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2023-10-27 15:54:25 +00:00
* (C) Copyright 1996- ECMWF.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
* which can be obtained at
* In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor
* does it submit to any jurisdiction.
#include "mir/input/GribInput.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "eckit/config/Resource.h"
#include "eckit/io/Buffer.h"
#include "eckit/io/MemoryHandle.h"
#include "eckit/io/StdFile.h"
#include "eckit/serialisation/HandleStream.h"
#include "eckit/types/FloatCompare.h"
#include "eckit/types/Fraction.h"
#include "mir/config/LibMir.h"
#include "mir/data/MIRField.h"
#include "mir/grib/Config.h"
#include "mir/repres/Representation.h"
#include "mir/util/Exceptions.h"
#include "mir/util/Grib.h"
#include "mir/util/Log.h"
#include "mir/util/LongitudeDouble.h"
#include "mir/util/Mutex.h"
#include "mir/util/ValueMap.h"
#include "mir/util/Wind.h"
namespace mir::input {
namespace {
class Condition {
Condition() = default;
Condition(const Condition&) = delete;
Condition(Condition&&) = delete;
Condition& operator=(const Condition&) = delete;
Condition& operator=(Condition&&) = delete;
virtual ~Condition() = default;
virtual bool eval(grib_handle*) const = 0;
template <class T>
class ConditionT : public Condition {
const char* key_;
T value_;
bool eval(grib_handle* /*unused*/) const override;
ConditionT(const char* key, const T& value) : key_(key), value_(value) {}
template <>
bool ConditionT<long>::eval(grib_handle* h) const {
long value;
int err = codes_get_long(h, key_, &value);
if (err == CODES_NOT_FOUND) {
return false;
if (err != 0) {
// Log::debug() << "ConditionT<long>::eval(" << ",key=" << key_ << ") failed " << err <<
// std::endl;
GRIB_ERROR(err, key_);
return value_ == value;
template <>
bool ConditionT<double>::eval(grib_handle* h) const {
double value;
int err = codes_get_double(h, key_, &value);
if (err == CODES_NOT_FOUND) {
return false;
if (err != 0) {
// Log::debug() << "ConditionT<double>::eval(" << ",key=" << key_ << ") failed " << err <<
// std::endl;
GRIB_ERROR(err, key_);
return value_ == value; // Want an epsilon?
template <>
bool ConditionT<std::string>::eval(grib_handle* h) const {
char buffer[10240];
size_t size = sizeof(buffer);
int err = codes_get_string(h, key_, buffer, &size);
if (err == CODES_NOT_FOUND) {
return false;
if (err != 0) {
Log::debug() << "ConditionT<std::string>::eval(" << ",key=" << key_ << ") failed " << err << std::endl;
GRIB_ERROR(err, key_);
return value_ == buffer;
class ConditionOR : public Condition {
const Condition* left_;
const Condition* right_;
bool eval(grib_handle* h) const override { return left_->eval(h) || right_->eval(h); }
~ConditionOR() override {
delete right_;
delete left_;
ConditionOR(const Condition* left, const Condition* right) : left_(left), right_(right) {}
ConditionOR(const ConditionOR&) = delete;
ConditionOR(ConditionOR&&) = delete;
ConditionOR& operator=(const ConditionOR&) = delete;
ConditionOR& operator=(ConditionOR&&) = delete;
class ConditionAND : public Condition {
const Condition* left_;
const Condition* right_;
bool eval(grib_handle* h) const override { return left_->eval(h) && right_->eval(h); }
~ConditionAND() override {
delete right_;
delete left_;
ConditionAND(const Condition* left, const Condition* right) : left_(left), right_(right) {}
ConditionAND(const ConditionAND&) = delete;
ConditionAND( ConditionAND&&) = delete;
ConditionAND& operator=(const ConditionAND&) = delete;
ConditionAND& operator=( ConditionAND&&) = delete;
class ConditionNOT : public Condition {
const Condition* c_;
bool eval(grib_handle* h) const override { return !c_->eval(h); }
~ConditionNOT() override {
delete c_;
ConditionNOT(const Condition* c) : c_(c) {}
void wrongly_encoded_grib(const std::string& msg) {
static bool abortIfWronglyEncodedGRIB = eckit::Resource<bool>("$MIR_ABORT_IF_WRONGLY_ENCODED_GRIB", false);
