mirror of https://github.com/ecmwf/eccodes.git
Merge release/2.36.0 to master
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ jobs:
uses: ecmwf-actions/downstream-ci/.github/workflows/downstream-ci.yml@main
eccodes: ecmwf/eccodes@${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}
codecov_upload: true
secrets: inherit
# Run CI of private downstream packages on self-hosted runners
@ -74,15 +75,6 @@ jobs:
event_type: downstream-ci-hpc
payload: '{"eccodes": "ecmwf/eccodes@${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}"}'
name: code-coverage
if: ${{ !github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork && github.event.action != 'labeled' || github.event.label.name == 'approved-for-ci' }}
uses: ./.github/workflows/reusable-ci.yml
eccodes: ecmwf/eccodes@${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}
codecov: true
secrets: inherit
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@ -90,8 +82,7 @@ jobs:
- private-downstream-ci
- downstream-ci-hpc
- private-downstream-ci-hpc
- codecov
if: always() && ${{ !github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork && github.event.action != 'labeled' || github.event.label.name == 'approved-for-ci' }}
if: ${{ always() && !github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork && github.event.action != 'labeled' || github.event.label.name == 'approved-for-ci' }}
- name: Trigger Teams notification
uses: ecmwf-actions/notify-teams@v1
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ grib_api.pc
# compiled source #
@ -72,3 +74,4 @@ data/bufr/*test
@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ unsigned[1] localTablesVersionNumber : dump;
transient typicalCentury=21;
unsigned[1] typicalYearOfCentury : dump;
transient typicalYear = (typicalCentury - 1) * 100 + typicalYearOfCentury : no_copy;
# ECC-1840: Use the 'evaluate' accessor so typicalYear is updated if user changes typicalCentury
meta typicalYear evaluate( (typicalCentury - 1) * 100 + typicalYearOfCentury ) : no_copy;
unsigned[1] typicalMonth : dump;
unsigned[1] typicalDay : dump;
@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ sub process {
elsif ($this =~ /'(.*)' *= *{/) {
$concept = $1;
die "File: $filename, line: $lineNum: Value is empty." if ($concept eq '');
die "File: $filename, line: $lineNum: Value contains invalid characters." if (non_printable($concept));
if ($filename eq 'cfVarName.def') {
#if ($concept =~ /^[0-9]/) {
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
96 96 Athens
97 97 European Space Agency (ESA)
98 ecmf European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
99 99 DeBilt, Netherlands
99 knmi DeBilt, Netherlands
110 110 Hong-Kong
173 nasa US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
@ -84,10 +84,10 @@
233 eidb Dublin
235 ingv INGV
239 crfc CERFAX
244 vuwien VUWien
245 knmi KNMI
246 ifmk IfM-Kiel
247 hadc Hadley Centre
244 244 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (NMC)
245 245 Ukraine (NMC)
246 246 Republic of Moldova (NMC)
247 247 Operational Programme for the Exchange of weather RAdar information (OPERA) - EUMETNET
250 cosmo COnsortium for Small scale MOdelling (COSMO)
251 251 Meteorological Cooperation on Operational NWP (MetCoOp)
252 mpim Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M)
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
22 22 ACMAD
23 23 Mozambique (NMC)
24 fapr Pretoria (RSMC)
25 25 La Reunion (RSMC)
26 26 Khabarovsk (RSMC)
28 vabb New Delhi (IMD)
29 dems New Delhi (NCMRWF)
@ -58,12 +59,14 @@
64 64 Honolulu
65 65 Darwin (RSMC)
67 67 Melbourne (RSMC)
# 68 Reserved
69 nzkl Wellington (RSMC/RAFC)
71 71 Nadi (RSMC)
72 72 Singapore
73 73 Malaysia (NMC)
74 egrr U.K. Met Office - Exeter
76 76 Moscow (RSMC/RAFC)
# 77 Reserved
78 edzw Offenbach (RSMC)
80 cnmc Rome (RSMC)
82 eswi Norrkoping
@ -82,7 +85,7 @@
96 96 Athens
97 97 European Space Agency (ESA)
98 ecmf European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
99 99 DeBilt, Netherlands
99 knmi DeBilt, Netherlands
100 100 Brazzaville
101 101 Abidjan
102 102 Libya (NMC)
@ -93,15 +96,68 @@
107 107 Uganda (NMC)
108 108 United Republic of Tanzania (NMC)
109 109 Zimbabwe (NMC)
110 110 Hong-Kong
110 110 Hong Kong
111 111 Afghanistan (NMC)
112 112 Bahrain (NMC)
113 113 Bangladesh (NMC)
114 114 Bhutan (NMC)
115 115 Cambodia (NMC)
116 116 Democratic People's Republic of Korea (NMC)
117 117 Islamic Republic of Iran (NMC)
118 118 Iraq (NMC)
119 119 Kazakhstan (NMC)
120 120 Kuwait (NMC)
121 121 Kyrgyzstan (NMC)
122 122 Lao People's Democratic Republic (NMC)
123 123 "Macao China"
124 124 Maldives (NMC)
125 125 Myanmar (NMC)
126 126 Nepal (NMC)
127 127 Oman (NMC)
128 128 Pakistan (NMC)
129 129 Qatar (NMC)
130 130 Yemen (NMC)
131 131 Sri Lanka (NMC)
132 132 Tajikistan (NMC)
133 133 Turkmenistan (NMC)
134 134 United Arab Emirates (NMC)
135 135 Uzbekistan (NMC)
136 136 Viet Nam (NMC)
# 137-139 Reserved for other centres
140 140 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) (NMC)
141 141 Guyana (NMC)
142 142 Paraguay (NMC)
143 143 Suriname (NMC)
144 144 Uruguay (NMC)
145 145 French Guiana
146 146 Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Centre
147 147 National Commission on Space Activities (CONAE) - Argentina
148 148 Brazilian Department of Airspace Control - DECEA
# 149 Reserved for other centres
150 150 Antigua and Barbuda (NMC)
151 151 Bahamas (NMC)
152 152 Barbados (NMC)
153 153 Belize (NMC)
154 154 British Caribbean Territories Centre
155 155 San Jose
156 156 Cuba (NMC)
157 157 Dominica (NMC)
158 158 Dominican Republic (NMC)
159 159 El Salvador (NMC)
161 161 US NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
162 162 Guatemala (NMC)
163 163 Haiti (NMC)
164 164 Honduras (NMC)
165 165 Jamaica (NMC)
166 166 Mexico
167 167 Curacao and Sint Maarten (NMC)
168 168 Nicaragua (NMC)
169 169 Panama (NMC)
170 170 Saint Lucia (NMC)
171 171 Trinidad and Tobago (NMC)
172 172 French Departments in RA IV
173 nasa US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
174 174 Integrated Science Data Management/Marine Environmental Data Service (ISDM/MEDS - Canada)
175 175 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) - United States
176 176 Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) - United States
@ -110,9 +166,23 @@
179 179 GeoOptics, Inc.
180 180 PlanetiQ
181 181 Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER)
# 182-189 Reserved for other centres
190 190 Cook Islands (NMC)
191 191 French Polynesia (NMC)
192 192 Tonga (NMC)
193 193 Vanuatu (NMC)
194 194 Brunei Darussalam (NMC)
195 wiix Indonesia (NMC)
196 196 Kiribati (NMC)
197 197 Federated States of Micronesia (NMC)
198 198 New Caledonia (NMC)
199 199 Niue
200 200 Papua New Guinea (NMC)
201 201 Philippines (NMC)
202 202 Samoa (NMC)
203 203 Solomon Islands (NMC)
204 niwa National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA - New Zealand)
# 205-209 Reserved for other centres
210 210 Frascati (ESA/ESRIN)
211 211 Lannion
212 212 Lisboa
@ -139,18 +209,24 @@
233 eidb Dublin
234 234 Israel (NMC)
235 ingv INGV
236 236 Latvia (NMC)
237 237 Lebanon (NMC)
238 238 Lithuania (NMC)
239 crfc CERFAX
240 240 Malta (NMC)
241 241 Monaco
242 242 Romania (NMC)
244 vuwien VUWien
245 knmi KNMI
246 ifmk IfM-Kiel
247 hadc Hadley Centre
243 243 Syrian Arab Republic (NMC)
244 244 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (NMC)
245 245 Ukraine (NMC)
246 246 Republic of Moldova (NMC)
247 247 Operational Programme for the Exchange of weather RAdar information (OPERA) - EUMETNET
248 248 Montenegro (NMC)
249 249 Barcelona Dust Forecast Center
250 cosmo COnsortium for Small scale MOdelling (COSMO)
251 251 Meteorological Cooperation on Operational NWP (MetCoOp)
252 mpim Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M)
253 253 Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI)
254 eums EUMETSAT Operation Centre
255 consensus Consensus
256 256 Angola (NMC)
@ -184,9 +260,10 @@
284 284 Sierra Leone (NMC)
285 285 Somalia (NMC)
286 286 Sudan (NMC)
287 287 Swaziland (NMC)
287 287 Eswatini (NMC)
288 288 Togo (NMC)
289 289 Zambia (NMC)
290 290 EUMETNET E-Profile
291 anso Alliance of International Science Organizations (Beijing, China)
292 ufz Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
293 293 University of Bremen
@ -196,4 +273,28 @@
297 297 The Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences (NIES)
298 298 Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory (LMD)
299 299 The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL)
300 300 Greek Atomic Energy Commission (Greece)
301 301 United Stated Environmental Protection Agency (USA)
302 302 Autralian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (Australia)
303 303 Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (The Netherlands)
304 304 Autorite de Surete Nucleaire (France)
305 305 Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (Germany)
306 306 National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (Romania)
307 307 Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Spain)
308 308 Danish Emergency Management Agency (Denmark)
309 309 Norwegian Radiation Protection Agency (Norway)
310 310 Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (Belgium)
311 311 Institute of Radiation Protection and Dosimetry (Brazil)
312 312 National Inspectorate for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (Italy)
313 313 Nuclear Regulatory Authority (Turkiye)
314 314 Nuclear Regulation Authority (Japan)
315 315 Nuclear Regulatory Agency (Bulgaria)
316 316 Ukrainian Radiation Protection Institute (Ukriane)
317 317 Health Canada Radio Protection Bureau (Canada)
318 318 Portuguese Society for Radiation Protection (Portugal)
319 319 Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (Sweden)
320 320 Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Finland)
321 321 State Office for Nuclear Safety (Czechia)
322 322 Nuclear Regulation Authority (Slovakia)
# 323-65534 Reserved for other centres
65535 65535 Missing value
@ -1148,36 +1148,6 @@
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 48 ;
#U-component of current
'ucurr' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#U-component of current
'ucurr' = {
table2Version = 2 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#U-component of current
'ucurr' = {
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#V-component of current
'vcurr' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#V-component of current
'vcurr' = {
table2Version = 2 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#V-component of current
'vcurr' = {
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#Humidity mixing ratio
'mixr' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
@ -909,12 +909,12 @@
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 130 ;
#Eastward sea water velocity
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'eastward_sea_water_velocity' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 131 ;
#Northward sea water velocity
#Northward surface sea water velocity
'northward_sea_water_velocity' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 132 ;
@ -13024,12 +13024,12 @@
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 130 ;
#Eastward sea water velocity
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'uoe' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 131 ;
#Northward sea water velocity
#Northward surface sea water velocity
'von' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 132 ;
@ -13244,7 +13244,7 @@
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 174 ;
#Average salinity in the upper 300m
#Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300m
'sav300' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 175 ;
@ -13024,13 +13024,13 @@
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 130 ;
#Eastward sea water velocity
'Eastward sea water velocity' = {
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'Eastward surface sea water velocity' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 131 ;
#Northward sea water velocity
'Northward sea water velocity' = {
#Northward surface sea water velocity
'Northward surface sea water velocity' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 132 ;
@ -13244,8 +13244,8 @@
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 174 ;
#Average salinity in the upper 300m
'Average salinity in the upper 300m' = {
#Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300m
'Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300m' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 175 ;
@ -13024,12 +13024,12 @@
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 130 ;
#Eastward sea water velocity
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'151131' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 131 ;
#Northward sea water velocity
#Northward surface sea water velocity
'151132' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 132 ;
@ -13244,7 +13244,7 @@
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 174 ;
#Average salinity in the upper 300m
#Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300m
'151175' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 175 ;
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Concept paramIdForConversion for ECMWF
# See ECC-1806
# 55
228004 = {gribTablesVersionNo=128; indicatorOfParameter=55; centre=98;}
# 56
235168 = {gribTablesVersionNo=128; indicatorOfParameter=56; centre=98;}
# 130232
235135 = {gribTablesVersionNo=130; indicatorOfParameter=232; centre=98;}
# 151163
262104 = {gribTablesVersionNo=151; indicatorOfParameter=163; centre=98;}
# 151145
262124 = {gribTablesVersionNo=151; indicatorOfParameter=145; centre=98;}
# 172146
235033 = {gribTablesVersionNo=172; indicatorOfParameter=146; centre=98;}
# 172147
235034 = {gribTablesVersionNo=172; indicatorOfParameter=147; centre=98;}
# 172169
235035 = {gribTablesVersionNo=172; indicatorOfParameter=169; centre=98;}
# 172175
235036 = {gribTablesVersionNo=172; indicatorOfParameter=175; centre=98;}
# 172176
235037 = {gribTablesVersionNo=172; indicatorOfParameter=176; centre=98;}
# 172177
235038 = {gribTablesVersionNo=172; indicatorOfParameter=177; centre=98;}
# 172178
235039 = {gribTablesVersionNo=172; indicatorOfParameter=178; centre=98;}
# 172179
235040 = {gribTablesVersionNo=172; indicatorOfParameter=179; centre=98;}
# 174098
262000 = {gribTablesVersionNo=174; indicatorOfParameter=98; centre=98;}
# 151175
262118 = {gribTablesVersionNo=151; indicatorOfParameter=175; centre=98;}
# 151132
262139 = {gribTablesVersionNo=151; indicatorOfParameter=132; centre=98;}
# 151131
262140 = {gribTablesVersionNo=151; indicatorOfParameter=131; centre=98;}
@ -13024,12 +13024,12 @@
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 130 ;
#Eastward sea water velocity
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'ocu' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 131 ;
#Northward sea water velocity
#Northward surface sea water velocity
'ocv' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 132 ;
@ -13244,7 +13244,7 @@
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 174 ;
#Average salinity in the upper 300m
#Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300m
'sav300' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 175 ;
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
# Concept stepTypeForConversion for ECMWF
# set uses the FIRST one
# get returns the LAST match
# ECC-457: ECMWF Total Precipitation
"accum" = {timeRangeIndicator=0;indicatorOfParameter=228;gribTablesVersionNo=128;centre=98;}
"accum" = {timeRangeIndicator=1;indicatorOfParameter=228;gribTablesVersionNo=128;centre=98;}
"accum" = {timeRangeIndicator=10;indicatorOfParameter=228;gribTablesVersionNo=128;centre=98;}
# ECC-457: total precipitation
# sro
@ -198,3 +196,25 @@
# vtpha
# mvv
# msshfl
# mslhfl
# mean2t24
# mn2d24
# msdsrf
# msdtrf
# msnsrf
# msntrf
# mtnsrf
# mtntrf
@ -195,12 +195,12 @@
indicatorOfParameter = 28 ;
#Type of low vegetation
'(code table 4.234)' = {
'(Code table 4.234)' = {
table2Version = 128 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 29 ;
#Type of high vegetation
'(code table 4.234)' = {
'(Code table 4.234)' = {
table2Version = 128 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 30 ;
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
indicatorOfParameter = 42 ;
#Soil type
'~' = {
'(Code table 4.213)' = {
table2Version = 128 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 43 ;
@ -13024,12 +13024,12 @@
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 130 ;
#Eastward sea water velocity
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'm s**-1' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 131 ;
#Northward sea water velocity
#Northward surface sea water velocity
'm s**-1' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 132 ;
@ -13244,7 +13244,7 @@
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 174 ;
#Average salinity in the upper 300m
#Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300m
'psu' = {
table2Version = 151 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 175 ;
@ -665,16 +665,6 @@
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 48 ;
#U-component of current
'ucurr' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#V-component of current
'vcurr' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#Humidity mixing ratio
'mixr' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
@ -665,16 +665,6 @@
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 48 ;
#U-component of current
'U-component of current' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#V-component of current
'V-component of current' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#Humidity mixing ratio
'Humidity mixing ratio' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
@ -665,16 +665,6 @@
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 48 ;
#U-component of current
'3049' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#V-component of current
'3050' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#Humidity mixing ratio
'3053' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
@ -665,16 +665,6 @@
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 48 ;
#U-component of current
'ucurr' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#V-component of current
'vcurr' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#Humidity mixing ratio
'mixr' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
@ -486,7 +486,7 @@
indicatorOfParameter = 253 ;
#Type of vegetation
'Code Table JMA-252' = {
'(Code table JMA-252)' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 252 ;
@ -665,16 +665,6 @@
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 48 ;
#U-component of current
'm s**-1' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#V-component of current
'm s**-1' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#Humidity mixing ratio
'kg kg**-1' = {
table2Version = 200 ;
@ -1148,36 +1148,6 @@
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 48 ;
#U-component of current
'U-component of current' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#U-component of current
'U-component of current' = {
table2Version = 2 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#U-component of current
'U-component of current' = {
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#V-component of current
