mirror of https://github.com/ecmwf/eccodes.git
Merge pull request #9 in ECCODES/eccodes from ~ERGET/eccodes:feature/SUP-1862-high-level-python-bufr to feature/ECC-157-PythonicInterface
* commit '7a7ace2d5e0d9d68cf4b6be16fc2917fd8fcb3d1': Restore deleted .gitignore Inherit docstrings Add high-level BUFR interface. Make test robust to new keys Implement CodesMessage abstract class Extract general GribFile functions into CodesFile class for reuse with BUFR
This commit is contained in:
@ -315,4 +315,6 @@ data/bufr/*test
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#!/bin/env python
Unit tests for ``PythonicGrib``.
Unit tests for high level Python interface.
Author: Daniel Lee, DWD, 2014
Author: Daniel Lee, DWD, 2016
import os
@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ from eccodes import GribFile
from eccodes import GribIndex
from eccodes import GribMessage
from eccodes.high_level.gribmessage import IndexNotSelectedError
from eccodes import BufrFile, BufrMessage
TESTGRIB = "../../data/high_level_api.grib2"
TEST_OUTPUT = "test-output.grib"
TESTBUFR = "../../data/bufr/syno_multi.bufr"
TEST_OUTPUT = "test-output.codes"
TEST_INDEX = "test.index"
TEST_KEYS = ("dataDate", "stepRange")
TEST_VALUES = 20110225, 0
@ -26,9 +27,164 @@ for i1 in range(len(TEST_KEYS)):
TEST_STEPRANGE = ('0', '12', '18', '24', '6')
# These keys should be available even if new keys are defined
KNOWN_GRIB_KEYS = ['7777', 'EPS information', 'GRIBEditionNumber', 'N', 'NV',
'Ni', 'Nj', 'PLPresent', 'PVPresent',
'Parameter information', 'addEmptySection2',
'addExtraLocalSection', 'alternativeRowScanning',
'angleDivisor', 'angleMultiplier', 'angularPrecision',
'average', 'backgroundProcess',
'binaryScaleFactor', 'bitMapIndicator', 'bitmapPresent',
'bitsPerValue', 'bottomLevel', 'centre',
'centreDescription', 'cfName', 'cfNameECMF', 'cfVarName',
'cfVarNameECMF', 'changeDecimalPrecision', 'class',
'climateDateFrom', 'climateDateTo', 'codedValues',
'dataDate', 'dataRepresentationTemplateNumber', 'dataTime',
'day', 'decimalPrecision', 'decimalScaleFactor',
'deleteCalendarId', 'deleteExtraLocalSection', 'deletePV',
'discipline', 'distinctLatitudes', 'distinctLongitudes',
'editionNumber', 'endStep', 'eps',
'experimentVersionNumber', 'extraLocalSectionPresent',
'forecastTime', 'g2grid', 'gaussianGridName',
'genVertHeightCoords', 'generatingProcessIdentifier',
'getNumberOfValues', 'global', 'globalDomain',
'grib 2 Section 6 BIT-MAP SECTION', 'grib 2 Section 7 data',
'grib2LocalSectionNumber', 'grib2LocalSectionPresent',
'grib2divider', 'gridDefinitionDescription',
'gridDescriptionSectionPresent', 'gridType', 'hour',
'hoursAfterDataCutoff', 'iDirectionIncrement',
'iDirectionIncrementGiven', 'iDirectionIncrementInDegrees',
'iScansNegatively', 'iScansPositively', 'identifier',
'ieeeFloats', 'ifsParam', 'ijDirectionIncrementGiven',
'interpretationOfNumberOfPoints', 'isConstant',
'isHindcast', 'isOctahedral', 'is_uerra',
'jDirectionIncrementGiven', 'jPointsAreConsecutive',
'jScansPositively', 'julianDay', 'kurtosis', 'latLonValues',
'latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees', 'latitudes',
'legBaseDate', 'legBaseTime', 'legNumber',
'lengthOfHeaders', 'level', 'localDefinitionNumber',
'localDir', 'localTablesVersion',
'longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees', 'longitudes',
