = [ 053003, 053013, 053023, 053033, 053043, 053053, 053063 ] +"303204" = [ 053004, 053014, 053024, 053034, 053044, 053054, 053064 ] +"303205" = [ 053005, 053015, 053025, 053035, 053045, 053055, 053065 ] +"304192" = [ 020010, 010004 ] +"306192" = [ 012005, 022042, 022011, 022021, 022012, 022022, 101002, 302023 ] +"307192" = [ 301211, 301198, 301200, 301201, 204005, 031021, 302221, 306192, 302223, 302224, 204000, 354192 ] +"307193" = [ 301211, 301201, 302231, 354192 ] +"307194" = [ 301211, 301200, 204005, 031021, 302196, 302225, 302205, 302206, 302228, 204000, 354193 ] +"307195" = [ 301211, 301201, 302232, 354192 ] +"307211" = [ 301211, 302237, 302238 ] +"307212" = [ 301211, 204005, 031021, 302197, 302241, 101002, 302207, 302208, 302243, 302242, 302240, 204000 ] +"307213" = [ 301211, 004022, 008021, 302244, 204000, 004022, 008021, 302246, 354192 ] +"307214" = [ 301211, 301199, 348201, 348202, 204005, 102024, 008052, 008022, 004022, 348198, 348199, 204000 ] +"307215" = [ 301211, 012211, 013193, 013003, 102005, 020192, 004202 ] +"309192" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101016, 303193, 204000 ] +"309193" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031001, 303192, 204000 ] +"309194" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101011, 303193, 204000 ] +"309201" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031002, 303193, 204000 ] +"309211" = [ 204005, 031021, 303192, 204000, 303201, 303202, 303203, 303204 ] +"309212" = [ 301211, 301202, 101000, 031001, 309211 ] +"310192" = [ 008001, 012001 ] +"310193" = [ 008001, 012001, 002222, 204007, 031021, 010004, 204000 ] +"310194" = [ 303021, 010003, 013016, 012001, 204000 ] +"310201" = [ 301211, 301204, 304192, 310192, 310193, 101000, 031001, 310194 ] +"310211" = [ 310194, 303204, 303205 ] +"310212" = [ 301211, 301204, 101000, 031001, 310211 ] +"311192" = [ 301211, 301203, 301204, 204005, 031021, 303192, 204004, 354192 ] +"311200" = [ 101000, 031000, 011076, 101000, 031000, 033025, 101000, 031000, 033026 ] +"312192" = [ 301211, 301204, 304003 ] +"312193" = [ 301211, 301204, 007004, 008003, 010002, 012001, 013003, 020010 ] +"312200" = [ 021073, 312042, 021062, 015011 ] +"313192" = [ 110000, 031001, 104000, 031001, 006012, 101000, 031012, 030001, 006012, 101000, 031001, 030001 ] +"313193" = [ 109000, 031000, 104000, 031001, 006012, 101000, 031011, 030001, 101000, 031001, 030001 ] +"318193" = [ 024192, 024193, 024194, 024195, 024196, 024197, 024198, 024199, 024200, 024201 ] +"318201" = [ 301211, 301206, 301207, 318193 ] +"321192" = [ 002132, 002133 ] +"348192" = [ 008021, 004022, 204005, 031021, 302051, 204000 ] +"348193" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 014032, 204000 ] +"348194" = [ 008051, 008020 ] +"348195" = [ 008021, 004022, 348193, 101002, 348194, 013051, 014033, 004053 ] +"348196" = [ 008021, 004022, 204005, 031021, 302051, 204000 ] +"348197" = [ 008051, 008020 ] +"348198" = [ 004003, 008053, 012052, 004003, 008053, 012053, 004003, 008053, 012016, 004003, 008053, 012017 ] +"348199" = [ 004003, 008053, 013052, 002002, 004003, 008053, 011041 ] +"348201" = [ 348192, 348195 ] +"348202" = [ 008021, 004001, 004001, 348196, 008021, 004022, 348193, 101002, 348197 ] +"351192" = [ 005002, 006002, 007004 ] +"351201" = [ 301211, 004015, 205015, 101000, 031001, 351192 ] +"352192" = [ 012221, 013221, 015192, 015193, 052192, 055201 ] +"352193" = [ 010192, 055202, 055203 ] +"352194" = [ 010004, 010051, 011042, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222, 012223 ] +"352195" = [ 201130, 013011, 013222, 013223, 013224, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011, 201000 ] +"352196" = [ 201131, 014012, 014014, 014201, 201000, 014202, 020010, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229 ] +"352197" = [ 202130, 052193, 052194, 202000, 052195, 052196, 052197, 052198, 052199 ] +"352198" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352199" = [ 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198 ] +"352200" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 352199 ] +"352201" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352200 ] +"352202" = [ 010004, 010004 ] +"352205" = [ 010004, 010051, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222 ] +"352206" = [ 201130, 013011, 013223, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011, 201000 ] +"352207" = [ 201131, 014012, 014014, 201000, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229, 052197, 052198 ] +"352208" = [ 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352209" = [ 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208 ] +"352210" = [ 352205, 352206, 352207, 352209 ] +"352211" = [ 301211, 052192, 055201, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352210 ] +"352217" = [ 020053, 020052, 020051, 020200, 013204, 013205, 013206, 052200, 013207, 013208, 013209 ] +"352218" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 202130, 011005, 202000, 012001, 013001, 013230 ] +"352219" = [ 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218 ] +"352220" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 201131, 014012, 014014, 201000, 352217, 352219, 352219, 352218 ] +"352221" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352220 ] +"352225" = [ 203015, 014012, 014014, 014201, 052200, 203255, 203020, 011005, 203255 ] +"352226" = [ 052201, 052202, 201131, 014012, 014014, 052200, 201000, 020053, 020052, 020051, 020200 ] +"352227" = [ 013204, 013205, 013206, 013207, 013208, 013209 ] +"352228" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 202130, 011005, 202000, 012001, 013001, 013230, 020010 ] +"352229" = [ 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228 ] +"352230" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 352226, 352227, 352229, 352229, 352229, 352229 ] +"352231" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 352225, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352230 ] +"353192" = [ 301205, 020010, 302194, 020004, 012004, 011041, 302203, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012 ] +"353193" = [ 004023, 012011, 012012, 013198, 014198, 302194, 011198 ] +"353201" = [ 301211, 101004, 353192 ] +"353202" = [ 301211, 101008, 353193 ] +"354192" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"354193" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"355192" = [ 004003, 055192, 007061, 013211 ] +"355193" = [ 004003, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030 ] +"355194" = [ 004192, 012004, 012011, 012012, 012013, 013003, 013011, 014031, 014021, 004004, 012004 ] +"355195" = [ 355193, 355194 ] +"355196" = [ 055192, 055193, 055194, 055195 ] +"355197" = [ 004003, 004004, 012004, 013003, 020211 ] +"355201" = [ 301211, 101048, 355192, 101007, 355195 ] +"355202" = [ 301211, 101016, 355196 ] +"355203" = [ 301211, 101168, 355197 ] diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/5/78/0/element.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/5/78/0/element.table new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fd8d367f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/5/78/0/element.table @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +#code|abbreviation|type|name|unit|scale|reference|width|crex_unit|crex_scale|crex_width +001192|icaoLocationIndicator|string|ICAO LOCATION INDICATOR|CCITT IA5|0|0|32 +001201|placeOfObsOfVisibiltyOrCloudCover|long|PLACE OF OBS. OF VISIBILTY/CLOUD COVER|Numeric|0|0|4 +002192|corMessageMark|table|COR MESSAGE MARK|Code table|0|0|8 +002193|pseudoReport|flag|PSEUDO REPORT|Flag table|0|0|2 +002201|overallQualityBits|table|OVERALL QUALITY BITS|Code table|0|0|5 +002221|unitsOfElevationOrConfidenceFactor|table|UNITS OF ELEVATION/CONFIDENCE FACTOR|Code table|0|0|4 +002222|satellDataProcessTechnUsedFTropop|table|SATELL.DATA PROCESS.TECHN.USED F.TROPOP.|Code table|0|0|4 +004192|durationOfTimeRelatToFollowValue|table|DURATION OF TIME RELAT.TO FOLLOW.VALUE|Code table|0|0|4 +004193|dayOfOccOfDataValOfPrevElement|long|DAY OF OCC.OF DATA VAL.OF PREV.ELEMENT|d|0|0|6 +004194|durationOfPrecipitDuringPastHour|long|DURATION OF PRECIPIT.DURING PAST HOUR|min|0|0|6 +004201|numberOfDaysWithPrecipitationGe1mm|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH PRECIPITATION GE 1MM|Numeric|0|0|6 +004202|numberOfDaysWithSpecWeaPhenomena|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPEC.WEA.PHENOMENA|d|0|0|6 +004214|actualHourOfObservation|long|ACTUAL HOUR OF OBSERVATION|h|0|0|5 +004215|actualMinuteOfObservation|long|ACTUAL MINUTE OF OBSERVATION|min|0|0|6 +010192|depthOfRoots|double|DEPTH OF ROOTS|m|2|0|10 +011192|uComponentAt10M|double|U-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011193|vComponentAt10M|double|V-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011198|probabilityOfGusts|long|PROBABILITY OF GUSTS|%|0|0|7 +012192|groundMinimumTempPast10HoursClim|double|GROUND MINIMUM TEMP.,PAST 10 HOURS(CLIM)|K|1|0|12 +012193|depthOfSnowAboveGroundMinimumTherm|double|DEPTH OF SNOW ABOVE GROUND MINIMUM THERM|m|2|-2|10 +012201|waterOrIceOrSignWetBulbTemperature|table|WATER/ICE/SIGN(WET BULB TEMPERATURE)|Code table|0|0|4 +012211|dryBulbTempAt2MDeviatFromNormal|double|DRY BULB TEMP.AT 2 M, DEVIAT.FROM NORMAL|K|1|-128|8 +012221|temperatAtBottomOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERAT.AT BOTTOM OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +012222|temperatureOfSnowCover|double|TEMPERATURE OF SNOW COVER|K|1|0|12 +012223|temperatureAtTopOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERATURE AT TOP OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +013192|frequencyGroupPrecUntil1Nov94|table|FREQUENCY GROUP, PREC. (UNTIL 1 NOV 94)|Code table|0|0|4 +013193|totalPrecipitationForTheMonth|long|TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|12 +013194|maximumOfDailyPrecipitation|double|MAXIMUM OF DAILY PRECIPITATION|m|4|-1|14 +013198|probabilityOfPrecipitation|long|PROBABILITY OF PRECIPITATION|%|0|0|7 +013201|totalDepthOfSnowAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL DEPTH OF SNOW AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|2|-2|16 +013202|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|4|-1|14 +013203|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|M/M|2|0|7 +013204|snowLargeScale+Convective|double|SNOW, LARGE SCALE + CONVECTIVE|kg m-2|1|-1|14 +013205|largeScalePrecipitionRainAndSnow|double|LARGE SCALE PRECIPITION (RAIN AND SNOW)|m|4|0|14 +013206|convectivePrecipitionRainAndSnow|double|CONVECTIVE PRECIPITION (RAIN AND SNOW)|m|4|0|14 +013207|skinReservoirContent|double|SKIN RESERVOIR CONTENT|m|5|0|20 +013208|surfaceWaterRunoff|double|SURFACE WATER RUNOFF|kg m-2|2|-1|19 +013209|groundWaterRunoff|double|GROUND WATER RUNOFF|kg m-2|2|-1|19 +013211|soilHumidity|double|SOIL HUMIDITY|m|-3|0|7 +013221|totalWaterContentsInLowerSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS IN LOWER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013222|totalWaterContentsIMiddleSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013223|totalWaterContentsIUpperSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.UPPER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013224|specificHumidityAtSurfOrEarthOrSnow|double|SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT SURF./EARTH OR SNOW|kg/kg|5|0|14 +013225|largeScaleRainDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013226|largeScaleSnowDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013227|convectiveRainDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013228|convectiveSnowDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013229|mixingRatioInFog|double|MIXING RATIO IN FOG|kg/kg|5|0|14 +013230|cloudWaterContent|double|CLOUD WATER CONTENT|kg/kg|7|0|14 +014192|totalSunshineForTheMonth|long|TOTAL SUNSHINE FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|9 +014198|sunshine|long|SUNSHINE|%|0|0|7 +014201|photosytheticActiveRadiationAtSurf|double|PHOTOSYTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION AT SURF.|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +014202|albedoOfSurfaceShortWave|long|ALBEDO OF SURFACE (SHORT WAVE)|%|0|0|7 +015192|ozoneVerticallyIntegrated|double|OZONE, VERTICALLY INTEGRATED|Pa|4|0|14 +015193|pressureOfOzoneMaximum|double|PRESSURE OF OZONE MAXIMUM|Pa|-1|0|14 +020192|typeOfSpecialWeatherPhenomena|table|TYPE OF SPECIAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|5 +020193|additionalWeatherPhenomena|table|ADDITIONAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|7 +020194|heightOfTopOfPhenomena|double|HEIGHT OF TOP OF PHENOMENA|m|-1|-40|11 +020195|weatherPhenomena|table|WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|4 +020196|directionOfMainOccOfWeatherPhen|long|DIRECTION OF MAIN OCC.OF WEATHER PHEN.|deg|0|0|12 +020197|baseOfCloudClass|long|BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020198|numberOfValuesInBaseOfCloudClass|long|NUMBER OF VALUES IN BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020199|lowestHeightOBaseOCloudDurLastH|double|LOWEST HEIGHT O.BASE O.CLOUD DUR.LAST H.|m|-1|-40|11 +020200|amountOfConvectiveClouds|long|AMOUNT OF (CONVECTIVE) CLOUDS|%|0|0|7 +020201|precipitAtTimeOfObservAutomStat|table|PRECIPIT.AT TIME OF OBSERV.(AUTOM.STAT.)|Code table|0|0|2 +020202|presentWeatherClimatologObservation|table|PRESENT WEATHER (CLIMATOLOG.OBSERVATION)|Code table|0|0|8 +020203|formOfPrecipitation|table|FORM OF PRECIPITATION|Code table|0|0|4 +020204|fallenPrecipitationDayBefore|table|FALLEN PRECIPITATION (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|6 +020205|dewRimeEtcDayBefore|table|DEW, RIME ETC. (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|7 +020206|otherWeatherDayBefore|table|OTHER WEATHER (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|4 +020211|precipitationDuringPrecedingHourYOrN|table|PRECIPITATION DURING PRECEDING HOUR Y/N|Code table|0|0|2 +020221|intensityOrProximityOfWeather|table|INTENSITY OR PROXIMITY OF WEATHER|Code table|0|0|3 +020222|descriptorOfWeather|string|DESCRIPTOR OF WEATHER|CCITT IA5|0|0|16 +020223|weatherPhenomenaMetar|string|WEATHER PHENOMENA (METAR)|CCITT IA5|0|0|48 +024192|typeOfObservation|table|TYPE OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|4 +024193|methodOfObservation|table|METHOD OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024194|statusOfObservation|table|STATUS OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024195|nuclid|table|NUCLID|Code table|0|0|10 +024196|baseOfObservedValue|long|BASE OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|0|10 +024197|exponentOfObservedValue|long|EXPONENT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|-15|5 +024198|indicatorOnObservedValue|table|INDICATOR ON OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|2 +024199|unitOfObservedValue|table|UNIT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|7 +024200|errorOfObservedData|double|ERROR OF OBSERVED DATA|%|1|0|10 +024201|routineOrSpecialOrTestObservation|table|ROUTINE/SPECIAL/TEST OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|2 +051192|shortDistanceLightning|long|SHORT DISTANCE LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +051193|distantLightning|long|DISTANT LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +052192|landSeaRatio|long|LAND SEA RATIO|%|0|0|7 +052193|coeffOfTurbTranfOfImpulseSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF IMPULSE,SURFACE|Code table|5|0|17 +052194|coeffOfTurbTranfOfHeatOrHumSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF HEAT/HUM.,SURFACE|Code table|5|0|17 +052195|impulseFlowUAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(U) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052196|impulseFlowVAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(V) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052197|flowOfSensHeatAtSurfPeriodSpec|double|FLOW OF SENS.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPEC.|J m-2|-3|-16384|15 +052198|flowOfLatHeatAtSurfPeriodSpecif|double|FLOW OF LAT.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|J m-2|-3|-16384|15 +052199|roughnessLengthMultipliedByG|double|ROUGHNESS LENGTH (MULTIPLIED BY G)|m2 s-2|2|0|12 +052200|boundaryLayerDissipation|double|BOUNDARY LAYER DISSIPATION|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +052201|soilHeatFluxSurface|double|SOIL HEAT FLUX, SURFACE|J m-2|-2|-16384|15 +052202|soilHeatFluxBottomOfLayer1|double|SOIL HEAT FLUX, BOTTOM OF LAYER 1|J m-2|-2|-16384|15 +053001|geopotentialDevFromFirstGuess|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053002|uComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053003|vComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053004|relHumidityDevFromFirstGuess|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|%|1|-1000|12 +053005|thicknessDevFromFirstGuess|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053011|geopotentialDevFromAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053012|uComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053013|vComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053014|relHumidityDevFromAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053015|thicknessDevFromAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053021|geopotentialDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053022|uComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053023|vComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053024|relHumidityDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053025|thicknessDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053031|geopotentialDevFromForecastA|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053032|uComponentDevFromForecastA|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053033|vComponentDevFromForecastA|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053034|relHumidityDevFromForecastA|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|%|1|-1000|12 +053035|thicknessDevFromForecastA|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053041|geopotentialDevFromForecastB|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053042|uComponentDevFromForecastB|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053043|vComponentDevFromForecastB|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053044|relHumidityDevFromForecastB|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|%|1|-1000|12 +053045|thicknessDevFromForecastB|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053051|geopotentialDevFromForecastC|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053052|uComponentDevFromForecastC|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053053|vComponentDevFromForecastC|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053054|relHumidityDevFromForecastC|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|%|1|-1000|12 +053055|thicknessDevFromForecastC|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053061|geopotentialQualityFlags|flag|GEOPOTENTIAL, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053062|uComponentQualityFlags|flag|U-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053063|vComponentQualityFlags|flag|V-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053064|relHumidityQualityFlags|flag|REL.HUMIDITY, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +053065|thicknessQualityFlags|flag|THICKNESS, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|14 +054201|yearOfDecoding|long|YEAR OF DECODING|a|0|0|12 +054202|monthOfDecoding|long|MONTH OF DECODING|mon|0|0|4 +054203|dayOfDecoding|long|DAY OF DECODING|d|0|0|6 +054204|hourOfDecoding|long|HOUR OF DECODING|h|0|0|5 +054205|minuteOfDecoding|long|MINUTE OF DECODING|min|0|0|6 +054211|numberOfDayOfMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF DAY OF MRZ BACK-UP FILE|d|0|0|6 +054212|numberOfRecordOnMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF RECORD ON MRZ BACK-UP FILE|Numeric|0|0|18 +054213|decodingRunningOnMfaOrMfbValues1Or0|long|DECODING RUNNING ON MFA/MFB (VALUES 1/0)|Numeric|0|0|2 +055192|kindOfPlants|table|KIND OF PLANTS|Code table|0|0|7 +055193|stepOfGrowth|table|STEP OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|7 +055194|progressOfGrowth|table|PROGRESS OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|4 +055195|plantDamage|table|PLANT DAMAGE|Code table|0|0|4 +055201|typeOfLandSurface|table|TYPE OF LAND SURFACE|Code table|0|0|5 +055202|plantCover|long|PLANT COVER|%|0|0|7 +055203|leafAreaIndex|long|LEAF AREA INDEX|%|0|0|7 diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/5/78/0/sequence.def b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/5/78/0/sequence.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f1398d53 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/5/78/0/sequence.def @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +"301192" = [ 054201, 054202, 054203, 054204, 054205, 054211, 054212, 054213, 002192, 002193, 002201 ] +"301193" = [ 301192, 204005, 031021, 301023, 301011, 301012, 204000 ] +"301194" = [ 301001, 007001, 010001, 002221 ] +"301198" = [ 002038, 002039 ] +"301199" = [ 002051, 026001, 026002 ] +"301200" = [ 004214, 004215 ] +"301201" = [ 002001, 002002 ] +"301202" = [ 002003, 002011, 002013, 002014 ] +"301203" = [ 002061, 008004 ] +"301204" = [ 002021, 002022, 002023, 002024, 002025 ] +"301205" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301206" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301207" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301211" = [ 301193, 001003, 301194, 001192, 301003, 001005, 001006, 001007, 001031 ] +"301220" = [ 201138, 202131, 004006, 201000, 202000, 301023 ] +"301221" = [ 202127, 001013, 202126, 007001, 202000, 025010, 021064 ] +"302192" = [ 010051, 010061, 010063 ] +"302193" = [ 010004, 007004, 010003 ] +"302194" = [ 011011, 011012 ] +"302195" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302196" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302197" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302201" = [ 012004, 012006, 013003 ] +"302202" = [ 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012013 ] +"302203" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302204" = [ 101003, 302203, 013013, 020062, 020062 ] +"302205" = [ 004031, 013011, 004194 ] +"302206" = [ 004031, 013012 ] +"302207" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302208" = [ 004031, 013012, 013013 ] +"302211" = [ 020001, 020003, 020004, 020005 ] +"302212" = [ 020010, 020011, 020013, 020012, 020012, 020012 ] +"302213" = [ 008002, 020011, 020012, 020013 ] +"302214" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302215" = [ 004031, 014031 ] +"302216" = [ 004031, 014021 ] +"302217" = [ 004031, 014023 ] +"302218" = [ 004031, 014002 ] +"302219" = [ 020221, 020222, 020223 ] +"302220" = [ 020221, 020222, 020223 ] +"302221" = [ 302192, 302193, 010062, 302194, 302201, 302211, 302212 ] +"302223" = [ 302195, 302202, 302204, 101004, 302213 ] +"302224" = [ 013032, 002004, 302214, 302215, 101002, 302216, 302217, 302218 ] +"302225" = [ 004192, 012004, 012061, 051192, 051193, 013203, 101004, 020193, 020194, 020195, 020196 ] +"302226" = [ 007061, 012030 ] +"302227" = [ 020197, 020198 ] +"302228" = [ 101007, 302226, 101008, 302227, 020199 ] +"302229" = [ 101003, 302219, 101003, 302220 ] +"302230" = [ 020011, 020013 ] +"302231" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010052, 302194, 302201, 302211, 020010, 011041, 101004, 302213, 204000 ] +"302232" = [ 031021, 010052, 302194, 011041, 012004, 012006, 020001, 020003, 302229, 101004, 302230 ] +"302235" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010051, 007004, 010003, 012004, 013004, 022042, 204000 ] +"302236" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013192, 014032 ] +"302237" = [ 004022, 008021, 302235, 004022, 008021, 302236, 004201, 014192, 204000 ] +"302238" = [ 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302235, 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302236, 204000 ] +"302240" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302241" = [ 004192, 012004, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012192, 012193, 012005, 012201, 013003 ] +"302242" = [ 001201, 020001, 020010, 020062, 020062, 020202, 020203, 020204, 020205, 020206 ] +"302243" = [ 013201, 013202, 013203 ] +"302244" = [ 204005, 031021, 012004, 012211, 010004, 013003, 012011, 101004, 004193, 012012, 101004, 004193 ] +"302245" = [ 004202, 020192 ] +"302246" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013193, 013194, 101004, 004193, 014032, 014192, 101014, 302245, 204000 ] +"303192" = [ 007003, 007004, 008001, 011001, 011002, 012001, 012003 ] +"303193" = [ 303192, 011061, 011062 ] +"303201" = [ 053001, 053011, 053021, 053031, 053041, 053051, 053061 ] +"303202" = [ 053002, 053012, 053022, 053032, 053042, 053052, 053062 ] +"303203" = [ 053003, 053013, 053023, 053033, 053043, 053053, 053063 ] +"303204" = [ 053004, 053014, 053024, 053034, 053044, 053054, 053064 ] +"303205" = [ 053005, 053015, 053025, 053035, 053045, 053055, 053065 ] +"304192" = [ 020010, 010004 ] +"306192" = [ 012005, 022042, 022011, 022021, 022012, 022022, 101002, 302023 ] +"307192" = [ 301211, 301198, 301200, 301201, 204005, 031021, 302221, 306192, 302223, 302224, 204000, 354192 ] +"307193" = [ 301211, 301201, 302231, 354192 ] +"307194" = [ 301211, 301200, 204005, 031021, 302196, 302225, 302205, 302206, 302228, 204000, 354193 ] +"307195" = [ 301211, 301201, 302232, 354192 ] +"307211" = [ 301211, 302237, 302238 ] +"307212" = [ 301211, 204005, 031021, 302197, 302241, 101002, 302207, 302208, 302243, 302242, 302240, 204000 ] +"307213" = [ 301211, 004022, 008021, 302244, 204000, 004022, 008021, 302246, 354192 ] +"307214" = [ 301211, 301199, 348201, 348202, 204005, 102024, 008052, 008022, 004022, 348198, 348199, 204000 ] +"307215" = [ 301211, 012211, 013193, 013003, 102005, 020192, 004202 ] +"309192" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101016, 303193, 204000 ] +"309193" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031001, 303192, 204000 ] +"309194" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101011, 303193, 204000 ] +"309201" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031002, 303193, 204000 ] +"309211" = [ 204005, 031021, 303192, 204000, 303201, 303202, 303203, 303204 ] +"309212" = [ 301211, 301202, 101000, 031001, 309211 ] +"310192" = [ 008001, 012001 ] +"310193" = [ 008001, 012001, 002222, 204007, 031021, 010004, 204000 ] +"310194" = [ 303021, 010003, 013016, 012001, 204000 ] +"310201" = [ 301211, 301204, 304192, 310192, 310193, 101000, 031001, 310194 ] +"310211" = [ 310194, 303204, 303205 ] +"310212" = [ 301211, 301204, 101000, 031001, 310211 ] +"311192" = [ 301211, 301203, 301204, 204005, 031021, 303192, 204004, 354192 ] +"311200" = [ 101000, 031000, 011076, 101000, 031000, 033025, 101000, 031000, 033026 ] +"312192" = [ 301211, 301204, 304003 ] +"312193" = [ 301211, 301204, 007004, 008003, 010002, 012001, 013003, 020010 ] +"312200" = [ 021073, 312042, 021062, 015011 ] +"313192" = [ 110000, 031001, 104000, 031001, 006012, 101000, 031012, 030001, 006012, 101000, 031001, 030001 ] +"313193" = [ 109000, 031000, 104000, 031001, 006012, 101000, 031011, 030001, 101000, 031001, 030001 ] +"318193" = [ 024192, 024193, 024194, 024195, 024196, 024197, 024198, 024199, 024200, 024201 ] +"318201" = [ 301211, 301206, 301207, 318193 ] +"321192" = [ 002132, 002133 ] +"348192" = [ 008021, 004022, 204005, 031021, 302051, 204000 ] +"348193" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 014032, 204000 ] +"348194" = [ 008051, 008020 ] +"348195" = [ 008021, 004022, 348193, 101002, 348194, 013051, 014033, 004053 ] +"348196" = [ 008021, 004022, 204005, 031021, 302051, 204000 ] +"348197" = [ 008051, 008020 ] +"348198" = [ 004003, 008053, 012052, 004003, 008053, 012053, 004003, 008053, 012016, 004003, 008053, 012017 ] +"348199" = [ 004003, 008053, 013052, 002002, 004003, 008053, 011041 ] +"348201" = [ 348192, 348195 ] +"348202" = [ 008021, 004001, 004001, 348196, 008021, 004022, 348193, 101002, 348197 ] +"351192" = [ 005002, 006002, 007004 ] +"351201" = [ 301211, 004015, 205015, 101000, 031001, 351192 ] +"352192" = [ 012221, 013221, 015192, 015193, 052192, 055201 ] +"352193" = [ 010192, 055202, 055203 ] +"352194" = [ 010004, 010051, 011042, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222, 012223 ] +"352195" = [ 201130, 013011, 013222, 013223, 013224, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011, 201000 ] +"352196" = [ 201131, 014012, 014014, 014201, 201000, 014202, 020010, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229 ] +"352197" = [ 202130, 052193, 052194, 202000, 052195, 052196, 052197, 052198, 052199 ] +"352198" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352199" = [ 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198 ] +"352200" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 352199 ] +"352201" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352200 ] +"352202" = [ 010004, 010004 ] +"352205" = [ 010004, 010051, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222 ] +"352206" = [ 201130, 013011, 013223, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011, 201000 ] +"352207" = [ 201131, 014012, 014014, 201000, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229, 052197, 052198 ] +"352208" = [ 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352209" = [ 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208 ] +"352210" = [ 352205, 352206, 352207, 352209 ] +"352211" = [ 301211, 052192, 055201, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352210 ] +"352217" = [ 020053, 020052, 020051, 020200, 013204, 013205, 013206, 052200, 013207, 013208, 013209 ] +"352218" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 202130, 011005, 202000, 012001, 013001, 013230 ] +"352219" = [ 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218 ] +"352220" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 201131, 014012, 014014, 201000, 352217, 352219, 352219, 352218 ] +"352221" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352220 ] +"352225" = [ 203015, 014012, 014014, 014201, 052200, 203255, 203020, 011005, 203255 ] +"352226" = [ 052201, 052202, 201131, 014012, 014014, 052200, 201000, 020053, 020052, 020051, 020200 ] +"352227" = [ 013204, 013205, 013206, 013207, 013208, 013209 ] +"352228" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 202130, 011005, 202000, 012001, 013001, 013230, 020010 ] +"352229" = [ 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228 ] +"352230" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 352226, 352227, 352229, 352229, 352229, 352229 ] +"352231" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 352225, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352230 ] +"353192" = [ 301205, 020010, 302194, 020004, 012004, 011041, 302203, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012 ] +"353193" = [ 004023, 012011, 012012, 013198, 014198, 302194, 011198 ] +"353201" = [ 301211, 101004, 353192 ] +"353202" = [ 301211, 101008, 353193 ] +"354192" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"354193" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"355192" = [ 004003, 055192, 007061, 013211 ] +"355193" = [ 004003, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030 ] +"355194" = [ 004192, 012004, 012011, 012012, 012013, 013003, 013011, 014031, 014021, 004004, 012004 ] +"355195" = [ 355193, 355194 ] +"355196" = [ 055192, 055193, 055194, 055195 ] +"355197" = [ 004003, 004004, 012004, 013003, 020211 ] +"355201" = [ 301211, 101048, 355192, 101007, 355195 ] +"355202" = [ 301211, 101016, 355196 ] +"355203" = [ 301211, 101168, 355197 ] diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11199.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11199.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..5b986df9f --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11199.table @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +0 0 Calm +1 1 Reserved +2 2 Light breeze +3 3 Reserved +4 4 Moderate breeze +5 5 Reserved +6 6 Strong breeze +7 7 Reserved +8 8 Gale +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11200.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11200.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f696a7861 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11200.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 None +1 1 Light turbulence +2 2 Moderate turbulence in clear air, infrequent +3 3 Moderate turbulence in clear air, frequent +4 4 Moderate turbulence in cloud, infrequent +5 5 Moderate turbulence in cloud, frequent +6 6 Severe turbulence in clear air, infrequent +7 7 Severe turbulence in clear air, frequent +8 8 Severe turbulence in cloud, infrequent +9 9 Severe turbulence in cloud, frequent +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11201.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11201.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..38d9f23a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11201.