'V-component of current' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#V-component of current
'V-component of current' = {
table2Version = 2 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#V-component of current
'V-component of current' = {
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#Humidity mixing ratio
'Humidity mixing ratio' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
@ -1148,36 +1148,6 @@
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 48 ;
#U-component of current
'3049' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#U-component of current
'3049' = {
table2Version = 2 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#U-component of current
'3049' = {
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#V-component of current
'3050' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#V-component of current
'3050' = {
table2Version = 2 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#V-component of current
'3050' = {
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#Humidity mixing ratio
'3053' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Concept paramIdForConversion
# See ECC-1806
0 = {dummy=0;}
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ flagbit jScansPositively(scanningMode,6) : dump;
flagbit jPointsAreConsecutive(scanningMode,5) : dump;
constant alternativeRowScanning=0 : dump;
transient iScansPositively = !iScansNegatively : constraint;
transient jScansNegatively = !jScansPositively : constraint;
transient iScansPositively = !iScansNegatively : constraint, read_only;
transient jScansNegatively = !jScansPositively : constraint, read_only;
alias geography.iScansNegatively=iScansNegatively;
alias geography.jScansPositively=jScansPositively;
@ -325,3 +325,6 @@ if (stepTypeForConversion is "accum" || stepTypeForConversion is "max" || stepTy
meta md5Section1 md5(offsetSection1,section1Length);
# md5(start,length,blacklisted1,blacklisted2,...);
meta md5Product md5(offsetSection1,section1Length,gridDefinition,section1Flags,decimalScaleFactor);
# ECC-1806
concept_nofail paramIdForConversion(zero, "paramIdForConversion.def", conceptsDir2, conceptsDir1) : long_type,read_only;
@ -1148,36 +1148,6 @@
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 48 ;
#U-component of current
'ucurr' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#U-component of current
'ucurr' = {
table2Version = 2 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#U-component of current
'ucurr' = {
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#V-component of current
'vcurr' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#V-component of current
'vcurr' = {
table2Version = 2 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#V-component of current
'vcurr' = {
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#Humidity mixing ratio
'mixr' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
@ -1148,36 +1148,6 @@
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 48 ;
#U-component of current
'm s**-1' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#U-component of current
'm s**-1' = {
table2Version = 2 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#U-component of current
'm s**-1' = {
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 49 ;
#V-component of current
'm s**-1' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#V-component of current
'm s**-1' = {
table2Version = 2 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#V-component of current
'm s**-1' = {
table2Version = 1 ;
indicatorOfParameter = 50 ;
#Humidity mixing ratio
'kg kg**-1' = {
table2Version = 3 ;
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# See https://community.wmo.int/activity-areas/wmo-codes/manual-codes/latest-version
constant tablesVersionLatestOfficial = 32 : edition_specific;
# If this is different from the official version, then it is the pre-operational version
constant tablesVersionLatest = 32 : edition_specific;
constant tablesVersionLatest = 33 : edition_specific;
constant false = 0 : hidden;
constant true = 1 : hidden;
@ -53,3 +53,6 @@ concept isTemplateDeprecated(false) {
concept isTemplateExperimental(false) {
1 = { template_is_experimental = 1; }
# ECC-1806
transient paramIdForConversion = 0;
@ -282,12 +282,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Depth of 20 C isotherm
'depth_of_isosurface_of_sea_water_potential_temperature' = {
@ -318,12 +312,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Heat flux correction
'heat_flux_correction' = {
@ -343,20 +331,6 @@
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 10 ;
#Eastward sea water velocity
'eastward_sea_water_velocity' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
#Northward sea water velocity
'northward_sea_water_velocity' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
#Nitrogen dioxide mass mixing ratio
'mass_fraction_of_nitrogen_dioxide_in_air' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -4795,28 +4795,28 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean snow density
'mrsn' = {
'avg_rsn' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 61 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean low vegetation cover
'mcvl' = {
'avg_cvl' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 53 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean high vegetation cover
'mcvh' = {
'avg_cvh' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 54 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean sea ice area fraction
'mci' = {
'avg_ci' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
@ -4824,7 +4824,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean sea surface temperature
'msst' = {
'avg_sst' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
@ -4832,21 +4832,21 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean leaf area index, low vegetation
'mlai_lv' = {
'avg_lai_lv' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean leaf area index, high vegetation
'mlai_hv' = {
'avg_lai_hv' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean total column liquid water
'mtclw' = {
'avg_tclw' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 69 ;
@ -4855,7 +4855,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean total column cloud ice water
'mtciw' = {
'avg_tciw' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 70 ;
@ -4864,7 +4864,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean 2 metre specific humidity
'm2sh' = {
'avg_2sh' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
@ -4875,7 +4875,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean lake mix-layer temperature
'mlmlt' = {
'avg_lmlt' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
@ -4884,7 +4884,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean lake mix-layer depth
'mlmld' = {
'avg_lmld' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
@ -4893,7 +4893,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean 2 metre relative humidity
'm2r' = {
'avg_2r' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
@ -4903,56 +4903,98 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean fraction of snow cover
'mfscov' = {
'avg_fscov' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 121 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil temperature
'msot' = {
'avg_sot' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean wind speed
'avg_ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean pressure
'avg_pres' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean potential vorticity
'avg_pv' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific rain water content
'avg_crwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific snow water content
'avg_cswc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean eta-coordinate vertical velocity
'avg_etadot' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean geopotential
'mz' = {
'avg_z' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean temperature
'mt' = {
'avg_t' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean U component of wind
'mu' = {
'avg_u' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean V component of wind
'mv' = {
'avg_v' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific humidity
'mq' = {
'avg_q' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean surface pressure
'msp' = {
'avg_sp' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
@ -4960,14 +5002,14 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean vertical velocity
'mw' = {
'avg_w' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean total column water
'mtcw' = {
'avg_tcw' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 51 ;
@ -4976,7 +5018,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean total column vertically-integrated water vapour
'mtcwv' = {
'avg_tcwv' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 64 ;
@ -4984,30 +5026,44 @@
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean vorticity (relative)
'avg_vo' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 12 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean mean sea level pressure
'mmsl' = {
'avg_msl' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 101 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean divergence
'avg_d' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 13 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean relative humidity
'mr' = {
'avg_r' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean boundary layer height
'mblh' = {
'avg_blh' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean 10 metre U wind component
'm10u' = {
'avg_10u' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
@ -5017,7 +5073,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean 10 metre V wind component
'm10v' = {
'avg_10v' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
@ -5027,7 +5083,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature
'm2d' = {
'avg_2d' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
@ -5036,15 +5092,22 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean ozone mass mixing ratio
'avg_o3' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 14 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean temperature of snow layer
'mtsn' = {
'avg_tsn' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 28 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean forecast surface roughness
'mfsr' = {
'avg_fsr' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
@ -5052,13 +5115,159 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean forecast logarithm of surface roughness for heat
'mflsr' = {
'avg_flsr' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 54 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific cloud liquid water content
'avg_clwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific cloud ice water content
'avg_ciwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean fraction of cloud cover
'avg_cc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean K index
'avg_kx' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean total totals index
'avg_totalx' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean clear air turbulence (CAT)
'avg_cat' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 19 ;
parameterNumber = 29 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean discharge from rivers or streams
'avg_dis' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil wetness index (total layer)
'avg_swit' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 30 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 151 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil wetness index (root zone)
'avg_swir' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 30 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 167 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil wetness index(layer)
'avg_swil' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 30 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 151 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 151 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean floodplain depth
'avg_flddep' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 17 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean floodplain flooded fraction
'avg_fldffr' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean floodplain flooded area
'avg_fldfar' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean river fraction
'avg_rivfr' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 20 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean river area
'avg_rivar' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean fraction of river coverage plus river related flooding
'avg_rivcffr' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 22 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean area of river coverage plus river related flooding
'avg_rivcfar' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 23 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-maximum volumetric soil moisture
'max_vsw' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 2 ;
#Time-minimum volumetric soil moisture
'min_vsw' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 3 ;
#Time-standard-deviation volumetric soil moisture
'std_vsw' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 6 ;
#Cross sectional area of flow in channel
'chcross' = {
discipline = 1 ;
@ -5125,26 +5334,6 @@
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 15 ;
#Mean discharge in the last 6 hours
'dis06' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 6 ;
#Mean discharge in the last 24 hours
'dis24' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Snow depth at elevation bands
'sd_elev' = {
discipline = 2 ;
@ -5197,6 +5386,48 @@
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
#Floodplain depth
'flddep' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 17 ;
#Floodplain flooded fraction
'fldffr' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
#Floodplain flooded area
'fldfar' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
#River fraction
'rivfr' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 20 ;
#River area
'rivar' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
#Fraction of river coverage plus river related flooding
'rivcffr' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 22 ;
#Area of river coverage plus river related flooding
'rivcfar' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 23 ;
'lat' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -7154,6 +7385,48 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI)
'spi' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
#Standardised Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI)
'spei' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
#Standardised Streamflow Index (SSFI)
'ssfi' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
#Standardised Reservoir Supply Index (SRSI)
'srsi' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
#Standardised Water-level Index (SWI)
'swi' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
#Standardised Snowmelt and Rain Index (SMRI)
'smri' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 5 ;
#Streamflow Drought Index (SDI)
'sdi' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
#Universal thermal climate index
'utci' = {
discipline = 20 ;
@ -7291,12 +7564,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 174 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 176 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Sea ice area fraction
'siconc' = {
@ -7561,12 +7828,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Sea surface temperature
'tos' = {
@ -7657,36 +7918,18 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Northward surface stress
'tauvon' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Eastward surface stress
'tauuoe' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 5 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Y-component of surface stress
'tauvo' = {
@ -7849,12 +8092,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Steric change in sea surface height
'stheig' = {
@ -8029,24 +8266,12 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 15 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'sve' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Heat Content surface to 26C isotherm
'hct26' = {
@ -8095,12 +8320,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Vertically integrated sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m
'sc300v' = {
@ -8401,12 +8620,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 174 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 176 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean sea ice area fraction
@ -8694,12 +8907,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean sea surface temperature
@ -8798,12 +9005,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean northward surface stress
@ -8811,12 +9012,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean eastward surface stress
@ -8824,12 +9019,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 5 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time mean Y-component of surface stress
@ -9006,12 +9195,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean steric change in sea surface height
@ -9201,12 +9384,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 15 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean eastward surface sea water velocity
@ -9214,12 +9391,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean heat content surface to 26C isotherm
@ -9273,12 +9444,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean vertically integrated sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m
@ -10018,6 +10183,44 @@
is_chemical_srcsink = 1 ;
sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess = 7 ;
#Aerosol optical depth
'aod' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 102 ;
#Single scattering albedo
'ssa' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 103 ;
#Asymmetry Factor
'asymf' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 104 ;
#Aerosol backscatter from top of atmosphere
'aerbscattoa' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 107 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Aerosol backscatter from ground
'aerbscatgnd' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 108 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
#Aerosol extinction coefficient
'aerext' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 105 ;
#Pressure tendency
'ptend' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -10180,18 +10383,6 @@
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 16 ;
#U-component of current
'ucurr' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
#V-component of current
'vcurr' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
#Precipitable water
'pwat' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -10558,19 +10749,11 @@
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 44 ;
#Eastward sea water velocity
'uoe' = {
#Wave spectral peakedness
'wsp' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
#Northward sea water velocity
'von' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 98 ;
#Skin reservoir content
'srcrea' = {
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF.