'mAngleMultiplier', 'mBasicAngle', 'marsClass',
'marsStream', 'marsType', 'masterDir', 'maximum',
'md5Headers', 'md5Section1', 'md5Section3', 'md5Section4',
'md5Section5', 'md5Section6', 'md5Section7', 'minimum',
'minute', 'minutesAfterDataCutoff', 'missingValue',
'modelName', 'month', 'name', 'nameECMF',
'nameOfFirstFixedSurface', 'nameOfSecondFixedSurface',
'neitherPresent', 'numberOfDataPoints',
'numberOfForecastsInEnsemble', 'numberOfMissing',
'numberOfOctectsForNumberOfPoints', 'numberOfSection',
'numberOfValues', 'oceanAtmosphereCoupling',
'offsetValuesBy', 'optimizeScaleFactor', 'packingError',
'packingType', 'paramId', 'paramIdECMF',
'parameterCategory', 'parameterName', 'parameterNumber',
'parameterUnits', 'perturbationNumber', 'pressureUnits',
'productDefinitionTemplateNumberInternal', 'productType',
'productionStatusOfProcessedData', 'radius',
'referenceDate', 'referenceValue', 'referenceValueError',
'scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface', 'scaleValuesBy',
'scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface', 'scanningMode',
'scanningMode5', 'scanningMode6', 'scanningMode7',
'scanningMode8', 'second', 'section0Length',
'section1Length', 'section2Length', 'section2Padding',
'section3Length', 'section3Padding', 'section4Length',
'section5Length', 'section6Length', 'section7Length',
'section8Length', 'sectionNumber',
'selectStepTemplateInstant', 'selectStepTemplateInterval',
'setBitsPerValue', 'setCalendarId', 'shapeOfTheEarth',
'shortName', 'shortNameECMF', 'significanceOfReferenceTime',
'skewness', 'sourceOfGridDefinition', 'standardDeviation',
'startStep', 'stepRange', 'stepType', 'stepTypeInternal',
'stepUnits', 'stream', 'subCentre',
'subdivisionsOfBasicAngle', 'tablesVersion',
'tablesVersionLatest', 'tempPressureUnits', 'topLevel',
'totalLength', 'type', 'typeOfEnsembleForecast',
'typeOfFirstFixedSurface', 'typeOfGeneratingProcess',
'typeOfLevel', 'typeOfOriginalFieldValues',
'typeOfProcessedData', 'typeOfSecondFixedSurface', 'units',
'unitsECMF', 'unitsOfFirstFixedSurface',
'unitsOfSecondFixedSurface', 'unpackedError',
'uvRelativeToGrid', 'validityDate', 'validityTime',
'values', 'x', 'year']
KNOWN_BUFR_KEYS = ['3HourPressureChange', '7777', 'BUFRstr',
'airTemperatureAt2M', 'blockNumber', 'bufrHeaderCentre',
'bufrHeaderSubCentre', 'bufrTemplate',
'bufrdcExpandedDescriptors', 'centre',
'characteristicOfPressureTendency', 'cloudAmount',
'cloudCoverTotal', 'cloudType', 'compressedData',
'corr1Data', 'corr2Data', 'corr3Data', 'corr4Data',
'correction1', 'correction1Part', 'correction2',
'correction2Part', 'correction3', 'correction3Part',
'correction4', 'correction4Part', 'createNewData',
'dataCategory', 'dataPresentIndicator', 'dataSubCategory',
'day', 'defaultSequence', 'dewpointTemperatureAt2M', 'ed',
'edition', 'expandedAbbreviations', 'expandedCodes',
'expandedCrex_scales', 'expandedCrex_units',
'expandedCrex_widths', 'expandedNames',
'expandedOriginalCodes', 'expandedOriginalReferences',
'expandedOriginalScales', 'expandedOriginalWidths',
'expandedTypes', 'expandedUnits', 'generatingApplication',
'globalDomain', 'heightOfBaseOfCloud', 'heightOfStation',
'horizontalVisibility', 'hour', 'isSatellite',
'isSatelliteType', 'latitude', 'lengthDescriptors',
