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2013-03-25 12:04:10 +00:00
# feeds all static infos into psql tigge_test
# such as: - title,
# - name,
# - abbreviation
# - unit
# the information comes from except for unit
# an evironmental variable GRIB_DEFINITION_PATH must exist
# is in GRIB_DEFINITION_PATH/../parameters
# the units are taken from GRIB_DEFINITION_PATH/definitions/*
# a table parameters with the above columns must exist
use DBI;
use strict;
my $what = $ARGV[0];
die "'test' or 'prod'? type either 'feed_tigge test' or 'feed_tigge prod'" unless( $what eq "test" or
$what eq "prod" );
my $DHB = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg(RaiseError=>1):dbname=tigge_$what;host=datasvc","max", "");
my $prepare = "select levtype, grib1_numbers from parameters";
my $sth = $DHB->prepare( $prepare );
my $path = "/home/max/grib_api/parameters";
open( IN, "<$path/" ) or die "can not open file";
my @master_info = <IN>;
close( IN );
while( my ( $levtype, $grib1_numbers ) = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) {
my @parameter = grep(/^$grib1_numbers\s+/, @master_info);
@parameter = grep(/\s+$levtype\s+/,@parameter);
die "more than one match for levtype = $levtype and grib1_numbers = $grib1_numbers" if( scalar( @parameter ) > 1 );
die "no match found for levtype = $levtype and grib1_numbers = $grib1_numbers" unless( @parameter );
my @entries = split(" ", $parameter[0] );
my $abbreviation = $entries[1];
my $name = $entries[2];
my $title = get_title( $name );
my $unit = get_unit( $entries[4], $entries[5], $entries[6], $entries[13] );
# check whether parameter entry exists
my $prepare = "select levtype, grib1_numbers from parameters where levtype=? and grib1_numbers=?";
my $sth = $DHB->prepare( $prepare );
$sth->execute( $levtype, $grib1_numbers);
if( $sth->fetchrow_array() ) {
print "updating $title ( $name ): $unit and $abbreviation\n";
my @strings = ( "title='$title'", "name='$name'", "unit='$unit'", "abbreviation='$abbreviation'" );
foreach my $string ( @strings ) {
my $prepare = "update parameters set $string where levtype=? and grib1_numbers=?";
my $sth = $DHB->prepare( $prepare );
$sth->execute( $levtype, $grib1_numbers);
sub get_title {
my ( $name ) = @_;
$name =~ s/u_vel/u-vel/;
$name =~ s/v_vel/v-vel/;
$name =~ s/time_int/time-int/;
$name =~ s/land_sea/land-sea/;
$name =~ s/_/ /g;
return ucfirst( $name )
sub get_unit {
my ( $disc, $cat, $num, $stat_proc ) = @_;
my $path = "/home/max/grib_api/definitions/grib2";
open( IN2, "<$path/4.2.$disc.$cat.table" ) or die "Could not open file $path/4.2.$disc.$cat.table";
my @content = <IN2>;
close IN2;
my ($what) = grep(/^\s*$num\s+\w+/, @content);
my ( $unit ) = ( $what =~ /^\s*$num\s+.+\s+\(([\w|\s|\-|%]*)\)\Z/ );
$unit = "unknown" unless( $unit );
$unit = "" if( $unit eq "Numeric" );
chomp( $unit );
if( $stat_proc == 1 ) {
if( $unit !~ /\ss/ ) {
$unit = $unit . " s";
elsif( $unit =~ /\ss-1/ ) {
$unit =~ s/s-1//
elsif( $unit =~ /\ss\s/ ) {
$unit =~ s/\ss\s/s2/
else {
$unit =~ s/\ss(-?\d+)\s/\ss$1+1\s/
return $unit