mirror of https://github.com/ecmwf/eccodes.git
GRIB-279: Updated definitions for SMHI (from Seb. Villaume)
This commit is contained in:
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ dist_definitionsgrib1_DATA = \
@ -240,6 +241,7 @@ dist_definitionsgrib1_DATA = \
definitionsgrib1_localConcepts_ammcdir = @GRIB_DEFINITION_PATH@/grib1/localConcepts/ammc
@ -263,6 +265,7 @@ dist_definitionsgrib1_localConcepts_ecmf_DATA = \
definitionsgrib1_localConcepts_edzwdir = @GRIB_DEFINITION_PATH@/grib1/localConcepts/edzw
@ -288,10 +291,18 @@ dist_definitionsgrib1_localConcepts_enmi_DATA = \
definitionsgrib1_localConcepts_eswidir = @GRIB_DEFINITION_PATH@/grib1/localConcepts/eswi
dist_definitionsgrib1_localConcepts_eswi_DATA = \
@ -2308,14 +2319,22 @@ dist_definitionsmars_DATA = \
definitionsmars_eswidir = @GRIB_DEFINITION_PATH@/mars/eswi
dist_definitionsmars_eswi_DATA = \
definitionstidedir = @GRIB_DEFINITION_PATH@/tide
dist_definitionstide_DATA = \
@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ include "parameters_version.def";
constant definitionFilesVersion="" : hidden;
constant internalVersion=22 : hidden;
constant UseEcmfConventions = 1: hidden;
constant defaultTypeOfLevel="unknown" : hidden;
constant zero=0 : hidden;
constant one=1 : hidden;
constant two=1 : hidden;
@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
## author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
## created: 6 Oct 2011
## modified: 13 May 2013
# identification of subcenters for eswi centre (SMHI)
0 none not set
96 96 HIRLAM dat
98 98 previously used to tag SMHI data that is ECMWF complaint (not used anymore)
96 96 HIRLAM data (non-standard, deprecated)
98 98 previously used to tag SMHI data that is ECMWF compliant (deprecated)
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
## author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
## created: 6 Oct 2011
## modified: 13 May 2013
# CODE TABLE 3 Fixed levels or layers for wich the data are included
0 0 Reserved
1 surf Surface (of the Earth, which includes sea surface)
@ -34,11 +40,11 @@
160 dp Depth below sea level meters (2 octets)
191 nd Northern Direction (SMHI Extension)
192 ned Northern-Eastern Direction (SMHI Extension)
193 ed Eastern Direction (SMHI Extension)
193 ed Eastern Direction (SMHI Extension)
194 sed Southern-Eastern Direction (SMHI Extension)
195 sd Southern Direction (SMHI Extension)
195 sd Southern Direction (SMHI Extension)
196 swd Southern-Western Direction (SMHI Extension)
197 wd Western Direction (SMHI Extension)
197 wd Western Direction (SMHI Extension)
198 nwd Northern-Western Direction (SMHI Extension)
200 atm Entire atmosphere considered as a single layer 0 (2 octets)
201 201 Entire ocean considered as a single layer 0 (2 octets)
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# CODE TABLE 3 Fixed levels or layers for which the data are included
0 0 Reserved
1 sfc Surface (of the Earth, which includes sea surface)
2 sfc Cloud base level
3 sfc Cloud top level
4 sfc 0 deg (C) isotherm level
5 5 Adiabatic condensation level (parcel lifted from surface)
6 6 Maximum wind speed level
7 7 Tropopause level
8 sfc Nominal top of atmosphere
9 9 Sea bottom
# 10-19 Reserved
20 20 Isothermal level Temperature in 1/100 K
# 21-99 Reserved
100 pl Isobaric level pressure in hectoPascals (hPa) (2 octets)
101 101 Layer between two isobaric levels pressure of top (kPa) pressure of bottom (kPa)
102 sfc Mean sea level 0 0
103 103 Fixed height level height above mean sea level (MSL) in meters
104 104 Layer between two height levels above msl height of top (hm) above mean sea level height of bottom (hm) above mean sea level
105 sfc Fixed height above ground height in meters (2 octets)
106 106 Layer between two height levels above ground height of top (hm) above ground height of bottom (hm) above ground
107 107 Sigma level sigma value in 1/10000 (2 octets)
108 108 Layer between two sigma levels sigma value at top in 1/100 sigma value at bottom in 1/100
109 ml Hybrid level level number (2 octets)
110 ml Layer between two hybrid levels level number of top level number of bottom
111 sfc Depth below land surface centimeters (2 octets)
112 sfc Layer between two depths below land surface depth of upper surface (cm) depth of lower surface (cm)
113 pt Isentropic (theta) level Potential Temp. degrees K (2 octets)
114 114 Layer between two isentropic levels 475K minus theta of top in Deg. K 475K minus theta of bottom in Deg. K
115 115 Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level hPa (2 octets)
116 116 Layer between two levels at specified pressure differences from ground to levels pressure difference from ground to top level hPa pressure difference from ground to bottom level hPa
117 pv Potential vorticity surface 10-9 K m2 kg-1 s-1