'localDay', 'localHour', 'localLatitude', 'localLongitude',
'localMinute', 'localMonth', 'localSecond',
'localSectionPresent', 'localTablesVersionNumber',
'localYear', 'longitude', 'masterTableNumber',
'masterTablesVersionNumber', 'md5Data', 'md5Structure',
'messageLength', 'minute', 'month', 'nonCoordinatePressure',
'numberOfSubsets', 'numberOfUnexpandedDescriptors',
'observedData', 'operator', 'pastWeather1', 'pastWeather2',
'presentWeather', 'pressureReducedToMeanSeaLevel',
'qualityControl', 'rdbSubtype', 'rdbType', 'rdbtime',
'rdbtimeDay', 'rdbtimeHour', 'rdbtimeMinute',
'rdbtimeSecond', 'rectime', 'rectimeDay', 'rectimeHour',
'rectimeMinute', 'rectimeSecond', 'relativeHumidity',
'reservedSection2', 'reservedSection3', 'section1Length',
'section1Padding', 'section2Length', 'section2Padding',
'section3Flags', 'section3Length', 'section3Padding',
'section4Length', 'section4Padding', 'section5Length',
'sequences', 'spare', 'spare1', 'stationNumber',
'stationType', 'subsetNumber', 'tableNumber',
'templatesLocalDir', 'templatesMasterDir', 'totalLength',
'totalPrecipitationPast6Hours', 'totalSnowDepth',
'typicalCentury', 'typicalDate', 'typicalDay',
'typicalHour', 'typicalMinute', 'typicalMonth',
'typicalSecond', 'typicalTime', 'typicalYear',
'typicalYearOfCentury', 'unexpandedDescriptors',
'windDirectionAt10M', 'windSpeedAt10M', 'year']
class TestGribFile(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test GribFile functionality."""
def test_memory_management(self):
@ -41,14 +197,11 @@ class TestGribFile(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(len(grib.open_messages), 5)
self.assertEqual(len(grib.open_messages), 0)
def test_iteration_works(self):
"""The GribFile allows proper iteration over all messages."""
step_ranges = []
def test_message_counting_works(self):
"""The GribFile is aware of its messages."""
with GribFile(TESTGRIB) as grib:
for _ in range(len(grib)):
msg = GribMessage(grib)
self.assertSequenceEqual(step_ranges, ["0", "6", "12", "18", "24"])
msg_count = len(grib)
self.assertEqual(msg_count, 5)
def test_iterator_protocol(self):
"""The GribFile allows pythonic iteration over all messages."""
@ -73,16 +226,17 @@ class TestGribFile(unittest.TestCase):
class TestGribMessage(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test GribMessage functionality."""
def test_metadata(self):
"""Metadata is read correctly from GribMessage."""
with GribFile(TESTGRIB) as grib:
msg = GribMessage(grib)
key_count = 253
self.assertEqual(len(msg), key_count)
for key in KNOWN_GRIB_KEYS:
assert key in msg.keys()
self.assertEqual(msg.size(), 160219)
self.assertEqual(len(msg.keys()), key_count)
self.assertEqual(len(msg.keys()), len(msg))
def test_missing_message_behaviour(self):
"""Missing messages are detected properly."""
@ -118,6 +272,7 @@ class TestGribMessage(unittest.TestCase):
class TestGribIndex(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test GribIndex functionality."""
def test_memory_management(self):
@ -149,5 +304,95 @@ class TestGribIndex(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(len(idx.open_messages), 1)
class TestBufrFile(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test BufrFile functionality."""
def test_memory_management(self):
"""Messages in BufrFile can be opened and closed properly."""
