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# Horizontal Domain Template Component 4.1 - Latitude/longitude regular grid
# Ni - number of points along a parallel
unsigned[4] Ni : dump; # Note: This is for a REGULAR GRID so Ni cannot be missing
alias numberOfPointsAlongAParallel=Ni;
alias Nx = Ni;
alias geography.Ni=Ni;
# Nj - number of points along a meridian
unsigned[4] Nj : dump;
alias numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian=Nj;
alias Ny = Nj ;
alias geography.Nj=Nj;
# Basic angle of the initial production domain
unsigned[4] basicAngleOfTheInitialProductionDomain = 0;
transient mBasicAngle=basicAngleOfTheInitialProductionDomain*oneMillionConstant;
transient angleMultiplier = 1;
transient mAngleMultiplier = 1000000;
when (basicAngleOfTheInitialProductionDomain == 0) {
set angleMultiplier = 1;
set mAngleMultiplier = 1000000;
} else {
set angleMultiplier = basicAngleOfTheInitialProductionDomain;
set mAngleMultiplier = mBasicAngle;
# Subdivisions of basic angle used to define extreme longitudes and latitudes, and direction increments
unsigned[4] subdivisionsOfBasicAngle = missing() : can_be_missing;
transient angleDivisor = 1000000;
when (missing(subdivisionsOfBasicAngle) || subdivisionsOfBasicAngle == 0) {
set angleDivisor = 1000000;
} else {
set angleDivisor = subdivisionsOfBasicAngle;
# Note: Basic angle of the initial production domain and subdivisions of this basic angle are
# provided to manage cases where the recommended unit of 10^-6 degrees is not applicable
# to describe the extreme longitudes and latitudes, and direction increments.
# For these descriptors, the unit is equal to the ratio of the basic angle and the subdivisions number.
# For ordinary cases, zero and missing values should be coded, equivalent to respective values
# of 1 and 10^6 (10^-6 degrees unit)
# La1 - latitude of first grid point
signed[4] latitudeOfFirstGridPoint : edition_specific;
alias La1 = latitudeOfFirstGridPoint;
# Lo1 - longitude of first grid point
signed[4] longitudeOfFirstGridPoint ;
alias Lo1 = longitudeOfFirstGridPoint;
include "grib3/template.4.resolution_flags.def"
# La2 - latitude of last grid point
signed[4] latitudeOfLastGridPoint : edition_specific;
alias La2 = latitudeOfLastGridPoint;
# Lo2 - longitude of last grid point
signed[4] longitudeOfLastGridPoint : edition_specific;
alias Lo2 = longitudeOfLastGridPoint;
# Di - i direction increment
# Direction increments are unsigned and direction of increment is represented in the scanning mode
unsigned[4] iDirectionIncrement : can_be_missing,edition_specific;
alias Di = iDirectionIncrement;
alias Dx = iDirectionIncrement;
# Dj - j direction increment
# Direction increments are unsigned and direction of increment is represented in the scanning mode
unsigned[4] jDirectionIncrement : can_be_missing,edition_specific;
alias Dj = jDirectionIncrement;
alias Dy = jDirectionIncrement;
include "grib3/template.4.scanning_mode.def";
meta g2grid g2grid(
meta geography.latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees g2latlon(g2grid,0) : dump;
meta geography.longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees g2latlon(g2grid,1) : dump;
meta geography.latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees g2latlon(g2grid,2) : dump;
meta geography.longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees g2latlon(g2grid,3) : dump;
alias xFirst=longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees;
alias yFirst=latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees;
alias xLast=longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees;
alias yLast=latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees;
meta geography.iDirectionIncrementInDegrees g2latlon(g2grid,4,
iDirectionIncrementGiven) : can_be_missing,dump;
meta geography.jDirectionIncrementInDegrees g2latlon(g2grid,5,
jDirectionIncrementGiven) : can_be_missing,dump;
alias latitudeFirstInDegrees = latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees;
alias longitudeFirstInDegrees = longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees;
alias latitudeLastInDegrees = latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees;
alias longitudeLastInDegrees = longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees;
alias DiInDegrees = iDirectionIncrementInDegrees;
alias DxInDegrees = iDirectionIncrementInDegrees;
alias DjInDegrees = jDirectionIncrementInDegrees;
alias DyInDegrees = jDirectionIncrementInDegrees;
#_if ( missing(Ni) && PLPresent == 1 ) {
# iterator latlon_reduced(numberOfPoints,missingValue,values,
# latitudeFirstInDegrees,longitudeFirstInDegrees,
# latitudeLastInDegrees,longitudeLastInDegrees,
# Nj,DjInDegrees,pl);
# nearest latlon_reduced(values,radius,Nj,pl,longitudeFirstInDegrees,longitudeLastInDegrees);
#} else {
# iterator latlon(numberOfPoints,missingValue,values,
# longitudeFirstInDegrees,DiInDegrees ,
# Ni,Nj,iScansNegatively,
# latitudeFirstInDegrees, DjInDegrees,jScansPositively,jPointsAreConsecutive);
# nearest regular(values,radius,Ni,Nj);
meta latLonValues latlonvalues(values);
alias latitudeLongitudeValues=latLonValues;
meta latitudes latitudes(values,0);
meta longitudes longitudes(values,0);
meta distinctLatitudes latitudes(values,1);
meta distinctLongitudes longitudes(values,1);