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Spot wind +1 1 Winds averaged over 100 nm preceding last fix, last fix 25 nm prior to the reported position +2 2 Winds averaged over 200 nm preceding last fix, last fix 25 nm prior to the reported position +3 3 Winds averaged over 300 nm preceding last fix, last fix 25 nm prior to the reported position +4 4 Winds averaged over 400 nm preceding last fix, last fix 25 nm prior to the reported position +5 5 Winds averaged over 100 nm preceding last fix, last fix 75 nm prior to the reported position +6 6 Winds averaged over 200 nm preceding last fix, last fix 75 nm prior to the reported position +7 7 Winds averaged over 300 nm preceding last fix, last fix 75 nm prior to the reported position +8 8 Winds averaged over 400 nm preceding last fix, last fix 75 nm prior to the reported position +9 9 Winds averaged over more than 400 nm +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11208.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11208.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..19f46f5c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11208.table @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +0 0 90% to 100% reliable - multiple drift with closed wind star, or small open star whenwinds are 50 kt or greater - short radar wind runs, wind obtained using Doppler radaror inertial omega system +1 1 85% to 100% reliable - multiple drift with small open star, or double drift or single driftwith average ground speed by timing - short radar wind run +2 2 80% to 100% reliable - fix to fix winds using the following pin point visual fixes, radarfixes or accurate loran fixes using good ground wave +3 3 75% to 90% reliable - fix to fix winds using two or three lines of position (LOPs) eitherloran, celestial, radio, or sight bearings or any combination of the three above whenall lines of position are considered reliabl +4 4 60% to 80% reliable - winds obtained using single drift and single LOP (Speed Line),air-plot, etc +5 5 50% to 75% reliable - fix to fix winds using two or three lines of position either loran,celestial, radio, or sight bearings or any combination of the above when one of thelines is not considered reliabl +6 6 Less than 50% reliable - winds obtained by any of the above methods that the navigatorbelieves to be inaccurate or of questionable accurac +7 7 No reliability - assumed or estimated wind +8 8 No wind - navigator unable to determine a wind +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11209.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11209.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..c369d326e --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/11209.table @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +0 0 Calm +4 4 NE +8 8 E +12 12 SE +16 16 S +20 20 SW +24 24 W +28 28 NW +32 32 N +63 63 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/1194.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/1194.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..c64d76a46 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/1194.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Basic observation without radar data capability +1 1 Intermediate observation with or without radar data capability +2 2 Basic observation with radar data capability +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/1200.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/1200.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..1c3d161db --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/1200.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Wind +1 1 Reserved +2 2 Visibility +3 3 Clouds +4 4 Hail/Ice pellets/freezing precipitation +5 5 Reserved +6 6 Precipitation +7 7 Reserved +8 8 Thunderstorm +9 9 Tornado +63 63 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/12195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/12195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..4e1ddced0 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/12195.table @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +0 0 No +1 1 Yes +2 2 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/12197.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/12197.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..00acbe7f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/12197.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 0 Not reported +1 1 Very unstable +2 2 Unstable +3 3 Slightly unstable +4 4 Neutral +5 5 Slightly stable +6 6 Stable +7 7 Very stable +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/12201.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/12201.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..20e37adf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/12201.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +5 5 Temperature positiv or 0.0 Celsius +6 6 Temperature negative and water (w) at the mull covering +7 7 Temperature negative and ice (e) at the mull covering +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..bad0c622b --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13192.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e57defd26 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13195.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 Very unstable +2 2 Unstable +3 3 Slightly unstable +4 4 Neutral +5 5 Slightly stable +6 6 Stable +7 7 Very stable +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13196.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13196.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9546fd596 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13196.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 No precipitation +1 1 Light rain (<0.5 mm/hr) +2 2 Moderate rain (0.5 to 4.0 mm/hr) +3 3 Heavy rain (>4.0 mm/hr) +4 4 Light snow (<0.5 cm/hr) +5 5 Moderate snow (0.5 to 4.0 cm/hr) +6 6 Heavy snow (>4.0 cm/hr) +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13232.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13232.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d010fe835 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13232.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Yes +1 1 No +2 2 Reserved +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13234.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13234.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..09cb5d89a --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13234.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Ice +1 1 Water +2 2 Reserved +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13237.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13237.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..1ce47eaaa --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/13237.table @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 Geschlossen +2 2 Reste +3 3 Flecken +4 4 Durchbrochen +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..ab74593f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20192.table @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +0 0 Summer Day +1 1 Day with maximum temperature of 30 degrees Celsius or more +2 2 Day with minimum temperature below 0 degrees Celsius +3 3 Day with maximum temperature below 0 degrees Celsius +4 4 Day with precipitation of 0.1 mm or more +5 5 Day with precipitation of 1.0 mm or more +6 6 Day with snow or hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) but no rain or drizzle +7 7 Day with snow or hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) cover +8 8 Sunny Day +9 9 Day with overcast sky +10 10 Day with thunderstorm +11 11 Day with Beaufort 6 or more +12 12 Day with Beaufort 8 or more +13 13 Day with both snow and/or hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) and rain and/or drizzle +31 31 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9867b3263 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20195.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Not used +1 1 More than zero to 4 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level developing during the past hour +2 2 4 to less than 8 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level developing during the past hour +3 3 8 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level developing during the past hour +4 4 More than zero to 4 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level on the whole unchanged during the past hour +5 5 4 to less than 8 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level on the whole unchanged during the past hour +6 6 8 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level on the whole unchanged during the past hour +7 7 More than zero to 4 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level dissolving during the past hour +8 8 4 to less than 8 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level dissolving during the past hour +9 9 8 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level dissolving during the past hour +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20201.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20201.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..be164a061 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20201.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 No precipitation at time of observation +1 1 Precipitation at time of observation +2 2 Reserved +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20203.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20203.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..0925de504 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20203.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 0 No precipitation +1 1 Total precipitation solely of depositional precipitation (solid and liquid) +2 2 Total precipitation solely of liquid depositional precipitation +3 3 Total precipitation solely of solid depositional precipitation +6 6 Liquid precipitation +7 7 Solid precipitation +8 8 Liquid and solid precipitation +9 9 No measurement +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20204.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20204.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..3b1a2f545 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20204.table @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 0 No fallen precipitation +1 1 Rain +2 2 Rain (freezing) +4 4 Snow +8 8 Graupel +16 16 Hail +63 63 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20205.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20205.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..aa4c7ae4c --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20205.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 No deposit +1 1 Dew (Tau) +2 2 Hoarfrost (Reif) +4 4 Rime (Raureif) +8 8 Glaze (Raueis, Klareis) +16 16 Glaze ice (Glatteis, Eisglaette) +32 32 Covering of Snow and/or Graupel and/or Hail greater than or equal 50 percent +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20206.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20206.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d8a91c147 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20206.table @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +0 0 No other weather phenomena +1 1 Fog +2 2 Thunderstorm +4 4 Strong wind +8 8 Stormy wind +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20207.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20207.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d6e680d75 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20207.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 Sky clear +1 1 Below cloud +2 2 On top +3 3 Between layers +4 4 In and out of cloud +5 5 In cloud +6 6 Reserved +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20208.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20208.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..a232125da --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20208.table @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +0 0 Below haze layer +1 1 Above haze layer +2 2 Showers +3 3 Drizzle +4 4 Fog at surface +5 5 Freezing rain +6 6 Rain +7 7 Snow +8 8 Hail +9 9 Thunderstorm +10 10 No significant weather +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20209.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20209.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..293737fb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20209.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 Arid +2 2 Dry +3 3 Average +4 4 Wet +5 5 Saturated +6 6 Waterlogged +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20210.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20210.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..de572c1dc --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20210.table @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +0 0 No significant weather phenomena +1 1 Blowing snow, sand storm, dust storm +2 2 Fog, ice fog, thick haze (visibility < 4 km) +3 3 Drizzle +4 4 Rain +5 5 Snow +6 6 Showers of snow, rain, rain and snow mixed, hail +7 7 Thunderstorm with or without precipitation +8 8 Top of inversion layer < 800 m +9 9 Top of inversion layer < 800 m (typo?) +10 10 Top of inversion layer < 800 m (typo?) +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20211.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20211.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..5e8ee99d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20211.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Precipitation less than 0.1 mm during the preceding hour +1 1 Precipitation greater than or equal 0.1 mm during the preceding hour +2 2 Precipitation not reported because recorder is not heated +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20212.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20212.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..a9dd13883 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20212.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No ice +1 1 < 1/10 - 2/10 +2 2 3/10 - 4/10 +3 3 5/10 +4 4 6/10 +5 5 7/10 +6 6 8/10 +7 7 9/10 +8 8 10/10 +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20213.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20213.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..2d6d68e8c --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20213.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Shore not observed +1 1 Shore extensively clear +2 2 Ice blocking less than half of the shore +3 3 Ice blocking more than half of the shore but some opeings visible +4 4 Ice blocking entire shore +5 5 Not used +6 6 Not used +7 7 Not used +8 8 Radar indications of shre ice but extent of caverage undetermined +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20214.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20214.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..8680b1a7e --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20214.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No sea ice +1 1 Slush or pancake ice +2 2 Level ice +3 3 Rafted ice +4 4 Pressure ridge/ridged ice +5 5 Hummocks +6 6 Pressure ice +7 7 Rotten disintegrated ice +8 8 Not used +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20215.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20215.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..6a7b2263b --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20215.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Open water +1 1 Ice in belts or patches +2 2 Ice evenly distributed +3 3 Polynya(s) in combination with leads or cracks +4 4 Lead(s) in combination with cracks +5 5 Single polynya +6 6 Single lead +7 7 No openings in the ice +8 8 Not used +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20216.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20216.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d41ad6903 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20216.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Equal in all directions +1 1 NE +2 2 E +3 3 SE +4 4 S +5 5 SW +6 6 W +7 7 NW +8 8 N +9 9 Direction not observalbe or phemomena unequally distributed +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20217.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20217.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9d01bfe64 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20217.table @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +0 0 No significant weather phenomena +3 3 Blowing snow, sand storm, dust storm +4 4 Fog, ice fog, thick haze (visibility < 4 km) +5 5 Drizzle +6 6 Rain +7 7 Snow +8 8 Showers of snow, rain, rain and snow mixed, hail +9 9 Thunderstorm with or without precipitation +10 10 Top of inversion layer < 800 m +11 11 Top of inversion layer < 800 m (typo?) +12 12 Top of inversion layer < 800 m (typo?) +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20218.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20218.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..6c6d209ea --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20218.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Sky clear +1 1 Clouded +2 2 Overcast +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20219.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20219.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..038e48f0e --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20219.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No significant weather +1 1 Smoke or haze +2 2 Fog in valley +3 3 Sandstorm, duststorm or blowing snow +4 4 Fog +5 5 Drizzle +6 6 Rain +7 7 Snow or rain and snow mixed +8 8 Shower(s) +9 9 Thunderstorm(s) with or without precipitation +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20220.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20220.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..be9e3100c --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20220.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 No specification +1 1 Light +2 2 Heavy +3 3 In the pat hour, but not at time of observation +4 4 Within sight +5 5 Freezing precipitation +9 9 Hail or ice pellets +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20221.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20221.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f0f3e2d00 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20221.table @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +0 0 Light (-) +1 1 Moderate +2 2 Heavy (+) +3 3 In the vicinity (VC) +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20224.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20224.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e24a208ef --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20224.table @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +0 0 Dry +1 1 Wet +2 2 Flooded +3 3 Slush +4 4 Ice patches +5 5 Glazed ice +6 6 Snow depth 0 - 19 cm +7 7 Snow dipth 20 cm or more +8 8 Snow drift +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20225.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20225.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..ef3156a76 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20225.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Dry +1 1 Wet +2 2 Pools of water on the surface +3 3 Flooded +4 4 Ground frozen 0 - 4 cm (use of spade possible) +5 5 Ground forzen >0 5 cm +6 6 Snow depth 0 to 4 cm +7 7 Snow depth 4 to 24 cm +8 8 Snow depth 25 to 44 cm +9 9 Snow depth >= 45 cm +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20226.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20226.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..91f988d98 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20226.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Not observed +1 1 No significant weather +2 2 Sleet +3 3 Dust or smoke +4 4 Fog or haze +5 5 Drizzle +6 6 Rain +7 7 Snow +8 8 Showers +9 9 Thunderstorms +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20228.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20228.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..c14a65339 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20228.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 N/A +1 1 N/A +2 2 N/A +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20230.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20230.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..10ea9d9d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20230.table @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +0 0 Mountain(s) free of cloud +1 1 Mountain(s) partly or temporarily in clouds +2 2 Mountain(s) in clouds +9 9 Mountains(s) not visible due to precipitation, haze/mist, fog or fog in patches in a sector <=30 degree +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20240.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20240.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..b5b35b1d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20240.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 < 0.05 km +1 1 0.05 km +2 2 0.2 km +3 3 0.5 km +4 4 1 km +5 5 2 km +6 6 4 km +7 7 10 km +8 8 20 km +9 9 >= 50 km +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20241.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20241.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f10bb0019 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/20241.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 0 Dry +1 1 Moist +2 2 Wet +3 3 Rime +4 4 Snow +5 5 Ice +6 6 Glaze +7 7 Not dry +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/21192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/21192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..13c663551 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/21192.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No report +1 1 NNE - SSW +2 2 NE - SW +3 3 ENE - WSW +4 4 E - W +5 5 ESE - WNW +6 6 SE - NW +7 7 SSE -NNW +8 8 S - N +9 9 Uncertain +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/21195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/21195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..0a455b4a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/21195.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 Not reported/indeterminate +1 1 Scattered +2 2 Solid precipitation +3 3 Scattered line +4 4 Solid line +5 5 Scattered, all quadrants +6 6 Solid, all quadrants +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/21196.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/21196.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..c0eed47a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/21196.table @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +0 0 No report or unknown +1 1 Weak +2 2 Moderate +3 3 Strong +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9b6e7a028 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2192.table @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 0 Original report, not corrected +32 32 Report corrected by decoding +33 33 CLIMAT report: Formal errors corrected manually +34 34 CLIMAT report: Internal errors corrected manually +40 40 Report corrected for 'Amtsblatt' +41 41 Report corrected for 'European weather report' +48 48 Report corrected by climatological checking diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2193.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2193.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..4bb4b66d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2193.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +1 1 Pseudo report diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2201.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2201.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..7edb42914 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2201.table @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +0 0 No errors detected +1 1 Slightly suspect +2 2 Bad +3 3 Corrected value +4 4 No errors detected +5 5 Slightly suspect +6 6 Bad +7 7 Corrected value +8 8 No errors detected +9 9 Slightly suspect +10 10 Bad +11 11 Corrected value +12 12 No errors detected +13 13 Slightly suspect +14 14 Bad +15 15 Corrected value +31 31 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/22193.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/22193.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..b6ba315d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/22193.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Water level normal +1 1 Water level much below normal +2 2 Water level high, but not overflowing +3 3 Banks overflowing +4 4 Floating ice (more than half) +5 5 Thin ice, complete cover, impassable for persons, 0 - 4 cm thick +6 6 Ice, complete cover, passable for persons, depth unknown +7 7 Ice, complete cover, 5 - 9 cm thick +8 8 Ice, complete cover, 10 - 24 cm thick +9 9 Ice, complete cover, 25 cm or more thick +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/22194.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/22194.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..54681c40c --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/22194.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Waves approaching from right side +1 1 Waves approaching directly from rear +2 2 Waves approaching from left side +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/22195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/22195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..90b6d400b --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/22195.table @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +0 0 0 - 10 metres +1 1 10 - 20 metres +2 2 20 - 30 metres +3 3 More than 30 metres +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2221.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2221.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e7083f289 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2221.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +1 1 Excellent (within 3 metres) +2 2 Good (within 10 metres) +3 3 Fair (within 20 metres) +4 4 Poor (more than 20 metres) +5 5 Excellent (within 3 feet) +6 6 Good (within 10 feet) +7 7 Fair (within 20 feet) +8 8 Poor (more than 20 feet) +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2222.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2222.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e5126c0ae --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2222.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2241.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2241.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e71477e33 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2241.table @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 ANT/Bosch +2 2 Boschung +3 3 SSI/Scan (MicKS) +4 4 Vaisala +5 5 Vibrometer +6 6 Malling +7 7 Lufft +8 8 Medipo +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2242.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2242.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..0a3d06d46 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2242.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 0 Fast lane between the wheel tracks +1 1 Fast lane between the wheel tracks in the opposite direction +2 2 Fast lane in the wheel tracks +3 3 Fast lane in the wheel tracks in the opposite direction +4 4 Slow lane between the wheel tracks +5 5 Slow lane between the wheel tracks in the opposite direction +6 6 Slow lane in the wheel tracks +7 7 Slow lane in the wheel tracks in the opposite direction +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2243.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2243.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f27dcc593 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2243.table @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +1 1 automatic; automatisc +2 2 manned; bemann +3 3 event triggered; Ereignis gesteuer +4 4 longer time period than the standard +5 5 Reserved diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2244.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2244.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..463863c5e --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2244.table @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +0 0 free track without further information +1 1 free track, embankment +2 2 free track, flat relative to surroundings +3 3 free track, water basin(s) in vicinity +4 4 free track, forest +5 5 free track, cleft +6 6 free track on hilltop +7 7 free track on hilltop, forest +8 8 free track in valley +9 9 free track in valley, forest +10 10 free track, north inclination +11 11 free track, north inclination, forest +12 12 free track, south inclination +13 13 free track, south inclination, forest +20 20 bridge without further information +21 21 bridge across a valley in a urban area +22 22 bridge across a valley with forest/meadows/fielde +23 23 bridge across street/track +24 24 bridge across big river/canal +25 25 bridge across river/canal of medium size +26 26 bridge across a small stream/loading canal +31 31 missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2245.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2245.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d38b8e569 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/2245.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 asphalt +1 1 concrete +2 2 concrete construction +3 3 steel-girder construction +4 4 box girder bridge +5 5 orthotrope slab +6 6 drain asphalt +15 15 missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e5126c0ae --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24192.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24193.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24193.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..991620db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24193.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24194.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24194.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..991620db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24194.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..5d6fd2cf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24195.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +1023 1023 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24198.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24198.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d6f8fcdff --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24198.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Observed value reported +1 1 Actual value less than reported value +2 2 Actual value greater than reported value +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24199.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24199.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..991620db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24199.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24201.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24201.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..bebe506ed --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/24201.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Routine observation +1 1 Special observation +2 2 Test observation +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/25192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/25192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..a35c4a8b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/25192.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 0 Dew point not measured/aircraft below 10000 m +1 1 Dew point not measured/aircraft at or above 10000 m +2 2 Dew point not measured/aircraft below 10000 m and flight level temperature -50 Celsius or colder +3 3 Dew point not measured/aircraft at or above 10000 m and flight level temperature -50 Celsius or colder +4 4 Dew point measured/aircraft below 10000 m +5 5 Dew point measured/aircraft at or above 10000 m +6 6 Dew point measured/aircraft below 10000 m and flight level temperature -50 Celsius or colder +7 7 Dew point measured/aircraft at or above 10000 m and flight level temperature -50 Celsius or colder +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/33192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/33192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..90d03f486 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/33192.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Not suspect (> 90%) +1 1 Suspect (<= 90%) +2 2 Reserved +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/4192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/4192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..0d7e50717 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/4192.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 Past day +2 2 Present day +3 3 Mean from 24 Measurements from day before past day 23:50 UTC until past day 22:50 UTC +4 4 Mean from 3 Measurements at 06:50, 13:50 and 20:50 UTC from past day +5 5 From past day 06:30 UTC until 06:30 UTC (today) +6 6 From past day 21 UTC until 21 UTC (today) +7 7 Last 10 hours +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..991620db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55192.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55193.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55193.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..991620db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55193.