with BufrFile(TESTBUFR) as bufr:
self.assertEqual(len(bufr), 3)
for i in range(len(bufr)):
msg = BufrMessage(bufr)
self.assertEqual(msg["bufrHeaderCentre"], 98)
self.assertEqual(len(bufr.open_messages), 3)
self.assertEquals(len(bufr.open_messages), 0)
def test_message_counting_works(self):
"""The BufrFile is aware of its messages."""
with BufrFile(TESTBUFR) as bufr:
msg_count = len(bufr)
self.assertEqual(msg_count, 3)
def test_iterator_protocol(self):
"""The BufrFile allows pythonic iteration over all messages."""
latitudes = []
with BufrFile(TESTBUFR) as bufr:
for msg in bufr:
self.assertSequenceEqual(latitudes, [70.93, 77, 78.92])
def test_read_past_last_message(self):
"""Trying to open message on exhausted BUFR file raises IOError."""
with BufrFile(TESTBUFR) as bufr:
for _ in range(len(bufr)):
self.assertRaises(IOError, lambda: BufrMessage(bufr))
def test_read_invalid_file(self):
"""Trying to open message on nonexistent GRIB file raises IOError."""
with NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r') as f:
with BufrFile(f.name) as bufr:
self.assertRaises(IOError, lambda: BufrMessage(bufr))
class TestBufrMessage(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test BufrMessage functionality"""
def test_metadata(self):
"""Metadata is read correctly from BufrMessage."""
with BufrFile(TESTBUFR) as bufr:
msg = BufrMessage(bufr)
for key in KNOWN_BUFR_KEYS:
assert key in msg.keys()
self.assertEqual(msg.size(), 220)
self.assertEqual(len(msg.keys()), len(msg))
def test_content(self):
"""Data values are read correctly from BufrMessage."""
with BufrFile(TESTBUFR) as bufr:
msg = BufrMessage(bufr)
self.assertEqual(msg["airTemperatureAt2M"], 274.5)
# TODO: Test behavior with missing messages (SUP-1874)
# This fails due to SUP-1875
def test_value_setting(self):
"""Keys can be set properly."""
with BufrFile(TESTBUFR) as bufr:
msg = BufrMessage(bufr)
key, val = "localLongitude", 5
msg[key] = val
self.assertEqual(msg[key], val)
def test_serialize(self):
"""Message can be serialized to file."""
with BufrFile(TESTBUFR) as bufr:
msg = BufrMessage(bufr)
with open(TEST_OUTPUT, "w") as test:
def test_clone(self):
"""Messages can be used to produce clone Messages."""
with BufrFile(TESTBUFR) as bufr:
msg = BufrMessage(bufr)
msg2 = BufrMessage(clone=msg)
self.assertSequenceEqual(msg.keys(), msg2.keys())
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
from .eccodes import *
from .eccodes import __version__
from .high_level.gribfile import GribFile
from .high_level.gribmessage import GribMessage
from .high_level.gribindex import GribIndex
if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):
from .high_level.gribfile import GribFile
from .high_level.gribmessage import GribMessage
from .high_level.gribindex import GribIndex
from .high_level.bufr import BufrFile, BufrMessage
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
Classes for handling BUFR with a high level interface.
``BufrFiles`` can be treated mostly as regular files and used as context
managers, as can ``BufrMessages``. Each of these classes destructs itself and
any child instances appropriately.
Author: Daniel Lee, DWD, 2016
from .. import eccodes
from .codesmessage import CodesMessage
from .codesfile import CodesFile
class BufrMessage(CodesMessage):
__doc__ = "\n".join(CodesMessage.__doc__.splitlines()[4:]).format(
prod_type="BUFR", classname="BufrMessage", parent="BufrFile",
product_kind = eccodes.CODES_PRODUCT_BUFR
# Arguments included explicitly to support introspection
# TODO: Can we get this to work with an index?
def __init__(self, codes_file=None, clone=None, sample=None,
Open a message and inform the GRIB file that it's been incremented.
The message is taken from ``codes_file``, cloned from ``clone`` or
``sample``, or taken from ``index``, in that order of precedence.