if (abortIfWronglyEncodedGRIB) {
Log::error() << msg << std::endl;
throw exception::UserError(msg);
Log::warning() << msg << std::endl;
size_t fix_pl_array_zeros(std::vector<long>& pl) {
wrongly_encoded_grib("GribInput: wrongly encoded pl array contains zeros");
size_t new_entries = 0;
// if a zero is found, copy the *following* non-zero value into the range "current entry -> non-zero entry"
for (auto p = pl.begin(); p != pl.end(); ++p) {
if (*p == 0) {
auto nz = std::find_if(p, pl.end(), [](long x) { return x != 0; });
if (nz != pl.end()) {
new_entries += size_t(*nz) * size_t(std::distance(p, nz));
std::fill(p, nz, *nz);
// if a zero is found, copy the *previous* non-zero value into the range "non-zero entry -> current entry"
for (auto p = pl.rbegin(); p != pl.rend(); ++p) {
if (*p == 0) {
auto nz = std::find_if(p, pl.rend(), [](long x) { return x != 0; });
if (nz != pl.rend()) {
new_entries += size_t(*nz) * size_t(std::distance(p, nz));
std::fill(p, nz, *nz);
ASSERT(0 == std::count(pl.begin(), pl.end(), 0));
return new_entries;
} // namespace
template <class T>
static Condition* is(const char* key, const T& value) {
return new ConditionT<T>(key, value);
static Condition* is(const char* key, const char* value) {
return new ConditionT<std::string>(key, value);
static Condition *_and(const Condition *left, const Condition *right) {
return new ConditionAND(left, right);
static Condition* _or(const Condition* left, const Condition* right) {
return new ConditionOR(left, right);
static Condition *_not(const Condition *c) {
return new ConditionNOT(c);
static const char* get_key(const std::string& name, grib_handle* h) {
struct P {
const std::string name;
const char* key;
const std::unique_ptr<const Condition> condition;
P(const std::string _name, const char* _key, const Condition* _condition = nullptr) :
name(_name), key(_key), condition(_condition) {}
static const std::initializer_list<P> mappings{
{"west_east_increment", "iDirectionIncrementInDegrees_fix_for_periodic_regular_grids",
is("gridType", "regular_ll")},
{"west_east_increment", "iDirectionIncrementInDegrees"},
{"south_north_increment", "jDirectionIncrementInDegrees"},
{"west", "longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees"},
{"east", "longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees_fix_for_global_reduced_grids", is("gridType", "reduced_gg")},
{"east", "longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees"},
{"north", "latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees", is("scanningMode", 0L)},
{"south", "latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees", is("scanningMode", 0L)},
{"north", "latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees", is("jScansPositively", 1L)},
{"south", "latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees", is("jScansPositively", 1L)},
{"north", "latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees"},
{"south", "latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees"},
{"truncation", "pentagonalResolutionParameterJ"}, // Assumes triangular truncation
{"accuracy", "bitsPerValue"},
{"south_pole_latitude", "latitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees"},
{"south_pole_longitude", "longitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees"},
{"south_pole_rotation_angle", "angleOfRotationInDegrees"},
{"proj", "projTargetString"},
{"projSource", "projSourceString"},
// This will be just called for has()
_or(_or(_or(is("gridType", "polar_stereographic"), is("gridType", "lambert_azimuthal_equal_area")),
is("gridType", "lambert")),
is("gridType", "space_view")),
is("gridType", "triangular_grid"),
"numberOfGridInReference" /*just a dummy*/,
is("gridType", "unstructured_grid"),
"Nside" /*just a dummy*/,
is("gridType", "healpix"),
{"gridded", "numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian"}, // Is that always true?
