Scripts for updating the GRIB2 tables from WMO

This commit is contained in:
Shahram Najm 2020-12-21 12:50:04 +00:00
parent 73f5cdd599
commit 03ab8348ba
3 changed files with 215 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
use strict;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get the CodeFlag.txt file from WMO
# Convert it to TSV (tab-separated-values format):
# perl CodeFlag.txt
# This will create the file CodeFlag.txt.tsv
# Create the directory corresponding to the new GRIB2 version:
# mkdir -p definitions/grib2/tables/xx
# cd to that directory:
# cd definitions/grib2/tables/xx
# Run this script on that TSV file:
# perl < /path/to/CodeFlag.txt.tsv
# This should create all the *.table files
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Types of title_en
# Code table 0.0 - Discipline of processed data in the GRIB message, number of GRIB Master table
# Code table 4.1 - Parameter category by product discipline --> "Product discipline 0 - XXX"
# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category --> "Product discipline 0 - YY, parameter category 0: XX"
# Flag table 3.9 - Numbering order of diamonds as seen from the corresponding pole
#Product Discipline 0 - Meteorological products, parameter category 16: forecast radar imagery
my $recnum = 0;
my $codetable; my $discipline; my $category; my $filename;
while (<>) {
next if ($recnum==1);
# OLD FORMAT had initial "No" column
#No Title_en SubTitle_en CodeFlag Value MeaningParameterDescription_en Note_en UnitComments_en Status
#my ($rowid, $title, $subtitle, $codeFlag, $value, $meaning, $note, $unit, $status) = split(/\t/);
my ($title, $subtitle, $codeFlag, $value, $meaning, $note, $unit, $status) = split(/\t/);
if ($title =~ /Code table ([0-9.]+)/) {
$codetable = $1;
if ($subtitle =~ /Product [Dd]iscipline (\d+).*parameter category (\d+)/) {
$discipline = $1;
$category = $2;
$filename = "$codetable.$discipline.$category.table";
WriteFile($filename, $title, $codeFlag, $meaning, $unit);
elsif ($subtitle =~ /Product discipline (\d+)/) {
$discipline = $1;
$filename = "$codetable.$discipline.table";
WriteFile($filename, $title, $codeFlag, $meaning, $unit);
elsif ($subtitle eq "") {
$filename = "$codetable.table";
WriteFile($filename, $title, $codeFlag, $meaning, $unit);
} elsif ($title =~ /Flag table ([0-9.]+)/) {
$codetable = $1;
$filename = "$codetable.table";
WriteFlagTable($filename, $title, $codeFlag, $value, $meaning, $unit);
#exit if ($recnum >800);
sub WriteFile {
my($filename, $title, $codeFlag, $meaning, $unit) = @_;
if (!-e $filename) {
print "Creating $filename\n";
open (MYFILE, ">>$filename");
#print MYFILE "# Automatically generated by ./ from database fm92_grib2\@wrep-db-misc-prod, do not edit\n";
print MYFILE "# $title\n";
my $unit_text = ($unit eq "" ? "" : "($unit)");
if ($codeFlag =~ /\-/) {
print MYFILE "# $codeFlag $meaning $unit_text\n";
} else {
my $codeFlag1 = $codeFlag;
my $codeFlag2 = $codeFlag;
if ($filename eq "1.4.table") {
# Special case. Do not just put 2nd code, translate it to shortName for 'mars type'
$codeFlag2 = TranslateCodes_Table_1_4($codeFlag);
elsif ($filename eq "4.4.table") {
$codeFlag2 = TranslateCodes_Table_4_4($codeFlag);
elsif ($filename eq "4.5.table") {
$codeFlag2 = TranslateCodes_Table_4_5($codeFlag);
elsif ($filename eq "3.15.table") {
$codeFlag2 = TranslateCodes_Table_3_15($codeFlag);
elsif ($filename eq "4.10.table") {