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(codes_file, clone, sample,
self._unpacked = False
def get(self, key, ktype=None):
"""Return requested value, unpacking data values if necessary."""
# TODO: Only do this if accessing arrays that need unpacking
if not self._unpacked:
self.unpacked = True
return super(self.__class__, self).get(key, ktype)
def missing(self, key):
Report if key is missing.
Overloaded due to confusing behavior in ``codes_is_missing`` (SUP-1874).
return not bool(eccodes.codes_is_defined(self.codes_id, key))
def keys(self, namespace=None):
self.unpacked = True
return super(self.__class__, self).keys(namespace)
def unpacked(self):
return self._unpacked
def unpacked(self, val):
eccodes.codes_set(self.codes_id, "unpack", val)
self._unpacked = val
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""Set item and pack BUFR."""
if not self._unpacked:
self.unpacked = True
super(self.__class__, self).__setitem__(key, value)
eccodes.codes_set(self.codes_id, "pack", True)
class BufrFile(CodesFile):
__doc__ = "\n".join(CodesFile.__doc__.splitlines()[4:]).format(
prod_type="BUFR", classname="BufrFile", alias="bufr")
MessageClass = BufrMessage
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
``CodesFile`` class that implements a file that is readable by ecCodes and
closes itself and its messages when it is no longer needed.
Author: Daniel Lee, DWD, 2016
from .. import eccodes
class CodesFile(file):
An abstract class to specify and/or implement common behavior that files
read by ecCodes should implement.
A {prod_type} file handle meant for use in a context manager.
Individual messages can be accessed using the ``next`` method. Of course,
it is also possible to iterate over each message in the file::
>>> with {classname}(filename) as {alias}:
... # Print number of messages in file
... len({alias})
... # Open all messages in file
... for msg in {alias}:
... print(msg[key_name])
... len({alias}.open_messages)
>>> # When the file is closed, any open messages are closed
>>> len({alias}.open_messages)
#: Type of messages belonging to this file
MessageClass = None
def __init__(self, filename, mode="r"):
"""Open file and receive codes file handle."""
#: File handle for working with actual file on disc
#: The class holds the file it works with because ecCodes'
# typechecking does not allow using inherited classes.
self.file_handle = open(filename, mode)
#: Number of message in file currently being read
self.message = 0
#: Open messages
self.open_messages = []
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
"""Close all open messages, release GRIB file handle and close file."""
while self.open_messages:
def __len__(self):
"""Return total number of messages in file."""
return eccodes.codes_count_in_file(self.file_handle)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def close(self):
"""Possibility to manually close file."""
self.__exit__(None, None, None)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
return self.MessageClass(self)
except IOError:
raise StopIteration()
@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
``CodesMessage`` class that implements a message readable by ecCodes that
allows access to the message's key-value pairs in a dictionary-like manner
and closes the message when it is no longer needed, coordinating this with
its host file.
Author: Daniel Lee, DWD, 2016
from .. import eccodes
class CodesMessage(object):
An abstract class to specify and/or implement common behavior that
messages read by ecCodes should implement.
A {prod_type} message.
Each ``{classname}`` is stored as a key/value pair in a dictionary-like
structure. It can be used in a context manager or by itself. When the
``{parent}`` it belongs to is closed, the ``{parent}`` closes any open
``{classname}``s that belong to it. If a ``{classname}`` is closed before
its ``{parent}`` is closed, it informs the ``{parent}`` of its closure.
Scalar and vector values are set appropriately through the same method.
``{classname}``s can be instantiated from a ``{parent}``, cloned from
other ``{classname}``s or taken from samples. Iterating over the members
of a ``{parent}`` extracts the ``{classname}``s it contains until the
``{parent}`` is exhausted.
