2013-03-25 12:04:10 +00:00
use strict;
@ARGV = qw(master.info) unless(@ARGV);
2015-01-23 22:47:51 +00:00
2013-03-25 12:04:10 +00:00
$path = "../definitions" unless( $path );
$path = $path . "/grib2";
my $start = 0;
while( <> ) {
if( m/^\-+\Z/ ) {
$start = 1;
elsif( $start == 0 ) {
my ( $grib, $abbr, $title, $lev, $disc, $cat, $num,
$sfc1a, $sfc1b, $sfc1c, $sfc2a, $sfc2b, $sfc2c,
$stat) = split(/\s+/, $_);
my @where = ( "4.2.$disc.$cat.table",
"4.5.table", "4.5.table",
"4.10.table" );
my @what = ( $num, $sfc1a, $sfc2a, $stat );
my $level1 = get_level_value( $sfc1a, $sfc1b, $sfc1c );
my $level2 = get_level_value( $sfc2a, $sfc2b, $sfc2c );
my @result;
my $count = 0;
foreach my $file ( @where ) {
my $number = $what[ $count++ ];
next unless( $number =~ m/\d+/ );
my $file = "$path/$file";
open( IN2, "<$file") or die "Could not open file $file";
my @content = <IN2>;
close IN2;
my ($what) = grep(/^\s*$number\s+\w+/, @content);
my ( $what ) = ( $what =~ /^\s*$number\s+\w+\s+([\w|\s|-]+)/ );
$what = "unknown" unless( $what );
chomp( $what );
my $test = $what;
my $foo = chop( $test );
chop( $what ) if( $foo =~ m/\s/ );
$what = $what . "($level1)" if( $count == 2 and $level1 =~ m/\d+/ );
$what = $what . "($level2)" if( $count == 3 and $level2 =~ m/\d+/ );
push @result, $what;
print "$grib\t$title ($abbr):\n";
print "\t\t" . join(", ", @result) . "\n\n";
sub get_level_value {
my ( $code, $value1, $value2 ) = @_;
return if( $value1 == 255 and $value2 == 255 );
return if( $value1 eq "#" );
my $file = "$path/4.5.table";
open( IN3, "<$file") or die "Could not open file $file";
my @content = <IN3>;
close IN3;
my ($what) = grep(/^\s*$code\s+\w+/, @content);
my ( $unit ) = ( $what =~ /^\s*$code\s+[\w|\s]+\(([\w|\s|-]+)\)/ );
chomp( $unit );
my $value = 10**(-$value2) * $value1;
return "$value $unit"