{"gridded_regular_ll", "Ni", _or(is("gridType", "regular_ll"), is("gridType", "rotated_ll"))},
{"grid", "gridName",
_or(_or(_or(_or(_or(is("gridType", "regular_gg"), is("gridType", "reduced_gg")), is("gridType", "rotated_gg")),
is("gridType", "reduced_rotated_gg")),
is("gridType", "unstructured_grid")),
is("gridType", "healpix"))},
{"spectral", "pentagonalResolutionParameterJ"},
{"uid", "uuidOfHGrid", is("gridType", "unstructured_grid")},
/// FIXME: Find something that does no clash
{"reduced", "numberOfParallelsBetweenAPoleAndTheEquator", is("isOctahedral", 0L)},
{"regular", "N", is("gridType", "regular_gg")},
{"octahedral", "numberOfParallelsBetweenAPoleAndTheEquator", is("isOctahedral", 1L)},
/// TODO: is that a good idea?
{"param", "paramId"},
{"statistics", ""}, // (avoid ecCodes error "statistics: Function not yet implemented")
for (const auto& m : mappings) {
if (name == {
if (!m.condition || m.condition->eval(h)) {
return m.key;
const auto* key = name.c_str();
return key;
template <typename T>
struct ProcessingT {
using fun_t = std::function<bool(grib_handle*, T&)>;
fun_t fun_;
ProcessingT(fun_t&& fun) : fun_(fun) {}
~ProcessingT() = default;
ProcessingT(const ProcessingT&) = delete;
ProcessingT(ProcessingT&&) = delete;
void operator=(const ProcessingT&) = delete;
void operator=(ProcessingT&&) = delete;
bool eval(grib_handle* h, T& v) const { return fun_(h, v); }
static ProcessingT<long>* is_wind_component_uv() {
return new ProcessingT<long>([](grib_handle* h, long& value) {
long paramId = 0;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_long(h, "paramId", &paramId));
static const util::Wind::Defaults def;
long ind = paramId % 1000;
value = (ind == def.u ? 1 : ind == def.v ? 2 : 0);
return value;
static ProcessingT<long>* is_wind_component_vod() {
return new ProcessingT<long>([](grib_handle* h, long& value) {
long paramId = 0;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_long(h, "paramId", &paramId));
static const util::Wind::Defaults def;
long ind = paramId % 1000;
value = (ind == def.vo ? 1 : ind == def.d ? 2 : 0);
return value;
static ProcessingT<double>* angular_precision() {
return new ProcessingT<double>([](grib_handle* h, double& value) {
auto well_defined = [](grib_handle* h, const char* key) -> bool {
long dummy = 0;
int err = 0;
return (codes_is_defined(h, key) != 0) && (codes_is_missing(h, key, &err) == 0) && (err == CODES_SUCCESS) &&
(codes_get_long(h, key, &dummy) == CODES_SUCCESS) && (dummy != 0);
if (well_defined(h, "basicAngleOfTheInitialProductionDomain") && well_defined(h, "subdivisionsOfBasicAngle")) {
value = 0.;
return true;
long angleSubdivisions = 0;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_long(h, "angleSubdivisions", &angleSubdivisions));
value = angleSubdivisions > 0 ? 1. / double(angleSubdivisions) : 0.;
return true;
static ProcessingT<double>* longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees_fix_for_global_reduced_grids() {
return new ProcessingT<double>([](grib_handle* h, double& Lon2) {
Lon2 = 0;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_double(h, "longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees", &Lon2));
if (codes_is_defined(h, "pl") != 0) {
double Lon1 = 0;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_double(h, "longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees", &Lon1));
if (eckit::types::is_approximately_equal<double>(Lon1, 0)) {
// get pl array maximum and sum
// if sum equals values size the grid must be global
size_t plSize = 0;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_size(h, "pl", &plSize));
std::vector<long> pl(plSize, 0);
size_t plSizeAsRead = plSize;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_long_array(h, "pl",, &plSizeAsRead));
ASSERT(plSize == plSizeAsRead);
long plMax = 0;
long plSum = 0;
for (auto& p : pl) {
plSum += p;
if (plMax < p) {
plMax = p;
ASSERT(plMax > 0);
size_t valuesSize;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_size(h, "values", &valuesSize));
if (size_t(plSum) == valuesSize) {