>>> with {parent}(filename) as {alias}:
... # Access a key from each message
... for msg in {alias}:
... print(msg[key_name])
... # Report number of keys in message
... len(msg)
... # Report message size in bytes
... msg.size
... # Report keys in message
... msg.keys()
... # Check if value is missing
... msg.missing(key_name)
... # Set scalar value
... msg[scalar_key] = 5
... # Check key's value
... msg[scalar_key]
... # Set value to missing
... msg.set_missing(key_name)
... # Missing values raise exception when read with dict notation
... msg[key_name]
... # Array values are set transparently
... msg[array_key] = [1, 2, 3]
... # Messages can be written to file
... with open(testfile, "w") as test:
... msg.write(test)
... # Messages can be cloned from other messages
... msg2 = {classname}(clone=msg)
... # If desired, messages can be closed manually or used in with
... msg.close()
#: ecCodes enum-like PRODUCT constant
product_kind = None
def __init__(self, codes_file=None, clone=None, sample=None,
headers_only=False, other_args_found=False):
Open a message and inform the host file that it's been incremented.
If ``codes_file`` is not supplied, the message is cloned from
``CodesMessage`` ``clone``. If neither is supplied,
the ``CodesMessage`` is cloned from ``sample``.
:param codes_file: A file readable for ecCodes
:param clone: A valid ``CodesMessage``
:param sample: A valid sample path to create ``CodesMessage`` from
if (not other_args_found and codes_file is None and clone is None and
sample is None):
raise RuntimeError("CodesMessage initialization parameters not "
#: Unique ID, for ecCodes interface
self.codes_id = None
#: File containing message
self.codes_file = None
if codes_file is not None:
self.codes_id = eccodes.codes_new_from_file(
codes_file.file_handle, self.product_kind, headers_only)
if self.codes_id is None:
raise IOError("CodesFile %s is exhausted" % codes_file.name)
self.codes_file = codes_file
self.codes_file.message += 1
elif clone is not None:
self.codes_id = eccodes.codes_clone(clone.codes_id)
elif sample is not None:
self.codes_id = self.new_from_sample(sample)
def write(self, outfile=None):
"""Write message to file."""
if not outfile:
# This is a hack because the API does not accept inheritance
outfile = self.codes_file.file_handle
eccodes.codes_write(self.codes_id, outfile)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Set value associated with key.
Iterables and scalars are handled intelligently.
# Passed value is iterable and not string
if hasattr(value, "__iter__"):
eccodes.codes_set_array(self.codes_id, key, value)
eccodes.codes_set(self.codes_id, key, value)
def keys(self, namespace=None):
"""Get available keys in message."""
iterator = eccodes.codes_keys_iterator_new(self.codes_id,
keys = []
while eccodes.codes_keys_iterator_next(iterator):
key = eccodes.codes_keys_iterator_get_name(iterator)
return keys
def size(self):
"""Return size of message in bytes."""
return eccodes.codes_get_message_size(self.codes_id)
def dump(self):
"""Dump message's binary content."""
return eccodes.codes_get_message(self.codes_id)
def get(self, key, ktype=None):
"""Get value of a given key as its native or specified type."""
if self.missing(key):
raise KeyError("Key is missing from message.")
if eccodes.codes_get_size(self.codes_id, key) > 1:
ret = eccodes.codes_get_array(self.codes_id, key, ktype)
ret = eccodes.codes_get(self.codes_id, key, ktype)
return ret
def missing(self, key):
"""Report if key is missing."""
return bool(eccodes.codes_is_missing(self.codes_id, key))
def set_missing(self, key):
"""Set a key to missing."""
eccodes.codes_set_missing(self.codes_id, key)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
"""Release message handle and inform host file of release."""
def __enter__(self):
return self
def close(self):
"""Possibility to manually close message."""
self.__exit__(None, None, None)
def __contains__(self, key):
"""Check whether a key is present in message."""
return key in self.keys()
def __len__(self):
"""Return key count."""
return len(self.keys())
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Return value associated with key as its native type."""
return self.get(key)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.keys())
# Not yet implemented
# def itervalues(self):
# return self.values()
def items(self):
"""Return list of tuples of all key/value pairs."""
return [(key, self[key]) for key in self.keys()]
@ -5,61 +5,13 @@ messages when it is no longer needed.