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55194.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55194.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e5126c0ae --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55194.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e5126c0ae --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55195.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55196.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55196.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..c5eadcabb --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/55196.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 Unknown +1 1 Water +2 2 Bare +3 3 Shrubs +4 4 Woods +5 5 Urban +6 6 Reserved +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56001.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56001.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..08612fcce --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56001.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Total cloud amount less than 1/8 +1 1 Total cloud amount at least 1/8, with either 1/8 to 4/8 above or 1/8 to 4/8 below, or combinations thereof +2 2 Cloud amount more than 4/8 above and 0 to 4/8 below +3 3 Cloud amount 0 to 4/8 above and more than 4/8 below +4 4 Cloud amount more than 4/8 above and more than 4/8 below +5 5 Chaotic sky, many undefined layers +6 6 In and out of clouds, Instrument Meteorological Conditions 25 percent of the time +7 7 In and out of clouds, Instrument Meteorological Conditions 50 percent of the time +8 8 In and out of clouds, Instrument Meteorological Conditions 75 percent of the time +9 9 In clouds all the time, continuous Instrument Meteorological Conditions +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56002.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56002.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f70e52003 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56002.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No significant weather +1 1 Smoke, haze or volcanic ashes +2 2 Hail or shower with hail +3 3 Sandstorm, dust storm or blowing snow +4 4 Fog +5 5 Drizzle +6 6 Rain +7 7 Snow, or rain and snow mixed +8 8 Shower +9 9 Thunderstorm +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56003.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56003.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..ed30284fc --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56003.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No change +1 1 Marked wind shift +2 2 Beginning or ending of marked turbulence +3 3 Marked temperature change (not with altitude) +4 4 Precipitation begins or ends +5 5 Change in cloud forms +6 6 For or ice fog bank begins or ends +7 7 Warm front +8 8 Cold front +9 9 Front, type not specified +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56004.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56004.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..da72309d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56004.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No report +1 1 Signs of hurricane +2 2 Ugly, threatening sky +3 3 Dust storm or sandstorm +4 4 Fog or ice fog +5 5 Waterspout +6 6 Cirrastratus layer or bank +7 7 Altostratus or altocumulus layer or bank +8 8 Line of heavy cumulus +9 9 Cumulonimbus heads or thunderstorm +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56005.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56005.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..4c0487696 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56005.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Light +1 1 Moderate +2 2 Severe +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56006.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56006.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..17f745f2d --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56006.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 None +1 1 Rime ice in cloud +2 2 Clear ice in cloud +3 3 Combination rime and clear ice in cloud +4 4 Rime ice in precipitation +5 5 Clear ice in precipitation +6 6 Combination rime and clear ine in precipitation +7 7 Frost (icing in clear air) +8 8 Non-persistatnt contrails (less than 1/4 nmi (nautical mile?) long) +9 9 Persistent contrails +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56009.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56009.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..3723ab41d --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56009.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 In-flight visibility 0 to and including 1 nmi (nautical mile?) +1 1 In-flight visibility > 1 to 3 nmi +2 2 In-flight visibility > 3 nmi +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56010.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56010.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..041b5de03 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56010.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No ice +1 1 < 1/10 to 2/10 +2 2 3/10 to 4/10 +3 3 5/10 +4 4 6/10 +5 5 7/10 +6 6 8/10 +7 7 9/10 +8 8 10/10 +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56011.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56011.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..7b2f90b4d --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56011.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No sea-ice +1 1 Slush or pancake ice +2 2 Level ice (ice having a flat and level surface) +3 3 Rafted ice (a type of pressure ice formed by one cake overriding another) +4 4 Pressure ridge/ridged ice (pressure ice in the form of a ridge or many ridges) +5 5 Hummocks +6 6 Pressure ice +7 7 Rotten, disintegrating ice +8 8 Not used +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56012.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56012.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..dde00b40e --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56012.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No puddles +1 1 Puddles joined, extensive cracking +2 2 Puddles melted through +3 3 Puddles cover 7 - 9 tenths of ice area +4 4 Puddles cover 4 - 6 tenths of ice area +5 5 Puddles cover 1 -3 tenths of ice area +6 6 Puddles cover less than 1 tenth of ice area +7 7 Puddles frozen +8 8 Ice without puddles +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56013.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56013.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f4ee72b2a --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/56013.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No distinct orientation +1 1 NE - SW +2 2 E - W +3 3 SE - NW +4 4 N - S +5 5 Parallels shore at east +6 6 Parallels shore at south +7 7 Parallels shore at west +8 8 Parallels shore at north +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/6192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/6192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..3cd2e797b --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/6192.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No report +1 1 Previous position +2 2 Present position +3 3 30 nautical miles +4 4 60 nautical miles +5 5 90 nautical miles +6 6 120 nautical miles +7 7 150 nautical miles +8 8 180 nautical miles +9 9 More than 180 nautical miles +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..813fccdb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8192.table @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 First guess +2 2 Analysis +3 3 Initialized analysis +4 4 Forecast A +5 5 Forecast B +6 6 Forecast C +7 7 Forecast D +8 8 Forecast E +9 9 Forecast F +10 10 Forecast G +63 63 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8193.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8193.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..666de1276 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8193.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Sea-level pressure +1 1 Altitude of 200 hPa surface +2 2 Altitude of 850 hPa surface +3 3 Altitude of 700 hPa surface +4 4 Altitude of 500 hPa surface +5 5 Altitude of 400 hPa surface +6 6 Altitude of 300 hPa surface +7 7 Altitude of 250 hPa surface +8 8 D-value +9 9 No absolute altitude available or geopotential data inaccurate +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..7d189a818 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8195.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +9 9 Forecast +10 10 Control forecast +11 11 Pertubed forecast +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8196.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8196.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9126e14b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8196.table @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +0 0 Total concentration of ice +1 1 Amount of slush, brash and ice-cakes +2 2 Amount of small and medium floes +3 3 Amount of giant floes and ice fields +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8197.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8197.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e6b0cea2d --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8197.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 Drift ice boundary data follow +2 2 Fast ice boundary data follow +3 3 Lead data follow +4 4 Polynya data follow +5 5 Ice belt data follow +6 6 Reserved +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8198.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8198.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..20c5e6547 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8198.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 Automatically acquired data +1 1 Manually acquired data +2 2 Controlling measurements +3 3 Alternative measurements +4 4 Reference measurements +5 5 ""Nebenamtliche"" measurement +6 6 Meteorological reports and alarms +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8199.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8199.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f40fda101 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/codetables/8199.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 N/A +1 1 Creation date +2 2 Observation date +3 3 N/A +4 4 N/A +5 5 N/A +6 6 N/A +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/element.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/element.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e2f3a42db --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/element.table @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +#code|abbreviation|type|name|unit|scale|reference|width|crex_unit|crex_scale|crex_width +001192|icaoLocationIndicator|string|ICAO LOCATION INDICATOR|CCITT IA5|0|0|32 +001201|placeOfObsOfVisibiltyOrCloudCover|long|PLACE OF OBS. OF VISIBILTY/CLOUD COVER|Numeric|0|0|4 +002192|corMessageMark|table|COR MESSAGE MARK|Code table|0|0|8 +002193|pseudoReport|flag|PSEUDO REPORT|Flag table|0|0|2 +002201|overallQualityBits|table|OVERALL QUALITY BITS|Code table|0|0|5 +002221|unitsOfElevationOrConfidenceFactor|table|UNITS OF ELEVATION/CONFIDENCE FACTOR|Code table|0|0|4 +002222|satellDataProcessTechnUsedFTropop|table|SATELL.DATA PROCESS.TECHN.USED F.TROPOP.|Code table|0|0|4 +002231|verificationObservationCodeType|table|VERIFICATION: OBSERVATION CODE TYPE|Code table|0|0|8 +004192|durationOfTimeRelatToFollowValue|table|DURATION OF TIME RELAT.TO FOLLOW.VALUE|Code table|0|0|4 +004193|dayOfOccOfDataValOfPrevElement|long|DAY OF OCC.OF DATA VAL.OF PREV.ELEMENT|d|0|0|6 +004194|durationOfPrecipitDuringPastHour|long|DURATION OF PRECIPIT.DURING PAST HOUR|min|0|0|6 +004201|numberOfDaysWithPrecipitationGe1mm|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH PRECIPITATION GE 1MM|Numeric|0|0|6 +004202|numberOfDaysWithSpecWeaPhenomena|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPEC.WEA.PHENOMENA|d|0|0|6 +004214|actualHourOfObservation|long|ACTUAL HOUR OF OBSERVATION|h|0|0|5 +004215|actualMinuteOfObservation|long|ACTUAL MINUTE OF OBSERVATION|min|0|0|6 +005195|ensembleMemberNumberEcmf|long|ENSEMBLE MEMBER NUMBER (ECMF)|Numeric|0|0|7 +005231|verifXCoordOfRefModelGridPoint|long|VERIF.:X-COORD.OF REF.MODEL GRID POINT|Numeric|0|0|12 +005232|verifNumberOfGridPointsInXDirect|long|VERIF.:NUMBER OF GRID POINTS IN X DIRECT|Numeric|0|0|12 +006231|verifYCoordOfRefModelGridPoint|long|VERIF.:Y-COORD.OF REF.MODEL GRID POINT|Numeric|0|0|12 +006232|verifNumberOfGridPointsInYDirect|long|VERIF.:NUMBER OF GRID POINTS IN Y DIRECT|Numeric|0|0|12 +007231|heightOfModelOrography|long|HEIGHT OF MODEL OROGRAPHY|m|0|-400|15 +008192|fieldFromWhichDeviationIsCalculated|table|FIELD FROM WHICH DEVIATION IS CALCULATED|Code table|0|0|6 +008195|dataTypeEcmf|table|DATA TYPE (ECMF)|Code table|0|0|7 +008231|verificationReportCharacteristics|table|VERIFICATION: REPORT CHARACTERISTICS|Code table|0|0|10 +010192|depthOfRoots|double|DEPTH OF ROOTS|m|2|0|10 +011192|uComponentAt10M|double|U-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011193|vComponentAt10M|double|V-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011198|probabilityOfGusts|long|PROBABILITY OF GUSTS|%|0|0|7 +012192|groundMinimumTempPast10HoursClim|double|GROUND MINIMUM TEMP.,PAST 10 HOURS(CLIM)|K|1|0|12 +012193|depthOfSnowAboveGroundMinimumTherm|double|DEPTH OF SNOW ABOVE GROUND MINIMUM THERM|m|2|-2|10 +012194|groundMinimumTempPeriodSpecified|double|GROUND MINIMUM TEMP.,PERIOD SPECIFIED|K|1|0|12 +012195|snowAboveGroundMinimumThermYOrN|table|SNOW ABOVE GROUND MINIMUM THERM., Y/N|Code table|0|0|2 +012199|maxTemperAt2MPast6HoursEcmf|double|MAX. TEMPER. AT 2 M, PAST 6 HOURS, ECMF|K|1|0|12 +012200|minTemperAt2MPast6HoursEcmf|double|MIN. TEMPER. AT 2 M, PAST 6 HOURS, ECMF|K|1|0|12 +012201|waterOrIceOrSignWetBulbTemperature|table|WATER/ICE/SIGN(WET BULB TEMPERATURE)|Code table|0|0|4 +012211|dryBulbTempAt2MDeviatFromNormal|double|DRY BULB TEMP.AT 2 M, DEVIAT.FROM NORMAL|K|1|-128|8 +012221|temperatAtBottomOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERAT.AT BOTTOM OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +012222|temperatureOfSnowCover|double|TEMPERATURE OF SNOW COVER|K|1|0|12 +012223|temperatureAtTopOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERATURE AT TOP OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +013192|frequencyGroupPrecUntil1Nov94|table|FREQUENCY GROUP, PREC. (UNTIL 1 NOV 94)|Code table|0|0|4 +013193|totalPrecipitationForTheMonth|long|TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|12 +013194|maximumOfDailyPrecipitation|double|MAXIMUM OF DAILY PRECIPITATION|m|4|-1|14 +013198|probabilityOfPrecipitation|long|PROBABILITY OF PRECIPITATION|%|0|0|7 +013201|totalDepthOfSnowAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL DEPTH OF SNOW AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|2|-2|16 +013202|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|4|-1|14 +013203|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|M/M|2|0|7 +013204|snowLargeScale+Convective|double|SNOW, LARGE SCALE + CONVECTIVE|kg m-2|1|-1|14 +013205|largeScalePrecipitionRainAndSnow|double|LARGE SCALE PRECIPITION (RAIN AND SNOW)|m|4|0|14 +013206|convectivePrecipitionRainAndSnow|double|CONVECTIVE PRECIPITION (RAIN AND SNOW)|m|4|0|14 +013207|skinReservoirContent|double|SKIN RESERVOIR CONTENT|m|5|0|20 +013208|surfaceWaterRunoff|double|SURFACE WATER RUNOFF|kg m-2|2|-1|19 +013209|groundWaterRunoff|double|GROUND WATER RUNOFF|kg m-2|2|-1|19 +013211|soilHumidity|double|SOIL HUMIDITY|m|-3|0|7 +013221|totalWaterContentsInLowerSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS IN LOWER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013222|totalWaterContentsIMiddleSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013223|totalWaterContentsIUpperSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.UPPER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013224|specificHumidityAtSurfOrEarthOrSnow|double|SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT SURF./EARTH OR SNOW|kg/kg|5|0|14 +013225|largeScaleRainDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013226|largeScaleSnowDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013227|convectiveRainDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013228|convectiveSnowDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013229|mixingRatioInFog|double|MIXING RATIO IN FOG|kg/kg|5|0|14 +013230|cloudWaterContent|double|CLOUD WATER CONTENT|kg/kg|7|0|14 +014192|totalSunshineForTheMonth|long|TOTAL SUNSHINE FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|9 +014198|sunshine|long|SUNSHINE|%|0|0|7 +014201|photosytheticActiveRadiationAtSurf|double|PHOTOSYTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION AT SURF.|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +014202|albedoOfSurfaceShortWave|long|ALBEDO OF SURFACE (SHORT WAVE)|%|0|0|7 +015192|ozoneVerticallyIntegrated|double|OZONE, VERTICALLY INTEGRATED|Pa|4|0|14 +015193|pressureOfOzoneMaximum|double|PRESSURE OF OZONE MAXIMUM|Pa|-1|0|14 +020192|typeOfSpecialWeatherPhenomena|table|TYPE OF SPECIAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|5 +020193|additionalWeatherPhenomena|table|ADDITIONAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|7 +020194|heightOfTopOfPhenomena|double|HEIGHT OF TOP OF PHENOMENA|m|-1|-40|11 +020195|weatherPhenomena|table|WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|4 +020196|directionOfMainOccOfWeatherPhen|long|DIRECTION OF MAIN OCC.OF WEATHER PHEN.|deg|0|0|12 +020197|baseOfCloudClass|long|BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020198|numberOfValuesInBaseOfCloudClass|long|NUMBER OF VALUES IN BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020199|lowestHeightOBaseOCloudDurLastH|double|LOWEST HEIGHT O.BASE O.CLOUD DUR.LAST H.|m|-1|-40|11 +020200|amountOfConvectiveClouds|long|AMOUNT OF (CONVECTIVE) CLOUDS|%|0|0|7 +020201|precipitAtTimeOfObservAutomStat|table|PRECIPIT.AT TIME OF OBSERV.(AUTOM.STAT.)|Code table|0|0|2 +020202|presentWeatherClimatologObservation|table|PRESENT WEATHER (CLIMATOLOG.OBSERVATION)|Code table|0|0|8 +020203|formOfPrecipitation|table|FORM OF PRECIPITATION|Code table|0|0|4 +020204|fallenPrecipitationDayBefore|table|FALLEN PRECIPITATION (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|6 +020205|dewRimeEtcDayBefore|table|DEW, RIME ETC. (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|7 +020206|otherWeatherDayBefore|table|OTHER WEATHER (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|4 +020211|precipitationDuringPrecedingHourYOrN|table|PRECIPITATION DURING PRECEDING HOUR Y/N|Code table|0|0|2 +020221|intensityOrProximityOfWeather|table|INTENSITY OR PROXIMITY OF WEATHER|Code table|0|0|3 +020222|descriptorOfWeather|string|DESCRIPTOR OF WEATHER|CCITT IA5|0|0|16 +020223|weatherPhenomenaMetar|string|WEATHER PHENOMENA (METAR)|CCITT IA5|0|0|48 +020231|verticalCloudAmount|long|VERTICAL CLOUD AMOUNT|%|0|0|7 +020232|modifiedCloudAmount|long|MODIFIED CLOUD AMOUNT|%|0|0|7 +020233|verificationDerivedLowCloudCover|long|VERIFICATION: DERIVED LOW CLOUD COVER|%|0|0|7 +020234|maxMeteorologOpticalRange|long|MAX. METEOROLOG. OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|14 +020235|minMeteorologOpticalRange|long|MIN. METEOROLOG. OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|14 +020236|meteorologOpticalRange|long|METEOROLOG. OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|14 +024192|typeOfObservation|table|TYPE OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|4 +024193|methodOfObservation|table|METHOD OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024194|statusOfObservation|table|STATUS OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024195|nuclid|table|NUCLID|Code table|0|0|10 +024196|baseOfObservedValue|long|BASE OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|0|10 +024197|exponentOfObservedValue|long|EXPONENT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|-15|5 +024198|indicatorOnObservedValue|table|INDICATOR ON OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|2 +024199|unitOfObservedValue|table|UNIT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|7 +024200|errorOfObservedData|double|ERROR OF OBSERVED DATA|%|1|0|10 +024201|routineOrSpecialOrTestObservation|table|ROUTINE/SPECIAL/TEST OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|2 +051192|shortDistanceLightning|long|SHORT DISTANCE LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +051193|distantLightning|long|DISTANT LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +052192|landSeaRatio|long|LAND SEA RATIO|%|0|0|7 +052193|coeffOfTurbTranfOfImpulseSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF IMPULSE,SURFACE|Code table|5|0|17 +052194|coeffOfTurbTranfOfHeatOrHumSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF HEAT/HUM.,SURFACE|Code table|5|0|17 +052195|impulseFlowUAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(U) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052196|impulseFlowVAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(V) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052197|flowOfSensHeatAtSurfPeriodSpec|double|FLOW OF SENS.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPEC.|J m-2|-3|-16384|15 +052198|flowOfLatHeatAtSurfPeriodSpecif|double|FLOW OF LAT.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|J m-2|-3|-16384|15 +052199|roughnessLengthMultipliedByG|double|ROUGHNESS LENGTH (MULTIPLIED BY G)|m2 s-2|2|0|12 +052200|boundaryLayerDissipation|double|BOUNDARY LAYER DISSIPATION|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +052201|soilHeatFluxSurface|double|SOIL HEAT FLUX, SURFACE|J m-2|-2|-16384|15 +052202|soilHeatFluxBottomOfLayer1|double|SOIL HEAT FLUX, BOTTOM OF LAYER 1|J m-2|-2|-16384|15 +053001|geopotentialDevFromFirstGuess|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053002|uComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053003|vComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053004|relHumidityDevFromFirstGuess|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|%|1|-1000|12 +053005|thicknessDevFromFirstGuess|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053011|geopotentialDevFromAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053012|uComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053013|vComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053014|relHumidityDevFromAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053015|thicknessDevFromAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053021|geopotentialDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053022|uComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053023|vComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053024|relHumidityDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053025|thicknessDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053031|geopotentialDevFromForecastA|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053032|uComponentDevFromForecastA|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053033|vComponentDevFromForecastA|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053034|relHumidityDevFromForecastA|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|%|1|-1000|12 +053035|thicknessDevFromForecastA|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053041|geopotentialDevFromForecastB|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053042|uComponentDevFromForecastB|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053043|vComponentDevFromForecastB|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053044|relHumidityDevFromForecastB|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|%|1|-1000|12 +053045|thicknessDevFromForecastB|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053051|geopotentialDevFromForecastC|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053052|uComponentDevFromForecastC|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053053|vComponentDevFromForecastC|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053054|relHumidityDevFromForecastC|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|%|1|-1000|12 +053055|thicknessDevFromForecastC|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053061|geopotentialQualityFlags|flag|GEOPOTENTIAL, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053062|uComponentQualityFlags|flag|U-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053063|vComponentQualityFlags|flag|V-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053064|relHumidityQualityFlags|flag|REL.HUMIDITY, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053065|thicknessQualityFlags|flag|THICKNESS, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053066|temperatureQualityFlags|flag|TEMPERATURE,QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053067|pressureAtObsLevelQualityFlags|flag|PRESSURE AT OBS.LEVEL,QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053068|dewPointTemperatureQualityFlags|flag|DEW POINT TEMPERATURE,QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053069|maxWindGustsQualityFlags|flag|MAX WIND (GUSTS), QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053070|maxTemperature2mQualityFlags|flag|MAX TEMPERATURE(2M), QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053071|minTemperature2mQualityFlags|flag|MIN TEMPERATURE(2M), QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053072|groundMinTemperatureQualityFlags|flag|GROUND MIN.TEMPERATURE, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053073|cloudCoverQualityFlags|flag|CLOUD COVER, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053074|lowCloudCoverQualityFlags|flag|LOW CLOUD COVER, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053075|horizontalVisibilityQualityFlags|flag|HORIZONTAL VISIBILITY, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053076|totalPrecipitationQualityFlags|flag|TOTAL PRECIPITATION, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053077|globalRadiationQualityFlags|flag|GLOBAL RADIATION, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053101|geopotentialDevFrDefField|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m2 s-2|0|-16384|15 +053102|uComponentDevFrDefField|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m/s|1|-2048|12 +053103|vComponentDevFrDefField|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m/s|1|-2048|12 +053104|relativeHumidityDevFrDefField|double|RELATIVE HUMIDITY,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|%|1|-1024|11 +053105|thicknessDevFrDefField|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m2 s-2|0|-16384|15 +053106|temperatureDevFrDefField|double|TEMPERATURE,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|2|-8096|14 +053107|pressureAtObsLevelDevFrDefField|long|PRESSURE AT OBS.LEVEL,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|Pa|0|-16384|15 +053108|dewPointTemperatureDevFrDefField|double|DEW POINT TEMPERATURE,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|1|-1024|11 +053109|maxWindGustsDevFrDefField|double|MAX WIND (GUSTS),DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m/s|1|-2048|12 +053110|maxTemperature2mDevFrDefField|double|MAX TEMPERATURE(2M),DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|1|-1024|11 +053111|minTemperature2mDevFrDefField|double|MIN TEMPERATURE(2M),DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|1|-1024|11 +053112|groundMinTemperatureDevFrDefField|double|GROUND MIN.TEMPERATURE,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|1|-1024|11 +053113|cloudCoverDevFrDefField|long|CLOUD COVER,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|%|0|-128|8 +053114|lowCloudCoverDevFrDefField|long|LOW CLOUD COVER,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|%|0|-128|8 +053115|horizontalVisibilityDevFrDefField|double|HORIZONTAL VISIBILITY,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m|-1|-8192|14 +053116|totalPrecipitationDevFrDefField|double|TOTAL PRECIPITATION,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|kg m-2|1|-16384|15 +053117|globalRadiationDevFrDefField|double|GLOBAL RADIATION,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|J m-2|-4|-32768|16 +054201|yearOfDecoding|long|YEAR OF DECODING|a|0|0|12 +054202|monthOfDecoding|long|MONTH OF DECODING|mon|0|0|4 +054203|dayOfDecoding|long|DAY OF DECODING|d|0|0|6 +054204|hourOfDecoding|long|HOUR OF DECODING|h|0|0|5 +054205|minuteOfDecoding|long|MINUTE OF DECODING|min|0|0|6 +054211|numberOfDayOfMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF DAY OF MRZ BACK-UP FILE|d|0|0|6 +054212|numberOfRecordOnMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF RECORD ON MRZ BACK-UP FILE|Numeric|0|0|18 +054213|decodingRunningOnMfaOrMfbValues1Or0|long|DECODING RUNNING ON MFA/MFB (VALUES 1/0)|Numeric|0|0|2 +055192|kindOfPlants|table|KIND OF PLANTS|Code table|0|0|7 +055193|stepOfGrowth|table|STEP OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|7 +055194|progressOfGrowth|table|PROGRESS OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|4 +055195|plantDamage|table|PLANT DAMAGE|Code table|0|0|4 +055201|typeOfLandSurface|table|TYPE OF LAND SURFACE|Code table|0|0|5 +055202|plantCover|long|PLANT COVER|%|0|0|7 +055203|leafAreaIndex|long|LEAF AREA INDEX|%|0|0|7 diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/sequence.def b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/sequence.def new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f86306e25 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/6/78/0/sequence.def @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +"301192" = [ 054201, 054202, 054203, 054204, 054205, 054211, 054212, 054213, 002192, 002193, 002201 ] +"301193" = [ 301192, 204005, 031021, 301023, 301011, 301012, 204000 ] +"301194" = [ 301001, 007001, 010001, 002221 ] +"301198" = [ 002038, 002039 ] +"301199" = [ 002051, 026001, 026002 ] +"301200" = [ 004214, 004215 ] +"301201" = [ 002001, 002002 ] +"301202" = [ 002003, 002011, 002013, 002014 ] +"301203" = [ 002061, 008004 ] +"301204" = [ 002021, 002022, 002023, 002024, 002025 ] +"301205" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301206" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301207" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301211" = [ 301193, 001003, 301194, 001192, 301003, 001005, 001006, 001007, 001031 ] +"301220" = [ 201138, 202131, 004006, 201000, 202000, 301023 ] +"301221" = [ 202127, 001013, 202126, 007001, 202000, 025010, 021064 ] +"302192" = [ 010051, 010061, 010063 ] +"302193" = [ 010004, 007004, 010003 ] +"302194" = [ 011011, 011012 ] +"302195" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302196" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302197" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302201" = [ 012004, 012006, 013003 ] +"302202" = [ 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012013 ] +"302203" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302204" = [ 101003, 302203, 013013, 020062, 020062 ] +"302205" = [ 004031, 013011, 004194 ] +"302206" = [ 004031, 013012 ] +"302207" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302208" = [ 004031, 013012, 013013 ] +"302211" = [ 020001, 020003, 020004, 020005 ] +"302212" = [ 020010, 020011, 020013, 020012, 020012, 020012 ] +"302213" = [ 008002, 020011, 020012, 020013 ] +"302214" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302215" = [ 004031, 014031 ] +"302216" = [ 004031, 014021 ] +"302217" = [ 004031, 014023 ] +"302218" = [ 004031, 014002 ] +"302219" = [ 020221, 020222, 020223 ] +"302220" = [ 020221, 020222, 020223 ] +"302221" = [ 302192, 302193, 010062, 302194, 302201, 302211, 302212 ] +"302223" = [ 302195, 302202, 302204, 101004, 302213 ] +"302224" = [ 013032, 002004, 302214, 302215, 101002, 302216, 302217, 302218 ] +"302225" = [ 004192, 012004, 012061, 051192, 051193, 013203, 101004, 020193, 020194, 020195, 020196 ] +"302226" = [ 007061, 012030 ] +"302227" = [ 020197, 020198 ] +"302228" = [ 101007, 302226, 101008, 302227, 020199 ] +"302229" = [ 101003, 302219, 101003, 302220 ] +"302230" = [ 020011, 020013 ] +"302231" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010052, 302194, 302201, 302211, 020010, 011041, 101004, 302213, 204000 ] +"302232" = [ 031021, 010052, 302194, 011041, 012004, 012006, 020001, 020003, 302229, 101004, 302230 ] +"302235" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010051, 007004, 010003, 012004, 013004, 022042, 204000 ] +"302236" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013192, 014032 ] +"302237" = [ 004022, 008021, 302235, 004022, 008021, 302236, 004201, 014192, 204000 ] +"302238" = [ 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302235, 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302236, 204000 ] +"302240" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302241" = [ 004192, 012004, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012192, 012193, 012005, 012201, 013003 ] +"302242" = [ 001201, 020001, 020010, 020062, 020062, 020202, 020203, 020204, 020205, 020206 ] +"302243" = [ 013201, 013202, 013203 ] +"302244" = [ 204005, 031021, 012004, 012211, 010004, 013003, 012011, 101004, 004193, 012012, 101004, 004193 ] +"302245" = [ 004202, 020192 ] +"302246" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013193, 013194, 101004, 004193, 014032, 014192, 101014, 