# 118 Reserved
119 119 ETA level: ETA value in 1/10000 (2 octets)
120 120 Layer between two ETA levels: ETA value at top of layer in 1/100, ETA value at bottom of layer in 1/100
121 121 Layer between two isobaric surfaces (high precision) 1100 hPa minus pressure of top, in hPa 1100 hPa minus pressure of bottom, in hPa
# 122-124 Reserved
125 125 Height level above ground (high precision) centimeters (2 octets)
# 126-127 Reserved
128 128 Layer between two sigma levels (high precision) 1.1 minus sigma of top, in 1/1000 of sigma 1.1 minus sigma of bottom, in 1/1000 of sigma
# 129-140 Reserved
141 141 Layer between two isobaric surfaces (mixed precision) pressure of top, in kPa 1100hPa minus pressure of bottom, in hPa
# 142-159 Reserved
160 dp Depth below sea level meters (2 octets)
# 161-199Reserved
200 sfc Entire atmosphere considered as a single layer 0 (2 octets)
201 201 Entire ocean considered as a single layer 0 (2 octets)
# 202-209 Reserved
210 pl Isobaric surface (Pa) (ECMWF extension)
# 211-254 Reserved for local use
211 wv Ocean wave level (ECMWF extension)
212 oml Ocean mixed layer (ECMWF extension)
255 255 Indicates a missing value
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
# created: 6 Oct 2011
# modified: -
# modified: 13 May 2013
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
codetable[1] marsClass "mars/eswi/class.table" : dump,lowercase;
codetable[1] marsType "mars/eswi/type.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
codetable[2] marsStream "mars/eswi/stream.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
ksec1expver[4] experimentVersionNumber = "0000" : dump;
unsigned[1] perturbationNumber : dump;
unsigned[1] numberOfForecastsInEnsemble : dump;
codetable[2] marsStream "mars/eswi/stream.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
ksec1expver[4] experimentVersionNumber = "0000" : dump;
unsigned[1] perturbationNumber : dump;
unsigned[1] numberOfForecastsInEnsemble : dump;
codetable[1] marsModel "mars/eswi/model.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
# author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
# created: 6 Oct 2011
# modified: -
# modified: 13 May 2013
@ -17,7 +17,10 @@
constant GRIBEXSection1Problem = 53 - section1Length;
# base local definition
include "local.82.0.def";
# nothing else, local definition 82 is the base definition
pad padding_local1_1(1);
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
# author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
# created: 6 Oct 2011
# modified: -
# modified: 13 May 2013
@ -33,12 +33,14 @@
constant GRIBEXSection1Problem = 80 - section1Length;
# base file: contains keywords always present
include "local.82.0.def";
codetable[1] sort "mars/eswi/sort.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
codetable[1] timeRepres "mars/eswi/timerepres.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
codetable[1] landType "mars/eswi/landtype.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
codetable[2] aerosolBinNumber "mars/eswi/aerosolbinnumber.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
# extra keywords specific to local definition 83 (MATCH)
codetable[1] matchSort "grib1/localConcepts/eswi/sort.table" : dump,long_type;
codetable[1] matchTimeRepres "grib1/localConcepts/eswi/timerepres.table" : dump,long_type;
codetable[1] matchLandType "grib1/localConcepts/eswi/landtype.table" : dump,long_type;
codetable[2] matchAerosolBinNumber "grib1/localConcepts/eswi/aerosolbinnumber.table" : dump,long_type;
unsigned[2] molarMass : dump;
unsigned[1] logTransform : dump;
signed[2] threshold : dump;
@ -57,17 +59,21 @@ pad padding_local1_1(7);
template mars_labeling "grib1/mars_labeling.82.def";
alias mars.sort = sort;
alias mars.timerepres = timeRepres;
alias mars.landtype = landType;
alias mars.aerosolbinnumber = aerosolBinNumber;
concept_nofail matchAerosolPacking (unknown,"aerosolPackingConcept.def",conceptsLocalMarsDirAll,conceptsMasterMarsDir);
alias mars.sort = matchSort;
alias mars.timerepres = matchTimeRepres;
alias mars.landtype = matchLandType;
alias mars.aerosolbinnumber = matchAerosolBinNumber;
alias mars.aerosolpacking = matchAerosolPacking;
alias ls.landtype = landType;
alias ls.timerepres = timeRepres;
alias ls.sort = sort;
alias ls.aerosolbinnumber = aerosolBinNumber;
concept_nofail ls.timerepres (unknown,"timeRepresConcept.def",conceptsLocalDirAll,conceptsMasterDir);
concept_nofail ls.sort (unknown,"sortConcept.def",conceptsLocalDirAll,conceptsMasterDir);
concept_nofail ls.landtype (unknown,"landTypeConcept.def",conceptsLocalDirAll,conceptsMasterDir);
concept_nofail ls.aerosolbinnumber (unknown,"aerosolConcept.def",conceptsLocalDirAll,conceptsMasterDir);
@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
codetable[1] localDefinitionNumber 'grib1/localDefinitionNumber.82.table' = 1 : dump;