double eps = 0.;
std::unique_ptr<ProcessingT<double>> precision_in_degrees(angular_precision());
ASSERT(precision_in_degrees->eval(h, eps));
eckit::Fraction Lon2_expected(360L * (plMax - 1L), plMax);
if (!eckit::types::is_approximately_equal<double>(Lon2, Lon2_expected, eps)) {
std::ostringstream msgs;
msgs << "GribInput: wrongly encoded longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees:"
<< "\n"
"encoded: "
<< Lon2
<< "\n"
"expected: "
<< double(Lon2_expected) << " (" << Lon2_expected << " +- " << eps << ")";
Lon2 = Lon2_expected;
return true;
static ProcessingT<double>* iDirectionIncrementInDegrees_fix_for_periodic_regular_grids() {
return new ProcessingT<double>([](grib_handle* h, double& we) {
long iScansPositively = 0L;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_long(h, "iScansPositively", &iScansPositively));
ASSERT(iScansPositively == 1L);
ASSERT(GRIB_CALL(codes_get_double(h, "iDirectionIncrementInDegrees", &we)));
ASSERT(we > 0.);
double Lon1 = 0.;
double Lon2 = 0.;
long Ni = 0;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_double(h, "longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees", &Lon1));
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_double(h, "longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees", &Lon2));
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_long(h, "Ni", &Ni));
ASSERT(Ni > 0);
Lon2 = LongitudeDouble(Lon2).normalise(Lon1).value();
ASSERT(Lon2 >= Lon1);
// angles are within +-1/2 precision, so (Lon2 - Lon1 + we) uses factor 3*1/2
double eps = 0.;
std::unique_ptr<ProcessingT<double>> precision_in_degrees(angular_precision());
ASSERT(precision_in_degrees->eval(h, eps));
eps *= 1.5;
auto Nid = double(Ni);
double globe = LongitudeDouble::GLOBE.value();
if (eckit::types::is_approximately_equal(Lon2 - Lon1 + we, globe, eps)) {
we = globe / Nid;
else if (!eckit::types::is_approximately_equal(Lon1 + (Nid - 1) * we, Lon2, eps)) {
// TODO refactor, not really specific to "periodic regular grids", but useful
std::ostringstream msgs;
msgs << "GribInput: wrongly encoded iDirectionIncrementInDegrees:"
"encoded: "
<< we
<< "\n"
"Ni: "
<< Ni
<< "\n"
"longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegree: "
<< Lon1
<< "\n"
"longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees: "
<< Lon2;
return true;
static ProcessingT<std::vector<double>>* vector_double(std::initializer_list<std::string> keys) {
const std::vector<std::string> keys_(keys);
return new ProcessingT<std::vector<double>>([=](grib_handle* h, std::vector<double>& values) {
values.assign(keys_.size(), 0);
size_t i = 0;
for (const auto& key : keys_) {
if (codes_is_defined(h, key.c_str()) == 0) {
return false;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_double(h, key.c_str(), &values[i++]));
return true;
static ProcessingT<std::string>* packing() {
return new ProcessingT<std::string>([](grib_handle* h, std::string& value) {
auto get = [](grib_handle* h, const char* key) -> std::string {
if (codes_is_defined(h, key) != 0) {
char buffer[64];
size_t size = sizeof(buffer);
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_string(h, key, buffer, &size));
ASSERT(size < sizeof(buffer) - 1);
if (::strcmp(buffer, "MISSING") != 0) {
return buffer;
return "";
auto packingType = get(h, "packingType");
for (auto& prefix : std::vector<std::string>{"grid_", "spectral_"}) {
if (packingType.find(prefix) == 0) {
value = packingType.substr(prefix.size());
std::replace(value.begin(), value.end(), '_', '-');
return true;
return false;
template <class T>
struct ConditionedProcessingT {
const std::string name;
const std::unique_ptr<const T> processing;
const std::unique_ptr<const Condition> condition;
ConditionedProcessingT(const std::string& _name, const T* _processing, const Condition* _condition = nullptr) :
name(_name), processing(_processing), condition(_condition) {}
template <class T>
using ProcessingList = std::initializer_list<ConditionedProcessingT<ProcessingT<T>>>;
template <typename T>
