eckit::geo remove grib_get_data_diff tool

This commit is contained in:
Pedro Maciel 2024-10-12 15:05:07 +01:00
parent ff478a7e3a
commit 26d87312f6
2 changed files with 1 additions and 168 deletions

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ endforeach()
# Install tools related to the Geoiterator and nearest neighbour search
foreach( tool grib_get_data grib_get_data_diff grib_get_gridspec )
foreach( tool grib_get_data grib_get_gridspec )
ecbuild_add_executable( TARGET ${tool}
SOURCES ${tool}.cc
LIBS ecc_tools eckit_option eckit_geo )

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@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
* (C) Copyright 1996- ECMWF.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
* which can be obtained at
* In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor
* does it submit to any jurisdiction.
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "eccodes.h"
#include "eccodes/geo/GribSpec.h"
#include "eckit/filesystem/PathName.h"
#include "eckit/geo/Grid.h"
#include "eckit/io/BufferedHandle.h"
#include "eckit/io/DataHandle.h"
#include "eckit/io/StdFile.h"
#include "eckit/log/Log.h"
#include "eckit/option/CmdArgs.h"
#include "eckit/option/SimpleOption.h"
#include "eckit/runtime/Tool.h"
namespace eccodes::tools {
auto& LOG = eckit::Log::info();
auto& ERR = eckit::Log::error();
using prec_t = decltype(LOG.precision());
struct Field {
size_t dimensions() const { return 0; }
std::vector<double> values(size_t) const { return {}; }
struct Input {
bool next() const { return false; }
Field field() const { return {}; }
class GribGetDataDiff : public eckit::Tool {
void run() override;
int numberOfPositionalArguments() const { return -1; }
int minimumPositionalArguments() const { return 1; }
std::vector<eckit::option::Option*> options_;
GribGetDataDiff(int argc, char** argv) : eckit::Tool(argc, argv, "ECKIT_GEO_HOME") {
options_.push_back(new eckit::option::SimpleOption<prec_t>("precision", "Output precision"));
options_.push_back(new eckit::option::SimpleOption<bool>("ecc", "eccodes latitude/longitude"));
options_.push_back(new eckit::option::SimpleOption<bool>("geo", "eckit::geo latitude/longitude"));
static void usage(const std::string& tool) {
LOG << "\nPrint a latitude, longitude, value list."
"\nUsage: "
<< tool
<< " [file.grib [file.grib [...]]"
"\n % "
<< tool
<< " 1.grib"
"\n % "
<< tool << " --ecc 1.grib 2.grib 3.grib" << std::endl;
void GribGetDataDiff::run() {
eckit::option::CmdArgs args(&usage, options_, numberOfPositionalArguments(), minimumPositionalArguments());
auto geo = args.getBool("geo", true);
auto ecc = args.getBool("ecc", false);
if (prec_t precision = 0; args.get("precision", precision)) {
size_t count = 0;
for (const auto& arg : args) {
LOG << "\n'" << arg << "' #" << ++count << std::endl;
eckit::PathName path(arg);
eckit::DataHandle* dh = new eckit::BufferedHandle(path.fileHandle());
eckit::AutoStdFile f(arg);
eckit::Buffer buffer(64 * 1024 * 1024);
for (int e = CODES_SUCCESS;;) {
auto len = buffer.size();
e = wmo_read_any_from_file(f, buffer, &len);
if (e == CODES_END_OF_FILE) {
geo::codes_check_error(e, "wmo_read_any_from_file");
// eccodes latitude/longitude
auto* h = codes_handle_new_from_message(nullptr, buffer, len);
ASSERT(h != nullptr);
geo::GribSpec config(h);
long N = 0;
ASSERT(config.get("numberOfDataPoints", N) && 0 < N);
if (geo) {
std::unique_ptr<const eckit::geo::Grid> grid(eckit::geo::GridFactory::build(config));
auto [lats, lons] = grid->to_latlons();
ASSERT(lats.size() == lons.size());
for (auto lat = lats.begin(), lon = lons.begin(); lat != lats.end(); ++lat, ++lon) {
LOG << 't' << *lat << 't' << *lon << 't' << std::endl;
if (ecc) {
std::vector<double> lats;
std::vector<double> lons;
auto* it = codes_grib_iterator_new(h, 0, &e);
CODES_CHECK(e, nullptr);
for (double lat = 0, lon = 0, value = 0; codes_grib_iterator_next(it, &lat, &lon, &value) != 0;) {
CODES_CHECK(codes_handle_delete(h), "codes_handle_delete");
} // namespace eccodes::tools
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
eccodes::tools::GribGetDataDiff tool(argc, argv);
return tool.start();