codetable[1] localDefinitionNumber 'grib1/localDefinitionNumber.82.table' = 82 : dump;
template localDefinition "grib1/local.82.[localDefinitionNumber:l].def";
template_nofail marsKeywords "mars/eswi/grib1.[stream:s].[type:s].def";
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
'surface' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=1;}
'cloudBase' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=2;}
'cloudTop' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=3;}
'isothermZero' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=4;}
'adiabaticCondensation' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=5;}
'maxWind' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=6;}
'tropopause' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=7;}
'nominalTop' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=8;}
'seaBottom' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=9;}
'isobaricInhPa' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=100;}
'isobaricInPa' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=210;}
'isobaricLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=101;}
'meanSea' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=102;}
'isobaricLayerHighPrecision' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=121;}
'isobaricLayerMixedPrecision' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=141;}
'heightAboveSea' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=103;}
'heightAboveSeaLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=104;}
'heightAboveGroundHighPrecision' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=125;}
'heightAboveGround' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=105;}
'heightAboveGroundLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=106;}
'sigma' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=107;}
'sigmaLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=108;}
'sigmaLayerHighPrecision' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=128;}
'hybrid' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=109;}
'hybridLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=110;}
'depthBelowLand' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=111;}
'depthBelowLandLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=112;}
'theta' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=113;}
'thetaLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=114;}
'pressureFromGround' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=115;}
'pressureFromGroundLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=116;}
'potentialVorticity' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=117;}
'depthBelowSea' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=160;}
'entireAtmosphere' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=200;level=0;}
'entireOcean' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=201;level=0;}
'oceanWave' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=211;}
'oceanMixedLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=212;}
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
# created: 13 May 2013
# modified:
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
## author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
## created: 6 Oct 2011
## modified: 13 May 2013
# Model 50 (MATCH) SMHI local definitions aerosol bin number
# Aerosol bin number parameter in local extension
0 0 none
1 1 Aerosol Binary number 1
2 2 Aerosol Binary number 2
3 3 Aerosol Binary number 3
4 4 Aerosol Binary number 4
5 5 Aerosol Binary number 5
6 6 Aerosol Binary number 6
7 7 Aerosol Binary number 7
8 8 Aerosol Binary number 8
9 9 Aerosol Binary number 9
10 10 Aerosol Binary number 10
100 100 All binary number
255 255 missing value
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
# created: 13 May 2013
# modified:
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
## author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
## created: 6 Oct 2011
## modified: 13 May 2013
# Model 50 (MATCH) SMHI local definitions landtype
# landtype parameter in local extension
0 0 All surfaces
1 1 Water or Sea Water (fraction)
2 2 Rural (fraction)
3 3 Urban (fraction)
4 4 Lowveg (fraction)
5 5 Forest (fraction)
6 6 Noveg (fraction)
21 21 Pasture (fraction)
22 22 Arable (fraction)
23 23 Beech_oak (fraction)
24 24 Deciduous (fraction)
25 25 Spruce (fraction)
26 26 Pine (fraction)
27 27 Wetland (fraction)
28 28 Mountain (fraction)
29 29 Birch (fraction)
51 51 Ice (fraction)
52 52 Snow (fraction)
71 71 Hendersen-Sellers classification
72 72 Hendersen-Sellers classification
73 73 Politi
74 74 Mask
81 81 Regional contribution
82 82 Long-range contribution
83 83 Local (urban) contribution
90 90 Zone index
100 100 Top layer
150 150 Effective dose [Sv]
151 151 Skin dose [Sv]