static bool get_value(const std::string& name, grib_handle* h, T& value, const ProcessingList<T>& process) {
for (auto& p : process) {
if (name == {
if (!p.condition || p.condition->eval(h)) {
return p.processing->eval(h, value);
return false;
GribInput::GribInput() : cache_(*this), grib_(nullptr) {}
GribInput::~GribInput() {
handle(nullptr); // Will delete handle
const param::MIRParametrisation& GribInput::parametrisation(size_t which) const {
ASSERT(which == 0);
return cache_;
data::MIRField GribInput::field() const {
// Protect the grib_handle, as eccodes may update its internals
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
long localDefinitionNumber = 0;
if (codes_get_long(grib_, "localDefinitionNumber", &localDefinitionNumber) == CODES_SUCCESS) {
if (localDefinitionNumber == 4) {
throw exception::UserError("GribInput: GRIB localDefinitionNumber=4 ('ocean') not supported");
long earthIsOblate = 0;
if (GRIB_GET(codes_get_long(grib_, "earthIsOblate", &earthIsOblate))) {
if (earthIsOblate != 0) {
wrongly_encoded_grib("GribInput: only spherical earth supported (earthIsOblate != 0)");
size_t count;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_size(grib_, "values", &count));
size_t size = count;
MIRValuesVector values(count);
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_double_array(grib_, "values",, &size));
ASSERT(count == size);
long missingValuesPresent;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_long(grib_, "missingValuesPresent", &missingValuesPresent));
double missingValue;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_double(grib_, "missingValue", &missingValue));
// Ensure missingValue is unique, so values are not wrongly "missing"
long numberOfMissingValues = 0;
if (codes_get_long(grib_, "numberOfMissingValues", &numberOfMissingValues) == CODES_SUCCESS &&
numberOfMissingValues == 0) {
grib_get_unique_missing_value(values, missingValue);
// If grib has a 0-containing pl array, add missing values in their place
if (has("pl")) {
size_t count_pl = 0;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_size(grib_, "pl", &count_pl));
std::vector<long> pl(count_pl, 0);
size = count_pl;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_long_array(grib_, "pl",, &size));
ASSERT(count_pl == size);
// NOTE: this fix ties with the method get(const std::string &name, std::vector<long> &value)
if (std::find(pl.rbegin(), pl.rend(), 0) != pl.rend()) {
// if there are no missing values yet, set them
if (missingValuesPresent == 0) {
Log::debug() << "GribInput: introducing missing values (setting bitmap)" << std::endl;
missingValuesPresent = 1;
grib_get_unique_missing_value(values, missingValue);
// pl array: insert entries in place of zeros
std::vector<long> pl_fixed = pl;
size_t new_values = fix_pl_array_zeros(pl_fixed);
ASSERT(new_values > 0);
// values array: copy values row by row, and when a fixed (0) entry is found, insert missing values
Log::debug() << "GribInput: correcting values array with " << new_values << " new missing values"
<< std::endl;
MIRValuesVector values_extended;
values_extended.reserve(count + new_values);
ASSERT(pl.size() == pl_fixed.size());
size_t i = 0;
for (auto p1 = pl.begin(), p2 = pl_fixed.begin(); p1 != pl.end(); ++p1, ++p2) {
if (*p1 == 0) {
ASSERT(*p2 > 0);
auto Ni = size_t(*p2);
values_extended.insert(values_extended.end(), Ni, missingValue);
else {
auto Ni = size_t(*p1);
ASSERT(i + Ni <= count);
values_extended.insert(values_extended.end(), &values[i], &values[i + Ni]);
i += Ni;
// set the new (extended) values vector, confirm it is compatible with a returned pl array
ASSERT(values.size() + new_values == values_extended.size());
ASSERT(get("pl", pl));
size_t pl_sum = size_t(std::accumulate(pl.begin(), pl.end(), 0L));
ASSERT(pl_sum == values.size());
data::MIRField field(cache_, missingValuesPresent != 0, missingValue);
long scanningMode = 0;
if (codes_get_long(grib_, "scanningMode", &scanningMode) == CODES_SUCCESS && scanningMode != 0) {
field.representation()->reorder(scanningMode, values);
field.update(values, 0);
return field;