302245, 204000 ] +"303192" = [ 007003, 007004, 008001, 011001, 011002, 012001, 012003 ] +"303193" = [ 303192, 011061, 011062 ] +"303201" = [ 053001, 053011, 053021, 053031, 053041, 053051, 053061 ] +"303202" = [ 053002, 053012, 053022, 053032, 053042, 053052, 053062 ] +"303203" = [ 053003, 053013, 053023, 053033, 053043, 053053, 053063 ] +"303204" = [ 053004, 053014, 053024, 053034, 053044, 053054, 053064 ] +"303205" = [ 053005, 053015, 053025, 053035, 053045, 053055, 053065 ] +"304192" = [ 020010, 010004 ] +"304200" = [ 106004, 008021, 301013, 008021, 301013, 011001, 011002, 103010, 002163, 007004, 012001 ] +"306192" = [ 012005, 022042, 022011, 022021, 022012, 022022, 101002, 302023 ] +"307192" = [ 301211, 301198, 301200, 301201, 204005, 031021, 302221, 306192, 302223, 302224, 204000, 354192 ] +"307193" = [ 301211, 301201, 302231, 354192 ] +"307194" = [ 301211, 301200, 204005, 031021, 302196, 302225, 302205, 302206, 302228, 204000, 354193 ] +"307195" = [ 301211, 301201, 302232, 354192 ] +"307196" = [ 007006, 012001, 012003, 010052, 020052 ] +"307197" = [ 020009, 101000, 031001, 020001, 307014 ] +"307211" = [ 301211, 302237, 302238 ] +"307212" = [ 301211, 204005, 031021, 302197, 302241, 101002, 302207, 302208, 302243, 302242, 302240, 204000 ] +"307213" = [ 301211, 004022, 008021, 302244, 204000, 004022, 008021, 302246, 354192 ] +"307214" = [ 301211, 301199, 348201, 348202, 204005, 102024, 008052, 008022, 004022, 348198, 348199, 204000 ] +"307215" = [ 301211, 012211, 013193, 013003, 102005, 020192, 004202 ] +"309192" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101016, 303193, 204000 ] +"309193" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031001, 303192, 204000 ] +"309194" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101011, 303193, 204000 ] +"309201" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031002, 303193, 204000 ] +"309211" = [ 204005, 031021, 303192, 204000, 303201, 303202, 303203, 303204 ] +"309212" = [ 301211, 301202, 101000, 031001, 309211 ] +"310192" = [ 008001, 012001 ] +"310193" = [ 008001, 012001, 002222, 204007, 031021, 010004, 204000 ] +"310194" = [ 303021, 010003, 013016, 012001, 204000 ] +"310201" = [ 301211, 301204, 304192, 310192, 310193, 101000, 031001, 310194 ] +"310211" = [ 310194, 303204, 303205 ] +"310212" = [ 301211, 301204, 101000, 031001, 310211 ] +"310221" = [ 002048, 005040, 025075, 201133, 005041, 201000, 005043, 025070, 033030, 033031, 301011, 301012 ] +"310222" = [ 202131, 201138, 004006, 201000, 202000, 301021, 202126, 007001, 202000, 007024, 005021, 007025 ] +"310223" = [ 005022, 033033, 002151, 012064, 002151, 012064, 002151, 012064, 002151, 012064 ] +"310231" = [ 201131, 202129, 106003, 002150, 008023, 008072, 014027, 008072, 014027, 202000, 201000 ] +"310232" = [ 201132, 202129, 002150, 310233, 310233, 202000, 201000 ] +"310233" = [ 008023, 008072, 012063, 008072, 012063, 002150, 008023, 008072, 012063, 008072, 012063 ] +"311192" = [ 301211, 301203, 301204, 204005, 031021, 303192, 204004, 354192 ] +"311200" = [ 101000, 031000, 011076, 101000, 031000, 033025, 101000, 031000, 033026 ] +"312192" = [ 301211, 301204, 304003 ] +"312193" = [ 301211, 301204, 007004, 008003, 010002, 012001, 013003, 020010 ] +"312200" = [ 021073, 312042, 021062, 015011 ] +"312210" = [ 106012, 201129, 006030, 201000, 102012, 005030, 021075, 021066 ] +"313192" = [ 110000, 031001, 104000, 031001, 006012, 101000, 031012, 030001, 006012, 101000, 031001, 030001 ] +"313193" = [ 109000, 031000, 104000, 031001, 006012, 101000, 031011, 030001, 101000, 031001, 030001 ] +"316192" = [ 020011, 020012, 008007, 008011 ] +"316200" = [ 008021, 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005, 020090, 008021, 008007, 008011 ] +"318193" = [ 024192, 024193, 024194, 024195, 024196, 024197, 024198, 024199, 024200, 024201 ] +"318201" = [ 301211, 301206, 301207, 318193 ] +"321192" = [ 002132, 002133 ] +"348192" = [ 008021, 004022, 204005, 031021, 302051, 204000 ] +"348193" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 014032, 204000 ] +"348194" = [ 008051, 008020 ] +"348195" = [ 008021, 004022, 348193, 101002, 348194, 013051, 014033, 004053 ] +"348196" = [ 008021, 004022, 204005, 031021, 302051, 204000 ] +"348197" = [ 008051, 008020 ] +"348198" = [ 004003, 008053, 012052, 004003, 008053, 012053, 004003, 008053, 012016, 004003, 008053, 012017 ] +"348199" = [ 004003, 008053, 013052, 002002, 004003, 008053, 011041 ] +"348201" = [ 348192, 348195 ] +"348202" = [ 008021, 004001, 004001, 348196, 008021, 004022, 348193, 101002, 348197 ] +"351192" = [ 005002, 006002, 007004 ] +"351201" = [ 301211, 004015, 205015, 101000, 031001, 351192 ] +"352192" = [ 012221, 013221, 015192, 015193, 052192, 055201 ] +"352193" = [ 010192, 055202, 055203 ] +"352194" = [ 010004, 010051, 011042, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222, 012223 ] +"352195" = [ 201130, 013011, 013222, 013223, 013224, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011, 201000 ] +"352196" = [ 201131, 014012, 014014, 014201, 201000, 014202, 020010, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229 ] +"352197" = [ 202130, 052193, 052194, 202000, 052195, 052196, 052197, 052198, 052199 ] +"352198" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352199" = [ 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198 ] +"352200" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 352203, 352199 ] +"352201" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352200 ] +"352202" = [ 010004, 010004 ] +"352203" = [ 020231, 020232, 020004, 020003 ] +"352205" = [ 010004, 010051, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222 ] +"352206" = [ 201130, 013011, 013223, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011, 201000 ] +"352207" = [ 201131, 014012, 014014, 201000, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229, 052197, 052198, 352203 ] +"352208" = [ 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352209" = [ 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208 ] +"352210" = [ 352205, 352206, 352207, 352209 ] +"352211" = [ 301211, 052192, 055201, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352210 ] +"352217" = [ 020053, 020052, 020051, 020200, 013204, 013205, 013206, 052200, 013207, 013208, 013209 ] +"352218" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 202130, 011005, 202000, 012001, 013001, 013230 ] +"352219" = [ 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218 ] +"352220" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 201131, 014012, 014014, 201000, 352217, 352219, 352219, 352218 ] +"352221" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352220 ] +"352225" = [ 203015, 014012, 014014, 014201, 052200, 203255, 203020, 011005, 203255 ] +"352226" = [ 052201, 052202, 201131, 014012, 014014, 052200, 201000, 020053, 020052, 020051, 020200 ] +"352227" = [ 013204, 013205, 013206, 013207, 013208, 013209 ] +"352228" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 202130, 011005, 202000, 012001, 013001, 013230, 020010 ] +"352229" = [ 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228 ] +"352230" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 352203, 352226, 352227, 352229, 352229, 352229, 352229 ] +"352231" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 352225, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352230 ] +"353192" = [ 301205, 020010, 302194, 020004, 012004, 011041, 302203, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012 ] +"353193" = [ 004023, 012011, 012012, 013198, 014198, 302194, 011198 ] +"353201" = [ 301211, 101004, 353192 ] +"353202" = [ 301211, 101008, 353193 ] +"354192" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"354193" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"355192" = [ 004003, 055192, 007061, 013211 ] +"355193" = [ 004003, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030 ] +"355194" = [ 004192, 012004, 012011, 012012, 012013, 013003, 013011, 014031, 014021, 004004, 012004 ] +"355195" = [ 355193, 355194 ] +"355196" = [ 055192, 055193, 055194, 055195 ] +"355197" = [ 004003, 004004, 012004, 013003, 020211 ] +"355201" = [ 301211, 101048, 355192, 101007, 355195 ] +"355202" = [ 301211, 101016, 355196 ] +"355203" = [ 301211, 101168, 355197 ] diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/7/78/0/element.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/7/78/0/element.table new file mode 100644 index 000000000..866273b3a --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/7/78/0/element.table @@ -0,0 +1,306 @@ +#code|abbreviation|type|name|unit|scale|reference|width|crex_unit|crex_scale|crex_width +001192|icaoLocationIndicator|string|ICAO LOCATION INDICATOR|CCITT IA5|0|0|32 +001193|typeOfData|table|TYPE OF DATA|Code table|0|0|3 +001194|typeOfReccoObservation|table|TYPE OF RECCO OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|2 +001195|areaOfMinQnhForecast|long|AREA OF MIN QNH FORECAST|Numeric|0|0|4 +001196|templateVersion|double|TEMPLATE VERSION|Numeric|1|0|7 +001197|sensorIndex|long|SENSOR INDEX|Numeric|0|0|5 +001201|placeOfObsOfVisibiltyOrCloudCover|long|PLACE OF OBS. OF VISIBILTY/CLOUD COVER|Numeric|0|0|4 +001241|stateOrFederalStateIdentifier|string|STATE/FEDERAL STATE IDENTIFIER|CCITT IA5|0|0|32 +001242|highwayDesignator|string|HIGHWAY DESIGNATOR|CCITT IA5|0|0|40 +001243|routesKilometerOfRoad|double|ROUTES KILOMETER OF ROAD|m|-2|0|14 +002192|corMessageMark|table|COR MESSAGE MARK|Code table|0|0|8 +002193|pseudoReport|flag|PSEUDO REPORT|Flag table|0|0|2 +002201|overallQualityBits|table|OVERALL QUALITY BITS|Code table|0|0|5 +002221|unitsOfElevationOrConfidenceFactor|table|UNITS OF ELEVATION/CONFIDENCE FACTOR|Code table|0|0|4 +002222|satellDataProcessTechnUsedFTropop|table|SATELL.DATA PROCESS.TECHN.USED F.TROPOP.|Code table|0|0|4 +002231|verificationObservationCodeType|table|VERIFICATION: OBSERVATION CODE TYPE|Code table|0|0|8 +002241|nameOfRoadSensorManufacturer|table|NAME OF ROAD SENSOR MANUFACTURER|Code table|0|0|4 +002242|positionOfRoadSensors|table|POSITION OF ROAD SENSORS|Code table|0|0|4 +002243|extendedTypeOfStation|flag|EXTENDED TYPE OF STATION|Flag table|0|0|6 +002244|typeOfRoad|table|TYPE OF ROAD|Code table|0|0|5 +002245|typeOfConstruction|table|TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION|Code table|0|0|4 +004192|durationOfTimeRelatToFollowValue|table|DURATION OF TIME RELAT.TO FOLLOW.VALUE|Code table|0|0|4 +004193|dayOfOccOfDataValOfPrevElement|long|DAY OF OCC.OF DATA VAL.OF PREV.ELEMENT|d|0|0|6 +004194|durationOfPrecipitDuringPastHour|long|DURATION OF PRECIPIT.DURING PAST HOUR|min|0|0|6 +004201|numberOfDaysWithPrecipitationGe1mm|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH PRECIPITATION GE 1MM|Numeric|0|0|6 +004202|numberOfDaysWithSpecWeaPhenomena|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPEC.WEA.PHENOMENA|d|0|0|6 +004214|actualHourOfObservation|long|ACTUAL HOUR OF OBSERVATION|h|0|0|5 +004215|actualMinuteOfObservation|long|ACTUAL MINUTE OF OBSERVATION|min|0|0|6 +005195|ensembleMemberNumberEcmf|long|ENSEMBLE MEMBER NUMBER (ECMF)|Numeric|0|0|7 +005231|verifXCoordOfRefModelGridPoint|long|VERIF.:X-COORD.OF REF.MODEL GRID POINT|Numeric|0|0|12 +005232|verifNumberOfGridPointsInXDirect|long|VERIF.:NUMBER OF GRID POINTS IN X DIRECT|Numeric|0|0|12 +006192|distanceRecco|table|DISTANCE (RECCO)|Code table|0|0|4 +006231|verifYCoordOfRefModelGridPoint|long|VERIF.:Y-COORD.OF REF.MODEL GRID POINT|Numeric|0|0|12 +006232|verifNumberOfGridPointsInYDirect|long|VERIF.:NUMBER OF GRID POINTS IN Y DIRECT|Numeric|0|0|12 +007231|heightOfModelOrography|long|HEIGHT OF MODEL OROGRAPHY|m|0|-400|15 +008192|fieldFromWhichDeviationIsCalculated|table|FIELD FROM WHICH DEVIATION IS CALCULATED|Code table|0|0|6 +008193|seaLevelPressureOrGeopHeightSign|table|SEA-LEVEL PRESSURE OR GEOP. HEIGHT SIGN.|Code table|0|0|4 +008195|dataTypeEcmf|table|DATA TYPE (ECMF)|Code table|0|0|7 +008196|amountOfIceSingificance|table|AMOUNT OF ICE SINGIFICANCE|Code table|0|0|3 +008197|openingsInTheIceSignificance|table|OPENINGS IN THE ICE SIGNIFICANCE|Code table|0|0|3 +008198|dataGroup|table|DATA GROUP|Code table|0|0|4 +008231|verificationReportCharacteristics|table|VERIFICATION: REPORT CHARACTERISTICS|Code table|0|0|10 +010192|depthOfRoots|double|DEPTH OF ROOTS|m|2|0|10 +011192|uComponentAt10M|double|U-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011193|vComponentAt10M|double|V-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011194|boundaryLayerDepth|long|BOUNDARY LAYER DEPTH|m|0|0|13 +011195|radiusOfZone|double|RADIUS OF ZONE|m|4|0|35 +011196|angleOfPropagation|double|ANGLE OF PROPAGATION|degree true|-1|0|4 +011197|sizeOfZone|double|SIZE OF ZONE|m|4|0|35 +011198|probabilityOfGusts|long|PROBABILITY OF GUSTS|%|0|0|7 +011199|forceOfSurfaceWindBeaufortScale|table|FORCE OF SURFACE WIND (BEAUFORT SCALE)|Code table|0|0|4 +011200|turbulence|table|TURBULENCE|Code table|0|0|4 +011201|typeOfWindAtFlightLevel|table|TYPE OF WIND AT FLIGHT LEVEL|Code table|0|0|4 +011202|meanWindSpeedFrom610minMeasurement|double|MEAN WIND SPEED FROM 6 10MIN-MEASUREMENT|m/s|1|0|12 +011203|quotientOfVectUScalMeanOfWindSp|double|QUOTIENT OF VECT.U.SCAL.MEAN OF WIND SP.|Numeric|2|0|12 +011204|squareRootOfTheEwVarianceOfFf|double|SQUARE ROOT OF THE EW VARIANCE OF FF|m/s|3|0|15 +011205|signedCovarianceOfWindSpeed|double|SIGNED COVARIANCE OF WIND SPEED|m/s|3|-16384|16 +011206|squareRootOfNwVarianceOfWindSpeed|double|SQUARE ROOT OF NW VARIANCE OF WIND SPEED|m/s|3|0|15 +011207|minimumWindSpeed|double|MINIMUM WIND SPEED|m/s|1|0|12 +011208|reliabilityOfWindAtFlightLevel|table|RELIABILITY OF WIND AT FLIGHT LEVEL|Code table|0|0|4 +012192|groundMinimumTempPast10HoursClim|double|GROUND MINIMUM TEMP.,PAST 10 HOURS(CLIM)|K|1|0|12 +012193|depthOfSnowAboveGroundMinimumTherm|double|DEPTH OF SNOW ABOVE GROUND MINIMUM THERM|m|2|-2|10 +012194|groundMinimumTempPeriodSpecified|double|GROUND MINIMUM TEMP.,PERIOD SPECIFIED|K|1|0|12 +012195|snowAboveGroundMinimumThermYOrN|table|SNOW ABOVE GROUND MINIMUM THERM., Y/N|Code table|0|0|2 +012196|inverseMoninObukhovLength|double|INVERSE MONIN-OBUKHOV LENGTH|m-1|3|-100000|18 +012197|airStability|table|AIR STABILITY|Code table|0|0|4 +012199|maxTemperAt2MPast6HoursEcmf|double|MAX. TEMPER. AT 2 M, PAST 6 HOURS, ECMF|K|1|0|12 +012200|minTemperAt2MPast6HoursEcmf|double|MIN. TEMPER. AT 2 M, PAST 6 HOURS, ECMF|K|1|0|12 +012201|waterOrIceOrSignWetBulbTemperature|table|WATER/ICE/SIGN(WET BULB TEMPERATURE)|Code table|0|0|4 +012202|meanTemperatureAt2m|double|MEAN TEMPERATURE AT 2M|K|2|0|16 +012211|dryBulbTempAt2MDeviatFromNormal|double|DRY BULB TEMP.AT 2 M, DEVIAT.FROM NORMAL|K|1|-128|8 +012221|temperatAtBottomOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERAT.AT BOTTOM OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +012222|temperatureOfSnowCover|double|TEMPERATURE OF SNOW COVER|K|1|0|12 +012223|temperatureAtTopOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERATURE AT TOP OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +012224|bodyTemperatureOfThePyrgeometer|double|BODY TEMPERATURE OF THE PYRGEOMETER|K|2|0|16 +012225|coverTemperatureOfThePyrgeometer|double|COVER TEMPERATURE OF THE PYRGEOMETER|K|2|0|16 +012241|roadSurfaceTemperature|double|ROAD SURFACE TEMPERATURE|K|2|0|16 +012242|roadSubSurfaceTemperature|double|ROAD SUB-SURFACE TEMPERATURE|K|2|0|16 +013192|frequencyGroupPrecUntil1Nov94|table|FREQUENCY GROUP, PREC. (UNTIL 1 NOV 94)|Code table|0|0|4 +013193|totalPrecipitationForTheMonth|long|TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|12 +013194|maximumOfDailyPrecipitation|double|MAXIMUM OF DAILY PRECIPITATION|m|4|-1|14 +013195|atp45StabilityCategory|table|ATP 45 STABILITY CATEGORY|Code table|0|0|4 +013196|typeOfPrecipitation|table|TYPE OF PRECIPITATION|Code table|0|0|3 +013198|probabilityOfPrecipitation|long|PROBABILITY OF PRECIPITATION|%|0|0|7 +013201|totalDepthOfSnowAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL DEPTH OF SNOW AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|2|-2|16 +013202|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|4|-1|14 +013203|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|M/M|2|0|7 +013204|snowLargeScale+Convective|double|SNOW, LARGE SCALE + CONVECTIVE|kg m-2|1|-1|14 +013205|largeScalePrecipitionRainAndSnow|double|LARGE SCALE PRECIPITION (RAIN AND SNOW)|m|4|0|14 +013206|convectivePrecipitionRainAndSnow|double|CONVECTIVE PRECIPITION (RAIN AND SNOW)|m|4|0|14 +013207|skinReservoirContent|double|SKIN RESERVOIR CONTENT|m|5|0|20 +013208|surfaceWaterRunoff|double|SURFACE WATER RUNOFF|kg m-2|2|-1|19 +013209|groundWaterRunoff|double|GROUND WATER RUNOFF|kg m-2|2|-1|19 +013211|soilHumidity|double|SOIL HUMIDITY|m|-3|0|7 +013221|totalWaterContentsInLowerSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS IN LOWER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013222|totalWaterContentsIMiddleSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013223|totalWaterContentsIUpperSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.UPPER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013224|specificHumidityAtSurfOrEarthOrSnow|double|SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT SURF./EARTH OR SNOW|kg/kg|5|0|14 +013225|largeScaleRainDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013226|largeScaleSnowDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013227|convectiveRainDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013228|convectiveSnowDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013229|mixingRatioInFog|double|MIXING RATIO IN FOG|kg/kg|5|0|14 +013230|cloudWaterContent|double|CLOUD WATER CONTENT|kg/kg|7|0|14 +013231|totalPrecipitationPast10Minutes|double|TOTAL PRECIPITATION PAST 10 MINUTES|kg m-2|2|-1|14 +013232|precipitationOccured|table|PRECIPITATION OCCURED|Code table|0|0|2 +013233|humidTemperature|double|HUMID TEMPERATURE|K|2|0|16 +013234|stateOfHumidity|table|STATE OF HUMIDITY|Code table|0|0|2 +013235|numberOfDaysForControllingMeasurme|long|NUMBER OF DAYS FOR CONTROLLING MEASURME.|d|0|0|5 +013236|blockOfPrecipitationAndSnowCover|string|BLOCK OF PRECIPITATION AND SNOW COVER|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +013241|waterFilmThickness|double|WATER FILM THICKNESS|m|3|0|7 +014192|totalSunshineForTheMonth|long|TOTAL SUNSHINE FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|9 +014193|surfaceHeatFluxDensity|double|SURFACE HEAT FLUX DENSITY|W m-2|1|-5000|14 +014198|sunshine|long|SUNSHINE|%|0|0|7 +014201|photosytheticActiveRadiationAtSurf|double|PHOTOSYTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION AT SURF.|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +014202|albedoOfSurfaceShortWave|long|ALBEDO OF SURFACE (SHORT WAVE)|%|0|0|7 +014203|thermalRadiationOfTheAtmosphere|double|THERMAL RADIATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE|J m-2|-2|0|16 +014204|durationOfSunshineUsingTheWoz|long|DURATION OF SUNSHINE USING THE WOZ|min|0|0|11 +015192|ozoneVerticallyIntegrated|double|OZONE, VERTICALLY INTEGRATED|Pa|4|0|14 +015193|pressureOfOzoneMaximum|double|PRESSURE OF OZONE MAXIMUM|Pa|-1|0|14 +020192|typeOfSpecialWeatherPhenomena|table|TYPE OF SPECIAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|5 +020193|additionalWeatherPhenomena|table|ADDITIONAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|7 +020194|heightOfTopOfPhenomena|double|HEIGHT OF TOP OF PHENOMENA|m|-1|-40|11 +020195|weatherPhenomena|table|WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|4 +020196|directionOfMainOccOfWeatherPhen|long|DIRECTION OF MAIN OCC.OF WEATHER PHEN.|deg|0|0|12 +020197|baseOfCloudClass|long|BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020198|numberOfValuesInBaseOfCloudClass|long|NUMBER OF VALUES IN BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020199|lowestHeightOBaseOCloudDurLastH|double|LOWEST HEIGHT O.BASE O.CLOUD DUR.LAST H.|m|-1|-40|11 +020200|amountOfConvectiveClouds|long|AMOUNT OF (CONVECTIVE) CLOUDS|%|0|0|7 +020201|precipitAtTimeOfObservAutomStat|table|PRECIPIT.AT TIME OF OBSERV.(AUTOM.STAT.)|Code table|0|0|2 +020202|presentWeatherClimatologObservation|table|PRESENT WEATHER (CLIMATOLOG.OBSERVATION)|Code table|0|0|8 +020203|formOfPrecipitation|table|FORM OF PRECIPITATION|Code table|0|0|4 +020204|fallenPrecipitationDayBefore|table|FALLEN PRECIPITATION (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|6 +020205|dewRimeEtcDayBefore|table|DEW, RIME ETC. (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|7 +020206|otherWeatherDayBefore|table|OTHER WEATHER (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|4 +020207|flightConditions|table|FLIGHT CONDITIONS|Code table|0|0|3 +020208|presentWeatherMawec|table|PRESENT WEATHER (MAWEC)|Code table|0|0|4 +020209|moistureOfGround|table|MOISTURE OF GROUND|Code table|0|0|3 +020210|significantWeatrherPhenomenaMetgm|table|SIGNIFICANT WEATRHER PHENOMENA (METGM)|Code table|0|0|4 +020211|precipitationDuringPrecedingHourYOrN|table|PRECIPITATION DURING PRECEDING HOUR Y/N|Code table|0|0|2 +020212|amountOfSeaIce|table|AMOUNT OF SEA ICE|Code table|0|0|4 +020213|amountOfFastIce|table|AMOUNT OF FAST ICE|Code table|0|0|4 +020214|seaIceTopography|table|SEA-ICE TOPOGRAPHY|Code table|0|0|4 +020215|seaIceOpenings|table|SEA-ICE OPENINGS|Code table|0|0|4 +020217|significantWeatherPhenomenaNbcCdm|table|SIGNIFICANT WEATHER PHENOMENA (NBC CDM)|Code table|0|0|4 +020218|cloudCoverNbcCdm|table|CLOUD COVER (NBC CDM)|Code table|0|0|2 +020219|presentWeatherSuprep|table|PRESENT WEATHER (SUPREP)|Code table|0|0|4 +020220|amplificationOfPheRepBy020219|table|AMPLIFICATION OF PHE. REP. BY 020219|Code table|0|0|4 +020221|intensityOrProximityOfWeather|table|INTENSITY OR PROXIMITY OF WEATHER|Code table|0|0|3 +020222|descriptorOfWeather|string|DESCRIPTOR OF WEATHER|CCITT IA5|0|0|16 +020223|weatherPhenomenaMetar|string|WEATHER PHENOMENA (METAR)|CCITT IA5|0|0|48 +020224|stateOfRoadInVicinityOfObsPoint|table|STATE OF ROAD IN VICINITY OF OBS POINT|Code table|0|0|4 +020225|stateOfTerrainPrevInViciOfObsP|table|STATE OF TERRAIN PREV. IN VICI. OF OBS P|Code table|0|0|4 +020226|presentWeatherTarwi|table|PRESENT WEATHER (TARWI)|Code table|0|0|4 +020230|cloudCoverOfTheHillCodeTable50|table|CLOUD COVER OF THE HILL - CODE TABLE 50|Code table|0|0|4 +020231|verticalCloudAmount|long|VERTICAL CLOUD AMOUNT|%|0|0|7 +020232|modifiedCloudAmount|long|MODIFIED CLOUD AMOUNT|%|0|0|7 +020233|verificationDerivedLowCloudCover|long|VERIFICATION: DERIVED LOW CLOUD COVER|%|0|0|7 +020234|maxMeteorologOpticalRange|long|MAX. METEOROLOG. OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|14 +020235|minMeteorologOpticalRange|long|MIN. METEOROLOG. OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|14 +020236|meteorologOpticalRange|long|METEOROLOG. OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|14 +020237|meteorologicalOpticalRange|long|METEOROLOGICAL OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|18 +020238|minimumMeteorologicalOpticalRange|long|MINIMUM METEOROLOGICAL OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|18 +020239|maximumMeteorologicalOpticalRange|long|MAXIMUM METEOROLOGICAL OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|18 +020241|roadSurfaceCondition|table|ROAD SURFACE CONDITION|Code table|0|0|4 +021192|orientationOfEllipse|table|ORIENTATION OF ELLIPSE|Code table|0|0|4 +021193|echoWidthOrDiameter|double|ECHO WIDTH OR DIAMETER|m|-1|0|15 +021194|lengthOfEchoAxis|double|LENGTH OF ECHO AXIS|m|-1|0|15 +021195|characterOfEcho|table|CHARACTER OF ECHO|Code table|0|0|3 +021196|intensityOfEcho|table|INTENSITY OF ECHO|Code table|0|0|3 +022192|lengthOfSwellMetgm|double|LENGTH OF SWELL (METGM)|m|-2|0|2 +022193|stateOfWaterSurface|table|STATE OF WATER SURFACE|Code table|0|0|4 +022194|directionOfApproachOfWavesToBeach|table|DIRECTION OF APPROACH OF WAVES TO BEACH|Code table|0|0|2 +022195|widthOfSurfZone|table|WIDTH OF SURF ZONE|Code table|0|0|3 +024192|typeOfObservation|table|TYPE OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|4 +024193|methodOfObservation|table|METHOD OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024194|statusOfObservation|table|STATUS OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024195|nuclid|table|NUCLID|Code table|0|0|10 +024196|baseOfObservedValue|long|BASE OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|0|10 +024197|exponentOfObservedValue|long|EXPONENT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|-15|5 +024198|indicatorOnObservedValue|table|INDICATOR ON OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|2 +024199|unitOfObservedValue|table|UNIT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|7 +024200|errorOfObservedData|double|ERROR OF OBSERVED DATA|%|1|0|10 +024201|routineOrSpecialOrTestObservation|table|ROUTINE/SPECIAL/TEST OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|2 +025192|dewPointAircraftAlti+airTtIdRecco|table|DEW POINT,AIRCRAFT ALTI+AIR TT ID(RECCO)|Code table|0|0|4 +051192|shortDistanceLightning|long|SHORT DISTANCE LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +051193|distantLightning|long|DISTANT LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +052192|landSeaRatio|long|LAND SEA RATIO|%|0|0|7 +052193|coeffOfTurbTranfOfImpulseSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF IMPULSE,SURFACE|Code table|5|0|17 +052194|coeffOfTurbTranfOfHeatOrHumSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF HEAT/HUM.,SURFACE|Code table|5|0|17 +052195|impulseFlowUAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(U) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052196|impulseFlowVAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(V) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052197|flowOfSensHeatAtSurfPeriodSpec|double|FLOW OF SENS.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPEC.|J m-2|-3|-16384|15 +052198|flowOfLatHeatAtSurfPeriodSpecif|double|FLOW OF LAT.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|J m-2|-3|-16384|15 +052199|roughnessLengthMultipliedByG|double|ROUGHNESS LENGTH (MULTIPLIED BY G)|m2 s-2|2|0|12 +052200|boundaryLayerDissipation|double|BOUNDARY LAYER DISSIPATION|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +052201|soilHeatFluxSurface|double|SOIL HEAT FLUX, SURFACE|J m-2|-2|-16384|15 +052202|soilHeatFluxBottomOfLayer1|double|SOIL HEAT FLUX, BOTTOM OF LAYER 1|J m-2|-2|-16384|15 +052210|referenceNoAndDdOfTheHillTab32|table|REFERENCE NO AND DD OF THE HILL - TAB 32|Code table|0|0|4 +053001|geopotentialDevFromFirstGuess|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053002|uComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053003|vComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053004|relHumidityDevFromFirstGuess|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|%|1|-1000|12 +053005|thicknessDevFromFirstGuess|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053011|geopotentialDevFromAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053012|uComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053013|vComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053014|relHumidityDevFromAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053015|thicknessDevFromAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053021|geopotentialDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053022|uComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053023|vComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053024|relHumidityDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053025|thicknessDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053031|geopotentialDevFromForecastA|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053032|uComponentDevFromForecastA|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053033|vComponentDevFromForecastA|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053034|relHumidityDevFromForecastA|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|%|1|-1000|12 +053035|thicknessDevFromForecastA|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053041|geopotentialDevFromForecastB|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053042|uComponentDevFromForecastB|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053043|vComponentDevFromForecastB|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053044|relHumidityDevFromForecastB|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|%|1|-1000|12 +053045|thicknessDevFromForecastB|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053051|geopotentialDevFromForecastC|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053052|uComponentDevFromForecastC|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053053|vComponentDevFromForecastC|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053054|relHumidityDevFromForecastC|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|%|1|-1000|12 +053055|thicknessDevFromForecastC|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053061|geopotentialQualityFlags|flag|GEOPOTENTIAL, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053062|uComponentQualityFlags|flag|U-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053063|vComponentQualityFlags|flag|V-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053064|relHumidityQualityFlags|flag|REL.HUMIDITY, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053065|thicknessQualityFlags|flag|THICKNESS, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053066|temperatureQualityFlags|flag|TEMPERATURE,QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053067|pressureAtObsLevelQualityFlags|flag|PRESSURE AT OBS.LEVEL,QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053068|dewPointTemperatureQualityFlags|flag|DEW POINT TEMPERATURE,QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053069|maxWindGustsQualityFlags|flag|MAX WIND (GUSTS), QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053070|maxTemperature2mQualityFlags|flag|MAX TEMPERATURE(2M), QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053071|minTemperature2mQualityFlags|flag|MIN TEMPERATURE(2M), QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053072|groundMinTemperatureQualityFlags|flag|GROUND MIN.TEMPERATURE, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053073|cloudCoverQualityFlags|flag|CLOUD COVER, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053074|lowCloudCoverQualityFlags|flag|LOW CLOUD COVER, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053075|horizontalVisibilityQualityFlags|flag|HORIZONTAL VISIBILITY, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053076|totalPrecipitationQualityFlags|flag|TOTAL PRECIPITATION, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053077|globalRadiationQualityFlags|flag|GLOBAL RADIATION, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053101|geopotentialDevFrDefField|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m2 s-2|0|-16384|15 +053102|uComponentDevFrDefField|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m/s|1|-2048|12 +053103|vComponentDevFrDefField|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m/s|1|-2048|12 +053104|relativeHumidityDevFrDefField|double|RELATIVE HUMIDITY,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|%|1|-1024|11 +053105|thicknessDevFrDefField|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m2 s-2|0|-16384|15 +053106|temperatureDevFrDefField|double|TEMPERATURE,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|2|-8096|14 +053107|pressureAtObsLevelDevFrDefField|long|PRESSURE AT OBS.LEVEL,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|Pa|0|-16384|15 +053108|dewPointTemperatureDevFrDefField|double|DEW POINT TEMPERATURE,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|1|-1024|11 +053109|maxWindGustsDevFrDefField|double|MAX WIND (GUSTS),DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m/s|1|-2048|12 +053110|maxTemperature2mDevFrDefField|double|MAX TEMPERATURE(2M),DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|1|-1024|11 +053111|minTemperature2mDevFrDefField|double|MIN TEMPERATURE(2M),DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|1|-1024|11 +053112|groundMinTemperatureDevFrDefField|double|GROUND MIN.TEMPERATURE,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|1|-1024|11 +053113|cloudCoverDevFrDefField|long|CLOUD COVER,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|%|0|-128|8 +053114|lowCloudCoverDevFrDefField|long|LOW CLOUD COVER,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|%|0|-128|8 +053115|horizontalVisibilityDevFrDefField|double|HORIZONTAL VISIBILITY,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m|-1|-8192|14 +053116|totalPrecipitationDevFrDefField|double|TOTAL PRECIPITATION,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|kg m-2|1|-16384|15 +053117|globalRadiationDevFrDefField|double|GLOBAL RADIATION,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|J m-2|-4|-32768|16 +054201|yearOfDecoding|long|YEAR OF DECODING|a|0|0|12 +054202|monthOfDecoding|long|MONTH OF DECODING|mon|0|0|4 +054203|dayOfDecoding|long|DAY OF DECODING|d|0|0|6 +054204|hourOfDecoding|long|HOUR OF DECODING|h|0|0|5 +054205|minuteOfDecoding|long|MINUTE OF DECODING|min|0|0|6 +054211|numberOfDayOfMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF DAY OF MRZ BACK-UP FILE|d|0|0|6 +054212|numberOfRecordOnMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF RECORD ON MRZ BACK-UP FILE|Numeric|0|0|18 +054213|decodingRunningOnMfaOrMfbValues1Or0|long|DECODING RUNNING ON MFA/MFB (VALUES 1/0)|Numeric|0|0|2 +055192|kindOfPlants|table|KIND OF PLANTS|Code table|0|0|7 +055193|stepOfGrowth|table|STEP OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|7 +055194|progressOfGrowth|table|PROGRESS OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|4 +055195|plantDamage|table|PLANT DAMAGE|Code table|0|0|4 +055196|landUse|table|LAND USE|Code table|0|0|3 +055201|typeOfLandSurface|table|TYPE OF LAND SURFACE|Code table|0|0|5 +055202|plantCover|long|PLANT COVER|%|0|0|7 +055203|leafAreaIndex|long|LEAF AREA INDEX|%|0|0|7 +056001|flightConditionsRecco|table|FLIGHT CONDITIONS (RECCO)|Code table|0|0|4 +056002|presentWeatherRecco|table|PRESENT WEATHER (RECCO)|Code table|0|0|4 +056003|significantWeatherChanges|table|SIGNIFICANT WEATHER CHANGES|Code table|0|0|4 +056004|distantWeather|table|DISTANT WEATHER|Code table|0|0|4 +056005|rateOfIcing|table|RATE OF ICING|Code table|0|0|2 +056006|typeOfIcingAndTypeOfContrails|table|TYPE OF ICING AND TYPE OF CONTRAILS|Code table|0|0|4 +056007|altitudeOfBaseOfLayerInWhichIOcc|double|ALTITUDE OF BASE OF LAYER IN WHICH I OCC|m|-1|-40|11 +056008|altitudeOfTopOfLayerInWhichIOcc|double|ALTITUDE OF TOP OF LAYER IN WHICH I OCC|m|-1|-40|11 +056009|inFlightHorizontalVisibility|table|IN-FLIGHT HORIZONTAL VISIBILITY|Code table|0|0|2 +056010|amountOfIce|table|AMOUNT OF ICE|Code table|0|0|4 +056011|iceTopography|table|ICE TOPOGRAPHY|Code table|0|0|4 +056012|icePuddles|table|ICE PUDDLES|Code table|0|0|4 +056013|orientationOfOpeningsInTheIce|table|ORIENTATION OF OPENINGS IN THE ICE|Code table|0|0|4 +056014|widthOfTheOpeningsInTheIce|double|WIDTH OF THE OPENINGS IN THE ICE|m|-1|0|13 +056015|intensityOfBirdstrikeWarning|long|INTENSITY OF BIRDSTRIKE WARNING|Numeric|0|0|4 +056192|blockOfTheContinuousWeatherTrend|string|BLOCK OF THE CONTINUOUS WEATHER TREND|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056193|blockOfTheNotes|string|BLOCK OF THE NOTES|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056194|blockOfDangerousWeather|string|BLOCK OF DANGEROUS WEATHER|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056195|blockOfWinterSportsObservation|string|BLOCK OF WINTER SPORTS OBSERVATION|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056196|blockOfOrnithologicalObservation|string|BLOCK OF ORNITHOLOGICAL OBSERVATION|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056197|blockOfWeatherHistory|string|BLOCK OF WEATHER HISTORY|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056198|blockOfAdditionalObservation|string|BLOCK OF ADDITIONAL OBSERVATION|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056199|blockOf9spspspsp|string|BLOCK OF 9SPSPSPSP|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056200|blockOfPhaenologicalReport|string|BLOCK OF PHAENOLOGICAL REPORT|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056201|blockOfAdditionalComment|string|BLOCK OF ADDITIONAL COMMENT|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056202|blockOfAdditionalComment|string|BLOCK OF ADDITIONAL COMMENT|CCITT IA5|0|0|200 diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/7/78/0/sequence.def b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/7/78/0/sequence.