152 152 Thyroid dose [Sv]
153 153 Lung dose [Sv]
255 255 missing value
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
## author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
## created: 6 Oct 2011
## modified: 13 May 2013
# Model 50 SMHI local definitions sort
# Sort parameter in local extension
0 0 none
1 1 Atm. conc. [g/kg]
2 2 Log Atm. conc. [g/kg]
3 3 Atm. conc. [g/m3]
3 3 Atm. conc. [g/m3]
4 4 Log Atm. conc. [g/m3]
7 7 Atm. conc. [number/m3]
9 9 Atm. conc. [Bq/m3]
10 10 Log Atm. conc. [Bq/m3]
11 11 Atm. conc. at reference height [g/kg]
12 12 Atm. conc. at reference height [g/m3]
13 13 Log Atm. conc. at reference height [g/m3]
14 14 Total column [g/m2]
14 14 Column up to 6000m [g/m2]
14 14 Column up above 6000m [g/m2]
14 14 Max in column up to 6000m [g/m3]
14 14 Max in column above 6000m [g/m3]
15 15 Level at max in column up to 6000m [m]
15 15 Level at max in column above 6000m [m]
21 21 Integrated atm. conc. s [g/kg]
22 22 Log Integrated atm. conc. s [g/kg]
23 23 Integrated atm. conc. s [g/m3]
24 24 Logarith of Integrated atm. conc. s [g/m3]
27 27 Integrated atm. conc. s [number/m3]
29 29 Integrated atm. conc. s [Bq/m3]
30 30 Log Integrated atm. conc. s [Bq/m3]
51 51 Conc. in liquid water [g/m3]
53 53 Conc. in liquid water Equivalents/m3
54 54 Conc. in liquid water [number/m3]
55 55 Conc. in liquid water [Bq/m3]
61 61 Conc. in ice water [g/m3]
63 63 Conc. in ice water Equivalents/m3
64 64 Conc. in ice water [number/m3]
65 65 Conc. in ice water [Bq/m3]
71 71 Conc. in precipitation [g/m3] (mg/l)
73 73 Conc. in precipitation Equivalents/m3
74 74 Conc. in precipitation [number/m3]
75 75 Conc. in precipitation [Bq/m3]
81 81 Dry deposition [g/m2]
82 82 Log Dry deposition [g/m2]
84 84 Dry deposition [number/m2]
85 85 Dry deposition [Bq/m2]
91 91 Wet deposition [g/m2]
92 92 Log Wet deposition [g/m2]
94 94 Wet deposition [number/m2]
95 95 Wet deposition [Bq/m2]
101 101 Total deposition [g/m2]
102 102 Log Total deposition [g/m2]
104 104 Total deposition [number/m2]
105 105 Total deposition [Bq/m2]
110 110 Emissions [ton]
111 111 Emissions [kg]
112 112 Emissions [g]
114 114 Emissions [number]
115 115 Emissions [Bq]
121 121 Emissions [kg/s]
122 122 Emissions [g/s]
124 124 Emissions [number/s]
125 125 Emissions [Bq/s]
131 131 Emissions [kg/(m2 s)]
132 132 Emissions [g/(m2 s)]
134 134 Emissions [number/(m2 s)]
135 135 Emissions [Bq/(m2 s)]
136 136 Surface emissions [kg/(m2 s)]
137 137 Surface emissions [g/(m2 s)]
138 138 Surface emissions [number/(m2 s)]
139 139 Surface emissions [Bq/(m2 s)]
150 150 Inhalation dose [nSv]
151 151 Ground dose [nSv]
152 152 Infinite cloud dose [nSv]
153 153 Sum of cloud and ground dose [nSv]
201 201 Dry deposition velocity [m/s]
202 202 Settling velocity [m/s]
203 203 Scavenging coefficient [1/s]
205 205 Degree hours or days for last day [K]
206 206 Current degree days [K]
207 207 Critical degree days [K]
208 208 Accum pollen emission [grains/m2]
209 209 Correction factor [fraction]
210 210 Aerosol optical depth []
240 240 Deposition arrival since 1 Jan 1971 [days]
241 241 Latest deposition since 1 Jan 1971 [days]
242 242 Time of max activity since 1 Jan 1971 [days]
243 243 Max radioactive activity [Bq/m2]
244 244 Log Max radioactive activity
250 250 Relative occurrence []
251 251 statistics [kg]
252 252 statistics [mol]
255 255 missing value
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
# author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
# created: 13 May 2013
# modified:
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
# created: 13 May 2013
# modified:
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
## author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
## created: 6 Oct 2011
## modified: 13 May 2013
# Model 50 (MATCH) SMHI local definitions timerep
# Time representation parameter in local extension
0 0 No representation specified
1 1 3 Hour mean value (hours)
2 2 Diurnal or Daily mean (hours)
3 3 1 Hour mean value (hours)
5 5 Monthly mean (month)
6 6 Mean from start (hours)
7 7 Annual mean (year)
10 10 Max value
11 11 Min value
12 12 Diurnal max
14 14 Monthly max
16 16 Annual max
17 17 Mean of daily-max
18 18 Mean of daily-max
19 19 Mean of daily-max
20 20 Acc. since start (hours)
21 21 Acc. over one day (hours)
22 22 Acc. over one month (months)
23 23 Acc. over one day (hours)
24 24 Acc. over three months (months)
25 25 Acc. over six months (months)
26 26 Acc. over one year (year)
30 30 Running 8-hour mean (hours)
31 31 Daily maximum of 8-hour mean
32 32 Mean of daily maximum of 8-hour mean
33 33 Max of daily maximum of 8-hour mean
40 40 98 percentil (hours)
41 41 98 percentil (day)
42 42 90 percentil (day)
43 43 Median
44 44 Likelihood
45 45 Joint probability
46 46 Percentile
50 50 Boundary value
51 51 First guess
52 52 Standard deviation