grib_handle* GribInput::gribHandle(size_t which) const {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
ASSERT(which == 0);
return grib_;
bool GribInput::has(const std::string& name) const {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
const auto* key = get_key(name, grib_);
ASSERT(key != nullptr);
if (std::strlen(key) == 0) {
return false;
bool ok = codes_is_defined(grib_, key) != 0;
// Log::debug() << "GribInput::has(" << name << ",key=" << key << ") " << (ok ? "yes" : "no") <<
// std::endl;
return ok;
bool GribInput::get(const std::string& name, bool& value) const {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
const auto* key = get_key(name, grib_);
ASSERT(key != nullptr);
if (std::strlen(key) == 0) {
return false;
// NOTE: They key has to return a non-zero value
// FIXME: make sure that 'temp' is not set if CODES_MISSING_LONG
int err = codes_get_long(grib_, key, &temp);
if (err == CODES_NOT_FOUND || codes_is_missing(grib_, key, &err) != 0) {
return FieldParametrisation::get(name, value);
if (err != 0) {
// Log::debug() << "codes_get_bool(" << name << ",key=" << key << ") failed " << err <<
// std::endl;
GRIB_ERROR(err, key);
value = temp != 0;
// Log::debug() << "codes_get_bool(" << name << ",key=" << key << ") " << value << std::endl;
return true;
bool GribInput::get(const std::string& name, int& value) const {
long v;
if (get(name, v)) {
ASSERT(long(int(v)) == v);
value = int(v);
return true;
return false;
bool GribInput::get(const std::string& name, long& value) const {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
const std::string key = get_key(name, grib_);
if (key.empty()) {
return false;
std::string packing;
if (key == "bitsPerValue" && get("packing", packing) && packing == "ieee") {
// GRIB2 Section 5 Code Table 7
// NOTE:
// - has to be done here as GRIBs packingType=grid_ieee ignores bitsPerValue (usually 0?)
// - packingType=grid_ieee has "precision", but "spectral_ieee" doesn't
long precision = 0;
codes_get_long(grib_, "precision", &precision);
value = precision == 1 ? 32 : precision == 2 ? 64 : precision == 3 ? 128 : 0;
return value != 0;
// FIXME: make sure that 'value' is not set if CODES_MISSING_LONG
int err = codes_get_long(grib_, key.c_str(), &value);
if (err == CODES_NOT_FOUND || codes_is_missing(grib_, key.c_str(), &err) != 0) {
static const ProcessingList<long> process{
{"is_wind_component_uv", is_wind_component_uv()},
{"is_wind_component_vod", is_wind_component_vod()},
return get_value(key, grib_, value, process) || FieldParametrisation::get(name, value);
if (err != 0) {
Log::debug() << "codes_get_long(" << name << ",key=" << key << ") failed " << err << std::endl;
GRIB_ERROR(err, key.c_str());
// Log::debug() << "codes_get_long(" << name << ",key=" << key << ") " << value << std::endl;
return true;
bool GribInput::get(const std::string& name, float& value) const {
double v;
if (get(name, v)) {
value = float(v);
return true;
return false;
bool GribInput::get(const std::string& name, double& value) const {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
ASSERT(name != "grid");
const auto* key = get_key(name, grib_);
ASSERT(key != nullptr);
if (std::strlen(key) == 0) {
return false;
// FIXME: make sure that 'value' is not set if CODES_MISSING_DOUBLE
int err = codes_get_double(grib_, key, &value);
if (err == CODES_NOT_FOUND || codes_is_missing(grib_, key, &err) != 0) {
static const ProcessingList<double> process{
{"angular_precision", angular_precision()},
return get_value(key, grib_, value, process) || FieldParametrisation::get(name, value);
if (err != 0) {
// Log::debug() << "codes_get_double(" << name << ",key=" << key << ") failed " << err <<
// std::endl;
GRIB_ERROR(err, key);
// Log::debug() << "codes_get_double(" << name << ",key=" << key << ") " << value << std::endl;
return true;
bool GribInput::get(const std::string& /*name*/, std::vector<int>& /*value*/) const {
bool GribInput::get(const std::string& name, std::vector<long>& value) const {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