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa7beb0d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/7/78/0/sequence.def @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +"301192" = [ 054201, 054202, 054203, 054204, 054205, 054211, 054212, 054213, 002192, 002193, 002201 ] +"301193" = [ 301192, 204005, 031021, 301023, 301011, 301012, 204000 ] +"301194" = [ 301001, 007001, 010001, 002221 ] +"301195" = [ 301011, 301013, 301021, 007002 ] +"301196" = [ 301011, 301013, 301021 ] +"301198" = [ 002038, 002039 ] +"301199" = [ 002051, 026001, 026002 ] +"301200" = [ 004214, 004215 ] +"301201" = [ 002001, 002002 ] +"301202" = [ 002003, 002011, 002013, 002014 ] +"301203" = [ 002061, 008004 ] +"301204" = [ 002021, 002022, 002023, 002024, 002025 ] +"301205" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301206" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301207" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301208" = [ 301198, 301200, 301201 ] +"301211" = [ 301193, 001003, 301194, 001192, 301003, 001005, 001006, 001007, 001031 ] +"301212" = [ 002192, 002193, 002201, 204005, 031021, 301023, 301011, 301012, 204000 ] +"301213" = [ 301212, 001003, 301194, 001192, 301003, 001005, 001006, 001007, 001031 ] +"301220" = [ 201138, 202131, 004006, 201000, 202000, 301023 ] +"301221" = [ 202127, 001013, 202126, 007001, 202000, 025010, 021064 ] +"301223" = [ 025061, 025068, 001082, 001083, 001081, 002067, 002066, 002014 ] +"301224" = [ 025067, 025065, 025066, 002095, 002096, 002097, 002016, 002083, 002080, 002081, 001093 ] +"301225" = [ 002084, 002085, 002086, 002082, 008041, 301011 ] +"301231" = [ 002231, 005231, 006231, 005232, 006232, 007231, 008231 ] +"302192" = [ 010051, 010061, 010063 ] +"302193" = [ 010004, 007004, 010003 ] +"302194" = [ 011011, 011012 ] +"302195" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302196" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302197" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302198" = [ 101000, 031000, 302004, 101000, 031001, 302005, 008002, 101000, 031000, 302055 ] +"302199" = [ 101000, 031000, 302056, 101000, 031000, 302021, 101000, 031000, 302024 ] +"302201" = [ 012004, 012006, 013003 ] +"302202" = [ 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012013 ] +"302203" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302204" = [ 101003, 302203, 013013, 020062, 020062 ] +"302205" = [ 004031, 013011, 004194 ] +"302206" = [ 004031, 013012 ] +"302207" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302208" = [ 004031, 013012, 013013 ] +"302210" = [ 008002, 020011, 020012, 020014, 020017 ] +"302211" = [ 020001, 020003, 020004, 020005 ] +"302212" = [ 020010, 020011, 020013, 020012, 020012, 020012 ] +"302213" = [ 008002, 020011, 020012, 020013 ] +"302214" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302215" = [ 004031, 014031 ] +"302216" = [ 004031, 014021 ] +"302217" = [ 004031, 014023 ] +"302218" = [ 004031, 014002 ] +"302219" = [ 020221, 020222, 020223 ] +"302220" = [ 020221, 020222, 020223 ] +"302221" = [ 302192, 302193, 010062, 302003, 302212 ] +"302223" = [ 302195, 302202, 302204, 101004, 302005 ] +"302224" = [ 013032, 002004, 302214, 302215, 101002, 302216, 101002, 302217, 101002, 302218 ] +"302225" = [ 004192, 012004, 012061, 051192, 051193, 013203, 101004, 020193, 020194, 020195, 020196 ] +"302226" = [ 007061, 012030 ] +"302227" = [ 020197, 020198 ] +"302228" = [ 101007, 302226, 101008, 302227, 020199 ] +"302229" = [ 101003, 302219, 101003, 302220 ] +"302230" = [ 020011, 020013 ] +"302231" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010052, 302194, 302201, 302211, 020010, 011041, 101004, 302213, 204000 ] +"302232" = [ 031021, 010052, 302194, 011041, 012004, 012006, 020001, 020003, 302229, 101004, 302230 ] +"302235" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010051, 007004, 010003, 012004, 013004, 022042, 204000 ] +"302236" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013192, 014032 ] +"302237" = [ 004022, 008021, 302235, 004022, 008021, 302236, 004201, 014192, 204000 ] +"302238" = [ 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302235, 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302236, 204000 ] +"302240" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302241" = [ 004192, 012004, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012192, 012193, 012005, 012201, 013003 ] +"302242" = [ 001201, 020001, 020010, 020062, 020062, 020202, 020203, 020204, 020205, 020206 ] +"302243" = [ 013201, 013202, 013203 ] +"302244" = [ 204005, 031021, 012004, 012211, 010004, 013003, 012011, 101004, 004193, 012012, 101004, 004193 ] +"302245" = [ 004202, 020192 ] +"302246" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013193, 013194, 101004, 004193, 014032, 014192, 101014, 302245, 204000 ] +"302250" = [ 008041, 201131, 202129, 002115, 010004, 002115, 013003, 202000, 201000, 002115, 011001, 011002 ] +"302251" = [ 002115, 102002, 012101, 004024, 002115, 012103, 012102 ] +"302252" = [ 101003, 020012, 020011, 020013, 101002, 020003 ] +"303192" = [ 007003, 007004, 008001, 011001, 011002, 012001, 012003 ] +"303193" = [ 303192, 011061, 011062 ] +"303194" = [ 201131, 202129, 025069, 007004, 013003, 202000, 201000 ] +"303201" = [ 053001, 053011, 053021, 053031, 053041, 053051, 053061 ] +"303202" = [ 053002, 053012, 053022, 053032, 053042, 053052, 053062 ] +"303203" = [ 053003, 053013, 053023, 053033, 053043, 053053, 053063 ] +"303204" = [ 053004, 053014, 053024, 053034, 053044, 053054, 053064 ] +"303205" = [ 053005, 053015, 053025, 053035, 053045, 053055, 053065 ] +"304192" = [ 020010, 010004 ] +"304200" = [ 106004, 008021, 301013, 008021, 301013, 011001, 011002, 103010, 002163, 007004, 012001 ] +"306192" = [ 012005, 022042, 022011, 022021, 022012, 022022, 101002, 302023 ] +"307192" = [ 301211, 301208, 204005, 031021, 302221, 306192, 302223, 302224, 302210, 204000, 354192 ] +"307193" = [ 301211, 301201, 302231, 354192 ] +"307194" = [ 301211, 301200, 204005, 031021, 302196, 302225, 302205, 302206, 302228, 204000, 354193 ] +"307195" = [ 301211, 301201, 302232, 354192 ] +"307196" = [ 007006, 012001, 012003, 010052, 020009 ] +"307197" = [ 020009, 101000, 031001, 020001, 307014 ] +"307200" = [ 301213, 301208, 204005, 031021, 302221, 306192, 302223, 302224, 101004, 302210, 204000, 354192 ] +"307201" = [ 301213, 301201, 302232, 354192 ] +"307202" = [ 012061, 302205, 004192, 012004, 011012, 004031, 014031, 004031, 020203, 101004, 020193 ] +"307203" = [ 004031, 011012, 302206, 020194, 020195, 020196, 020011, 020013, 011041, 011042, 101007, 302226 ] +"307204" = [ 004031, 013011, 004031, 020203, 302240, 302197, 013203, 020204, 020205, 020206 ] +"307205" = [ 004192, 012011, 004192, 012012, 004192, 012194, 012195, 020234, 020235, 101004, 020236 ] +"307206" = [ 301213, 301200, 204005, 031021, 307202, 307203, 307204, 307205, 204000, 354193 ] +"307211" = [ 301211, 302237, 302238 ] +"307212" = [ 301211, 204005, 031021, 302197, 302241, 101002, 302207, 302208, 302243, 302242, 302240, 204000 ] +"307213" = [ 301211, 004022, 008021, 302244, 204000, 004022, 008021, 302246, 354192 ] +"307214" = [ 301211, 301199, 348201, 348202, 204005, 102024, 008052, 008022, 004022, 348198, 348199, 204000 ] +"307215" = [ 301211, 012211, 013193, 013003, 102005, 020192, 004202 ] +"307216" = [ 301213, 302237, 302238 ] +"307217" = [ 301213, 301199, 348201, 348202, 204005, 102024, 008052, 008022, 004022, 348198, 348199, 204000 ] +"307218" = [ 301213, 012211, 013193, 013003, 102005, 020192, 004202 ] +"307222" = [ 106025, 002020, 001050, 005021, 007021, 015031, 015032, 008060, 015033, 015034, 008060, 307223 ] +"307223" = [ 015033, 015034, 015035, 201131, 202129, 013016, 202000, 201000, 015011 ] +"308192" = [ 301213, 204005, 031021, 010051, 204000 ] +"309192" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101016, 303193, 204000 ] +"309193" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031001, 303192, 204000 ] +"309194" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101011, 303193, 204000 ] +"309201" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031002, 303193, 204000 ] +"309211" = [ 204005, 031021, 303192, 204000, 303201, 303202, 303203, 303204 ] +"309212" = [ 301211, 301202, 101000, 031001, 309211 ] +"309222" = [ 301213, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101016, 303193, 204000 ] +"309223" = [ 301213, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031001, 303192, 204000 ] +"309224" = [ 301213, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101011, 303193, 204000 ] +"309225" = [ 033007, 033035, 033015, 013009, 033007, 033035, 033015, 002013, 012101, 033007, 033035, 033015 ] +"309226" = [ 005001, 033035, 033015, 006001, 033035, 033015, 007007, 033035, 033015 ] +"309227" = [ 011003, 033035, 033015, 011004, 033035, 033015 ] +"309228" = [ 201131, 202129, 104002, 025069, 007004, 033035, 033015, 013003, 033035, 033015, 202000, 201000 ] +"309229" = [ 104002, 002013, 012101, 033035, 033015, 012103, 033035, 033015, 010009, 033035, 033015 ] +"309230" = [ 201131, 202129, 025069, 007004, 013003, 202000, 201000 ] +"310192" = [ 008001, 012001 ] +"310193" = [ 008001, 012001, 002222, 204007, 031021, 010004, 204000 ] +"310194" = [ 303021, 010003, 013016, 012001, 204000 ] +"310195" = [ 301072, 007024, 010002, 303041 ] +"310201" = [ 301211, 301204, 304192, 310192, 310193, 101000, 031001, 310194 ] +"310202" = [ 301213, 301204, 304192, 310192, 310193, 101000, 031001, 310194 ] +"310211" = [ 310194, 303204, 303205 ] +"310212" = [ 301211, 301204, 101000, 031001, 310211 ] +"310221" = [ 002048, 005040, 025075, 201133, 005041, 201000, 005043, 025070, 033030, 033031, 301011, 301012 ] +"310222" = [ 202131, 201138, 004006, 201000, 202000, 301021, 202126, 007001, 202000, 007024, 005021, 007025 ] +"310223" = [ 005022, 033033, 002151, 012064, 002151, 012064, 002151, 012064, 002151, 012064 ] +"310224" = [ 105002, 002152, 002024, 007004, 007004, 013003, 101012, 304033 ] +"310225" = [ 105002, 002152, 002024, 007004, 007004, 013003, 101003, 304033 ] +"310231" = [ 201131, 202129, 106003, 002150, 008023, 008072, 014027, 008072, 014027, 202000, 201000 ] +"310232" = [ 201132, 202129, 002150, 310233, 310233, 202000, 201000 ] +"310233" = [ 008023, 008072, 012063, 008072, 012063, 002150, 008023, 008072, 012063, 008072, 012063 ] +"310236" = [ 310052, 101005, 310053 ] +"310237" = [ 007025, 005022, 102009, 002151, 012064 ] +"310238" = [ 202000, 201000 ] +"310240" = [ 001007, 008021, 301011, 301012 ] +"310241" = [ 201138, 202131, 004006, 202000, 201000, 201132, 005041, 201000, 201129, 005043, 201000, 301023 ] +"310242" = [ 013040, 020029, 104024, 005042, 012163, 021083, 021084, 101003, 310245 ] +"310243" = [ 008021, 301011, 301012, 005040 ] +"310244" = [ 101003, 012070, 025054, 101004, 025055, 008007, 103028, 301023, 002111, 005021 ] +"310245" = [ 301011, 201142, 202131, 004026, 202000, 201000, 301021, 201138, 202129, 007001, 202000, 201000 ] +"311192" = [ 301211, 301203, 301204, 204005, 031021, 303192, 204000, 354192 ] +"311193" = [ 301213, 301203, 301204, 204005, 031021, 303192, 204000, 354192 ] +"311200" = [ 101000, 031000, 011076, 101000, 031000, 033025, 101000, 031000, 033026 ] +"311205" = [ 012101, 033025 ] +"311210" = [ 004025, 011016, 011017 ] +"312192" = [ 301211, 301204, 304003 ] +"312193" = [ 301211, 301204, 007004, 008003, 010002, 012001, 013003, 020010 ] +"312194" = [ 012180, 012181, 012182, 012183, 012184, 012185, 002174, 021086, 012186, 021087, 012187, 033043 ] +"312200" = [ 021073, 312042, 021062, 015011 ] +"312201" = [ 001007, 002019, 001096, 025061, 005040 ] +"312202" = [ 025120, 025121, 025124, 025125, 025122, 025123 ] +"312203" = [ 002119, 033047, 010081, 010082, 010083, 010084 ] +"312204" = [ 002116, 002117, 002118, 002156, 002157 ] +"312205" = [ 022150, 022151, 022152, 022153, 022154, 022155, 022156, 022157, 022158, 022159 ] +"312206" = [ 021137, 021138, 021139, 021140, 021141, 021142 ] +"312207" = [ 010085, 010086, 010087, 010088, 010089, 010090, 010091, 010092, 010093 ] +"312208" = [ 025126, 025127, 025128, 025129, 025130, 025131, 025132, 025133, 025134, 025135, 025136, 025137 ] +"312209" = [ 013096, 013097, 011095, 011096, 012188, 012189, 002158, 002159, 033052, 033053, 021143, 021144 ] +"312210" = [ 106012, 201129, 006030, 201000, 102012, 005030, 021075, 021066 ] +"312211" = [ 001012, 201131, 001013, 201000, 010032, 010033, 010034, 007002, 008012, 025110, 025111, 025102 ] +"312212" = [ 002104, 025103, 025104, 025105, 025106, 025107, 025108, 011001, 011002, 022160, 025138 ] +"312213" = [ 201130, 202129, 022021, 202000, 201000, 033048, 033049, 002026, 002027 ] +"312214" = [ 021130, 021131, 021132, 021133, 025014 ] +"312215" = [ 106036, 005030, 104024, 201130, 006030, 201000, 022161, 033044 ] +"312216" = [ 301011, 301013, 301021, 001012, 201131, 001013, 201000, 010032, 010033, 010034, 007002, 008012 ] +"312217" = [ 025110, 025111, 025102, 002104, 025103, 025104, 025105, 025106, 025107, 025108, 002111, 002121 ] +"312218" = [ 002026, 002027, 021130, 021131, 021132, 021133, 021064, 025014, 021134 ] +"312219" = [ 107018, 005030, 105024, 201130, 006030, 201000, 021135, 021136 ] +"312222" = [ 301213, 301204, 304003 ] +"312223" = [ 301213, 301204, 007004, 008003, 010002, 012001, 013003, 020010 ] +"312226" = [ 021110, 301023, 321027, 021111, 301023, 321027, 021112, 301023, 321027, 021113, 301023, 321027 ] +"312227" = [ 301046, 301011, 301013, 301023 ] +"312228" = [ 021110, 301023, 321028, 021111, 301023, 321028, 021112, 301023, 321028, 021113, 301023, 321028 ] +"312230" = [ 011053, 021104 ] +"312250" = [ 301011, 301013, 301021, 007025, 005022, 010080, 027080, 008003, 007004, 013093, 008003 ] +"312251" = [ 201131, 202129, 007004, 007004, 202000, 201000, 013095 ] +"313192" = [ 110000, 031001, 104000, 031001, 006012, 101000, 031012, 030001, 006012, 101000, 031001, 030001 ] +"313193" = [ 109000, 031000, 104000, 031001, 006012, 101000, 031011, 030001, 101000, 031001, 030001 ] +"316192" = [ 020011, 020012, 008007, 008011 ] +"316200" = [ 008021, 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005, 020090, 008021, 008007, 008011 ] +"316201" = [ 316031, 101000, 031000, 316032, 101000, 031001, 316033, 008011 ] +"316222" = [ 008021, 004014, 008005, 301023, 019005, 019006, 010004, 011041 ] +"316223" = [ 008021, 004075, 011040, 019008, 105004, 005021, 005021, 102002, 019003, 019004 ] +"318193" = [ 024192, 024193, 024194, 024195, 024196, 024197, 024198, 024199, 024200, 024201 ] +"318201" = [ 301211, 301206, 301207, 318193 ] +"318202" = [ 301213, 301206, 301207, 318193 ] +"321192" = [ 002132, 002133 ] +"321221" = [ 201133, 202129, 025001, 202000, 201000 ] +"321225" = [ 021092, 021030, 025092, 201129, 202129, 021017, 202000, 201000 ] +"321227" = [ 021106, 021107, 021114, 021115, 021116, 008018, 021117 ] +"348192" = [ 008021, 004022, 204005, 031021, 302051, 204000 ] +"348193" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 014032, 204000 ] +"348194" = [ 008051, 008020 ] +"348195" = [ 008021, 004022, 348193, 101002, 348194, 013051, 014033, 004053 ] +"348196" = [ 008021, 004022, 204005, 031021, 302051, 204000 ] +"348197" = [ 008051, 008020 ] +"348198" = [ 004003, 008053, 012052, 004003, 008053, 012053, 004003, 008053, 012016, 004003, 008053, 012017 ] +"348199" = [ 004003, 008053, 013052, 002002, 004003, 008053, 011041 ] +"348201" = [ 348192, 348195 ] +"348202" = [ 008021, 004001, 004001, 348196, 008021, 004022, 348193, 101002, 348197 ] +"351192" = [ 005002, 006002, 007004 ] +"351201" = [ 301211, 004015, 205015, 101000, 031001, 351192 ] +"351202" = [ 301213, 004015, 205015, 101000, 031001, 351192 ] +"352192" = [ 012221, 013221, 015192, 015193, 052192, 055201 ] +"352193" = [ 010192, 055202, 055203 ] +"352194" = [ 010004, 010051, 011042, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222, 012223 ] +"352195" = [ 201130, 013011, 013222, 013223, 013224, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011, 201000 ] +"352196" = [ 201131, 014012, 014014, 014201, 201000, 014202, 020010, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229 ] +"352197" = [ 202130, 052193, 052194, 202000, 052195, 052196, 052197, 052198, 052199 ] +"352198" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352199" = [ 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198 ] +"352200" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 352203, 352199 ] +"352201" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352200 ] +"352202" = [ 010004, 010004 ] +"352203" = [ 020231, 020232, 020004, 020003 ] +"352205" = [ 010004, 010051, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222 ] +"352206" = [ 201130, 013011, 013223, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011, 201000 ] +"352207" = [ 201131, 014012, 014014, 201000, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229, 052197, 052198, 352203 ] +"352208" = [ 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352209" = [ 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208 ] +"352210" = [ 352205, 352206, 352207, 352209 ] +"352211" = [ 301211, 052192, 055201, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352210 ] +"352217" = [ 020053, 020052, 020051, 020200, 013204, 013205, 013206, 052200, 013207, 013208, 013209 ] +"352218" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 202130, 011005, 202000, 012001, 013001, 013230 ] +"352219" = [ 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218 ] +"352220" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 201131, 014012, 014014, 201000, 352217, 352219, 352219, 352218 ] +"352221" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352220 ] +"352225" = [ 203015, 014012, 014014, 014201, 052200, 203255, 203020, 011005, 203255 ] +"352226" = [ 052201, 052202, 201131, 014012, 014014, 052200, 201000, 020053, 020052, 020051, 020200 ] +"352227" = [ 013204, 013205, 013206, 013207, 013208, 013209 ] +"352228" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 202130, 011005, 202000, 012001, 013001, 013230, 020010 ] +"352229" = [ 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228 ] +"352230" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 352203, 352226, 352227, 352229, 352229, 352229, 352229 ] +"352231" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 352225, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352230 ] +"353001" = [ 010051, 010061, 302193, 302194, 302201, 020001, 020003, 302212, 020233, 302195, 302202 ] +"353002" = [ 353001, 101003, 302203, 013013, 302216 ] +"353003" = [ 053102, 053103, 053104, 053106 ] +"353004" = [ 053107, 053108, 053109, 053110, 053111, 053112, 053113, 053114, 053115, 053116, 053117 ] +"353005" = [ 008192, 353003, 353004 ] +"353006" = [ 053062, 053063, 053064, 053066 ] +"353007" = [ 053067, 053068, 053069, 053070, 053071, 053072, 053073, 053074, 053075, 053076, 053077 ] +"353008" = [ 301213, 301208, 301231, 204005, 031021, 353002, 204000, 101010, 353005, 353006, 353007 ] +"353011" = [ 008192, 053101, 353003 ] +"353012" = [ 204005, 031021, 303192, 013003, 204000, 101010, 353011, 053061, 353006 ] +"353013" = [ 301213, 301200, 301202, 301231, 101000, 031001, 353012 ] +"353192" = [ 301205, 020010, 302194, 020004, 012004, 011041, 302203, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012 ] +"353193" = [ 004023, 012011, 012012, 013198, 014198, 302194, 011198 ] +"353201" = [ 301211, 101004, 353192 ] +"353202" = [ 301211, 101008, 353193 ] +"353211" = [ 301213, 101004, 353192 ] +"353212" = [ 301213, 101008, 353193 ] +"354192" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"354193" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"355192" = [ 004003, 055192, 007061, 013211 ] +"355193" = [ 004003, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030 ] +"355194" = [ 004192, 012004, 012011, 012012, 012013, 013003, 013011, 014031, 014021, 004004, 012004 ] +"355195" = [ 355193, 355194 ] +"355196" = [ 055192, 055193, 055194, 055195 ] +"355197" = [ 004003, 004004, 012004, 013003, 020211 ] +"355201" = [ 301211, 101048, 355192, 101007, 355195 ] +"355202" = [ 301211, 101016, 355196 ] +"355203" = [ 301211, 101168, 355197 ] +"355211" = [ 301213, 101048, 355192, 101007, 355195 ] +"355212" = [ 301213, 101016, 355196 ] +"355213" = [ 301213, 101168, 355197 ] +"356192" = [ 101000, 031002, 056192 ] +"356193" = [ 101000, 031002, 056193 ] +"356194" = [ 101000, 031002, 056194 ] +"356195" = [ 101000, 031002, 056195 ] +"356196" = [ 101000, 031002, 056196 ] +"356197" = [ 101000, 031002, 056197 ] +"356198" = [ 101000, 031002, 013236 ] +"356199" = [ 101000, 031002, 056198 ] +"356200" = [ 101000, 031002, 056199 ] +"356201" = [ 101000, 031002, 056200 ] +"356202" = [ 101000, 031002, 056201 ] diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11199.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11199.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..5b986df9f --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11199.table @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +0 0 Calm +1 1 Reserved +2 2 Light breeze +3 3 Reserved +4 4 Moderate breeze +5 5 Reserved +6 6 Strong breeze +7 7 Reserved +8 8 Gale +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11200.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11200.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f696a7861 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11200.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 None +1 1 Light turbulence +2 2 Moderate turbulence in clear air, infrequent +3 3 Moderate turbulence in clear air, frequent +4 4 Moderate turbulence in cloud, infrequent +5 5 Moderate turbulence in cloud, frequent +6 6 Severe turbulence in clear air, infrequent +7 7 Severe turbulence in clear air, frequent +8 8 Severe turbulence in cloud, infrequent +9 9 Severe turbulence in cloud, frequent +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11201.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11201.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..38d9f23a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11201.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Spot wind +1 1 Winds averaged over 100 nm preceding last fix, last fix 25 nm prior to the reported position +2 2 Winds averaged over 200 nm preceding last fix, last fix 25 nm prior to the reported position +3 3 Winds averaged over 300 nm preceding last fix, last fix 25 nm prior to the reported position +4 4 Winds averaged over 400 nm preceding last fix, last fix 25 nm prior to the reported position +5 5 Winds averaged over 100 nm preceding last fix, last fix 75 nm prior to the reported position +6 6 Winds averaged over 200 nm preceding last fix, last fix 75 nm prior to the reported position +7 7 Winds averaged over 300 nm preceding last fix, last fix 75 nm prior to the reported position +8 8 Winds averaged over 400 nm preceding last fix, last fix 75 nm prior to the reported position +9 9 Winds averaged over more than 400 nm +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11208.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11208.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..19f46f5c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11208.table @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +0 0 90% to 100% reliable - multiple drift with closed wind star, or small open star whenwinds are 50 kt or greater - short radar wind runs, wind obtained using Doppler radaror inertial omega system +1 1 85% to 100% reliable - multiple drift with small open star, or double drift or single driftwith average ground speed by timing - short radar wind run +2 2 80% to 100% reliable - fix to fix winds using the following pin point visual fixes, radarfixes or accurate loran fixes using good ground wave +3 3 75% to 90% reliable - fix to fix winds using two or three lines of position (LOPs) eitherloran, celestial, radio, or sight bearings or any combination of the three above whenall lines of position are considered reliabl +4 4 60% to 80% reliable - winds obtained using single drift and single LOP (Speed Line),air-plot, etc +5 5 50% to 75% reliable - fix to fix winds using two or three lines of position either loran,celestial, radio, or sight bearings or any combination of the above when one of thelines is not considered reliabl +6 6 Less than 50% reliable - winds obtained by any of the above methods that the navigatorbelieves to be inaccurate or of questionable accurac +7 7 No reliability - assumed or estimated wind +8 8 No wind - navigator unable to determine a wind +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11209.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11209.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..c369d326e --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/11209.table @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +0 0 Calm +4 4 NE +8 8 E +12 12 SE +16 16 S +20 20 SW +24 24 W +28 28 NW +32 32 N +63 63 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/1193.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/1193.table new file mode 100644 index 000000000..113a08e4e --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/1193.table @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +0 0 Climatological data +1 1 Numerical weather analysis +2 2 Numerical weather predictions +3 3 Observations +4 4 Compound data composed of any other entry +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/1194.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/1194.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..c64d76a46 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/1194.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Basic observation without radar data capability +1 1 Intermediate observation with or without radar data capability +2 2 Basic observation with radar data capability +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/1200.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/1200.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..1c3d161db --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/1200.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Wind +1 1 Reserved +2 2 Visibility +3 3 Clouds +4 4 Hail/Ice pellets/freezing precipitation +5 5 Reserved +6 6 Precipitation +7 7 Reserved +8 8 Thunderstorm +9 9 Tornado +63 63 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/12195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/12195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..4e1ddced0 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/12195.table @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +0 0 No +1 1 Yes +2 2 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/12197.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/12197.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..00acbe7f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/12197.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 0 Not reported +1 1 Very unstable +2 2 Unstable +3 3 Slightly unstable +4 4 Neutral +5 5 Slightly stable +6 6 Stable +7 7 Very stable +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/12201.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/12201.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..20e37adf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/12201.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +5 5 Temperature positiv or 0.0 Celsius +6 6 Temperature negative and water (w) at the mull covering +7 7 Temperature negative and ice (e) at the mull covering +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..bad0c622b --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13192.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e57defd26 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13195.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 Very unstable +2 2 Unstable +3 3 Slightly unstable +4 4 Neutral +5 5 Slightly stable +6 6 Stable +7 7 Very stable +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13196.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13196.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9546fd596 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13196.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 No precipitation +1 1 Light rain (<0.5 mm/hr) +2 2 Moderate rain (0.5 to 4.0 mm/hr) +3 3 Heavy rain (>4.0 mm/hr) +4 4 Light snow (<0.5 cm/hr) +5 5 Moderate snow (0.5 to 4.0 cm/hr) +6 6 Heavy snow (>4.0 cm/hr) +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13232.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13232.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d010fe835 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13232.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Yes +1 1 No +2 2 Reserved +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13234.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13234.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..09cb5d89a --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13234.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Ice +1 1 Water +2 2 Reserved +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13237.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13237.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..1ce47eaaa --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/13237.table @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 Geschlossen +2 2 Reste +3 3 Flecken +4 4 Durchbrochen +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f8b6f424d --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20192.table @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +0 0 Summer Day +1 1 Day with maximum temperature of 30 degrees Celsius or more +2 2 Day with minimum temperature below 0 degrees Celsius +3 3 Day with maximum temperature below 0 degrees Celsius +4 4 Day with precipitation of 0.1 mm or more +5 5 Day with precipitation of 1.0 mm or more +6 6 Day with snow or hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) but no rain or drizzle +7 7 Day with snow or hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) cover +8 8 Sunny Day +9 9 Day with overcast sky +10 10 Day with thunderstorm +11 11 Day with Beaufort 6 or more +12 12 Day with Beaufort 8 or more +13 13 Day with both snow and/or hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) and rain and/or drizzle +14 14 Day with depositions of precipitation >=0.1 mm only +31 31 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20193.