60 ANAINCR Analysis increment
61 ANAERR Analysis error
62 BGERR Background error
70 QUALITY Quality flag
255 255 missing value
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
#### From Sebastien Villaume of SMHI
'surface' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=1;}
'cloudBase' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=2;}
'cloudTop' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=3;}
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
0 0 not set
# author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
# created: 6 Oct 2011
# modified: 13 May 2013
82 82 standard SMHI
83 83 MATCH data (standard SMHI + extra MATCH keywords)
255 255 MISSING
@ -1,56 +1,16 @@
# Copyright 2005-2007 ECMWF
# Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License which
# incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU
# General Public License.
# See LICENSE and gpl-3.0.txt for details.
# author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
# created: 6 Oct 2011
# modified: 13 May 2013
concept_nofail pseudoLevType (unknown) {
#set uses the last one
#get returns the first match
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=1;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=2;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=3;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=4;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=8;marsClass=80;}
'pl' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=100;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=102;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=103;marsClass=80;}
'hl' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=105;marsClass=80;}
'ml' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=109;marsClass=80;}
'dp' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=160;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=191;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=192;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=193;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=194;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=195;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=196;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=197;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=198;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=200;marsClass=80;}
'surf' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=1;marsClass=81;}
'bcld' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=2;marsClass=81;}
'tcld' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=3;marsClass=81;}
'isot' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=4;marsClass=81;}
'tatm' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=8;marsClass=81;}
'pl' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=100;marsClass=81;}
'msl' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=102;marsClass=81;}
'hmsl' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=103;marsClass=81;}
'hl' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=105;marsClass=81;}
'ml' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=109;marsClass=81;}
'dp' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=160;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=191;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=192;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=193;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=194;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=195;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=196;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=197;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=198;marsClass=81;}
'atm' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=200;marsClass=81;}
#constant conceptsMasterMarsDir="mars" : hidden;
#constant conceptsLocalMarsDirAll="mars/[centre:s]" : hidden;
#concept levTypePacking (unknown,"levTypePackingConcept.def",conceptsLocalMarsDirAll,conceptsMasterMarsDir);
if( indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 191 ||
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 192 ||
@ -67,12 +27,31 @@ if( indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 191 ||
alias mars.class = marsClass;
alias mars.type = marsType;
alias mars.pseudolevtype = pseudoLevType;
alias mars.stream = marsStream;
alias mars.expver = experimentVersionNumber;
alias mars.model = marsModel;
alias mars.domain = globalDomain;