const auto* key = get_key(name, grib_);
ASSERT(key != nullptr);
if (std::strlen(key) == 0) {
return false;
size_t count = 0;
int err = codes_get_size(grib_, key, &count);
if (err == CODES_NOT_FOUND) {
return FieldParametrisation::get(name, value);
if (err != 0) {
Log::debug() << "codes_get_long_array(" << name << ",key=" << key << ") failed " << err << " count=" << count
<< std::endl;
GRIB_ERROR(err, key);
size_t size = count;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_long_array(grib_, key,, &size));
ASSERT(count == size);
// Log::debug() << "codes_get_long_array(" << name << ",key=" << key << ") size=" << value.size() <<
// std::endl;
if (name == "pl") {
// try locating a zero in the pl array, in which case adjust it before continuing
// NOTE: reverse search is more suitable for latest global reduced_ll grids
if (std::find(value.rbegin(), value.rend(), 0) != value.rend()) {
return true;
bool GribInput::get(const std::string& name, std::vector<float>& value) const {
std::vector<double> v;
if (get(name, v)) {
for (const double& l : v) {
ASSERT(l >= 0);
return true;
return false;
bool GribInput::get(const std::string& name, std::string& value) const {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
const auto* key = get_key(name, grib_);
ASSERT(key != nullptr);
if (std::strlen(key) == 0) {
return false;
char buffer[10240];
size_t size = sizeof(buffer);
int err = codes_get_string(grib_, key, buffer, &size);
if (err == CODES_NOT_FOUND) {
static const ProcessingList<std::string> process{{"packing", packing()}};
return get_value(key, grib_, value, process) || FieldParametrisation::get(name, value);
if (err != 0) {
// Log::debug() << "codes_get_string(" << name << ",key=" << key << ") failed " << err <<
// std::endl;
GRIB_ERROR(err, key);
// Log::info() << err << " " << size << " " << name << std::endl;
ASSERT(size < sizeof(buffer) - 1);
if (::strcmp(buffer, "MISSING") == 0) {
return false;
value = buffer;
// Log::debug() << "codes_get_string(" << name << ",key=" << key << ") " << value << std::endl;
return true;
bool GribInput::get(const std::string& name, std::vector<double>& value) const {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
const auto* key = get_key(name, grib_);
// NOTE: MARS client sets 'grid=vector' (deprecated) which needs to be compared against GRIB gridName
ASSERT(key != nullptr);
if (std::strlen(key) == 0 || std::strncmp(key, "gridName", 8) == 0) {
return false;
static const ProcessingList<std::vector<double>> process{
{"grid", vector_double({"iDirectionIncrementInDegrees", "jDirectionIncrementInDegrees"}),
_or(is("gridType", "regular_ll"), is("gridType", "rotated_ll"))},
{"grid", vector_double({"xDirectionGridLengthInMetres", "yDirectionGridLengthInMetres"}),
is("gridType", "lambert_azimuthal_equal_area")},
{"grid", vector_double({"DxInMetres", "DyInMetres"}),
_or(is("gridType", "lambert"), is("gridType", "polar_stereographic"))},
{"grid", vector_double({"DiInMetres", "DjInMetres"}), is("gridType", "mercator")},
{"grid", vector_double({"dx", "dy"}), is("gridType", "space_view")},
{"rotation", vector_double({"latitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees", "longitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees"}),
_or(_or(_or(is("gridType", "rotated_ll"), is("gridType", "rotated_gg")), is("gridType", "rotated_sh")),
is("gridType", "reduced_rotated_gg"))},
if (get_value(key, grib_, value, process)) {
return true;
size_t count = 0;
int err = codes_get_size(grib_, key, &count);
if (err == CODES_NOT_FOUND) {
return FieldParametrisation::get(name, value);
if (err != 0) {
// Log::debug() << "codes_get_double_array(" << name << ",key=" << key << ") failed " << err << "
// count=" << count << std::endl;
GRIB_ERROR(err, key);
ASSERT(count > 0);
size_t size = count;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_double_array(grib_, key,, &size));
ASSERT(count == size);
// Log::debug() << "codes_get_double_array(" << name << ",key=" << key << ") size=" << value.size()
// << std::endl;
return true;
