2013-03-25 12:04:10 +00:00
0 0 Unknown
1022 fsob Forecast sensitivity to observations
2014-11-04 11:47:30 +00:00
1023 fsow Forecast sensitivity to observations wave
2013-03-25 12:04:10 +00:00
1024 dahc Daily archive hindcast
1025 oper Atmospheric model
1026 scda Atmospheric model (short cutoff)
1027 scwv Wave model (short cutoff)
1028 dcda Atmospheric model (delayed cutoff)
1029 dcwv Wave model (delayed cutoff)
1030 enda Ensemble data assimilation
1032 efho Ensemble forecast hindcast overlap
1033 enfh Ensemble forecast hindcasts
1034 efov Ensemble forecast overlap
1035 enfo Ensemble prediction system
1036 sens Sensitivity forecast
1037 maed Multianalysis ensemble data
1038 amap Analysis for multianalysis project
1039 efhc Ensemble forecast hindcasts (obsolete)
1040 efhs Ensemble forecast hindcast statistics
1041 toga TOGA
1042 cher Chernobyl
1043 mnth Monthly means
1044 supd Deterministic supplementary data
1045 wave Wave model
1046 ocea Ocean
1047 fgge FGGE
1050 egrr Bracknell
1051 kwbc Washington
1052 edzw Offenbach
1053 lfpw Toulouse
1054 rjtd Tokyo
1055 cwao Montreal
1056 ammc Melbourne
2018-02-05 11:54:15 +00:00
1057 efas European Flood Awareness System (EFAS)
2018-07-18 10:03:25 +00:00
1058 efse European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) seasonal forecasts
2018-09-19 13:31:53 +00:00
1059 efcl European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) climatology
2019-07-05 12:21:54 +00:00
1060 wfas Global flood awareness system (GLOFAS)
1061 wfcl Global flood awareness system (GLOFAS) climatology
2013-03-25 12:04:10 +00:00
1070 msdc Monthly standard deviation and covariance
1071 moda Monthly means of daily means
1072 monr Monthly means using G. Boer's step function
1073 mnvr Monthly variance and covariance data using G. Boer's step function
1074 msda Monthly standard deviation and covariance of daily means
1075 mdfa Monthly means of daily forecast accumulations
1076 dacl Daily climatology
1077 wehs Wave ensemble forecast hindcast statistics
1078 ewho Ensemble forecast wave hindcast overlap
1079 enwh Ensemble forecast wave hindcasts
1080 wamo Wave monthly means
1081 waef Wave ensemble forecast
1082 wasf Wave seasonal forecast
1083 mawv Multianalysis wave data
1084 ewhc Wave ensemble forecast hindcast (obsolete)
1085 wvhc Wave hindcast
1086 weov Wave ensemble forecast overlap
1087 wavm Wave model (standalone)
1088 ewda Ensemble wave data assimilation
1089 dacw Daily climatology wave
1090 seas Seasonal forecast
1091 sfmm Seasonal forecast atmospheric monthly means
1092 swmm Seasonal forecast wave monthly means
1093 mofc Monthly forecast
1094 mofm Monthly forecast means
1095 wamf Wave monthly forecast
1096 wmfm Wave monthly forecast means
1097 smma Seasonal monthly means anomalies
1110 seap Sensitive area prediction
1200 mnfc Real-time
1201 mnfh Hindcasts
1202 mnfa Anomalies
1203 mnfw Wave real-time
1204 mfhw Monthly forecast hindcasts wave
1205 mfaw Wave anomalies
1206 mnfm Real-time means
1207 mfhm Hindcast means
1208 mfam Anomaly means
1209 mfwm Wave real-time means
1210 mhwm Wave hindcast means
1211 mawm Wave anomaly means
1220 mmsf Multi-model seasonal forecast
1221 msmm Multi-model seasonal forecast atmospheric monthly means
1222 wams Multi-model seasonal forecast wave
1223 mswm Multi-model seasonal forecast wave monthly means
1224 mmsa Multi-model seasonal forecast monthly anomalies
1230 mmaf Multi-model multi-annual forecast
1231 mmam Multi-model multi-annual forecast means
1232 mmaw Multi-model multi-annual forecast wave
1233 mmwm Multi-model multi-annual forecast wave means
2017-10-31 16:19:27 +00:00
1240 esmm Combined multi-model monthly means
1241 ehmm Combined multi-model hindcast monthly means
2013-03-25 12:04:10 +00:00
1242 edmm Ensemble data assimilation monthly means
1243 edmo Ensemble data assimilation monthly means of daily means
1244 ewmo Ensemble wave data assimilation monthly means of daily means
1245 ewmm Ensemble wave data assimilation monthly means
1246 espd Ensemble supplementary data
1247 lwda Long window daily archive
1248 lwwv Long window wave
1249 elda Ensemble Long window Data Assimilation
1250 ewla Ensemble Wave Long window data Assimilation
2014-01-30 13:42:11 +00:00
1251 wamd Wave monthly means of daily means
2014-12-02 10:48:50 +00:00
1252 gfas Global fire assimilation system
2013-03-25 12:04:10 +00:00
2231 cnrm Meteo France climate centre
2232 mpic Max Plank Institute
2233 ukmo UKMO climate centre