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20193.table new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2caffaf0c --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20193.table @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +1 1 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +2 2 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +3 3 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +4 4 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +5 5 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +6 6 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +7 7 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +8 8 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +9 9 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +15 15 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +16 16 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +17 17 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +18 18 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +23 23 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +24 24 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +31 31 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +32 32 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +33 33 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +36 36 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +45 45 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +70 70 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +71 71 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +75 75 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +76 76 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +77 77 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +81 81 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables +99 99 additional weather phenomena, see code table 89 in VuB 2 Band D - national code tables diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9867b3263 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20195.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Not used +1 1 More than zero to 4 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level developing during the past hour +2 2 4 to less than 8 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level developing during the past hour +3 3 8 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level developing during the past hour +4 4 More than zero to 4 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level on the whole unchanged during the past hour +5 5 4 to less than 8 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level on the whole unchanged during the past hour +6 6 8 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level on the whole unchanged during the past hour +7 7 More than zero to 4 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level dissolving during the past hour +8 8 4 to less than 8 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level dissolving during the past hour +9 9 8 oktas haze, mist, fog, clouds below station level dissolving during the past hour +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20201.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20201.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..be164a061 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20201.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 No precipitation at time of observation +1 1 Precipitation at time of observation +2 2 Reserved +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20203.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20203.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..ac25123f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20203.table @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +0 0 No precipitation +1 1 Total precipitation solely of depositional precipitation (solid and liquid) +2 2 Total precipitation solely of liquid depositional precipitation +3 3 Total precipitation solely of solid depositional precipitation +6 6 Liquid precipitation +7 7 Solid precipitation +8 8 Liquid and solid precipitation +9 9 Type of precipitation unascertainable, manually ascertainment +10 10 No precipitation, automatically ascertainment +11 11 Liquid precipitation, automatically ascertainment +12 12 Solid precipitation, automatically ascertainment +13 13 Liquid and solid precipitation, automatically ascertainment +14 14 Reserved +15 15 Missing value, Type of precipitation unascertainable, automatically ascertainment diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20204.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20204.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..3b1a2f545 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20204.table @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 0 No fallen precipitation +1 1 Rain +2 2 Rain (freezing) +4 4 Snow +8 8 Graupel +16 16 Hail +63 63 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20205.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20205.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..aa4c7ae4c --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20205.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 No deposit +1 1 Dew (Tau) +2 2 Hoarfrost (Reif) +4 4 Rime (Raureif) +8 8 Glaze (Raueis, Klareis) +16 16 Glaze ice (Glatteis, Eisglaette) +32 32 Covering of Snow and/or Graupel and/or Hail greater than or equal 50 percent +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20206.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20206.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d8a91c147 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20206.table @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +0 0 No other weather phenomena +1 1 Fog +2 2 Thunderstorm +4 4 Strong wind +8 8 Stormy wind +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20207.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20207.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d6e680d75 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20207.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 Sky clear +1 1 Below cloud +2 2 On top +3 3 Between layers +4 4 In and out of cloud +5 5 In cloud +6 6 Reserved +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20208.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20208.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..a232125da --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20208.table @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +0 0 Below haze layer +1 1 Above haze layer +2 2 Showers +3 3 Drizzle +4 4 Fog at surface +5 5 Freezing rain +6 6 Rain +7 7 Snow +8 8 Hail +9 9 Thunderstorm +10 10 No significant weather +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20209.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20209.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..293737fb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20209.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 Arid +2 2 Dry +3 3 Average +4 4 Wet +5 5 Saturated +6 6 Waterlogged +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20210.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20210.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..de572c1dc --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20210.table @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +0 0 No significant weather phenomena +1 1 Blowing snow, sand storm, dust storm +2 2 Fog, ice fog, thick haze (visibility < 4 km) +3 3 Drizzle +4 4 Rain +5 5 Snow +6 6 Showers of snow, rain, rain and snow mixed, hail +7 7 Thunderstorm with or without precipitation +8 8 Top of inversion layer < 800 m +9 9 Top of inversion layer < 800 m (typo?) +10 10 Top of inversion layer < 800 m (typo?) +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20211.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20211.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..5e8ee99d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20211.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Precipitation less than 0.1 mm during the preceding hour +1 1 Precipitation greater than or equal 0.1 mm during the preceding hour +2 2 Precipitation not reported because recorder is not heated +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20212.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20212.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..a9dd13883 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20212.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No ice +1 1 < 1/10 - 2/10 +2 2 3/10 - 4/10 +3 3 5/10 +4 4 6/10 +5 5 7/10 +6 6 8/10 +7 7 9/10 +8 8 10/10 +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20213.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20213.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..2d6d68e8c --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20213.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Shore not observed +1 1 Shore extensively clear +2 2 Ice blocking less than half of the shore +3 3 Ice blocking more than half of the shore but some opeings visible +4 4 Ice blocking entire shore +5 5 Not used +6 6 Not used +7 7 Not used +8 8 Radar indications of shre ice but extent of caverage undetermined +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20214.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20214.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..8680b1a7e --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20214.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No sea ice +1 1 Slush or pancake ice +2 2 Level ice +3 3 Rafted ice +4 4 Pressure ridge/ridged ice +5 5 Hummocks +6 6 Pressure ice +7 7 Rotten disintegrated ice +8 8 Not used +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20215.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20215.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..6a7b2263b --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20215.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Open water +1 1 Ice in belts or patches +2 2 Ice evenly distributed +3 3 Polynya(s) in combination with leads or cracks +4 4 Lead(s) in combination with cracks +5 5 Single polynya +6 6 Single lead +7 7 No openings in the ice +8 8 Not used +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20216.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20216.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d41ad6903 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20216.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Equal in all directions +1 1 NE +2 2 E +3 3 SE +4 4 S +5 5 SW +6 6 W +7 7 NW +8 8 N +9 9 Direction not observalbe or phemomena unequally distributed +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20217.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20217.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9d01bfe64 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20217.table @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +0 0 No significant weather phenomena +3 3 Blowing snow, sand storm, dust storm +4 4 Fog, ice fog, thick haze (visibility < 4 km) +5 5 Drizzle +6 6 Rain +7 7 Snow +8 8 Showers of snow, rain, rain and snow mixed, hail +9 9 Thunderstorm with or without precipitation +10 10 Top of inversion layer < 800 m +11 11 Top of inversion layer < 800 m (typo?) +12 12 Top of inversion layer < 800 m (typo?) +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20218.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20218.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..6c6d209ea --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20218.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Sky clear +1 1 Clouded +2 2 Overcast +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20219.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20219.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..038e48f0e --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20219.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No significant weather +1 1 Smoke or haze +2 2 Fog in valley +3 3 Sandstorm, duststorm or blowing snow +4 4 Fog +5 5 Drizzle +6 6 Rain +7 7 Snow or rain and snow mixed +8 8 Shower(s) +9 9 Thunderstorm(s) with or without precipitation +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20220.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20220.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..be9e3100c --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20220.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 No specification +1 1 Light +2 2 Heavy +3 3 In the pat hour, but not at time of observation +4 4 Within sight +5 5 Freezing precipitation +9 9 Hail or ice pellets +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20221.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20221.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f0f3e2d00 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20221.table @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +0 0 Light (-) +1 1 Moderate +2 2 Heavy (+) +3 3 In the vicinity (VC) +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20224.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20224.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e24a208ef --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20224.table @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +0 0 Dry +1 1 Wet +2 2 Flooded +3 3 Slush +4 4 Ice patches +5 5 Glazed ice +6 6 Snow depth 0 - 19 cm +7 7 Snow dipth 20 cm or more +8 8 Snow drift +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20225.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20225.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..ef3156a76 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20225.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Dry +1 1 Wet +2 2 Pools of water on the surface +3 3 Flooded +4 4 Ground frozen 0 - 4 cm (use of spade possible) +5 5 Ground forzen >0 5 cm +6 6 Snow depth 0 to 4 cm +7 7 Snow depth 4 to 24 cm +8 8 Snow depth 25 to 44 cm +9 9 Snow depth >= 45 cm +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20226.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20226.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..91f988d98 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20226.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Not observed +1 1 No significant weather +2 2 Sleet +3 3 Dust or smoke +4 4 Fog or haze +5 5 Drizzle +6 6 Rain +7 7 Snow +8 8 Showers +9 9 Thunderstorms +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20228.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20228.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..c14a65339 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20228.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 N/A +1 1 N/A +2 2 N/A +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20230.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20230.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..10ea9d9d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20230.table @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +0 0 Mountain(s) free of cloud +1 1 Mountain(s) partly or temporarily in clouds +2 2 Mountain(s) in clouds +9 9 Mountains(s) not visible due to precipitation, haze/mist, fog or fog in patches in a sector <=30 degree +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20240.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20240.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..b5b35b1d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20240.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 < 0.05 km +1 1 0.05 km +2 2 0.2 km +3 3 0.5 km +4 4 1 km +5 5 2 km +6 6 4 km +7 7 10 km +8 8 20 km +9 9 >= 50 km +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20241.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20241.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f10bb0019 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/20241.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 0 Dry +1 1 Moist +2 2 Wet +3 3 Rime +4 4 Snow +5 5 Ice +6 6 Glaze +7 7 Not dry +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/21192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/21192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..13c663551 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/21192.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No report +1 1 NNE - SSW +2 2 NE - SW +3 3 ENE - WSW +4 4 E - W +5 5 ESE - WNW +6 6 SE - NW +7 7 SSE -NNW +8 8 S - N +9 9 Uncertain +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/21195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/21195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..0a455b4a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/21195.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 Not reported/indeterminate +1 1 Scattered +2 2 Solid precipitation +3 3 Scattered line +4 4 Solid line +5 5 Scattered, all quadrants +6 6 Solid, all quadrants +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/21196.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/21196.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..c0eed47a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/21196.table @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +0 0 No report or unknown +1 1 Weak +2 2 Moderate +3 3 Strong +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9b6e7a028 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2192.table @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 0 Original report, not corrected +32 32 Report corrected by decoding +33 33 CLIMAT report: Formal errors corrected manually +34 34 CLIMAT report: Internal errors corrected manually +40 40 Report corrected for 'Amtsblatt' +41 41 Report corrected for 'European weather report' +48 48 Report corrected by climatological checking diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2193.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2193.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..4bb4b66d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2193.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +1 1 Pseudo report diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2201.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2201.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..7edb42914 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2201.table @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +0 0 No errors detected +1 1 Slightly suspect +2 2 Bad +3 3 Corrected value +4 4 No errors detected +5 5 Slightly suspect +6 6 Bad +7 7 Corrected value +8 8 No errors detected +9 9 Slightly suspect +10 10 Bad +11 11 Corrected value +12 12 No errors detected +13 13 Slightly suspect +14 14 Bad +15 15 Corrected value +31 31 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/22193.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/22193.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..b6ba315d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/22193.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Water level normal +1 1 Water level much below normal +2 2 Water level high, but not overflowing +3 3 Banks overflowing +4 4 Floating ice (more than half) +5 5 Thin ice, complete cover, impassable for persons, 0 - 4 cm thick +6 6 Ice, complete cover, passable for persons, depth unknown +7 7 Ice, complete cover, 5 - 9 cm thick +8 8 Ice, complete cover, 10 - 24 cm thick +9 9 Ice, complete cover, 25 cm or more thick +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/22194.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/22194.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..54681c40c --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/22194.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Waves approaching from right side +1 1 Waves approaching directly from rear +2 2 Waves approaching from left side +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/22195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/22195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..90b6d400b --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/22195.table @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +0 0 0 - 10 metres +1 1 10 - 20 metres +2 2 20 - 30 metres +3 3 More than 30 metres +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2221.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2221.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e7083f289 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2221.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +1 1 Excellent (within 3 metres) +2 2 Good (within 10 metres) +3 3 Fair (within 20 metres) +4 4 Poor (more than 20 metres) +5 5 Excellent (within 3 feet) +6 6 Good (within 10 feet) +7 7 Fair (within 20 feet) +8 8 Poor (more than 20 feet) +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2222.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2222.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e5126c0ae --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2222.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2241.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2241.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e71477e33 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2241.table @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 ANT/Bosch +2 2 Boschung +3 3 SSI/Scan (MicKS) +4 4 Vaisala +5 5 Vibrometer +6 6 Malling +7 7 Lufft +8 8 Medipo +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2242.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2242.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..0a3d06d46 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2242.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 0 Fast lane between the wheel tracks +1 1 Fast lane between the wheel tracks in the opposite direction +2 2 Fast lane in the wheel tracks +3 3 Fast lane in the wheel tracks in the opposite direction +4 4 Slow lane between the wheel tracks +5 5 Slow lane between the wheel tracks in the opposite direction +6 6 Slow lane in the wheel tracks +7 7 Slow lane in the wheel tracks in the opposite direction +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2243.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2243.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f27dcc593 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2243.table @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +1 1 automatic; automatisc +2 2 manned; bemann +3 3 event triggered; Ereignis gesteuer +4 4 longer time period than the standard +5 5 Reserved diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2244.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2244.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..463863c5e --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2244.table @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +0 0 free track without further information +1 1 free track, embankment +2 2 free track, flat relative to surroundings +3 3 free track, water basin(s) in vicinity +4 4 free track, forest +5 5 free track, cleft +6 6 free track on hilltop +7 7 free track on hilltop, forest +8 8 free track in valley +9 9 free track in valley, forest +10 10 free track, north inclination +11 11 free track, north inclination, forest +12 12 free track, south inclination +13 13 free track, south inclination, forest +20 20 bridge without further information +21 21 bridge across a valley in a urban area +22 22 bridge across a valley with forest/meadows/fielde +23 23 bridge across street/track +24 24 bridge across big river/canal +25 25 bridge across river/canal of medium size +26 26 bridge across a small stream/loading canal +31 31 missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2245.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2245.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d38b8e569 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/2245.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 asphalt +1 1 concrete +2 2 concrete construction +3 3 steel-girder construction +4 4 box girder bridge +5 5 orthotrope slab +6 6 drain asphalt +15 15 missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e5126c0ae --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24192.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24193.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24193.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..991620db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24193.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24194.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24194.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..991620db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24194.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..5d6fd2cf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24195.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +1023 1023 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24198.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24198.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d6f8fcdff --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24198.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Observed value reported +1 1 Actual value less than reported value +2 2 Actual value greater than reported value +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24199.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24199.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..991620db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24199.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24201.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24201.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..bebe506ed --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/24201.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Routine observation +1 1 Special observation +2 2 Test observation +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/25192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/25192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..a35c4a8b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/25192.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 0 Dew point not measured/aircraft below 10000 m +1 1 Dew point not measured/aircraft at or above 10000 m +2 2 Dew point not measured/aircraft below 10000 m and flight level temperature -50 Celsius or colder +3 3 Dew point not measured/aircraft at or above 10000 m and flight level temperature -50 Celsius or colder +4 4 Dew point measured/aircraft below 10000 m +5 5 Dew point measured/aircraft at or above 10000 m +6 6 Dew point measured/aircraft below 10000 m and flight level temperature -50 Celsius or colder +7 7 Dew point measured/aircraft at or above 10000 m and flight level temperature -50 Celsius or colder +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/33192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/33192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..90d03f486 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/33192.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Not suspect (> 90%) +1 1 Suspect (<= 90%) +2 2 Reserved +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/4192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/4192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..0d7e50717 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/4192.table @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 Past day +2 2 Present day +3 3 Mean from 24 Measurements from day before past day 23:50 UTC until past day 22:50 UTC +4 4 Mean from 3 Measurements at 06:50, 13:50 and 20:50 UTC from past day +5 5 From past day 06:30 UTC until 06:30 UTC (today) +6 6 From past day 21 UTC until 21 UTC (today) +7 7 Last 10 hours +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..991620db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55192.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55193.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55193.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..991620db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55193.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55194.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55194.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e5126c0ae --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55194.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e5126c0ae --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55195.table @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55196.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55196.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..c5eadcabb --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/55196.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 Unknown +1 1 Water +2 2 Bare +3 3 Shrubs +4 4 Woods +5 5 Urban +6 6 Reserved +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56001.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56001.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..08612fcce --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56001.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Total cloud amount less than 1/8 +1 1 Total cloud amount at least 1/8, with either 1/8 to 4/8 above or 1/8 to 4/8 below, or combinations thereof +2 2 Cloud amount more than 4/8 above and 0 to 4/8 below +3 3 Cloud amount 0 to 4/8 above and more than 4/8 below +4 4 Cloud amount more than 4/8 above and more than 4/8 below +5 5 Chaotic sky, many undefined layers +6 6 In and out of clouds, Instrument Meteorological Conditions 25 percent of the time +7 7 In and out of clouds, Instrument Meteorological Conditions 50 percent of the time +8 8 In and out of clouds, Instrument Meteorological Conditions 75 percent of the time +9 9 In clouds all the time, continuous Instrument Meteorological Conditions +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56002.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56002.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f70e52003 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56002.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No significant weather +1 1 Smoke, haze or volcanic ashes +2 2 Hail or shower with hail +3 3 Sandstorm, dust storm or blowing snow +4 4 Fog +5 5 Drizzle +6 6 Rain +7 7 Snow, or rain and snow mixed +8 8 Shower +9 9 Thunderstorm +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56003.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56003.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..ed30284fc --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56003.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No change +1 1 Marked wind shift +2 2 Beginning or ending of marked turbulence +3 3 Marked temperature change (not with altitude) +4 4 Precipitation begins or ends +5 5 Change in cloud forms +6 6 For or ice fog bank begins or ends +7 7 Warm front +8 8 Cold front +9 9 Front, type not specified +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56004.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56004.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..da72309d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56004.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No report +1 1 Signs of hurricane +2 2 Ugly, threatening sky +3 3 Dust storm or sandstorm +4 4 Fog or ice fog +5 5 Waterspout +6 6 Cirrastratus layer or bank +7 7 Altostratus or altocumulus layer or bank +8 8 Line of heavy cumulus +9 9 Cumulonimbus heads or thunderstorm +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56005.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56005.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..4c0487696 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56005.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 Light +1 1 Moderate +2 2 Severe +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56006.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56006.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..17f745f2d --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56006.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 None +1 1 Rime ice in cloud +2 2 Clear ice in cloud +3 3 Combination rime and clear ice in cloud +4 4 Rime ice in precipitation +5 5 Clear ice in precipitation +6 6 Combination rime and clear ine in precipitation +7 7 Frost (icing in clear air) +8 8 Non-persistatnt contrails (less than 1/4 nmi (nautical mile?) long) +9 9 Persistent contrails +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56009.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56009.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..3723ab41d --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56009.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +0 0 In-flight visibility 0 to and including 1 nmi (nautical mile?) +1 1 In-flight visibility > 1 to 3 nmi +2 2 In-flight visibility > 3 nmi +3 3 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56010.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56010.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..041b5de03 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56010.