#if ( ( class == 80 && ( indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 1 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 2 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 3 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 4 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 8 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 102 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 103 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 200)) ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 191 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 192 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 193 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 194 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 195 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 196 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 197 ||
# indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 198 ) {
# concept trueLevType (unknown,"trueLevType.def",conceptsLocalMarsDirAll,conceptsMasterMarsDir);
# alias mars.truelevtype = trueLevType;
alias ls.dataType = marsType;
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
# created: 6 Oct 2011
# modified: 13 May 2013
'surface' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=1;}
'cloudBase' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=2;}
'cloudTop' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=3;}
'isothermZero' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=4;}
'adiabaticCondensation' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=5;}
'maxWind' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=6;}
'tropopause' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=7;}
'nominalTop' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=8;}
'seaBottom' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=9;}
'isobaricInhPa' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=100;}
'isobaricLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=101;}
'meanSea' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=102;}
'isobaricLayerHighPrecision' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=121;}
'isobaricLayerMixedPrecision' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=141;}
'heightAboveSea' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=103;}
'heightAboveSeaLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=104;}
'heightAboveGroundHighPrecision' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=125;}
'heightAboveGround' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=105;}
'heightAboveGroundLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=106;}
'sigma' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=107;}
'sigmaLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=108;}
'sigmaLayerHighPrecision' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=128;}
'hybrid' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=109;}
'hybridLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=110;}
'depthBelowLand' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=111;}
'depthBelowLandLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=112;}
'theta' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=113;}
'thetaLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=114;}
'pressureFromGround' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=115;}
'pressureFromGroundLayer' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=116;}
'potentialVorticity' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=117;}
'depthBelowSea' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=160;}
'entireAtmosphere' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=200;}
'entireOcean' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=201;}
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#se" usest the last one
#get returns the first match
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# Model 50 (MATCH) SMHI local definitions aerosol bin number
# Aerosol bin number parameter in local extension
0 NOBIN none
1 BIN1 Aerosol Binary number 1
2 BIN2 Aerosol Binary number 2
3 BIN3 Aerosol Binary number 3
4 BIN4 Aerosol Binary number 4
5 BIN5 Aerosol Binary number 5
6 BIN6 Aerosol Binary number 6
7 BIN7 Aerosol Binary number 7
8 BIN8 Aerosol Binary number 8
9 BIN9 Aerosol Binary number 9
10 BIN10 Aerosol Binary number 10
100 ALLBIN All binary number
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
# author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
# created: 6 Oct 2011
# modified: 13 May 2013
0 none not set, default
1 od ECMWF Operational data
2 rd ECMWF Research data
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# assert(localDefinitionNumber == 1);
alias mars.step = stepRange;
unalias mars.time;
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# class e4
alias mars.step = startStep;
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# assert(local=1)
meta verificationDate g1verificationdate(dataDate, dataTime, endStep) : read_only;
meta monthlyVerificationDate g1monthlydate(verificationDate) : dump,no_copy;
alias mars.date = monthlyVerificationDate;
# class e4
# constant six = 6;
alias mars.step = startStep;