# See ECC-1846
if (centre is "ecmf" or datasetForLocal is "era6") {
concept_nofail modelName(unknown, "modelNameConcept.def", conceptsMasterDir, conceptsLocalDirAll): no_copy, dump, read_only;
if (!(modelName is "unknown")) {
concept_nofail modelVersion(unknown, "modelVersionConcept_[modelName].def", conceptsMasterDir, conceptsLocalDirAll): no_copy, dump, read_only;
# alias ls.model = modelName;
# alias mars.model = modelName;
@ -153,21 +153,21 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Time-mean snow depth
'msde' = {
'avg_sde' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 11 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean snow cover
'msnowc' = {
'avg_snowc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 42 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean snow depth
'msd_m' = {
'avg_sd_m' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean low cloud cover
'mlcc_frac' = {
'avg_lcc_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean medium cloud cover
'mmcc_frac' = {
'avg_mcc_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean high cloud cover
'mhcc_frac' = {
'avg_hcc_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean forecast albedo
'mfal_frac' = {
'avg_fal_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 19 ;
@ -153,21 +153,21 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Time-mean snow depth
'msde' = {
'avg_sde' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 11 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean snow cover
'msnowc' = {
'avg_snowc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 42 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean snow depth
'msd_m' = {
'avg_sd_m' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean low cloud cover
'mlcc_frac' = {
'avg_lcc_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean medium cloud cover
'mmcc_frac' = {
'avg_mcc_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean high cloud cover
'mhcc_frac' = {
'avg_hcc_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean forecast albedo
'mfal_frac' = {
'avg_fal_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 19 ;
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# modelName: Contribution from Daniel Lee @ DWD
# defintions for Roma (COSMO LEPS)
'cosmo-leps' = {
@ -224,18 +224,6 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 3 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Mean temperature at 2 metres in the last 24 hours
'mean2t24' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours
'mn2d24' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Observation count
'obct' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -13844,15 +13832,23 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Time-mean snow depth
'msd_m' = {
'avg_sd_m' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 254 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean logarithm of surface pressure
'avg_lnsp' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean low cloud cover
'mlcc_frac' = {
'avg_lcc_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
@ -13860,7 +13856,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean medium cloud cover
'mmcc_frac' = {
'avg_mcc_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
@ -13868,7 +13864,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean high cloud cover
'mhcc_frac' = {
'avg_hcc_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
@ -13876,7 +13872,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean forecast albedo
'mfal_frac' = {
'avg_fal_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 19 ;
@ -14443,18 +14439,6 @@
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 54 ;
#Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'mean2t24grd' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'mn2d24grd' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Downward UV radiation at the surface gradient
'uvbgrd' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -15727,12 +15711,6 @@
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 231 ;
#Mean vertical velocity
'mvv' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 232 ;
#2m temperature anomaly of at least +2K
't2ag2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -16631,42 +16609,12 @@
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 200 ;
#Standard deviation wave height
'sdhs' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 240 ;
#Mean of 10 metre wind speed
'mu10' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 241 ;
#Mean wind direction
'mdwi' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 242 ;
#Standard deviation of 10 metre wind speed
'sdu' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 243 ;
#2D wave spectra (multiple)
'd2sp' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 250 ;
#Wave spectral peakedness
'wsp' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 254 ;
#Indicates a missing value
'p255.140' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -18848,18 +18796,6 @@
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 145 ;
#Mean surface sensible heat flux
'msshfl' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 146 ;
#Mean surface latent heat flux
'mslhfl' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 147 ;
#Mean short-wave heating rate
'mswhr' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -18872,54 +18808,6 @@
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 154 ;
#Mean surface downward solar radiation flux
'msdsrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 169 ;
#Mean surface downward thermal radiation flux
'msdtrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 175 ;
#Mean surface net solar radiation flux
'msnsrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 176 ;
#Mean surface net thermal radiation flux
'msntrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 177 ;
#Mean top net solar radiation flux
'mtnsrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 178 ;
#Mean top net thermal radiation flux
'mtntrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 179 ;
#East-West surface stress rate of accumulation
'ewssra' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 180 ;
#North-South surface stress rate of accumulation
'nsssra' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 181 ;
'erate' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -18962,36 +18850,6 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Top net solar radiation, clear sky
'p208.172' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 208 ;
#Top net thermal radiation, clear sky
'p209.172' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 209 ;
#Surface net solar radiation, clear sky
'p210.172' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 210 ;
#Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky
'p211.172' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 211 ;
#Solar insolation rate of accumulation
'soira' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 212 ;
#Mean total precipitation rate
'tprate' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -1627,3 +1627,153 @@
parameterCategory = 162 ;
parameterNumber = 215 ;
#Mean vertical velocity
'mvv' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 232 ;
#Mean surface sensible heat flux
'msshfl' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 146 ;
#Mean surface latent heat flux
'mslhfl' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 147 ;
#Mean temperature at 2 metres in the last 24 hours
'mean2t24' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'mean2t24grd' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours
'mn2d24' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'mn2d24grd' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Mean surface downward solar radiation flux
'msdsrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 169 ;
#Mean surface downward thermal radiation flux
'msdtrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 175 ;
#Mean surface net solar radiation flux
'msnsrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 176 ;
#Mean surface net thermal radiation flux
'msntrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 177 ;
#Mean top net solar radiation flux
'mtnsrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 178 ;
#Mean top net thermal radiation flux
'mtntrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 179 ;
#East-West surface stress rate of accumulation
'ewssra' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 180 ;
#North-South surface stress rate of accumulation
'nsssra' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 181 ;
#Standard deviation wave height
'sdhs' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 240 ;
#Mean of 10 metre wind speed
'mu10' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 241 ;
#Mean wind direction
'mdwi' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 242 ;
#Standard deviation of 10 metre wind speed
'sdu' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 243 ;
#Top net solar radiation, clear sky
'p208.172' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 208 ;
#Top net thermal radiation, clear sky
'p209.172' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 209 ;
#Surface net solar radiation, clear sky
'p210.172' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 210 ;
#Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky
'p211.172' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 211 ;
#Solar insolation rate of accumulation
'soira' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 212 ;
#Wave spectral peakedness
'wsp' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 254 ;
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
'IFS' = {
backgroundProcess = 255;
'AIFS' = {
backgroundProcess = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
'v1' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 1; }
'v2' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 2; }
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
'cy49r1' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 155; }
'cy48r1' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 154; }
'cy47r3' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 153; }
'cy47r2' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 152; }
'cy47r1' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 151; }
'cy46r1' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 150; }
'cy45r1' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 149; }
'cy43r3' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 148; }
'cy43r1' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 147; }
'cy41r2' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 146; }
@ -224,18 +224,6 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 3 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Mean temperature at 2 metres in the last 24 hours
'Mean temperature at 2 metres in the last 24 hours' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours
'Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Observation count
'Observation count' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -13851,6 +13839,14 @@
parameterNumber = 254 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean logarithm of surface pressure
'Time-mean logarithm of surface pressure' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean low cloud cover
'Time-mean low cloud cover' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -14443,18 +14439,6 @@
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 54 ;
#Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours gradient' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours gradient' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Downward UV radiation at the surface gradient
'Downward UV radiation at the surface gradient' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -15727,12 +15711,6 @@
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 231 ;
#Mean vertical velocity
'Mean vertical velocity' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 232 ;
#2m temperature anomaly of at least +2K
'2m temperature anomaly of at least +2K' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -16631,42 +16609,12 @@
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 200 ;
#Standard deviation wave height
'Standard deviation wave height' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 240 ;
#Mean of 10 metre wind speed
'Mean of 10 metre wind speed' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 241 ;
#Mean wind direction
'Mean wind direction' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 242 ;
#Standard deviation of 10 metre wind speed
'Standard deviation of 10 metre wind speed' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 243 ;
#2D wave spectra (multiple)
'2D wave spectra (multiple)' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 250 ;
#Wave spectral peakedness
'Wave spectral peakedness' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 254 ;
#Indicates a missing value
'Indicates a missing value' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -18848,18 +18796,6 @@
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 145 ;
#Mean surface sensible heat flux
'Mean surface sensible heat flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 146 ;
#Mean surface latent heat flux
'Mean surface latent heat flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 147 ;
#Mean short-wave heating rate
'Mean short-wave heating rate' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -18872,54 +18808,6 @@
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 154 ;
#Mean surface downward solar radiation flux
'Mean surface downward solar radiation flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 169 ;
#Mean surface downward thermal radiation flux
'Mean surface downward thermal radiation flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 175 ;
#Mean surface net solar radiation flux
'Mean surface net solar radiation flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 176 ;
#Mean surface net thermal radiation flux
'Mean surface net thermal radiation flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 177 ;
#Mean top net solar radiation flux
'Mean top net solar radiation flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 178 ;
#Mean top net thermal radiation flux
'Mean top net thermal radiation flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 179 ;
#East-West surface stress rate of accumulation
'East-West surface stress rate of accumulation' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 180 ;
#North-South surface stress rate of accumulation
'North-South surface stress rate of accumulation' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 181 ;
'Evaporation' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -18962,36 +18850,6 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Top net solar radiation, clear sky
'Top net solar radiation, clear sky' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 208 ;
#Top net thermal radiation, clear sky
'Top net thermal radiation, clear sky' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 209 ;
#Surface net solar radiation, clear sky
'Surface net solar radiation, clear sky' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 210 ;
#Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky
'Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 211 ;
#Solar insolation rate of accumulation
'Solar insolation rate of accumulation' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 212 ;
#Mean total precipitation rate
'Mean total precipitation rate' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -1627,3 +1627,153 @@
parameterCategory = 162 ;
parameterNumber = 215 ;
#Mean vertical velocity
'Mean vertical velocity' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 232 ;
#Mean surface sensible heat flux
'Mean surface sensible heat flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 146 ;
#Mean surface latent heat flux
'Mean surface latent heat flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 147 ;
#Mean temperature at 2 metres in the last 24 hours
'Mean temperature at 2 metres in the last 24 hours' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours gradient' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours
'Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours gradient' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Mean surface downward solar radiation flux
'Mean surface downward solar radiation flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 169 ;
#Mean surface downward thermal radiation flux
'Mean surface downward thermal radiation flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 175 ;
#Mean surface net solar radiation flux
'Mean surface net solar radiation flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 176 ;
#Mean surface net thermal radiation flux
'Mean surface net thermal radiation flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 177 ;
#Mean top net solar radiation flux
'Mean top net solar radiation flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 178 ;
#Mean top net thermal radiation flux
'Mean top net thermal radiation flux' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 179 ;
#East-West surface stress rate of accumulation
'East-West surface stress rate of accumulation' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 180 ;
#North-South surface stress rate of accumulation
'North-South surface stress rate of accumulation' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 181 ;
#Standard deviation wave height
'Standard deviation wave height' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 240 ;
#Mean of 10 metre wind speed
'Mean of 10 metre wind speed' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 241 ;
#Mean wind direction
'Mean wind direction' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 242 ;
#Standard deviation of 10 metre wind speed
'Standard deviation of 10 metre wind speed' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 243 ;
#Top net solar radiation, clear sky
'Top net solar radiation, clear sky' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 208 ;
#Top net thermal radiation, clear sky
'Top net thermal radiation, clear sky' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 209 ;
#Surface net solar radiation, clear sky
'Surface net solar radiation, clear sky' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 210 ;
#Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky
'Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 211 ;
#Solar insolation rate of accumulation
'Solar insolation rate of accumulation' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 212 ;
#Wave spectral peakedness
'Wave spectral peakedness' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 254 ;
@ -224,18 +224,6 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 3 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Mean temperature at 2 metres in the last 24 hours
'55' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours
'56' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Observation count
'62' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -13851,6 +13839,14 @@
parameterNumber = 254 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean logarithm of surface pressure