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No ice +1 1 < 1/10 to 2/10 +2 2 3/10 to 4/10 +3 3 5/10 +4 4 6/10 +5 5 7/10 +6 6 8/10 +7 7 9/10 +8 8 10/10 +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56011.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56011.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..7b2f90b4d --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56011.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No sea-ice +1 1 Slush or pancake ice +2 2 Level ice (ice having a flat and level surface) +3 3 Rafted ice (a type of pressure ice formed by one cake overriding another) +4 4 Pressure ridge/ridged ice (pressure ice in the form of a ridge or many ridges) +5 5 Hummocks +6 6 Pressure ice +7 7 Rotten, disintegrating ice +8 8 Not used +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56012.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56012.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..dde00b40e --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56012.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No puddles +1 1 Puddles joined, extensive cracking +2 2 Puddles melted through +3 3 Puddles cover 7 - 9 tenths of ice area +4 4 Puddles cover 4 - 6 tenths of ice area +5 5 Puddles cover 1 -3 tenths of ice area +6 6 Puddles cover less than 1 tenth of ice area +7 7 Puddles frozen +8 8 Ice without puddles +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56013.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56013.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f4ee72b2a --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/56013.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No distinct orientation +1 1 NE - SW +2 2 E - W +3 3 SE - NW +4 4 N - S +5 5 Parallels shore at east +6 6 Parallels shore at south +7 7 Parallels shore at west +8 8 Parallels shore at north +9 9 Not determined or unknown +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/6192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/6192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..3cd2e797b --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/6192.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 No report +1 1 Previous position +2 2 Present position +3 3 30 nautical miles +4 4 60 nautical miles +5 5 90 nautical miles +6 6 120 nautical miles +7 7 150 nautical miles +8 8 180 nautical miles +9 9 More than 180 nautical miles +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8192.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8192.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..813fccdb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8192.table @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 First guess +2 2 Analysis +3 3 Initialized analysis +4 4 Forecast A +5 5 Forecast B +6 6 Forecast C +7 7 Forecast D +8 8 Forecast E +9 9 Forecast F +10 10 Forecast G +63 63 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8193.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8193.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..666de1276 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8193.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Sea-level pressure +1 1 Altitude of 200 hPa surface +2 2 Altitude of 850 hPa surface +3 3 Altitude of 700 hPa surface +4 4 Altitude of 500 hPa surface +5 5 Altitude of 400 hPa surface +6 6 Altitude of 300 hPa surface +7 7 Altitude of 250 hPa surface +8 8 D-value +9 9 No absolute altitude available or geopotential data inaccurate +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8195.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8195.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..7d189a818 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8195.table @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +9 9 Forecast +10 10 Control forecast +11 11 Pertubed forecast +127 127 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8196.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8196.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9126e14b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8196.table @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +0 0 Total concentration of ice +1 1 Amount of slush, brash and ice-cakes +2 2 Amount of small and medium floes +3 3 Amount of giant floes and ice fields +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8197.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8197.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e6b0cea2d --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8197.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 Reserved +1 1 Drift ice boundary data follow +2 2 Fast ice boundary data follow +3 3 Lead data follow +4 4 Polynya data follow +5 5 Ice belt data follow +6 6 Reserved +7 7 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8198.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8198.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..c2e8897a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8198.table @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +0 0 Automatically acquired data +1 1 Manually acquired data +2 2 Controlling measurements +3 3 Alternative measurements +4 4 Reference measurements +5 5 ""Nebenamtliche"" measurement +6 6 Meteorological reports and alarms +7 7 High-resolution measurements calculated by Message and Product Generator (MPG) +8 8 Additional measurements for continuous weather history +9 9 Urban climatology station +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8199.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8199.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f40fda101 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/codetables/8199.table @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 0 N/A +1 1 Creation date +2 2 Observation date +3 3 N/A +4 4 N/A +5 5 N/A +6 6 N/A +15 15 Missing value diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/element.table b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/element.table new file mode 100755 index 000000000..858108351 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/element.table @@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ +#code|abbreviation|type|name|unit|scale|reference|width|crex_unit|crex_scale|crex_width +001192|icaoLocationIndicator|string|ICAO LOCATION INDICATOR|CCITT IA5|0|0|32 +001193|typeOfData|table|TYPE OF DATA|Code table|0|0|3 +001194|typeOfReccoObservation|table|TYPE OF RECCO OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|2 +001195|areaOfMinQnhForecast|long|AREA OF MIN QNH FORECAST|Numeric|0|0|4 +001196|templateVersion|double|TEMPLATE VERSION|Numeric|1|0|7 +001197|sensorIndex|long|SENSOR INDEX|Numeric|0|0|5 +001200|reportTriggeringWeatherElement|table|REPORT TRIGGERING WEATHER ELEMENT|Code table|0|0|6 +001201|placeOfObsOfVisibiltyOrCloudCover|long|PLACE OF OBS. OF VISIBILTY/CLOUD COVER|Numeric|0|0|4 +001241|stateOrFederalStateIdentifier|string|STATE/FEDERAL STATE IDENTIFIER|CCITT IA5|0|0|32 +001242|highwayDesignator|string|HIGHWAY DESIGNATOR|CCITT IA5|0|0|40 +001243|routesKilometerOfRoad|double|ROUTES KILOMETER OF ROAD|m|-2|0|14 +002192|corMessageMark|table|COR MESSAGE MARK|Code table|0|0|8 +002193|pseudoReport|flag|PSEUDO REPORT|Flag table|0|0|2 +002201|overallQualityBits|table|OVERALL QUALITY BITS|Code table|0|0|5 +002221|unitsOfElevationOrConfidenceFactor|table|UNITS OF ELEVATION/CONFIDENCE FACTOR|Code table|0|0|4 +002222|satellDataProcessTechnUsedFTropop|table|SATELL.DATA PROCESS.TECHN.USED F.TROPOP.|Code table|0|0|4 +002231|verificationObservationCodeType|table|VERIFICATION: OBSERVATION CODE TYPE|Code table|0|0|8 +002241|nameOfRoadSensorManufacturer|table|NAME OF ROAD SENSOR MANUFACTURER|Code table|0|0|4 +002242|positionOfRoadSensors|table|POSITION OF ROAD SENSORS|Code table|0|0|4 +002243|extendedTypeOfStation|flag|EXTENDED TYPE OF STATION|Flag table|0|0|6 +002244|typeOfRoad|table|TYPE OF ROAD|Code table|0|0|5 +002245|typeOfConstruction|table|TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION|Code table|0|0|4 +004192|durationOfTimeRelatToFollowValue|table|DURATION OF TIME RELAT.TO FOLLOW.VALUE|Code table|0|0|4 +004193|dayOfOccOfDataValOfPrevElement|long|DAY OF OCC.OF DATA VAL.OF PREV.ELEMENT|d|0|0|6 +004194|durationOfPrecipitDuringPastHour|long|DURATION OF PRECIPIT.DURING PAST HOUR|min|0|0|6 +004201|numberOfDaysWithPrecipitationGe1mm|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH PRECIPITATION GE 1MM|Numeric|0|0|6 +004202|numberOfDaysWithSpecWeaPhenomena|long|NUMBER OF DAYS WITH SPEC.WEA.PHENOMENA|d|0|0|6 +004214|actualHourOfObservation|long|ACTUAL HOUR OF OBSERVATION|h|0|0|5 +004215|actualMinuteOfObservation|long|ACTUAL MINUTE OF OBSERVATION|min|0|0|6 +005195|ensembleMemberNumberEcmf|long|ENSEMBLE MEMBER NUMBER (ECMF)|Numeric|0|0|7 +005231|verifXCoordOfRefModelGridPoint|long|VERIF.:X-COORD.OF REF.MODEL GRID POINT|Numeric|0|0|12 +005232|verifNumberOfGridPointsInXDirect|long|VERIF.:NUMBER OF GRID POINTS IN X DIRECT|Numeric|0|0|12 +006192|distanceRecco|table|DISTANCE (RECCO)|Code table|0|0|4 +006231|verifYCoordOfRefModelGridPoint|long|VERIF.:Y-COORD.OF REF.MODEL GRID POINT|Numeric|0|0|12 +006232|verifNumberOfGridPointsInYDirect|long|VERIF.:NUMBER OF GRID POINTS IN Y DIRECT|Numeric|0|0|12 +007231|heightOfModelOrography|long|HEIGHT OF MODEL OROGRAPHY|m|0|-400|15 +008192|fieldFromWhichDeviationIsCalculated|table|FIELD FROM WHICH DEVIATION IS CALCULATED|Code table|0|0|6 +008193|seaLevelPressureOrGeopHeightSign|table|SEA-LEVEL PRESSURE OR GEOP. HEIGHT SIGN.|Code table|0|0|4 +008195|dataTypeEcmf|table|DATA TYPE (ECMF)|Code table|0|0|7 +008196|amountOfIceSingificance|table|AMOUNT OF ICE SINGIFICANCE|Code table|0|0|3 +008197|openingsInTheIceSignificance|table|OPENINGS IN THE ICE SIGNIFICANCE|Code table|0|0|3 +008198|dataGroup|table|DATA GROUP|Code table|0|0|4 +008199|extendedTimeSignificance|table|EXTENDED TIME SIGNIFICANCE|Code table|0|0|5 +008231|verificationReportCharacteristics|table|VERIFICATION: REPORT CHARACTERISTICS|Code table|0|0|10 +010192|depthOfRoots|double|DEPTH OF ROOTS|m|2|0|10 +010193|heightOfLightningStrikeOverNn|double|HEIGHT OF LIGHTNING STRIKE (OVER NN)|m|-1|0|11 +011192|uComponentAt10M|double|U-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011193|vComponentAt10M|double|V-COMPONENT AT 10 M|m/s|1|-4096|13 +011194|boundaryLayerDepth|long|BOUNDARY LAYER DEPTH|m|0|0|13 +011195|radiusOfZone|double|RADIUS OF ZONE|m|4|0|35 +011196|angleOfPropagation|double|ANGLE OF PROPAGATION|degree true|-1|0|4 +011197|sizeOfZone|double|SIZE OF ZONE|m|4|0|35 +011198|probabilityOfGusts|long|PROBABILITY OF GUSTS|%|0|0|7 +011199|forceOfSurfaceWindBeaufortScale|table|FORCE OF SURFACE WIND (BEAUFORT SCALE)|Code table|0|0|4 +011200|turbulence|table|TURBULENCE|Code table|0|0|4 +011201|typeOfWindAtFlightLevel|table|TYPE OF WIND AT FLIGHT LEVEL|Code table|0|0|4 +011202|meanWindSpeedFrom610minMeasurement|double|MEAN WIND SPEED FROM 6 10MIN-MEASUREMENT|m/s|1|0|12 +011203|quotientOfVectUScalMeanOfWindSp|double|QUOTIENT OF VECT.U.SCAL.MEAN OF WIND SP.|Numeric|2|0|12 +011204|squareRootOfTheEwVarianceOfFf|double|SQUARE ROOT OF THE EW VARIANCE OF FF|m/s|3|0|15 +011205|signedCovarianceOfWindSpeed|double|SIGNED COVARIANCE OF WIND SPEED|m/s|3|-16384|16 +011206|squareRootOfNwVarianceOfWindSpeed|double|SQUARE ROOT OF NW VARIANCE OF WIND SPEED|m/s|3|0|15 +011207|minimumWindSpeed|double|MINIMUM WIND SPEED|m/s|1|0|12 +011208|reliabilityOfWindAtFlightLevel|table|RELIABILITY OF WIND AT FLIGHT LEVEL|Code table|0|0|4 +011209|windDirectionEstimated|table|WIND DIRECTION (ESTIMATED)|Code table|0|0|6 +012192|groundMinimumTempPast10HoursClim|double|GROUND MINIMUM TEMP.,PAST 10 HOURS(CLIM)|K|1|0|12 +012193|depthOfSnowAboveGroundMinimumTherm|double|DEPTH OF SNOW ABOVE GROUND MINIMUM THERM|m|2|-2|10 +012194|groundMinimumTempPeriodSpecified|double|GROUND MINIMUM TEMP.,PERIOD SPECIFIED|K|1|0|12 +012195|snowAboveGroundMinimumThermYOrN|table|SNOW ABOVE GROUND MINIMUM THERM., Y/N|Code table|0|0|2 +012196|inverseMoninObukhovLength|double|INVERSE MONIN-OBUKHOV LENGTH|m-1|3|-100000|18 +012197|airStability|table|AIR STABILITY|Code table|0|0|4 +012199|maxTemperAt2MPast6HoursEcmf|double|MAX. TEMPER. AT 2 M, PAST 6 HOURS, ECMF|K|1|0|12 +012200|minTemperAt2MPast6HoursEcmf|double|MIN. TEMPER. AT 2 M, PAST 6 HOURS, ECMF|K|1|0|12 +012201|waterOrIceOrSignWetBulbTemperature|table|WATER/ICE/SIGN(WET BULB TEMPERATURE)|Code table|0|0|4 +012202|meanTemperatureAt2m|double|MEAN TEMPERATURE AT 2M|K|2|0|16 +012211|dryBulbTempAt2MDeviatFromNormal|double|DRY BULB TEMP.AT 2 M, DEVIAT.FROM NORMAL|K|1|-128|8 +012212|dryBulbTt2mDeviatFromNormHiAcc|double|DRY BULB TT 2M,DEVIAT.FROM NORM.(HI.ACC)|K|2|-1000|12 +012221|temperatAtBottomOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERAT.AT BOTTOM OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +012222|temperatureOfSnowCover|double|TEMPERATURE OF SNOW COVER|K|1|0|12 +012223|temperatureAtTopOfMiddleSoilLayer|double|TEMPERATURE AT TOP OF MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|K|1|0|12 +012224|bodyTemperatureOfThePyrgeometer|double|BODY TEMPERATURE OF THE PYRGEOMETER|K|2|0|16 +012225|coverTemperatureOfThePyrgeometer|double|COVER TEMPERATURE OF THE PYRGEOMETER|K|2|0|16 +012241|roadSurfaceTemperature|double|ROAD SURFACE TEMPERATURE|K|2|0|16 +012242|roadSubSurfaceTemperature|double|ROAD SUB-SURFACE TEMPERATURE|K|2|0|16 +013192|frequencyGroupPrecUntil1Nov94|table|FREQUENCY GROUP, PREC. (UNTIL 1 NOV 94)|Code table|0|0|4 +013193|totalPrecipitationForTheMonth|long|TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|12 +013194|maximumOfDailyPrecipitation|double|MAXIMUM OF DAILY PRECIPITATION|m|4|-1|14 +013195|atp45StabilityCategory|table|ATP 45 STABILITY CATEGORY|Code table|0|0|4 +013196|typeOfPrecipitation|table|TYPE OF PRECIPITATION|Code table|0|0|3 +013198|probabilityOfPrecipitation|long|PROBABILITY OF PRECIPITATION|%|0|0|7 +013201|totalDepthOfSnowAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL DEPTH OF SNOW AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|2|-2|16 +013202|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|m|4|-1|14 +013203|totalWaterEquivalentAtSnowSampler|double|TOTAL WATER EQUIVALENT AT SNOW SAMPLER|M/M|2|0|7 +013204|snowLargeScale+Convective|double|SNOW, LARGE SCALE + CONVECTIVE|kg m-2|1|-1|14 +013205|largeScalePrecipitionRainAndSnow|double|LARGE SCALE PRECIPITION (RAIN AND SNOW)|m|4|0|14 +013206|convectivePrecipitionRainAndSnow|double|CONVECTIVE PRECIPITION (RAIN AND SNOW)|m|4|0|14 +013207|skinReservoirContent|double|SKIN RESERVOIR CONTENT|m|5|0|20 +013208|surfaceWaterRunoff|double|SURFACE WATER RUNOFF|kg m-2|2|-1|19 +013209|groundWaterRunoff|double|GROUND WATER RUNOFF|kg m-2|2|-1|19 +013211|soilHumidity|double|SOIL HUMIDITY|m|-3|0|7 +013221|totalWaterContentsInLowerSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS IN LOWER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013222|totalWaterContentsIMiddleSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.MIDDLE SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013223|totalWaterContentsIUpperSoilLayer|double|TOTAL WATER CONTENTS I.UPPER SOIL LAYER|m|4|0|14 +013224|specificHumidityAtSurfOrEarthOrSnow|double|SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT SURF./EARTH OR SNOW|kg/kg|5|0|14 +013225|largeScaleRainDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013226|largeScaleSnowDuringForecastTime|double|LARGE SCALE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013227|convectiveRainDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE RAIN DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013228|convectiveSnowDuringForecastTime|double|CONVECTIVE SNOW DURING FORECAST TIME|m|4|0|14 +013229|mixingRatioInFog|double|MIXING RATIO IN FOG|kg/kg|5|0|14 +013230|cloudWaterContent|double|CLOUD WATER CONTENT|kg/kg|7|0|14 +013231|totalPrecipitationPast10Minutes|double|TOTAL PRECIPITATION PAST 10 MINUTES|kg m-2|2|-1|14 +013232|precipitationOccured|table|PRECIPITATION OCCURED|Code table|0|0|2 +013233|humidTemperature|double|HUMID TEMPERATURE|K|2|0|16 +013234|stateOfHumidity|table|STATE OF HUMIDITY|Code table|0|0|2 +013235|numberOfDaysForControllingMeasurme|long|NUMBER OF DAYS FOR CONTROLLING MEASURME.|d|0|0|5 +013236|blockOfPrecipitationAndSnowCover|string|BLOCK OF PRECIPITATION AND SNOW COVER|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +013237|snowCover|table|SNOW COVER|Code table|0|0|3 +013241|waterFilmThickness|double|WATER FILM THICKNESS|m|3|0|7 +014192|totalSunshineForTheMonth|long|TOTAL SUNSHINE FOR THE MONTH|%|0|0|9 +014193|surfaceHeatFluxDensity|double|SURFACE HEAT FLUX DENSITY|W m-2|1|-5000|14 +014198|sunshine|long|SUNSHINE|%|0|0|7 +014201|photosytheticActiveRadiationAtSurf|double|PHOTOSYTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION AT SURF.|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +014202|albedoOfSurfaceShortWave|long|ALBEDO OF SURFACE (SHORT WAVE)|%|0|0|7 +014203|thermalRadiationOfTheAtmosphere|double|THERMAL RADIATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE|J m-2|-2|0|16 +014204|durationOfSunshineUsingTheWoz|long|DURATION OF SUNSHINE USING THE WOZ|min|0|0|11 +015192|ozoneVerticallyIntegrated|double|OZONE, VERTICALLY INTEGRATED|Pa|4|0|14 +015193|pressureOfOzoneMaximum|double|PRESSURE OF OZONE MAXIMUM|Pa|-1|0|14 +020192|typeOfSpecialWeatherPhenomena|table|TYPE OF SPECIAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|5 +020193|additionalWeatherPhenomena|table|ADDITIONAL WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|7 +020194|heightOfTopOfPhenomena|double|HEIGHT OF TOP OF PHENOMENA|m|-1|-40|11 +020195|weatherPhenomena|table|WEATHER PHENOMENA|Code table|0|0|4 +020196|directionOfMainOccOfWeatherPhen|long|DIRECTION OF MAIN OCC.OF WEATHER PHEN.|deg|0|0|12 +020197|baseOfCloudClass|long|BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020198|numberOfValuesInBaseOfCloudClass|long|NUMBER OF VALUES IN BASE OF CLOUD CLASS|Numeric|0|0|4 +020199|lowestHeightOBaseOCloudDurLastH|double|LOWEST HEIGHT O.BASE O.CLOUD DUR.LAST H.|m|-1|-40|11 +020200|amountOfConvectiveClouds|long|AMOUNT OF (CONVECTIVE) CLOUDS|%|0|0|7 +020201|precipitAtTimeOfObservAutomStat|table|PRECIPIT.AT TIME OF OBSERV.(AUTOM.STAT.)|Code table|0|0|2 +020202|presentWeatherClimatologObservation|table|PRESENT WEATHER (CLIMATOLOG.OBSERVATION)|Code table|0|0|8 +020203|formOfPrecipitation|table|FORM OF PRECIPITATION|Code table|0|0|4 +020204|fallenPrecipitationDayBefore|table|FALLEN PRECIPITATION (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|6 +020205|dewRimeEtcDayBefore|table|DEW, RIME ETC. (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|7 +020206|otherWeatherDayBefore|table|OTHER WEATHER (DAY BEFORE)|Code table|0|0|4 +020207|flightConditions|table|FLIGHT CONDITIONS|Code table|0|0|3 +020208|presentWeatherMawec|table|PRESENT WEATHER (MAWEC)|Code table|0|0|4 +020209|moistureOfGround|table|MOISTURE OF GROUND|Code table|0|0|3 +020210|significantWeatrherPhenomenaMetgm|table|SIGNIFICANT WEATRHER PHENOMENA (METGM)|Code table|0|0|4 +020211|precipitationDuringPrecedingHourYOrN|table|PRECIPITATION DURING PRECEDING HOUR Y/N|Code table|0|0|2 +020212|amountOfSeaIce|table|AMOUNT OF SEA ICE|Code table|0|0|4 +020213|amountOfFastIce|table|AMOUNT OF FAST ICE|Code table|0|0|4 +020214|seaIceTopography|table|SEA-ICE TOPOGRAPHY|Code table|0|0|4 +020215|seaIceOpenings|table|SEA-ICE OPENINGS|Code table|0|0|4 +020216|directionMainOccOfWeatherPhenTab|table|DIRECTION MAIN OCC.OF WEATHER PHEN. TAB.|Code table|0|0|4 +020217|significantWeatherPhenomenaNbcCdm|table|SIGNIFICANT WEATHER PHENOMENA (NBC CDM)|Code table|0|0|4 +020218|cloudCoverNbcCdm|table|CLOUD COVER (NBC CDM)|Code table|0|0|2 +020219|presentWeatherSuprep|table|PRESENT WEATHER (SUPREP)|Code table|0|0|4 +020220|amplificationOfPheRepBy020219|table|AMPLIFICATION OF PHE. REP. BY 020219|Code table|0|0|4 +020221|intensityOrProximityOfWeather|table|INTENSITY OR PROXIMITY OF WEATHER|Code table|0|0|3 +020222|descriptorOfWeather|string|DESCRIPTOR OF WEATHER|CCITT IA5|0|0|16 +020223|weatherPhenomenaMetar|string|WEATHER PHENOMENA (METAR)|CCITT IA5|0|0|48 +020224|stateOfRoadInVicinityOfObsPoint|table|STATE OF ROAD IN VICINITY OF OBS POINT|Code table|0|0|4 +020225|stateOfTerrainPrevInViciOfObsP|table|STATE OF TERRAIN PREV. IN VICI. OF OBS P|Code table|0|0|4 +020226|presentWeatherTarwi|table|PRESENT WEATHER (TARWI)|Code table|0|0|4 +020227|amplitudeOfLightningStrike|double|AMPLITUDE OF LIGHTNING STRIKE|A|-2|-16384|15 +020228|lightningStrikeClassification|table|LIGHTNING STRIKE CLASSIFICATION|Code table|0|0|2 +020229|lightningDetectionError|long|LIGHTNING DETECTION ERROR|m|0|0|16 +020230|cloudCoverOfTheHillCodeTable50|table|CLOUD COVER OF THE HILL - CODE TABLE 50|Code table|0|0|4 +020231|verticalCloudAmount|long|VERTICAL CLOUD AMOUNT|%|0|0|7 +020232|modifiedCloudAmount|long|MODIFIED CLOUD AMOUNT|%|0|0|7 +020233|verificationDerivedLowCloudCover|long|VERIFICATION: DERIVED LOW CLOUD COVER|%|0|0|7 +020234|maxMeteorologOpticalRange|long|MAX. METEOROLOG. OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|14 +020235|minMeteorologOpticalRange|long|MIN. METEOROLOG. OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|14 +020236|meteorologOpticalRange|long|METEOROLOG. OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|14 +020237|meteorologicalOpticalRange|long|METEOROLOGICAL OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|18 +020238|minimumMeteorologicalOpticalRange|long|MINIMUM METEOROLOGICAL OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|18 +020239|maximumMeteorologicalOpticalRange|long|MAXIMUM METEOROLOGICAL OPTICAL RANGE|m|0|0|18 +020240|horizontalVisibilityEstimated|table|HORIZONTAL VISIBILITY (ESTIMATED)|Code table|0|0|4 +020241|roadSurfaceCondition|table|ROAD SURFACE CONDITION|Code table|0|0|4 +021192|orientationOfEllipse|table|ORIENTATION OF ELLIPSE|Code table|0|0|4 +021193|echoWidthOrDiameter|double|ECHO WIDTH OR DIAMETER|m|-1|0|15 +021194|lengthOfEchoAxis|double|LENGTH OF ECHO AXIS|m|-1|0|15 +021195|characterOfEcho|table|CHARACTER OF ECHO|Code table|0|0|3 +021196|intensityOfEcho|table|INTENSITY OF ECHO|Code table|0|0|3 +022192|lengthOfSwellMetgm|double|LENGTH OF SWELL (METGM)|m|-2|0|2 +022193|stateOfWaterSurface|table|STATE OF WATER SURFACE|Code table|0|0|4 +022194|directionOfApproachOfWavesToBeach|table|DIRECTION OF APPROACH OF WAVES TO BEACH|Code table|0|0|2 +022195|widthOfSurfZone|table|WIDTH OF SURF ZONE|Code table|0|0|3 +024192|typeOfObservation|table|TYPE OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|4 +024193|methodOfObservation|table|METHOD OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024194|statusOfObservation|table|STATUS OF OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|7 +024195|nuclid|table|NUCLID|Code table|0|0|10 +024196|baseOfObservedValue|long|BASE OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|0|10 +024197|exponentOfObservedValue|long|EXPONENT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Numeric|0|-15|5 +024198|indicatorOnObservedValue|table|INDICATOR ON OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|2 +024199|unitOfObservedValue|table|UNIT OF OBSERVED VALUE|Code table|0|0|7 +024200|errorOfObservedData|double|ERROR OF OBSERVED DATA|%|1|0|10 +024201|routineOrSpecialOrTestObservation|table|ROUTINE/SPECIAL/TEST OBSERVATION|Code table|0|0|2 +024202|sampleVolume|double|SAMPLE VOLUME|m3|2|0|27 +024203|detectorIdentifier|table|DETECTOR IDENTIFIER|Code table|0|0|10 +024204|geometryIdentifier|table|GEOMETRY IDENTIFIER|Code table|0|0|7 +024205|typOfFilter|table|TYP OF FILTER|Code table|0|0|7 +024206|pumpIdentifier|table|PUMP IDENTIFIER|Code table|0|0|10 +024207|reportStatus|table|REPORT STATUS|Code table|0|0|2 +024208|sampleTypIdentifier|table|SAMPLE TYP IDENTIFIER|Code table|0|0|7 +024209|baseOfLimitOfDetection|long|BASE OF LIMIT OF DETECTION|Numeric|0|0|10 +024210|exponentOfLimitOfDetection|long|EXPONENT OF LIMIT OF DETECTION|Numeric|0|-15|5 +024211|chemicalRecovery|double|CHEMICAL RECOVERY|%|2|0|14 +024212|liveTime|long|LIVE TIME|s|0|0|24 +024213|baseOfDecisionThreshold|long|BASE OF DECISION THRESHOLD|Numeric|0|0|10 +024214|exponentOfDecisionThreshold|long|EXPONENT OF DECISION THRESHOLD|Numeric|0|-15|5 +025192|dewPointAircraftAlti+airTtIdRecco|table|DEW POINT,AIRCRAFT ALTI+AIR TT ID(RECCO)|Code table|0|0|4 +033192|qualityInformationOfLightningNet|table|QUALITY INFORMATION OF LIGHTNING NET|Code table|0|0|2 +051192|shortDistanceLightning|long|SHORT DISTANCE LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +051193|distantLightning|long|DISTANT LIGHTNING|Numeric|0|0|7 +052192|landSeaRatio|long|LAND SEA RATIO|%|0|0|7 +052193|coeffOfTurbTranfOfImpulseSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF IMPULSE,SURFACE|Code table|5|0|17 +052194|coeffOfTurbTranfOfHeatOrHumSurface|table|COEFF.OF TURB.TRANF.OF HEAT/HUM.,SURFACE|Code table|5|0|17 +052195|impulseFlowUAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(U) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052196|impulseFlowVAtSurfPeriodSpecif|long|IMPULSE FLOW(V) AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|G/(M*S**2)|0|-2048|12 +052197|flowOfSensHeatAtSurfPeriodSpec|double|FLOW OF SENS.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPEC.|J m-2|-3|-16384|15 +052198|flowOfLatHeatAtSurfPeriodSpecif|double|FLOW OF LAT.HEAT AT SURF.,PERIOD SPECIF.|J m-2|-3|-16384|15 +052199|roughnessLengthMultipliedByG|double|ROUGHNESS LENGTH (MULTIPLIED BY G)|m2 s-2|2|0|12 +052200|boundaryLayerDissipation|double|BOUNDARY LAYER DISSIPATION|J m-2|-3|-2048|12 +052201|soilHeatFluxSurface|double|SOIL HEAT FLUX, SURFACE|J m-2|-2|-16384|15 +052202|soilHeatFluxBottomOfLayer1|double|SOIL HEAT FLUX, BOTTOM OF LAYER 1|J m-2|-2|-16384|15 +052210|referenceNoAndDdOfTheHillTab32|table|REFERENCE NO AND DD OF THE HILL - TAB 32|Code table|0|0|4 +053001|geopotentialDevFromFirstGuess|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053002|uComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053003|vComponentDevFromFirstGuess|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053004|relHumidityDevFromFirstGuess|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|%|1|-1000|12 +053005|thicknessDevFromFirstGuess|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FIRST GUESS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053011|geopotentialDevFromAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053012|uComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053013|vComponentDevFromAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053014|relHumidityDevFromAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053015|thicknessDevFromAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053021|geopotentialDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053022|uComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053023|vComponentDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053024|relHumidityDevFrInitializedAnalysis|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|%|1|-1000|12 +053025|thicknessDevFrInitializedAnalysis|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FR.INITIALIZED ANALYSIS|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053031|geopotentialDevFromForecastA|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053032|uComponentDevFromForecastA|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053033|vComponentDevFromForecastA|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053034|relHumidityDevFromForecastA|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|%|1|-1000|12 +053035|thicknessDevFromForecastA|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST A|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053041|geopotentialDevFromForecastB|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053042|uComponentDevFromForecastB|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053043|vComponentDevFromForecastB|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053044|relHumidityDevFromForecastB|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|%|1|-1000|12 +053045|thicknessDevFromForecastB|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST B|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053051|geopotentialDevFromForecastC|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053052|uComponentDevFromForecastC|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053053|vComponentDevFromForecastC|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m/s|1|-2000|13 +053054|relHumidityDevFromForecastC|double|REL.HUMIDITY,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|%|1|-1000|12 +053055|thicknessDevFromForecastC|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FROM FORECAST C|m2 s-2|0|-10000|16 +053061|geopotentialQualityFlags|flag|GEOPOTENTIAL, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053062|uComponentQualityFlags|flag|U-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053063|vComponentQualityFlags|flag|V-COMPONENT, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053064|relHumidityQualityFlags|flag|REL.HUMIDITY, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053065|thicknessQualityFlags|flag|THICKNESS, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053066|temperatureQualityFlags|flag|TEMPERATURE,QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053067|pressureAtObsLevelQualityFlags|flag|PRESSURE AT OBS.LEVEL,QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053068|dewPointTemperatureQualityFlags|flag|DEW POINT TEMPERATURE,QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053069|maxWindGustsQualityFlags|flag|MAX WIND (GUSTS), QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053070|maxTemperature2mQualityFlags|flag|MAX TEMPERATURE(2M), QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053071|minTemperature2mQualityFlags|flag|MIN TEMPERATURE(2M), QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053072|groundMinTemperatureQualityFlags|flag|GROUND MIN.TEMPERATURE, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053073|cloudCoverQualityFlags|flag|CLOUD COVER, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053074|lowCloudCoverQualityFlags|flag|LOW CLOUD COVER, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053075|horizontalVisibilityQualityFlags|flag|HORIZONTAL VISIBILITY, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053076|totalPrecipitationQualityFlags|flag|TOTAL PRECIPITATION, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053077|globalRadiationQualityFlags|flag|GLOBAL RADIATION, QUALITY FLAGS|Flag table|0|0|32 +053101|geopotentialDevFrDefField|long|GEOPOTENTIAL,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m2 s-2|0|-16384|15 +053102|uComponentDevFrDefField|double|U-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m/s|1|-2048|12 +053103|vComponentDevFrDefField|double|V-COMPONENT,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m/s|1|-2048|12 +053104|relativeHumidityDevFrDefField|double|RELATIVE HUMIDITY,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|%|1|-1024|11 +053105|thicknessDevFrDefField|long|THICKNESS,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m2 s-2|0|-16384|15 +053106|temperatureDevFrDefField|double|TEMPERATURE,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|2|-8096|14 +053107|pressureAtObsLevelDevFrDefField|long|PRESSURE AT OBS.LEVEL,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|Pa|0|-16384|15 +053108|dewPointTemperatureDevFrDefField|double|DEW POINT TEMPERATURE,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|1|-1024|11 +053109|maxWindGustsDevFrDefField|double|MAX WIND (GUSTS),DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m/s|1|-2048|12 +053110|maxTemperature2mDevFrDefField|double|MAX TEMPERATURE(2M),DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|1|-1024|11 +053111|minTemperature2mDevFrDefField|double|MIN TEMPERATURE(2M),DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|1|-1024|11 +053112|groundMinTemperatureDevFrDefField|double|GROUND MIN.TEMPERATURE,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|K|1|-1024|11 +053113|cloudCoverDevFrDefField|long|CLOUD COVER,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|%|0|-128|8 +053114|lowCloudCoverDevFrDefField|long|LOW CLOUD COVER,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|%|0|-128|8 +053115|horizontalVisibilityDevFrDefField|double|HORIZONTAL VISIBILITY,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|m|-1|-8192|14 +053116|totalPrecipitationDevFrDefField|double|TOTAL PRECIPITATION,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|kg m-2|1|-16384|15 +053117|globalRadiationDevFrDefField|double|GLOBAL RADIATION,DEV.FR.DEF.FIELD|J m-2|-4|-32768|16 +054201|yearOfDecoding|long|YEAR OF DECODING|a|0|0|12 +054202|monthOfDecoding|long|MONTH OF DECODING|mon|0|0|4 +054203|dayOfDecoding|long|DAY OF DECODING|d|0|0|6 +054204|hourOfDecoding|long|HOUR OF DECODING|h|0|0|5 +054205|minuteOfDecoding|long|MINUTE OF DECODING|min|0|0|6 +054211|numberOfDayOfMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF DAY OF MRZ BACK-UP FILE|d|0|0|6 +054212|numberOfRecordOnMrzBackUpFile|long|NUMBER OF RECORD ON MRZ BACK-UP FILE|Numeric|0|0|18 +054213|decodingRunningOnMfaOrMfbValues1Or0|long|DECODING RUNNING ON MFA/MFB (VALUES 1/0)|Numeric|0|0|2 +055192|kindOfPlants|table|KIND OF PLANTS|Code table|0|0|7 +055193|stepOfGrowth|table|STEP OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|7 +055194|progressOfGrowth|table|PROGRESS OF GROWTH|Code table|0|0|4 +055195|plantDamage|table|PLANT DAMAGE|Code table|0|0|4 +055196|landUse|table|LAND USE|Code table|0|0|3 +055201|typeOfLandSurface|table|TYPE OF LAND SURFACE|Code table|0|0|5 +055202|plantCover|long|PLANT COVER|%|0|0|7 +055203|leafAreaIndex|long|LEAF AREA INDEX|%|0|0|7 +056001|flightConditionsRecco|table|FLIGHT CONDITIONS (RECCO)|Code table|0|0|4 +056002|presentWeatherRecco|table|PRESENT WEATHER (RECCO)|Code table|0|0|4 +056003|significantWeatherChanges|table|SIGNIFICANT WEATHER CHANGES|Code table|0|0|4 +056004|distantWeather|table|DISTANT WEATHER|Code table|0|0|4 +056005|rateOfIcing|table|RATE OF ICING|Code table|0|0|2 +056006|typeOfIcingAndTypeOfContrails|table|TYPE OF ICING AND TYPE OF CONTRAILS|Code table|0|0|4 +056007|altitudeOfBaseOfLayerInWhichIOcc|double|ALTITUDE OF BASE OF LAYER IN WHICH I OCC|m|-1|-40|11 +056008|altitudeOfTopOfLayerInWhichIOcc|double|ALTITUDE OF TOP OF LAYER IN WHICH I OCC|m|-1|-40|11 +056009|inFlightHorizontalVisibility|table|IN-FLIGHT HORIZONTAL VISIBILITY|Code table|0|0|2 +056010|amountOfIce|table|AMOUNT OF ICE|Code table|0|0|4 +056011|iceTopography|table|ICE TOPOGRAPHY|Code table|0|0|4 +056012|icePuddles|table|ICE PUDDLES|Code table|0|0|4 +056013|orientationOfOpeningsInTheIce|table|ORIENTATION OF OPENINGS IN THE ICE|Code table|0|0|4 +056014|widthOfTheOpeningsInTheIce|double|WIDTH OF THE OPENINGS IN THE ICE|m|-1|0|13 +056015|intensityOfBirdstrikeWarning|long|INTENSITY OF BIRDSTRIKE WARNING|Numeric|0|0|4 +056192|blockOfTheContinuousWeatherTrend|string|BLOCK OF THE CONTINUOUS WEATHER TREND|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056193|blockOfTheNotes|string|BLOCK OF THE NOTES|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056194|blockOfDangerousWeather|string|BLOCK OF DANGEROUS WEATHER|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056195|blockOfWinterSportsObservation|string|BLOCK OF WINTER SPORTS OBSERVATION|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056196|blockOfOrnithologicalObservation|string|BLOCK OF ORNITHOLOGICAL OBSERVATION|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056197|blockOfWeatherHistory|string|BLOCK OF WEATHER HISTORY|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056198|blockOfAdditionalObservation|string|BLOCK OF ADDITIONAL OBSERVATION|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056199|blockOf9spspspsp|string|BLOCK OF 9SPSPSPSP|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056200|blockOfPhaenologicalReport|string|BLOCK OF PHAENOLOGICAL REPORT|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056201|blockOfAdditionalComment|string|BLOCK OF ADDITIONAL COMMENT|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056202|blockOfAdditionalComment|string|BLOCK OF ADDITIONAL COMMENT|CCITT IA5|0|0|200 +056203|blockOfLastChangeUser|string|BLOCK OF LAST CHANGE USER|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056204|blockOfLastChangeComment|string|BLOCK OF LAST CHANGE COMMENT|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056205|blockOfPrecipitationInKwv|string|BLOCK OF PRECIPITATION IN KWV|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056206|blockOfPrecipitationAccretionInKwv|string|BLOCK OF PRECIPITATION ACCRETION IN KWV|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 +056207|blockOfOtherWeatherPhenomenaInKwv|string|BLOCK OF OTHER WEATHER PHENOMENA IN KWV|CCITT IA5|0|0|64 diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/sequence.def b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/sequence.def new file mode 100755 index 000000000..497447f1a --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/0/sequence.def @@ -0,0 +1,343 @@ +"301192" = [ 054201, 054202, 054203, 054204, 054205, 054211, 054212, 054213, 002192, 002193, 002201 ] +"301193" = [ 301192, 204005, 031021, 301023, 301011, 301012, 204000 ] +"301194" = [ 301001, 007001, 010001, 002221 ] +"301195" = [ 301011, 301013, 301021, 007002 ] +"301196" = [ 301011, 301013, 301021 ] +"301197" = [ 202131, 201138, 004006, 201000, 202000 ] +"301198" = [ 002038, 002039 ] +"301199" = [ 002051, 026001, 026002 ] +"301200" = [ 004214, 004215 ] +"301201" = [ 002001, 002002 ] +"301202" = [ 002003, 002011, 002013, 002014 ] +"301203" = [ 002061, 008004 ] +"301204" = [ 002021, 002022, 002023, 002024, 002025 ] +"301205" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301206" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301207" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005 ] +"301208" = [ 301198, 301200, 301201 ] +"301210" = [ 001007, 001031, 002019, 002020 ] +"301211" = [ 301193, 001003, 301194, 001192, 301003, 001005, 001006, 001007, 001031 ] +"301212" = [ 002192, 002193, 002201, 204005, 031021, 301023, 301011, 301012, 204000 ] +"301213" = [ 301212, 001003, 301194, 001192, 301003, 001005, 001006, 001007, 001031 ] +"301220" = [ 201138, 202131, 004006, 201000, 202000, 301023 ] +"301221" = [ 202127, 001013, 202126, 007001, 202000, 025010, 021064 ] +"301223" = [ 025061, 025068, 001082, 001083, 001081, 002067, 002066, 002014 ] +"301224" = [ 025067, 025065, 025066, 002095, 002096, 002097, 002016, 002083, 002080, 002081, 001093 ] +"301225" = [ 002084, 002085, 002086, 002082, 008041, 301011 ] +"301231" = [ 002231, 005231, 006231, 005232, 006232, 007231, 008231 ] +"302192" = [ 010051, 010061, 010063 ] +"302193" = [ 010004, 007004, 010003 ] +"302194" = [ 011011, 011012 ] +"302195" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302196" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302197" = [ 011041, 011042 ] +"302198" = [ 101000, 031000, 302004, 101000, 031001, 302005, 008002, 101000, 031000, 302055 ] +"302199" = [ 101000, 031000, 302056, 101000, 031000, 302021, 101000, 031000, 302024 ] +"302200" = [ 007032, 012101 ] +"302201" = [ 012004, 012006, 013003 ] +"302202" = [ 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012013 ] +"302203" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302204" = [ 101003, 302203, 013013, 020062, 020062 ] +"302205" = [ 004031, 013011, 004194 ] +"302206" = [ 004031, 013012 ] +"302207" = [ 004031, 013011 ] +"302208" = [ 004031, 013012, 013013 ] +"302209" = [ 004032, 013011, 026020 ] +"302210" = [ 008002, 020011, 020012, 020014, 020017 ] +"302211" = [ 020001, 020003, 020004, 020005 ] +"302212" = [ 020010, 020011, 020013, 020012, 020012, 020012 ] +"302213" = [ 008002, 020011, 020012, 020013 ] +"302214" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302215" = [ 004031, 014031 ] +"302216" = [ 004031, 014021 ] +"302217" = [ 004031, 014023 ] +"302218" = [ 004031, 014002 ] +"302219" = [ 020221, 020222, 020223 ] +"302220" = [ 020221, 020222, 020223 ] +"302221" = [ 302192, 302193, 010062, 302003, 302212 ] +"302222" = [ 020025, 020026, 020027, 020040, 020066, 020027, 020021, 020067, 020027 ] +"302223" = [ 302195, 302202, 302204, 101004, 302005 ] +"302224" = [ 013032, 002004, 302214, 302215, 101002, 302216, 101002, 302217, 101002, 302218 ] +"302225" = [ 004192, 012004, 012061, 051192, 051193, 013203, 101004, 020193, 020194, 020195, 020196 ] +"302226" = [ 007061, 012030 ] +"302227" = [ 020197, 020198 ] +"302228" = [ 101007, 302226, 101008, 302227, 020199 ] +"302229" = [ 101003, 302219, 101003, 302220 ] +"302230" = [ 020011, 020013 ] +"302231" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010052, 302194, 302201, 302211, 020010, 011041, 101004, 302213, 204000 ] +"302232" = [ 031021, 010052, 302194, 011041, 012004, 012006, 020001, 020003, 302229, 101004, 302230 ] +"302235" = [ 204005, 031021, 010004, 010051, 007004, 010003, 012004, 013004, 022042, 204000 ] +"302236" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013192, 014032 ] +"302237" = [ 004022, 008021, 302235, 004022, 008021, 302236, 004201, 014192, 204000 ] +"302238" = [ 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302235, 004021, 008021, 004022, 008021, 302236, 204000 ] +"302240" = [ 004192, 014031 ] +"302241" = [ 004192, 012004, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012, 012192, 012193, 012005, 012201, 013003 ] +"302242" = [ 001201, 020001, 020010, 020062, 020062, 020202, 020203, 020204, 020205, 020206 ] +"302243" = [ 013201, 013202, 013203 ] +"302244" = [ 204005, 031021, 012004, 012211, 010004, 013003, 012011, 101004, 004193, 012012, 101004, 004193 ] +"302245" = [ 004202, 020192 ] +"302246" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 013193, 013194, 101004, 004193, 014032, 014192, 101014, 302245, 204000 ] +"302247" = [ 004192, 012202 ] +"302248" = [ 004032, 013059, 004032, 051192 ] +"302249" = [ 004032, 011041, 004032, 011041, 004032, 011042 ] +"302250" = [ 008041, 201131, 202129, 002115, 010004, 002115, 013003, 202000, 201000, 002115, 011001, 011002 ] +"302251" = [ 002115, 102002, 012101, 004024, 002115, 012103, 012102 ] +"302252" = [ 101003, 020012, 020011, 020013, 101002, 020003 ] +"303192" = [ 007003, 007004, 008001, 011001, 011002, 012001, 012003 ] +"303193" = [ 303192, 011061, 011062 ] +"303194" = [ 201131, 202129, 025069, 007004, 013003, 202000, 201000 ] +"303201" = [ 053001, 053011, 053021, 053031, 053041, 053051, 053061 ] +"303202" = [ 053002, 053012, 053022, 053032, 053042, 053052, 053062 ] +"303203" = [ 053003, 053013, 053023, 053033, 053043, 053053, 053063 ] +"303204" = [ 053004, 053014, 053024, 053034, 053044, 053054, 053064 ] +"303205" = [ 053005, 053015, 053025, 053035, 053045, 053055, 053065 ] +"304192" = [ 020010, 010004 ] +"304200" = [ 106004, 008021, 301013, 008021, 301013, 011001, 011002, 103010, 002163, 007004, 012001 ] +"306192" = [ 012005, 022042, 022011, 022021, 022012, 022022, 101002, 302023 ] +"307192" = [ 301211, 301208, 204005, 031021, 302221, 306192, 302223, 302224, 302210, 204000, 354192 ] +"307193" = [ 301211, 301201, 302231, 354192 ] +"307194" = [ 301211, 301200, 204005, 031021, 302196, 302225, 302205, 302206, 302228, 204000, 354193 ] +"307195" = [ 301211, 301201, 302232, 354192 ] +"307196" = [ 007006, 012001, 012003, 010052, 020009 ] +"307197" = [ 020009, 101000, 031001, 020001, 307014 ] +"307200" = [ 301213, 301208, 204005, 031021, 302221, 306192, 302223, 302224, 101004, 302210, 204000, 354192 ] +"307201" = [ 301213, 301201, 302232, 354192 ] +"307202" = [ 012061, 302205, 004192, 012004, 011012, 004031, 014031, 004031, 020203, 101004, 020193 ] +"307203" = [ 004031, 011012, 302206, 020194, 020195, 020196, 020011, 020013, 011041, 011042, 101007, 302226 ] +"307204" = [ 004031, 013011, 004031, 020203, 302240, 302197, 013203, 020204, 020205, 020206 ] +"307205" = [ 004192, 012011, 004192, 012012, 004192, 012194, 012195, 020234, 020235, 101004, 020236 ] +"307206" = [ 301213, 301200, 204005, 031021, 307202, 307203, 307204, 307205, 204000, 354193 ] +"307207" = [ 001018, 301090, 301200, 204004, 031021, 302200, 302209, 302247, 007032, 011002, 348210, 302248, 302206, 348211, 348212, 302249, 348213, 101007, 307063, 348214, 348215, 348216, 348217, 204000, 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"307208" = [ 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005, 004007, 005001, 006001, 002184, 002187, 002189, 010193, 020023, 020227, 020229 ] +"307209" = [ 301011, 301012, 004025, 002184, 103000, 031001, 301021, 001015, 033002 ] +"307210" = [ 301011, 301012, 301023, 004025, 030021, 030022, 005012, 105000, 031001, 006012, 101000, 031001, 033192, 006012 ] +"307211" = [ 301211, 302237, 302238 ] +"307212" = [ 301211, 204005, 031021, 302197, 302241, 101002, 302207, 302208, 302243, 302242, 302240, 204000 ] +"307213" = [ 301211, 004022, 008021, 302244, 204000, 004022, 008021, 302246, 354192 ] +"307214" = [ 301211, 301199, 348201, 348202, 204005, 102024, 008052, 008022, 004022, 348198, 348199, 204000 ] +"307215" = [ 301211, 012211, 013193, 013003, 102005, 020192, 004202 ] +"307216" = [ 301213, 302237, 302238 ] +"307217" = [ 301213, 301199, 348201, 348202, 204005, 102024, 008052, 008022, 004022, 348198, 348199, 204000 ] +"307218" = [ 301213, 012211, 013193, 013003, 102005, 020192, 004202 ] +"307219" = [ 001018, 301090, 004023, 204004, 031021, 012212, 013193, 008023, 013003, 008023, 102006, 020192, 004202, 204000, 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"307222" = [ 106025, 002020, 001050, 005021, 007021, 015031, 015032, 008060, 015033, 015034, 008060, 307223 ] +"307223" = [ 015033, 015034, 015035, 201131, 202129, 013016, 202000, 201000, 015011 ] +"307225" = [ 101002, 302045, 302046 ] +"307226" = [ 012122, 013056, 013057, 020101, 020102, 020103, 020104, 020105, 020106, 020107, 020108 ] +"307227" = [ 012121, 012122 ] +"307228" = [ 020055, 101000, 031001, 205001 ] +"307230" = [ 101002, 302045, 302046 ] +"307231" = [ 004074, 004023, 008023, 010004, 010051, 007004, 010009, 007032, 012101 ] +"307232" = [ 002051, 004051, 012118, 004052, 012119, 013004, 008023, 012151, 007032, 102005, 008050, 008020 ] +"307233" = [ 014032, 014033, 008050, 008020, 102018, 008052, 008022 ] +"307234" = [ 007032, 008053, 004003, 012152, 008053, 004003, 012153, 008053, 004003, 008023, 012101 ] +"307235" = [ 008053, 004003, 008023, 012101, 008023, 007032, 002002, 008053, 004003, 011046, 008053 ] +"307236" = [ 004003, 004004, 004023, 007032, 013060, 013051, 004053, 008050, 008020, 102006, 008052, 008022 ] +"307237" = [ 008053, 004003, 013052, 007032 ] +"307238" = [ 004001, 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004074, 004022, 008023, 010004, 010051, 007004, 010009 ] +"307239" = [ 007032, 012101, 002051, 004051, 012118, 004052, 012119, 013004, 012151, 007032, 014032, 008023 ] +"307240" = [ 004001, 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004022, 007032, 008023, 013060, 004053, 008023 ] +"307241" = [ 102008, 008050, 008020 ] +"308192" = [ 301213, 204005, 031021, 010051, 204000 ] +"308200" = [ 008023, 010051, 007032, 007033, 012101, 013004, 007032, 007033, 302056, 008023 ] +"308201" = [ 004003, 004004, 004023, 007032, 013060, 013051, 004053, 007032 ] +"309192" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101016, 303193, 204000 ] +"309193" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031001, 303192, 204000 ] +"309194" = [ 301211, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101011, 303193, 204000 ] +"309201" = [ 301211, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031002, 303193, 204000 ] +"309211" = [ 204005, 031021, 303192, 204000, 303201, 303202, 303203, 303204 ] +"309212" = [ 301211, 301202, 101000, 031001, 309211 ] +"309222" = [ 301213, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101016, 303193, 204000 ] +"309223" = [ 301213, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101000, 031001, 303192, 204000 ] +"309224" = [ 301213, 301200, 301202, 204005, 031021, 101011, 303193, 204000 ] +"309225" = [ 033007, 033035, 033015, 013009, 033007, 033035, 033015, 002013, 012101, 033007, 033035, 033015 ] +"309226" = [ 005001, 033035, 033015, 006001, 033035, 033015, 007007, 033035, 033015 ] +"309227" = [ 011003, 033035, 033015, 011004, 033035, 033015 ] +"309228" = [ 201131, 202129, 104002, 025069, 007004, 033035, 033015, 013003, 033035, 033015, 202000, 201000 ] +"309229" = [ 104002, 002013, 012101, 033035, 033015, 012103, 033035, 033015, 010009, 033035, 033015 ] +"309230" = [ 201131, 202129, 025069, 007004, 013003, 202000, 201000 ] +"310192" = [ 008001, 012001 ] +"310193" = [ 008001, 012001, 002222, 204007, 031021, 010004, 204000 ] +"310194" = [ 303021, 010003, 013016, 012001, 204000 ] +"310195" = [ 301072, 007024, 010002, 303041 ] +"310201" = [ 301211, 301204, 304192, 310192, 310193, 101000, 031001, 310194 ] +"310202" = [ 301213, 301204, 304192, 310192, 310193, 101000, 031001, 310194 ] +"310211" = [ 310194, 303204, 303205 ] +"310212" = [ 301211, 301204, 101000, 031001, 310211 ] +"310221" = [ 002048, 005040, 025075, 201133, 005041, 201000, 005043, 025070, 033030, 033031, 301011, 301012 ] +"310222" = [ 202131, 201138, 004006, 201000, 202000, 301021, 202126, 007001, 202000, 007024, 005021, 007025 ] +"310223" = [ 005022, 033033, 002151, 012064, 002151, 012064, 002151, 012064, 002151, 012064 ] +"310224" = [ 105002, 002152, 002024, 007004, 007004, 013003, 101012, 304033 ] +"310225" = [ 105002, 002152, 002024, 007004, 007004, 013003, 101003, 304033 ] +"310231" = [ 201131, 202129, 106003, 002150, 008023, 008072, 014027, 008072, 014027, 202000, 201000 ] +"310232" = [ 201132, 202129, 002150, 310233, 310233, 202000, 201000 ] +"310233" = [ 008023, 008072, 012063, 008072, 012063, 002150, 008023, 008072, 012063, 008072, 012063 ] +"310236" = [ 310052, 101005, 310053 ] +"310237" = [ 007025, 005022, 102009, 002151, 012064 ] +"310238" = [ 202000, 201000 ] +"310240" = [ 001007, 008021, 301011, 301012 ] +"310241" = [ 201138, 202131, 004006, 202000, 201000, 201132, 005041, 201000, 201129, 005043, 201000, 301023 ] +"310242" = [ 013040, 020029, 104024, 005042, 012163, 021083, 021084, 101003, 310245 ] +"310243" = [ 008021, 301011, 301012, 005040 ] +"310244" = [ 101003, 012070, 025054, 101004, 025055, 008007, 103028, 301023, 002111, 005021 ] +"310245" = [ 301011, 201142, 202131, 004026, 202000, 201000, 301021, 201138, 202129, 007001, 202000, 201000 ] +"311192" = [ 301211, 301203, 301204, 204005, 031021, 303192, 204000, 354192 ] +"311193" = [ 301213, 301203, 301204, 204005, 031021, 303192, 204000, 354192 ] +"311200" = [ 101000, 031000, 011076, 101000, 031000, 033025, 101000, 031000, 033026 ] +"311205" = [ 012101, 033025 ] +"311210" = [ 004025, 011016, 011017 ] +"312192" = [ 301211, 301204, 304003 ] +"312193" = [ 301211, 301204, 007004, 008003, 010002, 012001, 013003, 020010 ] +"312194" = [ 012180, 012181, 012182, 012183, 012184, 012185, 002174, 021086, 012186, 021087, 012187, 033043 ] +"312195" = [ 040003, 040004, 040005, 040006, 040007, 020065, 040008, 040009, 040010 ] +"312200" = [ 021073, 312042, 021062, 015011 ] +"312201" = [ 001007, 002019, 001096, 025061, 005040 ] +"312202" = [ 025120, 025121, 025124, 025125, 025122, 025123 ] +"312203" = [ 002119, 033047, 010081, 010082, 010083, 010084 ] +"312204" = [ 002116, 002117, 002118, 002156, 002157 ] +"312205" = [ 022150, 022151, 022152, 022153, 022154, 022155, 022156, 022157, 022158, 022159 ] +"312206" = [ 021137, 021138, 021139, 021140, 021141, 021142 ] +"312207" = [ 010085, 010086, 010087, 010088, 010089, 010090, 010091, 010092, 010093 ] +"312208" = [ 025126, 025127, 025128, 025129, 025130, 025131, 025132, 025133, 025134, 025135, 025136, 025137 ] +"312209" = [ 013096, 013097, 011095, 011096, 012188, 012189, 002158, 002159, 033052, 033053, 021143, 021144 ] +"312210" = [ 106012, 201129, 006030, 201000, 102012, 005030, 021075, 021066 ] +"312211" = [ 001012, 201131, 001013, 201000, 010032, 010033, 010034, 007002, 008012, 025110, 025111, 025102 ] +"312212" = [ 002104, 025103, 025104, 025105, 025106, 025107, 025108, 011001, 011002, 022160, 025138 ] +"312213" = [ 201130, 202129, 022021, 202000, 201000, 033048, 033049, 002026, 002027 ] +"312214" = [ 021130, 021131, 021132, 021133, 025014 ] +"312215" = [ 106036, 005030, 104024, 201130, 006030, 201000, 022161, 033044 ] +"312216" = [ 301011, 301013, 301021, 001012, 201131, 001013, 201000, 010032, 010033, 010034, 007002, 008012 ] +"312217" = [ 025110, 025111, 025102, 002104, 025103, 025104, 025105, 025106, 025107, 025108, 002111, 002121 ] +"312218" = [ 002026, 002027, 021130, 021131, 021132, 021133, 021064, 025014, 021134 ] +"312219" = [ 107018, 005030, 105024, 201130, 006030, 201000, 021135, 021136 ] +"312222" = [ 301213, 301204, 304003 ] +"312223" = [ 301213, 301204, 007004, 008003, 010002, 012001, 013003, 020010 ] +"312226" = [ 021110, 301023, 321027, 021111, 301023, 321027, 021112, 301023, 321027, 021113, 301023, 321027 ] +"312227" = [ 301046, 301011, 301013, 301023 ] +"312228" = [ 021110, 301023, 321028, 021111, 301023, 321028, 021112, 301023, 321028, 021113, 301023, 321028 ] +"312230" = [ 011053, 021104 ] +"312250" = [ 301011, 301013, 301021, 007025, 005022, 010080, 027080, 008003, 007004, 013093, 008003 ] +"312251" = [ 201131, 202129, 007004, 007004, 202000, 201000, 013095 ] +"313192" = [ 110000, 031001, 104000, 031001, 006012, 101000, 031012, 030001, 006012, 101000, 031001, 030001 ] +"313193" = [ 109000, 031000, 104000, 031001, 006012, 101000, 031011, 030001, 101000, 031001, 030001 ] +"316192" = [ 020011, 020012, 008007, 008011 ] +"316200" = [ 008021, 004001, 004002, 004003, 004004, 004005, 020090, 008021, 008007, 008011 ] +"316201" = [ 316031, 101000, 031000, 316032, 101000, 031001, 316033, 008011, 008079 ] +"316202" = [ 101000, 031000, 316032, 101000, 031001, 316033 ] +"316205" = [ 019100, 019005, 019006, 019101, 019102, 019103, 019104, 019105 ] +"316222" = [ 008021, 004014, 008005, 301023, 019005, 019006, 010004, 011041 ] +"316223" = [ 008021, 004075, 011040, 019008, 105004, 005021, 005021, 102002, 019003, 019004 ] +"318193" = [ 024192, 024193, 024194, 024195, 024196, 024197, 024198, 024199, 024200, 024201 ] +"318194" = [ 024192, 024193, 024194, 024195, 024196, 024197, 024198, 024199, 024200, 024201, 024209, 024210 ] +"318201" = [ 301211, 301206, 301207, 318193 ] +"318202" = [ 301213, 301206, 301207, 318193 ] +"321192" = [ 002132, 002133 ] +"321193" = [ 021158, 021159, 021160, 021161, 021162, 021163, 021164, 021165, 021166 ] +"321221" = [ 201133, 202129, 025001, 202000, 201000 ] +"321225" = [ 021092, 021030, 025092, 201129, 202129, 021017, 202000, 201000 ] +"321227" = [ 021106, 021107, 021114, 021115, 021116, 008018, 021117 ] +"340193" = [ 007024, 005021, 007025, 005022, 005043, 005040, 201133, 005041, 201000, 201132, 025070, 201000 ] +"340194" = [ 033060, 033061, 033062, 033063, 033064, 033065 ] +"340195" = [ 101010, 340002, 101087, 340003 ] +"340196" = [ 002019, 025051, 101007, 340004 ] +"348192" = [ 008021, 004022, 204005, 031021, 302051, 204000 ] +"348193" = [ 204005, 031021, 013011, 014032, 204000 ] +"348194" = [ 008051, 008020 ] +"348195" = [ 008021, 004022, 348193, 101002, 348194, 013051, 014033, 004053 ] +"348196" = [ 008021, 004022, 204005, 031021, 302051, 204000 ] +"348197" = [ 008051, 008020 ] +"348198" = [ 004003, 008053, 012052, 004003, 008053, 012053, 004003, 008053, 012016, 004003, 008053, 012017 ] +"348199" = [ 004003, 008053, 013052, 002002, 004003, 008053, 011041 ] +"348201" = [ 348192, 348195 ] +"348202" = [ 008021, 004001, 004001, 348196, 008021, 004022, 348193, 101002, 348197 ] +"348210" = [ 004032, 014031, 004031, 020203, 101004, 020193, 004032, 011202 ] +"348211" = [ 020194, 020195, 020216 ] +"348212" = [ 004032, 020011, 020199 ] +"348213" = [ 102003, 052210, 020230 ] +"348214" = [ 002175, 004192, 013011, 004192, 020203, 002175, 004031, 013011, 004031, 020203 ] +"348215" = [ 004192, 014031, 004192, 011041, 004192, 011042, 013203, 020204, 020205, 020206, 004192, 012021, 004192, 012022, 007032, 004192, 012112, 012195 ] +"348216" = [ 004032, 020234, 004032, 020235, 101004, 020237 ] +"348217" = [ 004025, 004065, 102006, 013011, 026020 ] +"351192" = [ 005002, 006002, 007004 ] +"351201" = [ 301211, 004015, 205015, 101000, 031001, 351192 ] +"351202" = [ 301213, 004015, 205015, 101000, 031001, 351192 ] +"352192" = [ 012221, 013221, 015192, 015193, 052192, 055201 ] +"352193" = [ 010192, 055202, 055203 ] +"352194" = [ 010004, 010051, 011042, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222, 012223 ] +"352195" = [ 201130, 013011, 013222, 013223, 013224, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011, 201000 ] +"352196" = [ 201131, 014012, 014014, 014201, 201000, 014202, 020010, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229 ] +"352197" = [ 202130, 052193, 052194, 202000, 052195, 052196, 052197, 052198, 052199 ] +"352198" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352199" = [ 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198, 352198 ] +"352200" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 352203, 352199 ] +"352201" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352200 ] +"352202" = [ 010004, 010004 ] +"352203" = [ 020231, 020232, 020004, 020003 ] +"352205" = [ 010004, 010051, 011192, 011193, 012004, 012006, 012011, 012012, 012061, 012222 ] +"352206" = [ 201130, 013011, 013223, 013225, 013226, 013227, 013228, 013011, 201000 ] +"352207" = [ 201131, 014012, 014014, 201000, 020011, 020011, 020011, 352202, 013229, 052197, 052198, 352203 ] +"352208" = [ 011003, 011004, 011005, 012001, 013003 ] +"352209" = [ 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208, 352208 ] +"352210" = [ 352205, 352206, 352207, 352209 ] +"352211" = [ 301211, 052192, 055201, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352210 ] +"352217" = [ 020053, 020052, 020051, 020200, 013204, 013205, 013206, 052200, 013207, 013208, 013209 ] +"352218" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 202130, 011005, 202000, 012001, 013001, 013230 ] +"352219" = [ 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218, 352218 ] +"352220" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 201131, 014012, 014014, 201000, 352217, 352219, 352219, 352218 ] +"352221" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352220 ] +"352225" = [ 203015, 014012, 014014, 014201, 052200, 203255, 203020, 011005, 203255 ] +"352226" = [ 052201, 052202, 201131, 014012, 014014, 052200, 201000, 020053, 020052, 020051, 020200 ] +"352227" = [ 013204, 013205, 013206, 013207, 013208, 013209 ] +"352228" = [ 007004, 010003, 011003, 011004, 202130, 011005, 202000, 012001, 013001, 013230, 020010 ] +"352229" = [ 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228, 352228 ] +"352230" = [ 352194, 352195, 352196, 352197, 352203, 352226, 352227, 352229, 352229, 352229, 352229 ] +"352231" = [ 301211, 352192, 352193, 352225, 004015, 101000, 031001, 352230 ] +"353001" = [ 010051, 010061, 302193, 302194, 302201, 020001, 020003, 302212, 020233, 302195, 302202 ] +"353002" = [ 353001, 101003, 302203, 013013, 302216 ] +"353003" = [ 053102, 053103, 053104, 053106 ] +"353004" = [ 053107, 053108, 053109, 053110, 053111, 053112, 053113, 053114, 053115, 053116, 053117 ] +"353005" = [ 008192, 353003, 353004 ] +"353006" = [ 053062, 053063, 053064, 053066 ] +"353007" = [ 053067, 053068, 053069, 053070, 053071, 053072, 053073, 053074, 053075, 053076, 053077 ] +"353008" = [ 301213, 301208, 301231, 204005, 031021, 353002, 204000, 101010, 353005, 353006, 353007 ] +"353011" = [ 008192, 053101, 353003 ] +"353012" = [ 204005, 031021, 303192, 013003, 204000, 101010, 353011, 053061, 353006 ] +"353013" = [ 301213, 301200, 301202, 301231, 101000, 031001, 353012 ] +"353192" = [ 301205, 020010, 302194, 020004, 012004, 011041, 302203, 004031, 012011, 004031, 012012 ] +"353193" = [ 004023, 012011, 012012, 013198, 014198, 302194, 011198 ] +"353201" = [ 301211, 101004, 353192 ] +"353202" = [ 301211, 101008, 353193 ] +"353211" = [ 301213, 101004, 353192 ] +"353212" = [ 301213, 101008, 353193 ] +"354192" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"354193" = [ 101000, 031001, 205008 ] +"355192" = [ 004003, 055192, 007061, 013211 ] +"355193" = [ 004003, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030, 007061, 012030 ] +"355194" = [ 004192, 012004, 012011, 012012, 012013, 013003, 013011, 014031, 014021, 004004, 012004 ] +"355195" = [ 355193, 355194 ] +"355196" = [ 055192, 055193, 055194, 055195 ] +"355197" = [ 004003, 004004, 012004, 013003, 020211 ] +"355201" = [ 301211, 101048, 355192, 101007, 355195 ] +"355202" = [ 301211, 101016, 355196 ] +"355203" = [ 301211, 101168, 355197 ] +"355211" = [ 301213, 101048, 355192, 101007, 355195 ] +"355212" = [ 301213, 101016, 355196 ] +"355213" = [ 301213, 101168, 355197 ] +"356191" = [ 101000, 031002, 056205, 101000, 031002, 056206, 101000, 031002, 056207, 101000, 031002, 056193 ] +"356192" = [ 101000, 031002, 056192 ] +"356193" = [ 101000, 031002, 056193 ] +"356194" = [ 101000, 031002, 056194 ] +"356195" = [ 101000, 031002, 056195 ] +"356196" = [ 101000, 031002, 056196 ] +"356197" = [ 101000, 031002, 056197 ] +"356198" = [ 101000, 031002, 013236 ] +"356199" = [ 101000, 031002, 056198 ] +"356200" = [ 101000, 031002, 056199 ] +"356201" = [ 101000, 031002, 056200 ] +"356202" = [ 101000, 031002, 056201 ] +"356203" = [ 101000, 031001, 056203 ] +"356204" = [ 101000, 031001, 056204 ] +"363225" = [ 301011, 301013, 363226, 363227, 363228 ] +"363226" = [ 001007, 005040, 005040, 025071, 301023, 005043, 013038, 008012, 013039, 008013, 025045, 025048 ] +"363227" = [ 025049, 002022, 007022, 007024, 013016, 015001, 020011, 008003, 010004, 022043, 012061, 007001 ] +"363228" = [ 008003, 007004, 012001, 008003, 102035, 005042, 012063, 103040, 007004, 012001, 013002 ] diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/1 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/1 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/1 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/110 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/110 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/110 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/174 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/174 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/174 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/2 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/2 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/2 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/20 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/20 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/20 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/21 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/21 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/21 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/221 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/221 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/221 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/222 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/222 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/222 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/223 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/223 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/223 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/225 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/225 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/225 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/226 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/226 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/226 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/227 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/227 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/227 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/228 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/228 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/228 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/229 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/229 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/229 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/230 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/230 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/230 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/231 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/231 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/231 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/232 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/232 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/232 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/233 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/233 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/233 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/234 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/234 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/234 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/235 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/235 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/235 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/236 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/236 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/236 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/237 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/237 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/237 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/31 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/31 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/31 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/41 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/41 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/41 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/42 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/42 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/42 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/64 b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/64 new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c22708346 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/tables/0/local/8/78/64 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/definitions/bufr/templates/local/78/BufrTemplate.def b/definitions/bufr/templates/local/78/BufrTemplate.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d685255b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/definitions/bufr/templates/local/78/BufrTemplate.def @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +"sdlsynop" = { unexpandedDescriptors = 307192; } +"sdlnat" = { unexpandedDescriptors = 307207; } +"radio" = { unexpandedDescriptors = 318202 ; } +"sdlclimat" = { unexpandedDescriptors = 307219 ; } +"sdspaob" = { unexpandedDescriptors = 308192 ; } +"forecast" = { unexpandedDescriptors = 353212 ; }