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# NOTE: step is startStep
alias mars.step = startStep;
# Only ERA15 has time and step
if(class != 3) {
unalias mars.time;
unalias mars.step;
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# assert(local=1)
# NOTE: verificationDate based on startStep
meta verificationDate g1verificationdate(dataDate, dataTime, startStep) : read_only;
alias mars.date = verificationDate;
alias mars.step = startStep;
# Only ERA15 has time and step
if(class != 3) {
unalias mars.time;
unalias mars.step;
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
label "x";
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
label "x";
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
label "x";
@ -0,0 +1 @@
alias mars.step = endStep;
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
label "x";
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# Model 50 (MATCH) SMHI local definitions landtype
# landtype parameter in local extension
000 ALL All surfaces
001 WATER Water or Sea Water (fraction)
002 RURAL Rural (fraction)
003 URBAN Urban (fraction)
004 LOWVEG Lowveg (fraction)
005 FOREST Forest (fraction)
006 NOVEG Noveg (fraction)
021 PASTURE Pasture (fraction)
022 ARABLE Arable (fraction)
023 BEECHOAK Beech_oak (fraction)
024 DECIDUOUS Deciduous (fraction)
025 SPRUCE Spruce (fraction)
026 PINE Pine (fraction)
027 WETLAND Wetland (fraction)
028 MOUNTAIN Mountain (fraction)
029 BIRCH Birch (fraction)
051 ICE Ice (fraction)
052 SNOW Snow (fraction)
071 HSLOWV Hendersen-Sellers classification
072 HSFOR Hendersen-Sellers classification
073 POLITI Politi
074 MASK Mask
081 REGIONAL Regional contribution
082 LONGRANGE Long-range contribution
083 LOCAL Local (urban) contribution
090 ZONE Zone index
100 TOP Top layer
150 EFFDOSE Effective dose [Sv]
151 SKIN Skin dose [Sv]
152 THYROID Thyroid dose [Sv]
153 LUNG Lung dose [Sv]
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
## author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
## created: 6 Oct 2011
## modified: 13 May 2013
# Model ##### SMHI local definitions #####
0 none not set, default
10 ifs IFS
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
# Model 50 SMHI local definitions sort
# Sort parameter in local extension
000 NONE No sort specified
001 CM Atm. conc. [g/kg]
002 LNCM Log Atm. conc. [g/kg]
003 C Atm. conc. [g/m3]
003 CC Atm. conc. [g/m3]
004 LNC Log Atm. conc. [g/m3]
007 NR Atm. conc. [number/m3]
009 CBQ Atm. conc. [Bq/m3]
010 LNCBQ Log Atm. conc. [Bq/m3]
011 CMREFH Atm. conc. at reference height [g/kg]
012 CREFH Atm. conc. at reference height [g/m3]
013 LNCREFH Log Atm. conc. at reference height [g/m3]
014 TOTCOLUMN Total column [g/m2]
014 LOWCOLUMN Column up to 6000m [g/m2]
014 HIGHCOLUMN Column up above 6000m [g/m2]
014 LOWMAX Max in column up to 6000m [g/m3]
014 HIGHMAX Max in column above 6000m [g/m3]
015 LOWMAXZ Level at max in column up to 6000m [m]
015 HIGHMAXZ Level at max in column above 6000m [m]
021 ICM Integrated atm. conc. s [g/kg]
022 LNICM Log Integrated atm. conc. s [g/kg]
023 IC Integrated atm. conc. s [g/m3]
024 LNIC Logarith of Integrated atm. conc. s [g/m3]
027 INR Integrated atm. conc. s [number/m3]
029 ICBQ Integrated atm. conc. s [Bq/m3]
030 LNICBQ Log Integrated atm. conc. s [Bq/m3]
051 CLW Conc. in liquid water [g/m3]
053 CEQLW Conc. in liquid water Equivalents/m3
054 CNRLW Conc. in liquid water [number/m3]
055 CBQLWC Conc. in liquid water [Bq/m3]
061 CIW Conc. in ice water [g/m3]
063 CEQIW Conc. in ice water Equivalents/m3
064 CNRIW Conc. in ice water [number/m3]
065 CBQIW Conc. in ice water [Bq/m3]
071 CPREC Conc. in precipitation [g/m3] (mg/l)
073 CEQPREC Conc. in precipitation Equivalents/m3
074 CNPREC Conc. in precipitation [number/m3]
075 CBQPREC Conc. in precipitation [Bq/m3]
081 DRYDEP Dry deposition [g/m2]
082 LNDRYDEP Log Dry deposition [g/m2]
084 DRYDEPNR Dry deposition [number/m2]
085 DRYDEPBQ Dry deposition [Bq/m2]
091 WETDEP Wet deposition [g/m2]
092 LNWETDEP Log Wet deposition [g/m2]
094 WETDEPNR Wet deposition [number/m2]
095 WETDEPBQ Wet deposition [Bq/m2]
101 TOTDEP Total deposition [g/m2]
102 LNTOTDEP Log Total deposition [g/m2]
104 TOTDEPNR Total deposition [number/m2]
105 TOTDEPBQ Total deposition [Bq/m2]
110 QTON Emissions [ton]
111 QKG Emissions [kg]
112 QG Emissions [g]
114 QNR Emissions [number]
115 QBQ Emissions [Bq]
121 QKGS Emissions [kg/s]
122 QGS Emissions [g/s]
124 QNS Emissions [number/s]
125 QBQS Emissions [Bq/s]
131 AQKGS Emissions [kg/(m2 s)]
132 AQGS Emissions [g/(m2 s)]
134 AQNRS Emissions [number/(m2 s)]
135 AQBQS Emissions [Bq/(m2 s)]
136 AQ0KGS Surface emissions [kg/(m2 s)]
137 AQ0GS Surface emissions [g/(m2 s)]
138 AQ0NRS Surface emissions [number/(m2 s)]
139 AQ0BQS Surface emissions [Bq/(m2 s)]
150 INHALDOSE Inhalation dose [nSv]