'235152' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean low cloud cover
'235186' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -14443,18 +14439,6 @@
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 54 ;
#Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'129055' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'129056' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Downward UV radiation at the surface gradient
'129057' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -15727,12 +15711,6 @@
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 231 ;
#Mean vertical velocity
'130232' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 232 ;
#2m temperature anomaly of at least +2K
'131001' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -16631,42 +16609,12 @@
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 200 ;
#Standard deviation wave height
'140240' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 240 ;
#Mean of 10 metre wind speed
'140241' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 241 ;
#Mean wind direction
'140242' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 242 ;
#Standard deviation of 10 metre wind speed
'140243' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 243 ;
#2D wave spectra (multiple)
'140250' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 250 ;
#Wave spectral peakedness
'140254' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 254 ;
#Indicates a missing value
'140255' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -18848,18 +18796,6 @@
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 145 ;
#Mean surface sensible heat flux
'172146' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 146 ;
#Mean surface latent heat flux
'172147' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 147 ;
#Mean short-wave heating rate
'172153' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -18872,54 +18808,6 @@
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 154 ;
#Mean surface downward solar radiation flux
'172169' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 169 ;
#Mean surface downward thermal radiation flux
'172175' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 175 ;
#Mean surface net solar radiation flux
'172176' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 176 ;
#Mean surface net thermal radiation flux
'172177' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 177 ;
#Mean top net solar radiation flux
'172178' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 178 ;
#Mean top net thermal radiation flux
'172179' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 179 ;
#East-West surface stress rate of accumulation
'172180' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 180 ;
#North-South surface stress rate of accumulation
'172181' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 181 ;
'172182' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -18962,36 +18850,6 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Top net solar radiation, clear sky
'172208' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 208 ;
#Top net thermal radiation, clear sky
'172209' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 209 ;
#Surface net solar radiation, clear sky
'172210' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 210 ;
#Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky
'172211' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 211 ;
#Solar insolation rate of accumulation
'172212' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 212 ;
#Mean total precipitation rate
'172228' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -1627,3 +1627,153 @@
parameterCategory = 162 ;
parameterNumber = 215 ;
#Mean vertical velocity
'130232' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 232 ;
#Mean surface sensible heat flux
'172146' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 146 ;
#Mean surface latent heat flux
'172147' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 147 ;
#Mean temperature at 2 metres in the last 24 hours
'55' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'129055' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours
'56' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'129056' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Mean surface downward solar radiation flux
'172169' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 169 ;
#Mean surface downward thermal radiation flux
'172175' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 175 ;
#Mean surface net solar radiation flux
'172176' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 176 ;
#Mean surface net thermal radiation flux
'172177' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 177 ;
#Mean top net solar radiation flux
'172178' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 178 ;
#Mean top net thermal radiation flux
'172179' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 179 ;
#East-West surface stress rate of accumulation
'172180' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 180 ;
#North-South surface stress rate of accumulation
'172181' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 181 ;
#Standard deviation wave height
'140240' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 240 ;
#Mean of 10 metre wind speed
'140241' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 241 ;
#Mean wind direction
'140242' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 242 ;
#Standard deviation of 10 metre wind speed
'140243' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 243 ;
#Top net solar radiation, clear sky
'172208' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 208 ;
#Top net thermal radiation, clear sky
'172209' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 209 ;
#Surface net solar radiation, clear sky
'172210' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 210 ;
#Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky
'172211' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 211 ;
#Solar insolation rate of accumulation
'172212' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 212 ;
#Wave spectral peakedness
'140254' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 254 ;
@ -224,18 +224,6 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 3 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Mean temperature at 2 metres in the last 24 hours
'mean2t24' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours
'mn2d24' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Observation count
'obct' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -13844,15 +13832,23 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Time-mean snow depth
'msd_m' = {
'avg_sd_m' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 254 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean logarithm of surface pressure
'avg_lnsp' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean low cloud cover
'mlcc_frac' = {
'avg_lcc_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
@ -13860,7 +13856,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean medium cloud cover
'mmcc_frac' = {
'avg_mcc_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
@ -13868,7 +13864,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean high cloud cover
'mhcc_frac' = {
'avg_hcc_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
@ -13876,7 +13872,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean forecast albedo
'mfal_frac' = {
'avg_fal_frac' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 19 ;
@ -14443,18 +14439,6 @@
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 54 ;
#Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'mean2t24grd' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'mn2d24grd' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Downward UV radiation at the surface gradient
'uvbgrd' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -15727,12 +15711,6 @@
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 231 ;
#Mean vertical velocity
'mvv' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 232 ;
#2m temperature anomaly of at least +2K
'2tag2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -16631,42 +16609,12 @@
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 200 ;
#Standard deviation wave height
'sdhs' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 240 ;
#Mean of 10 metre wind speed
'mu10' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 241 ;
#Mean wind direction
'mdwi' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 242 ;
#Standard deviation of 10 metre wind speed
'sdu' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 243 ;
#2D wave spectra (multiple)
'2dsp' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 250 ;
#Wave spectral peakedness
'wsp' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 254 ;
#Indicates a missing value
'~' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -18848,18 +18796,6 @@
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 145 ;
#Mean surface sensible heat flux
'msshfl' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 146 ;
#Mean surface latent heat flux
'mslhfl' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 147 ;
#Mean short-wave heating rate
'mswhr' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -18872,54 +18808,6 @@
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 154 ;
#Mean surface downward solar radiation flux
'msdsrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 169 ;
#Mean surface downward thermal radiation flux
'msdtrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 175 ;
#Mean surface net solar radiation flux
'msnsrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 176 ;
#Mean surface net thermal radiation flux
'msntrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 177 ;
#Mean top net solar radiation flux
'mtnsrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 178 ;
#Mean top net thermal radiation flux
'mtntrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 179 ;
#East-West surface stress rate of accumulation
'ewssra' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 180 ;
#North-South surface stress rate of accumulation
'nsssra' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 181 ;
'erate' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -18962,36 +18850,6 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Top net solar radiation, clear sky
'~' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 208 ;
#Top net thermal radiation, clear sky
'~' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 209 ;
#Surface net solar radiation, clear sky
'~' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 210 ;
#Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky
'~' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 211 ;
#Solar insolation rate of accumulation
'soira' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 212 ;
#Mean total precipitation rate
'tprate' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -1627,3 +1627,153 @@
parameterCategory = 162 ;
parameterNumber = 215 ;
#Mean vertical velocity
'mvv' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 232 ;
#Mean surface sensible heat flux
'msshfl' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 146 ;
#Mean surface latent heat flux
'mslhfl' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 147 ;
#Mean temperature at 2 metres in the last 24 hours
'mean2t24' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'mean2t24grd' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours
'mn2d24' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'mn2d24grd' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Mean surface downward solar radiation flux
'msdsrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 169 ;
#Mean surface downward thermal radiation flux
'msdtrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 175 ;
#Mean surface net solar radiation flux
'msnsrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 176 ;
#Mean surface net thermal radiation flux
'msntrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 177 ;
#Mean top net solar radiation flux
'mtnsrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 178 ;
#Mean top net thermal radiation flux
'mtntrf' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 179 ;
#East-West surface stress rate of accumulation
'ewssra' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 180 ;
#North-South surface stress rate of accumulation
'nsssra' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 181 ;
#Standard deviation wave height
'sdhs' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 240 ;
#Mean of 10 metre wind speed
'mu10' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 241 ;
#Mean wind direction
'mdwi' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 242 ;
#Standard deviation of 10 metre wind speed
'sdu' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 243 ;
#Top net solar radiation, clear sky
'~' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 208 ;
#Top net thermal radiation, clear sky
'~' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 209 ;
#Surface net solar radiation, clear sky
'~' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 210 ;
#Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky
'~' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 211 ;
#Solar insolation rate of accumulation
'soira' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 212 ;
#Wave spectral peakedness
'wsp' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 254 ;
@ -224,18 +224,6 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 3 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Mean temperature at 2 metres in the last 24 hours
'K' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours
'K' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Observation count
'~' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -13851,6 +13839,14 @@
parameterNumber = 254 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean logarithm of surface pressure
'Numeric' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean low cloud cover
'(0 - 1)' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -14443,18 +14439,6 @@
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 54 ;
#Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'K' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'K' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Downward UV radiation at the surface gradient
'J m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -15727,12 +15711,6 @@
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 231 ;
#Mean vertical velocity
'Pa s**-1' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 232 ;
#2m temperature anomaly of at least +2K
'%' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -16631,42 +16609,12 @@
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 200 ;
#Standard deviation wave height
'm' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 240 ;
#Mean of 10 metre wind speed
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 241 ;
#Mean wind direction
'degrees' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 242 ;
#Standard deviation of 10 metre wind speed
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 243 ;
#2D wave spectra (multiple)
'm**2 s radian**-1' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 250 ;
#Wave spectral peakedness
'dimensionless' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 254 ;
#Indicates a missing value
'~' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -18848,18 +18796,6 @@
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 145 ;
#Mean surface sensible heat flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 146 ;
#Mean surface latent heat flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 147 ;
#Mean short-wave heating rate
'K s**-1' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -18872,54 +18808,6 @@
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 154 ;
#Mean surface downward solar radiation flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 169 ;
#Mean surface downward thermal radiation flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 175 ;
#Mean surface net solar radiation flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 176 ;
#Mean surface net thermal radiation flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 177 ;
#Mean top net solar radiation flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 178 ;
#Mean top net thermal radiation flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 179 ;
#East-West surface stress rate of accumulation
'N m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 180 ;
#North-South surface stress rate of accumulation
'N m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 181 ;
'm of water equivalent s**-1' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -18962,36 +18850,6 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Top net solar radiation, clear sky
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 208 ;
#Top net thermal radiation, clear sky
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 209 ;
#Surface net solar radiation, clear sky
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 210 ;
#Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 211 ;
#Solar insolation rate of accumulation
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 212 ;
#Mean total precipitation rate
'm s**-1' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -1627,3 +1627,153 @@
parameterCategory = 162 ;
parameterNumber = 215 ;
#Mean vertical velocity
'Pa s**-1' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 130 ;
parameterNumber = 232 ;
#Mean surface sensible heat flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 146 ;
#Mean surface latent heat flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 147 ;
#Mean temperature at 2 metres in the last 24 hours
'K' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'K' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours
'K' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 128 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours gradient
'K' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 129 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
#Mean surface downward solar radiation flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 169 ;
#Mean surface downward thermal radiation flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 175 ;
#Mean surface net solar radiation flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 176 ;
#Mean surface net thermal radiation flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 177 ;
#Mean top net solar radiation flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 178 ;
#Mean top net thermal radiation flux
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 179 ;
#East-West surface stress rate of accumulation
'N m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 180 ;
#North-South surface stress rate of accumulation
'N m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 181 ;
#Standard deviation wave height
'm' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 240 ;
#Mean of 10 metre wind speed
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 241 ;
#Mean wind direction
'degrees' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 242 ;