$codeFlag2 = TranslateCodes_Table_4_10($codeFlag);
print MYFILE "$codeFlag1 $codeFlag2 $meaning $unit_text\n";
sub WriteFlagTable{
my($filename, $title, $codeFlag, $value, $meaning, $unit) = @_;
if (!-e $filename) {
print "Creating $filename\n";
open (MYFILE, ">>$filename");
#print MYFILE "# Automatically generated by ./ from database fm92_grib2\@wrep-db-misc-prod, do not edit\n";
print MYFILE "# $title\n";
my $unit_text = ($unit eq "" ? "" : "($unit)");
if ($codeFlag =~ /\-/) {
print MYFILE "# $codeFlag $meaning $unit_text\n";
} else {
print MYFILE "$codeFlag $value $meaning $unit_text\n";
sub TranslateCodes_Table_4_10 {
my ($code) = @_;
return "avg" if ($code == 0);
return "accum" if ($code == 1);
return "max" if ($code == 2);
return "min" if ($code == 3);
return "diff" if ($code == 4);
return "rms" if ($code == 5);
return "sd" if ($code == 6);
return "cov" if ($code == 7);
return "ratio" if ($code == 9);
return "missing" if ($code == 255);
return $code;
sub TranslateCodes_Table_3_15 {
my ($code) = @_;
return "pt" if ($code == 107);
return "pv" if ($code == 109);
return $code;
# This is for Code Table 1.4
sub TranslateCodes_Table_1_4 {
my ($code) = @_;
return "an" if ($code eq "0");
return "fc" if ($code eq "1");
return "af" if ($code eq "2");
return "cf" if ($code eq "3");
return "pf" if ($code eq "4");
return "cp" if ($code eq "5");
return "sa" if ($code eq "6");
return "ra" if ($code eq "7");
return "ep" if ($code eq "8");
return "missing" if ($code eq "255");
return $code;
sub TranslateCodes_Table_4_4 {
my ($code) = @_;
return "m" if ($code eq "0");
return "h" if ($code eq "1");
return "D" if ($code eq "2");
return "M" if ($code eq "3");
return "Y" if ($code eq "4");
return "10Y" if ($code eq "5");
return "30Y" if ($code eq "6");
return "C" if ($code eq "7");
return "3h" if ($code eq "10");
return "6h" if ($code eq "11");
return "12h" if ($code eq "12");
return "s" if ($code eq "13");
return $code;
sub TranslateCodes_Table_4_5 {
my ($code) = @_;
return "sfc" if ($code eq "1" || $code eq "8" || $code eq "17" || $code eq "18" ||
$code eq "101" || $code eq "103" || $code eq "106" || $code eq "177");
return "pl" if ($code eq "100");
return "ml" if ($code eq "105");
return "pt" if ($code eq "107");
return "pv" if ($code eq "109");
return "hhl" if ($code eq "118");
return "hpl" if ($code eq "119");
return "sol" if ($code eq "151");
return "sol" if ($code eq "114");
return "sol" if ($code eq "152");
return $code;

definitions/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert a CSV file into a TSV file
# i.e. replace all delimiters from comma to TAB
# All commas within strings are preserved
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $f=@ARGV[0];
open(IN,"<$f") or die "$f: $!";
open(OUT,">$f.tsv") or die "$f.tsv: $!";
my $line;
while (defined ($line = <IN>)) {
my @list = ($line =~ /(".*?"|[^,]*)(,)|(".*?"|[^,]*)/g) or die;
my $i=0;
while ($i <= $#list) {
if ($list[$i] eq ",") {$list[$i]="\t";}
my $newline=join('',@list);
# Remove all double-quotes
$newline =~ s/\"//g;
print OUT "$newline\n";
close (IN);
close (OUT);
print "Created $f.tsv\n";

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ highest_num=`ls -1d [0-9]* | sort -rn | sed 1q`
latest=`${tools_dir}/grib_get -p tablesVersionLatest $sample2`
if [ "$latest" != "$highest_num" ]; then
echo "The GRIB2 key tablesVersionLatest = $latest but the highest number in $tables_dir is $highest_num"
exit 1
rm -f $temp