Author: Daniel Lee, DWD, 2014
from .. import eccodes
from .codesfile import CodesFile
from .gribmessage import GribMessage
class GribFile(file):
A GRIB file handle meant for use in a context manager.
class GribFile(CodesFile):
Individual messages can be accessed using the ``next`` method. Of course,
it is also possible to iterate over each message in the file::
__doc__ = "\n".join(CodesFile.__doc__.splitlines()[4:]).format(
prod_type="GRIB", classname="GribFile", alias="grib")
>>> with GribFile(filename) as grib:
... # Print number of messages in file
... len(grib)
... # Open all messages in file
... for msg in grib:
... print(msg["shortName"])
... len(grib.open_messages)
>>> # When the file is closed, any open messages are closed
>>> len(grib.open_messages)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
"""Close all open messages, release GRIB file handle and close file."""
while self.open_messages:
def close(self):
"""Possibility to manually close file."""
self.__exit__(None, None, None)
def __len__(self):
"""Return total messages in GRIB file."""
return eccodes.codes_count_in_file(self.file_handle)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
return GribMessage(self)
except IOError:
raise StopIteration()
def __init__(self, filename, mode="r"):
"""Open file and receive GRIB file handle."""
#: File handle for working with actual file on disc
#: The class holds the file it works with because the GRIB API's
#: typechecking does not allow using inherited classes.
self.file_handle = open(filename, mode)
#: Number of message in GRIB file currently being read
self.message = 0
#: Open messages
self.open_messages = []
MessageClass = GribMessage
@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ message when it is no longer needed, coordinating this with its host file.
Author: Daniel Lee, DWD, 2014
import collections
from .codesmessage import CodesMessage
from .. import eccodes
@ -15,185 +14,59 @@ class IndexNotSelectedError(Exception):
"""GRIB index was requested before selecting key/value pairs."""
class GribMessage(object):
A GRIB message.
class GribMessage(CodesMessage):
Each ``GribMessage`` is stored as a key/value pair in a dictionary-like
structure. It can be used in a context manager or by itself. When the
``GribFile`` it belongs to is closed, it closes any open ``GribMessage``s
that belong to it. If a ``GribMessage`` is closed before its ``GribFile``
is closed, it informs the ``GribFile`` of its closure.
__doc__ = "\n".join(CodesMessage.__doc__.splitlines()[4:]).format(
prod_type="GRIB", classname="GribMessage", parent="GribFile",
Scalar and vector values are set appropriately through the same method.
product_kind = eccodes.CODES_PRODUCT_GRIB
>>> with GribFile(filename) as grib:
... # Access shortNames of all messages
... for msg in grib:
... print(msg["shortName"])
... # Report number of keys in message
... len(msg)
... # Report message size in bytes
... msg.size
... # Report keys in message
... msg.keys()
... # Check if value is missing
... msg.missing("scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface")
... # Set scalar value
... msg["scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface"] = 5
... # Check key's value
... msg["scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface"]
... # Set value to missing
... msg.set_missing("scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface")
... # Missing values raise exception when read with dict notation
... msg["scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface"]
... # Array values are set transparently
... msg["values"] = [1, 2, 3]
... # Messages can be written to file
... with open(testfile, "w") as test:
... msg.write(test)
... # Messages can be cloned from other messages
... msg2 = GribMessage(clone=msg)
... # If desired, messages can be closed manually or used in with
... msg.close()
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
"""Release GRIB message handle and inform file of release."""
# This assert should never trigger
# assert self.gid is not None
if self.grib_index:
def close(self):
"""Possibility to manually close message."""
self.__exit__(None, None, None)
def __contains__(self, key):
"""Check whether a key is present in message."""
return key in self.keys()
def __len__(self):
"""Return key count."""
return len(self.keys())
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Return value associated with key as its native type."""
return self.get(key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Set value associated with key.