#Standard deviation of 10 metre wind speed
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 243 ;
#Top net solar radiation, clear sky
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 208 ;
#Top net thermal radiation, clear sky
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 209 ;
#Surface net solar radiation, clear sky
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 210 ;
#Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 211 ;
#Solar insolation rate of accumulation
'W m**-2' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 172 ;
parameterNumber = 212 ;
#Wave spectral peakedness
'dimensionless' = {
discipline = 192 ;
parameterCategory = 140 ;
parameterNumber = 254 ;
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
# modelName: Contribution from Daniel Lee @ DWD
# definitions for Offenbach
'cosmo_eu' = {
'cosmo_eu' = {
'cosmo_eu' = {
'cosmo_eu' = {
'cosmo_de' = {
'cosmo_de' = {
'cosmo_de-eps' = {
'cosmo_de-eps' = {
#DWD model names for ICON
'icogl' = {
'icogl130' = {
'icogl130l90' = {
'icogl130p' = {
'icoeu'= {
'icoeu065' = {
'icoeu065l60' = {
'icreu' = {
'icreu_0.625' = {
'icreu_0.625l60' = {
'icreu_0.625p' = {
'icreu_0.625z' = {
'icrde' = {
'icrgl' = {
'icrgl_0.25' = {
@ -27,6 +27,27 @@
parameterNumber = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Vorticity (relative)
'atmosphere_relative_vorticity' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 12 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
'divergence_of_wind' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 13 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Ozone mass mixing ratio
'mass_fraction_of_ozone_in_air' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 14 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Snow depth
'lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -1,4 +1,25 @@
# Automatically generated by ./create_def.pl, do not edit
#Specific rain water content
'Specific rain water content' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific snow water content
'Specific snow water content' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Eta-coordinate vertical velocity
'Eta-coordinate vertical velocity' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
'Geopotential' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -27,6 +48,13 @@
parameterNumber = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Vorticity (relative)
'Vorticity (relative)' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 12 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Logarithm of surface pressure
'Logarithm of surface pressure' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -34,6 +62,49 @@
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
#Logarithm of surface pressure
'Logarithm of surface pressure' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
'Divergence' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 13 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Ozone mass mixing ratio
'Ozone mass mixing ratio' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 14 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud liquid water content
'Specific cloud liquid water content' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud ice water content
'Specific cloud ice water content' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Fraction of cloud cover
'Fraction of cloud cover' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Temperature difference
'Temperature difference' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -479,6 +550,13 @@
parameterCategory = 228 ;
parameterNumber = 103 ;
#Precipitation type
'Precipitation type' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Snow cover
'Snow cover' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -486,6 +564,20 @@
parameterNumber = 42 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#K index
'K index' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total totals index
'Total totals index' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea water potential temperature
'Sea water potential temperature' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -1,4 +1,25 @@
# Automatically generated by ./create_def.pl, do not edit
#Specific rain water content
'75' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific snow water content
'76' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Eta-coordinate vertical velocity
'77' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
'129' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -27,6 +48,13 @@
parameterNumber = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Vorticity (relative)
'138' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 12 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Logarithm of surface pressure
'152' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -34,6 +62,49 @@
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
#Logarithm of surface pressure
'152' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
'155' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 13 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Ozone mass mixing ratio
'203' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 14 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud liquid water content
'246' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud ice water content
'247' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Fraction of cloud cover
'248' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Temperature difference
'200130' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -479,6 +550,13 @@
parameterCategory = 228 ;
parameterNumber = 103 ;
#Precipitation type
'260015' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Snow cover
'260038' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -486,6 +564,20 @@
parameterNumber = 42 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#K index
'260121' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total totals index
'260123' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea water potential temperature
'151129' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -1,4 +1,25 @@
# Automatically generated by ./create_def.pl, do not edit
#Specific rain water content
'crwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific snow water content
'cswc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Eta-coordinate vertical velocity
'etadot' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
'z' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -27,6 +48,13 @@
parameterNumber = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Vorticity (relative)
'vo' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 12 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Logarithm of surface pressure
'lnsp' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -34,6 +62,49 @@
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
#Logarithm of surface pressure
'lnsp' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
'd' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 13 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Ozone mass mixing ratio
'o3' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 14 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud liquid water content
'clwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud ice water content
'ciwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Fraction of cloud cover
'cc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Temperature difference
'tdiff' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -479,6 +550,13 @@
parameterCategory = 228 ;
parameterNumber = 103 ;
#Precipitation type
'ptype' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Snow cover
'snowc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -486,6 +564,20 @@
parameterNumber = 42 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#K index
'kx' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total totals index
'totalx' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea water potential temperature
'thetao' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -1,4 +1,25 @@
# Automatically generated by ./create_def.pl, do not edit
#Specific rain water content
'kg kg**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific snow water content
'kg kg**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Eta-coordinate vertical velocity
's**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
'm**2 s**-2' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -27,6 +48,13 @@
parameterNumber = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Vorticity (relative)
's**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 12 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Logarithm of surface pressure
'Numeric' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -34,6 +62,49 @@
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
#Logarithm of surface pressure
'Numeric' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
's**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 13 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Ozone mass mixing ratio
'kg kg**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 14 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud liquid water content
'kg kg**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud ice water content
'kg kg**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Fraction of cloud cover
'(0 - 1)' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Temperature difference
'K' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -479,6 +550,13 @@
parameterCategory = 228 ;
parameterNumber = 103 ;
#Precipitation type
'(Code table 4.201)' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Snow cover
'%' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -486,6 +564,20 @@
parameterNumber = 42 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#K index
'K' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total totals index
'K' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea water potential temperature
'deg C' = {
discipline = 192 ;
@ -1,4 +1,40 @@
# Automatically generated by ./create_def.pl, do not edit
#U component of wind
'eastward_wind' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#U component of wind
'eastward_wind' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#V component of wind
'northward_wind' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#V component of wind
'northward_wind' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Snow depth
'lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -42,6 +78,14 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Albedo (climatological)
'surface_albedo' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 19 ;
parameterNumber = 193 ;
typeOfGeneratingProcess = 9 ;
'lwe_thickness_of_water_evaporation_amount' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
'IFS' = {
backgroundProcess = 255;
'AIFS' = {
backgroundProcess = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
'v1' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 1; }
'v2' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 2; }
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
'cy48r1' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 154; }
'cy47r3' = { generatingProcessIdentifier = 153; }
@ -17,6 +17,24 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Wind speed
'Wind speed' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'Wind speed' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#UV visible albedo for direct radiation (climatological)
'UV visible albedo for direct radiation (climatological)' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -74,6 +92,42 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#U component of wind
'U component of wind' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#U component of wind
'U component of wind' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#V component of wind
'V component of wind' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#V component of wind
'V component of wind' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Snow depth
'Snow depth' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -124,6 +178,14 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Albedo (climatological)
'Albedo (climatological)' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 19 ;
parameterNumber = 193 ;
typeOfGeneratingProcess = 9 ;
'Evaporation' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -400,4 +462,12 @@
constituentType = 3 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
is_chemical = 1 ;
#Time-mean logarithm of surface pressure
'Time-mean logarithm of surface pressure' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
@ -17,6 +17,24 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Wind speed
'10' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'10' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#UV visible albedo for direct radiation (climatological)
'15' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -74,6 +92,42 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#U component of wind
'131' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#U component of wind
'131' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#V component of wind
'132' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#V component of wind
'132' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Snow depth
'141' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -124,6 +178,14 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Albedo (climatological)
'174' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 19 ;
parameterNumber = 193 ;
typeOfGeneratingProcess = 9 ;
'182' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -400,4 +462,12 @@
constituentType = 3 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
is_chemical = 1 ;
#Time-mean logarithm of surface pressure
'235152' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
@ -17,6 +17,24 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#UV visible albedo for direct radiation (climatological)
'aluvp' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -74,6 +92,42 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#U component of wind
'u' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#U component of wind
'u' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#V component of wind
'v' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#V component of wind
'v' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Snow depth
'sd' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -124,6 +178,14 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Albedo (climatological)
'al' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 19 ;
parameterNumber = 193 ;
typeOfGeneratingProcess = 9 ;
'e' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -400,4 +462,12 @@
constituentType = 3 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
is_chemical = 1 ;
#Time-mean logarithm of surface pressure
'avg_lnsp' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
@ -17,6 +17,24 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#Wind speed
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#UV visible albedo for direct radiation (climatological)
'(0 - 1)' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -74,6 +92,42 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ;
#U component of wind
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#U component of wind
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#V component of wind
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#V component of wind
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Snow depth
'm of water equivalent' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -124,6 +178,14 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Albedo (climatological)
'(0 - 1)' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 19 ;
parameterNumber = 193 ;
typeOfGeneratingProcess = 9 ;
'm of water equivalent' = {
localTablesVersion = 1 ;
@ -400,4 +462,12 @@
constituentType = 3 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
is_chemical = 1 ;
#Time-mean logarithm of surface pressure
'Numeric' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 105 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
@ -1,4 +1,24 @@
# Automatically generated by ./create_def.pl, do not edit
#Mean discharge in the last 6 hours
'dis06' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 6 ;
#Mean discharge in the last 24 hours
'dis24' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Total precipitation in the last 6 hours
'tp06' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -1,4 +1,24 @@
# Automatically generated by ./create_def.pl, do not edit
#Mean discharge in the last 6 hours
'Mean discharge in the last 6 hours' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 6 ;
#Mean discharge in the last 24 hours
'Mean discharge in the last 24 hours' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Total precipitation in the last 6 hours
'Total precipitation in the last 6 hours' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -1,4 +1,24 @@
# Automatically generated by ./create_def.pl, do not edit
#Mean discharge in the last 6 hours
'240023' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 6 ;
#Mean discharge in the last 24 hours
'240024' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Total precipitation in the last 6 hours
'260267' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -1,4 +1,24 @@
# Automatically generated by ./create_def.pl, do not edit
#Mean discharge in the last 6 hours
'dis06' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 6 ;
#Mean discharge in the last 24 hours
'dis24' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Total precipitation in the last 6 hours
'tp06' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -1,4 +1,24 @@
# Automatically generated by ./create_def.pl, do not edit
#Mean discharge in the last 6 hours
'm**3 s**-1' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 6 ;
#Mean discharge in the last 24 hours
'm**3 s**-1' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Total precipitation in the last 6 hours
'kg m**-2' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# modelName: Contribution from Daniel Lee @ DWD
# definitions for Zurich
'cosmo-1' = {
'cosmo-2' = {
'cosmo-7' = {
'cosmo-e' = {
'cosmo-e' = {
@ -56,6 +56,22 @@
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'eastward_sea_water_velocity' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Northward surface sea water velocity
'northward_sea_water_velocity' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea surface height
'sea_surface_height_above_geoid' = {
discipline = 10 ;
@ -173,6 +173,22 @@
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'ocu' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Northward surface sea water velocity
'ocv' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea surface height
'zos' = {
discipline = 10 ;
@ -199,7 +215,7 @@
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Average salinity in the upper 300m
#Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300m
'sav300' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 4 ;
@ -173,6 +173,22 @@