bool GribInput::get(const std::string& /*name*/, std::vector<std::string>& /*value*/) const {
bool GribInput::handle(grib_handle* h) {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
grib_ = h;
if (h != nullptr) {
long value = 0;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_long(h, "7777", &value));
// apply user-defined fixes, if any
static const grib::Config config(LibMir::configFile(LibMir::config_file::GRIB_INPUT), false);
return true;
return false;
void GribInput::auxilaryValues(const std::string& path, std::vector<double>& values) const {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
eckit::AutoStdFile f(path);
int e;
grib_handle* h = nullptr;
// We cannot use GribFileInput to read these files, because lat/lon files are also
// has grid_type = triangular_grid, and we will create a loop
try {
h = codes_grib_handle_new_from_file(nullptr, f, &e);
grib_call(e, path.c_str());
size_t count;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_size(h, "values", &count));
size_t size = count;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_double_array(h, "values",, &size));
ASSERT(count == size);
long missingValuesPresent;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_long(h, "missingValuesPresent", &missingValuesPresent));
catch (...) {
void GribInput::setAuxiliaryInformation(const util::ValueMap& map) {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
for (const auto& kv : map) {
if (kv.first == "latitudes") {
Log::debug() << "Loading auxilary file '" << kv.second << "'" << std::endl;
auxilaryValues(kv.second, latitudes_);
else if (kv.first == "longitudes") {
Log::debug() << "Loading auxilary file '" << kv.second << "'" << std::endl;
auxilaryValues(kv.second, longitudes_);
bool GribInput::only(size_t paramId) {
auto paramIdOnly = long(paramId);
while (next()) {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
long paramIdAsLong;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_long(grib_, "paramId", &paramIdAsLong));
if (paramIdOnly == paramIdAsLong) {
return true;
return false;
size_t GribInput::dimensions() const {
// This will be one probably for a long time
return 1;
// TODO: some caching, also next() should maybe advance the auxilary files
void GribInput::latitudes(std::vector<double>& values) const {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
std::copy(latitudes_.begin(), latitudes_.end(), std::back_inserter(values));
void GribInput::longitudes(std::vector<double>& values) const {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
std::copy(longitudes_.begin(), longitudes_.end(), std::back_inserter(values));
void GribInput::marsRequest(std::ostream& out) const {
util::lock_guard<util::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
static std::string gribToRequestNamespace = eckit::Resource<std::string>("gribToRequestNamespace", "mars");
auto* keys = codes_keys_iterator_new(grib_, CODES_KEYS_ITERATOR_ALL_KEYS, gribToRequestNamespace.c_str());
try {
const char* sep = "";
while (codes_keys_iterator_next(keys) != 0) {
char value[1024];
size_t size = sizeof(value);
out << sep << codes_keys_iterator_get_name(keys);
GRIB_CALL(codes_keys_iterator_get_string(keys, value, &size));
out << "=" << value;
sep = ",";
keys = nullptr;
size_t size = 0;
int err = codes_get_size(grib_, "freeFormData", &size);
if (err == 0) {
eckit::Buffer buffer(size);
char* b = buffer;
GRIB_CALL(codes_get_bytes(grib_, "freeFormData", (unsigned char*)b, &size));
ASSERT(size == buffer.size());
eckit::MemoryHandle h(buffer);
eckit::HandleStream in(h);
int n;
in >> n; // Number of requests
ASSERT(n == 1);
std::string verb;
in >> verb;
in >> n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
std::string param;
in >> param;
out << sep << param;
sep = ",";
const char* slash = "=";
int m;
in >> m;
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
std::string value;
in >> value;
out << slash << value;
slash = "/";
if (err != CODES_NOT_FOUND) {
grib_call(err, "freeFormData");
catch (...) {
if (keys != nullptr) {
} // namespace mir::input