151 GROUNDDOSE Ground dose [nSv]
152 CLOUDDOSE Infinite cloud dose [nSv]
153 SUMDOSE Sum of cloud and ground dose [nSv]
201 VD Dry deposition velocity [m/s]
202 VS Settling velocity [m/s]
203 LAMDA Scavenging coefficient [1/s]
205 TSUM Degree hours or days for last day [K]
206 HSUM Current degree days [K]
207 HCRIT Critical degree days [K]
208 RACCUM Accum pollen emission [grains/m2]
209 CORR Correction factor [fraction]
210 AOD Aerosol optical depth []
240 TIMEARRIVAL Deposition arrival since 1 Jan 1971 [days]
241 TIMELATEST Latest deposition since 1 Jan 1971 [days]
242 TIMEMAX Time of max activity since 1 Jan 1971 [days]
243 MAXACTIVITY Max radioactive activity [Bq/m2]
244 LNMAXACTIVITY Log Max radioactive activity
250 FREQUENCY Relative occurrence []
251 FLUX statistics [kg]
252 FLUXMOL statistics [mol]
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
# author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
# created: 6 Oct 2011
# modified: 13 May 2013
0 none not set, default
1025 oper Operational deterministic model daily archive
1043 mnth Monthly means
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# Model 50 (MATCH) SMHI local definitions timerep
# Time representation parameter in local extension
000 NONE No representation specified
001 3HMEAN 3 Hour mean value (hours)
002 DIURNALMEAN Diurnal or Daily mean (hours)
003 1HMEAN 1 Hour mean value (hours)
005 MONTHLYMEAN Monthly mean (month)
006 MEAN Mean from start (hours)
007 ANNUALMEAN Annual mean (year)
010 MAX Max value
011 MIN Min value
012 DAILYMAX Diurnal max
014 MONTHLYMAX Monthly max
016 ANNUALMAX Annual max
017 MONMEANDAYMAX Mean of daily-max
018 ANNMEANDAYMAX Mean of daily-max
019 MEANDAYMAX Mean of daily-max
020 ACCUMULATED Acc. since start (hours)
021 DAYACCUM Acc. over one day (hours)
022 MONTHACCUM Acc. over one month (months)
023 3HACCUM Acc. over one day (hours)
024 3MONTHACCUM Acc. over three months (months)
025 6MONTHACCUM Acc. over six months (months)
026 YEARACCUM Acc. over one year (year)
030 8HMEAN Running 8-hour mean (hours)
031 MAX8HMEAN Daily maximum of 8-hour mean
032 MEANMAX8H Mean of daily maximum of 8-hour mean
033 MAXMAX8H Max of daily maximum of 8-hour mean
040 PERC98H1 98 percentil (hours)
041 PERC98D1 98 percentil (day)
042 PERC90D1 90 percentil (day)
043 MEDIAN Median
044 LIKELIHOOD Likelihood
045 JOINTPROBABILITY Joint probability
046 PERCENTILE Percentile
050 BOUNDARY Boundary value
051 FIRSTGUESS First guess
052 STDDEV Standard deviation
060 ANAINCR Analysis increment
061 ANAERR Analysis error
062 BGERR Background error
070 QUALITY Quality flag
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
# author: Sebastien Villaume <Sebastien.Villaume@smhi.se>
# created: 6 Oct 2011
# modified: 13 May 2013
0 none not set, default
2 an Analysis
5 3v 3DVAR analysis
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=104 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=105 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=106 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=107 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=108 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=109 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=110 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=111 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=112 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=113 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=114 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=115 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=116 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=117 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=118 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=119 ;}
'g' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=120 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=204 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=205 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=206 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=207 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=208 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=209 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=210 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=211 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=212 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=213 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=214 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=215 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=216 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=217 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=218 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=219 ;}
'm' = { generatingProcessIdentifier=220 ;}
Reference in New Issue