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'Eastward surface sea water velocity' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Northward surface sea water velocity
'Northward surface sea water velocity' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea surface height
'Sea surface height' = {
discipline = 10 ;
@ -199,8 +215,8 @@
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Average salinity in the upper 300m
'Average salinity in the upper 300m' = {
#Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300m
'Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300m' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 4 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
@ -173,6 +173,22 @@
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'151131' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Northward surface sea water velocity
'151132' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea surface height
'151145' = {
discipline = 10 ;
@ -199,7 +215,7 @@
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Average salinity in the upper 300m
#Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300m
'151175' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 4 ;
@ -173,6 +173,22 @@
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'ocu' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Northward surface sea water velocity
'ocv' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea surface height
'zos' = {
discipline = 10 ;
@ -199,7 +215,7 @@
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Average salinity in the upper 300m
#Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300m
'sav300' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 4 ;
@ -173,6 +173,22 @@
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Northward surface sea water velocity
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea surface height
'm' = {
discipline = 10 ;
@ -199,7 +215,7 @@
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Average salinity in the upper 300m
#Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300m
'psu' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 4 ;
@ -17,6 +17,33 @@
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea ice area fraction
'ci' = {
discipline = 10 ;
@ -75,6 +102,34 @@
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 2 ;
'pres' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Potential vorticity
'pv' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific rain water content
'crwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific snow water content
'cswc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total column cloud liquid water
'tclw' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -287,6 +342,20 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud liquid water content
'clwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud ice water content
'ciwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#2 metre specific humidity
'sh2' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -298,6 +367,13 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Precipitation type
'ptype' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total column integrated water vapour
'tciwv' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -17,6 +17,33 @@
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'Wind speed' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'Wind speed' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'Wind speed' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea ice area fraction
'Sea ice area fraction' = {
discipline = 10 ;
@ -75,6 +102,34 @@
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 2 ;
'Pressure' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Potential vorticity
'Potential vorticity' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific rain water content
'Specific rain water content' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific snow water content
'Specific snow water content' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total column cloud liquid water
'Total column cloud liquid water' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -287,6 +342,20 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud liquid water content
'Specific cloud liquid water content' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud ice water content
'Specific cloud ice water content' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#2 metre specific humidity
'2 metre specific humidity' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -298,6 +367,13 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Precipitation type
'Precipitation type' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total column integrated water vapour
'Total column integrated water vapour' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -17,6 +17,33 @@
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'10' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'10' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'10' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea ice area fraction
'31' = {
discipline = 10 ;
@ -75,6 +102,34 @@
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 2 ;
'54' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Potential vorticity
'60' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific rain water content
'75' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific snow water content
'76' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total column cloud liquid water
'78' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -287,6 +342,20 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud liquid water content
'246' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud ice water content
'247' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#2 metre specific humidity
'174096' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -298,6 +367,13 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Precipitation type
'260015' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total column integrated water vapour
'260057' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -17,6 +17,33 @@
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea ice area fraction
'ci' = {
discipline = 10 ;
@ -75,6 +102,34 @@
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 2 ;
'pres' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Potential vorticity
'pv' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific rain water content
'crwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific snow water content
'cswc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total column cloud liquid water
'tclw' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -287,6 +342,20 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud liquid water content
'clwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud ice water content
'ciwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#2 metre specific humidity
'2sh' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -298,6 +367,13 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Precipitation type
'ptype' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total column integrated water vapour
'tciwv' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -17,6 +17,33 @@
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Wind speed
'm s**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 200 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Sea ice area fraction
'(0 - 1)' = {
discipline = 10 ;
@ -75,6 +102,34 @@
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 2 ;
'Pa' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Potential vorticity
'K m**2 kg**-1 s**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific rain water content
'kg kg**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific snow water content
'kg kg**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total column cloud liquid water
'kg m**-2' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -287,6 +342,20 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud liquid water content
'kg kg**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Specific cloud ice water content
'kg kg**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#2 metre specific humidity
'kg kg**-1' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -298,6 +367,13 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Precipitation type
'(Code table 4.201)' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Total column integrated water vapour
'kg m**-2' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
# modelName: Contribution from Daniel Lee @ DWD
# general definition
'cosmo' = { originatingCentre=250; }
'cosmo' = { subCentre=250; }
# definitions for ARPA-SIMC
'cosmo-i2' = { originatingCentre=200;
generatingProcessIdentifier=36; }
'cosmo-i2' = { originatingCentre=200;
generatingProcessIdentifier=139; }
'cosmo-i2' = { originatingCentre=200;
generatingProcessIdentifier=144; }
'cosmo-i2' = { originatingCentre=200;
generatingProcessIdentifier=148; }
'cosmo-i7' = { originatingCentre=200;
generatingProcessIdentifier=31; }
'cosmo-i7' = { originatingCentre=200;
generatingProcessIdentifier=32; }
'cosmo-i7' = { originatingCentre=200;
generatingProcessIdentifier=34; }
'cosmo-i7' = { originatingCentre=200;
generatingProcessIdentifier=38; }
'cosmo-i7' = { originatingCentre=200;
generatingProcessIdentifier=42; }
'cosmo-i7' = { originatingCentre=200;
generatingProcessIdentifier=46; }
'cosmo-i7' = { originatingCentre=200;
generatingProcessIdentifier=131; }
# definitions for Moscow
'cosmo_ru' = { originatingCentre=76;
generatingProcessIdentifier=135; }
'cosmo_ru-eps' = { originatingCentre=76;
# definitions for Athens
'cosmo-greece' = { originatingCentre=96;}
# definitions for Warsaw / Poland
'cosmo-poland' = { originatingCentre=220;}
# definitions for Romania
'cosmo-romania' = { originatingCentre=242;}
@ -0,0 +1 @@
"unknown" = {dummy=0;}
@ -4916,6 +4916,48 @@
parameterNumber = 18 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean wind speed
'Time-mean wind speed' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean pressure
'Time-mean pressure' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean potential vorticity
'Time-mean potential vorticity' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific rain water content
'Time-mean specific rain water content' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific snow water content
'Time-mean specific snow water content' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean eta-coordinate vertical velocity
'Time-mean eta-coordinate vertical velocity' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean geopotential
'Time-mean geopotential' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -4984,6 +5026,13 @@
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean vorticity (relative)
'Time-mean vorticity (relative)' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 12 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean mean sea level pressure
'Time-mean mean sea level pressure' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -4992,6 +5041,13 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 101 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean divergence
'Time-mean divergence' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 13 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean relative humidity
'Time-mean relative humidity' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -5036,6 +5092,13 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean ozone mass mixing ratio
'Time-mean ozone mass mixing ratio' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 14 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean temperature of snow layer
'Time-mean temperature of snow layer' = {
discipline = 2 ;
@ -5059,6 +5122,152 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific cloud liquid water content
'Time-mean specific cloud liquid water content' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific cloud ice water content
'Time-mean specific cloud ice water content' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean fraction of cloud cover
'Time-mean fraction of cloud cover' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean K index
'Time-mean K index' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean total totals index
'Time-mean total totals index' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean clear air turbulence (CAT)
'Time-mean clear air turbulence (CAT)' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 19 ;
parameterNumber = 29 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean discharge from rivers or streams
'Time-mean discharge from rivers or streams' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil wetness index (total layer)
'Time-mean soil wetness index (total layer)' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 30 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 151 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil wetness index (root zone)
'Time-mean soil wetness index (root zone)' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 30 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 167 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil wetness index(layer)
'Time-mean soil wetness index(layer)' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 30 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 151 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 151 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean floodplain depth
'Time-mean floodplain depth' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 17 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean floodplain flooded fraction
'Time-mean floodplain flooded fraction' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean floodplain flooded area
'Time-mean floodplain flooded area' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean river fraction
'Time-mean river fraction' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 20 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean river area
'Time-mean river area' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean fraction of river coverage plus river related flooding
'Time-mean fraction of river coverage plus river related flooding' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 22 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean area of river coverage plus river related flooding
'Time-mean area of river coverage plus river related flooding' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 23 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-maximum volumetric soil moisture
'Time-maximum volumetric soil moisture' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 2 ;
#Time-minimum volumetric soil moisture
'Time-minimum volumetric soil moisture' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 3 ;
#Time-standard-deviation volumetric soil moisture
'Time-standard-deviation volumetric soil moisture' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 6 ;
#Cross sectional area of flow in channel
'Cross sectional area of flow in channel' = {
discipline = 1 ;
@ -5125,26 +5334,6 @@
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 15 ;
#Mean discharge in the last 6 hours
'Mean discharge in the last 6 hours' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 6 ;
#Mean discharge in the last 24 hours
'Mean discharge in the last 24 hours' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Snow depth at elevation bands
'Snow depth at elevation bands' = {
discipline = 2 ;
@ -5197,6 +5386,48 @@
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
#Floodplain depth
'Floodplain depth' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 17 ;
#Floodplain flooded fraction
'Floodplain flooded fraction' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
#Floodplain flooded area
'Floodplain flooded area' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
#River fraction
'River fraction' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 20 ;
#River area
'River area' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
#Fraction of river coverage plus river related flooding
'Fraction of river coverage plus river related flooding' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 22 ;
#Area of river coverage plus river related flooding
'Area of river coverage plus river related flooding' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 23 ;
'Latitude' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -7154,6 +7385,48 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI)
'Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI)' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
#Standardised Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI)
'Standardised Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI)' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
#Standardised Streamflow Index (SSFI)
'Standardised Streamflow Index (SSFI)' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
#Standardised Reservoir Supply Index (SRSI)
'Standardised Reservoir Supply Index (SRSI)' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
#Standardised Water-level Index (SWI)
'Standardised Water-level Index (SWI)' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
#Standardised Snowmelt and Rain Index (SMRI)
'Standardised Snowmelt and Rain Index (SMRI)' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 5 ;
#Streamflow Drought Index (SDI)
'Streamflow Drought Index (SDI)' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
#Universal thermal climate index
'Universal thermal climate index' = {
discipline = 20 ;
@ -7291,12 +7564,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 174 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 176 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Sea ice area fraction
'Sea ice area fraction' = {
@ -7561,12 +7828,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Sea surface temperature
'Sea surface temperature' = {
@ -7657,36 +7918,18 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Northward surface stress
'Northward surface stress' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Eastward surface stress
'Eastward surface stress' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 5 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Y-component of surface stress
'Y-component of surface stress' = {
@ -7849,12 +8092,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Steric change in sea surface height
'Steric change in sea surface height' = {
@ -8029,24 +8266,12 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 15 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'Eastward surface sea water velocity' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Heat Content surface to 26C isotherm
'Heat Content surface to 26C isotherm' = {
@ -8095,12 +8320,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Vertically integrated sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m
'Vertically integrated sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m' = {
@ -8401,12 +8620,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 174 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 176 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean sea ice area fraction