If the object is iterable,
# Alternative implemented (TODO: evaluate)
# if eccodes.codes_get_size(self.gid, key) > 1:
# eccodes.codes_set_array(self.gid, key, value)
# else:
# eccodes.codes_set(self.gid, key, value)
# Passed value is iterable and not string
if (isinstance(value, collections.Iterable) and not
isinstance(value, basestring)):
eccodes.codes_set_array(self.gid, key, value)
eccodes.codes_set(self.gid, key, value)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.keys())
# Not yet implemented
# def itervalues(self):
# return self.values()
def items(self):
"""Return list of tuples of all key/value pairs."""
return [(key, self[key]) for key in self.keys()]
def keys(self, namespace=None):
"""Get available keys in message."""
iterator = eccodes.codes_keys_iterator_new(self.gid, namespace=namespace)
keys = []
while eccodes.codes_keys_iterator_next(iterator):
key = eccodes.codes_keys_iterator_get_name(iterator)
return keys
def __init__(self, grib_file=None, clone=None, sample=None, gribindex=None):
# Arguments included explicitly to support introspection
def __init__(self, codes_file=None, clone=None, sample=None,
headers_only=False, gribindex=None):
Open a message and inform the GRIB file that it's been incremented.
If ``grib_file`` is not supplied, the message is cloned from
``GribMessage`` ``clone``. If neither is supplied, the ``GribMessage``
is cloned from ``sample``. If ``index`` is supplied as a GribIndex, the
message is taken from the index.
The message is taken from ``codes_file``, cloned from ``clone`` or
``sample``, or taken from ``index``, in that order of precedence.
#: Unique GRIB ID, for GRIB API interface
self.gid = None
#: File containing message
self.grib_file = None
grib_args_present = True
if gribindex is None:
grib_args_present = False
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(codes_file, clone, sample,
headers_only, grib_args_present)
#: GribIndex referencing message
self.grib_index = None
if grib_file is not None:
self.gid = eccodes.codes_grib_new_from_file(grib_file.file_handle)
if self.gid is None:
raise IOError("Grib file %s is exhausted." % grib_file.name)
self.grib_file = grib_file
self.grib_file.message += 1
elif clone is not None:
self.gid = eccodes.codes_clone(clone.gid)
elif sample is not None:
self.gid = eccodes.codes_grib_new_from_samples(sample)
elif gribindex is not None:
self.gid = eccodes.codes_new_from_index(gribindex.iid)
if not self.gid:
if gribindex is not None:
self.codes_id = eccodes.codes_new_from_index(gribindex.iid)
if not self.codes_id:
raise IndexNotSelectedError("All keys must have selected "
"values before receiving message "
"from index.")
self.grib_index = gribindex
raise RuntimeError("Either grib_file, clone, sample or gribindex "
"must be provided.")
def size(self):
"""Return size of message in bytes."""
return eccodes.codes_get_message_size(self.gid)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
"""Release GRIB message handle and inform file of release."""
super(self.__class__, self).__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
if self.grib_index:
def dump(self):
"""Dump message's binary content."""
return eccodes.codes_get_message(self.gid)
def gid(self):
"""Provided for backwards compatibility."""
return self.codes_id
def get(self, key, ktype=None):
"""Get value of a given key as its native or specified type."""
if self.missing(key):
raise KeyError("Value of key %s is MISSING." % key)
if eccodes.codes_get_size(self.gid, key) > 1:
ret = eccodes.codes_get_array(self.gid, key, ktype)
ret = eccodes.codes_get(self.gid, key, ktype)
return ret
def grib_file(self):
"""Provided for backwards compatibility."""
return self.codes_file
def missing(self, key):
"""Report if key is missing."""
return bool(eccodes.codes_is_missing(self.gid, key))
def gid(self, val):
self.codes_id = val
def set_missing(self, key):
"""Set a key to missing."""
eccodes.codes_set_missing(self.gid, key)
def write(self, outfile=None):
"""Write message to file."""
if not outfile:
# This is a hack because the API does not accept inheritance
outfile = self.grib_file.file_handle
eccodes.codes_write(self.gid, outfile)
def grib_file(self, val):
self.codes_file = val
Reference in New Issue