@ -8694,12 +8907,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean sea surface temperature
@ -8798,12 +9005,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean northward surface stress
@ -8811,12 +9012,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean eastward surface stress
@ -8824,12 +9019,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 5 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time mean Y-component of surface stress
@ -9006,12 +9195,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean steric change in sea surface height
@ -9201,12 +9384,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 15 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean eastward surface sea water velocity
@ -9214,12 +9391,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean heat content surface to 26C isotherm
@ -9273,12 +9444,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean vertically integrated sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m
@ -10018,6 +10183,44 @@
is_chemical_srcsink = 1 ;
sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess = 7 ;
#Aerosol optical depth
'Aerosol optical depth' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 102 ;
#Single scattering albedo
'Single scattering albedo' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 103 ;
#Asymmetry Factor
'Asymmetry Factor' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 104 ;
#Aerosol backscatter from top of atmosphere
'Aerosol backscatter from top of atmosphere' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 107 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Aerosol backscatter from ground
'Aerosol backscatter from ground' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 108 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
#Aerosol extinction coefficient
'Aerosol extinction coefficient' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 105 ;
#Pressure tendency
'Pressure tendency' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -10180,18 +10383,6 @@
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 16 ;
#U-component of current
'U-component of current' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
#V-component of current
'V-component of current' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
#Precipitable water
'Precipitable water' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -10558,19 +10749,11 @@
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 44 ;
#Eastward sea water velocity
'Eastward sea water velocity' = {
#Wave spectral peakedness
'Wave spectral peakedness' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
#Northward sea water velocity
'Northward sea water velocity' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 98 ;
#Skin reservoir content
'Skin reservoir content' = {
@ -4916,6 +4916,48 @@
parameterNumber = 18 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean wind speed
'235097' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean pressure
'235098' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean potential vorticity
'235100' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific rain water content
'235101' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific snow water content
'235102' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean eta-coordinate vertical velocity
'235103' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean geopotential
'235129' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -4984,6 +5026,13 @@
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean vorticity (relative)
'235138' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 12 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean mean sea level pressure
'235151' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -4992,6 +5041,13 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 101 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean divergence
'235155' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 13 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean relative humidity
'235157' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -5036,6 +5092,13 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean ozone mass mixing ratio
'235203' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 14 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean temperature of snow layer
'235238' = {
discipline = 2 ;
@ -5059,6 +5122,152 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific cloud liquid water content
'235246' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific cloud ice water content
'235247' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean fraction of cloud cover
'235248' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean K index
'235257' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean total totals index
'235258' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean clear air turbulence (CAT)
'235262' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 19 ;
parameterNumber = 29 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean discharge from rivers or streams
'235270' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil wetness index (total layer)
'235271' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 30 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 151 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil wetness index (root zone)
'235272' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 30 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 167 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil wetness index(layer)
'235273' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 30 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 151 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 151 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean floodplain depth
'235274' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 17 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean floodplain flooded fraction
'235275' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean floodplain flooded area
'235276' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean river fraction
'235277' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 20 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean river area
'235278' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean fraction of river coverage plus river related flooding
'235279' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 22 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean area of river coverage plus river related flooding
'235280' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 23 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-maximum volumetric soil moisture
'237077' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 2 ;
#Time-minimum volumetric soil moisture
'238077' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 3 ;
#Time-standard-deviation volumetric soil moisture
'239077' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 6 ;
#Cross sectional area of flow in channel
'240011' = {
discipline = 1 ;
@ -5125,26 +5334,6 @@
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 15 ;
#Mean discharge in the last 6 hours
'240023' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 6 ;
#Mean discharge in the last 24 hours
'240024' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Snow depth at elevation bands
'240026' = {
discipline = 2 ;
@ -5197,6 +5386,48 @@
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
#Floodplain depth
'240035' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 17 ;
#Floodplain flooded fraction
'240036' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
#Floodplain flooded area
'240037' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
#River fraction
'240038' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 20 ;
#River area
'240039' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
#Fraction of river coverage plus river related flooding
'240040' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 22 ;
#Area of river coverage plus river related flooding
'240041' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 23 ;
'250001' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -7154,6 +7385,48 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI)
'260658' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
#Standardised Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI)
'260659' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
#Standardised Streamflow Index (SSFI)
'260660' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
#Standardised Reservoir Supply Index (SRSI)
'260661' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
#Standardised Water-level Index (SWI)
'260662' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
#Standardised Snowmelt and Rain Index (SMRI)
'260663' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 5 ;
#Streamflow Drought Index (SDI)
'260664' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
#Universal thermal climate index
'261001' = {
discipline = 20 ;
@ -7291,12 +7564,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 174 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 176 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Sea ice area fraction
'262001' = {
@ -7561,12 +7828,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Sea surface temperature
'262101' = {
@ -7657,36 +7918,18 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Northward surface stress
'262109' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Eastward surface stress
'262110' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 5 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Y-component of surface stress
'262111' = {
@ -7849,12 +8092,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Steric change in sea surface height
'262125' = {
@ -8029,24 +8266,12 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 15 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'262140' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Heat Content surface to 26C isotherm
'262141' = {
@ -8095,12 +8320,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Vertically integrated sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m
'262146' = {
@ -8401,12 +8620,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 174 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 176 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean sea ice area fraction
@ -8694,12 +8907,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean sea surface temperature
@ -8798,12 +9005,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean northward surface stress
@ -8811,12 +9012,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean eastward surface stress
@ -8824,12 +9019,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 5 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time mean Y-component of surface stress
@ -9006,12 +9195,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean steric change in sea surface height
@ -9201,12 +9384,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 15 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean eastward surface sea water velocity
@ -9214,12 +9391,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean heat content surface to 26C isotherm
@ -9273,12 +9444,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean vertically integrated sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m
@ -10018,6 +10183,44 @@
is_chemical_srcsink = 1 ;
sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess = 7 ;
#Aerosol optical depth
'457000' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 102 ;
#Single scattering albedo
'458000' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 103 ;
#Asymmetry Factor
'459000' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 104 ;
#Aerosol backscatter from top of atmosphere
'460000' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 107 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Aerosol backscatter from ground
'461000' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 108 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
#Aerosol extinction coefficient
'462000' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 105 ;
#Pressure tendency
'3003' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -10180,18 +10383,6 @@
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 16 ;
#U-component of current
'3049' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
#V-component of current
'3050' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
#Precipitable water
'3054' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -10558,19 +10749,11 @@
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 44 ;
#Eastward sea water velocity
'151131' = {
#Wave spectral peakedness
'140254' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
#Northward sea water velocity
'151132' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 98 ;
#Skin reservoir content
'160198' = {
@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ concept cfVarNameLegacyECMF(defaultShortName,"cfVarName.legacy.def",conceptsMast
concept cfVarNameECMF (cfVarNameLegacyECMF,"cfVarName.def",conceptsMasterDir,conceptsLocalDirECMF): no_copy;
concept cfVarName (cfVarNameECMF,"cfVarName.def",conceptsDir2,conceptsDir1): no_copy,dump;
# modelName: Contribution from Daniel Lee @ DWD
concept modelName (defaultName,"modelName.def",conceptsDir2,conceptsDir1): no_copy,dump,read_only;
template_nofail names "grib2/products_[productionStatusOfProcessedData].def";
meta ifsParam ifs_param(paramId,type);
@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ if (defined(marsStream) && defined(marsType)) {
template parameters "grib2/parameters.def";
# Hook for local extras
template_nofail extras "grib2/local/[centre]/section4_extras.def";
# Detect if this is for Generalized vertical height coordinates
if (defined(typeOfFirstFixedSurface)) {
if (typeOfFirstFixedSurface == 150) {
@ -4795,28 +4795,28 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean snow density
'mrsn' = {
'avg_rsn' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 61 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean low vegetation cover
'mcvl' = {
'avg_cvl' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 53 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean high vegetation cover
'mcvh' = {
'avg_cvh' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 54 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean sea ice area fraction
'mci' = {
'avg_ci' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
@ -4824,7 +4824,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean sea surface temperature
'msst' = {
'avg_sst' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
@ -4832,21 +4832,21 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean leaf area index, low vegetation
'mlai_lv' = {
'avg_lai_lv' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 55 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean leaf area index, high vegetation
'mlai_hv' = {
'avg_lai_hv' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 56 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean total column liquid water
'mtclw' = {
'avg_tclw' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 69 ;
@ -4855,7 +4855,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean total column cloud ice water
'mtciw' = {
'avg_tciw' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 70 ;
@ -4864,7 +4864,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean 2 metre specific humidity
'm2sh' = {
'avg_2sh' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
@ -4875,7 +4875,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean lake mix-layer temperature
'mlmlt' = {
'avg_lmlt' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
@ -4884,7 +4884,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean lake mix-layer depth
'mlmld' = {
'avg_lmld' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
@ -4893,7 +4893,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean 2 metre relative humidity
'm2r' = {
'avg_2r' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
@ -4903,56 +4903,98 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean fraction of snow cover
'mfscov' = {
'avg_fscov' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 121 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil temperature
'msot' = {
'avg_sot' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean wind speed
'avg_ws' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean pressure
'avg_pres' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean potential vorticity
'avg_pv' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific rain water content
'avg_crwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 85 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific snow water content
'avg_cswc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 86 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean eta-coordinate vertical velocity
'avg_etadot' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean geopotential
'mz' = {
'avg_z' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean temperature
'mt' = {
'avg_t' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean U component of wind
'mu' = {
'avg_u' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean V component of wind
'mv' = {
'avg_v' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific humidity
'mq' = {
'avg_q' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean surface pressure
'msp' = {
'avg_sp' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
@ -4960,14 +5002,14 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean vertical velocity
'mw' = {
'avg_w' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean total column water
'mtcw' = {
'avg_tcw' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 51 ;
@ -4976,7 +5018,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean total column vertically-integrated water vapour
'mtcwv' = {
'avg_tcwv' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 64 ;
@ -4984,30 +5026,44 @@
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean vorticity (relative)
'avg_vo' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 12 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean mean sea level pressure
'mmsl' = {
'avg_msl' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 101 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean divergence
'avg_d' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 13 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean relative humidity
'mr' = {
'avg_r' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean boundary layer height
'mblh' = {
'avg_blh' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean 10 metre U wind component
'm10u' = {
'avg_10u' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
@ -5017,7 +5073,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean 10 metre V wind component
'm10v' = {
'avg_10v' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
@ -5027,7 +5083,7 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature
'm2d' = {
'avg_2d' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
@ -5036,15 +5092,22 @@
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean ozone mass mixing ratio
'avg_o3' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 14 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean temperature of snow layer
'mtsn' = {
'avg_tsn' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 28 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean forecast surface roughness
'mfsr' = {
'avg_fsr' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
@ -5052,13 +5115,159 @@
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean forecast logarithm of surface roughness for heat
'mflsr' = {
'avg_flsr' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 54 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific cloud liquid water content
'avg_clwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 83 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean specific cloud ice water content
'avg_ciwc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 84 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean fraction of cloud cover
'avg_cc' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 6 ;
parameterNumber = 32 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean K index
'avg_kx' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean total totals index
'avg_totalx' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 7 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean clear air turbulence (CAT)
'avg_cat' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 19 ;
parameterNumber = 29 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean discharge from rivers or streams
'avg_dis' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil wetness index (total layer)
'avg_swit' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 30 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 151 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil wetness index (root zone)
'avg_swir' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 30 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 167 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean soil wetness index(layer)
'avg_swil' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 30 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 151 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 151 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean floodplain depth
'avg_flddep' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 17 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean floodplain flooded fraction
'avg_fldffr' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean floodplain flooded area
'avg_fldfar' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean river fraction
'avg_rivfr' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 20 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean river area
'avg_rivar' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean fraction of river coverage plus river related flooding
'avg_rivcffr' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 22 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean area of river coverage plus river related flooding
'avg_rivcfar' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 23 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-maximum volumetric soil moisture
'max_vsw' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 2 ;
#Time-minimum volumetric soil moisture
'min_vsw' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 3 ;
#Time-standard-deviation volumetric soil moisture
'std_vsw' = {
discipline = 2 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 25 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 6 ;
#Cross sectional area of flow in channel
'chcross' = {
discipline = 1 ;
@ -5125,26 +5334,6 @@
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 15 ;
#Mean discharge in the last 6 hours
'dis06' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 6 ;
#Mean discharge in the last 24 hours
'dis24' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 7 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
lengthOfTimeRange = 24 ;
#Snow depth at elevation bands
'sd_elev' = {
discipline = 2 ;
@ -5197,6 +5386,48 @@
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
#Floodplain depth
'flddep' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 17 ;
#Floodplain flooded fraction
'fldffr' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 18 ;
#Floodplain flooded area
'fldfar' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 19 ;
#River fraction
'rivfr' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 20 ;
#River area
'rivar' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
#Fraction of river coverage plus river related flooding
'rivcffr' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 22 ;
#Area of river coverage plus river related flooding
'rivcfar' = {
discipline = 1 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 23 ;
'lat' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -7154,6 +7385,48 @@
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI)
'spi' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 0 ;
#Standardised Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI)
'spei' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
#Standardised Streamflow Index (SSFI)
'ssfi' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
#Standardised Reservoir Supply Index (SRSI)
'srsi' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
#Standardised Water-level Index (SWI)
'swi' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
#Standardised Snowmelt and Rain Index (SMRI)
'smri' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 5 ;
#Streamflow Drought Index (SDI)
'sdi' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 22 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
#Universal thermal climate index
'utci' = {
discipline = 20 ;
@ -7291,12 +7564,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 174 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 176 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Sea ice area fraction
'siconc' = {
@ -7561,12 +7828,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Sea surface temperature
'tos' = {
@ -7657,36 +7918,18 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Northward surface stress
'tauvon' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Eastward surface stress
'tauuoe' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 5 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Y-component of surface stress
'tauvo' = {
@ -7849,12 +8092,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Steric change in sea surface height
'stheig' = {
@ -8029,24 +8266,12 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 15 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Eastward surface sea water velocity
'sve' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Heat Content surface to 26C isotherm
'hct26' = {
@ -8095,12 +8320,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
#Vertically integrated sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m
'sc300v' = {
@ -8401,12 +8620,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 174 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 176 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean sea ice area fraction
@ -8694,12 +8907,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean sea surface temperature
@ -8798,12 +9005,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 4 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean northward surface stress
@ -8811,12 +9012,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 6 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean eastward surface stress
@ -8824,12 +9019,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 5 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time mean Y-component of surface stress
@ -9006,12 +9195,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 1 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean steric change in sea surface height
@ -9201,12 +9384,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 15 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean eastward surface sea water velocity
@ -9214,12 +9391,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 14 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean heat content surface to 26C isotherm
@ -9273,12 +9444,6 @@
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 3 ;
parameterNumber = 21 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0 ;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = missing() ;
typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 0 ;
#Time-mean vertically integrated sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m
@ -10018,6 +10183,44 @@
is_chemical_srcsink = 1 ;
sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess = 7 ;
#Aerosol optical depth
'aod' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 102 ;
#Single scattering albedo
'ssa' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 103 ;
#Asymmetry Factor
'asymf' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 104 ;
#Aerosol backscatter from top of atmosphere
'aerbscattoa' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 107 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 8 ;
#Aerosol backscatter from ground
'aerbscatgnd' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 108 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ;
#Aerosol extinction coefficient
'aerext' = {
discipline = 0 ;
parameterCategory = 20 ;
parameterNumber = 105 ;
#Pressure tendency
'ptend' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -10180,18 +10383,6 @@
parameterCategory = 2 ;
parameterNumber = 16 ;
#U-component of current
'ucurr' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
#V-component of current
'vcurr' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
#Precipitable water
'pwat' = {
discipline = 0 ;
@ -10558,19 +10749,11 @@
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 44 ;
#Eastward sea water velocity
'ocu' = {
#Wave spectral peakedness
'wsp' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 2 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
#Northward sea water velocity
'ocv' = {
discipline = 10 ;
parameterCategory = 1 ;
parameterNumber = 3 ;
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 160 ;
parameterCategory = 0 ;
parameterNumber = 98 ;
#Skin reservoir content
'srcrea' = {
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
30 30 Version implemented on 15 November 2022
31 31 Version implemented on 15 May 2023
32 32 Version implemented on 30 November 2023
33 33 Pre-operational to be implemented by next amendment
# 34-254 Future versions
33 33 Version implemented on 15 May 2024
34 34 Pre-operational to be implemented by next amendment
# 35-254 Future versions
255 255 Master tables not used. Local table entries and local templates may use the entire range of the table, not just those sections marked Reserved for local used.
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Code table 0.0 - Discipline of processed data in the GRIB message, number of GRIB Master table
0 0 Meteorological products
1 1 Hydrological products
2 2 Land surface products
3 3 Satellite remote sensing products (formerly Space products)
4 4 Space weather products
# 5-9 Reserved
10 10 Oceanographic products
# 11-19 Reserved
20 20 Health and socioeconomic impacts
# 21-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Code table 1.0 - GRIB master tables version number
0 0 Experimental
1 1 Version implemented on 7 November 2001
2 2 Version implemented on 4 November 2003
3 3 Version implemented on 2 November 2005
4 4 Version implemented on 7 November 2007
5 5 Version implemented on 4 November 2009
6 6 Version implemented on 15 September 2010
7 7 Version implemented on 4 May 2011
8 8 Version implemented on 2 November 2011
9 9 Version implemented on 2 May 2012
10 10 Version implemented on 7 November 2012
11 11 Version implemented on 8 May 2013
12 12 Version implemented on 14 November 2013
13 13 Version implemented on 7 May 2014
14 14 Version implemented on 5 November 2014
15 15 Version implemented on 6 May 2015
16 16 Version implemented on 11 November 2015
17 17 Version implemented on 4 May 2016
18 18 Version implemented on 2 November 2016
19 19 Version implemented on 3 May 2017
20 20 Version implemented on 8 November 2017
21 21 Version implemented on 2 May 2018
22 22 Version implemented on 7 November 2018
23 23 Version implemented on 15 May 2019
24 24 Version implemented on 6 November 2019
25 25 Version implemented on 6 May 2020
26 26 Version implemented on 16 November 2020
27 27 Version implemented on 15 June 2021
28 28 Version implemented on 15 November 2021
29 29 Version implemented on 15 May 2022
30 30 Version implemented on 15 November 2022
31 31 Version implemented on 15 May 2023
32 32 Version implemented on 30 November 2023
33 33 Version implemented on 15 May 2024
34 34 Pre-operational to be implemented by next amendment
# 35-254 Future versions
255 255 Missing
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Code table 1.1 - GRIB local tables version number
0 0 Local tables not used. Only table entries and templates from the current master table are valid
# 1-254 Number of local tables version used
255 255 Missing
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Code table 1.2 - Significance of reference time
0 0 Analysis
1 1 Start of forecast
2 2 Verifying time of forecast
3 3 Observation time
4 4 Local time
5 5 Simulation start
# 6-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Code table 1.3 - Production status of data
0 0 Operational products
1 1 Operational test products
2 2 Research products
3 3 Re-analysis products
4 4 THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE)
5 5 THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble test (TIGGE)
6 6 S2S operational products
7 7 S2S test products
8 8 Uncertainties in Ensembles of Regional ReAnalyses project (UERRA)
9 9 Uncertainties in Ensembles of Regional ReAnalyses project test (UERRA)
10 10 Copernicus regional reanalysis (CARRA/CERRA)
11 11 Copernicus regional reanalysis test (CARRA/CERRA)
12 12 Destination Earth
13 13 Destination Earth test
# 14-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Code table 1.4 - Type of data
0 an Analysis products
1 fc Forecast products
2 af Analysis and forecast products
3 cf Control forecast products
4 pf Perturbed forecast products
5 cp Control and perturbed forecast products
6 sa Processed satellite observations
7 ra Processed radar observations
8 ep Event probability
# 9-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 missing Missing
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Code table 1.5 - Identification template number
0 0 Calendar definition
1 1 Paleontological offset
2 2 Calendar definition and paleontological offset
# 3-32767 Reserved
# 32768-65534 Reserved for local use
65535 65535 Missing
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Code table 1.6 - Type of calendar
0 0 Gregorian
1 1 360-day
2 2 365-day
3 3 Proleptic Gregorian
# 4-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Code table 3.0 - Source of grid definition
0 0 Specified in Code table 3.1
1 1 Predetermined grid definition (Defined by originating centre)
# 2-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 A grid definition does not apply to this product
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# Code table 3.1 - Grid definition template number
0 0 Latitude/longitude (Also called equidistant cylindrical, or Plate Carree)
1 1 Rotated latitude/longitude
2 2 Stretched latitude/longitude
3 3 Stretched and rotated latitude/longitude
4 4 Variable resolution latitude/longitude
5 5 Variable resolution rotated latitude/longitude
# 6-9 Reserved
10 10 Mercator
# 11 Reserved
12 12 Transverse Mercator
13 13 Mercator with modelling subdomains definition
# 14-19 Reserved
20 20 Polar stereographic projection (Can be south or north)
# 21-22 Reserved
23 23 Polar stereographic with modelling subdomains definition
# 24-29 Reserved
30 30 Lambert conformal (Can be secant or tangent, conical or bipolar)
31 31 Albers equal area
# 32 Reserved
33 33 Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition
# 34-39 Reserved
40 40 Gaussian latitude/longitude
41 41 Rotated Gaussian latitude/longitude
42 42 Stretched Gaussian latitude/longitude
43 43 Stretched and rotated Gaussian latitude/longitude
# 44-49 Reserved
50 50 Spherical harmonic coefficients
51 51 Rotated spherical harmonic coefficients
52 52 Stretched spherical harmonic coefficients
53 53 Stretched and rotated spherical harmonic coefficients
# 54-60 Reserved
61 61 Spectral Mercator with modelling subdomains definition
62 62 Spectral polar stereographic with modelling subdomains definition
63 63 Spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition
# 64-89 Reserved
90 90 Space view perspective or orthographic
# 91-99 Reserved
100 100 Triangular grid based on an icosahedron
101 101 General unstructured grid
# 102-109 Reserved
110 110 Equatorial azimuthal equidistant projection
# 111-119 Reserved
120 120 Azimuth-range projection
# 121-139 Reserved
140 140 Lambert azimuthal equal area projection
# 141-149 Reserved
150 150 Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization grid (HEALPix)
# 151-999 Reserved
1000 1000 Cross-section grid with points equally spaced on the horizontal
# 1001-1099 Reserved
1100 1100 Hovmoller diagram grid with points equally spaced on the horizontal
# 1101-1199 Reserved
1200 1200 Time section grid
# 1201-32767 Reserved
# 32768-65534 Reserved for local use
65535 65535 Missing
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Flag table 3.10 - Scanning mode for one diamond
1 0 Points scan in +i direction, i.e. from pole to Equator
1 1 Points scan in -i direction, i.e. from Equator to pole
2 0 Points scan in +j direction, i.e. from west to east
2 1 Points scan in -j direction, i.e. from east to west
3 0 Adjacent points in i direction are consecutive
3 1 Adjacent points in j direction are consecutive
# 4-8 Reserved
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Code table 3.11 - Interpretation of list of numbers at end of section 3
0 0 There is no appended list
1 1 Numbers define number of points corresponding to full coordinate circles (i.e. parallels), coordinate values on each circle are multiple of the circle mesh, and extreme coordinate values given in grid definition (i.e. extreme longitudes) may not be reached in all rows
2 2 Numbers define number of points corresponding to coordinate lines delimited by extreme coordinate values given in grid definition (i.e. extreme longitudes) which are present in each row
3 3 Numbers define the actual latitudes for each row in the grid. The list of numbers are integer values of the valid latitudes in microdegrees (scaled by 10-6) or in unit equal to the ratio of the basic angle and the subdivisions number for each row, in the same order as specified in the scanning mode flag (bit no. 2)
# 4-254 Reserved
255 255 Missing
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Code table 3.12 - HEALPix rhomboids or points ordering
0 0 Ring ordering
1 1 Nested ordering
# 2-191 Reserved
# 192-254 Reserved for local use
255 255 Missing
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